- lxdm startup scripts should be labeled bin_t, so confined users will work
- mcstransd now creates a pid, needs back port to F16
- qpidd should be allowed to connect to the amqp port
- Label devices 010-029 as usb devices
- ypserv packager says ypserv does not use tmp_t so removing selinux policy types
- Remove all ptrace commands that I believe are caused by the kernel/ps avcs
- Add initial Obex policy
- Add logging_syslogd_use_tty boolean
- Add polipo_connect_all_unreserved bolean
- Allow zabbix to connect to ftp port
- Allow systemd-logind to be able to switch VTs
- Allow apache to communicate with memcached through a sock_file
- Add zabbix_can_network boolean
- Add httpd_can_connect_zabbix boolean
- Prepare file context labeling for usrmove functions
- Allow system cronjobs to read kernel network state
- Add support for selinux_avcstat munin plugin
- Treat hearbeat with corosync policy
- Allow corosync to read and write to qpidd shared mem
- mozilla_plugin is trying to run pulseaudio
- Fixes for new sshd patch for running priv sep domains as the users c
- Turn off dontaudit rules when turning on allow_ypbind
- udev now reads /etc/modules.d directory
* Bip is an IRC proxy
- Add port definition for interwise port
- Add support for ipa_memcached socket
- systemd_jounald needs to getattr on all processes
- mdadmin fixes
* uses getpw
- amavisd calls getpwnam()
- denyhosts calls getpwall()
- bluetooth says they do not use /tmp and want to remove the type
- Allow init to transition to colord
- Mongod needs to read /proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode
- Allow postfix_smtpd_t to connect to spamd
- Add boolean to allow ftp to connect to all ports > 1023
- Allow sendmain to write to inherited dovecot tmp files
- Allow apps that list sysfs to also read sympolicy links in this filesystem
- Add ubac_constrained rules for chrome_sandbox
- Need interface to allow domains to use tmpfs_t files created by the kernel, used by libra
- Allow postgresql to be executed by the caller
- Standardize interfaces of daemons
- Add new labeling for mm-handler
- Allow all matahari domains to read network state and etc_runtime_t files
- Allow systemctl running as logrotate_t to connect to private systemd socket
- Allow tmpwatch to read meminfo
- Allow rpc.svcgssd to read supported_krb5_enctype
- Allow zarafa domains to read /dev/random and /dev/urandom
- Allow snmpd to read dev_snmp6
- Allow procmail to talk with cyrus
- Add fixes for check_disk and check_nagios plugins
Make sure sound_devices controlC* are labeled correctly on creation
sssd now needs sys_admin
Allow snmp to read all proc_type
Allow to setup users homedir with quota.group
- Make sure sound_devices controlC* are labeled correctly on creation
- sssd now needs sys_admin
- Allow snmp to read all proc_type
- Allow to setup users homedir with quota.group
- apcupsd_t needs to use seriel ports connected to usb devic
- Kde puts procmail mail directory under ~/.local/share
- nfsd_t can trigger sys_rawio on tests that involve too man
- Add labeling for /sbin/iscsiuio
- Make sure mozilla content is labeled correctly
- Allow tgtd to read system state
- More fixes for boinc
* allow to resolve dns name
* re-write boinc policy to use boinc_domain attribute
- Allow munin services plugins to use NSCD services
+- Allow abrt to getattr on blk files
+- Add type for rhev-agent log file
+- Fix labeling for /dev/dmfm
+- Dontaudit wicd leaking
+- Allow systemd_logind_t to look at process info of apps that exc
+- Label /etc/locale.conf correctly
+- Allow user_mail_t to read /dev/random
+- Allow postfix-smtpd to read MIMEDefang
+- Add label for /var/log/suphp.log
+- Allow swat_t to connect and read/write nmbd_t sock_file
+- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to setattr for /run/user/gdm/dconf
+- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to change user identity in object contex
+- More fixes for rhev_agentd_t consolehelper policy