- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to relabel lpd spool files
- Ad labeling for texlive bash scripts
- Add xserver_filetrans_fonts_cache_home_content() interface
- Remove duplicate rules from *.te
- Add support for /var/lock/man-db.lock
- Add support for /var/tmp/abrt(/.*)?
- Add additional labeling for munin cgi scripts
- Allow httpd_t to read munin conf files
- Allow certwatch to read meminfo
- Fix nscd_dontaudit_write_sock_file() interfac
- Fix gnome_filetrans_home_content() to include also "fontconfig" dir as cache_home_t
- llow mozilla_plugin_t to create HOMEDIR/.fontconfig with the proper labeling
- Allow gnomeclock to talk to puppet over dbus
- Allow numad access discovered by Dominic
- Add support for HOME_DIR/.maildir
- Fix attribute_role for mozilla_plugin_t domain to allow staff_r to access this d
- Allow udev to relabel udev_var_run_t lnk_files
- New bin_t file in mcelog
- Add attribute_role for iptables
- mcs_process_set_categories needs to be called for type
- Implement additional role_attribute statements
- Sodo domain is attempting to get the additributes of proc_kcore_t
- Unbound uses port 8953
- Allow svirt_t images to compromise_kernel when using pci-passthrou
- Add label for dns lib files
- Bluetooth aquires a dbus name
- Remove redundant files_read_usr_file calling
- Remove redundant files_read_etc_file calling
- Fix mozilla_run_plugin()
- Add role_attribute support for more domains
- Add systemd_status_all_unit_files() interface
- Add support for nshadow
- Allow sysadm_t to administrate the postfix domains
- Add interface to setattr on isid directories for use by tmpreaper
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Add systemd_status_all_unit_files() interface
- Add support for nshadow
- Allow sysadm_t to administrate the postfix domains
- Add interface to setattr on isid directories for use by tmpreaper
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Add labeling for /var/named/chroot/etc/localtim
* Thu Dec 27 2012 Miroslav Grepl <mgrepl@redhat.com> 3.11.1-68
- Allow setroubleshoot_fixit to execute rpm
- zoneminder needs to connect to httpd ports where remote cameras are listening
- Allow firewalld to execute content created in /run directory
- Allow svirt_t to read generic certs
- Dontaudit leaked ps content to mozilla plugin
- Allow sshd_t sys_admin for use with afs logins
- Allow systemd to read/write all sysctls
- init scripts are creating systemd_unit_file_t directories
- Add new type selinux_login_config_t for /etc/selinux/<type>/logins/
- Additional fixes for seutil_manage_module_store()
- dbus_system_domain() should be used with optional_policy
- Fix svirt to be allowed to use fusefs file system
- Allow login programs to read /run/ data created by systemd_login
- sssd wants to write /etc/selinux/<policy>/logins/ for SELinux PAM modu
- Fix svirt to be allowed to use fusefs file system
- Allow piranha domain to use nsswitch
- Sanlock needs to send Kill Signals to non root processes
- Pulseaudio wants to execute /run/user/PID/.orc
- Fix saslauthd when it tries to read /etc/shadow
- Label gnome-boxes as a virt homedir
- Need to allow svirt_t ability to getattr on nfs_t file
- Update sanlock policy to solve all AVC's
- Change confined users can optionally manage virt conte
- Handle new directories under ~/.cache
- Add block suspend to appropriate domains
- More rules required for containers
- Allow login programs to read /run/ data created by sys
- Allow staff users to run svirt_t processes
- Remove corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled() for non-contrib policies because we moved it to domain.if for all domain_type
- Add interface for mysqld to dontaudit signull to all processes
- Label new /var/run/journal directory correctly
- Allow users to inhibit suspend via systemd
- Add new type for the /var/run/inhibit directory
- Add interface to send signull to systemd_login so avahi can send them
- Allow systemd_passwd to send syslog messages
- Remove corenet_all_recvfrom_unlabeled() calling fro policy files
- Allow editparams.cgi running as httpd_bugzilla_script_t to read /etc/group
- Allow smbd to read cluster config
- Add additional labeling for passenger
- Allow dbus to inhibit suspend via systemd
- Allow avahi to send signull to systemd_login
- Allow sshd to execute /bin/login
- Looks like xdm is recreating the xdm directory in ~/.cache/ on login
- Allow syslog to use the leaked kernel_t unix_dgram_socket from system-jounald
- Fix semanage to work with unconfined domain disabled on F18
- Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugins to getattr on all kernel sysctls
- Virt seems to be using lock files
- Dovecot seems to be searching directories of every mountpoint
- Allow jockey to read random/urandom, execute shell and install third-party drivers
- Add aditional params to allow cachedfiles to manage its content
- gpg agent needs to read /dev/random
- The kernel hands an svirt domains /SYSxxxxx which is a tmpfs that httpd wants to read and write
- Add a bunch of dontaudit rules to quiet svirt_lxc domains
- Additional perms needed to run svirt_lxc domains
- Allow cgclear to read cgconfig
- Allow sys_ptrace capability for snmp
- Allow freshclam to read /proc
- Allow procmail to manage /home/user/Maildir content
- Allow NM to execute wpa_cli
- Allow amavis to read clamd system state
- Regenerate man pages
- Add interface to dontaudit getattr access on sysctls
- Allow sshd to execute /bin/login
- Looks like xdm is recreating the xdm directory in ~/.cache/ on login
- Allow syslog to use the leaked kernel_t unix_dgram_socket from system-jou
- Fix semanage to work with unconfined domain disabled on F18
- Dontaudit attempts by mozilla plugins to getattr on all kernel sysctls
- Virt seems to be using lock files
- Dovecot seems to be searching directories of every mountpoint
- Allow jockey to read random/urandom, execute shell and install third-part
- Add aditional params to allow cachedfiles to manage its content
- gpg agent needs to read /dev/random
- The kernel hands an svirt domains /SYSxxxxx which is a tmpfs that httpd w
- Add a bunch of dontaudit rules to quiet svirt_lxc domains
- Additional perms needed to run svirt_lxc domains
- Allow cgclear to read cgconfig
- Allow sys_ptrace capability for snmp
- Allow freshclam to read /proc
- Allow procmail to manage /home/user/Maildir content
- Allow NM to execute wpa_cli
- Allow amavis to read clamd system state
- Regenerate man page