Dan Walsh f1bc73d0ef Allow logrotate setuid and setgid since logrotate is supposed to do it
Fixes for thumb policy by grift
Add new nfsd ports
Added fix to allow confined apps to execmod on chrome
Add labeling for additional vdsm directories
Allow Exim and Dovecot SASL
Add label for /var/run/nmbd
Add fixes to make virsh and xen working together
Colord executes ls
/var/spool/cron  is now labeled as user_cron_spool_t
2011-10-04 10:50:39 -04:00

4910 lines
168 KiB

%define distro redhat
%define polyinstatiate n
%define monolithic n
%if %{?BUILD_MLS:0}%{!?BUILD_MLS:1}
%define BUILD_MLS 1
%define POLICYVER 26
%define libsepolver 2.0.44-2
%define POLICYCOREUTILSVER 2.0.86-12
%define CHECKPOLICYVER 2.1.5-2
Summary: SELinux policy configuration
Name: selinux-policy
Version: 3.10.0
Release: 36%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: serefpolicy-%{version}.tgz
patch: policy-F16.patch
patch1: unconfined_permissive.patch
patch2: passwd.patch
patch3: thumb.patch
Source1: modules-targeted.conf
Source2: booleans-targeted.conf
Source3: Makefile.devel
Source4: setrans-targeted.conf
Source5: modules-mls.conf
Source6: booleans-mls.conf
Source8: setrans-mls.conf
Source14: securetty_types-targeted
Source15: securetty_types-mls
Source16: modules-minimum.conf
Source17: booleans-minimum.conf
Source18: setrans-minimum.conf
Source19: securetty_types-minimum
Source20: customizable_types
Source21: config.tgz
Source22: users-mls
Source23: users-targeted
Source25: users-minimum
Source26: file_contexts.subs_dist
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python gawk checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4 policycoreutils-python >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} bzip2
Requires(pre): policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} libsemanage >= 2.0.46-6
Requires(post): /usr/bin/bunzip2 /bin/mktemp /bin/awk /usr/bin/md5sum
Requires: checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-devel <= %{version}-%{release}
Provides: selinux-policy-devel = %{version}-%{release}
SELinux Base package
# policycoreutils owns these manpage directories, we only own the files within them
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/include
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/packages
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/selinux
%package doc
Summary: SELinux policy documentation
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires(pre): selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: /usr/bin/xdg-open
%description doc
SELinux policy documentation package
%files doc
%doc %{_usr}/share/doc/%{name}-%{version}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
%define makeCmds() \
make UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 bare \
make UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 conf \
cp -f selinux_config/modules-%1.conf ./policy/modules.conf \
cp -f selinux_config/booleans-%1.conf ./policy/booleans.conf \
cp -f selinux_config/users-%1 ./policy/users \
%define installCmds() \
make UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 base.pp \
make validate UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 modules \
make UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install \
make UNK_PERMS=%5 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install-appconfig \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/ \
touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/semanage.trans.LOCK \
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/booleans \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.subs \
install -m0644 selinux_config/securetty_types-%1 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/securetty_types \
install -m0644 selinux_config/file_contexts.subs_dist %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
install -m0644 selinux_config/setrans-%1.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/setrans.conf \
install -m0644 selinux_config/customizable_types %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/customizable_types \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/seusers \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/nodes.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users_extra.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users.local \
bzip2 -c %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/base.pp > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/base.pp \
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/base.pp \
for i in %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/*.pp; do bzip2 -c $i > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/`basename $i`; done \
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/*pp* \
/usr/sbin/semodule -s %1 -n -B -p %{buildroot}; \
/usr/bin/md5sum %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} | cut -d' ' -f 1 > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/.policymd5; \
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/netfilter_contexts
%define fileList() \
%defattr(-,root,root) \
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/%1 \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1 \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/setrans.conf \
%config(noreplace) %verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/seusers \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/ \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/semanage.trans.LOCK \
%dir %attr(700,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/policy.kern \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/commit_num \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/base.pp \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.homedirs \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.template \
%config(noreplace) %verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/ \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/netfilter_contexts \
%config(noreplace) %verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users_extra \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/homedir_template \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/*.pp \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/*.local \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/seusers \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/ \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} \
%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/.policymd5 \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/customizable_types \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/securetty_types \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/dbus_contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/x_contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/default_contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/virtual_domain_context \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/virtual_image_context \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/sepgsql_contexts \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/default_type \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/failsafe_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/initrc_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/removable_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/userhelper_context \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.local \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.subs \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.subs_dist \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/media \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/root \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/guest_u \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/xguest_u \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/user_u \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/staff_u
%define relabel() \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled; \
if [ $? = 0 -a "${SELINUXTYPE}" = %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre ]; then \
/sbin/fixfiles -C ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre restore; \
/sbin/restorecon -R /root /var/log /var/run 2> /dev/null; \
rm -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre; \
%define preInstall() \
if [ $1 -ne 1 ] && [ -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ]; then \
[ -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre ] || cp -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre; \
fi; \
touch /etc/selinux/%1/.rebuild; \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/%1/.policymd5 ]; then \
md5=`md5sum /etc/selinux/%1/modules/active/policy.kern | cut -d ' ' -f 1`; \
checkmd5=`cat /etc/selinux/%1/.policymd5`; \
if [ "$md5" == "$checkmd5" ] ; then \
rm /etc/selinux/%1/.rebuild; \
fi; \
fi; \
%define postInstall() \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/%2/.rebuild ]; then \
rm /etc/selinux/%2/.rebuild; \
if [ %1 -ne 1 ]; then \
/usr/sbin/semodule -n -s %2 -r java mono moilscanner gamin audio_entropy iscsid polkit_auth polkit rtkit_daemon ModemManager telepathysofiasip ethereal passanger qpidd 2>/dev/null; \
fi \
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -s %2; \
else \
[ "${SELINUXTYPE}" == "%2" ] && [ selinuxenabled ] && load_policy; \
fi; \
if [ %1 -eq 1 ]; then \
/sbin/restorecon -R /root /var/log /var/run 2> /dev/null; \
else \
%relabel %2 \
%define modulesList() \
awk '$1 !~ "/^#/" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "%%s.pp ", $1 }' ./policy/modules.conf > %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/modules.lst \
SELinux Reference Policy - modular.
Based off of reference policy: Checked out revision 2.20091117
%setup -n serefpolicy-%{version} -q
%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
mkdir selinux_config
for i in %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE4} %{SOURCE5} %{SOURCE6} %{SOURCE8} %{SOURCE14} %{SOURCE15} %{SOURCE16} %{SOURCE17} %{SOURCE18} %{SOURCE19} %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} %{SOURCE22} %{SOURCE23} %{SOURCE25} %{SOURCE26};do
cp $i selinux_config
tar zxvf selinux_config/config.tgz
# Build targeted policy
%{__rm} -fR %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
cp -R man/* %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/selinux
# Always create policy module package directories
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/{targeted,mls,minimum,modules}/
# Install devel
make clean
# Build targeted policy
# Commented out because only targeted ref policy currently builds
%makeCmds targeted mcs n y allow
%installCmds targeted mcs n y allow
# Build minimum policy
# Commented out because only minimum ref policy currently builds
%makeCmds minimum mcs n y allow
%installCmds minimum mcs n y allow
%modulesList minimum
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
# Build mls policy
%makeCmds mls mls n y deny
%installCmds mls mls n y deny
make UNK_PERMS=allow NAME=targeted TYPE=mcs DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=n MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PKGNAME=%{name}-%{version} POLY=y MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install-headers install-docs
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/packages/
mv %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted/include %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/include
install -m 644 selinux_config/Makefile.devel %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/Makefile
install -m 644 doc/example.* %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
install -m 644 doc/policy.* %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
echo "xdg-open file:///usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-%{version}/html/index.html"> %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
rm -rf selinux_config
%{__rm} -fR %{buildroot}
if [ ! -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then
# New install so we will default to targeted policy
echo "
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.
" > /etc/selinux/config
ln -sf ../selinux/config /etc/sysconfig/selinux
restorecon /etc/selinux/config 2> /dev/null || :
. /etc/selinux/config
# if first time update booleans.local needs to be copied to sandbox
[ -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/booleans.local ] && mv /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/booleans.local /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/
[ -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/seusers ] && cp -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/seusers /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/modules/active/seusers
exit 0
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
setenforce 0 2> /dev/null
if [ ! -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then
echo "SELINUX=disabled" > /etc/selinux/config
sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
exit 0
%package targeted
Summary: SELinux targeted base policy
Provides: selinux-policy-base = %{version}-%{release}
Group: System Environment/Base
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-targeted-sources < 2
Requires(pre): policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Requires(pre): coreutils
Requires(pre): selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: audispd-plugins <= 1.7.7-1
Obsoletes: mod_fcgid-selinux <= %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: cachefilesd-selinux <= 0.10-1
Conflicts: seedit
Conflicts: 389-ds-base < 1.2.7, 389-admin < 1.1.12
%description targeted
SELinux Reference policy targeted base module.
%pre targeted
%preInstall targeted
%post targeted
%postInstall $1 targeted
exit 0
%triggerpostun targeted -- selinux-policy-targeted < 3.2.5-9.fc9
. /etc/selinux/config
[ "${SELINUXTYPE}" != "targeted" ] && exit 0
setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs=1
/usr/sbin/semanage user -l | grep -s unconfined_u > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
/usr/sbin/semanage user -m -R "unconfined_r system_r" -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 unconfined_u
/usr/sbin/semanage user -a -P user -R "unconfined_r system_r" -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 unconfined_u
seuser=`/usr/sbin/semanage login -l | grep __default__ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
[ "$seuser" != "unconfined_u" ] && /usr/sbin/semanage login -m -s "unconfined_u" -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 __default__
seuser=`/usr/sbin/semanage login -l | grep root | awk '{ print $2 }'`
[ "$seuser" = "system_u" ] && /usr/sbin/semanage login -m -s "unconfined_u" -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 root
restorecon -R /root /etc/selinux/targeted 2> /dev/null
/usr/sbin/semodule -r qmail 2> /dev/null
exit 0
%files targeted
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList targeted
%package minimum
Summary: SELinux minimum base policy
Provides: selinux-policy-base = %{version}-%{release}
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires(post): policycoreutils-python >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Requires(pre): coreutils
Requires(pre): selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: seedit
%description minimum
SELinux Reference policy minimum base module.
%pre minimum
%preInstall minimum
if [ $1 -ne 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/semodule -s minimum -l 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }' > /usr/share/selinux/minimum/instmodules.lst
%post minimum
allpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules.lst`
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
packages="clock.pp execmem.pp unconfined.pp unconfineduser.pp application.pp userdomain.pp authlogin.pp logging.pp selinuxutil.pp init.pp systemd.pp sysnetwork.pp miscfiles.pp libraries.pp modutils.pp sysadm.pp locallogin.pp dbus.pp rpm.pp mount.pp fstools.pp usermanage.pp mta.pp"
for p in $allpackages; do
touch /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $packages; do
rm -f /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
/usr/sbin/semanage -S minimum -i - << __eof
login -m -s unconfined_u -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 __default__
login -m -s unconfined_u -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 root
/sbin/restorecon -R /root /var/log /var/run 2> /dev/null
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -s minimum
instpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/instmodules.lst`
for p in $allpackages; do
touch /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $instpackages; do
rm -f /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.pp.disabled
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -s minimum
%relabel minimum
exit 0
%files minimum
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/minimum/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList minimum
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
%package mls
Summary: SELinux mls base policy
Group: System Environment/Base
Provides: selinux-policy-base = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-mls-sources < 2
Requires: policycoreutils-newrole >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} setransd
Requires(pre): policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Requires(pre): coreutils
Requires(pre): selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: seedit
%description mls
SELinux Reference policy mls base module.
%pre mls
%preInstall mls
%post mls
%postInstall $1 mls
%files mls
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/mls/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList mls
* Mon Oct 3 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-36
- Allow logrotate setuid and setgid since logrotate is supposed to do it
- Fixes for thumb policy by grift
- Add new nfsd ports
- Added fix to allow confined apps to execmod on chrome
- Add labeling for additional vdsm directories
- Allow Exim and Dovecot SASL
- Add label for /var/run/nmbd
- Add fixes to make virsh and xen working together
- Colord executes ls
- /var/spool/cron is now labeled as user_cron_spool_t
* Mon Oct 3 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-35
- Stop complaining about leaked file descriptors during install
* Fri Sep 29 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-34.7
- Remove java and mono module and merge into execmem
* Fri Sep 29 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-34.6
- Fixes for thumb policy and passwd_file_t
* Fri Sep 29 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-34.4
- Fixes caused by the labeling of /etc/passwd
- Add thumb.patch to transition unconfined_t to thumb_t for Rawhide
* Thu Sep 29 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-34.3
- Add support for Clustered Samba commands
- Allow ricci_modrpm_t to send log msgs
- move permissive virt_qmf_t from virt.te to permissivedomains.te
- Allow ssh_t to use kernel keyrings
- Add policy for libvirt-qmf and more fixes for linux containers
- Initial Polipo
- Sanlock needs to run ranged in order to kill svirt processes
- Allow smbcontrol to stream connect to ctdbd
* Mon Sep 26 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-34.2
- Add label for /etc/passwd
* Mon Sep 26 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-34.1
- Change unconfined_domains to permissive for Rawhide
- Add definition for the ephemeral_ports
* Mon Sep 26 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-34
- Make mta_role() active
- Allow asterisk to connect to jabber client port
- Allow procmail to read utmp
- Add NIS support for systemd_logind_t
- Allow systemd_logind_t to manage /run/user/$USER/dconf dir which is labeled as config_home_t
- Fix systemd_manage_unit_dirs() interface
- Allow ssh_t to manage directories passed into it
- init needs to be able to create and delete unit file directories
- Fix typo in apache_exec_sys_script
- Add ability for logrotate to transition to awstat domain
* Fri Sep 23 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-33
- Change screen to use screen_domain attribute and allow screen_domains to read all process domain state
- Add SELinux support for ssh pre-auth net process in F17
- Add logging_syslogd_can_sendmail boolean
* Wed Sep 20 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-31.1
- Add definition for ephemeral ports
- Define user_tty_device_t as a customizable_type
* Tue Sep 20 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-31
- Needs to require a new version of checkpolicy
- Interface fixes
* Fri Sep 16 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-29
- Allow sanlock to manage virt lib files
- Add virt_use_sanlock booelan
- ksmtuned is trying to resolve uids
- Make sure .gvfs is labeled user_home_t in the users home directory
- Sanlock sends kill signals and needs the kill capability
- Allow mockbuild to work on nfs homedirs
- Fix kerberos_manage_host_rcache() interface
- Allow exim to read system state
* Tue Sep 13 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-28
- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to set the correct labels on /var/run, /tmp and other files
- We want any file type that is created in /tmp by a process running as initrc_t to be labeled initrc_tmp_t
* Tue Sep 13 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-27
- Allow collectd to read hardware state information
- Add loop_control_device_t
- Allow mdadm to request kernel to load module
- Allow domains that start other domains via systemctl to search unit dir
- systemd_tmpfiles, needs to list any file systems mounted on /tmp
- No one can explain why radius is listing the contents of /tmp, so we will dontaudit
- If I can manage etc_runtime files, I should be able to read the links
- Dontaudit hostname writing to mock library chr_files
- Have gdm_t setup labeling correctly in users home dir
- Label content unde /var/run/user/NAME/dconf as config_home_t
- Allow sa-update to execute shell
- Make ssh-keygen working with fips_enabled
- Make mock work for staff_t user
- Tighten security on mock_t
* Fri Sep 9 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-26
- removing unconfined_notrans_t no longer necessary
- Clean up handling of secure_mode_insmod and secure_mode_policyload
- Remove unconfined_mount_t
* Tue Sep 6 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-25
- Add exim_exec_t label for /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb
- Call init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket() interface in mta policy
- sssd need to search /var/cache/krb5rcache directory
- Allow corosync to relabel own tmp files
- Allow zarafa domains to send system log messages
- Allow ssh to do tunneling
- Allow initrc scripts to sendto init_t unix_stream_socket
- Changes to make sure dmsmasq and virt directories are labeled correctly
- Changes needed to allow sysadm_t to manage systemd unit files
- init is passing file descriptors to dbus and on to system daemons
- Allow sulogin additional access Reported by dgrift and Jeremy Miller
- Steve Grubb believes that wireshark does not need this access
- Fix /var/run/initramfs to stop restorecon from looking at
- pki needs another port
- Add more labels for cluster scripts
- Allow apps that manage cgroup_files to manage cgroup link files
- Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories
- Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand
* Wed Aug 31 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-24
- pki needs another port
- Add more labels for cluster scripts
- Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories
- Fixes for cluster
- Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand
- abrt leaks fifo files
* Tue Aug 30 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-23
- Add glance policy
- Allow mdadm setsched
- /var/run/initramfs should not be relabeled with a restorecon run
- memcache can be setup to override sys_resource
- Allow httpd_t to read tetex data
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles to delete kernel modules left in /tmp directory.
