- corrected day in changelog entry from Apr 30 2015
- merged two %description's for base package into one
warning: line 330: second Description
warning: bogus date in %changelog: Mon Apr 30 2015 Lukas Vrabec <lvrabec@redhat.com> 3.13.1-126
- Add missing typealiases in apache_content_template() for script domain/executable.
- Don't use deprecated userdom_manage_tmpfs_role() interface calliing and use userdom_manage_tmp_role() instead.
- Add support for new cobbler dir locations:
- Add support for iprdbg logging files in /var/log.
- Add relabel_user_home_dirs for use by docker_t
- allow httpd_t to read nagios lib_var_lib_t to allow rddtool generate graphs which will be shown by httpd .
- Add nagios_read_lib() interface.
- Additional fix for mongod_unit_file_t in mongodb.te.
- Fix decl of mongod_unit_file to mongod_unit_file_t.
- Fix mongodb unit file declaration.
- Update virt_read_pid_files() interface to allow read also symlinks with virt_var_run_t type.
- Fix labeling for /usr/libexec/mysqld_safe-scl-helper.
- Add support for mysqld_safe-scl-helper which is needed for RHSCL daemons.
- Allow sys_ptrace cap for sblim-gatherd caused by ps.
- Add support for /usr/libexec/mongodb-scl-helper RHSCL helper script.
- Add support for mongod/mongos systemd unit files.
- Allow dnssec-trigger to send sigchld to networkmanager
- add interface networkmanager_sigchld
- Add dnssec-trigger unit file Label dnssec-trigger script in libexec
- Remove duplicate specification for /etc/localtime.
- Add default labeling for /etc/localtime symlink.
- Define ipa_var_run_t type
- Allow certmonger to manage renewal.lock. BZ(1213256)
- Add ipa_manage_pid_files interface.
- Add rules for netlink_socket in iotop.
- Allow iotop netlink socket.
- cloudinit and rhsmcertd need to communicate with dbus
- Allow apcupsd to use USBttys. BZ(1210960)
- Allow sge_execd_t to mamange tmp sge lnk files.BZ(1211574)
- Remove dac_override capability for setroubleshoot. We now have it running as setroubleshoot user.
- Allow syslogd_t to manage devlog_t lnk files. BZ(1210968)
- Allow abrtd to list home config. BZ(1199658)
- Dontaudit dnssec_trigger_t to read /tmp. BZ(1210250)
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t to IPC_LOCK. BZ(1205481)
- Allow mock_t to use ptmx. BZ(1181333)
- Allow dnssec_trigger_t to stream connect to networkmanager.
- Allow dnssec_trigger_t to create resolv files labeled as net_conf_t
- Fix labeling for keystone CGI scripts.
- Label /usr/libexec/mongodb-scl-helper as mongod_initrc_exec_t. BZ(1202013)
- Add mongodb port to httpd_can_network_connect_db interface. BZ(1209180)
- Allow mongod to work with configured SSSD.
- Add collectd net_raw capability. BZ(1194169)
- Merge postfix spool types(maildrop,flush) to one postfix_spool_t
- Allow dhcpd kill capability.
- Make rwhod as nsswitch domain.
- Add support for new fence agent fence_mpath which is executed by fence_node.
- Fix cloudform policy.(m4 is case sensitive)
- Allow networkmanager and cloud_init_t to dbus chat
- Allow lsmd plugin to run with configured SSSD.
- Allow bacula access to tape devices.
- Allow sblim domain to read sysctls..
- Allow timemaster send a signal to ntpd.
- Allow mysqld_t to use pam.It is needed by MariDB if auth_apm.so auth plugin is used.
- two 'l' is enough.
- Add labeling for systemd-time*.service unit files and allow systemd-timedated to access these unit files.
- Allow polkit to dbus chat with xserver. (1207478)
- Add lvm_stream_connect() interface.
- Set label of /sys/kernel/debug
- Allow mysqld_t to use pam. BZ(1196104)
- Added label mysqld_etc_t for /etc/my.cnf.d/ dir. BZ(1203989)
- Allow fetchmail to read mail_spool_t. BZ(1200552)
- Dontaudit blueman_t write to all mountpoints. BZ(1198272)
- Allow all domains some process flags.
- Merge branch 'rawhide-base' of github.com:selinux-policy/selinux-policy into rawhide-base
- Turn on overlayfs labeling for testin, we need this backported to F22 and Rawhide. Eventually will need this in RHEL
- docker watches for content in the /etc directory
- Merge branch 'rawhide-contrib' of github.com:selinux-policy/selinux-policy into rawhide-contrib
- Fix abrt_filetrans_named_content() to create /var/tmp/abrt with the correct abrt_var_cache_t labeling.
- Allow docker to communicate with openvswitch
- Merge branch 'rawhide-contrib' of github.com:selinux-policy/selinux-policy into rawhide-contrib
- Allow docker to relablefrom/to sockets and docker_log_t
- Allow journald to set loginuid. BZ(1190498)
- Add cap. sys_admin for passwd_t. BZ(1185191)
- Allow abrt-hook-ccpp running as kernel_t to allow create /var/tmp/abrt with correct labeling.
- Allow glusterd_t exec glusterd_var_lib_t files. BZ(1198406)
- Add gluster_exec_lib interface.
- Allow l2tpd to manage NetworkManager pid files
- Allow firewalld_t relabelfrom firewalld_rw_etc_t. BZ(1195327)
- Allow cyrus bind tcp berknet port. BZ(1198347)
- Add nsswitch domain for more serviecs.
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t read /etc/passwd file. BZ(1197190)
- Remove ftpd_use_passive_mode boolean. It does not make sense due to ephemeral port handling.
- Make munin yum plugin as unconfined by default.
- Allow bitlbee connections to the system DBUS.
- Allow system apache scripts to send log messages.
- Allow denyhosts execute iptables. BZ(1197371)
- Allow brltty rw event device. BZ(1190349)
- Allow cupsd config to execute ldconfig. BZ(1196608)
- xdm_t now needs to manage user ttys
- Allow ping_t read urand. BZ(1181831)
- Add support for tcp/2005 port.
- Allow setfiles domain to access files with admin_home_t. semanage -i /root/testfile.
- In F23 we are running xserver as the user, need this to allow confined users to us X
- Xserver needs to be transitioned to from confined users
- Added logging_syslogd_pid_filetrans
- xdm_t now talks to hostnamed
- Label new strongswan binary swanctl and new unit file strongswan-swanctl.service. BZ(1193102)
- Additional fix for labeleling /dev/log correctly.
- cups chats with network manager
- Allow parent domains to read/write fifo files in mozilla plugin
- Allow spc_t to transition to svirt domains
- Cleanup spc_t
- docker needs more control over spc_t
- pcp domains are executed out of cron
- Allow cockpit_session_t to create tmp files
- apmd needs sys_resource when shutting down the machine
- Fix path label to resolv.conf under NetworkManager
- Fix labels on new location of resolv.conf
- syslog is not writing to the audit socket
- seunshare is doing getattr on unix_stream_sockets leaked into it
- Allow sshd_t to manage gssd keyring
- Allow apps that create net_conf_t content to create .resolv.conf.NetworkManager
- Posgresql listens on port 9898 when running PCP (pgpool Control Port)
- Allow svirt sandbox domains to read /proc/mtrr
- Allow polipo_deamon connect to all ephemeral ports. BZ(1187723)
- Allow dovecot domains to use sys_resouce
- Allow sshd_t to manage gssd keyring
- gpg_pinentry_t needs more access in f22
- Allow docker to attach to the sandbox and user domains tun devices
- Allow pingd to read /dev/urandom. BZ(1181831)
- Allow virtd to list all mountpoints
- Allow sblim-sfcb to search images
- pkcsslotd_lock_t should be an alias for pkcs_slotd_lock_t.
- Call correct macro in virt_read_content().
- Dontaudit couchdb search in gconf_home_t. BZ(1177717)
- Allow docker_t to changes it rlimit
- Allow neutron to read rpm DB.
- Allow radius to connect/bind radsec ports
- Allow pm-suspend running as virt_qemu_ga to read
- Add devicekit_read_log_files().
- Allow virt_qemu_ga to dbus chat with rpm.
- Allow netutils chown capability to make tcpdump working with -w.
- Label /ostree/deploy/rhel-atomic-host/deploy directory as
- journald now reads the netlink audit socket
- Add auditing support for ipsec.
* Thu Jan 29 2015 Lukas Vrabec <lvrabec@redhat.com> 3.13.1-105
- Bump release
- Allow logrotate to read hawkey.log in /var/cache/dnf/ BZ(1163438)
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t to execute kmod.
- Add missing files_dontaudit_list_security_dirs() for smbd_t in samba_export_all_ro boolean
- Add additionnal MLS attribute for oddjob_mkhomedir to create homedirs.
- Add support for /usr/share/vdsm/daemonAdapter.
- Docker has a new config/key file it writes to /etc/docker
- Allow bacula to connect also to postgresql.
- Allow admin SELinux users mounting / as private within a new mount namespace as root in MLS.
- Fix miscfiles_manage_generic_cert_files() to allow manage link files
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t use nsswitch. BZ(1172258)
- Add support for /var/run/gluster.
- Allow openvpn manage systemd_passwd_var_run_t files. BZ(1170085)
- Add files_dontaudit_list_security_dirs() interface.
- Added seutil_dontaudit_access_check_semanage_module_store interface.
- Allow docker to create /root/.docker
- Allow rlogind to use also rlogin ports
- dontaudit list security dirs for samba domain
- Dontaudit couchdb to list /var
- Update to have all _systemctl() interface also init_reload_services()
- Dontaudit access check on SELinux module store for sssd.
- Label /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb/ as rpm_var_lib_t. BZ (1167946)
- Allow reading of symlinks in /etc/puppet
- Added TAGS to gitignore
- I guess there can be content under /var/lib/lockdown #1167502
- Allow rhev-agentd to read /dev/.udev/db to make deploying hosted engine via iSCSI working.
- Allow keystone to send a generic signal to own process.
- Allow radius to bind tcp/1812 radius port.
- Dontaudit list user_tmp files for system_mail_t
- label virt-who as virtd_exec_t
- Allow rhsmcertd to send a null signal to virt-who running as virtd_t
- Add virt_signull() interface
- Add missing alias for _content_rw_t
- Allow .snapshots to be created in other directories, on all mountpoints
- Allow spamd to access razor-agent.log
- Add fixes for sfcb from libvirt-cim TestOnly bug. (#1152104)
- Allow .snapshots to be created in other directories, on all mountpoints
- Label tcp port 5280 as ejabberd port. BZ(1059930)
- Make /usr/bin/vncserver running as unconfined_service_t
- Label /etc/docker/certs.d as cert_t
- Allow all systemd domains to search file systems
- Allow openvpn to create uuid connections in /var/run/NetworkManager with NM labeling.
- Allow sendmail to create dead.letter. BZ(1165443)
- Allow selinux_child running as sssd access check on /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active.
- Allow access checks on setfiles/load_policy/semanage_lock for selinux_child running as sssd_t.
- Label sock file charon.vici as ipsec_var_run_t. BZ(1165065)
- Add additional interfaces for load_policy/setfiles/read_lock related to access checks.
- Allow bumblebee to use nsswitch. BZ(1155339)
- Allow openvpn to stream connect to networkmanager. BZ(1164182)
- Allow smbd to create HOMEDIRS is pam_oddjob_mkhomedir in MLS.
- Allow cpuplug rw virtual memory sysctl. BZ (1077831)
- Docker needs to write to sysfs, needs back port to F20,F21, RHEL7
- Add kdump_rw_inherited_kdumpctl_tmp_pipes()
- Added fixes related to linuxptp. BZ (1149693)
- Label keystone cgi files as keystone_cgi_script_exec_t. BZ(1138424
- Dontaudit policykit_auth_t to access to user home dirs. BZ (1157256)
- Fix seutil_dontaudit_access_check_load_policy()
- Add dontaudit interfaces for audit_access in seutil
- Label /etc/strongimcv as ipsec_conf_file_t.
- Added interface userdom_dontaudit_manage_user_home_dirs
- Fix unconfined_server_dbus_chat() interface.
- Add unconfined_server_dbus_chat() inteface.
- Allow login domains to create kernel keyring with different level.
- Dontaudit policykit_auth_t to write to user home dirs. BZ (1157256)
- Make tuned as unconfined domain.
- Added support for linuxptp policy. BZ(1149693)
- make zoneminder as dbus client by default.
- Allow bluetooth read/write uhid devices. BZ (1161169)
- Add fixes for hypervkvp daemon
- Allow guest to connect to libvirt using unix_stream_socket.
- Allow all bus client domains to dbus chat with unconfined_service_t.
- Allow inetd service without own policy to run in inetd_child_t which is unconfined domain.
- Make opensm as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd.
- Allow brctl to read meminfo.
- Allow winbind-helper to execute ntlm_auth in the caller domain.
- Make plymouthd as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd.
- Make drbd as nsswitch domain to make it working with sssd.
- Make conman as nsswitch domain to make ipmitool.exp runing as conman_t working.
- Add support for /var/lib/sntp directory.
- Add support for /dev/nvme controllerdevice nodes created by nvme driver.
- Add 15672 as amqp_port_t
- Allow wine domains to read user homedir content
- Add fixes to allow docker to create more content in tmpfs ,and donaudit reading /proc
- Allow winbind to read usermodehelper
- Allow telepathy domains to execute shells and bin_t
- Allow gpgdomains to create netlink_kobject_uevent_sockets
- Allow abrt to read software raid state. BZ (1157770)
- Fix rhcs_signull_haproxy() interface.
- Add suppor for keepalived unconfined scripts and allow keepalived to read all domain state and kill capability.
- Allow snapperd to dbus chat with system cron jobs.
- Allow nslcd to read /dev/urandom.
- Allow dovecot to create user's home directory when they log into IMAP.
- Label also logrotate.status.tmp as logrotate_var_lib_t. BZ(1158835)
- Allow keystone_cgi_script_t to bind on commplex_main_port. BZ (#1138424)
- Allow freeipmi_bmc_watchdog rw_sem_perms to freeipmi_ipmiseld
- Allow rabbitmq to read nfs state data. BZ(1122412)
- Allow named to read /var/tmp/DNS_25 labeled as krb5_host_rcache_t.
- Add rolekit policy
- ALlow rolekit domtrans to sssd_t.
- Add kerberos_tmp_filetrans_kadmin() interface.
- rolekit should be noaudit.
- Add rolekit_manage_keys().
- Need to label rpmnew file correctly
- Allow modemmanger to connectto itself
- Allow couchdb read sysctl_fs_t files. BZ(1154327)
- Allow osad to connect to jabber client port. BZ (1154242)
- Allow mon_statd to send syslog msgs. BZ (1077821
- Allow apcupsd to get attributes of filesystems with xattrs
- Label /usr/bin/cockpit-bridge as shell_exec_t.
- Add label for /var/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf.
- ALlow listen and accept on tcp socket for init_t in MLS. Previously it was for xinetd_t.
- Allow systemd-networkd to be running as dhcp client.
- Label /usr/bin/cockpit-bridge as shell_exec_t.
- Add label for /var/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf.
- ALlow listen and accept on tcp socket for init_t in MLS. Previously it was for xinetd_t.
- Dontaudit aicuu to search home config dir. BZ (#1104076)
- couchdb is using erlang so it needs execmem privs
- ALlow sanlock to send a signal to virtd_t.
- Allow mondogdb to 'accept' accesses on the tcp_socket port.
- Make sosreport as unconfined domain.
- Allow nova-console to connect to mem_cache port.
- Allow mandb to getattr on file systems
- Allow read antivirus domain all kernel sysctls.
- Allow lmsd_plugin to read passwd file. BZ(1093733)
- Label /usr/share/corosync/corosync as cluster_exec_t.
- ALlow sensord to getattr on sysfs.
- automount policy is non-base module so it needs to be called in optional block.
- Add auth_use_nsswitch for portreserve to make it working with sssd.
- Fix samba_export_all_ro/samba_export_all_rw booleans to dontaudit search/read security files.
- Allow openvpn to execute systemd-passwd-agent in systemd_passwd_agent_t to make openvpn working with systemd.
- Allow openvpn to access /sys/fs/cgroup dir.
- Allow nova-scheduler to read certs
- Add support for /var/lib/swiftdirectory.
- Allow neutron connections to system dbus.
- Allow mongodb to manage own log files.
- Allow opensm_t to read/write /dev/infiniband/umad1.
- Added policy for mon_statd and mon_procd services. BZ (1077821)
- kernel_read_system_state needs to be called with type. Moved it to antivirus.if.
- Allow dnssec_trigger_t to execute unbound-control in own domain.
- Allow all RHCS services to read system state.
- Added monitor device
- Add interfaces for /dev/infiniband
- Add infiniband_device_t for /dev/infiniband instead of fixed_disk_device_t type.
- Add files_dontaudit_search_security_files()
- Add selinuxuser_udp_server boolean
- ALlow syslogd_t to create /var/log/cron with correct labeling
- Add support for /etc/.updated and /var/.updated
- Allow iptables read fail2ban logs. BZ (1147709)
- ALlow ldconfig to read proc//net/sockstat.
- Allow nova domains to getattr on all filesystems.
- ALlow zebra for user/group look-ups.
- Allow lsmd to search own plguins.
- Allow sssd to read selinux config to add SELinux user mapping.
- Allow swift to connect to all ephemeral ports by default.
- Allow NetworkManager to create Bluetooth SDP sockets
- Allow keepalived manage snmp var lib sock files. BZ(1102228)
- Added policy for blrtty. BZ(1083162)
- Allow rhsmcertd manage rpm db. BZ(#1134173)
- Allow rhsmcertd send signull to setroubleshoot. BZ (#1134173)
- Label /usr/libexec/rhsmd as rhsmcertd_exec_t
- Fix broken interfaces
- Added sendmail_domtrans_unconfined interface
- Added support for cpuplug. BZ (#1077831)
- Fix bug in drbd policy, BZ (#1134883)
- Make keystone_cgi_script_t domain. BZ (#1138424)
- fix dev_getattr_generic_usb_dev interface
- Label 4101 tcp port as brlp port
- Allow libreswan to connect to VPN via NM-libreswan.
- Add userdom_manage_user_tmpfs_files interface
- Allow all domains to read fonts
- Allow rabbitmq_t read rabbitmq_var_lib_t lnk files. BZ (#1147028)
- Allow pki-tomcat to change SELinux object identity.
- Allow radious to connect to apache ports to do OCSP check
- Allow git cgi scripts to create content in /tmp
- Allow cockpit-session to do GSSAPI logins.
- Make sure /run/systemd/generator and system is labeled correctly on creation.
- Additional access required by usbmuxd
- Allow sensord read in /proc BZ(#1143799)
- Allow sys_admin capability for antivirus domians.
- Use nagios_var_lib_t instead of nagios_lib_t in nagios.fc.
- Add support for pnp4nagios.
- Add missing labeling for /var/lib/cockpit.
- Label resolv.conf as docker_share_t under docker so we can read within a container
- Remove labeling for rabbitmqctl
- setfscreate in pki.te is not capability class.
- Allow virt domains to use virtd tap FDs until we get proper handling in libvirtd.
- Allow wine domains to create cache dirs.
- Allow newaliases to systemd inhibit pipes.
- Add fixes for pki-tomcat scriptlet handling.
- Allow user domains to manage all gnome home content
- Allow locate to look at files/directories without labels, and chr_file and blk_file on non dev file systems
- Allow usbmuxd chown capabilitiesllow locate to look at files/directories without labels, and chr_file and blk_file on non dev file systems
- Label /usr/lib/erlang/erts.*/bin files as bin_t
- Added changes related to rabbitmq daemon.
- Fix labeling in couchdb policy
- Allow rabbitmq bind on epmd port
- Clean up rabbitmq policy
- fix domtrans_rabbitmq interface
- Added rabbitmq_beam_t and rabbitmq_epmd_t alias
- Allow couchdb to getattr
- Allow couchdb write to couchdb_conf files
- Allow couchdb to create dgram_sockets
- Added support for ejabberd
- Back port workaround for #1134389 from F20. It needs to be removed from rawhide once we ship F21.
- Since docker will now label volumes we can tighten the security of docker
- Re-arange openshift_net_read_t rules.
- Kernel is reporting random block_suspends, we should dontaudit these until the kernel is fixed in Rawhide
- Allow jockey_t to use tmpfs files
- Allow pppd to create sock_files in /var/run
- Allow geoclue to stream connect to smart card service
- Allow docker to read all of /proc
- ALlow passeneger to read/write apache stream socket.
- Dontaudit read init state for svirt_t.
- Label /usr/sbin/unbound-control as named_exec_t (#1130510)
- Add support for /var/lbi/cockpit directory.
- Add support for ~/. speech-dispatcher.
- Allow nmbd to read /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern.
- aLlow wine domains to create wine_home symlinks.
- Allow policykit_auth_t access check and read usr config files.
- Dontaudit access check on home_root_t for policykit-auth.
- hv_vss_daemon wants to list /boot
- update gpg_agent_env_file booelan to allow manage user tmp files for gpg-agent
- Fix label for /usr/bin/courier/bin/sendmail
- Allow munin services plugins to execute fail2ban-client in fail2ban_client_t domain.
- Allow unconfined_r to access unconfined_service_t.
- Add label for ~/.local/share/fonts
- Add init_dontaudit_read_state() interface.
- Add systemd_networkd_var_run_t labeling for /var/run/systemd/netif and allow systemd-networkd to manage it.
- Allow udev_t mounton udev_var_run_t dirs #(1128618)
- Add files_dontaudit_access_check_home_dir() inteface.
