# Kickstart to RootFS Builder This project provides the ability build `rootfs` file from `kickstart` input file in a docker/podman container environment. Output rootfs files can be used create base images for different OSs (AlmaLinux, Cent OS, Rocky Linux) etc. ## HOW-TO Image yet ot published in `hub.docker.com`, until then use local build. ### Building local ``` docker build -t srbala/ks2rootfs . ``` ### Using Image Following command uses the `kickstarts/almalinux-8-default.x86_64.ks` file to build. ``` docker run --rm --privileged -v "$PWD:/build:z" \ -e BUILD_KICKSTART=kickstarts/almalinux-8-default.x86_64.ks \ -e BUILD_ROOTFS=almalinux-8-default-docker.x86_64.tar.gz \ srbala/ks2rootfs ```