* Mon Aug 29 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-22
- Allow Postfix to deliver to Dovecot LMTP socket
- Ignore bogus sys_module for lldpad
- Allow chrony and gpsd to send dgrams, gpsd needs to write to the real time clock
- systemd_logind_t sets the attributes on usb devices
- Allow hddtemp_t to read etc_t files
- Add permissivedomains module
- Move all permissive domains calls to permissivedomain.te
- Allow pegasis to send kill signals to other UIDs
* Wed Aug 24 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-21
- Allow insmod_t to use fds leaked from devicekit
- dontaudit getattr between insmod_t and init_t unix_stream_sockets
- Change sysctl unit file interfaces to use systemctl
- Add support for chronyd unit file
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read gnome_usr_config
- Add policy for new gpsd
- Allow cups to create kerberos rhost cache files
- Add authlogin_filetrans_named_content, to unconfined_t to make sure shadow and other log files get labeled correctly
* Tue Aug 23 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.10.0-20
- Make users_extra and into config(noreplace) so semanage users and login does not get overwritten
* Tue Aug 23 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-19
- Add policy for sa-update being run out of cron jobs
- Add create perms to postgresql_manage_db
- ntpd using a gps has to be able to read/write generic tty_device_t
- If you disable unconfined and unconfineduser, rpm needs more privs to manage /dev
- fix spec file
- Remove qemu_domtrans_unconfined() interface
- Make passenger working together with puppet
- Add init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket interface
- Fixes for wordpress
* Thu Aug 11 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-18
- Turn on allow_domain_fd_use boolean on F16
- Allow syslog to manage all log files
- Add use_fusefs_home_dirs boolean for chrome
- Make vdagent working with confined users
- Add abrt_handle_event_t domain for ABRT event scripts
- Labeled /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks as rpm_exec_t and added changes related to this change
- Allow httpd_git_script_t to read passwd data
- Allow openvpn to set its process priority when the nice parameter is used
* Wed Aug 10 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-17
- livecd fixes
- spec file fixes
* Thu Aug 4 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-16
- fetchmail can use kerberos
- ksmtuned reads in shell programs
- gnome_systemctl_t reads the process state of ntp
- dnsmasq_t asks the kernel to load multiple kernel modules
- Add rules for domains executing systemctl
- Bogus text within fc file
* Wed Aug 3 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-14
- Add cfengine policy
* Tue Aug 2 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-13
- Add abrt_domain attribute
- Allow corosync to manage cluster lib files
- Allow corosync to connect to the system DBUS
* Mon Aug 1 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-12
- Add sblim, uuidd policies
- Allow kernel_t dyntrasition to init_t
* Fri Jul 29 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-11
- init_t need setexec
- More fixes of rules which cause an explosion in rules by Dan Walsh
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-10
- Allow rcsmcertd to perform DNS name resolution
- Add dirsrvadmin_unconfined_script_t domain type for 389-ds admin scripts
- Allow tmux to run as screen
- New policy for collectd
- Allow gkeyring_t to interact with all user apps
- Add rules to allow firstboot to run on machines with the unconfined.pp module removed
* Sat Jul 23 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-9
- Allow systemd_logind to send dbus messages with users
- allow accountsd to read wtmp file
- Allow dhcpd to get and set capabilities
* Fri Jul 22 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-8
- Fix oracledb_port definition
- Allow mount to mounton the selinux file system
- Allow users to list /var directories
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-7
- systemd fixes
* Tue Jul 19 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-6
- Add initial policy for abrt_dump_oops_t
- xtables-multi wants to getattr of the proc fs
- Smoltclient is connecting to abrt
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors to postdrop
- Allow abrt_dump_oops to look at kernel sysctls
- Abrt_dump_oops_t reads kernel ring buffer
- Allow mysqld to request the kernel to load modules
- systemd-login needs fowner
- Allow postfix_cleanup_t to searh maildrop
* Mon Jul 18 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-5
- Initial systemd_logind policy
- Add policy for systemd_logger and additional proivs for systemd_logind
- More fixes for systemd policies
* Thu Jul 14 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-4
- Allow setsched for virsh
- Systemd needs to impersonate cups, which means it needs to create tcp_sockets in cups_t domain, as well as manage spool directories
- iptables: the various /sbin/ip6?tables.* are now symlinks for
* Tue Jul 12 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-3
- A lot of users are running yum -y update while in /root which is causing ldconfig to list the contents, adding dontaudit
- Allow colord to interact with the users through the tmpfs file system
- Since we changed the label on deferred, we need to allow postfix_qmgr_t to be able to create maildrop_t files
- Add label for /var/log/mcelog
- Allow asterisk to read /dev/random if it uses TLS
- Allow colord to read ini files which are labeled as bin_t
- Allow dirsrvadmin sys_resource and setrlimit to use ulimit
- Systemd needs to be able to create sock_files for every label in /var/run directory, cupsd being the first.
- Also lists /var and /var/spool directories
- Add openl2tpd to l2tpd policy
- qpidd is reading the sysfs file
* Thu Jun 30 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-2
- Change usbmuxd_t to dontaudit attempts to read chr_file
- Add mysld_safe_exec_t for libra domains to be able to start private mysql domains
- Allow pppd to search /var/lock dir
- Add rhsmcertd policy
* Mon Jun 27 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.10.0-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jun 27 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-30
- More fixes
* Thu Jun 16 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.16-29.1
- Fix spec file to not report Verify errors
* Thu Jun 16 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-29
- Add dspam policy
- Add lldpad policy
- dovecot auth wants to search statfs #713555
- Allow systemd passwd apps to read init fifo_file
- Allow prelink to use inherited terminals
- Run cherokee in the httpd_t domain
- Allow mcs constraints on node connections
- Implement pyicqt policy
- Fixes for zarafa policy
- Allow cobblerd to send syslog messages
* Wed Jun 8 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.16-28.1
- Add policy.26 to the payload
- Remove olpc stuff
- Remove policygentool
* Wed Jun 8 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-27
- Fixes for zabbix
- init script needs to be able to manage sanlock_var_run_...
- Allow sandlock and wdmd to create /var/run directories...
- has been compiled correctly
- Fix passenger policy module name
* Tue Jun 7 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-26
- Add mailscanner policy from dgrift
- Allow chrome to optionally be transitioned to
- Zabbix needs these rules when starting the zabbix_server_mysql
- Implement a type for freedesktop openicc standard (~/.local/share/icc)
- Allow system_dbusd_t to read inherited icc_data_home_t files.
- Allow colord_t to read icc_data_home_t content. #706975
- Label stuff under /usr/lib/debug as if it was labeled under /
* Thu Jun 2 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-25
- Fixes for sanlock policy
- Fixes for colord policy
- Other fixes
* Thu May 26 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-24
- Add rhev policy module to modules-targeted.conf
* Tue May 24 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-23
- Lot of fixes
* Thu May 17 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-22
- Allow logrotate to execute systemctl
- Allow nsplugin_t to getattr on gpmctl
- Fix dev_getattr_all_chr_files() interface
- Allow shorewall to use inherited terms
- Allow userhelper to getattr all chr_file devices
- sandbox domains should be able to getattr and dontaudit search of sysctl_kernel_t
- Fix labeling for ABRT Retrace Server
* Mon May 9 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-21
- Dontaudit sys_module for ifconfig
- Make telepathy and gkeyringd daemon working with confined users
- colord wants to read files in users homedir
- Remote login should be creating user_tmp_t not its own tmp files
* Thu May 5 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-20
- Fix label for /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin_* plugins
- Add support for zarafa-indexer
- Fix boolean description
- Allow colord to getattr on /proc/scsi/scsi
- Add label for /lib/upstart/init
- Colord needs to list /mnt
* Tue May 3 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-19
- Forard port changes from F15 for telepathy
- NetworkManager should be allowed to use /dev/rfkill
- Fix dontaudit messages to say Domain to not audit
- Allow telepathy domains to read/write gnome_cache files
- Allow telepathy domains to call getpw
- Fixes for colord and vnstatd policy
* Wed Apr 27 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-18
- Allow init_t getcap and setcap
- Allow namespace_init_t to use nsswitch
- aisexec will execute corosync
- colord tries to read files off noxattr file systems
- Allow init_t getcap and setcap
* Thu Apr 21 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-17
- Add support for ABRT retrace server
- Allow user_t and staff_t access to generic scsi to handle locally plugged in scanners
- Allow telepath_msn_t to read /proc/PARENT/cmdline
- ftpd needs kill capability
- Allow telepath_msn_t to connect to sip port
- keyring daemon does not work on nfs homedirs
- Allow $1_sudo_t to read default SELinux context
- Add label for tgtd sock file in /var/run/
- Add apache_exec_rotatelogs interface
- allow all zaraha domains to signal themselves, server writes to /tmp
- Allow syslog to read the process state
- Add label for /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome
- Remove the telepathy transition from unconfined_t
- Dontaudit sandbox domains trying to mounton sandbox_file_t, this is caused by fuse mounts
- Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files
- Add support for AEOLUS project
- Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes
- Allow plymountd to send signals to init
- Change labeling of fping6
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.16-16.1
- Add filename transitions
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-16
- Fixes for zarafa policy
- Add support for AEOLUS project
- Change labeling of fping6
- Allow plymountd to send signals to init
- Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files
- Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes
* Fri Apr 15 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-15
- xdm_t needs getsession for switch user
- Every app that used to exec init is now execing systemdctl
- Allow squid to manage krb5_host_rcache_t files
- Allow foghorn to connect to agentx port - Fixes for colord policy
* Mon Apr 11 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-14
- Add Dan's patch to remove 64 bit variants
- Allow colord to use unix_dgram_socket
- Allow apps that search pids to read /var/run if it is a lnk_file
- iscsid_t creates its own directory
- Allow init to list var_lock_t dir
- apm needs to verify user accounts auth_use_nsswitch
- Add labeling for systemd unit files
- Allow gnomeclok to enable ntpd service using systemctl - systemd_systemctl_t domain was added
- Add label for file
- We want to remove untrustedmcsprocess from ability to read /proc/pid
- Fixes for matahari policy
- Allow system_tmpfiles_t to delete user_home_t files in the /tmp dir
- Allow sshd to transition to sysadm_t if ssh_sysadm_login is turned on
* Tue Apr 5 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-13
- Fix typo
* Mon Apr 4 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-12
- Add /var/run/lock /var/lock definition to file_contexts.subs
- nslcd_t is looking for kerberos cc files
- SSH_USE_STRONG_RNG is 1 which requires /dev/random
- Fix auth_rw_faillog definition
- Allow sysadm_t to set attributes on fixed disks
- allow user domains to execute lsof and look at application sockets
- prelink_cron job calls telinit -u if init is rewritten
- Fixes to run qemu_t from staff_t
* Mon Apr 4 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-11
- Fix label for /var/run/udev to udev_var_run_t
- Mock needs to be able to read network state
* Fri Apr 1 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-10
- Add file_contexts.subs to handle /run and /run/lock
- Add other fixes relating to /run changes from F15 policy
* Fri Mar 25 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-7
- Allow $1_sudo_t and $1_su_t open access to user terminals
- Allow initrc_t to use generic terminals
- Make Makefile/Rules.modular run sepolgen-ifgen during build to check if files for bugs
-systemd is going to be useing /run and /run/lock for early bootup files.
- Fix some comments in rlogin.if
- Add policy for KDE backlighthelper
- sssd needs to read ~/.k5login in nfs, cifs or fusefs file systems
- sssd wants to read .k5login file in users homedir
- setroubleshoot reads executables to see if they have TEXTREL
- Add /var/spool/audit support for new version of audit
- Remove kerberos_connect_524() interface calling
- Combine kerberos_master_port_t and kerberos_port_t
- systemd has setup /dev/kmsg as stderr for apps it executes
- Need these access so that init can impersonate sockets on unix_dgram_socket
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-6
- Remove some unconfined domains
- Remove permissive domains
- Add policy-term.patch from Dan
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-5
- Fix multiple specification for boot.log
- devicekit leaks file descriptors to setfiles_t
- Change all all_nodes to generic_node and all_if to generic_if
- Should not use deprecated interface
- Switch from using all_nodes to generic_node and from all_if to generic_if
- Add support for xfce4-notifyd
- Fix file context to show several labels as SystemHigh
- seunshare needs to be able to mounton nfs/cifs/fusefs homedirs
- Add etc_runtime_t label for /etc/securetty
- Fixes to allow xdm_t to start gkeyringd_USERTYPE_t directly
- login.krb needs to be able to write user_tmp_t
- dirsrv needs to bind to port 7390 for dogtag
- Fix a bug in gpg policy
- gpg sends audit messages
- Allow qpid to manage matahari files
* Tue Mar 15 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-4
- Initial policy for matahari
- Add dev_read_watchdog
- Allow clamd to connect clamd port
- Add support for kcmdatetimehelper
- Allow shutdown to setrlimit and sys_nice
- Allow systemd_passwd to talk to /dev/log before udev or syslog is running
- Purge chr_file and blk files on /tmp
- Fixes for pads
- Fixes for piranha-pulse
- gpg_t needs to be able to encyprt anything owned by the user
* Thu Mar 10 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-3
- mozilla_plugin_tmp_t needs to be treated as user tmp files
- More dontaudits of writes from readahead
- Dontaudit readahead_t file_type:dir write, to cover up kernel bug
- systemd_tmpfiles needs to relabel faillog directory as well as the file
- Allow hostname and consoletype to r/w inherited initrc_tmp_t files handline hostname >> /tmp/myhost
* Thu Mar 10 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-2
- Add policykit fixes from Tim Waugh
- dontaudit sandbox domains sandbox_file_t:dir mounton
- Add new dontaudit rules for sysadm_dbusd_t
- Change label for /var/run/faillock
* other fixes which relate with this change
* Tue Mar 8 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.16-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes for telepathy
- Add port defition for ssdp port
- add policy for /bin/systemd-notify from Dan
- Mount command requires users read mount_var_run_t
- colord needs to read konject_uevent_socket
- User domains connect to the gkeyring socket
- Add colord policy and allow user_t and staff_t to dbus chat with it
- Add lvm_exec_t label for kpartx
- Dontaudit reading the mail_spool_t link from sandbox -X
- systemd is creating sockets in avahi_var_run and system_dbusd_var_run
* Tue Mar 1 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.15-5
- gpg_t needs to talk to gnome-keyring
- nscd wants to read /usr/tmp->/var/tmp to generate randomziation in unixchkpwd
- enforce MCS labeling on nodes
- Allow arpwatch to read meminfo
- Allow gnomeclock to send itself signals
- init relabels /dev/.udev files on boot
- gkeyringd has to transition back to staff_t when it runs commands in bin_t or shell_exec_t
- nautilus checks access on /media directory before mounting usb sticks, dontaudit access_check on mnt_t
- dnsmasq can run as a dbus service, needs acquire service
- mysql_admin should be allowed to connect to mysql service
- virt creates monitor sockets in the users home dir
* Mon Feb 21 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.15-2
- Allow usbhid-ups to read hardware state information
- systemd-tmpfiles has moved
- Allo cgroup to sys_tty_config
- For some reason prelink is attempting to read gconf settings
- Add allow_daemons_use_tcp_wrapper boolean
- Add label for ~/.cache/wocky to make telepathy work in enforcing mode
- Add label for char devices /dev/dasd*
- Fix for apache_role
- Allow amavis to talk to nslcd
- allow all sandbox to read selinux poilcy config files
- Allow cluster domains to use the system bus and send each other dbus messages
* Wed Feb 16 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.15-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.9.14-2
- Rebuilt for
* Tue Feb 8 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.14-1
- Update to ref policy
- cgred needs chown capability
- Add /dev/crash crash_dev_t
- systemd-readahead wants to use fanotify which means readahead_t needs sys_admin capability
* Tue Feb 8 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-10
- New labeling for postfmulti #675654
- dontaudit xdm_t listing noxattr file systems
- dovecot-auth needs to be able to connect to mysqld via the network as well as locally
- shutdown is passed stdout to a xdm_log_t file
- smartd creates a fixed disk device
- dovecot_etc_t contains a lnk_file that domains need to read
- mount needs to be able to read etc_runtim_t:lnk_file since in rawhide this is a link created at boot
* Thu Feb 3 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-9
- syslog_t needs syslog capability
- dirsrv needs to be able to create /var/lib/snmp
- Fix labeling for dirsrv
- Fix for dirsrv policy missing manage_dirs_pattern
- corosync needs to delete clvm_tmpfs_t files
- qdiskd needs to list hugetlbfs
- Move setsched to sandbox_x_domain, so firefox can run without network access
- Allow hddtemp to read removable devices
- Adding syslog and read_policy permissions to policy
* syslog
Allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, logadm_t
* read_policy
allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, staff_t on Targeted
allow sysadm_t (optionally), secadm_t on MLS
- mdadm application will write into /sys/.../uevent whenever arrays are
assembled or disassembled.
