Make rawhide == f18
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,233 +1,6 @@
# Allow making anonymous memory executable, e.g.for runtime-code generation or executable stack.
allow_execmem = false
# Allow making a modified private filemapping executable (text relocation).
allow_execmod = false
# Allow making the stack executable via mprotect.Also requires allow_execmem.
allow_execstack = false
# Allow ftp servers to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_ftpd_anon_write = false
# Allow gssd to read temp directory.
allow_gssd_read_tmp = false
# Allow Apache to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_httpd_anon_write = false
# Allow system to run with kerberos
allow_kerberos = true
# Allow rsync to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_rsync_anon_write = false
# Allow sasl to read shadow
allow_saslauthd_read_shadow = false
# Allow samba to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_smbd_anon_write = false
# Deny all processes the ability to ptrace other processes
deny_ptrace = true
# Allow system to run with NIS
allow_ypbind = false
# Enable extra rules in the cron domainto support fcron.
fcron_crond = false
# Allow ftp to read and write files in the user home directories
ftp_home_dir = false
# Allow ftpd to run directly without inetd
kerberos_enabled = true
mount_anyfile = true
polyinstantiation_enabled = true
ftpd_is_daemon = true
# Allow httpd to use built in scripting (usually php)
httpd_builtin_scripting = false
# Allow http daemon to tcp connect
httpd_can_network_connect = false
# Allow httpd cgi support
httpd_enable_cgi = false
# Allow httpd to act as a FTP server bylistening on the ftp port.
httpd_enable_ftp_server = false
# Allow httpd to read home directories
httpd_enable_homedirs = false
# Run SSI execs in system CGI script domain.
httpd_ssi_exec = false
# Allow http daemon to communicate with the TTY
httpd_tty_comm = false
# Run CGI in the main httpd domain
httpd_unified = false
# Allow BIND to write the master zone files.Generally this is used for dynamic DNS.
named_write_master_zones = false
# Allow nfs to be exported read/write.
nfs_export_all_rw = false
# Allow nfs to be exported read only
nfs_export_all_ro = false
# Allow pppd to load kernel modules for certain modems
pppd_can_insmod = false
# Allow reading of default_t files.
read_default_t = false
# Allow ssh to run from inetd instead of as a daemon.
run_ssh_inetd = false
# Allow samba to export user home directories.
samba_enable_home_dirs = false
# Allow squid to connect to all ports, not justHTTP, FTP, and Gopher ports.
squid_connect_any = false
# Allow ssh logins as sysadm_r:sysadm_t
ssh_sysadm_login = false
# Configure stunnel to be a standalone daemon orinetd service.
stunnel_is_daemon = false
# Support NFS home directories
use_nfs_home_dirs = false
# Support SAMBA home directories
use_samba_home_dirs = false
# Control users use of ping and traceroute
user_ping = true
# Allow gpg executable stack
allow_gpg_execstack = false
# allow host key based authentication
allow_ssh_keysign = false
# Allow users to connect to mysql
allow_user_mysql_connect = false
# Allow system cron jobs to relabel filesystemfor restoring file contexts.
cron_can_relabel = false
# Allow pppd to be run for a regular user
pppd_for_user = false
# Allow applications to read untrusted contentIf this is disallowed, Internet content hasto be manually relabeled for read access to be granted
read_untrusted_content = false
# Allow user spamassassin clients to use the network.
spamassassin_can_network = false
# Allow staff_r users to search the sysadm homedir and read files (such as ~/.bashrc)
staff_read_sysadm_file = false
# Allow regular users direct mouse access
user_direct_mouse = false
# Allow users to read system messages.
user_dmesg = false
# Allow users to control network interfaces(also needs USERCTL=true)
user_net_control = false
# Allow user to r/w files on filesystemsthat do not have extended attributes (FAT, CDROM, FLOPPY)
user_rw_noexattrfile = false
# Allow users to rw usb devices
user_rw_usb = false
# Allow users to run TCP servers (bind to ports and accept connection fromthe same domain and outside users) disabling this forces FTP passive modeand may change other protocols.