- Allow unconfined_service_t to dbus chat with all dbus domains
- Assign rabbitmq port. BZ#1135523
- Add new interface to allow creation of file with lib_t type
- Allow init to read all config files
- We want to remove openshift_t domains ability to look at /proc/net
- I guess lockdown is a file not a directory
- Label /var/bacula/ as bacula_store_t
- Allow rhsmcertd to seng signull to sosreport.
- Allow sending of snmp trap messages by radiusd.
- remove redundant rule fron nova.te.
- Add auth_use_nsswitch() for ctdbd.
- call nova_vncproxy_t instead of vncproxy.
- Allow nova-vncproxy to use varnishd port.
- Fix rhnsd_manage_config() to allow manage also symlinks.
- Allow bacula to create dirs/files in /tmp
- Allow nova-api to use nsswitch.
- Clean up nut policy. Allow nut domains to create temp files. Add nut_domain_template() template interface.
- Allow usbmuxd connect to itself by stream socket. (#1135945)
- I see no reason why unconfined_t should transition to crontab_t, this looks like old cruft
- Allow nswrapper_32_64.nppdf.so to be created with the proper label
- Assign rabbitmq port. BZ#1135523
- Dontaudit leaks of file descriptors from domains that transition to thumb_t
- Fixes for usbmuxd, addition of /var/lib/lockdown, and allow it to use urand, dontaudit sys_resource
- Allow unconfined_service_t to dbus chat with all dbus domains
- Allow avahi_t communicate with pcp_pmproxy_t over dbus.(better way)
- Allow aide to read random number generator
- Allow pppd to connect to http port. (#1128947)
- sssd needs to be able write krb5.conf.
- Labeli initial-setup as install_exec_t.
- Allow domains to are allowed to mounton proc to mount on files as well as dirs
- Label ~/tmp and ~/.tmp directories in user tmp dirs as user_tmp_t
- Add a port definition for shellinaboxd
- Fix labeling for HOME_DIR/tmp and HOME_DIR/.tmp directories
- Allow thumb_t to read/write video devices
- fail2ban 0.9 reads the journal by default.
- Allow sandbox net domains to bind to rawip socket
- Allow haproxy to read /dev/random and /dev/urandom.
- Allow mdadm to seng signull kernel_t which is proces type of mdadm on early boot.
- geoclue needs to connect to http and http_cache ports
- Allow passenger to use unix_stream_sockets leaked into it, from httpd
- Add SELinux policy for highly-available key value store for shared configuration.
- drbd executes modinfo.
- Add glance_api_can_network boolean since glance-api uses huge range port.
- Fix glance_api_can_network() definition.
- Allow smoltclient to connect on http_cache port. (#982199)
- Allow userdomains to stream connect to pcscd for smart cards
- Allow programs to use pam to search through user_tmp_t dires (/tmp/.X11-unix)
- Added MLS fixes to support labeled socket activation which is going to be done by systemd
- Add kernel_signull() interface.
- sulogin_t executes plymouth commands
- lvm needs to be able to accept connections on stream generic sockets
- Allow ssytemd_logind_t to list tmpfs directories
- Allow lvm_t to create undefined sockets
- Allow passwd_t to read/write stream sockets
- Allow docker lots more access.
- Fix label for ports
- Add support for arptables-{restore,save} and also labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/arptables.service.
- Label tcp port 4194 as kubernetes port.
- Additional access required for passenger_t
- sandbox domains should be allowed to use libraries which require execmod
- Allow qpid to read passwd files BZ (#1130086)
- Remove cockpit port, it is now going to use websm port
- Add getattr to the list of access to dontaudit on unix_stream_sockets
- Allow sendmail to append dead.letter located in var/spool/nagios/dead.letter.
- docker needs to be able to look at everything in /dev
- Allow all processes to send themselves signals
- Allow sysadm_t to create netlink_tcpdiag socket
- sysadm_t should be allowed to communicate with networkmanager
- These are required for bluejeans to work on a unconfined.pp disabled
- docker needs setfcap
- Allow svirt domains to manage chr files and blk files for mknod
- Allow fail2ban to read audit logs
- Allow cachefilesd_t to send itself signals
- Allow smokeping cgi script to send syslog messages
- Allow svirt sandbox domains to relabel content
- Since apache content can be placed anywhere, we should just allow
apache to search through any directory
- These are required for bluejeans to work on a unconfined.pp disabled
- Allow denyhosts to enable synchronization which needs to connect to tcp/9911 port.
- Allow nacl_helper_boo running in :chrome_sandbox_t to send SIGCHLD to chrome_sandbox_nacl_t.
- Dontaudit write access on generic cert files. We don't audit also access check.
- Add support for arptables.
- Add labels and filenametrans rules for ostree repo directories which needs to be writable by subscription-manager.
- Allow smokeping cgi scripts to accept connection on httpd stream socket.
- docker does a getattr on all file systems
- Label all abort-dump programs
- Allow alsa to create lock file to see if it fixes.
- Add support for zabbix external scripts for which zabbix_script_t domain has been created. This domain is unconfined by default and user needs to run "semodule -d unconfined" to make system running with
- Add interface for journalctl_exec
- Add labels also for glusterd sockets.
- Change virt.te to match default docker capabilies
- Add additional booleans for turning on mknod or all caps.
- Also add interface to allow users to write policy that matches docker defaults
- for capabilies.
- Label dhcpd6 unit file.
- Add support also for dhcp IPv6 services.
- Added support for dhcrelay service
- Additional access for bluejeans
- docker needs more access, need back port to RHEL7
- Allow mdadm to connect to own socket created by mdadm running as kernel_t.
- Fix pkcs, Remove pkcs_lock_filetrans and Add files_search_locks
- Allow bacula manage bacula_log_t dirs
- Allow pkcs_slotd_t read /etc/passwd, Label /var/lock/opencryptoki as pkcs_slotd_lock_t
- Fix mistakes keystone and quantum
- Label neutron var run dir
- Label keystone var run dir
- Fix bad labeling for /usr/s?bin/(oo|rhc)-restorer-wrapper.sh in openshift.fc.
- Dontaudit attempts to access check cert dirs/files for sssd.
- Allow sensord to send a signal.
- Allow certmonger to stream connect to dirsrv to make ipa-server-install working.
- Label zabbix_var_lib_t directories
- Label conmans pid file as conman_var_run_t
- Label also /var/run/glusterd.socket file as gluster_var_run_t
- Fix policy for pkcsslotd from opencryptoki
- Update cockpik policy from cockpit usptream.
- Allow certmonger to exec ldconfig to make ipa-server-install working.
- Added support for Naemon policy
- Allow keepalived manage snmp files
- Add setpgid process to mip6d
- remove duplicate rule
- Allow postfix_smtpd to stream connect to antivirus
- Dontaudit list /tmp for icecast
- Allow zabbix domains to access /proc//net/dev.
- Allow zabbix domains to access /proc//net/dev.
- Dontaudit list /tmp for icecast (#894387)
- Allow postfix_smtpd to stream connect to antivirus (#1105889)
- Add setpgid process to mip6d
- Allow keepalived manage snmp files(#1053450)
- Added support for Naemon policy (#1120789).
- Allow certmonger to exec ldconfig to make ipa-server-install
working. (#1122110)
- Update cockpik policy from cockpit usptream.
- Allow sysadm to dbus chat with systemd
- Add logging_dontaudit_search_audit_logs()
- Add new files_read_all_mountpoint_symlinks()
- Fix labeling path from /var/run/systemd/initctl/fifo to /var/run/initctl/fifo.
- Allow ndc to read random and urandom device (#1110397)
- Allow zabbix to read system network state
- Allow fprintd to execute usr_t/bin_t
- Allow mailserver_domain domains to append dead.letter labeled as mail_home_t
- Add glance_use_execmem boolean to have glance configured to use Ceph/rbd
- Dontaudit search audit logs for fail2ban
- Allow mailserver_domain domains to create mail home content with right labeling
- Dontaudit svirt_sandbox_domain doing access checks on /proc
- Fix files_pid_filetrans() calling in nut.te to reflect allow rules.
- Use nut_domain attribute for files_pid_filetrans() for nut domains.
- Allow sandbox domains read all mountpoint symlinks to make symlinked homedirs
- Fix nut domains only have type transition on dirs in /run/nut directory.
- Allow net_admin/net_raw capabilities for haproxy_t. haproxy uses setsockopt()
- Clean up osad policy. Remove additional interfaces/rules
- Allow systemd domains to check lvm status
- Allow getty to execute plymouth.#1112870
- Allow sshd to send signal to chkpwd_t
- initrctl fifo file has been renamed
- Set proper labeling on /var/run/sddm
- Fix labeling for cloud-init logs
- Allow kexec to read kallsyms
- Add rhcs_stream_connect_haproxy interface, Allow neutron stream
connect to rhcs
- Add fsetid caps for mandb. #1116165
- Allow all nut domains to read /dev/(u)?random.
- Allow deltacloudd_t to read network state BZ #1116940
- Add support for KVM virtual machines to use NUMA pre-placement
- Allow utilize winbind for authentication to AD
- Allow chrome sandbox to use udp_sockets leaked in by its parent
- Allow gfs_controld_t to getattr on all file systems
- Allow logrotate to manage virt_cache
- varnishd needs to have fsetid capability
- Allow dovecot domains to send signal perms to themselves
- Allow apache to manage pid sock files
- Allow nut_upsmon_t to create sock_file in /run dir
- Add capability sys_ptrace to stapserver
- Mysql can execute scripts when run in a cluster to see if someone is
listening on a socket, basically runs lsof
- Added support for vdsm
- Add tcp/8775 port as neutron port
- Add additional ports for swift ports
- Added changes to fedora from bug bz#1082183
- Add support for tcp/6200 port
- Allow collectd getattr access to configfs_t dir Fixes Bug 1115040
- Update neutron_manage_lib_files() interface
- Allow glustered to connect to ephemeral ports
- Allow apache to search ipa lib files by default
- Allow neutron to domtrans to haproxy
- Add rhcs_domtrans_haproxy()
- Add support for openstack-glance-* unit files
- Add initial support for /usr/bin/glance-scrubber
- Allow swift to connect to keystone and memcache ports.
- Fix labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/openstack-cinder-backup
- Add policies for openstack-cinder
- Add support for /usr/bin/nova-conductor
- Add neutron_can_network boolean
- Allow neutron to connet to neutron port
- Allow glance domain to use syslog
- Add support for /usr/bin/swift-object-expirer and label it as swift_exec_t
- ALlow swift to search apache configs
- Remove duplicate .fc entry for Grilo plugin bookmarks
- Remove duplicate .fc entry for telepathy-gabble
- Additional allow rules for docker sandbox processes
- Allow keepalived connect to agentx port
- Allow neutron-ns-metadata to connectto own unix stream socket
- Add support for tcp/6200 port
- Remove ability for confined users to run xinit
- New tool for managing wireless /usr/sbin/iw
- Allow system_bus_types to use stream_sockets inherited
- Allow journalctl to call getpw
- New access needed by dbus to talk to kernel stream
- Label sm-notifypid files correctly
- contrib: Add KMSCon policy module
- Fix *_ecryptfs_home_dirs booleans
- Allow ldconfig_t to read/write inherited user tmp pipes
- Allow storaged to dbus chat with lvm_t
- Add support for storaged and storaged-lvm-helper. Labeled it as lvm_exec_t.
- Use proper calling in ssh.te for userdom_home_manager attribute
- Use userdom_home_manager_type() also for ssh_keygen_t
- Allow locate to list directories without labels
- Allow bitlbee to use tcp/7778 port
- /etc/cron.daily/logrotate to execute fail2ban-client.
- Allow keepalives to connect to SNMP port. Support to do SNMP stuff
- Allow staff_t to communicate and run docker
- Dontaudit search mgrepl/.local for cobblerd_t
- Allow neutron to execute kmod in insmod_t
- Allow neutron to execute udevadm in udev_t
- Allow also fowner cap for varnishd
- Allow keepalived to execute bin_t/shell_exec_t
- rhsmcertd seems to need these accesses. We need this backported to RHEL7 and perhaps RHEL6 policy
- Add cups_execmem boolean
- Allow gear to manage gear service
- New requires for gear to use systemctl and init var_run_t
- Allow cups to execute its rw_etc_t files, for brothers printers
- Add fixes to make munin and munin-cgi working. Allow munin-cgit to create files/dirs in /tmp, list munin co
- Allow swift to execute bin_t
- Allow swift to bind http_cache
- Allow sysadm_t to read all kernel proc
- Allow logrotate to execute all executables
- Allow lircd_t to use tty_device_t for use withmythtv
- Make sure all zabbix files direcories in /var/log have the correct label
- Allow bittlebee to create directories and files in /var/log with the correct label
- Label /var/log/horizon as an apache log
- Add squid directory in /var/run
- Add transition rules to allow rabbitmq to create log files and var_lib files with the correct label
- Wronly labeled avahi_var_lib_t as a pid file
- Fix labels on rabbitmq_var_run_t on file/dir creation
- Allow neutron to create sock files
- Allow postfix domains to getattr on all file systems
- Label swift-proxy-server as swift_exec_t
- Tighten SELinux capabilities to match docker capabilities
- Add fixes for squid which is configured to run with more than one worker.
- Allow cockpit to bind to its port
- Allow system_mail_t to append to munin_var_lib_t
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read alsa_rw_ content
- Allow asterisk to connect to the apache ports
- Dontaudit attempts to read fixed disk
- Dontaudit search gconf_home_t
- Allow rsync to create swift_server.lock with swift.log labeling
- Add labeling for swift lock files
- Use swift_virt_lock in swift.te
- Allow openwsman to getattr on sblim_sfcbd executable
- Fix sblim_stream_connect_sfcb() to contain also sblim_tmp_t
- Allow openwsman_t to read/write sblim-sfcb shared mem
- Allow openwsman to stream connec to sblim-sfcbd
- Allow openwsman to create tmpfs files/dirs
- dontaudit acces to rpm db if rpm_exec for swift_t and sblim_sfcb
- Allow sblim_sfcbd to execute shell
- Allow swift to create lock file
- Allow openwsman to use tcp/80
- Allow neutron to create also dirs in /tmp
- Allow seunshare domains to getattr on all executables
- Allow ssh-keygen to create temporary files/dirs needed by OpenSt
- Allow named_filetrans_domain to create /run/netns
- Allow ifconfig to create /run/netns
- Allow spamc to read .pyzor located in /var/spool/spampd
- Allow spamc to create home content with correct labeling
- Allow logwatch_mail_t to create dead.letter with correct labelign
- Add labeling for min-cloud-agent
- Allow geoclue to read unix in proc.
- Add support for /usr/local/Brother labeling. We removed /usr/local equiv.
- add support for min-cloud-agent
- Allow ulogd to request the kernel to load a module
- remove unconfined_domain for openwsman_t
- Add openwsman_tmp_t rules
- Allow openwsman to execute chkpwd and make this domain as unconfined for F20.
- Allow nova-scheduler to read passwd file
- Allow neutron execute arping in neutron_t
- Dontaudit logrotate executing systemctl command attempting to net_admin
- Allow mozilla plugins to use /dev/sr0
- svirt sandbox domains to read gear content in /run. Allow gear_t to manage openshift file
- Any app that executes systemctl will attempt a net_admin
- Fix path to mmap_min_addr
- userdom_search_admin_dir() calling needs to be optional in kernel.te
- Dontaudit leaked xserver_misc_device_t into plugins
- Allow all domains to search through all base_file_types, this should be back ported to RHEL7 policy
- Need to allow sssd_t to manage kernel keyrings in login programs since they don't get labeled with user domains
- Bootloader wants to look at init state
- Add MCS/MLS Constraints to kernel keyring, also add MCS Constraints to ipc, sem.msgq, shm
- init reads kdbump etc files
- Add support for tcp/9697
- Fix labeling for /var/run/user/<UID>/gvfs
- Add support for us_cli ports
- fix sysnet_use_ldap
- Allow mysql to execute ifconfig if Red Hat OpenStack
- ALlow stap-server to get attr on all fs
- Fix mail_pool_t to mail_spool_t
- Dontaudit leaked xserver_misc_device_t into plugins
- Need to allow sssd_t to manage kernel keyrings in login programs since they don't get labeled with user domains
- Add new labeling for /var/spool/smtpd
- Allow httpd_t to kill passenger
- Allow apache cgi scripts to use inherited httpd_t unix_stream_sockets
- Allow nova-scheduler to read passwd/utmp files
- Additional rules required by openstack, needs backport to F20 and RHEL7
- Additional access required by docker
- ALlow motion to use tcp/8082 port
- Looks like all domains that use dbus libraries are now reading /dev/uran
- Add glance_use_fusefs() boolean
- Allow tgtd to read /proc/net/psched
- Additional access required for gear management of openshift directories
- Allow sys_ptrace for mock-build
- Fix mock_read_lib_files() interface
- Allow mock-build to write all inherited ttys and ptys
- Allow spamd to create razor home dirs with correct labeling
- Clean up sysnet_use_ldap()
- systemd calling needs to be optional
- Allow init_t to setattr/relabelfrom dhcp state files
- Fix labeling in snapper.fc
- Allow docker to read unconfined_t process state
- geoclue dbus chats with NetworkManager
- Add cockpit policy
- Add interface to allow tools to check the processes state of bind/named
- Allow myslqd to use the tram port for Galera/MariaDB
- Allow dmesg to read hwdata and memory dev
- Allow strongswan to create ipsec.secrets with correct labeling in /etc/strongswan
- Dontaudit antivirus domains read access on all security files by default
- Add missing alias for old amavis_etc_t type
- Additional fixes for instack overcloud
- Allow block_suspend cap for haproxy
- Allow OpenStack to read mysqld_db links and connect to MySQL
- Remove dup filename rules in gnome.te
- Allow sys_chroot cap for httpd_t and setattr on httpd_log_t
- Add labeling for /lib/systemd/system/thttpd.service
- Allow iscsid to handle own unit files
- Add iscsi_systemctl()
- Allow mongod also create sock_file with correct labeling in /run
- Allow aiccu stream connect to pcscd
- Allow rabbitmq_beam to connect to httpd port
- Allow httpd to send signull to apache script domains and don't audit leaks
- Fix labeling in drbd.fc
- Allow sssd to connect to the smbd port for handing logins using active directory, needs back
- Allow all freeipmi domains to read/write ipmi devices
- Allow rabbitmq_epmd to manage rabbit_var_log_t files
- Allow sblim_sfcbd to use also pegasus-https port
- Allow chronyd to read /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input
- Add httpd_run_preupgrade boolean
- Add interfaces to access preupgrade_data_t
- Add preupgrade policy
- Add labeling for puppet helper scripts
- Allow rsyslog low-level network access
- Fix use_nfs_home_dirs/use_samba_home_dirs for xdm_t to allow append .xsession-errors by li
- Allow conman to resolve DNS and use user ptys
- update pegasus_openlmi_admin_t policy
- nslcd wants chown capability
- Dontaudit exec insmod in boinc policy
- Add support for strongimcv
- Add additional fixes for yubikeys based on william@firstyear.id.au
- Allow init_t run /sbin/augenrules
- Remove dup decl for dev_unmount_sysfs_fs
- Allow unpriv SELinux user to use sandbox
- Fix ntp_filetrans_named_content for sntp-kod file
- Add httpd_dbus_sssd boolean
- Dontaudit exec insmod in boinc policy
- Add dbus_filetrans_named_content_system()
- We want to label only /usr/bin/start-puppet-master to avoid puppet agent running in puppet_t
- varnishd wants chown capability
- update ntp_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Add additional fixes for neutron_t. #1083335
- Dontaudit sandbox_t getattr on proc_kcore_t
- Allow pki_tomcat_t to read ipa lib files
- Allow auditctl_t to getattr on all removeable devices
- Allow nsswitch_domains to stream connect to nmbd
- Allow rasdaemon to rw /dev/cpu//msr
- fix /var/log/pki file spec
- make bacula_t as auth_nsswitch domain
- Allow certmonger to manage ipa lib files
- Add support for /var/lib/ipa
- Allow also unpriv user to run vmtools
- Allow secadm to read /dev/urandom and meminfo
- Add userdom_tmp_role for secadm_t
- Allow postgresql to read network state
- Add a new file context for /var/named/chroot/run directory
- Add booleans to allow docker processes to use nfs and samba
- Dontaudit net_amdin for /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
- Allow puppet stream connect to mysql
- Fixed some rules related to puppet policy
- Allow vmware-user-sui to use user ttys
- Allow talk 2 users logged via console too
- Additional avcs for docker when running tests
- allow anaconda to dbus chat with systemd-localed
- clean up rhcs.te
- remove dup rules from haproxy.te
- Add fixes for haproxy based on bperkins@redhat.com
- Allow cmirrord to make dmsetup working
- Allow NM to execute arping
- Allow users to send messages through talk
- update rtas_errd policy
- Add support for /var/spool/rhsm/debug
- Make virt_sandbox_use_audit as True by default
- Allow svirt_sandbox_domains to ptrace themselves
- Allow snmpd to getattr on removeable and fixed disks
- Allow docker containers to manage /var/lib/docker content
- Allow postgresql to read network state
- Allow java running as pki_tomcat to read network sysctls
- Fix cgroup.te to allow cgred to read cgconfig_etc_t
- Allow beam.smp to use ephemeral ports
- Allow winbind to use the nis to authenticate passwords
- Allow chrome_sandbox to use leaked unix_stream_sockets
- Dontaudit leaks of sockets into chrome_sandbox_t
- If you create a cups directory in /var/cache then it should be labeled cups_rw_etc_t
- Run vmtools as unconfined domains
- Allow snort to manage its log files
- Allow systemd_cronjob_t to be entered via bin_t
- Allow procman to list doveconf_etc_t
- allow keyring daemon to create content in tmpfs directories
- Add proper labelling for icedtea-web
- vpnc is creating content in networkmanager var run directory
- unconfined_service should be allowed to transition to rpm_script_t
- Allow couchdb to listen on port 6984
- Dontaudit attempts by unpriv user domain to write to /run/mount directory, caused by running mount command
- Allow systemd-logind to setup user tmpfs directories
- Add additional fixes for systemd_networkd_t
- Allow systemd-logind to manage user_tmpfs_t
- Allow systemd-logind to mount /run/user/1000 to get gdm working
- Allow systemd-logind to manage user_tmpfs_t
- Allow systemd-logind to mount /run/user/1000 to get gdm working
- Dontaudit attempts to setsched on the kernel_t threads
- Allow munin mail plugins to read network systcl
- Fix git_system_enable_homedirs boolean
- Make cimtest script 03_defineVS.py of ComputerSystem group working
- Make abrt-java-connector working
- Allow net_admin cap for fence_virtd running as fenced_t
- Allow vmtools_helper_t to execute bin_t
- Add support for /usr/share/joomla
- Allow vmtools_helper_t to execute bin_t
- Add support for /usr/share/joomla
- /var/lib/containers should be labeled as openshift content for now
- Allow docker domains to talk to the login programs, to allow a process to login into the container
- Add /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd policy
- Add sysnet_manage_config_dirs()
- Add support for /var/run/systemd/network and labeled it as net_conf_t
- Allow unpriv SELinux users to dbus chat with firewalld
- Add lvm_write_metadata()
- Label /etc/yum.reposd dir as system_conf_t. Should be safe because system_conf_t is base_ro_file_type
- Add support for /dev/vmcp and /dev/sclp
- Add docker_connect_any boolean
- Fix zabbix policy
- Allow zabbix to send system log msgs
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to write lvm metadata
- Updated pcp_bind_all_unreserved_ports
- Allow numad to write scan_sleep_millisecs
- Turn on entropyd_use_audio boolean by default
- Allow cgred to read /etc/cgconfig.conf because it contains templates used together with rules from /etc/cgrules.conf.
- Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read /proc/sysinfo
- Turn on entropyd_use_audio boolean by default
- Allow cgred to read /etc/cgconfig.conf because it contains templates used togeth
- Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read /proc/sysinfo
- Allow numad to write scan_sleep_millisecs
- Turn on entropyd_use_audio boolean by default
- Allow cgred to read /etc/cgconfig.conf because it contains templates used togeth
- Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read /proc/sysinfo
- Fix label on irclogs in the homedir
- Add more fixes for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/XorgWithoutRootRights
- Add xserver_dbus_chat() interface
- Add sysnet_filetrans_named_content_ifconfig() interface
- Change userdom_use_user_inherited_ttys to userdom_use_user_ttys for systemd-tty-
- Turn on cron_userdomain_transition by default for now. Until we get a fix for #1
- Allow lscpu running as rhsmcertd_t to read sysinfo
- Allow virt domains to read network state
- Added pcp rules
- Allow ctdbd to connect own ports
- Fix samba_export_all_rw booleanto cover also non security dirs
- Allow swift to exec rpm in swift_t and allow to create tmp files/dirs
- Allow neutron to create /run/netns with correct labeling
- Allow to run ip cmd in neutron_t domain
- Allow rpm_script_t to dbus chat also with systemd-located
- Fix ipa_stream_connect_otpd()
- Add labeling for /usr/libexec/nm-libreswan-service
- Allow locallogin to rw xdm key to make Virtual Terminal login providing
- Add xserver_rw_xdm_keys()
- Allow rpm_script_t to dbus chat also with systemd-located
- Fix ipa_stream_connect_otpd()
- update lpd_manage_spool() interface
- Allow krb5kdc to stream connect to ipa-otpd
- Add ipa_stream_connect_otpd() interface
- Allow vpnc to unlink NM pids
- Add networkmanager_delete_pid_files()
- Allow munin plugins to access unconfined plugins
- update abrt_filetrans_named_content to cover /var/spool/debug
- Label /var/spool/debug as abrt_var_cache_t
- Allow rhsmcertd to connect to squid port
- Make docker_transition_unconfined as optional boolean
- Allow certmonger to list home dirs
- Dontaudit attempts by crond_t net_admin caused by journald
- Allow the docker daemon to mounton tty_device_t
- Add addtional snapper fixes to allo relabel file_t
- Allow setattr for all mountpoints
- Allow snapperd to write all dirs
- Add support for /etc/sysconfig/snapper
- Allow mozilla_plugin to getsession
- Add labeling for thttpd
- Allow sosreport to execute grub2-probe
- Allow NM to manage hostname config file
- Allow systemd_timedated_t to dbus chat with rpm_script_t
- Allow lsmd plugins to connect to http/ssh/http_cache ports by default
- Add lsmd_plugin_connect_any boolea
- Add support for ipset
- Add support for /dev/sclp_line0
- Add modutils_signal_insmod()
- Add files_relabelto_all_mountpoints() interface
- Allow the docker daemon to mounton tty_device_t
- Allow all systemd domains to read /proc/1
- Login programs talking to journald are attempting to net_admin, add dontaudit
- init is not gettar on processes as shutdown time
- Add systemd_hostnamed_manage_config() interface
- Make unconfined_service_t valid in enforcing
- Remove transition for temp dirs created by init_t
- gdm-simple-slave uses use setsockopt
- Add lvm_read_metadata()
- Remove transition for temp dirs created by init_t
- gdm-simple-slave uses use setsockopt
- Treat usermodehelper_t as a sysctl_type
- xdm communicates with geo
- Add lvm_read_metadata()
- Allow rabbitmq_beam to connect to jabber_interserver_port
- Allow logwatch_mail_t to transition to qmail_inject and queueu
- Added new rules to pcp policy
- Allow vmtools_helper_t to change role to system_r
- Allow NM to dbus chat with vmtools
- Colin asked for this program to be treated as cloud-init
- Allow ftp services to manage xferlog_t
- Fix vmtools policy to allow user roles to access vmtools_helper_t
- Allow block_suspend cap2 for ipa-otpd
- Allow certmonger to search home content
- Allow pkcsslotd to read users state
- Allow exim to use pam stack to check passwords
- Add labeling for /usr/sbin/amavi
- Colin asked for this program to be treated as cloud-init
- Allow ftp services to manage xferlog_t
- Fix vmtools policy to allow user roles to access vmtools_helper_t
- Allow block_suspend cap2 for ipa-otpd
- Allow certmonger to search home content
- Allow pkcsslotd to read users state
- Allow exim to use pam stack to check passwor
- Add lvm_read_metadata()
- Allow auditadm to search /var/log/audit dir
- Add lvm_read_metadata() interface
- Allow confined users to run vmtools helpers
- Fix userdom_common_user_template()
- Generic systemd unit scripts do write check on /
- Allow init_t to create init_tmp_t in /tmp.This is for temporary content created by generic unit files
- Add additional fixes needed for init_t and setup script running in generic unit files
- Allow general users to create packet_sockets
- added connlcli port
- Add init_manage_transient_unit() interface
- Allow init_t (generic unit files) to manage rpc state date as we had it for initrc_t
- Fix userdomain.te to require passwd class
- devicekit_power sends out a signal to all processes on the message bus when power is going down
- Dontaudit rendom domains listing /proc and hittping system_map_t
- Dontauit leaks of var_t into ifconfig_t
- Allow domains that transition to ssh_t to manipulate its keyring
- Define oracleasm_t as a device node
- Change to handle /root as a symbolic link for os-tree
- Allow sysadm_t to create packet_socket, also move some rules to attributes
- Add label for openvswitch port
- Remove general transition for files/dirs created in /etc/mail which got etc_aliases_t label.
- Allow postfix_local to read .forward in pcp lib files
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read lvm metadata
- Add additional fixes for pegasus_openlmi_storage_t
- Allow bumblebee to manage debugfs
- Make bumblebee as unconfined domain
- Allow snmp to read etc_aliases_t
- Allow lscpu running in pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read /dev/mem
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read /proc/1/environ
- Dontaudit read gconf files for cupsd_config_t
- make vmtools as unconfined domain
- Add vmtools_helper_t for helper scripts. Allow vmtools shutdonw a host and run ifconfig.
- Allow collectd_t to use a mysql database
- Allow ipa-otpd to perform DNS name resolution
- Added new policy for keepalived
- Allow openlmi-service provider to manage transitient units and allow stream connect to sssd
- Add additional fixes new pscs-lite+polkit support
- Add labeling for /run/krb5kdc
- Change w3c_validator_tmp_t to httpd_w3c_validator_tmp_t in F20
- Allow pcscd to read users proc info
- Dontaudit smbd_t sending out random signuls
- Add boolean to allow openshift domains to use nfs
- Allow w3c_validator to create content in /tmp
- zabbix_agent uses nsswitch
- Allow procmail and dovecot to work together to deliver mail
- Allow spamd to execute files in homedir if boolean turned on
- Allow openvswitch to listen on port 6634
- Add net_admin capability in collectd policy
- Fixed snapperd policy
- Fixed bugsfor pcp policy
- Allow dbus_system_domains to be started by init
- Fixed some interfaces
- Add kerberos_keytab_domain attribute
- Fix snapperd_conf_t def
- devicekit_power sends out a signal to all processes on the message bus when power is going down
- Modify xdm_write_home to allow create also links as xdm_home_t if the boolean is on true
- systemd_tmpfiles_t needs to _setcheckreqprot
- Add unconfined_server to be run by init_t when it executes files labeled bin_t, or usr_t, allow all domains to communicate with it
- Fixed snapperd policy
- Fixed broken interfaces
- Should use rw_socket_perms rather then sock_file on a unix_stream_socket
- Fixed bugsfor pcp policy
- pcscd seems to be using policy kit and looking at domains proc data that transition to it
- Allow dbus_system_domains to be started by init
- Fixed some interfaces
- Addopt corenet rules for unbound-anchor to rpm_script_t
- Allow runuser to send send audit messages.
- Allow postfix-local to search .forward in munin lib dirs
- Allow udisks to connect to D-Bus
- Allow spamd to connect to spamd port
- Fix syntax error in snapper.te
- Dontaudit osad to search gconf home files
- Allow rhsmcertd to manage /etc/sysconf/rhn director
- Fix pcp labeling to accept /usr/bin for all daemon binaries
- Fix mcelog_read_log() interface
- Allow iscsid to manage iscsi lib files
- Allow snapper domtrans to lvm_t. Add support for /etc/snapper and allow snapperd to manage it.
- Allow ABRT to read puppet certs
- Allow virtd_lxc_t to specify the label of a socket
- New version of docker requires more access
- Allow runuser to send send audit messages.
- Allow postfix-local to search .forward in munin lib dirs
- Allow udisks to connect to D-Bus
- Allow spamd to connect to spamd port
- Fix syntax error in snapper.te
- Dontaudit osad to search gconf home files
- Allow rhsmcertd to manage /etc/sysconf/rhn director
- Fix pcp labeling to accept /usr/bin for all daemon binaries
- Fix mcelog_read_log() interface
- Allow iscsid to manage iscsi lib files
- Allow snapper domtrans to lvm_t. Add support for /etc/snapper and allow snapperd to manage it.
- Make tuned_t as unconfined domain for RHEL7.0
- Allow ABRT to read puppet certs
- Add sys_time capability for virt-ga
- Allow gemu-ga to domtrans to hwclock_t
- Allow additional access for virt_qemu_ga_t processes to read system clock and send audit messages
- Fix some AVCs in pcp policy
- Add to bacula capability setgid and setuid and allow to bind to bacula ports
- Changed label from rhnsd_rw_conf_t to rhnsd_conf_t
- Add access rhnsd and osad to /etc/sysconfig/rhn
- drbdadm executes drbdmeta
- Fixes needed for docker
- Allow epmd to manage /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_err file
- Allow beam.smp connect to amqp port
- Modify xdm_write_home to allow create also links as xdm_home_t if the boolean is on true
- Allow init_t to manage pluto.ctl because of init_t instead of initrc_t
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to manage all non security files on the system
- Added labels for bacula ports
- Fix label on /dev/vfio/vfio
- Add kernel_mounton_messages() interface
- init wants to manage lock files for iscsi
- init wants to manage lock files for iscsi
- Add support for dey_sapi port
- Fixes needed for docker
- Allow epmd to manage /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_err file
- Allow beam.smp connect to amqp port
- drbdadm executes drbdmeta
- Added osad policy
- Allow postfix to deliver to procmail
- Allow vmtools to execute /usr/bin/lsb_release
- Allow geoclue to read /etc/passwd
- Allow docker to write system net ctrls
- Add support for rhnsd unit file
- Add dbus_chat_session_bus() interface
- Add dbus_stream_connect_session_bus() interface
- Fix pcp.te
- Fix logrotate_use_nfs boolean
- Add lot of pcp fixes found in RHEL7
- fix labeling for pmie for pcp pkg
- Change thumb_t to be allowed to chat/connect with session bus type
- Add logrotate_use_nfs boolean
- Allow setroubleshootd to read rpc sysctl
- Allow geoclue to create temporary files/dirs in /tmp
- Add httpd_dontaudit_search_dirs boolean
- Add support for winbind.service
- ALlow also fail2ban-client to read apache logs
- Allow vmtools to getattr on all fs
- Allow Associate usermodehelper_t to sysfs filesystem
- Allow gdm to create /var/gdm with correct labeling
- Allow domains to append rkhunterl lib files. #1057982
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t net_admin to communicate with journald
- update libs_filetrans_named_content() to have support for /usr/lib/debug directory
- Adding a new service script to enable setcheckreqprot
- Add interface to getattr on an isid_type for any type of file
- Allow initrc_t domtrans to authconfig if unconfined is enabled
- Add labeling for snapper.log
- Allow tumbler to execute dbusd-daemon in thumb_t
- Add dbus_exec_dbusd()
- Add snapperd_data_t type
- Add additional fixes for snapperd
- FIx bad calling in samba.te
- Allow smbd to create tmpfs
- Allow rhsmcertd-worker send signull to rpm process
- Allow net_admin capability and send system log msgs
- Allow lldpad send dgram to NM
- Add networkmanager_dgram_send()
- rkhunter_var_lib_t is correct type
- Allow openlmi-storage to read removable devices
- Allow system cron jobs to manage rkhunter lib files
- Add rkhunter_manage_lib_files()
- Fix ftpd_use_fusefs boolean to allow manage also symlinks
- Allow smbcontrob block_suspend cap2
- Allow slpd to read network and system state info
- Allow NM domtrans to iscsid_t if iscsiadm is executed
- Allow slapd to send a signal itself
- Allow sslget running as pki_ra_t to contact port 8443, the secure port of the CA.
- Fix plymouthd_create_log() interface
- Add rkhunter policy with files type definition for /var/lib/rkhunter until it is fixed in rkhunter package
- Allow postfix and cyrus-imapd to work out of box
- Remove logwatch_can_sendmail which is no longer used
- Allow fcoemon to talk with unpriv user domain using unix_stream_socket
- snapperd is D-Bus service
- Allow OpenLMI PowerManagement to call 'systemctl --force reboot
- Allow haproxy also to use http cache port by default
- Fix /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-container decl
- Allow haproxy to work as simple HTTP proxy. HAProxy For TCP And HTTP Based Applications
- Label also /usr/libexec/WebKitPluginProcess as mozilla_plugin_exec_t
- Fix type in docker.te
- Fix bs_filetrans_named_content() to have support for /usr/lib/debug directory
- Adding a new service script to enable setcheckreqprot
- Add interface to getattr on an isid_type for any type of file
- Allow initrc_t domtrans to authconfig if unconfined is enabled
type in docker.te
- Add mozilla_plugin_exec_t labeling for /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-container
- Allow docker and mount on devpts chr_file
- Allow docker to transition to unconfined_t if boolean set
- Label also /usr/libexec/WebKitPluginProcess as mozilla_plugin_exec_t
- Fix type in docker.te
- Add mozilla_plugin_exec_t labeling for /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-contai
- Allow docker to use the network and build images
- Allow docker to read selinux files for labeling, and mount on devpts
- Allow domains that transition to svirt_sandbox to send it signals
- Allow docker to transition to unconfined_t if boolean set
- Allow apache to write to the owncloud data directory in /var/www/html...
- Cleanup sandbox X AVC's
- Allow consolekit to create log dir
- Add support for icinga CGI scripts
- Add support for icinga
- Allow kdumpctl_t to create kdump lock file
- Allow kdump to create lnk lock file
- Allow ABRT write core_pattern
- Allwo ABRT to read core_pattern
- Add policy for Geoclue. Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information
- Allow nscd_t block_suspen capability
- Allow unconfined domain types to manage own transient unit file
- Allow systemd domains to handle transient init unit files
- No longer need the rpm_script_roles line since rpm_transition_script now does this for us
- Add/fix interfaces for usermodehelper_t
- Add interfaces to handle transient
- Fixes for new usermodehelper and proc_securit_t types
- Call kernel_rw_usermodehelper_state() in init.te
- Call corenet_udp_bind_all_ports() in milter.te
- Allow fence_virtd to connect to zented port
- Fix header for mirrormanager_admin()
- Allow dkim-milter to bind udp ports
- Allow milter domains to send signull itself
- Allow block_suspend for yum running as mock_t
- Allow beam.smp to manage couchdb files
- Add couchdb_manage_files()
- Add labeling for /var/log/php_errors.log
- Allow bumblebee to stream connect to xserver
- Allow bumblebee to send a signal to xserver
- gnome-thumbnail to stream connect to bumblebee
- Fix calling usermodehelper to use _state in interface name
- Allow xkbcomp running as bumblebee_t to execute bin_t
- Allow logrotate to read squid.conf
- Additional rules to get docker and lxc to play well with SELinux
- Call kernel_read_usermodhelper/kernel_rw_usermodhelper
- Make rpm_transition_script accept a role
- Added new policy for pcp
- Allow bumbleed to connect to xserver port
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to read hwdata
- Allow gssprozy to change user and gid, as well as read user keyrings
- Allow sandbox apps to attempt to set and get capabilties
- Label upgrades directory under /var/www as httpd_sys_rw_content_t, add other filetrans rules to label content correctly
- allow modemmanger to read /dev/urand
- Allow polipo to connect to http_cache_ports
- Allow cron jobs to manage apache var lib content
- Allow yppassword to manage the passwd_file_t
- Allow showall_t to send itself signals
- Allow cobbler to restart dhcpc, dnsmasq and bind services
- Allow rsync_t to manage all non auth files
- Allow certmonger to manage home cert files
- Allow user_mail_domains to write certain files to the /root and ~/ directories
- Allow apcuspd_t to status and start the power unit file
- Allow cgroupdrulesengd to create content in cgoups directories
- Add new access for mythtv
- Allow irc_t to execute shell and bin-t files:
- Allow smbd_t to signull cluster
- Allow sssd to read systemd_login_var_run_t
- Allow gluster daemon to create fifo files in glusterd_brick_t and sock_file in glusterd_var_lib_t
- Add label for /var/spool/cron.aquota.user
- Allow sandbox_x domains to use work with the mozilla plugin semaphore
- Added new policy for speech-dispatcher
- Added dontaudit rule for insmod_exec_t in rasdaemon policy
- Updated rasdaemon policy
- Allow virt_domains to read cert files
- Allow system_mail_t to transition to postfix_postdrop_t
- Clean up mirrormanager policy
- Allow subscription-manager running as sosreport_t to manage rhsmcertd
- Remove ability to do mount/sys_admin by default in virt_sandbox domains
- New rules required to run docker images within libivrt
- Fixed bumblebee_admin() and mip6d_admin()
- Add log support for sensord
- Add label for ~/.cvsignore
- Change mirrormanager to be run by cron
- Add mirrormanager policy
- Additional fixes for docker.te
- Allow cobblerd to read/write undionly.kpxe located in /var/lib/tftpboot
- Add tftp_write_rw_content/tftp_read_rw_content interfaces
- Allow amanda to do backups over UDP
- Update freeipmi_domain_template()
- Allow journalctl running as ABRT to read /run/log/journal
- Allow NM to read dispatcher.d directory
- Update freeipmi policy
- Type transitions with a filename not allowed inside conditionals
- Allow tor to bind to hplip port
- Make new type to texlive files in homedir
- Allow zabbix_agent to transition to dmidecode
- Add rules for docker
- Allow sosreport to send signull to unconfined_t
- Add virt_noatsecure and virt_rlimitinh interfaces
- Fix labeling in thumb.fc to add support for /usr/lib64/tumbler-1/tumblerddd support for freeipm
- Add sysadm_u_default_contexts
- Add logging_read_syslog_pid()
- Fix userdom_manage_home_texlive() interface
- Make new type to texlive files in homedir
- Add filename transitions for /run and /lock links
- Allow virtd to inherit rlimit information
- Clean up bumblebee policy
- Update pegasus_openlmi_storage_t policy
- opensm policy clean up
- openwsman policy clean up
- ninfod policy clean up
- Allow conman to connect to freeipmi services and clean up conman policy
- Allow conmand just bind on 7890 port
- Add freeipmi_stream_connect() interface
- Allow logwatch read madm.conf to support RAID setup
- Add raid_read_conf_files() interface
- Allow up2date running as rpm_t create up2date log file with rpm_log_t labeling
- add rpm_named_filetrans_log_files() interface
- Added policy for conmand
- Allow dkim-milter to create files/dirs in /tmp
- update freeipmi policy
- Add policy for freeipmi services
- Added rdisc_admin and rdisc_systemctl interfaces
- Fix aliases in pegasus.te
- Allow chrome sandbox to read generic cache files in homedir
- Dontaudit mandb searching all mountpoints
- Make sure wine domains create .wine with the correct label
- Add proper aliases for pegasus_openlmi_services_exec_t and pegasus_openlmi_services_t
- Allow windbind the kill capability
- DRM master and input event devices are used by the TakeDevice API
- add dev_rw_inherited_dri() and dev_rw_inherited_input_dev()
- Added support for default conman port
- Add interfaces for ipmi devices
- Make sure wine domains create .wine with the correct label
- Allow manage dirs in kernel_manage_debugfs interface.