* Tue Feb 1 2011 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.13-8
- Add tcsd policy
* Tue Feb 1 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-7
- ricci_modclusterd_t needs to bind to rpc ports 500-1023
- Allow dbus to use setrlimit to increase resoueces
- Mozilla_plugin is leaking to sandbox
- Allow confined users to connect to lircd over unix domain stream socket which allow to use remote control
- Allow awstats to read squid logs
- seunshare needs to manage tmp_t
- apcupsd cgi scripts have a new directory
* Thu Jan 27 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-6
- Fix xserver_dontaudit_read_xdm_pid
- Change oracle_port_t to oracledb_port_t to prevent conflict with satellite
- Allow dovecot_deliver_t to read/write postfix_master_t:fifo_file.
* These fifo_file is passed from postfix_master_t to postfix_local_t to dovecot_deliver_t
- Allow readahead to manage readahead pid dirs
- Allow readahead to read all mcs levels
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to use nfs or samba homedirs
* Wed Jan 25 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-5
- Allow nagios plugin to read /proc/meminfo
- Fix for mozilla_plugin
- Allow samba_net_t to create /etc/keytab
- pppd_t setting up vpns needs to run unix_chkpwd, setsched its process and write wtmp_t
- nslcd can read user credentials
- Allow nsplugin to delete mozilla_plugin_tmpfs_t
- abrt tries to create dir in rpm_var_lib_t
- virt relabels fifo_files
- sshd needs to manage content in fusefs homedir
- mock manages link files in cache dir
* Fri Jan 21 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-4
- nslcd needs setsched and to read /usr/tmp
- Invalid call in likewise policy ends up creating a bogus role
- Cannon puts content into /var/lib/bjlib that cups needs to be able to write
- Allow screen to create screen_home_t in /root
- dirsrv sends syslog messages
- pinentry reads stuff in .kde directory
- Add labels for .kde directory in homedir
- Treat irpinit, iprupdate, iprdump services with raid policy
* Wed Jan 19 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-3
- NetworkManager wants to read consolekit_var_run_t
- Allow readahead to create /dev/.systemd/readahead
- Remove permissive domains
- Allow newrole to run namespace_init
* Tue Jan 18 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-2
- Add sepgsql_contexts file
* Mon Jan 17 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.13-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jan 17 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.12-8
- Add oracle ports and allow apache to connect to them if the connect_db boolean is turned on
- Add puppetmaster_use_db boolean
- Fixes for zarafa policy
- Fixes for gnomeclock poliy
- Fix systemd-tmpfiles to use auth_use_nsswitch
* Fri Jan 14 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.12-7
- gnomeclock executes a shell
- Update for screen policy to handle pipe in homedir
- Fixes for polyinstatiated homedir
- Fixes for namespace policy and other fixes related to polyinstantiation
- Add namespace policy
- Allow dovecot-deliver transition to sendmail which is needed by sieve scripts
- Fixes for init, psad policy which relate with confined users
- Do not audit bootloader attempts to read devicekit pid files
- Allow nagios service plugins to read /proc
* Tue Jan 11 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.12-6
- Add firewalld policy
- Allow vmware_host to read samba config
- Kernel wants to read /proc Fix duplicate grub def in cobbler
- Chrony sends mail, executes shell, uses fifo_file and reads /proc
- devicekitdisk getattr all file systems
- sambd daemon writes wtmp file
- libvirt transitions to dmidecode
* Wed Jan 5 2011 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.12-5
- Add initial policy for system-setup-keyboard which is now daemon
- Label /var/lock/subsys/shorewall as shorewall_lock_t
- Allow users to communicate with the gpg_agent_t
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin_t using the inherited terminal
- Allow sambagui to read files in /usr
- webalizer manages squid log files
- Allow unconfined domains to bind ports to raw_ip_sockets
- Allow abrt to manage rpm logs when running yum
- Need labels for /var/run/bittlebee
- Label .ssh under amanda
- Remove unused genrequires for virt_domain_template
- Allow virt_domain to use fd inherited from virtd_t
- Allow iptables to read shorewall config
* Tue Dec 28 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.12-4
- Gnome apps list config_home_t
- mpd creates lnk files in homedir
- apache leaks write to mail apps on tmp files
- /var/stockmaniac/templates_cache contains log files
- Abrt list the connects of mount_tmp_t dirs
- passwd agent reads files under /dev and reads utmp file
- squid apache script connects to the squid port
- fix name of plymouth log file
- teamviewer is a wine app
- allow dmesg to read system state
- Stop labeling files under /var/lib/mock so restorecon will not go into this
- nsplugin needs to read network state for google talk
* Thu Dec 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.12-3
- Allow xdm and syslog to use /var/log/boot.log
- Allow users to communicate with mozilla_plugin and kill it
- Add labeling for ipv6 and dhcp
* Tue Dec 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.12-2
- New labels for ghc http content
- nsplugin_config needs to read urand, lvm now calls setfscreate to create dev
- pm-suspend now creates log file for append access so we remove devicekit_wri
- Change authlogin_use_sssd to authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap
- Fixes for greylist_milter policy
* Tue Dec 21 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.12-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes for systemd policy
- Fixes for passenger policy
- Allow staff users to run mysqld in the staff_t domain, akonadi needs this
- Add bin_t label for /usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/
- auth_use_nsswitch does not need avahi to read passwords,needed for resolving data
- Dontaudit (xdm_t) gok attempting to list contents of /var/account
- Telepathy domains need to read urand
- Need interface to getattr all file classes in a mock library for setroubleshoot
* Wed Dec 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.11-2
- Update selinux policy to handle new /usr/share/sandbox/start script
* Wed Dec 15 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.11-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix version of policy in spec file
* Tue Dec 14 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-13
- Allow sandbox to run on nfs partitions, fixes for systemd_tmpfs
- remove per sandbox domains devpts types
- Allow dkim-milter sending signal to itself
* Mon Dec 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.10-12
- Allow domains that transition to ping or traceroute, kill them
- Allow user_t to conditionally transition to ping_t and traceroute_t
- Add fixes to systemd- tools, including new labeling for systemd-fsck, systemd-cryptsetup
* Mon Dec 13 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-11
- Turn on systemd policy
- mozilla_plugin needs to read certs in the homedir.
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from devicekit
- Fix ircssi to use auth_use_nsswitch
- Change to use interface without param in corenet to disable unlabelednet packets
- Allow init to relabel sockets and fifo files in /dev
- certmonger needs dac* capabilities to manage cert files not owned by root
- dovecot needs fsetid to change group membership on mail
- plymouthd removes /var/log/boot.log
- systemd is creating symlinks in /dev
- Change label on /etc/httpd/alias to be all cert_t
* Fri Dec 10 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-10
- Fixes for clamscan and boinc policy
- Add boinc_project_t setpgid
- Allow alsa to create tmp files in /tmp
* Tue Dec 7 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-9
- Push fixes to allow disabling of unlabeled_t packet access
- Enable unlabelednet policy
* Tue Dec 7 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-8
- Fixes for lvm to work with systemd
* Mon Dec 6 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-7
- Fix the label for wicd log
- plymouthd creates force-display-on-active-vt file
- Allow avahi to request the kernel to load a module
- Dontaudit hal leaks
- Fix gnome_manage_data interface
- Add new interface corenet_packet to define a type as being an packet_type.
- Removed general access to packet_type from icecast and squid.
- Allow mpd to read alsa config
- Fix the label for wicd log
- Add systemd policy
* Fri Dec 3 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-6
- Fix gnome_manage_data interface
- Dontaudit sys_ptrace capability for iscsid
- Fixes for nagios plugin policy
* Thu Dec 1 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-5
- Fix cron to run ranged when started by init
- Fix devicekit to use log files
- Dontaudit use of devicekit_var_run_t for fstools
- Allow init to setattr on logfile directories
- Allow hald to manage files in /var/run/pm-utils/ dir which is now labeled as devicekit_var_run_t
* Tue Nov 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.10-4
- Fix up handling of dnsmasq_t creating /var/run/libvirt/network
- Turn on sshd_forward_ports boolean by default
- Allow sysadmin to dbus chat with rpm
- Add interface for rw_tpm_dev
- Allow cron to execute bin
- fsadm needs to write sysfs
- Dontaudit consoletype reading /var/run/pm-utils
- Lots of new privs fro mozilla_plugin_t running java app, make mozilla_plugin
- certmonger needs to manage dirsrv data
- /var/run/pm-utils should be labeled as devicekit_var_run_t
* Tue Nov 30 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-3
- fixes to allow /var/run and /var/lock as tmpfs
- Allow chrome sandbox to connect to web ports
- Allow dovecot to listem on lmtp and sieve ports
- Allov ddclient to search sysctl_net_t
- Transition back to original domain if you execute the shell
* Thu Nov 25 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-2
- Remove duplicate declaration
* Thu Nov 25 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.10-1
- Update to upstream
- Cleanup for sandbox
- Add attribute to be able to select sandbox types
* Mon Nov 22 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.9-4
- Allow ddclient to fix file mode bits of ddclient conf file
- init leaks file descriptors to daemons
- Add labels for /etc/lirc/ and
- Allow amavis_t to exec shell
- Add label for gssd_tmp_t for /var/tmp/nfs_0
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.9-3
- Put back in lircd_etc_t so policy will install
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.9-2
- Turn on allow_postfix_local_write_mail_spool
- Allow initrc_t to transition to shutdown_t
- Allow logwatch and cron to mls_read_to_clearance for MLS boxes
- Allow wm to send signull to all applications and receive them from users
- lircd patch from field
- Login programs have to read /etc/samba
- New programs under /lib/systemd
- Abrt needs to read config files
* Tue Nov 16 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.9-1
- Update to upstream
- Dontaudit leaked sockets from userdomains to user domains
- Fixes for mcelog to handle scripts
- Apply patch from Ruben Kerkhof
- Allow syslog to search spool dirs
* Mon Nov 15 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.8-7
- Allow nagios plugins to read usr files
- Allow mysqld-safe to send system log messages
- Fixes fpr ddclient policy
- Fix sasl_admin interface
- Allow apache to search zarafa config
- Allow munin plugins to search /var/lib directory
- Allow gpsd to read sysfs_t
- Fix labels on /etc/mcelog/triggers to bin_t
* Fri Nov 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.8-6
- Remove saslauthd_tmp_t and transition tmp files to krb5_host_rcache_t
- Allow saslauthd_t to create krb5_host_rcache_t files in /tmp
- Fix xserver interface
- Fix definition of /var/run/lxdm
* Fri Nov 12 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.8-5
- Turn on mediawiki policy
- kdump leaks kdump_etc_t to ifconfig, add dontaudit
- uux needs to transition to uucpd_t
- More init fixes relabels man,faillog
- Remove maxima defs in libraries.fc
- insmod needs to be able to create tmpfs_t files
- ping needs setcap
* Wed Nov 10 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.9.8-4
- Allow groupd transition to fenced domain when executes fence_node
- Fixes for rchs policy
- Allow mpd to be able to read samba/nfs files
* Tue Nov 9 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.8-3
- Fix up corecommands.fc to match upstream
- Make sure /lib/systemd/* is labeled init_exec_t
- mount wants to setattr on all mountpoints
- dovecot auth wants to read dovecot etc files
- nscd daemon looks at the exe file of the comunicating daemon
- openvpn wants to read utmp file
- postfix apps now set sys_nice and lower limits
- remote_login (telnetd/login) wants to use telnetd_devpts_t and user_devpts_t to work correctly
- Also resolves nsswitch
- Fix labels on /etc/hosts.*
- Cleanup to make upsteam patch work
- allow abrt to read etc_runtime_t
* Fri Nov 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.8-2
- Add conflicts for dirsrv package
* Fri Nov 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.8-1
- Update to upstream
- Add vlock policy
* Wed Nov 3 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-10
- Fix sandbox to work on nfs homedirs
- Allow cdrecord to setrlimit
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read xauth
- Change label on systemd-logger to syslogd_exec_t
- Install dirsrv policy from dirsrv package
* Tue Nov 2 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-9
- Add virt_home_t, allow init to setattr on xserver_tmp_t and relabel it
- Udev needs to stream connect to init and kernel
- Add xdm_exec_bootloader boolean, which allows xdm to execute /sbin/grub and read files in /boot directory
* Mon Nov 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-8
- Allow NetworkManager to read openvpn_etc_t
- Dontaudit hplip to write of /usr dirs
- Allow system_mail_t to create /root/dead.letter as mail_home_t
- Add vdagent policy for spice agent daemon
* Thu Oct 28 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-7
- Dontaudit sandbox sending sigkill to all user domains
- Add policy for rssh_chroot_helper
- Add missing flask definitions
- Allow udev to relabelto removable_t
- Fix label on /var/log/wicd.log
- Transition to initrc_t from init when executing bin_t
- Add audit_access permissions to file
- Make removable_t a device_node
- Fix label on /lib/systemd/*
* Fri Oct 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-6
- Fixes for systemd to manage /var/run
- Dontaudit leaks by firstboot
* Tue Oct 19 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-5
- Allow chome to create netlink_route_socket
- Add additional MATHLAB file context
- Define nsplugin as an application_domain
- Dontaudit sending signals from sandboxed domains to other domains
- systemd requires init to build /tmp /var/auth and /var/lock dirs
- mount wants to read devicekit_power /proc/ entries
- mpd wants to connect to soundd port
- Openoffice causes a setattr on a lib_t file for normal users, add dontaudit
- Treat lib_t and textrel_shlib_t directories the same
- Allow mount read access on virtual images
* Fri Oct 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-4
- Allow sandbox_x_domains to work with nfs/cifs/fusefs home dirs.
- Allow devicekit_power to domtrans to mount
- Allow dhcp to bind to udp ports > 1024 to do named stuff
- Allow ssh_t to exec ssh_exec_t
- Remove telepathy_butterfly_rw_tmp_files(), dev_read_printk() interfaces which are nolonger used
- Fix clamav_append_log() intefaces
- Fix 'psad_rw_fifo_file' interface
* Fri Oct 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-3
- Allow cobblerd to list cobler appache content
* Fri Oct 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-2
- Fixup for the latest version of upowed
- Dontaudit sandbox sending SIGNULL to desktop apps
* Wed Oct 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Oct 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.6-3
-Mount command from a confined user generates setattr on /etc/mtab file, need to dontaudit this access
- dovecot-auth_t needs ipc_lock
- gpm needs to use the user terminal
- Allow system_mail_t to append ~/dead.letter
- Allow NetworkManager to edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
- Add pid file to vnstatd
- Allow mount to communicate with gfs_controld
- Dontaudit hal leaks in setfiles
* Fri Oct 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.6-2
- Lots of fixes for systemd
- systemd now executes readahead and tmpwatch type scripts
- Needs to manage random seed
* Thu Oct 7 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.6-1
- Allow smbd to use sys_admin
- Remove duplicate file context for tcfmgr
- Update to upstream
* Wed Oct 6 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-11
- Fix fusefs handling
- Do not allow sandbox to manage nsplugin_rw_t
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to connecto its parent
- Allow init_t to connect to plymouthd running as kernel_t
- Add mediawiki policy
- dontaudit sandbox sending signals to itself. This can happen when they are running at different mcs.