user_tcp_server = false
# Allow w to display everyone
user_ttyfile_stat = false
# Allow applications to write untrusted contentIf this is disallowed, no Internet contentwill be stored.
write_untrusted_content = false
spamd_enable_home_dirs = false
# Allow login domains to polyinstatiate directories
allow_polyinstantiation = true
# Allow mount command to mounton any directory
allow_mounton_anydir = true
# Allow unlabeled packets to flow
allow_unlabeled_packets = true
# Allow samba to act as the domain controller
samba_domain_controller = false
# Run the xserver as an object manager
selinuxuser_ping = true
xserver_object_manager = true
# System uses init upstart program
init_upstart = true
@ -1,306 +1,24 @@
# Turn off the ability for one process to read/modify another processes memory
deny_ptrace = false
# Allow making anonymous memory executable, e.g.for runtime-code generation or executable stack.
deny_execmem = false
allow_execmem = true
# Allow making a modified private filemapping executable (text relocation).
allow_execmod = true
# Allow making the stack executable via mprotect.Also requires allow_execmem.
allow_execstack = true
# Allow ftpd to read cifs directories.
allow_ftpd_use_cifs = false
# Allow ftpd to read nfs directories.
allow_ftpd_use_nfs = false
# Allow ftp servers to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_ftpd_anon_write = false
# Allow gssd to read temp directory.
allow_gssd_read_tmp = true
# Allow Apache to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_httpd_anon_write = false
# Allow Apache to connect to port 80 for graceful shutdown
httpd_graceful_shutdown = true
# Allow Apache to use mod_auth_pam module
allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam = false
# Allow system to run with kerberos
allow_kerberos = true
# Allow rsync to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_rsync_anon_write = false
# Allow sasl to read shadow
allow_saslauthd_read_shadow = false
# Allow samba to modify public filesused for public file transfer services.
allow_smbd_anon_write = false
# Allow system to run with NIS
allow_ypbind = false
# Allow zebra to write it own configuration files
allow_zebra_write_config = false
# Enable extra rules in the cron domainto support fcron.
fcron_crond = false
# Allow ftp to read and write files in the user home directories
ftp_home_dir = false
# allow httpd to connect to mysql/posgresql
httpd_can_network_connect_db = false
# allow httpd to send dbus messages to avahi
httpd_dbus_avahi = false
# allow httpd to network relay
httpd_can_network_relay = false
# Allow httpd to use built in scripting (usually php)
gssd_read_tmp = true
httpd_builtin_scripting = true
# Allow http daemon to tcp connect
httpd_can_network_connect = false
# Allow httpd cgi support
httpd_enable_cgi = true
# Allow httpd to act as a FTP server bylistening on the ftp port.
httpd_enable_ftp_server = false
# Allow httpd to read home directories
httpd_enable_homedirs = false
# Run SSI execs in system CGI script domain.
httpd_ssi_exec = false
# Allow http daemon to communicate with the TTY
httpd_tty_comm = false
# Run CGI in the main httpd domain
httpd_unified = false
# Allow BIND to write the master zone files.Generally this is used for dynamic DNS.
named_write_master_zones = false
# Allow nfs to be exported read/write.
nfs_export_all_rw = true
# Allow nfs to be exported read only
httpd_graceful_shutdown = true
kerberos_enabled = true
mount_anyfile = true
nfs_export_all_ro = true
## Allow openvpn to read home directories
openvpn_enable_homedirs = true
# Allow pppd to load kernel modules for certain modems
pppd_can_insmod = false
# Allow reading of default_t files.
read_default_t = false
# Allow samba to export user home directories.
samba_enable_home_dirs = false
# Allow squid to connect to all ports, not justHTTP, FTP, and Gopher ports.
squid_connect_any = true
# Allow privoxy to connect to all ports, not justHTTP, FTP, and Gopher ports.
privoxy_connect_any = true
# Support NFS home directories
use_nfs_home_dirs = false
# Support SAMBA home directories
use_samba_home_dirs = false
# Control users use of ping and traceroute
user_ping = false
# allow host key based authentication
allow_ssh_keysign = false
# Allow pppd to be run for a regular user
pppd_for_user = false
# Allow applications to read untrusted contentIf this is disallowed, Internet content hasto be manually relabeled for read access to be granted
read_untrusted_content = false
# Allow spamd to write to users homedirs
spamd_enable_home_dirs = false
# Allow regular users direct mouse access
user_direct_mouse = false
# Allow all X apps to use /dev/dri
user_direct_dri = true
# Allow users to read system messages.
user_dmesg = false
# Allow user to r/w files on filesystemsthat do not have extended attributes (FAT, CDROM, FLOPPY)
user_rw_noexattrfile = false
# Allow users to run TCP servers (bind to ports and accept connection fromthe same domain and outside users) disabling this forces FTP passive modeand may change other protocols.
user_tcp_server = false
# Allow w to display everyone
user_ttyfile_stat = false
# Allow applications to write untrusted contentIf this is disallowed, no Internet contentwill be stored.
write_untrusted_content = false
# Allow all domains to talk to ttys
allow_daemons_use_tty = false
# Allow login domains to polyinstatiate directories
allow_polyinstantiation = false
# Allow all domains to dump core
allow_daemons_dump_core = true
# Allow samba to act as the domain controller
samba_domain_controller = false
# Allow samba to export user home directories.
samba_run_unconfined = false
# Allows XServer to execute writable memory
allow_xserver_execmem = false
# disallow guest accounts to execute files that they can create
allow_guest_exec_content = false
# xguest now requires to execute content in homedir to allow gnome-shell to work# properly.
allow_xguest_exec_content = true
# Only allow browser to use the web
# Allow postfix locat to write to mail spool
# Allow common users to read/write noexattrfile systems
# Allow qemu to connect fully to the network
# Allow nsplugin execmem/execstack for bad plugins
# Allow unconfined domain to transition to confined domain
# Allow unconfined domain to transition to confined domain
# Allow unconfined domain to transition to confined domain
# Allow unconfined domain to transition to chrome_sandbox confined domain
# Allow telepathy domains to connect to all network ports
# System uses init upstart program
init_upstart = true
init_systemd = true
# Allow mount to mount any file/dir
allow_mount_anyfile = true
# Allow confined domains to communicate with ncsd via shared memory
nfs_export_all_rw = true
nscd_use_shm = true
# Allow fenced domain to connect to the network using TCP.
## allow sshd to forward port connections
## On upgrades we want this true, Want it false on fresh installs
openvpn_enable_homedirs = true
pppd_can_insmod = false
privoxy_connect_any = true
selinuxuser_direct_dri_enabled = true
selinuxuser_execmem = true
selinuxuser_execmod = true
selinuxuser_execstack = true
selinuxuser_ping = true
squid_connect_any = true
xguest_exec_content = true
@ -42,3 +42,8 @@ allow_zebra_write_config zebra_write_config
user_direct_dri selinuxuser_direct_dri_enabled
user_ping selinuxuser_ping
user_share_music selinuxuser_share_music
user_tcp_server selinuxuser_tcp_server
sepgsql_enable_pitr_implementation postgresql_can_rsync
sepgsql_enable_users_ddl postgresql_selinux_users_ddl
sepgsql_transmit_client_label postgresql_selinux_transmit_client_label
sepgsql_unconfined_dbadm postgresql_selinux_unconfined_dbadm
Binary file not shown.