- Allow systemctl running in ipsec_mgmt_t to access /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service as ipsec_mgmt_unit_file_t
- Fix userdom_confined_admin_template()
- Add back exec_content boolean for secadm, logadm, auditadm
- Fix files_filetrans_system_db_named_files() interface
- Allow sulogin to getattr on /proc/kcore
- Add filename transition also for servicelog.db-journal
- Add files_dontaudit_access_check_root()
- Add lvm_dontaudit_access_check_lock() interface
- Label /usr/sbin/htcacheclean as httpd_exec_t
- Add missing alias for pegasus_openlmi_service_exec_t
- Added support for rdisc unit file
- Added new policy for ninfod
- Added new policy for openwsman
- Add antivirus_db_t labeling for /var/lib/clamav-unofficial-sigs
- Allow runuser running as logrotate connections to system DBUS
- Add connectto perm for NM unix stream socket
- Allow watchdog to be executed from cron
- Allow cloud_init to transition to rpm_script_t
- Allow lsmd_plugin_t send system log messages
- Label /var/log/up2date as rpm_log_t and allow sosreport to manage rpm log/pid/cache files which is a part of ABRT polic
- Added new capabilities for mip6d policy
- Label bcache devices as fixed_disk_device_t
- Allow systemctl running in ipsec_mgmt_t to access /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service
- label /usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service as ipsec_mgmt_unit_file_t
- Allow dovecot-deliver to search mountpoints
- Add labeling for /etc/mdadm.conf
- Allow opelmi admin providers to dbus chat with init_t
- Allow sblim domain to read /dev/urandom and /dev/random
- Add back exec_content boolean for secadm, logadm, auditadm
- Allow sulogin to getattr on /proc/kcore
- Add files_dontaudit_access_check_root()
- Add lvm_dontaudit_access_check_lock() interface
- Allow mount to manage mount_var_run_t files/dirs
- Allow updapwd_t to ignore mls levels for writign shadow_t at a lower level
- Make sure boot.log is created with the correct label
- call logging_relabel_all_log_dirs() in systemd.te
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles to relabel log directories
- Allow staff_t to run frequency command
- Allow staff_t to read xserver_log file
- This reverts commit c0f9f125291f189271cbbca033f87131dab1e22f.
- Label hsperfdata_root as tmp_t
- Add plymouthd_create_log()
- Dontaudit leaks from openshift domains into mail domains, needs back port to RHEL6
- Allow sssd to request the kernel loads modules
- Allow gpg_agent to use ssh-add
- Allow gpg_agent to use ssh-add
- Dontaudit access check on /root for myslqd_safe_t
- Add glusterd_brick_t files type
- Allow ctdb to getattr on al filesystems
- Allow abrt to stream connect to syslog
- Allow dnsmasq to list dnsmasq.d directory
- Watchdog opens the raw socket
- Allow watchdog to read network state info
- Dontaudit access check on lvm lock dir
- Allow sosreport to send signull to setroubleshootd
- Add setroubleshoot_signull() interface
- Fix ldap_read_certs() interface
- Allow sosreport all signal perms
- Allow sosreport to run systemctl
- Allow sosreport to dbus chat with rpm
- Allow zabbix_agentd to read all domain state
- Allow sblim_sfcbd_t to read from /dev/random and /dev/urandom
- Allow smoltclient to execute ldconfig
- Allow sosreport to request the kernel to load a module
- Clean up rtas.if
- Clean up docker.if
- drop /var/lib/glpi/files labeling in cron.fc
- Added new policy for rasdaemon
- setroubleshoot_fixit wants to read network state
- Allow procmail_t to connect to dovecot stream sockets
- Allow cimprovagt service providers to read network states
- Add labeling for /var/run/mariadb
- pwauth uses lastlog() to update system's lastlog
- Allow account provider to read login records
- Add support for texlive2013
- More fixes for user config files to make crond_t running in userdomain
- Add back disable/reload/enable permissions for system class
- Fix manage_service_perms macro
- Allow passwd_t to connect to gnome keyring to change password
- Update mls config files to have cronjobs in the user domains
- Remove access checks that systemd does not actually do
- Add support for yubikey in homedir
- Add support for upd/3052 port
- Allow apcupsd to use PowerChute Network Shutdown
- Allow lsmd to execute various lsmplugins
- Add labeling also for /etc/watchdog\.d where are watchdog scripts located too
- Update gluster_export_all_rw boolean to allow relabel all base file types
- Allow x86_energy_perf tool to modify the MSR
- Fix /var/lib/dspam/data labeling
- Allow netlabel-config to read passwd
- update gluster_export_all_rw boolean to allow relabel all base file types caused by lsetxattr()
- Allow x86_energy_perf tool to modify the MSR
- Fix /var/lib/dspam/data labeling
- Allow pegasus to domtrans to mount_t
- Add labeling for unconfined scripts in /usr/libexec/watchdog/scripts
- Add support for unconfined watchdog scripts
- Allow watchdog to manage own log files
- Label /etc/yum.repos.d as system_conf_t
- Use sysnet_filetrans_named_content in udev.te instead of generic transition for net_conf_t
- Allow dac_override for sysadm_screen_t
- Allow init_t to read ipsec_conf_t as we had it for initrc_t. Needed by ipsec unit file.
- Allow netlabel-config to read meminfo
- Add interface to allow docker to mounton file_t
- Add new interface to exec unlabeled files
- Allow lvm to use docker semaphores
- Setup transitons for .xsessions-errors.old
- Change labels of files in /var/lib/*/.ssh to transition properly
- Allow staff_t and user_t to look at logs using journalctl
- pluto wants to manage own log file
- Allow pluto running as ipsec_t to create pluto.log
- Fix alias decl in corenetwork.te.in
- Add support for fuse.glusterfs
- Allow dmidecode to read/write /run/lock/subsys/rhsmcertd
- Allow rhsmcertd to manage redhat.repo which is now labeled as system.conf. Allow rhsmcertd to manage all log files.
- Additional access for docker
- Added more rules to sblim policy
- Fix kdumpgui_run_bootloader boolean
- Allow dspam to connect to lmtp port
- Included sfcbd service into sblim policy
- rhsmcertd wants to manaage /etc/pki/consumer dir
- Add kdumpgui_run_bootloader boolean
- Add support for /var/cache/watchdog
- Remove virt_domain attribute for virt_qemu_ga_unconfined_t
- Fixes for handling libvirt containes
- Dontaudit attempts by mysql_safe to write content into /
- Dontaudit attempts by system_mail to modify network config
- Allow dspam to bind to lmtp ports
- Add new policy to allow staff_t and user_t to look at logs using journalctl
- Allow apache cgi scripts to list sysfs
- Dontaudit attempts to write/delete user_tmp_t files
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles to setattr on var_log_t directories
- Udpdate Makefile to include systemd_contexts
- Add systemd_contexts
- Add fs_exec_hugetlbfs_files() interface
- Add daemons_enable_cluster_mode boolean
- Fix rsync_filetrans_named_content()
- Add rhcs_read_cluster_pid_files() interface
- Update rhcs.if with additional interfaces from RHEL6
- Fix rhcs_domain_template() to not create run dirs with cluster_var_run_t
- Allow glusterd_t to mounton glusterd_tmp_t
- Allow glusterd to unmout al filesystems
- Allow xenstored to read virt config
- Add label for swift_server.lock and make add filetrans_named_content to make sure content gets created with the correct lab
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to mmap hugepages as an executable
- Label /usr/lib64/sasl2/libsasldb.so.3.0.0 as textrel_shlib_t
- Make sur kdump lock is created with correct label if kdumpctl is executed
- gnome interface calls should always be made within an optional_block
- Allow syslogd_t to connect to the syslog_tls port
- Add labeling for /var/run/charon.ctl socket
- Add kdump_filetrans_named_content()
- Allo setpgid for fenced_t
- Allow setpgid and r/w cluster tmpfs for fenced_t
- gnome calls should always be within optional blocks
- wicd.pid should be labeled as networkmanager_var_run_t
- Allow sys_resource for lldpad
- Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugin to relabel content, caused by using mv
- Allow mailserver_domains to manage and transition to mailman data
- Allow svirt_domains to read sysctl_net_t
- Allow thumb_t to use tmpfs inherited from the user
- Allow mozilla_plugin to bind to the vnc port if running with spice
- Add new attribute to discover confined_admins and assign confined admin to
- Fix zabbix to handle attributes in interfaces
- Fix zabbix to read system states for all zabbix domains
- Fix piranha_domain_template()
- Allow ctdbd to create udp_socket. Allow ndmbd to access ctdbd var files.
- Allow lldpad sys_rouserce cap due to #986870
- Allow dovecot-auth to read nologin
- Allow openlmi-networking to read /proc/net/dev
- Allow smsd_t to execute scripts created on the fly labeled as smsd_spool_t
- Add zabbix_domain attribute for zabbix domains to treat them together
- Add labels for zabbix-poxy-* (#1018221)
- Update openlmi-storage policy to reflect #1015067
- Back port piranha tmpfs fixes from RHEL6
- Update httpd_can_sendmail boolean to allow read/write postfix spool maildro
- Add postfix_rw_spool_maildrop_files interface
- Call new userdom_admin_user_templat() also for sysadm_secadm.pp
- Fix typo in userdom_admin_user_template()
- Allow SELinux users to create coolkeypk11sE-Gate in /var/cache/coolkey
- Add new attribute to discover confined_admins
- Fix labeling for /etc/strongswan/ipsec.d
- systemd_logind seems to pass fd to anyone who dbus communicates with it
- Dontaudit leaked write descriptor to dmesg
- allow openshift_cgroup_t to read/write inherited openshift file types
- Remove httpd_cobbler_content * from cobbler_admin interface
- Allow svirt sandbox domains to setattr on chr_file and blk_file svirt_sandbox_file_t, so sshd
- Allow httpd_t to read also git sys content symlinks
- Allow init_t to read gnome home data
- Dontaudit setroubleshoot_fixit_t execmem, since it does not seem to really need it.
- Allow virsh to execute systemctl
- Fix for nagios_services plugins
- add type defintion for ctdbd_var_t
- Add support for /var/ctdb. Allow ctdb block_suspend and read /etc/passwd file
- Allow net_admin/netlink_socket all hyperv_domain domains
- Add labeling for zarafa-search.log and zarafa-search.pid
- Fix hypervkvp.te
- Fix nscd_shm_use()
- Add initial policy for /usr/sbin/hypervvssd in hypervkvp policy which should be renamed to hy
- Add hypervkvp_unit_file_t type
- Fix logging policy
- Allow syslog to bind to tls ports
- Update labeling for /dev/cdc-wdm
- Allow to su_domain to read init states
- Allow init_t to read gnome home data
- Make sure if systemd_logind creates nologin file with the correct label
- Clean up ipsec.te
- Fix port definition for ctdb ports
- Allow systemd domains to read /dev/urand
- Dontaudit attempts for mozilla_plugin to append to /dev/random
- Add label for /var/run/charon.*
- Add labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2.*dd policy for motion servi
- Fix for nagios_services plugins
- Fix some bugs in zoneminder policy
- add type defintion for ctdbd_var_t
- Add support for /var/ctdb. Allow ctdb block_suspend and read /etc/passwd
- Allow net_admin/netlink_socket all hyperv_domain domains
- Add labeling for zarafa-search.log and zarafa-search.pid
- glusterd binds to random unreserved ports
- Additional allow rules found by testing glusterfs
- apcupsd needs to send a message to all users on the system so needs to lo
- Fix the label on ~/.juniper_networks
- Dontaudit attempts for mozilla_plugin to append to /dev/random
- Allow polipo_daemon to connect to flash ports
- Allow gssproxy_t to create replay caches
- Fix nscd_shm_use()
- Add initial policy for /usr/sbin/hypervvssd in hypervkvp policy which sho
- Add hypervkvp_unit_file_t type
- Allow domains that communicate with systemd_logind_sessions to use systemd_logind_t fd
- Allow systemd_localed_t to ask systemd to reload the locale.
- Add systemd_runtime_unit_file_t type for unit files that systemd creates in memory
- Allow readahead to read /dev/urand
- Fix lots of avcs about tuned
- Any file names xenstored in /var/log should be treated as xenstored_var_log_t
- Allow tuned to inderact with hugepages
- Allow condor domains to list etc rw dirs
- Add initial policy for /usr/sbin/hypervvssd in hypervkvp policy which should be renamed to hyperv. Also a
- Add hypervkvp_unit_file_t type
- Add additional fixes forpegasus_openlmi_account_t
- Allow mdadm to read /dev/urand
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to create mdadm.conf and write it
- Add label/rules for /etc/mdadm.conf
- Allow pegasus_openlmi_storage_t to transition to fsadm_t
- Fixes for interface definition problems
- Dontaudit dovecot-deliver to gettatr on all fs dirs
- Allow domains to search data_home_t directories
- Allow cobblerd to connect to mysql
- Allow mdadm to r/w kdump lock files
- Add support for kdump lock files
- Label zarafa-search as zarafa-indexer
- Openshift cgroup wants to read /etc/passwd
- Add new sandbox domains for kvm
- Allow mpd to interact with pulseaudio if mpd_enable_homedirs is turned on
- Fix labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2.*
- Add labeling for /usr/lib/systemd/system/lvm2.*
- Fix typos to get a new build. We should not cover filename trans rules to prevent duplicate rules
- Add sshd_keygen_t policy for sshd-keygen
- Fix alsa_home_filetrans interface name and definition
- Allow chown for ssh_keygen_t
- Add fs_dontaudit_getattr_all_dirs()
- Allow init_t to manage etc_aliases_t and read xserver_var_lib_t and chrony keys
- Fix up patch to allow systemd to manage home content
- Allow domains to send/recv unlabeled traffic if unlabelednet.pp is enabled
- Allow getty to exec hostname to get info
- Add systemd_home_t for ~/.local/share/systemd directory
- Allow tuned to search all file system directories
- Allow alsa_t to sys_nice, to get top performance for sound management
- Add support for MySQL/PostgreSQL for amavis
- Allow openvpn_t to manage openvpn_var_log_t files.
- Allow dirsrv_t to create tmpfs_t directories
- Allow dirsrv to create dirs in /dev/shm with dirsrv_tmpfs label
- Dontaudit leaked unix_stream_sockets into gnome keyring
- Allow telepathy domains to inhibit pipes on telepathy domains
- Allow cloud-init to domtrans to rpm
- Allow abrt daemon to manage abrt-watch tmp files
- Allow abrt-upload-watcher to search /var/spool directory
- Allow nsswitch domains to manage own process key
- Fix labeling for mgetty.* logs
- Allow systemd to dbus chat with upower
- Allow ipsec to send signull to itself
- Allow setgid cap for ipsec_t
- Match upstream labeling
- Allow setroubleshoot to look at /proc
- Allow telepathy domains to dbus with systemd logind
- Fix handling of fifo files of rpm
- Allow mozilla_plugin to transition to itself
- Allow certwatch to write to cert_t directories
- New abrt application
- Allow NetworkManager to set the kernel scheduler
- Make wine_domain shared by all wine domains
- Allow mdadm_t to read images labeled svirt_image_t
- Allow amanda to read /dev/urand
- ALlow my_print_default to read /dev/urand
- Allow mdadm to write to kdumpctl fifo files
- Allow nslcd to send signull to itself
- Allow yppasswd to read /dev/urandom
- Fix zarafa_setrlimit
- Add support for /var/lib/php/wsdlcache
- Add zarafa_setrlimit boolean
- Allow fetchmail to send mails
- Add additional alias for user_tmp_t because wine_tmp_t is no longer used
- More handling of ther kernel keyring required by kerberos
- New privs needed for init_t when running without transition to initrc_t over bin_t
- Allow browser sandbox plugins to connect to cups to print
- Add new label mpd_home_t
- Label /srv/www/logs as httpd_log_t
- Add support for /var/lib/php/wsdlcache
- Add zarafa_setrlimit boolean
- Allow fetchmail to send mails
- Add labels for apache logs under miq package
- Allow irc_t to use tcp sockets
- fix labels in puppet.if
- Allow tcsd to read utmp file
- Allow openshift_cron_t to run ssh-keygen in ssh_keygen_t to
- Define svirt_socket_t as a domain_type
- Take away transition from init_t to initrc_t when executing
- Fix label on pam_krb5 helper apps
- allow neutron to connect to amqp ports
- Allow kdump_manage_crash to list the kdump_crash_t directory
- Allow glance-api to connect to amqp port
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t to read meminfo
- Add antivirus_home_t type for antivirus date in HOMEDIRS
- Allow mpd setcap which is needed by pulseaudio
- Allow smbcontrol to create content in /var/lib/samba
- Allow mozilla_exec_t to be used as a entrypoint to mozilla_domtrans_spec
- Add additional labeling for qemu-ga/fsfreeze-hook.d scripts
- amanda_exec_t needs to be executable file
- Allow block_suspend cap for samba-net
- Allow apps that read ipsec_mgmt_var_run_t to search ipsec_var_run_t
- Allow init_t to run crash utility
- Treat usr_t just like bin_t for transitions and executions
- Add port definition of pka_ca to port 829 for openshift
- Allow selinux_store to use symlinks
- Allow t-mission-control to manage gabble cache files
- Allow nslcd to read /sys/devices/system/cpu
- Allow selinux_store to use symlinks
- Allow xdm_t to transition to itself
- Call neutron interfaces instead of quantum
- Allow init to change targed role to make uncofined services (xrdp wh
- Make sure directories in /run get created with the correct label
- Make sure /root/.pki gets created with the right label
- try to remove labeling for motion from zoneminder_exec_t to bin_t
- Allow inetd_t to execute shell scripts
- Allow cloud-init to read all domainstate
- Fix to use quantum port
- Add interface netowrkmanager_initrc_domtrans
- Fix boinc_execmem
- Allow t-mission-control to read gabble cache home
- Add labeling for ~/.cache/telepathy/avatars/gabble
- Allow memcache to read sysfs data
- Cleanup antivirus policy and add additional fixes
- Add boolean boinc_enable_execstack
- Add support for couchdb in rabbitmq policy
- Add interface couchdb_search_pid_dirs
- Allow firewalld to read NM state
- Allow systemd running as git_systemd to bind git port
- Fix mozilla_plugin_rw_tmpfs_files()
- Use just init_domain instead of init_daemon_domain in inetd_core_service_domain
- svirt domains neeed to create kobject_uevint_sockets
- Lots of new access required for sosreport
- Allow tgtd_t to connect to isns ports
- Allow init_t to transition to all inetd domains:
- openct needs to be able to create netlink_object_uevent_sockets
- Dontaudit leaks into ldconfig_t
- Dontaudit su domains getattr on /dev devices, move su domains to attribute based calls
- Move kernel_stream_connect into all Xwindow using users
- Dontaudit inherited lock files in ifconfig o dhcpc_t
- Add append to the dontaudit for unix_stream_socket of xdm_t leak
- Allow xdm_t to create symlinks in log direcotries
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Label 10933 as a pop port, for dovecot
- New policy to allow selinux_server.py to run as semanage_t as a dbus service
- Add fixes to make netlabelctl working on MLS
- AVC's required for running sepolicy gui as staff_t
- Dontaudit attempts to read symlinks, sepolicy gui is likely to cause this type of AVC
- New dbus server to be used with new gui
- After modifying some files in /etc/mail, I saw this needed on the next boot
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Clean up oracleasm policy for Fedora
- Add oracleasm policy written by rlopez@redhat.com
- Make postfix_postdrop_t as mta_agent to allow domtrans to system mail if it is executed by apache
- Add label for /var/crash
- Allow fenced to domtrans to sanclok_t
- Allow nagios to manage nagios spool files
- Make tfptd as home_manager
- Allow kdump to read kcore on MLS system
- Allow mysqld-safe sys_nice/sys_resource caps
- Allow apache to search automount tmp dirs if http_use_nfs is enabled
- Allow crond to transition to named_t, for use with unbound
- Allow crond to look at named_conf_t, for unbound
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to transition its home content
- Allow dovecot_domain to read all system and network state
- Allow httpd_user_script_t to call getpw
- Allow semanage to read pid files
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from user domain into thumb
- Make PAM authentication working if it is enabled in ejabberd
- Add fixes for rabbit to fix ##992920,#992931
- Allow glusterd to mount filesystems
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Trying to load a VM I got an AVC from devicekit_disk for loopcontrol device
- Add fix for pand service
- shorewall touches own log
- Allow nrpe to list /var
- Mozilla_plugin_roles can not be passed into lpd_run_lpr
- Allow afs domains to read afs_config files
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Allow virt_domain to read virt_var_run_t symlinks
- Allow smokeping to send its process signals
- Allow fetchmail to setuid
- Add kdump_manage_crash() interface
- Allow abrt domain to write abrt.socket
- Add append to the dontaudit for unix_stream_socket of xdm_t leak
- Allow xdm_t to create symlinks in log direcotries
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Label 10933 as a pop port, for dovecot
- New policy to allow selinux_server.py to run as semanage_t as a dbus service
- Add fixes to make netlabelctl working on MLS
- AVC's required for running sepolicy gui as staff_t
- Dontaudit attempts to read symlinks, sepolicy gui is likely to cause this type of AVC
- New dbus server to be used with new gui
- After modifying some files in /etc/mail, I saw this needed on the next boot
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Clean up oracleasm policy for Fedora
- Add oracleasm policy written by rlopez@redhat.com
- Make postfix_postdrop_t as mta_agent to allow domtrans to system mail if it is executed by apache
- Add label for /var/crash
- Allow fenced to domtrans to sanclok_t
- Allow nagios to manage nagios spool files
- Make tfptd as home_manager
- Allow kdump to read kcore on MLS system
- Allow mysqld-safe sys_nice/sys_resource caps
- Allow apache to search automount tmp dirs if http_use_nfs is enabled
- Allow crond to transition to named_t, for use with unbound
- Allow crond to look at named_conf_t, for unbound
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to transition its home content
- Allow dovecot_domain to read all system and network state
- Allow httpd_user_script_t to call getpw
- Allow semanage to read pid files
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from user domain into thumb
- Make PAM authentication working if it is enabled in ejabberd
- Add fixes for rabbit to fix ##992920,#992931
- Allow glusterd to mount filesystems
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Trying to load a VM I got an AVC from devicekit_disk for loopcontrol device
- Add fix for pand service
- shorewall touches own log
- Allow nrpe to list /var
- Mozilla_plugin_roles can not be passed into lpd_run_lpr
- Allow afs domains to read afs_config files
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Allow virt_domain to read virt_var_run_t symlinks
- Allow smokeping to send its process signals
- Allow fetchmail to setuid
- Add kdump_manage_crash() interface
- Allow abrt domain to write abrt.socket
- Add append to the dontaudit for unix_stream_socket of xdm_t leak
- Allow xdm_t to create symlinks in log direcotries
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Label 10933 as a pop port, for dovecot
- New policy to allow selinux_server.py to run as semanage_t as a dbus servic
- Add fixes to make netlabelctl working on MLS
- AVC's required for running sepolicy gui as staff_t
- Dontaudit attempts to read symlinks, sepolicy gui is likely to cause this t
- New dbus server to be used with new gui
- After modifying some files in /etc/mail, I saw this needed on the next boot
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Clean up oracleasm policy for Fedora
- Add oracleasm policy written by rlopez@redhat.com
- Make postfix_postdrop_t as mta_agent to allow domtrans to system mail if it
- Add label for /var/crash
- Allow fenced to domtrans to sanclok_t
- Allow nagios to manage nagios spool files
- Make tfptd as home_manager
- Allow kdump to read kcore on MLS system
- Allow mysqld-safe sys_nice/sys_resource caps
- Allow apache to search automount tmp dirs if http_use_nfs is enabled
- Allow crond to transition to named_t, for use with unbound
- Allow crond to look at named_conf_t, for unbound
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to transition its home content
- Allow dovecot_domain to read all system and network state
- Allow httpd_user_script_t to call getpw
- Allow semanage to read pid files
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from user domain into thumb
- Make PAM authentication working if it is enabled in ejabberd
- Add fixes for rabbit to fix ##992920,#992931
- Allow glusterd to mount filesystems
- Loading a vm from /usr/tmp with virt-manager
- Trying to load a VM I got an AVC from devicekit_disk for loopcontrol device
- Add fix for pand service
- shorewall touches own log
- Allow nrpe to list /var
- Mozilla_plugin_roles can not be passed into lpd_run_lpr
- Allow afs domains to read afs_config files
- Allow login programs to read afs config
- Allow virt_domain to read virt_var_run_t symlinks
- Allow smokeping to send its process signals
- Allow fetchmail to setuid
- Add kdump_manage_crash() interface
- Allow abrt domain to write abrt.socket
- Add more fixes for *_admin interfaces
- Add interface fixes
- Allow nscd to stream connect to nmbd
- Allow gnupg apps to write to pcscd socket
- Add more fixes for openlmi provides. Fix naming and support for a
- Allow fetchmail to resolve host names
- Allow firewalld to interact also with lnk files labeled as firewa
- Add labeling for cmpiLMI_Fan-cimprovagt
- Allow net_admin for glusterd
- Allow telepathy domain to create dconf with correct labeling in /
- Add pegasus_openlmi_system_t
- Fix puppet_domtrans_master() to make all puppet calling working i
- Fix corecmd_exec_chroot()
- Fix logging_relabel_syslog_pid_socket interface
- Fix typo in unconfineduser.te
- Allow system_r to access unconfined_dbusd_t to run hp_chec
- Allow fetchmail to resolve host names
- Allow gnupg apps to write to pcscd socket
- Add labeling for cmpiLMI_Fan-cimprovagt
- Allow net_admin for glusterd
- Allow telepathy domain to create dconf with correct labeling in /home/user
- Add pegasus_openlmi_system_t
- Fix puppet_domtrans_master() to make all puppet calling working in passeng
-httpd_t does access_check on certs
- Allow pegasus domtrans to rpm_t to make pycmpiLMI_Software-cimprovagt running as rpm_t
- Label pycmpiLMI_Software-cimprovagt as rpm_exec_t
- Add support for pycmpiLMI_Storage-cimprovagt
- Add support for cmpiLMI_Networking-cimprovagt
- Allow system_cronjob_t to create user_tmpfs_t to make pulseaudio working
- Allow virtual machines and containers to run as user doains, needed for virt-sandbox
- Allow buglist.cgi to read cpu info
- Add interfaces to handle systemd units
- Make systemd-notify working if pcsd is used
- Add support for netlabel and label /usr/sbin/netlabelctl as iptables_exec_t
- Instead of having all unconfined domains get all of the named transition rules,
- Only allow unconfined_t, init_t, initrc_t and rpm_script_t by default.