- Disable transition from dbus_session_domain to telepathy for F14
- Allow boinc_project to use shm
- Allow certmonger to search through directories that contain certs
- Allow fail2ban the DAC Override so it can read log files owned by non root users
* Mon Oct 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-10
- Start adding support for use_fusefs_home_dirs
- Add /var/lib/syslog directory file context
- Add /etc/localtime as locale file context
* Thu Sep 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-9
- Turn off default transition to mozilla_plugin and telepathy domains from unconfined user
- Turn off iptables from unconfined user
- Allow sudo to send signals to any domains the user could have transitioned to.
- Passwd in single user mode needs to talk to console_device_t
- Mozilla_plugin_t needs to connect to web ports, needs to write to video device, and read alsa_home_t alsa setsup pulseaudio
- locate tried to read a symbolic link, will dontaudit
- New labels for telepathy-sunshine content in homedir
- Google is storing other binaries under /opt/google/talkplugin
- bluetooth/kernel is creating unlabeled_t socket that I will allow it to use until kernel fixes bug
- Add boolean for unconfined_t transition to mozilla_plugin_t and telepathy domains, turned off in F14 on in F15
- modemmanger and bluetooth send dbus messages to devicekit_power
- Samba needs to getquota on filesystems labeld samba_share_t
* Wed Sep 29 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-8
- Dontaudit attempts by xdm_t to write to bin_t for kdm
- Allow initrc_t to manage system_conf_t
* Mon Sep 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-7
- Fixes to allow mozilla_plugin_t to create nsplugin_home_t directory.
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create tcp/udp/netlink_route sockets
- Allow confined users to read xdm_etc_t files
- Allow xdm_t to transition to xauth_t for lxdm program
* Sun Sep 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-6
- Rearrange firewallgui policy to be more easily updated to upstream, dontaudit search of /home
- Allow clamd to send signals to itself
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to read user home content. And unlink pulseaudio shm.
- Allow haze to connect to yahoo chat and messenger port tcp:5050.
Bz #637339
- Allow guest to run ps command on its processes by allowing it to read /proc
- Allow firewallgui to sys_rawio which seems to be required to setup masqerading
- Allow all domains to search through default_t directories, in order to find differnet labels. For example people serring up /foo/bar to be share via samba.
- Add label for /var/log/slim.log
* Fri Sep 24 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-5
- Pull in cleanups from dgrift
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to execute mozilla_home_t
- Allow rpc.quota to do quotamod
* Thu Sep 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-4
- Cleanup policy via dgrift
- Allow dovecot_deliver to append to inherited log files
- Lots of fixes for consolehelper
* Wed Sep 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-3
- Fix up Xguest policy
* Thu Sep 16 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-2
- Add vnstat policy
- allow libvirt to send audit messages
- Allow chrome-sandbox to search nfs_t
* Thu Sep 16 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.5-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Sep 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.4-3
- Add the ability to send audit messages to confined admin policies
- Remove permissive domain from cmirrord and dontaudit sys_tty_config
- Split out unconfined_domain() calls from other unconfined_ calls so we can d
- virt needs to be able to read processes to clearance for MLS
* Tue Sep 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.4-2
- Allow all domains that can use cgroups to search tmpfs_t directory
- Allow init to send audit messages
* Thu Sep 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Sep 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.3-4
- Allow mdadm_t to create files and sock files in /dev/md/
* Thu Sep 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.3-3
- Add policy for ajaxterm
* Wed Sep 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.3-2
- Handle /var/db/sudo
- Allow pulseaudio to read alsa config
- Allow init to send initrc_t dbus messages
* Tue Sep 7 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.3-1
Allow iptables to read shorewall tmp files
Change chfn and passwd to use auth_use_pam so they can send dbus messages to fpr
label vlc as an execmem_exec_t
Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin to run google vidio chat
Allow telepath_msn to execute ldconfig and its own tmp files
Fix labels on hugepages
Allow mdadm to read files on /dev
Remove permissive domains and change back to unconfined
Allow freshclam to execute shell and bin_t
Allow devicekit_power to transition to dhcpc
Add boolean to allow icecast to connect to any port
* Thu Aug 31 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.2-1
- Merge upstream fix of mmap_zero
- Allow mount to write files in debugfs_t
- Allow corosync to communicate with clvmd via tmpfs
- Allow certmaster to read usr_t files
- Allow dbus system services to search cgroup_t
- Define rlogind_t as a login pgm
* Wed Aug 31 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.1-3
- Allow mdadm_t to read/write hugetlbfs
* Tue Aug 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.1-2
- Dominic Grift Cleanup
- Miroslav Grepl policy for jabberd
- Various fixes for mount/livecd and prelink
* Mon Aug 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.1-1
- Merge with upstream
* Thu Aug 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.0-2
- More access needed for devicekit
- Add dbadm policy
* Thu Aug 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.9.0-1
- Merge with upstream
* Tue Aug 24 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-21
- Allow seunshare to fowner
* Tue Aug 24 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-20
- Allow cron to look at user_cron_spool links
- Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin_t
- Add sysv file system
- Turn unconfined domains to permissive to find additional avcs
* Mon Aug 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-19
- Update policy for mozilla_plugin_t
* Mon Aug 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-18
- Allow clamscan to read proc_t
- Allow mount_t to write to debufs_t dir
- Dontaudit mount_t trying to write to security_t dir
* Thu Aug 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-17
- Allow clamscan_t execmem if clamd_use_jit set
- Add policy for firefox plugin-container
* Wed Aug 17 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-16
- Fix /root/.forward definition
* Tue Aug 17 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-15
- label dead.letter as mail_home_t
* Fri Aug 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-14
- Allow login programs to search /cgroups
* Thu Aug 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-13
- Fix cert handling
* Tue Aug 10 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-12
- Fix devicekit_power bug
- Allow policykit_auth_t more access.
* Thu Aug 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-11
- Fix nis calls to allow bind to ports 512-1024
- Fix smartmon
* Wed Aug 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-10
- Allow pcscd to read sysfs
- systemd fixes
- Fix wine_mmap_zero_ignore boolean
* Tue Aug 3 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-9
- Apply Miroslav munin patch
- Turn back on allow_execmem and allow_execmod booleans
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-8
- Merge in fixes from dgrift repository
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-7
- Update boinc policy
- Fix sysstat policy to allow sys_admin
- Change failsafe_context to unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0
* Mon Jul 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-6
- New paths for upstart
* Mon Jul 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-5
- New permissions for syslog
- New labels for /lib/upstart
* Fri Jul 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-4
- Add mojomojo policy
* Thu Jul 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-3
- Allow systemd to setsockcon on sockets to immitate other services
* Wed Jul 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-2
- Remove debugfs label
* Tue Jul 20 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.8-1
- Update to latest policy
* Mon Jul 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.7-3
- Fix eclipse labeling from IBMSupportAssasstant packageing
* Mon Jul 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.7-2
- Make boot with systemd in enforcing mode
* Mon Jul 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jul 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.6-3
- Add boolean to turn off port forwarding in sshd.
* Fri Jul 9 2010 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.8.6-2
- Add support for ebtables
- Fixes for rhcs and corosync policy
* Tue Jun 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.6-1
-Update to upstream
* Mon Jun 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.5-1
-Update to upstream
* Thu Jun 17 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.4-1
-Update to upstream
* Wed Jun 16 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.3-4
- Add Zarafa policy
* Wed Jun 9 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.3-3
- Cleanup of aiccu policy
- initial mock policy
* Wed Jun 9 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.3-2
- Lots of random fixes
* Tue Jun 8 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.3-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Jun 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Allow prelink script to signal itself
- Cobbler fixes
* Wed Jun 2 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.1-5
- Add xdm_var_run_t to xserver_stream_connect_xdm
- Add cmorrord and mpd policy from Miroslav Grepl
* Tue Jun 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.1-4
- Fix sshd creation of krb cc files for users to be user_tmp_t
* Thu May 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.1-3
- Fixes for accountsdialog
- Fixes for boinc
* Thu May 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.1-2
- Fix label on /var/lib/dokwiki
- Change permissive domains to enforcing
- Fix libvirt policy to allow it to run on mls
* Tue May 25 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.8.1-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue May 25 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-22
- Allow procmail to execute scripts in the users home dir that are labeled home_bin_t
- Fix /var/run/abrtd.lock label
* Mon May 24 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-21
- Allow login programs to read krb5_home_t
Resolves: 594833
- Add obsoletes for cachefilesfd-selinux package
Resolves: #575084
* Thu May 20 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-20
- Allow mount to r/w abrt fifo file
- Allow svirt_t to getattr on hugetlbfs
- Allow abrt to create a directory under /var/spool
* Wed May 19 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-19
- Add labels for /sys
- Allow sshd to getattr on shutdown
- Fixes for munin
- Allow sssd to use the kernel key ring
- Allow tor to send syslog messages
- Allow iptabels to read usr files
- allow policykit to read all domains state
* Thu May 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-17
- Fix path for /var/spool/abrt
- Allow nfs_t as an entrypoint for http_sys_script_t
- Add policy for piranha
- Lots of fixes for sosreport
* Wed May 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-16
- Allow xm_t to read network state and get and set capabilities
- Allow policykit to getattr all processes
- Allow denyhosts to connect to tcp port 9911
- Allow pyranha to use raw ip sockets and ptrace itself
- Allow unconfined_execmem_t and gconfsd mechanism to dbus
- Allow staff to kill ping process
- Add additional MLS rules
* Mon May 10 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-15
- Allow gdm to edit ~/.gconf dir
Resolves: #590677
- Allow dovecot to create directories in /var/lib/dovecot
Partially resolves 590224
- Allow avahi to dbus chat with NetworkManager
- Fix cobbler labels
- Dontaudit iceauth_t leaks
- fix /var/lib/lxdm file context
- Allow aiccu to use tun tap devices
- Dontaudit shutdown using xserver.log
* Fri May 6 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-14
- Fixes for sandbox_x_net_t to match access for sandbox_web_t ++
- Add xdm_etc_t for /etc/gdm directory, allow accountsd to manage this directory
- Add dontaudit interface for bluetooth dbus
- Add chronyd_read_keys, append_keys for initrc_t
- Add log support for ksmtuned
Resolves: #586663
* Thu May 6 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-13
- Allow boinc to send mail
* Wed May 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-12
- Allow initrc_t to remove dhcpc_state_t
- Fix label on sa-update.cron
- Allow dhcpc to restart chrony initrc
- Don't allow sandbox to send signals to its parent processes
- Fix transition from unconfined_t -> unconfined_mount_t -> rpcd_t
Resolves: #589136
* Mon May 3 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-11
- Fix location of oddjob_mkhomedir
Resolves: #587385
- fix labeling on /root/.shosts and ~/.shosts
- Allow ipsec_mgmt_t to manage net_conf_t
Resolves: #586760
* Fri Apr 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-10
- Dontaudit sandbox trying to connect to netlink sockets
Resolves: #587609
- Add policy for piranha
* Thu Apr 29 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-9
- Fixups for xguest policy
- Fixes for running sandbox firefox
* Wed Apr 28 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-8
- Allow ksmtuned to use terminals
Resolves: #586663
- Allow lircd to write to generic usb devices
* Tue Apr 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-7
- Allow sandbox_xserver to connectto unconfined stream
Resolves: #585171
* Mon Apr 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-6
- Allow initrc_t to read slapd_db_t
Resolves: #585476
- Allow ipsec_mgmt to use unallocated devpts and to create /etc/resolv.conf
Resolves: #585963
* Thu Apr 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-5
- Allow rlogind_t to search /root for .rhosts
Resolves: #582760
- Fix path for cached_var_t
- Fix prelink paths /var/lib/prelink
- Allow confined users to direct_dri
- Allow mls lvm/cryptosetup to work
* Wed Apr 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-4
- Allow virtd_t to manage firewall/iptables config
Resolves: #573585
* Tue Apr 20 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-3
- Fix label on /root/.rhosts
Resolves: #582760
- Add labels for Picasa
- Allow openvpn to read home certs
- Allow plymouthd_t to use tty_device_t
- Run ncftool as iptables_t
- Allow mount to unmount unlabeled_t
- Dontaudit hal leaks
* Wed Apr 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-2
- Allow livecd to transition to mount
* Tue Apr 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.19-1
- Update to upstream
- Allow abrt to delete sosreport
Resolves: #579998
- Allow snmp to setuid and gid
Resolves: #582155
- Allow smartd to use generic scsi devices
Resolves: #582145
* Tue Apr 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.18-3
- Allow ipsec_t to create /etc/resolv.conf with the correct label
- Fix reserved port destination
- Allow autofs to transition to showmount
- Stop crashing tuned
* Mon Apr 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.18-2
- Add telepathysofiasip policy
* Mon Apr 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.18-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix label for /opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox
- Allow modemmanager to dbus with policykit
* Mon Apr 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-6
- Fix allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam to use auth_use_pam(httpd_t)
- Allow accountsd to read shadow file
- Allow apache to send audit messages when using pam
- Allow asterisk to bind and connect to sip tcp ports
- Fixes for dovecot 2.0
- Allow initrc_t to setattr on milter directories
- Add procmail_home_t for .procmailrc file
* Thu Apr 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-5
- Fixes for labels during install from livecd
* Thu Apr 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-4
- Fix /cgroup file context
- Fix broken afs use of unlabled_t
- Allow getty to use the console for s390
* Wed Mar 31 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-3
- Fix cgroup handling adding policy for /cgroup
- Allow confined users to write to generic usb devices, if user_rw_noexattrfile boolean set
* Tue Mar 30 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-2
- Merge patches from dgrift
* Mon Mar 29 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.17-1
- Update upstream
- Allow abrt to write to the /proc under any process
* Fri Mar 26 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.16-2
- Fix ~/.fontconfig label
- Add /root/.cert label
- Allow reading of the fixed_file_disk_t:lnk_file if you can read file
- Allow qemu_exec_t as an entrypoint to svirt_t
* Tue Mar 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.16-1
- Update to upstream
- Allow tmpreaper to delete sandbox sock files
- Allow chrome-sandbox_t to use /dev/zero, and dontaudit getattr file systems
- Fixes for gitosis
- No transition on livecd to passwd or chfn
- Fixes for denyhosts
* Tue Mar 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.15-4
- Add label for /var/lib/upower
- Allow logrotate to run sssd
- dontaudit readahead on tmpfs blk files
- Allow tmpreaper to setattr on sandbox files
- Allow confined users to execute dos files
- Allow sysadm_t to kill processes running within its clearance
- Add accountsd policy
- Fixes for corosync policy
- Fixes from crontab policy
- Allow svirt to manage svirt_image_t chr files
- Fixes for qdisk policy
- Fixes for sssd policy
- Fixes for newrole policy
* Thu Mar 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.15-3
- make libvirt work on an MLS platform
* Thu Mar 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.15-2
- Add qpidd policy
* Thu Mar 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.15-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Mar 16 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.14-5
- Allow boinc to read kernel sysctl
- Fix snmp port definitions
- Allow apache to read anon_inodefs
* Sun Mar 14 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.14-4
- Allow shutdown dac_override
* Sat Mar 13 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.14-3
- Add device_t as a file system
- Fix sysfs association
* Fri Mar 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.14-2
- Dontaudit ipsec_mgmt sys_ptrace
- Allow at to mail its spool files
- Allow nsplugin to search in .pulse directory
* Fri Mar 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.14-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Mar 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.13-4
- Allow users to dbus chat with xdm
- Allow users to r/w wireless_device_t
- Dontaudit reading of process states by ipsec_mgmt
* Thu Mar 11 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.13-3
- Fix openoffice from unconfined_t
* Wed Mar 10 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.13-2
- Add shutdown policy so consolekit can shutdown system
* Tue Mar 9 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.13-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Mar 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.12-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Mar 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.11-1
- Update to upstream - These are merges of my patches
- Remove 389 labeling conflicts
- Add MLS fixes found in RHEL6 testing
- Allow pulseaudio to run as a service
- Add label for mssql and allow apache to connect to this database port if boolean set
- Dontaudit searches of debugfs mount point
- Allow policykit_auth to send signals to itself
- Allow modcluster to call getpwnam
- Allow swat to signal winbind
- Allow usbmux to run as a system role
- Allow svirt to create and use devpts
* Mon Mar 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.10-5
- Add MLS fixes found in RHEL6 testing
- Allow domains to append to rpm_tmp_t
- Add cachefilesfd policy
- Dontaudit leaks when transitioning
* Wed Feb 23 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.10-4
- Change allow_execstack and allow_execmem booleans to on
- dontaudit acct using console
- Add label for fping
- Allow tmpreaper to delete sandbox_file_t
- Fix wine dontaudit mmap_zero
- Allow abrt to read var_t symlinks
* Tue Feb 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.10-3
- Additional policy for rgmanager
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.10-2
- Allow sshd to setattr on pseudo terms
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.10-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Feb 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.9-4
- Allow policykit to send itself signals
* Wed Feb 17 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.9-3
- Fix duplicate cobbler definition
* Wed Feb 17 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.9-2
- Fix file context of /var/lib/avahi-autoipd
* Fri Feb 12 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.9-1
- Merge with upstream
* Thu Feb 11 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-11
- Allow sandbox to work with MLS
* Tue Feb 9 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-9
- Make Chrome work with staff user
* Thu Feb 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-8
- Add icecast policy
- Cleanup spec file
* Wed Feb 3 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-7
- Add mcelog policy
* Mon Feb 1 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-6
- Lots of fixes found in F12
* Thu Jan 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-5
- Fix rpm_dontaudit_leaks
* Wed Jan 27 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-4
- Add getsched to hald_t
- Add file context for Fedora/Redhat Directory Server
* Mon Jan 25 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-3
- Allow abrt_helper to getattr on all filesystems
- Add label for /opt/real/RealPlayer/plugins/oggfformat\.so
* Thu Jan 21 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-2
- Add gstreamer_home_t for ~/.gstreamer
* Mon Jan 18 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.8-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Jan 15 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.7-3
- Fix git
* Thu Jan 7 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.7-2
- Turn on puppet policy
- Update to dgrift git policy
* Mon Jan 7 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.7-1
- Move users file to selection by spec file.