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ svirt_lxc_file_t
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
/run /var/run
/run/lock /var/lock
/var/run/lock /var/lock
/lib64 /lib
/lib /usr/lib
/lib64 /usr/lib
/usr/lib64 /usr/lib
/usr/local /usr
/usr/local/lib64 /usr/lib
/usr/local/lib32 /usr/lib
/etc/systemd/system /lib/systemd/system
/etc/systemd/system /usr/lib/systemd/system
/run/systemd/system /usr/lib/systemd/system
/run/systemd/generator /usr/lib/systemd/system
/var/lib/xguest/home /home
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,2 +1,120 @@
type openvswitch_t;
permissive openvswitch_t;
type isnsd_t;
permissive isnsd_t;
type rngd_t;
permissive rngd_t;
type mandb_t;
permissive mandb_t;
type sensord_t;
permissive sensord_t;
type slpd_t;
permissive slpd_t;
type pkcsslotd_t;
permissive pkcsslotd_t;
type realmd_t;
permissive realmd_t;
type stapserver_t;
permissive stapserver_t;
type glusterd_t;
permissive glusterd_t;
type mandb_t;
permissive mandb_t;
type sensord_t;
permissive sensord_t;
type slpd_t;
permissive slpd_t;
type virt_qemu_ga_t;
permissive virt_qemu_ga_t;
type smsd_t;
permissive smsd_t;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
%define BUILD_MLS 1
%define POLICYVER 27
%define POLICYCOREUTILSVER 2.1.13-34
%define CHECKPOLICYVER 2.1.10-3
Summary: SELinux policy configuration
Name: selinux-policy
Version: 3.11.1
Release: 3.1%{?dist}
Release: 66%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: serefpolicy-%{version}.tgz
@ -27,16 +27,18 @@ patch: policy-rawhide.patch
patch1: policy_contrib-rawhide.patch
patch2: policy_contrib-rawhide-roleattribute.patch
patch3: policy-rawhide-roleattribute.patch
Source1: modules-targeted.conf
Source1: modules-targeted-base.conf
Source31: modules-targeted-contrib.conf
Source2: booleans-targeted.conf
Source3: Makefile.devel
Source4: setrans-targeted.conf
Source5: modules-mls.conf
Source5: modules-mls-base.conf
Source32: modules-mls-contrib.conf
Source6: booleans-mls.conf
Source8: setrans-mls.conf
Source14: securetty_types-targeted
Source15: securetty_types-mls
Source16: modules-minimum.conf
#Source16: modules-minimum.conf
Source17: booleans-minimum.conf
Source18: setrans-minimum.conf
Source19: securetty_types-minimum
@ -54,10 +56,9 @@ Source30: booleans.subs_dist
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: python gawk checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4 policycoreutils-python >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} bzip2
Requires(pre): policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} libsemanage >= 2.1.8-3
BuildRequires: python gawk checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4 policycoreutils-devel >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} bzip2
Requires(pre): policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Requires(post): /bin/awk /usr/bin/sha512sum
Requires: checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4
SELinux Base package
@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ SELinux Base package
Summary: SELinux policy devel
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires(pre): selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: m4 checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER}
Requires: /usr/bin/make
%description devel
SELinux policy development and man page package
@ -107,13 +110,21 @@ SELinux policy documentation package
%define makeCmds() \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 bare \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 conf \
cp -f selinux_config/modules-%1.conf ./policy/modules.conf \
cp -f selinux_config/booleans-%1.conf ./policy/booleans.conf \
cp -f selinux_config/users-%1 ./policy/users \
#cp -f selinux_config/modules-%1-base.conf ./policy/modules.conf \
%define makeModulesConf() \
cp -f selinux_config/modules-%1-%2.conf ./policy/modules-base.conf \
cp -f selinux_config/modules-%1-%2.conf ./policy/modules.conf \
if [ %3 == "contrib" ];then \
cp selinux_config/modules-%1-%3.conf ./policy/modules-contrib.conf; \
cat selinux_config/modules-%1-%3.conf >> ./policy/modules.conf; \
fi; \
%define installCmds() \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 base.pp \
make validate UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 modules \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 SEMOD_EXP="/usr/bin/semodule_expand -a" base.pp \
make validate UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 SEMOD_EXP="/usr/bin/semodule_expand -a" modules \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install \
make UNK_PERMS=%4 NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} UBAC=n DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install-appconfig \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/logins \
@ -134,11 +145,14 @@ touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/nodes.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users_extra.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users.local \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.homedirs.bin \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/file_contexts.bin \
cp %{SOURCE30} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1 \
bzip2 -c %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/base.pp > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/base.pp \
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/base.pp \
for i in %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/*.pp; do bzip2 -c $i > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/`basename $i`; done \
rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/*pp* \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/sandbox.disabled \
/usr/sbin/semodule -s %1 -n -B -p %{buildroot}; \
/usr/bin/sha512sum %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} | cut -d' ' -f 1 > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/.policy.sha512; \
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/netfilter_contexts \
@ -168,7 +182,9 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfigdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/policy.kern
%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/users_extra \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/homedir_template \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/*.pp \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/modules/sandbox.disabled \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/*.local \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/*.bin \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/seusers \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/ \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} \
@ -191,6 +207,7 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfigdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/policy.kern
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts \
%verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/*.bin \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.local \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.subs \
%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.subs_dist \
@ -211,6 +228,7 @@ if [ $? = 0 -a "${SELINUXTYPE}" = %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre ]; then \
/sbin/fixfiles -C ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre restore 2> /dev/null; \
/sbin/restorecon -e /run/media -R /root /var/log /var/run /etc/passwd* /etc/group* 2> /dev/null; \
rm -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre; \
restorecon -R /home/*/.cache /home/*/.config; \
%define preInstall() \
@ -234,11 +252,13 @@ fi;
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/%2/.rebuild ]; then \
rm /etc/selinux/%2/.rebuild; \
(cd /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules; rm -f qemu.pp nsplugin.pp razor.pp pyzord.pp phpfpm.pp hotplug.pp consoletype.pp kudzu.pp howl.pp) \
if [ %1 -ne 1 ]; then \
/usr/sbin/semodule -n -s %2 -r xfs kudzu kerneloops execmem openoffice ada tzdata hal hotplug howl java mono moilscanner gamin audio_entropy audioentropy iscsid polkit_auth polkit rtkit_daemon ModemManager telepathysofiasip ethereal passanger qpidd pyzor razor 2>/dev/null; \
/usr/sbin/semodule -n -s %2 -r matahari xfs kudzu kerneloops execmem openoffice ada tzdata hal hotplug howl java mono moilscanner gamin audio_entropy audioentropy iscsid polkit_auth polkit rtkit_daemon ModemManager telepathysofiasip ethereal passanger qpidd pyzor razor pki-selinux phpfpm consoletype 2>/dev/null; \
fi \
rm -f /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules/qemu.pp /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules/nsplugin.pp /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules/razor.pp /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules/pyzord.pp \
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -n -s %2; \
else \
touch /etc/selinux/%2/modules/active/modules/sandbox.disabled \
fi; \
[ "${SELINUXTYPE}" == "%2" ] && selinuxenabled && load_policy; \
if [ %1 -eq 1 ]; then \
@ -248,7 +268,10 @@ else \
%define modulesList() \
awk '$1 !~ "/^#/" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "%%s.pp ", $1 }' ./policy/modules.conf > %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/modules.lst \
awk '$1 !~ "/^#/" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "%%s.pp ", $1 }' ./policy/modules-base.conf > %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/modules-base.lst \
if [ -e ./policy/modules-contrib.conf ];then \
awk '$1 !~ "/^#/" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "%%s.pp ", $1 }' ./policy/modules-contrib.conf > %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/modules-contrib.lst; \
SELinux Reference Policy - modular.