- Add definition for the salt ports
- Allow xdm_t to create link files in xdm_var_run_t
- Dontaudit reads of blk files or chr files leaked into ldconfig_t
- Allow sys_chroot for useradd_t
- Allow net_raw cap for ipsec_t
- Allow sysadm_t to reload services
- Add additional fixes to make strongswan working with a simple conf
- Allow sysadm_t to enable/disable init_t services
- Add additional glusterd perms
- Allow apache to read lnk files in the /mnt directory
- Allow glusterd to ask the kernel to load a module
- Fix description of ftpd_use_fusefs boolean
- Allow svirt_lxc_net_t to sys_chroot, modify policy to tighten up svirt_lxc_domain capabilties and process contro
- Allow glusterds to request load a kernel module
- Allow boinc to stream connect to xserver_t
- Allow sblim domains to read /etc/passwd
- Allow mdadm to read usb devices
- Allow collectd to use ping plugin
- Make foghorn working with SNMP
- Allow sssd to read ldap certs
- Allow haproxy to connect to RTP media ports
- Add additional trans rules for aide_db
- Add labeling for /usr/lib/pcsd/pcsd
- Add labeling for /var/log/pcsd
- Add labeling for /usr/libexec/kde4/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1
- Allow all domains that can domtrans to shutdown, to start the power services s
- consolekit needs to be able to shut down system
- Move around interfaces
- Remove nfsd_rw_t and nfsd_ro_t, they don't do anything
- Add additional fixes for rabbitmq_beam to allow getattr on mountpoints
- Allow gconf-defaults-m to read /etc/passwd
- Fix pki_rw_tomcat_cert() interface to support lnk_files
- Allow nagios plugins to read /sys info
- ntpd needs to manage own log files
- Add support for HOME_DIR/.IBMERS
- Allow iptables commands to read firewalld config
- Allow consolekit_t to read utmp
- Fix filename transitions on .razor directory
- Add additional fixes to make DSPAM with LDA working
- Allow snort to read /etc/passwd
- Allow fail2ban to communicate with firewalld over dbus
- Dontaudit openshift_cgreoup_file_t read/write leaked dev
- Allow nfsd to use mountd port
- Call th proper interface
- Allow openvswitch to read sys and execute plymouth
- Allow tmpwatch to read /var/spool/cups/tmp
- Add support for /usr/libexec/telepathy-rakia
- Add systemd support for zoneminder
- Allow mysql to create files/directories under /var/log/mysql
- Allow zoneminder apache scripts to rw zoneminder tmpfs
- Allow httpd to manage zoneminder lib files
- Add zoneminder_run_sudo boolean to allow to start zoneminder
- Allow zoneminder to send mails
- gssproxy_t sock_file can be under /var/lib
- Allow web domains to connect to whois port.
- Allow sandbox_web_type to connect to the same ports as mozilla_plugin_t.
- We really need to add an interface to corenet to define what a web_client_domain i
- then define chrome_sandbox_t, mozilla_plugin_t and sandbox_web_type to that domain
- Add labeling for cmpiLMI_LogicalFile-cimprovagt
- Also make pegasus_openlmi_logicalfile_t as unconfined to have unconfined_domain at
- Update policy rules for pegasus_openlmi_logicalfile_t
- Add initial types for logicalfile/unconfined OpenLMI providers
- mailmanctl needs to read own log
- Allow logwatch manage own lock files
- Allow nrpe to read meminfo
- Allow httpd to read certs located in pki-ca
- Add pki_read_tomcat_cert() interface
- Add support for nagios openshift plugins
- Add port definition for redis port
- fix selinuxuser_use_ssh_chroot boolean
- Allow bootloader to manage generic log files
- Allow ftp to bind to port 989
- Fix label of new gear directory
- Add support for new directory /var/lib/openshift/gears/
- Add openshift_manage_lib_dirs()
- allow virtd domains to manage setrans_var_run_t
- Allow useradd to manage all openshift content
- Add support so that mozilla_plugin_t can use dri devices
- Allow chronyd to change the scheduler
- Allow apmd to shut downthe system
- Devicekit_disk_t needs to manage /etc/fstab
- Allow ntop to create netlink socket
- Allow policykit to send a signal to policykit-auth
- Allow stapserver to dbus chat with avahi/systemd-logind
- Fix labeling on haproxy unit file
- Clean up haproxy policy
- A new policy for haproxy and placed it to rhcs.te
- Add support for ldirectord and treat it with cluster_t
- Make sure anaconda log dir is created with var_log_t
- Fix labeling for razor-lightdm binaries
- Allow insmod_t to read any file labeled var_lib_t
- Add policy for pesign
- Activate policy for cmpiLMI_Account-cimprovagt
- Allow isnsd syscall=listen
- /usr/libexec/pegasus/cimprovagt needs setsched caused by sched_setschedule
- Allow ctdbd to use udp/4379
- gatherd wants sys_nice and setsched
- Add support for texlive2012
- Allow NM to read file_t (usb stick with no labels used to transfer keys fo
- Allow cobbler to execute apache with domain transition
- Allow ntop to read usbmon devices
- Add labeling for new polcykit authorizor
- Dontaudit access checks from fail2ban_client
- Don't audit access checks by sandbox xserver on xdb var_lib
- Allow apps that connect to xdm stream to conenct to xdm_dbusd_t stream
- Fix labeling for all /usr/bim/razor-lightdm-* binaries
- Add filename trans for /dev/md126p1
- Add support for cloud-init make it as unconfined domain
- Allow snmpd to run smartctl in fsadm_t domain
- remove duplicate openshift_search_lib() interface
- Allow mysqld to search openshift lib files
- Allow openshift cgroup to interact with passedin file descriptors
- Allow colord to list directories inthe users homedir
- aide executes prelink to check files
- Make sure cupsd_t creates content in /etc/cups with the correct label
- Lest dontaudit apache read all domains, so passenger will not cause this avc
- Allow gssd to connect to gssproxy
- systemd-tmpfiles needs to be able to raise the level to fix labeling on /run/setrans in MLS
- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to relabel also lock files
- Allow useradd to add homdir in /var/lib/openshift
- Allow setfiles and semanage to write output to /run/files
- /usr/java/jre1.7.0_21/bin/java needs to create netlink socket
- Add httpd_use_sasl boolean
- Allow net_admin for tuned_t
- iscsid needs sys_module to auto-load kernel modules
- Allow blueman to read bluetooth conf
- Add nova_manage_lib_files() interface
- Fix mplayer_filetrans_home_content()
- Add mplayer_filetrans_home_content()
- mozilla_plugin_config_roles need to be able to access mozilla_plugin_co
- Revert "Allow thumb_t to append inherited xdm stream socket"
- Add iscsi_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Allow to create .mplayer with the correct labeling for unconfined
- Allow iscsiadmin to create lock file with the correct labeling
- Add support for abrt-uefioops-oops
- Allow colord to getattr any file system
- Allow chrome processes to look at each other
- Allow sys_ptrace for abrt_t
- Add new policy for gssproxy
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptor writes from firewalld
- openshift_net_type is interface not template
- Dontaudit pppd to search gnome config
- Update openshift_search_lib() interface
- Add fs_list_pstorefs()
- Fix label on libbcm_host.so since it is built incorrectly on raspberry pi, needs back port to F18
- Better labels for raspberry pi devices
- Allow init to create devpts_t directory
- Temporarily label rasbery pi devices as memory_device_t, needs back port to f18
- Allow sysadm_t to build kernels
- Make sure mount creates /var/run/blkid with the correct label, needs back port to F18
- Allow userdomains to stream connect to gssproxy
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptor writes from firewalld
- Allow xserver to read /dev/urandom
- Add additional fixes for ipsec-mgmt
- Make SSHing into an Openshift Enterprise Node working
- Allow raiudusd server connect to postgresql socket
- Add kerberos support for radiusd
- Allow saslauthd to connect to ldap port
- Allow postfix to manage postfix_private_t files
- Add chronyd support for #965457
- Fix labeling for HOME_DIR/\.icedtea
- CHange squid and snmpd to be allowed also write own logs
- Fix labeling for /usr/libexec/qemu-ga
- Allow virtd_t to use virt_lock_t
- Allow also sealert to read the policy from the kernel
- qemu-ga needs to execute scripts in /usr/libexec/qemu-ga and to use
- Dontaudit listing of users homedir by sendmail Seems like a leak
- Allow passenger to transition to puppet master
- Allow apache to connect to mythtv
- Add definition for mythtv ports
- Allow sge_execd_t to also connect to sge ports
- Allow openshift_cron_t to manage openshift_var_lib_t sym links
- Allow openshift_cron_t to manage openshift_var_lib_t sym links
- Allow sge_execd to bind sge ports. Allow kill capability and read
- Remove pulseaudio filetrans pulseaudio_manage_home_dirs which is
- Add networkmanager_stream_connect()
- Make gnome-abrt wokring with staff_t
- Fix openshift_manage_lib_files() interface
- mdadm runs ps command which seems to getattr on random log files
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create pulseaudit_home_t directories
- Allow qemu-ga to shutdown virtual hosts
- Add labelling for cupsd-browsed
- Add web browser plugins to connect to aol ports
- Allow nm-dhcp-helper to stream connect to NM
- Add port definition for sge ports
- Allow pegaus to chat with realmd over DBus
- Allow cobblerd to read network state
- Allow boicn-client to stat on /dev/input/mice
- Allow certwatch to read net_config_t when it executes apache
- Allow readahead to create /run/systemd and then create its own directory with the correct label
- Add new xdm_write_home boolean to allow xdm_t to create files in HOME dirs with xdm_home_
- Allow postfix-showq to read/write unix.showq in /var/spool/postfix/pid
- Allow virsh to read xen lock file
- Allow qemu-ga to create files in /run with proper labeling
- Allow glusterd to connect to own socket in /tmp
- Allow glance-api to connect to http port to make glance image-create working
- Allow keystonte_t to execute rpm
- Allow samba-net to read realmd cache files
- Dontaudit sys_tty_config for alsactl
- Fix allow rules for postfix_var_run
- Allow cobblerd to read /etc/passwd
- Allow pegasus to read exports
- Allow systemd-timedate to read xdm state
- Allow mout to stream connect to rpcbind
- Add labeling just for /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source instead of /usr/share/pki
- Allow thumbnails to share memory with apps which run thumbnails
- Allow postfix-postqueue block_suspend
- Add lib interfaces for smsd
- Add support for nginx
- Allow s2s running as jabberd_t to connect to jabber_interserver_port_t
- Allow pki apache domain to create own tmp files and execute httpd_suexec
- Allow procmail to manger user tmp files/dirs/lnk_files
- Add virt_stream_connect_svirt() interface
- Allow dovecot-auth to execute bin_t
- Allow iscsid to request that kernel load a kernel module
- Add labeling support for /var/lib/mod_security
- Allow iw running as tuned_t to create netlink socket
- Dontaudit sys_tty_config for thumb_t
- Add labeling for nm-l2tp-service
- Allow httpd running as certwatch_t to open tcp socket
- Allow useradd to manager smsd lib files
- Allow useradd_t to add homedirs in /var/lib
- Fix typo in userdomain.te
- Cleanup userdom_read_home_certs
- Implement userdom_home_reader_certs_type to allow read certs also on encrypt /home with ecryptfs_t
- Allow staff to stream connect to svirt_t to make gnome-boxes working
- Allow setroubleshootd to read var_lib_t to make email_alert working
- Add lockdev_manage_files()
- Call proper interface in virt.te
- Allow gkeyring_domain to create /var/run/UID/config/dbus file
- system dbus seems to be blocking suspend
- Dontaudit attemps to sys_ptrace, which I believe gpsd does not need
- When you enter a container from root, you generate avcs with a leaked file descriptor
- Allow mpd getattr on file system directories
- Make sure realmd creates content with the correct label
- Allow systemd-tty-ask to write kmsg
- Allow mgetty to use lockdev library for device locking
- Fix selinuxuser_user_share_music boolean name to selinuxuser_share_music
- When you enter a container from root, you generate avcs with a leaked file descriptor
- Make sure init.fc files are labeled correctly at creation
- File name trans vconsole.conf
- Fix labeling for nagios plugins
- label shared libraries in /opt/google/chrome as testrel_shlib_t
- Allow sandbox domains to use inherted terminals
- Allow pscd to use devices labeled svirt_image_t in order to use cat cards.
- Add label for new alsa pid
- Alsa now uses a pid file and needs to setsched
- Fix oracleasmfs_t definition
- Add support for sshd_unit_file_t
- Add oracleasmfs_t
- Allow unlabeled_t files to be stored on unlabeled_t filesystems
- Remove allow for execmod lib_t for now
- Allow quantum to connect to keystone port
- Allow nova-console to talk with mysql over unix stream socket
- Allow dirsrv to stream connect to uuidd
- thumb_t needs to be able to create ~/.cache if it does not exist
- virtd needs to be able to sys_ptrace when starting and stoping containers
- Allow alsa_t signal_perms, we probaly should search for any app that c
- Add dontaudit for mozilla_plugin_t looking at the xdm_t sockets
- Fix deny_ptrace boolean, certain ptrace leaked into the system
- Allow winbind to manage kerberos_rcache_host
- Allow spamd to create spamd_var_lib_t directories
- Remove transition to mozilla_tmp_t by mozilla_t, to allow it to manage
- Add mising nslcd_dontaudit_write_sock_file() interface
- one more fix
- Fix pki_read_tomcat_lib_files() interface
- Allow certmonger to read pki-tomcat lib files
- Allow certwatch to execute bin_t
- Allow snmp to manage /var/lib/net-snmp files
- Call snmp_manage_var_lib_files(fogorn_t) instead of snmp_manage_var_di
- Fix vmware_role() interface
- Fix cobbler_manage_lib_files() interface
- Allow nagios check disk plugins to execute bin_t
- Allow quantum to transition to openvswitch_t
- Allow postdrop to stream connect to postfix-master
- Allow quantum to stream connect to openvswitch
- Add xserver_dontaudit_xdm_rw_stream_sockets() interface
- Allow daemon to send dgrams to initrc_t
- Allow kdm to start the power service to initiate a reboot or poweroff
- one more fix
- Fix pki_read_tomcat_lib_files() interface
- Allow certmonger to read pki-tomcat lib files
- Allow certwatch to execute bin_t
- Allow snmp to manage /var/lib/net-snmp files
- Don't audit attempts to write to stream socket of nscld by thumbnailers
- Allow git_system_t to read network state
- Allow pegasas to execute mount command
- Fix desc for drdb_admin
- Fix condor_amin()
- Interface fixes for uptime, vdagent, vnstatd
- Fix labeling for moodle in /var/www/moodle/data
- Add interface fixes
- Allow bugzilla to read certs
- /var/www/moodle needs to be writable by apache
- Add interface to dontaudit attempts to send dbus messages to systemd domains, for xguest
- Fix namespace_init_t to create content with proper labels, and allow it to manage all user conten
- Allow httpd_t to connect to osapi_compute port using httpd_use_openstack bolean
- Fixes for dlm_controld
- Fix apache_read_sys_content_rw_dirs() interface
- Allow logrotate to read /var/log/z-push dir
- Fix sys_nice for cups_domain
- Allow postfix_postdrop to acces postfix_public socket
- Allow sched_setscheduler for cupsd_t
- Add missing context for /usr/sbin/snmpd
- Kernel_t needs mac_admin in order to support labeled NFS
- Fix systemd_dontaudit_dbus_chat() interface
- Add interface to dontaudit attempts to send dbus messages to systemd domains, for xguest
- Allow consolehelper domain to write Xauth files in /root
- Add port definition for osapi_compute por
- Fixes for dlm_controld
- Fix apache_read_sys_content_rw_dirs() interface
- Allow logrotate to read /var/log/z-push dir
- Allow postfix_postdrop to acces postfix_public socket
- Allow sched_setscheduler for cupsd_t
- Add missing context for /usr/sbin/snmpd
- Allow consolehelper more access discovered by Tom London
- Allow fsdaemon to send signull to all domain
- Add port definition for osapi_compute port
- Allow unconfined to create /etc/hostname with correct labeling
- Add systemd_filetrans_named_hostname() interface
- Try to label on controlC devices up to 30 correctly
- Add mount_rw_pid_files() interface
- Add additional mount/umount interfaces needed by mock
- fsadm_t sends audit messages in reads kernel_ipc_info when doing livecd-iso-to-disk
- Fix tabs
- Allow initrc_domain to search rgmanager lib files
- Add more fixes which make mock working together with confined users
* Allow mock_t to manage rpm files
* Allow mock_t to read rpm log files
* Allow mock to setattr on tmpfs, devpts
* Allow mount/umount filesystems
- Add rpm_read_log() interface
- yum-cron runs rpm from within it.
