
721 B

Kickstart to RootFS Builder

This project provides the ability build rootfs file from kickstart input file in a docker/podman container environment. Output rootfs files can be used create base images for different OSs (AlmaLinux, Cent OS, Rocky Linux) etc.


Image yet ot published in hub.docker.com, until then use local build.

Building local

docker build -t srbala/ks2rootfs .

Using Image

Following command uses the kickstarts/almalinux-8-default.x86_64.ks file to build.

docker run --rm --privileged -v "$PWD:/build:z" \
    -e BUILD_KICKSTART=kickstarts/almalinux-8-default.x86_64.ks \
    -e BUILD_ROOTFS=almalinux-8-default-docker.x86_64.tar.gz \