@ -267,7 +290,7 @@ cp $contrib_path/* $refpolicy_path/policy/modules/contrib
mkdir selinux_config
for i in %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE4} %{SOURCE5} %{SOURCE6} %{SOURCE8} %{SOURCE14} %{SOURCE15} %{SOURCE16} %{SOURCE17} %{SOURCE18} %{SOURCE19} %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} %{SOURCE22} %{SOURCE23} %{SOURCE25} %{SOURCE26};do
for i in %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE4} %{SOURCE5} %{SOURCE6} %{SOURCE8} %{SOURCE14} %{SOURCE15} %{SOURCE17} %{SOURCE18} %{SOURCE19} %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} %{SOURCE22} %{SOURCE23} %{SOURCE25} %{SOURCE26} %{SOURCE31} %{SOURCE32};do
cp $i selinux_config
tar zxvf selinux_config/config.tgz
@ -291,7 +314,9 @@ make clean
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted
cp %{SOURCE28} %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted
%makeCmds targeted mcs n allow
%makeModulesConf targeted base contrib
%installCmds targeted mcs n allow
%modulesList targeted
@ -300,6 +325,7 @@ cp %{SOURCE28} %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/minimum
cp %{SOURCE28} %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/minimum
%makeCmds minimum mcs n allow
%makeModulesConf targeted base contrib
%installCmds minimum mcs n allow
%modulesList minimum
@ -307,7 +333,9 @@ cp %{SOURCE28} %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/minimum
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
# Build mls policy
%makeCmds mls mls n deny
%makeModulesConf mls base contrib
%installCmds mls mls n deny
%modulesList mls
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
@ -384,6 +412,7 @@ Obsoletes: mod_fcgid-selinux <= %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: cachefilesd-selinux <= 0.10-1
Conflicts: seedit
Conflicts: 389-ds-base < 1.2.7, 389-admin < 1.1.12
Conflicts: pki-selinux < 10-0.0-0.45.b1
%description targeted
SELinux Reference policy targeted base module.
@ -403,6 +432,8 @@ exit 0
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/targeted/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList targeted
@ -422,18 +453,18 @@ SELinux Reference policy minimum base module.
%pre minimum
%preInstall minimum
if [ $1 -ne 1 ]; then
/usr/sbin/semodule -s minimum -l 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }' > /usr/share/selinux/minimum/instmodules.lst
/usr/sbin/semodule -s minimum -l 2>/dev/null | awk '{ if ($3 != "Disabled") print $1; }' > /usr/share/selinux/minimum/instmodules.lst
%post minimum
allpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules.lst`
contribpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules-contrib.lst`
basepackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/modules-base.lst`
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
packages="clock.pp execmem.pp unconfined.pp unconfineduser.pp application.pp userdomain.pp authlogin.pp logging.pp selinuxutil.pp init.pp systemd.pp sysnetwork.pp miscfiles.pp libraries.pp modutils.pp sysadm.pp locallogin.pp dbus.pp rpm.pp mount.pp fstools.pp usermanage.pp mta.pp"
for p in $allpackages; do
touch /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $contribpackages; do
touch /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $packages; do
rm -f /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $basepackages apache.pp dbus.pp inetd.pp kerberos.pp mta.pp nis.pp; do
rm -f /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
/usr/sbin/semanage -S minimum -i - << __eof
login -m -s unconfined_u -r s0-s0:c0.c1023 __default__
@ -443,10 +474,10 @@ __eof
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -s minimum
instpackages=`cat /usr/share/selinux/minimum/instmodules.lst`
for p in $allpackages; do
for p in $contribpackages; do
touch /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.disabled
for p in $instpackages; do
for p in $instpackages apache dbus inetd kerberos mta nis; do
rm -f /etc/selinux/minimum/modules/active/modules/$p.pp.disabled
/usr/sbin/semodule -B -s minimum
@ -458,7 +489,8 @@ exit 0
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/minimum/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList minimum
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
@ -487,12 +519,668 @@ SELinux Reference policy mls base module.
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/mls/contexts/users/unconfined_u
%fileList mls
* Tue Aug 8 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-3.1
- Update with fixes for SECure linux containers
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-66
- Allow munin disk plugins to get attributes of all directories
- Allow munin disk plugins to get attributes of all directorie
- Allow logwatch to get attributes of all directories
- Fix networkmanager_manage_lib() interface
- Fix gnome_manage_config() to allow to manage sock_file
- Fix virtual_domain_context
- Add support for dynamic DNS for DHCPv6
* Sat Dec 15 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-65
- Allow svirt to use netlink_route_socket which was a part of auth_use_nsswitch
- Add additional labeling for /var/www/openshift/broker
- Fix rhev policy
- Allow openshift_initrc domain to dbus chat with systemd_logind
- Allow httpd to getattr passenger log file if run_stickshift
- Allow consolehelper-gtk to connect to xserver
- Add labeling for the tmp-inst directory defined in pam_namespace.conf
- Add lvm_metadata_t labeling for /etc/multipath
* Fri Dec 14 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-64
- consoletype is no longer used
* Wed Dec 12 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-63
- Add label for efivarfs
- Allow certmonger to send signal to itself
- Allow plugin-config to read own process status
- Add more fixes for pacemaker
- apache/drupal can run clamscan on uploaded content
- Allow chrome_sandbox_nacl_t to read pid 1 content
* Tue Dec 11 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-62
- Fix MCS Constraints to control ingres and egres controls on the network.