- Allow tuned to transition to dmidecode
- Allow firewalld to do net_admin
- Allow mock to unmont tmpfs_t
- Fix virt_sigkill() interface
- Add additional fixes for mock. Mainly caused by mount running in mock_t
- Allow mock to write sysfs_t and mount pid files
- Add mailman_domain to mailman_template()
- Allow openvswitch to execute shell
- Allow qpidd to use kerberos
- Allow mailman to use fusefs, needs back port to RHEL6
- Allow apache and its scripts to use anon_inodefs
- Add alias for git_user_content_t and git_sys_content_t so that RHEL6 will update to RHEL7
- Realmd needs to connect to samba ports, needs back port to F18 also
- Allow colord to read /run/initial-setup-
- Allow sanlock-helper to send sigkill to virtd which is registred to sanlock
- Add virt_kill() interface
- Add rgmanager_search_lib() interface
- Allow wdmd to getattr on all filesystems. Back ported from RHEL6
- FIx ircssi_home_t type to irssi_home_t
- Allow adcli running as realmd_t to connect to ldap port
- Allow NetworkManager to transition to ipsec_t, for running strongswan
- Make openshift_initrc_t an lxc_domain
- Allow gssd to manage user_tmp_t files
- Fix handling of irclogs in users homedir
- Fix labeling for drupal an wp-content in subdirs of /var/www/html
- Allow abrt to read utmp_t file
- Fix openshift policy to transition lnk_file, sock-file an fifo_file when created in a
- fix labeling for (oo|rhc)-restorer-wrapper.sh
- firewalld needs to be able to write to network sysctls
- Fix mozilla_plugin_dontaudit_rw_sem() interface
- Dontaudit generic ipc read/write to a mozilla_plugin for sandbox_x domains
- Add mozilla_plugin_dontaudit_rw_sem() interface
- Allow svirt_lxc_t to transition to openshift domains
- Allow condor domains block_suspend and dac_override caps
- Allow condor_master to read passd
- Allow condor_master to read system state
- Allow NetworkManager to transition to ipsec_t, for running strongswan
- Lots of access required by lvm_t to created encrypted usb device
- Allow xdm_t to dbus communicate with systemd_localed_t
- Label strongswan content as ipsec_exec_mgmt_t for now
- Allow users to dbus chat with systemd_localed
- Fix handling of .xsession-errors in xserver.if, so kde will work
- Might be a bug but we are seeing avc's about people status on init_t:service
- Make sure we label content under /var/run/lock as <<none>>
- Allow daemon and systemprocesses to search init_var_run_t directory
- Add boolean to allow xdm to write xauth data to the home directory
- Allow mount to write keys for the unconfined domain
- Allow programs that read var_run_t symlinks also read var_t symlinks
- Add additional ports as mongod_port_t for 27018, 27019, 28017, 28018 and 28019
- Fix labeling for /etc/dhcp directory
- add missing systemd_stub_unit_file() interface
- Add files_stub_var() interface
- Add lables for cert_t directories
- Make localectl set-x11-keymap working at all
- Allow abrt to manage mock build environments to catch build problems.
- Allow virt_domains to setsched for running gdb on itself
- Allow thumb_t to execute user home content
- Allow pulseaudio running as mozilla_plugin_t to read /run/systemd/users/1000
- Allow certwatch to execut /usr/bin/httpd
- Allow cgred to send signal perms to itself, needs back port to RHEL6
- Allow openshift_cron_t to look at quota
- Allow cups_t to read inhered tmpfs_t from the kernel
- Allow yppasswdd to use NIS
- Tuned wants sys_rawio capability
- Add ftpd_use_fusefs boolean
- Allow dirsrvadmin_t to signal itself
- Revert "Revert "Fix filetrans rules for kdm creates .xsession-errors""
- Allow mount to transition to systemd_passwd_agent
- Make sure abrt directories are labeled correctly
- Allow commands that are going to read mount pid files to search mount_var_run_t
- label /usr/bin/repoquery as rpm_exec_t
- Allow automount to block suspend
- Add abrt_filetrans_named_content so that abrt directories get labeled correctly
- Allow virt domains to setrlimit and read file_context
- Add rhcs_manage_cluster_pid_files() interface
- Allow screen domains to configure tty and setup sock_file in ~/.screen direct
- ALlow setroubleshoot to read default_context_t, needed to backport to F18
- Label /etc/owncloud as being an apache writable directory
- Allow sshd to stream connect to an lxc domain
- Allow postgresql to read ccs data
- Allow systemd_domain to send dbus messages to policykit
- Add labels for /etc/hostname and /etc/machine-info and allow systemd-hostnamed to create
- All systemd domains that create content are reading the file_context file and setfscreat
- Systemd domains need to search through init_var_run_t
- Allow sshd to communicate with libvirt to set containers labels
- Add interface to manage pid files
- Allow NetworkManger_t to read /etc/hostname
- Dontaudit leaked locked files into openshift_domains
- Add fixes for oo-cgroup-read - it nows creates tmp files
- Allow gluster to manage all directories as well as files
- Dontaudit chrome_sandbox_nacl_t using user terminals
- Allow sysstat to manage its own log files
- Allow virtual machines to setrlimit and send itself signals.
- Add labeling for /var/run/hplip
- Add filename transition support for spamassassin policy
- Add filename transition support for tvtime
- Fix alsa_home_filetrans_alsa_home() interface
- Move all userdom_filetrans_home_content() calling out of booleans
- Allow logrotote to getattr on all file sytems
- Remove duplicate userdom_filetrans_home_content() calling
- Allow kadmind to read /etc/passwd
- Dontaudit append .xsession-errors file on ecryptfs for policykit-auth
- Allow antivirus domain to manage antivirus db links
- Allow logrotate to read /sys
- Allow mandb to setattr on man dirs
- Remove mozilla_plugin_enable_homedirs boolean
- Fix ftp_home_dir boolean
- homedir mozilla filetrans has been moved to userdom_home_manager
- homedir telepathy filetrans has been moved to userdom_home_manager
- Remove gnome_home_dir_filetrans() from gnome_role_gkeyringd()
- Might want to eventually write a daemon on fusefsd.
- Add policy fixes for sshd [net] child from plautrba@redhat.com
- Tor uses a new port
- Remove bin_t for authconfig.py
- Fix so only one call to userdom_home_file_trans
- Allow home_manager_types to create content with the correctl label
- Fix all domains that write data into the homedir to do it with the correct label
- Change the postgresql to use proper boolean names, which is causing httpd_t to
- not get access to postgresql_var_run_t
- Hostname needs to send syslog messages
- Localectl needs to be able to send dbus signals to users
- Make sure userdom_filetrans_type will create files/dirs with user_home_t labeling by default
- Allow user_home_manger domains to create spam* homedir content with correct labeling
- Allow user_home_manger domains to create HOMEDIR/.tvtime with correct labeling
- Add missing miscfiles_setattr_man_pages() interface and for now comment some rules for userdom_filetrans_type t
- Declare userdom_filetrans_type attribute
- userdom_manage_home_role() needs to be called withoout usertype attribute because of userdom_filetrans_type att
- New access required for virt-sandbox
- Allow dnsmasq to execute bin_t
- Allow dnsmasq to create content in /var/run/NetworkManager
- Fix openshift_initrc_signal() interface
- Dontaudit openshift domains doing getattr on other domains
- Allow consolehelper domain to communicate with session bus
- Mock should not be transitioning to any other domains, we should ke
- Update virt_qemu_ga_t policy
- Allow authconfig running from realmd to restart oddjob service
- Add systemd support for oddjob
- Add initial policy for realmd_consolehelper_t which if for authconfi
- Add labeling for gnashpluginrc
- Allow chrome_nacl to execute /dev/zero
- Allow condor domains to read /proc
- mozilla_plugin_t will getattr on /core if firefox crashes
- Allow condor domains to read /etc/passwd
- Allow dnsmasq to execute shell scripts, openstack requires this acce
- Fix glusterd labeling
- Allow virtd_t to interact with the socket type
- Allow nmbd_t to override dac if you turned on sharing all files
- Allow tuned to created kobject_uevent socket
- Allow guest user to run fusermount
- Allow openshift to read /proc and locale
- Allow realmd to dbus chat with rpm
- Add new interface for virt
- Remove depracated interfaces
- Allow systemd_domains read access on etc, etc_runtime and usr files,
- /usr/share/munin/plugins/plugin.sh should be labeled as bin_t
- Remove some more unconfined_t process transitions, that I don't beli
- Stop transitioning uncofnined_t to checkpc
- dmraid creates /var/lock/dmraid
- Allow systemd_localed to creatre unix_dgram_sockets
- Allow systemd_localed to write kernel messages.
- Also cleanup systemd definition a little.
- Fix userdom_restricted_xwindows_user_template() interface
- Label any block devices or char devices under /dev/infiniband as fix
- User accounts need to dbus chat with accountsd daemon
- Gnome requires all users to be able to read /proc/1/
- Additional rules required by openshift domains
- Allow svirt_lxc_domains to use inherited terminals, needed to make virt-sandbox-serv
- Allow spamd_update_t to search spamc_home_t
- Avcs discovered by mounting an isci device under /mnt
- Allow lspci running as logrotate to read pci.ids
- Additional fix for networkmanager_read_pid_files()
- Fix networkmanager_read_pid_files() interface
- Allow all svirt domains to connect to svirt_socket_t
- Allow virsh to set SELinux context for a process.
- Allow tuned to create netlink_kobject_uevent_socket
- Allow systemd-timestamp to set SELinux context
- Add support for /var/lib/systemd/linger
- Fix ssh_sysadm_login to be working on MLS as expected
- Add missing files_rw_inherited_tmp_files interface
- Add additional interface for ecryptfs
- ALlow nova-cert to connect to postgresql
- Allow keystone to connect to postgresql
- Allow all cups domains to getattr on filesystems
- Allow pppd to send signull
- Allow tuned to execute ldconfig
- Allow gpg to read fips_enabled
- Add additional fixes for ecryptfs
- Allow httpd to work with posgresql
- Allow keystone getsched and setsched
- Add support for /var/cache/realmd
- Add support for /usr/sbin/blazer_usb and systemd support for nut
- Add labeling for fenced_sanlock and allow sanclok transition to fen
- bitlbee wants to read own log file
- Allow glance domain to send a signal itself
- Allow xend_t to request that the kernel load a kernel module
- Allow pacemaker to execute heartbeat lib files
- cleanup new swift policy
- Allow Xusers to ioctl lxdm.log to make lxdm working
- Add MLS fixes to make MLS boot/log-in working
- Add mls_socket_write_all_levels() also for syslogd
- fsck.xfs needs to read passwd
- Fix ntp_filetrans_named_content calling in init.te
- Allow postgresql to create pg_log dir
- Allow sshd to read rsync_data_t to make rsync <backuphost> working
- Change ntp.conf to be labeled net_conf_t
- Allow useradd to create homedirs in /run. ircd-ratbox does this and we sho
- Allow xdm_t to execute gstreamer home content
- Allod initrc_t and unconfined domains, and sysadm_t to manage ntp
- New policy for openstack swift domains
- More access required for openshift_cron_t
- Use cupsd_log_t instead of cupsd_var_log_t
- rpm_script_roles should be used in rpm_run
- Fix rpm_run() interface
- Fix openshift_initrc_run()
- Fix sssd_dontaudit_stream_connect() interface
- Fix sssd_dontaudit_stream_connect() interface
- Allow LDA's job to deliver mail to the mailbox
- dontaudit block_suspend for mozilla_plugin_t
- Allow l2tpd_t to all signal perms
- Allow uuidgen to read /dev/random
- Allow mozilla-plugin-config to read power_supply info
- Implement cups_domain attribute for cups domains
- We now need access to user terminals since we start by executing a command
- We now need access to user terminals since we start by executing a command
- svirt lxc containers want to execute userhelper apps, need these changes to
- Add containment of openshift cron jobs
- Allow system cron jobs to create tmp directories
- Make userhelp_conf_t a config file
- Change rpm to use rpm_script_roles
- More fixes for rsync to make rsync <backuphost> wokring
- Allow logwatch to domtrans to mdadm
- Allow pacemaker to domtrans to ifconfig
- Allow pacemaker to setattr on corosync.log
- Add pacemaker_use_execmem for memcheck-amd64 command
- Allow block_suspend capability
- Allow create fifo_file in /tmp with pacemaker_tmp_t
- Allow systat to getattr on fixed disk
- Relabel /etc/ntp.conf to be net_conf_t
- ntp_admin should create files in /etc with the correct label
- Add interface to create ntp_conf_t files in /etc
- Add additional labeling for quantum
- Allow quantum to execute dnsmasq with transition
- boinc_cliean wants also execmem as boinc projecs have
- Allow sa-update to search admin home for /root/.spamassassin
- Allow sa-update to search admin home for /root/.spamassassin
- Allow antivirus domain to read net sysctl
- Dontaudit attempts from thumb_t to connect to ssd
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- Create tmpfs file while running as wine as user_tmpfs_t
- Dontaudit attempts by readahead to read sock_files
- libmpg ships badly created librarie
- Allow confined users to read systemd_logind seat information
- libmpg ships badly created libraries
- Add support for strongswan.service
- Add labeling for strongswan
- Allow l2tpd_t to read network manager content in /run directory
- Allow rsync to getattr any file in rsync_data_t
- Add labeling and filename transition for .grl-podcasts
- mount.glusterfs executes glusterfsd binary
- Allow systemd_hostnamed_t to stream connect to systemd
- Dontaudit any user doing a access check
- Allow obex-data-server to request the kernel to load a modul
- Allow gpg-agent to manage gnome content (~/.cache/gpg-agent-
- Allow gpg-agent to read /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled
- Add new types for antivirus.pp policy module
- Allow gnomesystemmm_t caps because of ioprio_set
- Make sure if mozilla_plugin creates files while in permissiv
- Allow gnomesystemmm_t caps because of ioprio_set
- Allow NM rawip socket
- files_relabel_non_security_files can not be used with boolea
- Add interface to thumb_t dbus_chat to allow it to read remot
- ALlow logrotate to domtrans to mdadm_t
- kde gnomeclock wants to write content to /tmp
- kde gnomeclock wants to write content to /tmp
- /usr/libexec/kde4/kcmdatetimehelper attempts to create /root/.kde
- Allow blueman_t to rwx zero_device_t, for some kind of jre
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to rwx zero_device_t, for some kind of jre
- Ftp full access should be allowed to create directories as well as files
- Add boolean to allow rsync_full_acces, so that an rsync server can write all
- over the local machine
- logrotate needs to rotate logs in openshift directories, needs back port to RHEL6
- Add missing vpnc_roles type line
- Allow stapserver to write content in /tmp
- Allow gnome keyring to create keyrings dir in ~/.local/share
- Dontaudit thumb drives trying to bind to udp sockets if nis_enabled is turned on
- Add interface to colord_t dbus_chat to allow it to read remote process state
- Allow colord_t to read cupsd_t state
- Add mate-thumbnail-font as thumnailer
- Allow sectoolm to sys_ptrace since it is looking at other proceses /proc data.
- Allow qpidd to list /tmp. Needed by ssl
- Only allow init_t to transition to rsync_t domain, not initrc_t. This should be b
- - Added systemd support for ksmtuned
- Added booleans
- firewalld seems to be creating mmap files which it needs to execute in /run /tmp a
- Looks like qpidd_t needs to read /dev/random
- Lots of probing avc's caused by execugting gpg from staff_t
- Dontaudit senmail triggering a net_admin avc
- Change thumb_role to use thumb_run, not sure why we have a thumb_role, needs back
- Logwatch does access check on mdadm binary
- Add raid_access_check_mdadm() iterface
- Call systemd_manage_unit_symlinks(() which is correct interface
- Add filename transition for opasswd
- Switch gnomeclock_dbus_chat to systemd_dbus_chat_timedated since we hav
- Allow sytstemd-timedated to get status of init_t
- Add new systemd policies for hostnamed and rename gnomeclock_t to syste
- colord needs to communicate with systemd and systemd_logind, also remov
- Switch gnomeclock_dbus_chat to systemd_dbus_chat_timedated since we hav
- Allow gpg_t to manage all gnome files
- Stop using pcscd_read_pub_files
- New rules for xguest, dontaudit attempts to dbus chat
- Allow firewalld to create its mmap files in tmpfs and tmp directories
- Allow firewalld to create its mmap files in tmpfs and tmp directories
- run unbound-chkconf as named_t, so it can read dnssec
- Colord is reading xdm process state, probably reads state of any apps t
- Allow mdadm_t to change the kernel scheduler
- mythtv policy
- Update mandb_admin() interface
- Allow dsspam to listen on own tpc_socket
- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to relabel lpd spool files
- Ad labeling for texlive bash scripts
- Add xserver_filetrans_fonts_cache_home_content() interface
- Remove duplicate rules from *.te
- Add support for /var/lock/man-db.lock
- Add support for /var/tmp/abrt(/.*)?