- Allow vncserver to run as unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t
* Thu Jan 7 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.6-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jan 6 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-8
- Remove most of the permissive domains from F12.
* Tue Jan 5 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-7
- Add cobbler policy from dgrift
* Mon Jan 4 2010 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-6
- add usbmon device
- Add allow rulse for devicekit_disk
* Wed Dec 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-5
- Lots of fixes found in F12, fixes from Tom London
* Wed Dec 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-4
- Cleanups from dgrift
* Tue Dec 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-3
- Add back xserver_manage_home_fonts
* Mon Dec 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-2
- Dontaudit sandbox trying to read nscd and sssd
* Fri Dec 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.5-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Dec 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.4-4
- Rename udisks-daemon back to devicekit_disk_t policy
* Wed Dec 16 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.4-3
- Fixes for abrt calls
* Fri Dec 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.4-2
- Add tgtd policy
* Fri Dec 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.4-1
- Update to upstream release
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.3-1
- Add asterisk policy back in
- Update to upstream release 2.20091117
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.7.1-1
- Update to upstream release 2.20091117
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.33-2
- Fixup nut policy
* Thu Nov 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.33-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Oct 1 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-17
- Allow vpnc request the kernel to load modules
* Wed Sep 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-16
- Fix minimum policy installs
- Allow udev and rpcbind to request the kernel to load modules
* Wed Sep 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-15
- Add plymouth policy
- Allow local_login to sys_admin
* Tue Sep 29 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-13
- Allow cupsd_config to read user tmp
- Allow snmpd_t to signal itself
- Allow sysstat_t to makedir in sysstat_log_t
* Fri Sep 25 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-12
- Update rhcs policy
* Thu Sep 24 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-11
- Allow users to exec restorecond
* Tue Sep 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-10
- Allow sendmail to request kernel modules load
* Mon Sep 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-9
- Fix all kernel_request_load_module domains
* Mon Sep 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-8
- Fix all kernel_request_load_module domains
* Sun Sep 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-7
- Remove allow_exec* booleans for confined users. Only available for unconfined_t
* Fri Sep 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-6
- More fixes for sandbox_web_t
* Fri Sep 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-5
- Allow sshd to create .ssh directory and content
* Fri Sep 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-4
- Fix request_module line to module_request
* Fri Sep 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-3
- Fix sandbox policy to allow it to run under firefox.
- Dont audit leaks.
* Thu Sep 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-2
- Fixes for sandbox
* Wed Sep 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.32-1
- Update to upstream
- Dontaudit nsplugin search /root
- Dontaudit nsplugin sys_nice
* Mon Sep 15 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.31-5
- Fix label on /usr/bin/notepad, /usr/sbin/vboxadd-service
- Remove policycoreutils-python requirement except for minimum
* Mon Sep 14 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.31-4
- Fix devicekit_disk_t to getattr on all domains sockets and fifo_files
- Conflicts seedit (You can not use selinux-policy-targeted and seedit at the same time.)
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.31-3
- Add wordpress/wp-content/uploads label
- Fixes for sandbox when run from staff_t
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.31-2
- Update to upstream
- Fixes for devicekit_disk
* Tue Sep 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-6
- More fixes
* Tue Sep 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-5
- Lots of fixes for initrc and other unconfined domains
* Fri Sep 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-4
- Allow xserver to use netlink_kobject_uevent_socket
* Thu Sep 3 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-3
- Fixes for sandbox
* Mon Aug 31 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-2
- Dontaudit setroubleshootfix looking at /root directory
* Mon Aug 31 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.30-1
- Update to upsteam
* Mon Aug 31 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.29-2
- Allow gssd to send signals to users
- Fix duplicate label for apache content
* Fri Aug 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.29-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Aug 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-9
- Remove polkit_auth on upgrades
* Wed Aug 26 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-8
- Add back in unconfined.pp and unconfineduser.pp
- Add Sandbox unshare
* Tue Aug 25 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-7
- Fixes for cdrecord, mdadm, and others
* Sat Aug 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-6
- Add capability setting to dhcpc and gpm
* Sat Aug 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-5
- Allow cronjobs to read exim_spool_t
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-4
- Add ABRT policy
* Thu Aug 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-3
- Fix system-config-services policy
* Wed Aug 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-2
- Allow libvirt to change user componant of virt_domain
* Tue Aug 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.28-1
- Allow cupsd_config_t to be started by dbus
- Add smoltclient policy
* Fri Aug 14 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.27-1
- Add policycoreutils-python to pre install
* Thu Aug 13 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-11
- Make all unconfined_domains permissive so we can see what AVC's happen
* Mon Aug 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-10
- Add pt_chown policy
* Mon Aug 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-9
- Add kdump policy for Miroslav Grepl
- Turn off execstack boolean
* Fri Aug 7 2009 Bill Nottingham <> 3.6.26-8
- Turn on execstack on a temporary basis (#512845)
* Thu Aug 6 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-7
- Allow nsplugin to connecto the session bus
- Allow samba_net to write to coolkey data
* Wed Aug 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-6
- Allow devicekit_disk to list inotify
* Wed Aug 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-5
- Allow svirt images to create sock_file in svirt_var_run_t
* Tue Aug 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-4
- Allow exim to getattr on mountpoints
- Fixes for pulseaudio
* Fri Jul 31 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-3
- Allow svirt_t to stream_connect to virtd_t
* Fri Jul 31 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-2
- Allod hald_dccm_t to create sock_files in /tmp
* Thu Jul 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.26-1
- More fixes from upstream
* Tue Jul 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.25-1
- Fix polkit label
- Remove hidebrokensymptoms for nss_ldap fix
- Add modemmanager policy
- Lots of merges from upstream
- Begin removing textrel_shlib_t labels, from fixed libraries
* Tue Jul 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.24-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jul 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.23-2
- Allow certmaster to override dac permissions
* Thu Jul 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.23-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jul 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.22-3
- Fix context for VirtualBox
* Tue Jul 14 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.22-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Jul 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.21-4
- Allow clamscan read amavis spool files
* Wed Jul 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.21-3
- Fixes for xguest
* Tue Jul 7 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <> 3.6.21-2
- fix multiple directory ownership of mandirs
* Wed Jul 1 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.21-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.20-2
- Add rules for rtkit-daemon
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.20-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix nlscd_stream_connect
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.19-5
- Add rtkit policy
* Wed Jun 24 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.19-4
- Allow rpcd_t to stream connect to rpcbind
* Tue Jun 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.19-3
- Allow kpropd to create tmp files
* Tue Jun 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.19-2
- Fix last duplicate /var/log/rpmpkgs
* Mon Jun 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.19-1
- Update to upstream
* add sssd
* Sat Jun 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.18-1
- Update to upstream
* cleanup
* Fri Jun 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.17-1
- Update to upstream
- Additional mail ports
- Add virt_use_usb boolean for svirt
* Thu Jun 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.16-4
- Fix mcs rules to include chr_file and blk_file
* Tue Jun 16 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.16-3
- Add label for udev-acl
* Mon Jun 15 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.16-2
- Additional rules for consolekit/udev, privoxy and various other fixes
* Fri Jun 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.16-1
- New version for upstream
* Thu Jun 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.14-3
- Allow NetworkManager to read inotifyfs
* Wed Jun 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.14-2
- Allow setroubleshoot to run mlocate
* Mon Jun 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.14-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 2 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.13-3
- Add fish as a shell
- Allow fprintd to list usbfs_t
- Allow consolekit to search mountpoints
- Add proper labeling for shorewall
* Tue May 26 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.13-2
- New log file for vmware
- Allow xdm to setattr on user_tmp_t
* Thu May 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.13-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Wed May 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-39
- Allow fprintd to access sys_ptrace
- Add sandbox policy
* Mon May 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-38
- Add varnishd policy
* Thu May 14 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-37
- Fixes for kpropd
* Tue May 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-36
- Allow brctl to r/w tun_tap_device_t
* Mon May 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-35
- Add /usr/share/selinux/packages
* Mon May 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-34
- Allow rpcd_t to send signals to kernel threads
* Fri May 7 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-33
- Fix upgrade for F10 to F11
* Thu May 7 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-31
- Add policy for /var/lib/fprint
* Tue May 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-30
-Remove duplicate line
* Tue May 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-29
- Allow svirt to manage pci and other sysfs device data
* Mon May 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-28
- Fix package selection handling
* Fri May 1 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-27
- Fix /sbin/ip6tables-save context
- Allod udev to transition to mount
- Fix loading of mls policy file
* Thu Apr 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-26
- Add shorewall policy
* Wed Apr 29 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-25
- Additional rules for fprintd and sssd
* Tue Apr 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-24
- Allow nsplugin to unix_read unix_write sem for unconfined_java
* Tue Apr 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-23
- Fix uml files to be owned by users
* Tue Apr 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-22
- Fix Upgrade path to install unconfineduser.pp when unocnfined package is 3.0.0 or less
* Mon Apr 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-21
- Allow confined users to manage virt_content_t, since this is home dir content
- Allow all domains to read rpm_script_tmp_t which is what shell creates on redirection
* Mon Apr 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-20
- Fix labeling on /var/lib/misc/prelink*
- Allow xserver to rw_shm_perms with all x_clients
- Allow prelink to execute files in the users home directory
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-19
- Allow initrc_t to delete dev_null
- Allow readahead to configure auditing
- Fix milter policy
- Add /var/lib/readahead
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-16
- Update to latest milter code from Paul Howarth
* Thu Apr 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-15
- Additional perms for readahead
* Thu Apr 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-14
- Allow pulseaudio to acquire_svc on session bus
- Fix readahead labeling
* Thu Apr 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-13
- Allow sysadm_t to run rpm directly
- libvirt needs fowner
* Wed Apr 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-12
- Allow sshd to read var_lib symlinks for freenx
* Tue Apr 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-11
- Allow nsplugin unix_read and write on users shm and sem
- Allow sysadm_t to execute su
* Tue Apr 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-10
- Dontaudit attempts to getattr user_tmpfs_t by lvm
- Allow nfs to share removable media
* Mon Apr 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-9
- Add ability to run postdrop from confined users
* Sat Apr 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-8
- Fixes for podsleuth
* Fri Apr 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-7
- Turn off nsplugin transition
- Remove Konsole leaked file descriptors for release
* Fri Apr 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-6
- Allow cupsd_t to create link files in print_spool_t
- Fix iscsi_stream_connect typo
- Fix labeling on /etc/acpi/actions
- Don't reinstall unconfine and unconfineuser on upgrade if they are not installed
* Tue Apr 14 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-5
- Allow audioentroy to read etc files
* Mon Apr 13 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-4
- Add fail2ban_var_lib_t
- Fixes for devicekit_power_t
* Thu Apr 9 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-3
- Separate out the ucnonfined user from the unconfined.pp package
* Wed Apr 7 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-2
- Make sure unconfined_java_t and unconfined_mono_t create user_tmpfs_t.
* Tue Apr 7 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.12-1
- Upgrade to latest upstream
- Allow devicekit_disk sys_rawio
* Mon Apr 6 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.11-1
- Dontaudit binds to ports < 1024 for named
- Upgrade to latest upstream
* Fri Apr 3 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-9
- Allow podsleuth to use tmpfs files
* Fri Apr 3 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-8
- Add customizable_types for svirt
* Fri Apr 3 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-7
- Allow setroubelshoot exec* privs to prevent crash from bad libraries
- add cpufreqselector
* Thu Apr 2 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-6
- Dontaudit listing of /root directory for cron system jobs
* Mon Mar 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-5
- Fix missing label
* Fri Mar 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-4
- Add label for ~/.forward and /root/.forward
* Thu Mar 26 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-3
- Fixes for svirt
* Thu Mar 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-2
- Fixes to allow svirt read iso files in homedir
* Thu Mar 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.10-1
- Add xenner and wine fixes from mgrepl
* Wed Mar 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.9-4
- Allow mdadm to read/write mls override
* Tue Mar 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.9-3
- Change to svirt to only access svirt_image_t
* Thu Mar 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.9-2
- Fix libvirt policy
* Thu Mar 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.9-1
- Upgrade to latest upstream
* Tue Mar 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.8-4
- Fixes for iscsid and sssd
- More cleanups for upgrade from F10 to Rawhide.
* Mon Mar 9 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.8-3
- Add pulseaudio, sssd policy
- Allow networkmanager to exec udevadm
* Sat Mar 7 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.8-2
- Add pulseaudio context
* Thu Mar 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.8-1
- Upgrade to latest patches
* Wed Mar 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.7-2
- Fixes for libvirt
* Mon Mar 2 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.7-1
- Update to Latest upstream
* Sat Feb 28 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-9
- Fix setrans.conf to show SystemLow for s0
* Fri Feb 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-8
- Further confinement of qemu images via svirt
* Wed Feb 25 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.6.6-7
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Feb 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-6
- Allow NetworkManager to manage /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
* Wed Feb 18 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-5
- add virtual_image_context and virtual_domain_context files
* Tue Feb 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-4
- Allow rpcd_t to send signal to mount_t
- Allow libvirtd to run ranged
* Tue Feb 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-3
- Fix sysnet/net_conf_t
* Tue Feb 17 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-2
- Fix squidGuard labeling
* Wed Feb 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.6-1
- Re-add corenet_in_generic_if(unlabeled_t)
* Wed Feb 11 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.5-3
* Tue Feb 10 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.5-2
- Add git web policy
* Mon Feb 9 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.5-1
- Add setrans contains from upstream
* Mon Feb 9 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-6
- Do transitions outside of the booleans
* Sun Feb 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-5
- Allow xdm to create user_tmp_t sockets for switch user to work
* Thu Feb 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-4
- Fix staff_t domain
* Thu Feb 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-3
- Grab remainder of network_peer_controls patch
* Wed Feb 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-2
- More fixes for devicekit
* Tue Feb 3 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.4-1
- Upgrade to latest upstream
* Mon Feb 2 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-13
- Add boolean to disallow unconfined_t login
* Fri Jan 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-12
- Add back transition from xguest to mozilla
* Fri Jan 30 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-11
- Add virt_content_ro_t and labeling for isos directory
* Tue Jan 27 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-10
- Fixes for wicd daemon
* Mon Jan 26 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-9
- More mls/rpm fixes
* Fri Jan 23 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-8
- Add policy to make dbus/nm-applet work
* Thu Jan 22 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-7
- Remove polgen-ifgen from post and add trigger to policycoreutils-python
* Wed Jan 21 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-6
- Add wm policy
- Make mls work in graphics mode
* Tue Jan 20 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-3
- Fixed for DeviceKit
* Mon Jan 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-2
- Add devicekit policy
* Mon Jan 19 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.3-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Jan 15 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.2-5
- Define openoffice as an x_domain
* Mon Jan 12 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.2-4
- Fixes for reading xserver_tmp_t
* Thu Jan 8 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.2-3
- Allow cups_pdf_t write to nfs_t
* Tue Jan 6 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.2-2
- Remove audio_entropy policy
* Mon Jan 5 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Sun Jan 4 2009 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-15
- Allow hal_acl_t to getattr/setattr fixed_disk
* Sat Dec 27 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-14
- Change userdom_read_all_users_state to include reading symbolic links in /proc
* Mon Dec 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-13
- Fix dbus reading /proc information
* Thu Dec 18 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-12
- Add missing alias for home directory content
* Wed Dec 17 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-11
- Fixes for IBM java location
* Thu Dec 11 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-10
- Allow unconfined_r unconfined_java_t
* Tue Dec 9 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-9
- Add cron_role back to user domains
* Mon Dec 8 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-8
- Fix sudo setting of user keys
* Thu Dec 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-7
- Allow iptables to talk to terminals
- Fixes for policy kit
- lots of fixes for booting.