- Change name of svirt_nokvm_t to svirt_tcg_t
- Allow tuned to request the kernel to load kernel modules
* Mon Dec 10 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-61
- Label /var/lib/pgsql/.ssh as ssh_home_t
- Add labeling for /usr/bin/pg_ctl
- Allow systemd-logind to manage keyring user tmp dirs
- Add support for 7389/tcp port
- gems seems to be placed in lots of places
- Since xdm is running a full session, it seems to be trying to execute lots of executables via dbus
- Add back tcp/8123 port as http_cache port
- Add ovirt-guest-agent\.pid labeling
- Allow xend to run scsi_id
- Allow rhsmcertd-worker to read "physical_package_id"
- Allow pki_tomcat to connect to ldap port
- Allow lpr to read /usr/share/fonts
- Allow open file from CD/DVD drive on domU
- Allow munin services plugins to talk to SSSD
- Allow all samba domains to create samba directory in var_t directories
- Take away svirt_t ability to use nsswitch
- Dontaudit attempts by openshift to read apache logs
- Allow apache to create as well as append _ra_content_t
- Dontaudit sendmail_t reading a leaked file descriptor
- Add interface to have admin transition /etc/prelink.cache to the proper label
- Add sntp support to ntp policy
- Allow firewalld to dbus chat with devicekit_power
- Allow tuned to call lsblk
- Allow tor to read /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid
- Add tor_can_network_relay boolean
* Wed Dec 5 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-60
- Add openshift_initrc_signal() interface
- Fix typos
- dspam port is treat as spamd_port_t
- Allow setroubleshoot to getattr on all executables
- Allow tuned to execute profiles scripts in /etc/tuned
- Allow apache to create directories to store its log files
- Allow all directories/files in /var/log starting with passenger to be labeled passenger_log_t
- Looks like apache is sending sinal to openshift_initrc_t now,needs back port to RHEL6
- Allow Postfix to be configured to listen on TCP port 10026 for email from DSPAM
- Add filename transition for /etc/tuned/active_profile
- Allow condor_master to send mails
- Allow condor_master to read
- Allow condor_master to create /tmp files/dirs
- Allow condor_mater to send sigkill to other condor domains
- Allow condor_procd sigkill capability
- tuned-adm wants to talk with tuned daemon
- Allow kadmind and krb5kdc to also list sssd_public_t
- Allow accountsd to dbus chat with init
- Fix git_read_generic_system_content_files() interface
- pppd wants sys_nice by nmcli because of "syscall=sched_setscheduler"
- Fix mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect to allow to connect to all ports
- Label all munin plugins which are not covered by munin plugins policy as unconfined_munin_plugin_exec_t
- dspam wants to search /var/spool for opendkim data
- Revert "Add support for tcp/10026 port as dspam_port_t"
- Turning on labeled networking requires additional access for netlabel_peer_t; these allow rules need to be back ported to RHEL6
- Allow all application domains to use fifo_files passed in from userdomains, also allow them to write to tmp_files inherited from userdomain
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to setattr on mandb_cache_t
* Sat Dec 1 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-59
- consolekit.pp was not removed from the postinstall script
* Fri Nov 30 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-58
- Add back consolekit policy
- Silence bootloader trying to use inherited tty
- Silence xdm_dbusd_t trying to execute telepathy apps
- Fix shutdown avcs when machine has unconfined.pp disabled
- The host and a virtual machine can share the same printer on a usb device
- Change oddjob to transition to a ranged openshift_initr_exec_t when run from oddjob
- Allow abrt_watch_log_t to execute bin_t
- Allow chrome sandbox to write content in ~/.config/chromium
- Dontaudit setattr on fontconfig dir for thumb_t
- Allow lircd to request the kernel to load module
- Make rsync as userdom_home_manager
- Allow rsync to search automount filesystem
- Add fixes for pacemaker
* Wed Nov 28 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-57
- Add support for 4567/tcp port
- Random fixes from Tuomo Soini
- xdm wants to get init status
- Allow programs to run in fips_mode
- Add interface to allow the reading of all blk device nodes
- Allow init to relabel rpcbind sock_file
- Fix labeling for lastlog and faillog related to logrotate
- ALlow aeolus_configserver to use TRAM port
- Add fixes for aeolus_configserver
- Allow snmpd to connect to snmp port
- Allow spamd_update to create spamd_var_lib_t directories
- Allow domains that can read sssd_public_t files to also list the directory
- Remove miscfiles_read_localization, this is defined for all domains
* Mon Nov 26 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-56
- Allow syslogd to request the kernel to load a module
- Allow syslogd_t to read the network state information
- Allow xdm_dbusd_t connect to the system DBUS
- Add support for 7389/tcp port
- Allow domains to read/write all inherited sockets
- Allow staff_t to read kmsg
- Add awstats_purge_apache_log boolean
- Allow ksysguardproces to read /.config/Trolltech.conf
- Allow passenger to create and append puppet log files
- Add puppet_append_log and puppet_create_log interfaces
- Add puppet_manage_log() interface
- Allow tomcat domain to search tomcat_var_lib_t
- Allow pki_tomcat_t to connect to pki_ca ports
- Allow pegasus_t to have net_admin capability
- Allow pegasus_t to write /sys/class/net/<interface>/flags
- Allow mailserver_delivery to manage mail_home_rw_t lnk_files
- Allow fetchmail to create log files
- Allow gnomeclock to manage home config in .kde
- Allow bittlebee to read kernel sysctls
- Allow logrotate to list /root
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-55
- Fix userhelper_console_role_template()
- Allow enabling Network Access Point service using blueman
- Make vmware_host_t as unconfined domain
- Allow authenticate users in webaccess via squid, using mysql as backend
- Allow gathers to get various metrics on mounted file systems
- Allow firewalld to read /etc/hosts
- Fix cron_admin_role() to make sysadm cronjobs running in the sysadm_t instead of cronjob_t
- Allow kdumpgui to read/write to zipl.conf
- Commands needed to get mock to build from staff_t in enforcing mode
- Allow mdadm_t to manage cgroup files
- Allow all daemons and systemprocesses to use inherited initrc_tmp_t files
- dontaudit ifconfig_t looking at fifo_files that are leaked to it
- Add lableing for Quest Authentication System
* Thu Nov 15 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-54
- Fix filetrans interface definitions
- Dontaudit xdm_t to getattr on BOINC lib files
- Add systemd_reload_all_services() interface
- Dontaudit write access on /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes
- Only stop mcsuntrustedproc from relableing files
- Allow accountsd to dbus chat with gdm
- Allow realmd to getattr on all fs
- Allow logrotate to reload all services
- Add systemd unit file for radiusd
- Allow winbind to create samba pid dir
- Add labeling for /var/nmbd/unexpected
- Allow chrome and mozilla plugin to connect to msnp ports
* Mon Nov 12 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-53
- Fix storage_rw_inherited_fixed_disk_dev() to cover also blk_file
- Dontaudit setfiles reading /dev/random