- Add additional labeling for munin cgi scripts
- Allow httpd_t to read munin conf files
- Allow certwatch to read meminfo
- Fix nscd_dontaudit_write_sock_file() interfac
- Fix gnome_filetrans_home_content() to include also "fontconfig" dir as cache_home_t
- llow mozilla_plugin_t to create HOMEDIR/.fontconfig with the proper labeling
- Allow gnomeclock to talk to puppet over dbus
- Allow numad access discovered by Dominic
- Add support for HOME_DIR/.maildir
- Fix attribute_role for mozilla_plugin_t domain to allow staff_r to access this d
- Allow udev to relabel udev_var_run_t lnk_files
- New bin_t file in mcelog
- Add attribute_role for iptables
- mcs_process_set_categories needs to be called for type
- Implement additional role_attribute statements
- Sodo domain is attempting to get the additributes of proc_kcore_t
- Unbound uses port 8953
- Allow svirt_t images to compromise_kernel when using pci-passthrou
- Add label for dns lib files
- Bluetooth aquires a dbus name
- Remove redundant files_read_usr_file calling
- Remove redundant files_read_etc_file calling
- Fix mozilla_run_plugin()
- Add role_attribute support for more domains
- Add systemd_status_all_unit_files() interface
- Add support for nshadow
- Allow sysadm_t to administrate the postfix domains
- Add interface to setattr on isid directories for use by tmpreaper
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Add systemd_status_all_unit_files() interface
- Add support for nshadow
- Allow sysadm_t to administrate the postfix domains
- Add interface to setattr on isid directories for use by tmpreaper
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Add labeling for /var/named/chroot/etc/localtim
* Thu Dec 27 2012 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@redhat.com> 3.11.1-68
- Allow setroubleshoot_fixit to execute rpm
- zoneminder needs to connect to httpd ports where remote cameras are listening
- Allow firewalld to execute content created in /run directory
- Allow svirt_t to read generic certs
- Dontaudit leaked ps content to mozilla plugin
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- init scripts are creating systemd_unit_file_t directories
- Add new type selinux_login_config_t for /etc/selinux/<type>/logins/
- Additional fixes for seutil_manage_module_store()
- dbus_system_domain() should be used with optional_policy
- Fix svirt to be allowed to use fusefs file system
- Allow login programs to read /run/ data created by systemd_login
- sssd wants to write /etc/selinux/<policy>/logins/ for SELinux PAM modu
- Fix svirt to be allowed to use fusefs file system
- Allow piranha domain to use nsswitch
- Sanlock needs to send Kill Signals to non root processes
- Pulseaudio wants to execute /run/user/PID/.orc
- Fix saslauthd when it tries to read /etc/shadow
- Label gnome-boxes as a virt homedir
- Need to allow svirt_t ability to getattr on nfs_t file
- Update sanlock policy to solve all AVC's
- Change confined users can optionally manage virt conte
- Handle new directories under ~/.cache
- Add block suspend to appropriate domains
- More rules required for containers
- Allow login programs to read /run/ data created by sys
- Allow staff users to run svirt_t processes
- Remove corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled() for non-contrib policies because we moved it to domain.if for all domain_type
- Add interface for mysqld to dontaudit signull to all processes
- Label new /var/run/journal directory correctly
- Allow users to inhibit suspend via systemd
- Add new type for the /var/run/inhibit directory
- Add interface to send signull to systemd_login so avahi can send them
- Allow systemd_passwd to send syslog messages
- Remove corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled() calling fro policy files
- Allow editparams.cgi running as httpd_bugzilla_script_t to read /etc/group
- Allow smbd to read cluster config
- Add additional labeling for passenger
- Allow dbus to inhibit suspend via systemd
- Allow avahi to send signull to systemd_login
- Allow sshd to execute /bin/login
- Looks like xdm is recreating the xdm directory in ~/.cache/ on login
- Allow syslog to use the leaked kernel_t unix_dgram_socket from system-jounald
- Fix semanage to work with unconfined domain disabled on F18
- Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugins to getattr on all kernel sysctls
- Virt seems to be using lock files
- Dovecot seems to be searching directories of every mountpoint
- Allow jockey to read random/urandom, execute shell and install third-party drivers
- Add aditional params to allow cachedfiles to manage its content
- gpg agent needs to read /dev/random
- The kernel hands an svirt domains /SYSxxxxx which is a tmpfs that httpd wants to read and write
- Add a bunch of dontaudit rules to quiet svirt_lxc domains
- Additional perms needed to run svirt_lxc domains
- Allow cgclear to read cgconfig
- Allow sys_ptrace capability for snmp
- Allow freshclam to read /proc
- Allow procmail to manage /home/user/Maildir content
- Allow NM to execute wpa_cli
- Allow amavis to read clamd system state
- Regenerate man pages
- Add interface to dontaudit getattr access on sysctls
- Allow sshd to execute /bin/login
- Looks like xdm is recreating the xdm directory in ~/.cache/ on login
- Allow syslog to use the leaked kernel_t unix_dgram_socket from system-jou
- Fix semanage to work with unconfined domain disabled on F18
- Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugins to getattr on all kernel sysctls
- Virt seems to be using lock files
- Dovecot seems to be searching directories of every mountpoint
- Allow jockey to read random/urandom, execute shell and install third-part
- Add aditional params to allow cachedfiles to manage its content
- gpg agent needs to read /dev/random
- The kernel hands an svirt domains /SYSxxxxx which is a tmpfs that httpd w
- Add a bunch of dontaudit rules to quiet svirt_lxc domains
- Additional perms needed to run svirt_lxc domains
- Allow cgclear to read cgconfig
- Allow sys_ptrace capability for snmp
- Allow freshclam to read /proc
- Allow procmail to manage /home/user/Maildir content
- Allow NM to execute wpa_cli
- Allow amavis to read clamd system state
- Regenerate man page
+- Allow useradd to manage stap-server lib files
+- Tighten up capabilities for confined users
+- Label /etc/security/opasswd as shadow_t
+- Add label for /dev/ecryptfs
+- Allow condor_startd_t to start sshd with the ranged
+- Allow lpstat.cups to read fips_enabled file
+- Allow pyzor running as spamc_t to create /root/.pyzor directory
+- Add labelinf for amavisd-snmp init script
+- Add support for amavisd-snmp
+- Allow fprintd sigkill self
+- Allow xend (w/o libvirt) to start virtual machines
+- Allow aiccu to read /etc/passwd
+- Allow condor_startd to Make specified domain MCS trusted for setting any category set fo
+- Add condor_startd_ranged_domtrans_to() interface
+- Add ssd_conf_t for /etc/sssd
+- accountsd needs to fchown some files/directories
+- Add ICACLient and zibrauserdata as mozilla_filetrans_home_content
+- SELinux reports afs_t needs dac_override to read /etc/mtab, even though everything works
+- Allow xend_t to read the /etc/passwd file
Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
modified: policy-rawhide.patch
modified: policy_contrib-rawhide.patch
modified: selinux-policy.spec
- Add init_access_check() interface
- Fix label on /usr/bin/pingus to not be labeled as ping_exec_t
- Allow tcpdump to create a netlink_socket
- Label newusers like useradd
- Change xdm log files to be labeled xdm_log_t
- Allow sshd_t with privsep to work in MLS
- Allow freshclam to update databases thru HTTP proxy
- Allow s-m-config to access check on systemd
- Allow abrt to read public files by default
- Fix amavis_create_pid_files() interface
- Add labeling and filename transition for dbomatic.log
- Allow system_dbusd_t to stream connect to bluetooth, and use its socket
- Allow amavisd to execute fsav
- Allow tuned to use sys_admin and sys_nice capabilities
- Add php-fpm policy from Bryan
- Add labeling for aeolus-configserver-thinwrapper
- Allow thin domains to execute shell
- Fix gnome_role_gkeyringd() interface description
- Lot of interface fixes
- Allow OpenMPI job running as condor_startd_ssh_t to manage condor lib files
- Allow OpenMPI job to use kerberos
- Make deltacloudd_t as nsswitch_domain
- Allow xend_t to run lsscsi
- Allow qemu-dm running as xend_t to create tun_socket
- Add labeling for /opt/brother/Printers(.*/)?inf
- Allow jockey-backend to read pyconfig-64.h labeled as usr_t
- Fix clamscan_can_scan_system boolean
- Allow lpr to connectto to /run/user/$USER/keyring-22uREb/pkcs11
- Add init_access_check() interface
- Fix label on /usr/bin/pingus to not be labeled as ping_exec_t
- Allow tcpdump to create a netlink_socket
- Label newusers like useradd
- Change xdm log files to be labeled xdm_log_t
- Allow sshd_t with privsep to work in MLS
- Allow freshclam to update databases thru HTTP proxy
- Allow s-m-config to access check on systemd
- Allow abrt to read public files by default
- Fix amavis_create_pid_files() interface
- Add labeling and filename transition for dbomatic.log
- Allow system_dbusd_t to stream connect to bluetooth, and use its socket
- Allow amavisd to execute fsav
- Allow tuned to use sys_admin and sys_nice capabilities
- Add php-fpm policy from Bryan
- Add labeling for aeolus-configserver-thinwrapper
- Allow thin domains to execute shell
- Fix gnome_role_gkeyringd() interface description
- Lot of interface fixes
- Allow OpenMPI job running as condor_startd_ssh_t to manage condor lib files
- Allow OpenMPI job to use kerberos
- Make deltacloudd_t as nsswitch_domain
- Allow xend_t to run lsscsi
- Allow qemu-dm running as xend_t to create tun_socket
- Add labeling for /opt/brother/Printers(.*/)?inf
- Allow jockey-backend to read pyconfig-64.h labeled as usr_t
- Fix clamscan_can_scan_system boolean
- Allow lpr to connectto to /run/user/$USER/keyring-22uREb/pkcs11
- Add init_access_check() interface
- Fix label on /usr/bin/pingus to not be labeled as ping_exec_t
- Allow tcpdump to create a netlink_socket
- Label newusers like useradd
- Change xdm log files to be labeled xdm_log_t
- Allow sshd_t with privsep to work in MLS
- Allow freshclam to update databases thru HTTP proxy
- Allow s-m-config to access check on systemd
- Allow abrt to read public files by default
- Fix amavis_create_pid_files() interface
- Add labeling and filename transition for dbomatic.log
- Allow system_dbusd_t to stream connect to bluetooth, and use its socket
- Allow amavisd to execute fsav
- Allow tuned to use sys_admin and sys_nice capabilities
- Add php-fpm policy from Bryan
- Add labeling for aeolus-configserver-thinwrapper
- Allow thin domains to execute shell
- Fix gnome_role_gkeyringd() interface description
- Lot of interface fixes
- Allow OpenMPI job running as condor_startd_ssh_t to manage condor lib files
- Allow OpenMPI job to use kerberos
- Make deltacloudd_t as nsswitch_domain
- initrc is calling exportfs which is not confined so it attempts to read nfsd_files
- Fixes for passenger running within openshift.
- Add labeling for all tomcat6 dirs
- Add support for tomcat6
- Allow cobblerd to read /etc/passwd
- Allow jockey to read sysfs and and execute binaries with bin_t
- Allow thum to use user terminals
- Allow cgclear to read cgconfig config files
- Fix bcf2g.fc
- Remove sysnet_dns_name_resolve() from policies where auth_use_nsswitch() is used for other
- Allow dbomatic to execute ruby
- abrt_watch_log should be abrt_domain
- Allow mozilla_plugin to connect to gatekeeper port
- remove files_read_etc_files() calling from all policies which hav
- Allow boinc domains to manage boinc_lib_t lnk_files
- Add support for boinc-client.service unit file
- Add support for boinc.log
- Allow mozilla_plugin execmod on mozilla home files if allow_ex
- Allow dovecot_deliver_t to read dovecot_var_run_t
- Allow ldconfig and insmod to manage kdumpctl tmp files
- Move thin policy out from cloudform.pp and add a new thin poli
- pacemaker needs to communicate with corosync streams
- abrt is now started on demand by dbus
- Allow certmonger to talk directly to Dogtag servers
- Change labeling for /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions to httpd_c
- Allow mozila_plugin to execute gstreamer home files
- Allow useradd to delete all file types stored in the users hom
- rhsmcertd reads the rpm database
- Add support for lightdm
- Add tomcat policy
- Remove pyzor/razor policy
- rhsmcertd reads the rpm database
- Dontaudit thumb to setattr on xdm_tmp dir
- Allow wicd to execute ldconfig in the networkmanager_t domain
- Add /var/run/cherokee\.pid labeling
- Allow mozilla_plugin to create mozilla_plugin_tmp_t lnk files too
- Allow postfix-master to r/w pipes other postfix domains
- Allow snort to create netlink_socket
- Add kdumpctl policy
- Allow firstboot to create tmp_t files/directories
- /usr/bin/paster should not be labeled as piranha_exec_t
- remove initrc_domain from tomcat
- Allow ddclient to read /etc/passwd
- Allow useradd to delete all file types stored in the users homedir
- Allow ldconfig and insmod to manage kdumpctl tmp files
- Firstboot should be just creating tmp_t dirs and xauth should be allowed to write to those
- Transition xauth files within firstboot_tmp_t
- Fix labeling of /run/media to match /media
- Label all lxdm.log as xserver_log_t
- Add port definition for mxi port
- Allow local_login_t to execute tmux
- Sanlock allso sends sigkill
- Allow glance_registry to connect to the mysqld port
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin trying to getattr on /dev/gpmctl
- Allow firefox plugins/flash to connect to port 1234
- Allow mozilla plugins to delete user_tmp_t files
- Add transition name rule for printers.conf.O
- Allow virt_lxc_t to read urand
- Allow systemd_loigind to list gstreamer_home_dirs
- Fix labeling for /usr/bin
- Fixes for cloudform services
* support FIPS
- Allow polipo to work as web caching
- Allow chfn to execute tmux
* ecryptfs does not support xattr
* we need labeling for HOMEDIR
- Add policy for (u)mount.ecryptfs*
- Fix labeling of kerbero host cache files, allow rpc.svcgssd to manage
- Allow dovecot to manage Maildir content, fix transitions to Maildir
- Allow postfix_local to transition to dovecot_deliver
- Dontaudit attempts to setattr on xdm_tmp_t, looks like bogus code
- Cleanup interface definitions
- Allow apmd to change with the logind daemon
- Changes required for sanlock in rhel6
- Label /run/user/apache as httpd_tmp_t
- Allow thumb to use lib_t as execmod if boolean turned on
- Allow squid to create the squid directory in /var with the correct la
- Add a new policy for glusterd from Bryan Bickford (bbickfor@redhat.co
- Allow virtd to exec xend_exec_t without transition
- Allow virtd_lxc_t to unmount all file systems
- PolicyKit path has changed
- Allow httpd connect to dirsrv socket
- Allow tuned to write generic kernel sysctls
- Dontaudit logwatch to gettr on /dev/dm-2
- Allow policykit-auth to manage kerberos files
- Make condor_startd and rgmanager as initrc domain
- Allow virsh to read /etc/passwd
- Allow mount to mount on user_tmp_t for /run/user/dwalsh/gvfs
- xdm now needs to execute xsession_exec_t
- Need labels for /var/lib/gdm
- Fix files_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Add new attribute - initrc_domain
- Allow systemd_logind_t to signal, signull, sigkill all processes
- Add filetrans rules for etc_runtime files
+- Allow firewalld to read urand
+- Alias java, execmem_mono to bin_t to allow third parties
+- Add label for kmod
+- /etc/redhat-lsb contains binaries
+- Add boolean to allow gitosis to send mail
+- Add filename transition also for "event20"
+- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to delete all file types
+- Allow collectd to ipc_lock
* contains secadm definition for sysadm_t
- Move user_mail_domain access out of the interface into the
- Allow httpd_t to create httpd_var_lib_t directories as wel
- Allow snmpd to connect to the ricci_modcluster stream
- Allow firewalld to read /etc/passwd
- Add auth_use_nsswitch for colord
- Allow smartd to read network state
- smartdnotify needs to read /etc/group
- lxdm startup scripts should be labeled bin_t, so confined users will work
- mcstransd now creates a pid, needs back port to F16
- qpidd should be allowed to connect to the amqp port
- Label devices 010-029 as usb devices
- ypserv packager says ypserv does not use tmp_t so removing selinux policy types
- Remove all ptrace commands that I believe are caused by the kernel/ps avcs
- Add initial Obex policy
- Add logging_syslogd_use_tty boolean
- Add polipo_connect_all_unreserved bolean
- Allow zabbix to connect to ftp port
- Allow systemd-logind to be able to switch VTs
- Allow apache to communicate with memcached through a sock_file
- Add zabbix_can_network boolean
- Add httpd_can_connect_zabbix boolean
- Prepare file context labeling for usrmove functions
- Allow system cronjobs to read kernel network state
- Add support for selinux_avcstat munin plugin
- Treat hearbeat with corosync policy
- Allow corosync to read and write to qpidd shared mem
- mozilla_plugin is trying to run pulseaudio
- Fixes for new sshd patch for running priv sep domains as the users c
- Turn off dontaudit rules when turning on allow_ypbind
- udev now reads /etc/modules.d directory
* Bip is an IRC proxy
- Add port definition for interwise port
- Add support for ipa_memcached socket
- systemd_jounald needs to getattr on all processes
- mdadmin fixes
* uses getpw
- amavisd calls getpwnam()
- denyhosts calls getpwall()
- bluetooth says they do not use /tmp and want to remove the type
- Allow init to transition to colord
- Mongod needs to read /proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode
- Allow postfix_smtpd_t to connect to spamd
- Add boolean to allow ftp to connect to all ports > 1023
- Allow sendmain to write to inherited dovecot tmp files
- Allow apps that list sysfs to also read sympolicy links in this filesystem
- Add ubac_constrained rules for chrome_sandbox
- Need interface to allow domains to use tmpfs_t files created by the kernel, used by libra
- Allow postgresql to be executed by the caller
- Standardize interfaces of daemons
- Add new labeling for mm-handler
- Allow all matahari domains to read network state and etc_runtime_t files
- Allow systemctl running as logrotate_t to connect to private systemd socket
- Allow tmpwatch to read meminfo
- Allow rpc.svcgssd to read supported_krb5_enctype
- Allow zarafa domains to read /dev/random and /dev/urandom
- Allow snmpd to read dev_snmp6
- Allow procmail to talk with cyrus
- Add fixes for check_disk and check_nagios plugins
Make sure sound_devices controlC* are labeled correctly on creation
sssd now needs sys_admin
Allow snmp to read all proc_type
Allow to setup users homedir with quota.group
- Make sure sound_devices controlC* are labeled correctly on creation
- sssd now needs sys_admin
- Allow snmp to read all proc_type
- Allow to setup users homedir with quota.group
- apcupsd_t needs to use seriel ports connected to usb devic
- Kde puts procmail mail directory under ~/.local/share
- nfsd_t can trigger sys_rawio on tests that involve too man
- Add labeling for /sbin/iscsiuio
- Make sure mozilla content is labeled correctly
- Allow tgtd to read system state
- More fixes for boinc
* allow to resolve dns name
* re-write boinc policy to use boinc_domain attribute
- Allow munin services plugins to use NSCD services
+- Allow abrt to getattr on blk files
+- Add type for rhev-agent log file
+- Fix labeling for /dev/dmfm
+- Dontaudit wicd leaking
+- Allow systemd_logind_t to look at process info of apps that exc
+- Label /etc/locale.conf correctly
+- Allow user_mail_t to read /dev/random
+- Allow postfix-smtpd to read MIMEDefang
+- Add label for /var/log/suphp.log
+- Allow swat_t to connect and read/write nmbd_t sock_file
+- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to setattr for /run/user/gdm/dconf
+- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to change user identity in object contex
+- More fixes for rhev_agentd_t consolehelper policy
+- Fix procs_type interface
+- Dovecot has a new fifo_file /var/run/dovecot/stats-mail
+- Dovecot has a new fifo_file /var/run/stats-mail
+- Colord does not need to connect to network
+- Allow system_cronjob to dbus chat with NetworkManager
+- Puppet manages content, want to make sure it labels everything correctly
- Allow all postfix domains to use the fifo_file
- Allow sshd_t to getattr on all file systems in order to generate avc on nfs_t
- Allow apmd_t to read grub.cfg
- Let firewallgui read the selinux config
- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to delete content in /root that has been moved to /tmp
- Fix devicekit_manage_pid_files() interface
- Allow squid to check the network state
- Dontaudit colord getattr on file systems
- Allow ping domains to read zabbix_tmp_t files
+- Allow dbus to manage fusefs
+- Mount needs to read process state when mounting gluster file s
+- Allow collectd-web to read collectd lib files
+- Allow daemons and system processes started by init to read/wri
+- Allow colord to get the attributes of tmpfs filesystem
+- Add sanlock_use_nfs and sanlock_use_samba booleans
+- Add bin_t label for /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxManage
- Changes to allow namespace_init_t to work
- Add interface to allow exec of mongod, add port definition for mongod port, 27017
- Label .kde/share/apps/networkmanagement/certificates/ as home_cert_t
- Allow spamd and clamd to steam connect to each other
- Add policy label for passwd.OLD
- More fixes for postfix and postfix maildro
- Add ftp support for mozilla plugins
- Useradd now needs to manage policy since it calls libsemanage
- Fix devicekit_manage_log_files() interface
- Allow colord to execute ifconfig
- Allow accountsd to read /sys
- Allow mysqld-safe to execute shell
- Allow openct to stream connect to pcscd
- Add label for /var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq\.conf
- Allow networkmanager to chat with virtd_t
Make faillog MLS trusted to make sudo_$1_t working
Allow sandbox_web_client_t to read passwd_file_t
Add .mailrc file context
Remove execheap from openoffice domain
Allow chrome_sandbox_nacl_t to read cpu_info
Allow virtd to relabel generic usb which is need if USB device
Fixes for virt.if interfaces to consider chr_file as image file type
Fix abrt_manage_cache() interface
Make filetrans rules optional so base policy will build
Dontaudit chkpwd_t access to inherited TTYS
Make sure postfix content gets created with the correct label
Allow gnomeclock to read cgroup
Fixes for cloudform policy
Fix abrt_manage_cache() interface
Make filetrans rules optional so base policy will build
Dontaudit chkpwd_t access to inherited TTYS
Make sure postfix content gets created with the correct label
Allow gnomeclock to read cgroup
Fixes for cloudform policy
Chrome still needs execmem
Missing role for chrome_sandbox_bootstrap
Add boolean to remove execmem and execstack from virtual machines
Dontaudit xdm_t doing an access_check on etc_t directories
add ldapmap1_0 as a krb5_host_rcache_t file
Google chrome developers asked me to add bootstrap policy for nacl stuff
Allow rhev_agentd_t to getattr on mountpoints
Postfix_smtpd_t needs access to milters and cleanup seems to read/write postfix_smtpd_t unix_stream_sockets
- Make sure if an admin creates modules content it creates them with the correct label
- Add port 8953 as a dns port used by unbound
- Fix file name transition for alsa and confined users
Allow init process to setrlimit on itself
Take away transition rules for users executing ssh-keygen
Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read /dev/urand
Allow sshd to relbale tunnel sockets
Allow fail2ban domtrans to shorewall in the same way as with iptables
Add support for lnk files in the /var/lib/sssd directory
Allow system mail to connect to courier-authdaemon over an unix stream socket
Allow init process to setrlimit on itself
Take away transition rules for users executing ssh-keygen
Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read /dev/urand
Allow sshd to relbale tunnel sockets
Allow fail2ban domtrans to shorewall in the same way as with iptables
Add support for lnk files in the /var/lib/sssd directory
Allow system mail to connect to courier-authdaemon over an unix stream socket
Make corosync to be able to relabelto cluster lib fies
Allow samba domains to search /var/run/nmbd
Allow dirsrv to use pam
Allow thumb to call getuid
chrome less likely to get mmap_zero bug so removing dontaudit
gimp help-browser has built in javascript
Best guess is that devices named /dev/bsr4096 should be labeled as cpu_device_t
Re-write glance policy
ptrace from the system
Remove 2000 dontaudit rules between confined domains on transition
and replace with single
dontaudit domain domain:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh } ;
ptrace from the system
Remove 2000 dontaudit rules between confined domains on transition
and replace with single
dontaudit domain domain:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh } ;
- Backport corenetwork fixes from upstream
- Do not audit attempts by thumb to search config_home_t dirs (~/.config)
- label ~/.cache/telepathy/logger telepathy_logger_cache_home_t
- allow thumb to read generic data home files (mime.type)
ricci_modservice send syslog msgs
Stop transitioning from unconfined_t to ldconfig_t, but make sure /etc/ld.so.cache is labeled correctly
Allow systemd_logind_t to manage /run/USER/dconf/user
Fixes for thumb policy by grift
Add new nfsd ports
Added fix to allow confined apps to execmod on chrome
Add labeling for additional vdsm directories
Allow Exim and Dovecot SASL
Add label for /var/run/nmbd
Add fixes to make virsh and xen working together
Colord executes ls
/var/spool/cron is now labeled as user_cron_spool_t
+- Allow ricci_modrpm_t to send log msgs
+- move permissive virt_qmf_t from virt.te to permissivedomains.te
+- Allow ssh_t to use kernel keyrings
+- Add policy for libvirt-qmf and more fixes for linux containers
+- Initial Polipo
+- Sanlock needs to run ranged in order to kill svirt processes
+- Allow smbcontrol to stream connect to ctdbd
- Allow asterisk to connect to jabber client port
- Allow procmail to read utmp
- Add NIS support for systemd_logind_t
- Allow systemd_logind_t to manage /run/user/$USER/dconf dir which is labeled a
- Fix systemd_manage_unit_dirs() interface
- Allow ssh_t to manage directories passed into it
- init needs to be able to create and delete unit file directories
- Fix typo in apache_exec_sys_script
- Add ability for logrotate to transition to awstat domain
- Add virt_use_sanlock booelan
- ksmtuned is trying to resolve uids
- Make sure .gvfs is labeled user_home_t in the users home directory
- Sanlock sends kill signals and needs the kill capability
- Allow mockbuild to work on nfs homedirs
- Fix kerberos_manage_host_rcache() interface
- Allow exim to read system state
+- Add loop_control_device_t
+- Allow mdadm to request kernel to load module
+- Allow domains that start other domains via systemctl to search unit dir
+- systemd_tmpfiles, needs to list any file systems mounted on /tmp
+- No one can explain why radius is listing the contents of /tmp, so we will dontaudit
+- If I can manage etc_runtime files, I should be able to read the links
+- Dontaudit hostname writing to mock library chr_files
+- Have gdm_t setup labeling correctly in users home dir
+- Label content unde /var/run/user/NAME/dconf as config_home_t
+- Allow sa-update to execute shell
+- Make ssh-keygen working with fips_enabled
+- Make mock work for staff_t user
+- Tighten security on mock_t
- Call init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket() interface in mta policy
- sssd need to search /var/cache/krb5rcache directory
- Allow corosync to relabel own tmp files
- Allow zarafa domains to send system log messages
- Allow ssh to do tunneling
- Allow initrc scripts to sendto init_t unix_stream_socket
- Changes to make sure dmsmasq and virt directories are labeled corr
- Changes needed to allow sysadm_t to manage systemd unit files
- init is passing file descriptors to dbus and on to system daemons
- Allow sulogin additional access Reported by dgrift and Jeremy Mill
- Steve Grubb believes that wireshark does not need this access
- Fix /var/run/initramfs to stop restorecon from looking at
- pki needs another port
- Add more labels for cluster scripts
- Allow apps that manage cgroup_files to manage cgroup link files
- Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories
- Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand
Allow mdadm setsched
/var/run/initramfs should not be relabeled with a restorecon run
memcache can be setup to override sys_resource
Allow httpd_t to read tetex data
Allow systemd_tmpfiles to delete kernel modules left in /tmp directory.