* Wed Dec 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.6.1-4
- Cleanup policy
* Mon Dec 01 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> - 3.6.1-2
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
* Fri Nov 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-19
- Fix labeling on /var/spool/rsyslog
* Thu Nov 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-18
- Allow postgresl to bind to udp nodes
* Wed Nov 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-17
- Allow lvm to dbus chat with hal
- Allow rlogind to read nfs_t
* Wed Nov 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-16
- Fix cyphesis file context
* Tue Nov 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-15
- Allow hal/pm-utils to look at /var/run/video.rom
- Add ulogd policy
* Tue Nov 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-14
- Additional fixes for cyphesis
- Fix certmaster file context
- Add policy for system-config-samba
- Allow hal to read /var/run/video.rom
* Mon Nov 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-13
- Allow dhcpc to restart ypbind
- Fixup labeling in /var/run
* Thu Oct 30 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-12
- Add certmaster policy
* Wed Oct 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-11
- Fix confined users
- Allow xguest to read/write xguest_dbusd_t
* Mon Oct 27 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-9
- Allow openoffice execstack/execmem privs
* Fri Oct 24 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-8
- Allow mozilla to run with unconfined_execmem_t
* Thu Oct 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-7
- Dontaudit domains trying to write to .xsession-errors
* Thu Oct 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-6
- Allow nsplugin to look at autofs_t directory
* Wed Oct 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-5
- Allow kerneloops to create tmp files
* Wed Oct 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-4
- More alias for fastcgi
* Tue Oct 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-3
- Remove mod_fcgid-selinux package
* Mon Oct 20 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-2
- Fix dovecot access
* Fri Oct 17 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.13-1
- Policy cleanup
* Thu Oct 16 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.12-3
- Remove Multiple spec
- Add include
- Fix makefile to not call per_role_expansion
* Wed Oct 15 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.12-2
- Fix labeling of libGL
* Fri Oct 10 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.12-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Oct 8 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.11-1
- Update to upstream policy
* Mon Oct 6 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.10-3
- Fixes for confined xwindows and xdm_t
* Fri Oct 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.10-2
- Allow confined users and xdm to exec wm
- Allow nsplugin to talk to fifo files on nfs
* Fri Oct 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.10-1
- Allow NetworkManager to transition to avahi and iptables
- Allow domains to search other domains keys, coverup kernel bug
* Wed Oct 1 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.9-4
- Fix labeling for oracle
* Wed Oct 1 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.9-3
- Allow nsplugin to comminicate with xdm_tmp_t sock_file
* Mon Sep 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.9-2
- Change all user tmpfs_t files to be labeled user_tmpfs_t
- Allow radiusd to create sock_files
* Wed Sep 24 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.9-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Tue Sep 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-7
- Allow confined users to login with dbus
* Mon Sep 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-6
- Fix transition to nsplugin
* Mon Sep 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-5
- Add file context for /dev/mspblk.*
* Sun Sep 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-4
- Fix transition to nsplugin
* Thu Sep 18 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-3
- Fix labeling on new pm*log
- Allow ssh to bind to all nodes
* Thu Sep 11 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.8-1
- Merge upstream changes
- Add Xavier Toth patches
* Wed Sep 10 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.7-2
- Add qemu_cache_t for /var/cache/libvirt
* Fri Sep 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.7-1
- Remove gamin policy
* Thu Sep 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.6-2
- Add tinyxs-max file system support
* Wed Sep 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.6-1
- Update to upstream
- New handling of init scripts
* Fri Aug 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.5-4
- Allow pcsd to dbus
- Add memcache policy
* Fri Aug 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.5-3
- Allow audit dispatcher to kill his children
* Tue Aug 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.5-2
- Update to upstream
- Fix crontab use by unconfined user
* Tue Aug 12 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.4-2
- Allow ifconfig_t to read dhcpc_state_t
* Mon Aug 11 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Aug 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.3-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Aug 2 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.2-2
- Allow system-config-selinux to work with policykit
* Fri Jul 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.1-5
- Fix novel labeling
* Fri Jul 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.1-4
- Consolodate pyzor,spamassassin, razor into one security domain
- Fix xdm requiring additional perms.
* Fri Jul 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.1-3
- Fixes for logrotate, alsa
* Thu Jul 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.1-2
- Eliminate vbetool duplicate entry
* Wed Jul 16 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.1-1
- Fix xguest -> xguest_mozilla_t -> xguest_openiffice_t
- Change dhclient to be able to red networkmanager_var_run
* Tue Jul 15 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.5.0-1
- Update to latest refpolicy
- Fix libsemanage initial install bug
* Wed Jul 9 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-14
- Add inotify support to nscd
* Tue Jul 8 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-13
- Allow unconfined_t to setfcap
* Mon Jul 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-12
- Allow amanda to read tape
- Allow prewikka cgi to use syslog, allow audisp_t to signal cgi
- Add support for netware file systems
* Thu Jul 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-11
- Allow ypbind apps to net_bind_service
* Wed Jul 2 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-10
- Allow all system domains and application domains to append to any log file
* Sun Jun 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-9
- Allow gdm to read rpm database
- Allow nsplugin to read mplayer config files
* Thu Jun 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-8
- Allow vpnc to run ifconfig
* Tue Jun 24 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-7
- Allow confined users to use postgres
- Allow system_mail_t to exec other mail clients
- Label mogrel_rails as an apache server
* Mon Jun 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-6
- Apply unconfined_execmem_exec_t to haskell programs
* Sun Jun 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-5
- Fix prelude file context
* Fri Jun 12 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-4
- allow hplip to talk dbus
- Fix context on ~/.local dir
* Thu Jun 12 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-3
- Prevent applications from reading x_device
* Thu Jun 12 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-2
- Add /var/lib/selinux context
* Wed Jun 11 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jun 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.1-5
- Add livecd policy
* Wed Jun 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.1-3
- Dontaudit search of admin_home for init_system_domain
- Rewrite of xace interfaces
- Lots of new fs_list_inotify
- Allow livecd to transition to setfiles_mac
* Fri May 9 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.1-2
- Begin XAce integration
* Fri May 9 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.4.1-1
- Merge Upstream
* Wed May 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-48
- Allow amanada to create data files
* Wed May 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-47
- Fix initial install, semanage setup
* Tue May 6 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-46
- Allow system_r for httpd_unconfined_script_t
* Wed Apr 30 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-45
- Remove dmesg boolean
- Allow user domains to read/write game data
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-44
- Change unconfined_t to transition to unconfined_mono_t when running mono
- Change XXX_mono_t to transition to XXX_t when executing bin_t files, so gnome-do will work
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-43
- Remove old booleans from targeted-booleans.conf file
* Fri Apr 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-42
- Add boolean to mmap_zero
- allow tor setgid
- Allow gnomeclock to set clock
* Thu Apr 24 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-41
- Don't run crontab from unconfined_t
* Wed Apr 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-39
- Change etc files to config files to allow users to read them
* Fri Apr 14 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-37
- Lots of fixes for confined domains on NFS_t homedir
* Mon Apr 14 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-36
- dontaudit mrtg reading /proc
- Allow iscsi to signal itself
- Allow gnomeclock sys_ptrace
* Thu Apr 10 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-33
- Allow dhcpd to read kernel network state
* Thu Apr 10 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-32
- Label /var/run/gdm correctly
- Fix unconfined_u user creation
* Tue Apr 8 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-31
- Allow transition from initrc_t to getty_t
* Tue Apr 8 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-30
- Allow passwd to communicate with user sockets to change gnome-keyring
* Sat Apr 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-29
- Fix initial install
* Fri Apr 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-28
- Allow radvd to use fifo_file
- dontaudit setfiles reading links
- allow semanage sys_resource
- add allow_httpd_mod_auth_ntlm_winbind boolean
- Allow privhome apps including dovecot read on nfs and cifs home
dirs if the boolean is set
* Tue Apr 1 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-27
- Allow nsplugin to read /etc/mozpluggerrc, user_fonts
- Allow syslog to manage innd logs.
- Allow procmail to ioctl spamd_exec_t
* Sat Mar 28 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-26
- Allow initrc_t to dbus chat with consolekit.
* Thu Mar 27 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-25
- Additional access for nsplugin
- Allow xdm setcap/getcap until pulseaudio is fixed
* Tue Mar 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-24
- Allow mount to mkdir on tmpfs
- Allow ifconfig to search debugfs
* Fri Mar 18 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-23
- Fix file context for MATLAB
- Fixes for xace
* Tue Mar 18 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-22
- Allow stunnel to transition to inetd children domains
- Make unconfined_dbusd_t an unconfined domain
* Mon Mar 17 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-21
- Fixes for qemu/virtd
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-20
- Fix bug in mozilla policy to allow xguest transition
- This will fix the
libsemanage.dbase_llist_query: could not find record value
libsemanage.dbase_llist_query: could not query record value (No such file or
bug in xguest
* Fri Mar 14 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-19
- Allow nsplugin to run acroread
* Thu Mar 13 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-18
- Add cups_pdf policy
- Add openoffice policy to run in xguest
* Thu Mar 13 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-17
- prewika needs to contact mysql
- Allow syslog to read system_map files
* Wed Mar 12 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-16
- Change init_t to an unconfined_domain
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-15
- Allow init to transition to initrc_t on shell exec.
- Fix init to be able to sendto init_t.
- Allow syslog to connect to mysql
- Allow lvm to manage its own fifo_files
- Allow bugzilla to use ldap
- More mls fixes
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Bill Nottingham <> 3.3.1-14
- fixes for init policy (#436988)
- fix build
* Mon Mar 10 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-13
- Additional changes for MLS policy
* Thu Mar 6 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-12
- Fix initrc_context generation for MLS
* Mon Mar 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-11
- Fixes for libvirt
* Mon Mar 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-10
- Allow bitlebee to read locale_t
* Fri Feb 29 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-9
- More xselinux rules
* Thu Feb 28 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-8
- Change httpd_$1_script_r*_t to httpd_$1_content_r*_t
* Wed Feb 27 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-6
- Prepare policy for beta release
- Change some of the system domains back to unconfined
- Turn on some of the booleans
* Tue Feb 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-5
- Allow nsplugin_config execstack/execmem
- Allow nsplugin_t to read alsa config
- Change apache to use user content
* Tue Feb 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-4
- Add cyphesis policy
* Tue Feb 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-2
- Fix Makefile.devel to build mls modules
- Fix qemu to be more specific on labeling
* Tue Feb 26 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.1-1
- Update to upstream fixes
* Fri Feb 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.0-2
- Allow staff to mounton user_home_t
* Fri Feb 22 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.3.0-1
- Add xace support
* Thu Feb 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.9-2
- Add fusectl file system
* Wed Feb 20 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.9-1
- Fixes from yum-cron
- Update to latest upstream
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.8-2
- Fix userdom_list_user_files
* Fri Feb 15 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.8-1
- Merge with upstream
* Thu Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.7-6
- Allow udev to send audit messages
* Thu Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.7-5
- Add additional login users interfaces
- userdom_admin_login_user_template(staff)
* Thu Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.7-3
- More fixes for polkit
* Thu Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.7-2
- Eliminate transition from unconfined_t to qemu by default
- Fixes for gpg
* Tue Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-7
- Fixes for staff_t
* Tue Feb 5 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-6
- Add policy for kerneloops
- Add policy for gnomeclock
* Mon Feb 4 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-5
- Fixes for libvirt
* Sun Feb 3 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-4
- Fixes for nsplugin
* Sat Feb 2 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-3
- More fixes for qemu
* Sat Feb 2 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-2
- Additional ports for vnc and allow qemu and libvirt to search all directories
* Fri Feb 1 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.6-1
- Update to upstream
- Add libvirt policy
- add qemu policy
* Fri Feb 1 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-25
- Allow fail2ban to create a socket in /var/run
* Wed Jan 30 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-24
- Allow allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam to work
* Wed Jan 30 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-22
- Add audisp policy and prelude
* Mon Jan 28 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-21
- Allow all user roles to executae samba net command
* Fri Jan 25 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-20
- Allow usertypes to read/write noxattr file systems
* Thu Jan 24 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-19
- Fix nsplugin to allow flashplugin to work in enforcing mode
* Wed Jan 23 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-18
- Allow pam_selinux_permit to kill all processes
* Mon Jan 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-17
- Allow ptrace or user processes by users of same type
- Add boolean for transition to nsplugin
* Mon Jan 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-16
- Allow nsplugin sys_nice, getsched, setsched
* Mon Jan 21 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-15
- Allow login programs to talk dbus to oddjob
* Thu Jan 17 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-14
- Add procmail_log support
- Lots of fixes for munin
* Tue Jan 15 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-13
- Allow setroubleshoot to read policy config and send audit messages
* Mon Jan 14 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-12
- Allow users to execute all files in homedir, if boolean set
- Allow mount to read samba config
* Sun Jan 13 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-11
- Fixes for xguest to run java plugin
* Mon Jan 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-10
- dontaudit pam_t and dbusd writing to user_home_t
* Mon Jan 7 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-9
- Update gpg to allow reading of inotify
* Wed Jan 2 2008 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-8
- Change user and staff roles to work correctly with varied perms
* Mon Dec 31 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-7
- Fix munin log,
- Eliminate duplicate mozilla file context
- fix wpa_supplicant spec
* Mon Dec 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-6
- Fix role transition from unconfined_r to system_r when running rpm
- Allow unconfined_domains to communicate with user dbus instances
* Sat Dec 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-5
- Fixes for xguest
* Thu Dec 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-4
- Let all uncofined domains communicate with dbus unconfined
* Thu Dec 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-3
- Run rpm in system_r
* Wed Dec 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-2
- Zero out customizable types
* Wed Dec 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.5-1
- Fix definiton of admin_home_t
* Wed Dec 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.4-5
- Fix munin file context
* Tue Dec 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.4-4
- Allow cron to run unconfined apps
* Mon Dec 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.4-3
- Modify default login to unconfined_u
* Thu Dec 13 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.4-1
- Dontaudit dbus user client search of /root
* Wed Dec 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Dec 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.3-2
- Fixes for polkit
- Allow xserver to ptrace
* Tue Dec 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.3-1
- Add polkit policy
- Symplify userdom context, remove automatic per_role changes
* Tue Dec 4 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t to search users homedirs
* Mon Dec 3 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.1-3
- Allow rpm_script to transition to unconfined_execmem_t
* Fri Nov 30 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.2.1-1
- Remove user based home directory separation
* Wed Nov 28 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.1.2-2
- Remove user specific crond_t
* Mon Nov 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.1.2-1
- Merge with upstream
- Allow xsever to read hwdata_t
- Allow login programs to setkeycreate
* Sat Nov 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.1.1-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Oct 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.1.0-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Oct 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-30
- Allow XServer to read /proc/self/cmdline
- Fix unconfined cron jobs
- Allow fetchmail to transition to procmail
- Fixes for hald_mac
- Allow system_mail to transition to exim
- Allow tftpd to upload files
- Allow xdm to manage unconfined_tmp
- Allow udef to read alsa config
- Fix xguest to be able to connect to sound port
* Fri Oct 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-28
- Fixes for hald_mac
- Treat unconfined_home_dir_t as a home dir
- dontaudit rhgb writes to fonts and root
* Fri Oct 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-27
- Fix dnsmasq
- Allow rshd full login privs
* Thu Oct 16 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-26
- Allow rshd to connect to ports > 1023
* Thu Oct 16 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-25
- Fix vpn to bind to port 4500
- Allow ssh to create shm
- Add Kismet policy
* Tue Oct 16 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-24
- Allow rpm to chat with networkmanager
* Mon Oct 15 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-23
- Fixes for ipsec and exim mail
- Change default to unconfined user
* Fri Oct 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-22
- Pass the UNK_PERMS param to makefile
- Fix gdm location
* Wed Oct 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-21
- Make alsa work
* Tue Oct 9 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-20
- Fixes for consolekit and startx sessions
* Mon Oct 8 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-19
- Dontaudit consoletype talking to unconfined_t
* Thu Oct 4 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-18
- Remove homedir_template
* Tue Oct 2 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-17
- Check asound.state
* Mon Oct 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-16
- Fix exim policy
* Thu Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-15
- Allow tmpreadper to read man_t
- Allow racoon to bind to all nodes
- Fixes for finger print reader
* Tue Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-14
- Allow xdm to talk to input device (fingerprint reader)
- Allow octave to run as java
* Tue Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-13
- Allow login programs to set ioctl on /proc
* Mon Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-12
- Allow nsswitch apps to read samba_var_t
* Mon Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-11
- Fix maxima
* Mon Sep 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-10
- Eliminate rpm_t:fifo_file avcs
- Fix dbus path for helper app
* Sat Sep 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-9
- Fix service start stop terminal avc's
* Fri Sep 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-8
- Allow also to search var_lib
- New context for dbus launcher
* Fri Sep 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-7
- Allow cupsd_config_t to read/write usb_device_t
- Support for finger print reader,
- Many fixes for clvmd
- dbus starting networkmanager
* Thu Sep 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-5
- Fix java and mono to run in xguest account
* Wed Sep 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-4
- Fix to add xguest account when inititial install
- Allow mono, java, wine to run in userdomains
* Wed Sep 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-3
- Allow xserver to search devpts_t
- Dontaudit ldconfig output to homedir
* Tue Sep 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-2
- Remove hplip_etc_t change back to etc_t.