- On initial boot gnomeclock is going to need to be set buy gdm
- Fix tftp_read_content() interface
- Random apps looking at kernel file systems
- Testing virt with lxc requiers additional access for virsh_t
- New allow rules requied for latest libvirt, libvirt talks directly to journald,lxc setup tool needs compromize_kernel,and we need ipc_lock in the container
- Allow MPD to read /dev/radnom
- Allow sandbox_web_type to read logind files which needs to read pulseaudio
- Allow mozilla plugins to read /dev/hpet
- Add labeling for /var/lib/zarafa-webap
- Allow BOINC client to use an HTTP proxy for all connections
- Allow rhsmertd to domain transition to dmidecod
- Allow setroubleshootd to send D-Bus msg to ABRT
* Thu Nov 8 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-52
- Define usbtty_device_t as a term_tty
- Allow svnserve to accept a connection
- Allow xend manage default virt_image_t type
- Allow prelink_cron_system_t to overide user componant when executing cp
- Add labeling for z-push
- Gnomeclock sets the realtime clock
- Openshift seems to be storing apache logs in /var/lib/openshift/.log/httpd
- Allow lxc domains to use /dev/random and /dev/urandom
* Wed Nov 7 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-51
- Add port defintion for tcp/9000
- Fix labeling for /usr/share/cluster/checkquorum to label also checkquorum.wdmd
- Add rules and labeling for $HOME/cache/\.gstreamer-.* directory
- Add support for CIM provider openlmi-networking which uses NetworkManager dbus API
- Allow shorewall_t to create netlink_socket
- Allow krb5admind to block suspend
- Fix labels on /var/run/dlm_controld /var/log/dlm_controld
- Allow krb5kdc to block suspend
- gnomessytemmm_t needs to read /etc/passwd
- Allow cgred to read all sysctls
* Tue Nov 5 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-50
- Allow all domains to read /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
- Make proc_numa_t an MLS Trusted Object
- Add /proc/numactl support for confined users
- Allow ssh_t to connect to any port > 1023
- Add openvswitch domain
- Pulseaudio tries to create directories in gnome_home_t directories
- New ypbind pkg wants to search /var/run which is caused by sd_notify
- Allow NM to read certs on NFS/CIFS using use_nfs_*, use_samba_* booleans
- Allow sanlock to read /dev/random
- Treat php-fpm with httpd_t
- Allow domains that can read named_conf_t to be able to list the directories
- Allow winbind to create sock files in /var/run/samba
* Thu Nov 1 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-49
- Add smsd policy
- Add support for OpenShift sbin labelin
- Add boolean to allow virt to use rawip
- Allow mozilla_plugin to read all file systems with noxattrs support
- Allow kerberos to write on anon_inodefs fs
- Additional access required by fenced
- Add filename transitions for passwd.lock/group.lock
- UPdate man pages
- Create coolkey directory in /var/cache with the correct label
* Tue Oct 30 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-48
- Fix label on /etc/group.lock
- Allow gnomeclock to create lnk_file in /etc
- label /root/.pki as a home_cert_t
- Add interface to make sure rpcbind.sock is created with the correct label
- Add definition for new directory /var/lib/os-probe and bootloader wants to read udev rules
- opendkim should be a part of milter
- Allow libvirt to set the kernel sched algorythm
- Allow mongod to read sysfs_t
- Add authconfig policy
- Remove calls to miscfiles_read_localization all domains get this
- Allow virsh_t to read /root/.pki/ content
- Add label for log directory under /var/www/stickshift
* Mon Oct 29 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-47
- Allow getty to setattr on usb ttys
- Allow sshd to search all directories for sshd_home_t content
- Allow staff domains to send dbus messages to kdumpgui
- Fix labels on /etc/.pwd.lock and friends to be passwd_file_t
- Dontaudit setfiles reading urand
- Add files_dontaudit_list_tmp() for domains to which we added sys_nice/setsched
- Allow staff_gkeyringd_t to read /home/$USER/.local/share/keyrings dir
- Allow systemd-timedated to read /dev/urandom
- Allow entropyd_t to read proc_t (meminfo)
- Add unconfined munin plugin
- Fix networkmanager_read_conf() interface
- Allow blueman to list /tmp which is needed by sys_nic/setsched
- Fix label of /etc/mail/aliasesdb-stamp
- numad is searching cgroups
- realmd is communicating with networkmanager using dbus
- Lots of fixes to try to get kdump to work
* Fri Oct 26 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-46
- Allow loging programs to dbus chat with realmd
- Make apache_content_template calling as optional
- realmd is using policy kit
* Fri Oct 26 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-45
- Add new selinuxuser_use_ssh_chroot boolean
- dbus needs to be able to read/write inherited fixed disk device_t passed through it
- Cleanup netutils process allow rule
- Dontaudit leaked fifo files from openshift to ping
- sanlock needs to read mnt_t lnk files
- Fail2ban needs to setsched and sys_nice
* Wed Oct 24 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-44
- Change default label of all files in /var/run/rpcbind
- Allow sandbox domains (java) to read hugetlbfs_t
- Allow awstats cgi content to create tmp files and read apache log files
- Allow setuid/setgid for cupsd-config
- Allow setsched/sys_nice pro cupsd-config
- Fix /etc/localtime sym link to be labeled locale_t
- Allow sshd to search postgresql db t since this is a homedir
- Allow xwindows users to chat with realmd
- Allow unconfined domains to configure all files and null_device_t service
* Tue Oct 23 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-43
- Adopt pki-selinux policy
* Mon Oct 22 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-42
- pki is leaking which we dontaudit until a pki code fix
- Allow setcap for arping
- Update man pages
- Add labeling for /usr/sbin/mcollectived
- pki fixes
- Allow smokeping to execute fping in the netutils_t domain
* Fri Oct 19 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-41
- Allow mount to relabelfrom unlabeled file systems
- systemd_logind wants to send and receive messages from devicekit disk over dbus to make connected mouse working
- Add label to get bin files under libreoffice labeled correctly
- Fix interface to allow executing of base_ro_file_type
- Add fixes for realmd
- Update pki policy
- Add tftp_homedir boolean
- Allow blueman sched_setscheduler
- openshift user domains wants to r/w ssh tcp sockets
* Wed Oct 17 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-40
- Additional requirements for disable unconfined module when booting
- Fix label of systemd script files
- semanage can use -F /dev/stdin to get input
- syslog now uses kerberos keytabs
- Allow xserver to compromise_kernel access
- Allow nfsd to write to mount_var_run_t when running the mount command
- Add filename transition rule for bin_t directories
- Allow files to read usr_t lnk_files
- dhcpc wants chown
- Add support for new openshift labeling
- Clean up for tunable+optional statements
- Add labeling for /usr/sbin/mkhomedir_helper
- Allow antivirus domain to managa amavis spool files
- Allow rpcbind_t to read passwd
- Allow pyzor running as spamc to manage amavis spool
* Tue Oct 16 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-39
- Add interfaces to read kernel_t proc info