- Ignore bogus sys_module for lldpad
- Allow chrony and gpsd to send dgrams, gpsd needs to write to the real time clock
- systemd_logind_t sets the attributes on usb devices
- Allow hddtemp_t to read etc_t files
- Add permissivedomains module
- Move all permissive domains calls to permissivedomain.te
- Allow pegasis to send kill signals to other UIDs
- dontaudit getattr between insmod_t and init_t unix_stream_sockets
- Change sysctl unit file interfaces to use systemctl
- Add support for chronyd unit file
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read gnome_usr_config
- Add policy for new gpsd
- Allow cups to create kerberos rhost cache files
- Add authlogin_filetrans_named_content, to unconfined_t to make sure shadow and other log files get labeled correctly
- Add create perms to postgresql_manage_db
- ntpd using a gps has to be able to read/write generic tty_device_t
- If you disable unconfined and unconfineduser, rpm needs more privs to ma
- fix spec file
- Remove qemu_domtrans_unconfined() interface
- Make passenger working together with puppet
- Add init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket interface
- Fixes for wordpress
- Allow syslog to manage all log files
- Add use_fusefs_home_dirs boolean for chrome
- Make vdagent working with confined users
- Add abrt_handle_event_t domain for ABRT event scripts
- Labeled /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks as rpm_exec_t and added changes related to this change
- Allow httpd_git_script_t to read passwd data
- Allow openvpn to set its process priority when the nice parameter is used
- ksmtuned reads in shell programs
- gnome_systemctl_t reads the process state of ntp
- dnsmasq_t asks the kernel to load multiple kernel mod
- Add rules for domains executing systemctl
- Bogus text within fc file
- Add dirsrvadmin_unconfined_script_t domain type for 389-ds admin scripts
- Allow tmux to run as screen
- New policy for collectd
- Allow gkeyring_t to interact with all user apps
- Add rules to allow firstboot to run on machines with the unconfined.pp module
- xtables-multi wants to getattr of the proc fs
- Smoltclient is connecting to abrt
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors to postdrop
- Allow abrt_dump_oops to look at kernel sysctls
- Abrt_dump_oops_t reads kernel ring buffer
- Allow mysqld to request the kernel to load modules
- systemd-login needs fowner
- Allow postfix_cleanup_t to searh maildrop
- Systemd needs to impersonate cups, which means it needs to create tcp_sock
- iptables: the various /sbin/ip6?tables.* are now symlinks for /sbin/xtables-mult
- Allow colord to interact with the users through the tmpfs file system
- Since we changed the label on deferred, we need to allow postfix_qmgr_t to b
- Add label for /var/log/mcelog
- Allow asterisk to read /dev/random if it uses TLS
- Allow colord to read ini files which are labeled as bin_t
- Allow dirsrvadmin sys_resource and setrlimit to use ulimit
- Systemd needs to be able to create sock_files for every label in /var/run di
- Also lists /var and /var/spool directories
- Add openl2tpd to l2tpd policy
- qpidd is reading the sysfs file
- init script needs to be able to manage sanlock_var_run_...
- Allow sandlock and wdmd to create /var/run directories...
- mixclip.so has been compiled correctly
- Fix passenger policy module name
- Allow chrome to optionally be transitioned to
- Zabbix needs these rules when starting the zabbix_server_mysql
- Implement a type for freedesktop openicc standard (~/.local/share/icc)
- Allow system_dbusd_t to read inherited icc_data_home_t files.
- Allow colord_t to read icc_data_home_t content. #706975
- Label stuff under /usr/lib/debug as if it was labeled under /
- Allow nsplugin_t to getattr on gpmctl
- Fix dev_getattr_all_chr_files() interface
- Allow shorewall to use inherited terms
- Allow userhelper to getattr all chr_file devices
- sandbox domains should be able to getattr and dontaudit search of sysctl_kernel_t
- Fix labeling for ABRT Retrace Server
- Make telepathy and gkeyringd daemon working with confined users
- colord wants to read files in users homedir
- Remote login should be creating user_tmp_t not its own tmp files
- Add support for zarafa-indexer
- Fix boolean description
- Allow colord to getattr on /proc/scsi/scsi
- Add label for /lib/upstart/init
- Colord needs to list /mnt
- NetworkManager should be allowed to use /dev/rfkill
- Fix dontaudit messages to say Domain to not audit
- Allow telepathy domains to read/write gnome_cache files
- Allow telepathy domains to call getpw
- Fixes for colord and vnstatd policy
- Allow namespace_init_t to use nsswitch
- aisexec will execute corosync
- colord tries to read files off noxattr file systems
- Allow init_t getcap and setcap
- Allow user_t and staff_t access to generic scsi to handle locally plugged in scanners
- Allow telepath_msn_t to read /proc/PARENT/cmdline
- ftpd needs kill capability
- Allow telepath_msn_t to connect to sip port
- keyring daemon does not work on nfs homedirs
- Allow $1_sudo_t to read default SELinux context
- Add label for tgtd sock file in /var/run/
- Add apache_exec_rotatelogs interface
- allow all zaraha domains to signal themselves, server writes to /tmp
- Allow syslog to read the process state
- Add label for /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome
- Remove the telepathy transition from unconfined_t
- Dontaudit sandbox domains trying to mounton sandbox_file_t, this is caused by fuse mounts
- Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files
- Add support for AEOLUS project
- Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes
- Allow plymountd to send signals to init
- Change labeling of fping6
- Add support for AEOLUS project
- Change labeling of fping6
- Allow plymountd to send signals to init
- Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files
- Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes
- Every app that used to exec init is now execing systemdctl
- Allow squid to manage krb5_host_rcache_t files
- Allow foghorn to connect to agentx port - Fixes for colord policy
- Allow colord to use unix_dgram_socket
- Allow apps that search pids to read /var/run if it is a lnk_file
- iscsid_t creates its own directory
- Allow init to list var_lock_t dir
- apm needs to verify user accounts auth_use_nsswitch
- Add labeling for systemd unit files
- Allow gnomeclok to enable ntpd service using systemctl - systemd_syst
- Add label for matahari-broker.pid file
- We want to remove untrustedmcsprocess from ability to read /proc/pid
- Fixes for matahari policy
- Allow system_tmpfiles_t to delete user_home_t files in the /tmp dir
- Allow sshd to transition to sysadm_t if ssh_sysadm_login is turned on
- nslcd_t is looking for kerberos cc files
- SSH_USE_STRONG_RNG is 1 which requires /dev/random
- Fix auth_rw_faillog definition
- Allow sysadm_t to set attributes on fixed disks
- allow user domains to execute lsof and look at application sockets
- prelink_cron job calls telinit -u if init is rewritten
- Fixes to run qemu_t from staff_t
- Allow initrc_t to use generic terminals
- Make Makefile/Rules.modular run sepolgen-ifgen during build to check if files for bugs
-systemd is going to be useing /run and /run/lock for early bootup files.
- Fix some comments in rlogin.if
- Add policy for KDE backlighthelper
- sssd needs to read ~/.k5login in nfs, cifs or fusefs file systems
- sssd wants to read .k5login file in users homedir
- setroubleshoot reads executables to see if they have TEXTREL
- Add /var/spool/audit support for new version of audit
- Remove kerberos_connect_524() interface calling
- Combine kerberos_master_port_t and kerberos_port_t
- systemd has setup /dev/kmsg as stderr for apps it executes
- Need these access so that init can impersonate sockets on unix_dgram_socket
- Change all all_nodes to generic_node and all_if to generic_if
- Should not use deprecated interface
- Switch from using all_nodes to generic_node and from all_if to generic_if
- Add support for xfce4-notifyd
- Fix file context to show several labels as SystemHigh
- seunshare needs to be able to mounton nfs/cifs/fusefs homedirs
- Add etc_runtime_t label for /etc/securetty
- Fixes to allow xdm_t to start gkeyringd_USERTYPE_t directly
- login.krb needs to be able to write user_tmp_t
- dirsrv needs to bind to port 7390 for dogtag
- Fix a bug in gpg policy
- gpg sends audit messages
- Allow qpid to manage matahari files
- Add dev_read_watchdog
- Allow clamd to connect clamd port
- Add support for kcmdatetimehelper
- Allow shutdown to setrlimit and sys_nice
- Allow systemd_passwd to talk to /dev/log before udev or syslog is runni
- Purge chr_file and blk files on /tmp
- Fixes for pads
- Fixes for piranha-pulse
- gpg_t needs to be able to encyprt anything owned by the user
+- More dontaudits of writes from readahead
+- Dontaudit readahead_t file_type:dir write, to cover up kernel bug
+- systemd_tmpfiles needs to relabel faillog directory as well as the file
+- Allow hostname and consoletype to r/w inherited initrc_tmp_t files handline hostname >> /tmp/myhost
- nscd wants to read /usr/tmp->/var/tmp to generate randomziation in unixchkpwd
- enforce MCS labeling on nodes
- Allow arpwatch to read meminfo
- Allow gnomeclock to send itself signals
- init relabels /dev/.udev files on boot
- gkeyringd has to transition back to staff_t when it runs commands in bin_t or shell_
- nautilus checks access on /media directory before mounting usb sticks, dontaudit acc
- dnsmasq can run as a dbus service, needs acquire service
- mysql_admin should be allowed to connect to mysql service
- virt creates monitor sockets in the users home dir
- systemd-tmpfiles has moved
- Allo cgroup to sys_tty_config
- For some reason prelink is attempting to read gconf settings
- Add allow_daemons_use_tcp_wrapper boolean
- Add label for ~/.cache/wocky to make telepathy work in enforcing mode
- Add label for char devices /dev/dasd*
- Fix for apache_role
- Allow amavis to talk to nslcd
- allow all sandbox to read selinux poilcy config files
- Allow cluster domains to use the system bus and send each other dbus messages
- dontaudit xdm_t listing noxattr file systems
- dovecot-auth needs to be able to connect to mysqld via the network as well as locally
- shutdown is passed stdout to a xdm_log_t file
- smartd creates a fixed disk device
- dovecot_etc_t contains a lnk_file that domains need to read
- mount needs to be able to read etc_runtim_t:lnk_file since in rawhide this is a link created at boot
- dirsrv needs to be able to create /var/lib/snmp
- Fix labeling for dirsrv
- Fix for dirsrv policy missing manage_dirs_pattern
- corosync needs to delete clvm_tmpfs_t files
- qdiskd needs to list hugetlbfs
- Move setsched to sandbox_x_domain, so firefox can run without network access
- Allow hddtemp to read removable devices
- Adding syslog and read_policy permissions to policy
* syslog
Allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, logadm_t
* read_policy
allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, staff_t on Targeted
allow sysadm_t (optionally), secadm_t on MLS
- mdadm application will write into /sys/.../uevent whenever arrays are
assembled or disassembled.
- Allow dbus to use setrlimit to increase resoueces
- Mozilla_plugin is leaking to sandbox
- Allow confined users to connect to lircd over unix domain stream socket whic
- Allow awstats to read squid logs
- seunshare needs to manage tmp_t
- apcupsd cgi scripts have a new directory
- Change oracle_port_t to oracledb_port_t to prevent conflict with satellite
- Allow dovecot_deliver_t to read/write postfix_master_t:fifo_file.
* These fifo_file is passed from postfix_master_t to postfix_local_t to dovecot_deliver_t
- Allow readahead to manage readahead pid dirs
- Allow readahead to read all mcs levels
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to use nfs or samba homedirs
- Fix for mozilla_plugin
- Allow samba_net_t to create /etc/keytab
- pppd_t setting up vpns needs to run unix_chkpwd, setsched its process and write wt
- nslcd can read user credentials
- Allow nsplugin to delete mozilla_plugin_tmpfs_t
- abrt tries to create dir in rpm_var_lib_t
- virt relabels fifo_files
- sshd needs to manage content in fusefs homedir
- mock manages link files in cache dir
- Invalid call in likewise policy ends up creating a bogus role
- Cannon puts content into /var/lib/bjlib that cups needs to be able to write
- Allow screen to create screen_home_t in /root
- dirsrv sends syslog messages
- pinentry reads stuff in .kde directory
- Add labels for .kde directory in homedir
- Treat irpinit, iprupdate, iprdump services with raid policy
- Update for screen policy to handle pipe in homedir
- Fixes for polyinstatiated homedir
- Fixes for namespace policy and other fixes related to polyinstantiation
- Add namespace policy
- Allow dovecot-deliver transition to sendmail which is needed by sieve scri
- Fixes for init, psad policy which relate with confined users
- Do not audit bootloader attempts to read devicekit pid files
- Allow nagios service plugins to read /proc
- Label /var/lock/subsys/shorewall as shorewall_lock_t
- Allow users to communicate with the gpg_agent_t
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin_t using the inherited terminal
- Allow sambagui to read files in /usr
- webalizer manages squid log files
- Allow unconfined domains to bind ports to raw_ip_sockets
- Allow abrt to manage rpm logs when running yum
- Need labels for /var/run/bittlebee
- Label .ssh under amanda
- Remove unused genrequires for virt_domain_template
- Allow virt_domain to use fd inherited from virtd_t
- Allow iptables to read shorewall config
- mpd creates lnk files in homedir
- apache leaks write to mail apps on tmp files
- /var/stockmaniac/templates_cache contains log files
- Abrt list the connects of mount_tmp_t dirs
- passwd agent reads files under /dev and reads utmp file
- squid apache script connects to the squid port
- fix name of plymouth log file
- teamviewer is a wine app
- allow dmesg to read system state
- Stop labeling files under /var/lib/mock so restorecon will not go into this
- nsplugin needs to read network state for google talk
- nsplugin_config needs to read urand, lvm now calls setfscreate to create dev
- pm-suspend now creates log file for append access so we remove devicekit_wri
- Change authlogin_use_sssd to authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap
- Fixes for greylist_milter policy
- Fixes for systemd policy
- Fixes for passenger policy
- Allow staff users to run mysqld in the staff_t domain, akonadi needs this
- Add bin_t label for /usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/kajongg.py
- auth_use_nsswitch does not need avahi to read passwords,needed for resolving data
- Dontaudit (xdm_t) gok attempting to list contents of /var/account
- Telepathy domains need to read urand
- Need interface to getattr all file classes in a mock library for setroubleshoot
- Allow user_t to conditionally transition to ping_t and traceroute_t
- Add fixes to systemd- tools, including new labeling for systemd-fsck, systemd-cryptsetup
- mozilla_plugin needs to read certs in the homedir.
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from devicekit
- Fix ircssi to use auth_use_nsswitch
- Change to use interface without param in corenet to disable unlabelednet
- Allow init to relabel sockets and fifo files in /dev
- certmonger needs dac* capabilities to manage cert files not owned by root
- dovecot needs fsetid to change group membership on mail
- plymouthd removes /var/log/boot.log
- systemd is creating symlinks in /dev
- Change label on /etc/httpd/alias to be all cert_t
- plymouthd creates force-display-on-active-vt file
- Allow avahi to request the kernel to load a module
- Dontaudit hal leaks
- Fix gnome_manage_data interface
- Add new interface corenet_packet to define a type as being an packet_type.
- Removed general access to packet_type from icecast and squid.
- Allow mpd to read alsa config
- Fix the label for wicd log
- Add systemd policy
- Turn on sshd_forward_ports boolean by default
- Allow sysadmin to dbus chat with rpm
- Add interface for rw_tpm_dev
- Allow cron to execute bin
- fsadm needs to write sysfs
- Dontaudit consoletype reading /var/run/pm-utils
- Lots of new privs fro mozilla_plugin_t running java app, make mozilla_plugin
- certmonger needs to manage dirsrv data
- /var/run/pm-utils should be labeled as devicekit_var_run_t
- Allow chrome sandbox to connect to web ports
- Allow dovecot to listem on lmtp and sieve ports
- Allov ddclient to search sysctl_net_t
- Transition back to original domain if you execute the shell
- Allow initrc_t to transition to shutdown_t
- Allow logwatch and cron to mls_read_to_clearance for MLS boxes
- Allow wm to send signull to all applications and receive them from users
- lircd patch from field
- Login programs have to read /etc/samba
- New programs under /lib/systemd
- Abrt needs to read config files
- Dontaudit leaked sockets from userdomains to user domains
- Fixes for mcelog to handle scripts
- Apply patch from Ruben Kerkhof
- Allow syslog to search spool dirs
- uux needs to transition to uucpd_t
- More init fixes relabels man,faillog
- Remove maxima defs in libraries.fc
- insmod needs to be able to create tmpfs_t files
- ping needs setcap
- init executes mcelog, initrc_t needs to manage faillog.
- fix xserver_ralabel_xdm_tmp_dirs
- Allow dovecot_deliver_t to list dovecot_etc_t
- Run acroread as execmem_t
- kdump leaks kdump_etc_t to ifconfig, add dontaudit
- uux needs to transition to uucpd_t
- More init fixes relabels man,faillog
- Remove maxima defs in libraries.fc
- insmod needs to be able to create tmpfs_t files
- ping needs setcap
- Make sure /lib/systemd/* is labeled init_exec_t
- mount wants to setattr on all mountpoints
- dovecot auth wants to read dovecot etc files
- nscd daemon looks at the exe file of the comunicating daemon
- openvpn wants to read utmp file
- postfix apps now set sys_nice and lower limits
- remote_login (telnetd/login) wants to use telnetd_devpts_t and user_devpts_t to work correctly
- Also resolves nsswitch
- Fix labels on /etc/hosts.*
- Cleanup to make upsteam patch work
- allow abrt to read etc_runtime_t
- Allow cdrecord to setrlimit
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read xauth
- Change label on systemd-logger to syslogd_exec_t
- Install dirsrv policy from dirsrv package
- Add policy for rssh_chroot_helper
- Add missing flask definitions
- Allow udev to relabelto removable_t
- Fix label on /var/log/wicd.log
- Transition to initrc_t from init when executing bin_t
- Add audit_access permissions to file
- Make removable_t a device_node
- Fix label on /lib/systemd/*
- Add additional MATHLAB file context
- Define nsplugin as an application_domain
- Dontaudit sending signals from sandboxed domains to other domains
- systemd requires init to build /tmp /var/auth and /var/lock dirs
- mount wants to read devicekit_power /proc/ entries
- mpd wants to connect to soundd port
- Openoffice causes a setattr on a lib_t file for normal users, add dontaudit
- Treat lib_t and textrel_shlib_t directories the same
- Allow mount read access on virtual images
- dovecot-auth_t needs ipc_lock
- gpm needs to use the user terminal
- Allow system_mail_t to append ~/dead.letter
- Allow NetworkManager to edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
- Add pid file to vnstatd
- Allow mount to communicate with gfs_controld
- Dontaudit hal leaks in setfiles
- Do not allow sandbox to manage nsplugin_rw_t
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to connecto its parent
- Allow init_t to connect to plymouthd running as kernel_t
- Add mediawiki policy
- dontaudit sandbox sending signals to itself. This can happen when they are running at different mcs.
- Disable transition from dbus_session_domain to telepathy for F14
- Allow boinc_project to use shm
- Allow certmonger to search through directories that contain certs
- Allow fail2ban the DAC Override so it can read log files owned by non root users
- Turn off iptables from unconfined user
- Allow sudo to send signals to any domains the user could have transitioned to.
- Passwd in single user mode needs to talk to console_device_t
- Mozilla_plugin_t needs to connect to web ports, needs to write to video device, and read alsa_home_t alsa setsup pulseaudio
- locate tried to read a symbolic link, will dontaudit
- New labels for telepathy-sunshine content in homedir
- Google is storing other binaries under /opt/google/talkplugin
- bluetooth/kernel is creating unlabeled_t socket that I will allow it to use until kernel fixes bug
- Add boolean for unconfined_t transition to mozilla_plugin_t and telepathy domains, turned off in F14 on in F15
- modemmanger and bluetooth send dbus messages to devicekit_power
- Samba needs to getquota on filesystems labeld samba_share_t
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create tcp/udp/netlink_route sockets
- Allow confined users to read xdm_etc_t files
- Allow xdm_t to transition to xauth_t for lxdm program
Change chfn and passwd to use auth_use_pam so they can send dbus messages to fpr
label vlc as an execmem_exec_t
Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin to run google vidio chat
Allow telepath_msn to execute ldconfig and its own tmp files
Fix labels on hugepages
Allow mdadm to read files on /dev
Remove permissive domains and change back to unconfined
Allow freshclam to execute shell and bin_t
Allow devicekit_power to transition to dhcpc
Add boolean to allow icecast to connect to any port
- Allow mount to write files in debugfs_t
- Allow corosync to communicate with clvmd via tmpfs
- Allow certmaster to read usr_t files
- Allow dbus system services to search cgroup_t
- Define rlogind_t as a login pgm