* Mon Sep 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.8-1
- Allow cron to search nfs and samba homedirs
* Tue Sep 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-10
- Allow NetworkManager to dbus chat with yum-updated
* Tue Sep 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-9
- Allow xfs to bind to port 7100
* Mon Sep 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-8
- Allow newalias/sendmail dac_override
- Allow bind to bind to all udp ports
* Fri Sep 7 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-7
- Turn off direct transition
* Fri Sep 7 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-6
- Allow wine to run in system role
* Thu Sep 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-5
- Fix java labeling
* Thu Sep 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-4
- Define user_home_type as home_type
* Tue Aug 28 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-3
- Allow sendmail to create etc_aliases_t
* Tue Aug 28 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-2
- Allow login programs to read symlinks on homedirs
* Mon Aug 27 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.7-1
- Update an readd modules
* Fri Aug 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.6-3
- Cleanup spec file
* Fri Aug 24 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.6-2
- Allow xserver to be started by unconfined process and talk to tty
* Wed Aug 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.6-1
- Upgrade to upstream to grab postgressql changes
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-11
- Add setransd for mls policy
* Mon Aug 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-10
- Add ldconfig_cache_t
* Sat Aug 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-9
- Allow sshd to write to proc_t for afs login
* Sat Aug 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-8
- Allow xserver access to urand
* Tue Aug 14 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-7
- allow dovecot to search mountpoints
* Sat Aug 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-6
- Fix Makefile for building policy modules
* Fri Aug 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-5
- Fix dhcpc startup of service
* Fri Aug 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-4
- Fix dbus chat to not happen for xguest and guest users
* Mon Aug 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-3
- Fix nagios cgi
- allow squid to communicate with winbind
* Mon Aug 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-2
- Fixes for ldconfig
* Thu Aug 2 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.5-1
- Update from upstream
* Wed Aug 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-6
- Add nasd support
* Wed Aug 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-5
- Fix new usb devices and dmfm
* Mon Jul 30 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-4
- Eliminate mount_ntfs_t policy, merge into mount_t
* Mon Jul 30 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-3
- Allow xserver to write to ramfs mounted by rhgb
* Tue Jul 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-2
- Add context for dbus machine id
* Tue Jul 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.4-1
- Update with latest changes from upstream
* Tue Jul 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-6
- Fix prelink to handle execmod
* Mon Jul 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-5
- Add ntpd_key_t to handle secret data
* Fri Jul 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-4
- Add anon_inodefs
- Allow unpriv user exec pam_exec_t
- Fix trigger
* Fri Jul 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-3
- Allow cups to use generic usb
- fix inetd to be able to run random apps (git)
* Thu Jul 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-2
- Add proper contexts for rsyslogd
* Thu Jul 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.3-1
- Fixes for xguest policy
* Tue Jul 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-9
- Allow execution of gconf
* Sat Jul 14 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-8
- Fix moilscanner update problem
* Thu Jul 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-7
- Begin adding policy to separate setsebool from semanage
- Fix xserver.if definition to not break sepolgen.if
* Wed Jul 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-5
- Add new devices
* Tue Jul 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-4
- Add brctl policy
* Fri Jul 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-3
- Fix root login to include system_r
* Fri Jul 6 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.2-2
- Allow prelink to read kernel sysctls
* Mon Jul 2 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.1-5
- Default to user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
* Sun Jul 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.1-4
- fix squid
- Fix rpm running as uid
* Wed Jun 26 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.1-3
- Fix syslog declaration
* Wed Jun 26 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.1-2
- Allow avahi to access inotify
- Remove a lot of bogus security_t:filesystem avcs
* Fri May 25 2007 Dan Walsh <> 3.0.1-1
- Remove ifdef strict policy from upstream
* Fri May 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.5-3
- Remove ifdef strict to allow user_u to login
* Fri May 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.5-2
- Fix for amands
- Allow semanage to read pp files
- Allow rhgb to read xdm_xserver_tmp
* Fri May 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.4-7
- Allow kerberos servers to use ldap for backing store
* Thu May 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.4-6
- allow alsactl to read kernel state
* Wed May 16 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.4-5
- More fixes for alsactl
- Transition from hal and modutils
- Fixes for suspend resume.
- insmod domtrans to alsactl
- insmod writes to hal log
* Wed May 16 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.4-2
- Allow unconfined_t to transition to NetworkManager_t
- Fix netlabel policy
* Mon May 14 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.4-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Fri May 4 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.3-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Mon Apr 30 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.2-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Fri Apr 27 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.1-4
- Allow pcscd_t to send itself signals
* Fri Apr 27 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.1-3
* Wed Apr 25 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.1-2
- Fixes for unix_update
- Fix logwatch to be able to search all dirs
* Mon Apr 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.6.1-1
- Upstream bumped the version
* Thu Apr 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-12
- Allow consolekit to syslog
- Allow ntfs to work with hal
* Thu Apr 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-11
- Allow iptables to read etc_runtime_t
* Thu Apr 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-10
- MLS Fixes
* Wed Apr 18 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-8
- Fix path of /etc/lvm/cache directory
- Fixes for alsactl and pppd_t
- Fixes for consolekit
* Tue Apr 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-5
- Allow insmod_t to mount kvmfs_t filesystems
* Tue Apr 17 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-4
- Rwho policy
- Fixes for consolekit
* Fri Apr 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-3
- fixes for fusefs
* Thu Apr 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-2
- Fix samba_net to allow it to view samba_var_t
* Tue Apr 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.12-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Apr 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-8
- Fix Sonypic backlight
- Allow snmp to look at squid_conf_t
* Mon Apr 9 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-7
- Fixes for pyzor, cyrus, consoletype on everything installs
* Mon Apr 9 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-6
- Fix hald_acl_t to be able to getattr/setattr on usb devices
- Dontaudit write to unconfined_pipes for load_policy
* Thu Apr 5 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-5
- Allow bluetooth to read inotifyfs
* Wed Apr 4 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-4
- Fixes for samba domain controller.
- Allow ConsoleKit to look at ttys
* Tue Apr 3 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-3
- Fix interface call
* Tue Apr 3 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-2
- Allow syslog-ng to read /var
- Allow locate to getattr on all filesystems
- nscd needs setcap
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.11-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Mar 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.10-2
- Allow samba to run groupadd
* Thu Mar 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.10-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Mar 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.9-6
- Allow mdadm to access generic scsi devices
* Wed Mar 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.9-5
- Fix labeling on udev.tbl dirs
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.9-4
- Fixes for logwatch
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.9-3
- Add fusermount and mount_ntfs policy
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.9-2
- Update to upstream
- Allow saslauthd to use kerberos keytabs
* Mon Mar 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-8
- Fixes for samba_var_t
* Mon Mar 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-7
- Allow networkmanager to setpgid
- Fixes for hal_acl_t
* Mon Mar 19 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-6
- Remove disable_trans booleans
- hald_acl_t needs to talk to nscd
* Thu Mar 15 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-5
- Fix prelink to be able to manage usr dirs.
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-4
- Allow insmod to launch init scripts
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-3
- Remove setsebool policy
* Mon Mar 12 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-2
- Fix handling of unlabled_t packets
* Thu Mar 8 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.8-1
- More of my patches from upstream
* Thu Mar 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.7-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Add fail2ban policy
* Wed Feb 28 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.6-1
- Update to remove security_t:filesystem getattr problems
* Fri Feb 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.5-2
- Policy for consolekit
* Fri Feb 23 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.5-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Wed Feb 21 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.4-2
- Revert Nemiver change
- Set sudo as a corecmd so prelink will work, remove sudoedit mapping, since this will not work, it does not transition.
- Allow samba to execute useradd
* Tue Feb 20 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.4-1
- Upgrade to the latest from upstream
* Thu Feb 15 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.3-3
- Add sepolgen support
- Add bugzilla policy
* Wed Feb 14 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.3-2
- Fix file context for nemiver
* Sun Feb 11 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.3-1
- Remove include sym link
* Mon Feb 5 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-6
- Allow mozilla, evolution and thunderbird to read dev_random.
Resolves: #227002
- Allow spamd to connect to smtp port
Resolves: #227184
- Fixes to make ypxfr work
Resolves: #227237
* Sun Feb 4 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-5
- Fix ssh_agent to be marked as an executable
- Allow Hal to rw sound device
* Thu Feb 1 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-4
- Fix spamassisin so crond can update spam files
- Fixes to allow kpasswd to work
- Fixes for bluetooth
* Fri Jan 25 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-3
- Remove some targeted diffs in file context file
* Thu Jan 25 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-2
- Fix squid cachemgr labeling
* Thu Jan 25 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.2-1
- Add ability to generate webadm_t policy
- Lots of new interfaces for httpd
- Allow sshd to login as unconfined_t
* Mon Jan 22 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.1-5
- Continue fixing, additional user domains
* Wed Jan 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.1-4
- Begin adding user confinement to targeted policy
* Wed Jan 10 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.1-2
- Fixes for prelink, ktalkd, netlabel
* Mon Jan 8 2007 Dan Walsh <> 2.5.1-1
- Allow prelink when run from rpm to create tmp files
Resolves: #221865
- Remove file_context for exportfs
Resolves: #221181
- Allow spamassassin to create ~/.spamassissin
Resolves: #203290
- Allow ssh access to the krb tickets
- Allow sshd to change passwd
- Stop newrole -l from working on non securetty
Resolves: #200110
- Fixes to run prelink in MLS machine
Resolves: #221233
- Allow spamassassin to read var_lib_t dir
Resolves: #219234
* Fri Dec 29 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-20
- fix mplayer to work under strict policy
- Allow iptables to use nscd
Resolves: #220794
* Thu Dec 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-19
- Add gconf policy and make it work with strict
* Sat Dec 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-18
- Many fixes for strict policy and by extension mls.
* Fri Dec 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-17
- Fix to allow ftp to bind to ports > 1024
Resolves: #219349
* Tue Dec 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-16
- Allow semanage to exec it self. Label genhomedircon as semanage_exec_t
Resolves: #219421
- Allow sysadm_lpr_t to manage other print spool jobs
Resolves: #220080
* Mon Dec 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-15
- allow automount to setgid
Resolves: #219999
* Thu Dec 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-14
- Allow cron to polyinstatiate
- Fix creation of boot flags
Resolves: #207433
* Thu Dec 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-13
- Fixes for irqbalance
Resolves: #219606
* Thu Dec 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-12
- Fix vixie-cron to work on mls
Resolves: #207433
* Wed Dec 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-11
Resolves: #218978
* Tue Dec 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-10
- Allow initrc to create files in /var directories
Resolves: #219227
* Fri Dec 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-9
- More fixes for MLS
Resolves: #181566
* Wed Dec 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-8
- More Fixes polyinstatiation
Resolves: #216184
* Wed Dec 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-7
- More Fixes polyinstatiation
- Fix handling of keyrings
Resolves: #216184
* Mon Dec 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-6
- Fix polyinstatiation
- Fix pcscd handling of terminal
Resolves: #218149
Resolves: #218350
* Fri Dec 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-5
- More fixes for quota
Resolves: #212957
* Fri Dec 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-4
- ncsd needs to use avahi sockets
Resolves: #217640
Resolves: #218014
* Thu Nov 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-3
- Allow login programs to polyinstatiate homedirs
Resolves: #216184
- Allow quotacheck to create database files
Resolves: #212957
* Tue Nov 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.6-1
- Dontaudit appending hal_var_lib files
Resolves: #217452
Resolves: #217571
Resolves: #217611
Resolves: #217640
Resolves: #217725
* Mon Nov 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.5-4
- Fix context for helix players file_context #216942
* Mon Nov 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.5-3
- Fix load_policy to be able to mls_write_down so it can talk to the terminal
* Mon Nov 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.5-2
- Fixes for hwclock, clamav, ftp
* Wed Nov 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.5-1
- Move to upstream version which accepted my patches
* Wed Nov 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.4-2
- Fixes for nvidia driver
* Tue Nov 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.4-2
- Allow semanage to signal mcstrans
* Tue Nov 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Nov 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-13
- Allow modstorage to edit /etc/fstab file
* Mon Nov 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-12
- Fix for qemu, /dev/
* Mon Nov 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-11
- Fix path to realplayer.bin
* Fri Nov 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-10
- Allow xen to connect to xen port
* Fri Nov 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-9
- Allow cups to search samba_etc_t directory
- Allow xend_t to list auto_mountpoints
* Thu Nov 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-8
- Allow xen to search automount
* Thu Nov 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-7
- Fix spec of jre files
* Wed Nov 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-6
- Fix unconfined access to shadow file
* Wed Nov 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-5
- Allow xend to create files in xen_image_t directories
* Wed Nov 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-4
- Fixes for /var/lib/hal
* Tue Nov 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-3
- Remove ability for sysadm_t to look at audit.log
* Tue Nov 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-2
- Fix rpc_port_types
- Add aide policy for mls
* Mon Nov 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.3-1
- Merge with upstream
* Fri Nov 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-8
- Lots of fixes for ricci
* Fri Nov 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-7
- Allow xen to read/write fixed devices with a boolean
- Allow apache to search /var/log
* Thu Nov 2 2006 James Antill <> 2.4.2-6
- Fix policygentool specfile problem.
- Allow apache to send signals to it's logging helpers.
- Resolves: rhbz#212731
* Wed Nov 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-5
- Add perms for swat
* Tue Oct 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-4
- Add perms for swat
* Mon Oct 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-3
- Allow daemons to dump core files to /
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-2
- Fixes for ricci
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-1
- Allow mount.nfs to work
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-5
- Allow ricci-modstorage to look at lvm_etc_t
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-4
- Fixes for ricci using saslauthd
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-3
- Allow mountpoint on home_dir_t and home_t
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-2
- Update xen to read nfs files
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-4
- Allow noxattrfs to associate with other noxattrfs
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-3
- Allow hal to use power_device_t
* Fri Oct 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-2
- Allow procemail to look at autofs_t
- Allow xen_image_t to work as a fixed device
* Thu Oct 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-1
- Refupdate from upstream
* Thu Oct 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-4
- Add lots of fixes for mls cups
* Wed Oct 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-3
- Lots of fixes for ricci
* Mon Oct 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-2
- Fix number of cats
* Mon Oct 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Oct 12 2006 James Antill <> 2.3.18-10
- More iSCSI changes for #209854
* Tue Oct 10 2006 James Antill <> 2.3.18-9
- Test ISCSI fixes for #209854
* Sun Oct 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-8
- allow semodule to rmdir selinux_config_t dir
* Fri Oct 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-7
- Fix boot_runtime_t problem on ppc. Should not be creating these files.