- Missed this version of exec_all
- Allow anyone who can load a kernel module to compromise kernel
- Add oddjob_dbus_chat to openshift apache policy
- Allow chrome_sandbox_nacl_t to send signals to itself
- Add unit file support to usbmuxd_t
- Allow all openshift domains to read sysfs info
- Allow openshift domains to getattr on all domains
* Fri Oct 12 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-38
- MLS fixes from Dan
- Fix name of capability2 secure_firmware->compromise_kerne
* Thu Oct 11 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-37
- Allow xdm to search all file systems
- Add interface to allow the config of all files
- Add rngd policy
- Remove kgpg as a gpg_exec_t type
- Allow plymouthd to block suspend
- Allow systemd_dbus to config any file
- Allow system_dbus_t to configure all services
- Allow freshclam_t to read usr_files
- varnishd requires execmem to load modules
* Thu Oct 11 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-36
- Allow semanage to verify types
- Allow sudo domain to execute user home files
- Allow session_bus_type to transition to user_tmpfs_t
- Add dontaudit caused by yum updates
- Implement pki policy but not activated
* Wed Oct 10 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-35
- tuned wants to getattr on all filesystems
- tuned needs also setsched. The build is needed for test day
* Wed Oct 10 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-34
- Add policy for qemu-qa
- Allow razor to write own config files
- Add an initial antivirus policy to collect all antivirus program
- Allow qdisk to read usr_t
- Add additional caps for vmware_host
- Allow tmpfiles_t to setattr on mandb_cache_t
- Dontaudit leaked files into mozilla_plugin_config_t
- Allow wdmd to getattr on tmpfs
- Allow realmd to use /dev/random
- allow containers to send audit messages
- Allow root mount any file via loop device with enforcing mls policy
- Allow tmpfiles_t to setattr on mandb_cache_t
- Allow tmpfiles_t to setattr on mandb_cache_t
- Make userdom_dontaudit_write_all_ not allow open
- Allow init scripts to read all unit files
- Add support for saphostctrl ports
* Mon Oct 8 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-33
- Add kernel_read_system_state to sandbox_client_t
- Add some of the missing access to kdumpgui
- Allow systemd_dbusd_t to status the init system
- Allow vmnet-natd to request the kernel to load a module
- Allow gsf-office-thum to append .cache/gdm/session.log
- realmd wants to read .config/dconf/user
- Firewalld wants sys_nice/setsched
- Allow tmpreaper to delete mandb cache files
- Firewalld wants sys_nice/setsched
- Allow firewalld to perform a DNS name resolution
- Allown winbind to read /usr/share/samba/codepages/lowcase.dat
- Add support for HTTPProxy* in /etc/freshclam.conf
- Fix authlogin_yubike boolean
- Extend smbd_selinux man page to include samba booleans
- Allow dhcpc to execute consoletype
- Allow ping to use inherited tmp files created in init scripts
- On full relabel with unconfined domain disabled, initrc was running some chcon's
- Allow people who delete man pages to delete mandb cache files
* Thu Oct 4 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-32
- Add missing permissive domains
* Thu Oct 4 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-31
- Add new mandb policy
- ALlow systemd-tmpfiles_t to relabel mandb_cache_t
- Allow logrotate to start all unit files
* Thu Oct 4 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-30
- Add fixes for ctbd
- Allow nmbd to stream connect to ctbd
- Make cglear_t as nsswitch_domain
- Fix bogus in interfaces
- Allow openshift to read/write postfix public pipe
- Add postfix_manage_spool_maildrop_files() interface
- stickshift paths have been renamed to openshift
- gnome-settings-daemon wants to write to /run/systemd/inhibit/ pipes
- Update man pages, adding ENTRYPOINTS
* Tue Oct 2 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-29
- Add mei_device_t
- Make sure gpg content in homedir created with correct label
- Allow dmesg to write to abrt cache files
- automount wants to search virtual memory sysctls
- Add support for hplip logs stored in /var/log/hp/tmp
- Add labeling for /etc/owncloud/config.php
- Allow setroubleshoot to send analysys to syslogd-journal
- Allow virsh_t to interact with new fenced daemon
- Allow gpg to write to /etc/mail/spamassassiin directories
- Make dovecot_deliver_t a mail server delivery type
- Add label for /var/tmp/DNS25
* Thu Sep 27 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-28
- Fixes for tomcat_domain template interface
* Thu Sep 27 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-27
- Remove init_systemd and init_upstart boolean, Move init_daemon_domain and init_system_domain to use attributes
- Add attribute to all base os types. Allow all domains to read all ro base OS types
* Wed Sep 26 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-26
- Additional unit files to be defined as power unit files
- Fix more boolean names
* Tue Sep 25 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-25
- Fix boolean name so subs will continue to work
* Tue Sep 25 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-24
- dbus needs to start getty unit files
- Add interface to allow system_dbusd_t to start the poweroff service
- xdm wants to exec telepathy apps
- Allow users to send messages to systemdlogind
- Additional rules needed for systemd and other boot apps
- systemd wants to list /home and /boot
- Allow gkeyringd to write dbus/conf file
- realmd needs to read /dev/urand
- Allow readahead to delete /.readahead if labeled root_t, might get created before policy is loaded
* Thu Sep 20 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-23
- Fixes to safe more rules
- Re-write tomcat_domain_template()
- Fix passenger labeling
- Allow all domains to read man pages
- Add ephemeral_port_t to the 'generic' port interfaces
- Fix the names of postgresql booleans
* Tue Sep 18 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-22
- Stop using attributes form netlabel_peer and syslog, auth_use_nsswitch setsup netlabel_peer
- Move netlable_peer check out of booleans
- Remove call to recvfrom_netlabel for kerberos call
- Remove use of attributes when calling syslog call
- Move -miscfiles_read_localization to domain.te to save hundreds of allow rules
- Allow all domains to read locale files. This eliminates around 1500 allow rules- Cleanup nis_use_ypbind_uncond interface
- Allow rndc to block suspend
- tuned needs to modify the schedule of the kernel
- Allow svirt_t domains to read alsa configuration files
- ighten security on irc domains and make sure they label content in homedir correctly
- Add filetrans_home_content for irc files
- Dontaudit all getattr access for devices and filesystems for sandbox domains
- Allow stapserver to search cgroups directories
- Allow all postfix domains to talk to spamd
* Mon Sep 17 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-21
- Add interfaces to ignore setattr until kernel fixes this to be checked after the DAC check
- Change pam_t to pam_timestamp_t
- Add dovecot_domain attribute and allow this attribute block_suspend capability2
- Add sanlock_use_fusefs boolean
- numad wants send/recieve msg
- Allow rhnsd to send syslog msgs
- Make piranha-pulse as initrc domain
- Update openshift instances to dontaudit setattr until the kernel is fixed.