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-6
- Fix context mounts on reboot
- Fix ccs creation of directory in /var/log
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-5
- Update for tallylog
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-4
- Allow xend to rewrite dhcp conf files
- Allow mgetty sys_admin capability
* Wed Oct 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-3
- Make xentapctrl work
* Tue Oct 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-2
- Don't transition unconfined_t to bootloader_t
- Fix label in /dev/xen/blktap
* Tue Oct 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-1
- Patch for labeled networking
* Mon Oct 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.17-2
- Fix crond handling for mls
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.17-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-9
- Remove bluetooth-helper transition
- Add selinux_validate for semanage
- Require new version of libsemanage
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-8
- Fix prelink
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-7
- Fix rhgb
* Thu Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-6
- Fix setrans handling on MLS and useradd
* Wed Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-5
- Support for fuse
- fix vigr
* Wed Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-4
- Fix dovecot, amanda
- Fix mls
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-2
- Allow java execheap for itanium
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-1
- Update with upstream
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.15-2
- mls fixes
* Fri Sep 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.15-1
- Update from upstream
* Fri Sep 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-8
- More fixes for mls
- Revert change on automount transition to mount
* Wed Sep 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-7
- Fix cron jobs to run under the correct context
* Tue Sep 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-6
- Fixes to make pppd work
* Mon Sep 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-4
- Multiple policy fixes
- Change max categories to 1023
* Sat Sep 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-3
- Fix transition on mcstransd
* Fri Sep 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-2
- Add /dev/em8300 defs
* Fri Sep 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Thu Sep 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-6
- Fix ppp connections from network manager
* Wed Sep 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-5
- Add tty access to all domains boolean
- Fix gnome-pty-helper context for ia64
* Mon Sep 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-4
- Fixed typealias of firstboot_rw_t
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-3
- Fix location of xel log files
- Fix handling of sysadm_r -> rpm_exec_t
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-2
- Fixes for autofs, lp
* Wed Sep 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.12-2
- Fixup for test6
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.12-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.11-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-7
- Fix suspend to disk problems
* Thu Aug 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-6
- Lots of fixes for restarting daemons at the console.
* Wed Aug 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-3
- Fix audit line
- Fix requires line
* Tue Aug 29 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Mon Aug 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-6
- Fix install problems
* Fri Aug 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-5
- Allow setroubleshoot to getattr on all dirs to gather RPM data
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-4
- Set /usr/lib/ia32el/ia32x_loader to unconfined_execmem_exec_t for ia32 platform
- Fix spec for /dev/adsp
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-3
- Fix xen tty devices
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-2
- Fixes for setroubleshoot
* Wed Aug 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Sun Aug 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.8-2
- Fixes for stunnel and postgresql
- Update from upstream
* Sat Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.7-1
- Update from upstream
- More java fixes
* Fri Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-4
- Change allow_execstack to default to on, for RHEL5 Beta.
This is required because of a Java compiler problem.
Hope to turn off for next beta
* Thu Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-3
- Misc fixes
* Wed Aug 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-2
- More fixes for strict policy
* Tue Aug 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-1
- Quiet down anaconda audit messages
* Mon Aug 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.5-1
- Fix setroubleshootd
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.4-1
- Update to the latest from upstream
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-20
- More fixes for xen
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-19
- Fix anaconda transitions
* Wed Aug 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-18
- yet more xen rules
* Tue Aug 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-17
- more xen rules
* Mon Jul 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-16
- Fixes for Samba
* Sat Jul 29 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-15
- Fixes for xen
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-14
- Allow setroubleshootd to send mail
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-13
- Add nagios policy
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-12
- fixes for setroubleshoot
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-11
- Added Paul Howarth patch to only load policy packages shipped
with this package
- Allow pidof from initrc to ptrace higher level domains
- Allow firstboot to communicate with hal via dbus
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-10
- Add policy for /var/run/ldapi
* Sat Jul 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-9
- Fix setroubleshoot policy
* Fri Jul 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-8
- Fixes for mls use of ssh
- named has a new conf file
* Fri Jul 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-7
- Fixes to make setroubleshoot work
* Wed Jul 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-6
- Cups needs to be able to read domain state off of printer client
* Wed Jul 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-5
- add boolean to allow zebra to write config files
* Tue Jul 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-4
- setroubleshootd fixes
* Mon Jul 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-3
- Allow prelink to read bin_t symlink
- allow xfs to read random devices
- Change gfs to support xattr
* Mon Jul 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-2
- Remove spamassassin_can_network boolean
* Fri Jul 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix lpr domain for mls
* Fri Jul 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-4
- Add setroubleshoot policy
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-3
- Turn off auditallow on setting booleans
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-2
- Multiple fixes
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Jun 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Add new class for kernel key ring
* Wed Jun 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.49-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.48-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-5
- Break out selinux-devel package
* Fri Jun 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-4
- Add ibmasmfs
* Thu Jun 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-3
- Fix policygentool gen_requires
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-1
- Update from Upstream
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.46-2
- Fix spec of realplay
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.46-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jun 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-3
- Fix semanage
* Mon Jun 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-2
- Allow useradd to create_home_dir in MLS environment
* Thu Jun 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Jun 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.44-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Jun 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-4
- Add oprofilefs
* Sun May 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-3
- Fix for hplip and Picasus
* Sat May 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-2
- Update to upstream
* Fri May 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri May 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-4
- fixes for spamd
* Wed May 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-3
- fixes for java, openldap and webalizer
* Mon May 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-2
- Xen fixes
* Thu May 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Thu May 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.41-1
- allow hal to read boot_t files
- Upgrade to upstream
* Wed May 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.40-2
- allow hal to read boot_t files
* Tue May 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.40-1
- Update from upstream
* Mon May 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.39-2
- Fixes for amavis
* Mon May 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.39-1
- Update from upstream
* Fri May 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-6
- Allow auditctl to search all directories
* Thu May 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-5
- Add acquire service for mono.
* Thu May 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-4
- Turn off allow_execmem boolean
- Allow ftp dac_override when allowed to access users homedirs
* Wed May 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-3
- Clean up spec file
- Transition from unconfined_t to prelink_t
* Mon May 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-2
- Allow execution of cvs command
* Fri May 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed May 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.37-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon May 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.36-2
- Fix libjvm spec
* Tue Apr 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.36-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Apr 25 2006 James Antill <> 2.2.35-2
- Add xm policy
- Fix policygentool
* Mon Apr 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.35-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix postun to only disable selinux on full removal of the packages
* Fri Apr 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-3
- Allow mono to chat with unconfined
* Thu Apr 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-2
- Allow procmail to sendmail
- Allow nfs to share dosfs
* Thu Apr 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Allow selinux-policy to be removed and kernel not to crash
* Tue Apr 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.33-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Add James Antill patch for xen
- Many fixes for pegasus
* Sat Apr 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.32-2
- Add unconfined_mount_t
- Allow privoxy to connect to httpd_cache
- fix cups labeleing on /var/cache/cups
* Fri Apr 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.32-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Fri Apr 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.31-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Allow mono and unconfined to talk to initrc_t dbus objects
* Tue Apr 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.30-2
- Change libraries.fc to stop shlib_t form overriding texrel_shlib_t
* Tue Apr 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.30-1
- Fix samba creating dirs in homedir
- Fix NFS so its booleans would work
* Mon Apr 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-6
- Allow secadm_t ability to relabel all files
- Allow ftp to search xferlog_t directories
- Allow mysql to communicate with ldap
- Allow rsync to bind to rsync_port_t
* Mon Apr 10 2006 Russell Coker <> 2.2.29-5
- Fixed mailman with Postfix #183928
- Allowed semanage to create file_context files.
- Allowed amanda_t to access inetd_t TCP sockets and allowed amanda_recover_t
to bind to reserved ports. #149030
- Don't allow devpts_t to be associated with tmp_t.
- Allow hald_t to stat all mountpoints.
- Added boolean samba_share_nfs to allow smbd_t full access to NFS mounts.
- Make mount run in mount_t domain from unconfined_t to prevent mislabeling of
- Changed the file_contexts to not have a regex before the first ^/[a-z]/
whenever possible, makes restorecon slightly faster.
- Correct the label of /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf
- Now label /usr/src/kernels/.+/lib(/.*)? as usr_t instead of
/usr/src(/.*)?/lib(/.*)? - I don't think we need anything else under /usr/src
hit by this.
- Granted xen access to /boot, allowed mounting on xend_var_lib_t, and allowed
xenstored_t rw access to the xen device node.
* Tue Apr 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-4
- More textrel_shlib_t file path fixes
- Add ada support
* Mon Apr 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-3
- Get auditctl working in MLS policy
* Mon Apr 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-2
- Add mono dbus support
- Lots of file_context fixes for textrel_shlib_t in FC5
- Turn off execmem auditallow since they are filling log files
* Fri Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-3
- Allow automount and dbus to read cert files
* Thu Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-2
- Fix ftp policy
- Fix secadm running of auditctl
* Mon Mar 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.27-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.25-3
- Fix policyhelp
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.25-2
- Fix pam_console handling of usb_device
- dontaudit logwatch reading /mnt dir
* Fri Mar 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.24-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-19
- Get transition rules to create policy.20 at SystemHigh
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-18
- Allow secadmin to shutdown system
- Allow sendmail to exec newalias
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-17
- MLS Fixes
dmidecode needs mls_file_read_up
- add ypxfr_t
- run init needs access to nscd
- udev needs setuid
- another xen log file
- Dontaudit mount getattr proc_kcore_t
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Karsten Hopp <> 2.2.23-16
- fix buildroot usage (#185391)
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-15
- Get rid of mount/fsdisk scan of /dev messages
- Additional fixes for suspend/resume
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-14
- Fake make to rebuild enableaudit.pp
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-13
- Get xen networking running.
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-12
- Fixes for Xen
- enableaudit should not be the same as base.pp
- Allow ps to work for all process
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.2.23-11
- more xen policy fixups
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.2.23-10
- more xen fixage (#184393)
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-9
- Fix blkid specification
- Allow postfix to execute mailman_que
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-8
- Blkid changes
- Allow udev access to usb_device_t
- Fix post script to create targeted policy config file
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-7
- Allow lvm tools to create drevice dir
* Tue Mar 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-5
- Add Xen support
* Mon Mar 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-4
- Fixes for cups
- Make cryptosetup work with hal
* Sun Mar 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-3
- Load Policy needs translock
* Sat Mar 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-2
- Fix cups html interface
* Sat Mar 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-1
- Add hal changes suggested by Jeremy
- add policyhelp to point at policy html pages
* Mon Feb 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.22-2
- Additional fixes for nvidia and cups
* Mon Feb 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.22-1
- Update to upstream
- Merged my latest fixes
- Fix cups policy to handle unix domain sockets
* Sat Feb 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-9
- NSCD socket is in nscd_var_run_t needs to be able to search dir
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-8
- Fixes Apache interface file
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-7
- Fixes for new version of cups
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-6
- Turn off polyinstatiate util after FC5
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-5
- Fix problem with privoxy talking to Tor
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-4
- Turn on polyinstatiation
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-3
- Don't transition from unconfined_t to fsadm_t
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-2
- Fix policy update model.
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.20-1
- Fix load_policy to work on MLS
- Fix cron_rw_system_pipes for postfix_postdrop_t
- Allow audotmount to run showmount
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.19-2
- Fix swapon
- allow httpd_sys_script_t to be entered via a shell
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t to read eventpolfs
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.19-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.18-2
- allow cron to read apache files
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.18-1
- Fix vpnc policy to work from NetworkManager
* Mon Feb 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.17-2
- Update to upstream
- Fix semoudle polcy
* Thu Feb 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.16-1
- Update to upstream
- fix sysconfig/selinux link
* Wed Feb 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-4
- Add router port for zebra
- Add imaze port for spamd
- Fixes for amanda and java
* Tue Feb 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-3
- Fix bluetooth handling of usb devices
- Fix spamd reading of ~/
- fix nvidia spec
* Tue Feb 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-1
- Update to upsteam
* Mon Feb 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.14-2
- Add users_extra files
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.14-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.13-1
- Add semodule policy
* Tue Feb 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.12-1
- Update from upstream
* Mon Feb 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.11-2
- Fix for spamd to use razor port
* Fri Feb 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.11-1
- Fixes for mcs
- Turn on mount and fsadm for unconfined_t
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.10-1
- Fixes for the -devel package
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.9-2
- Fix for spamd to use ldap
* Fri Jan 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Jan 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.8-2
- Update to upstream
- Fix rhgb, and other Xorg startups
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-3
- Separate out role of secadm for mls
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-2
- Add inotifyfs handling
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-1
- Update to upstream
- Put back in changes for pup/zen
* Tue Jan 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.5-1
- Many changes for MLS
- Turn on strict policy
* Mon Jan 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.3-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes for booting and logging in on MLS machine
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off execheap execstack for unconfined users
- Add mono/wine policy to allow execheap and execstack for them
- Add execheap for Xdm policy
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes to fetchmail,
* Tue Jan 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.13-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.12-3
- Fix for procmail/spamassasin
- Update to upstream
- Add rules to allow rpcd to work with unlabeled_networks.
* Sat Jan 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.11-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix ftp Man page
* Fri Jan 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.10-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.1.9-2
- fix pup transitions (#177262)
- fix xen disks (#177599)
* Tue Jan 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-3
- More Fixes for hal and readahead
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-2
- Fixes for hal and readahead
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-1
- Update to upstream
- Apply
* Fri Jan 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-4
- Add wine and fix hal problems
* Thu Jan 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-3
- Handle new location of hal scripts
* Thu Jan 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-2
- Allow su to read /etc/mtab
* Wed Jan 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-24
- Fix "libsemanage.parse_module_headers: Data did not represent a module." problem
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-23
- Allow load_policy to read /etc/mtab
* Mon Jan 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-22
- Fix dovecot to allow dovecot_auth to look at /tmp
* Mon Jan 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-21
- Allow restorecon to read unlabeled_t directories in order to fix labeling.
* Fri Dec 30 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-20
- Add Logwatch policy
* Wed Dec 28 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-18
- Fix /dev/ub[a-z] file context
* Tue Dec 27 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-17
- Fix library specification
- Give kudzu execmem privs
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-16
- Fix hostname in targeted policy
* Wed Dec 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-15
- Fix passwd command on mls
* Wed Dec 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-14
- Lots of fixes to make mls policy work
* Tue Dec 20 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-13
- Add dri libs to textrel_shlib_t
- Add system_r role for java
- Add unconfined_exec_t for vncserver
- Allow slapd to use kerberos
* Mon Dec 19 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-11
- Add man pages
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-10
- Add enableaudit.pp
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-9
- Fix mls policy
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-8
- Update mls file from old version
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-5
- Add sids back in
- Rebuild with update checkpolicy
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-4
- Fixes to allow automount to use portmap
- Fixes to start kernel in s0-s15:c0.c255
* Wed Dec 14 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-3
- Add java unconfined/execmem policy
* Wed Dec 14 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-2
- Add file context for /var/cvs
- Dontaudit webalizer search of homedir
* Tue Dec 13 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Dec 13 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.4-2
- Clean up spec
- range_transition crond to SystemHigh
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.4-1
- Fixes for hal
- Update to upstream
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.3-1
- Turn back on execmem since we need it for java, firefox, ooffice
- Allow gpm to stream socket to itself
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.1.2-3
- fix requirements to be on the actual packages so that policy can get
created properly at install time
* Sun Dec 10 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.2-2
- Allow unconfined_t to execmod texrel_shlib_t
* Sat Dec 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off allow_execmem and allow_execmod booleans
- Add tcpd and automount policies
* Fri Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-3
- Add two new httpd booleans, turned off by default
* httpd_can_network_relay
* httpd_can_network_connect_db
* Fri Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-2
- Add ghost for policy.20
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off boolean allow_execstack
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-3
- Change setrans-mls to use new libsetrans
- Add default_context rule for xdm
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-2.
- Change Requires to PreReg for requiring of policycoreutils on install
* Wed Dec 7 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-1.
- New upstream release
* Wed Dec 7 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.11-2.
Add xdm policy
* Tue Dec 6 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.11-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.9-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.8-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.7-3
- Also trigger to rebuild policy for versions up to 2.0.7.
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.7-2
- No longer installing policy.20 file, anaconda handles the building of the app.
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.6-2
- Fixes for dovecot and saslauthd
* Wed Nov 23 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.5-4
- Cleanup pegasus and named
- Fix spec file
- Fix up passwd changing applications
* Tue Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.5-1
-Update to latest from upstream
* Tue Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.4-1
- Add rules for pegasus and avahi
* Mon Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.2-2
- Start building MLS Policy
* Fri Nov 18 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Nov 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.1-2
- Turn on bash
* Wed Nov 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.1-1
- Initial version