* Fri Sep 14 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-20
- Fix auth_login_pgm_domain() interface to allow domains also managed user tmp dirs because of #856880 related to pam_systemd
- Remove pam_selinux.8 which conflicts with man page owned by the pam package
- Allow glance-api to talk to mysql
- ABRT wants to read Xorg.0.log if if it detects problem with Xorg
- Fix gstreamer filename trans. interface
* Thu Sep 13 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-19
- Man page fixes by Dan Walsh
* Tue Sep 11 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-18
- Allow postalias to read postfix config files
- Allow man2html to read man pages
- Allow rhev-agentd to search all mountpoints
- Allow rhsmcertd to read /dev/random
- Add tgtd_stream_connect() interface
- Add cyrus_write_data() interface
- Dontaudit attempts by sandboxX clients connectiing to the xserver_port_t
- Add port definition for tcp/81 as http_port_t
- Fix /dev/twa labeling
- Allow systemd to read modules config
* Mon Sep 10 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-17
- Merge openshift policy
- Allow xauth to read /dev/urandom
- systemd needs to relabel content in /run/systemd directories
- Files unconfined should be able to perform all services on all files
- Puppet tmp file can be leaked to all domains
- Dontaudit rhsmcertd-worker to search /root/.local
- Allow chown capability for zarafa domains
- Allow system cronjobs to runcon into openshift domains
- Allow virt_bridgehelper_t to manage content in the svirt_home_t labeled directories
* Fri Sep 7 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-16
- nmbd wants to create /var/nmbd
- Stop transitioning out of anaconda and firstboot, just causes AVC messages
- Allow clamscan to read /etc files
- Allow bcfg2 to bind cyphesis port
- heartbeat should be run as rgmanager_t instead of corosync_t
- Add labeling for /etc/openldap/certs
- Add labeling for /opt/sartest directory
- Make crontab_t as userdom home reader
- Allow tmpreaper to list admin_home dir
- Add defition for imap_0 replay cache file
- Add support for gitolite3
- Allow virsh_t to send syslog messages
- allow domains that can read samba content to be able to list the directories also
- Add realmd_dbus_chat to allow all apps that use nsswitch to talk to realmd
- Separate out sandbox from sandboxX policy so we can disable it by default
- Run dmeventd as lvm_t
- Mounting on any directory requires setattr and write permissions
- Fix use_nfs_home_dirs() boolean
- New labels for pam_krb5
- Allow init and initrc domains to sys_ptrace since this is needed to look at processes not owned by uid 0
- Add realmd_dbus_chat to allow all apps that use nsswitch to talk to realmd
* Fri Aug 31 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-15
- Separate sandbox policy into sandbox and sandboxX, and disable sandbox by default on fresh installs
- Allow domains that can read etc_t to read etc_runtime_t
- Allow all domains to use inherited tmpfiles
* Wed Aug 29 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-14
- Allow realmd to read resolv.conf
- Add pegasus_cache_t type
- Label /usr/sbin/fence_virtd as virsh_exec_t
- Add policy for pkcsslotd
- Add support for cpglockd
- Allow polkit-agent-helper to read system-auth-ac
- telepathy-idle wants to read gschemas.compiled
- Allow plymouthd to getattr on fs_t
- Add slpd policy
- Allow ksysguardproces to read/write config_usr_t
* Sat Aug 25 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-13
- Fix labeling substitution so rpm will label /lib/systemd content correctly
* Fri Aug 24 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-12
- Add file name transitions for ttyACM0
- spice-vdagent(d)'s are going to log over to syslog
- Add sensord policy
- Add more fixes for passenger policy related to puppet
- Allow wdmd to create wdmd_tmpfs_t
- Fix labeling for /var/run/cachefilesd\.pid
- Add thumb_tmpfs_t files type
* Mon Aug 20 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-11
- Allow svirt domains to manage the network since this is containerized
- Allow svirt_lxc_net_t to send audit messages
* Mon Aug 20 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-10
- Make "snmpwalk -mREDHAT-CLUSTER-MIB ...." working
- Allow dlm_controld to execute dlm_stonith labeled as bin_t
- Allow GFS2 working on F17
- Abrt needs to execute dmesg
- Allow jockey to list the contents of modeprobe.d
- Add policy for lightsquid as squid_cron_t
- Mailscanner is creating files and directories in /tmp
- dmesg is now reading /dev/kmsg
- Allow xserver to communicate with secure_firmware
- Allow fsadm tools (fsck) to read /run/mount contnet
- Allow sysadm types to read /dev/kmsg
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-9
- Allow postfix, sssd, rpcd to block_suspend
- udev seems to need secure_firmware capability
- Allow virtd to send dbus messages to firewalld so it can configure the firewall
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-8
- Fix labeling of content in /run created by virsh_t
- Allow condor domains to read kernel sysctls
- Allow condor_master to connect to amqp
- Allow thumb drives to create shared memory and semaphores
- Allow abrt to read mozilla_plugin config files
- Add labels for lightsquid
- Default files in /opt and /usr that end in .cgi as httpd_sys_script_t, allow
- dovecot_auth_t uses ldap for user auth
- Allow domains that can read dhcp_etc_t to read lnk_files
- Add more then one watchdog device
- Allow useradd_t to manage etc_t files so it can rename it and edit them
- Fix invalid class dir should be fifo_file
- Move /run/blkid to fsadm and make sure labeling is correct
* Tue Aug 14 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-7
- Fix bogus regex found by eparis
- Fix manage run interface since lvm needs more access
- syslogd is searching cgroups directory
- Fixes to allow virt-sandbox-service to manage lxc var run content
* Mon Aug 13 2012 Dan Walsh <> 3.11.1-6
- Fix Boolean settings
- Add new libjavascriptcoregtk as textrel_shlib_t
- Allow xdm_t to create xdm_home_t directories
- Additional access required for systemd
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin attempts to ipc_lock
- Allow tmpreaper to delete unlabeled files
- Eliminate screen_tmp_t and allow it to manage user_tmp_t
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin_config_t to append to leaked file descriptors
- Allow web plugins to connect to the asterisk ports
- Condor will recreate the lock directory if it does not exist
- Oddjob mkhomedir needs to connectto user processes
- Make oddjob_mkhomedir_t a userdom home manager
* Thu Aug 9 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-5
- Put placeholder back in place for proper numbering of capabilities
- Systemd also configures init scripts
* Thu Aug 9 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-4
- Fix ecryptfs interfaces
- Bootloader seems to be trolling around /dev/shm and /dev
- init wants to create /etc/systemd/
- Fix systemd_filetrans call to move it out of tunable
- Fix up policy to work with systemd userspace manager
- Add secure_firmware capability and remove bogus epolwakeup
- Call seutil_*_login_config interfaces where should be needed
- Allow rhsmcertd to send signal to itself
- Allow thin domains to send signal to itself
- Allow Chrome_ChildIO to read dosfs_t
* Tue Aug 7 2012 Miroslav Grepl <> 3.11.1-3
- Add role rules for realmd, sambagui
Reference in New Issue
Block a user