- Allow aide to mmap all files
- Revert "Allow firewalld to create rawip sockets"
- Revert "Allow firewalld_t do read iptables_var_run_t files"
- Allow svirt_tcg_t domain to read system state of virtd_t domains
- Update rhcs contexts to reflects the latest fenced changes
- Allow httpd_t domain to rw user_tmp_t files
- Fix typo in openct policy
- Allow winbind_t domian to connect to all ephemeral ports
- Allow firewalld_t do read iptables_var_run_t files
- Allow abrt_t domain to mmap data_home files
- Allow glusterd_t domain to mmap user_tmp_t files
- Allow mongodb_t domain to mmap own var_lib_t files
- Allow firewalld to read kernel usermodehelper state
- Allow modemmanager_t to read sssd public files
- Allow openct_t domain to mmap own var_run_t files
- Allow nnp transition for devicekit daemons
- Allow firewalld to create rawip sockets
- Allow firewalld to getattr proc filesystem
- Dontaudit sys_admin capability for pcscd_t domain
- Revert "Allow pcsd_t domain sys_admin capability"
- Allow fetchmail_t domain to stream connect to sssd
- Allow pcsd_t domain sys_admin capability
- Allow cupsd_t to create cupsd_etc_t dirs
- Allow varnishlog_t domain to list varnishd_var_lib_t dirs
- Allow mongodb_t domain to read system network state BZ(1599230)
- Allow tgtd_t domain to create dirs in /var/run labeled as tgtd_var_run_t BZ(1492377)
- Allow iscsid_t domain to mmap sysfs_t files
- Allow httpd_t domain to mmap own cache files
- Add sys_resource capability to nslcd_t domain
- Fixed typo in logging_audisp_domain interface
- Add interface files_mmap_all_files()
- Add interface iptables_read_var_run()
- Allow systemd to mounton init_var_run_t files
- Update policy rules for auditd_t based on changes in audit version 3
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t do mmap system db files
- Merge branch 'rawhide' of github.com:fedora-selinux/selinux-policy into rawhide
- Improve domain_transition_pattern to allow mmap entrypoint bin file.
- Don't setup unlabeled_t as an entry_type
- Allow unconfined_service_t to transition to container_runtime_t
- Merge pull request #60 from vmojzis/rawhide
- Allow tangd_t domain stream connect to sssd
- Allow oddjob_t domain to chat with systemd via dbus
- Allow freeipmi domains to mmap sysfs files
- Fix typo in logwatch interface file
- Allow spamd_t to manage logwatch_cache_t files/dirs
- Allow dnsmasw_t domain to create own tmp files and manage mnt files
- Allow fail2ban_client_t to inherit rlimit information from parent process
- Allow nscd_t to read kernel sysctls
- Label /var/log/conman.d as conman_log_t
- Add dac_override capability to tor_t domain
- Allow certmonger_t to readwrite to user_tmp_t dirs
- Allow abrt_upload_watch_t domain to read general certs
- Allow chornyd_t read phc2sys_t shared memory
- Add several allow rules for pesign policy:
- Add setgid and setuid capabilities to mysqlfd_safe_t domain
- Add tomcat_can_network_connect_db boolean
- Update virt_use_sanlock() boolean to read sanlock state
- Add sanlock_read_state() interface
- Allow zoneminder_t to getattr of fs_t
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to send signull to postgresql_t domain
- Add log file type to collectd and allow corresponding access
- Allow policykit_t domain to dbus chat with dhcpc_t
- Allow traceroute_t domain to exec bin_t binaries
- Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t domain to list sysfs Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t domain to dac_override
- Add new interface dev_map_sysfs()
- Allow sshd_keygen_t to execute plymouthd
- Allow systemd_networkd_t create and relabel tun sockets
- Add new interface postgresql_signull()
- /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd should have only obexd_exec_t instead of bluetoothd_exec_t type
- Allow ntop_t domain to create/map various sockets/files.
- Enable the dictd to communicate via D-bus.
- Allow inetd_child process to chat via dbus with abrt
- Allow zabbix_agent_t domain to connect to redis_port_t
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read xenfs_t files
- Allow zabbix_agent_t to run zabbix scripts
- Fix openvswith SELinux module
- Fix wrong path in tlp context file BZ(1586329)
- Update brltty SELinux module
- Allow rabbitmq_t domain to create own tmp files/dirs
- Allow policykit_t mmap policykit_auth_exec_t files
- Allow ipmievd_t domain to read general certs
- Add sys_ptrace capability to pcp_pmie_t domain
- Allow squid domain to exec ldconfig
- Update gpg SELinux policy module
- Allow mailman_domain to read system network state
- Allow openvswitch_t domain to read neutron state and read/write fixed disk devices
- Allow antivirus_domain to read all domain system state
- Allow targetd_t domain to red gconf_home_t files/dirs
- Label /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd as obexd_exec_t
- Add interface nagios_unconfined_signull()
- Fix typos in zabbix.te file
- Add missing requires
- Allow tomcat domain sends email
- Fix typo in sge policy
- Merge pull request #214 from wrabcak/fb-dhcpc
- Allow dhcpc_t creating own socket files inside /var/run/ Allow dhcpc_t creating netlink_kobject_uevent_socket, netlink_generic_socket, rawip_socket BZ(1585971)
- Allow confined users get AFS tokens
- Allow sysadm_t domain to chat via dbus
- Associate sysctl_kernel_t type with filesystem attribute
- Allow syslogd_t domain to send signull to nagios_unconfined_plugin_t
- Fix typo in netutils.te file
- Add dac_override to exim policy BZ(1574303)
- Fix typo in conntrackd.fc file
- Allow sssd_t to kill sssd_selinux_manager_t
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t to connect to mongodb_port_t if boolean httpd_can_network_connect_db is turned on
- Allow chronyc_t to redirect ourput to /var/lib /var/log and /tmp
- Allow policykit_auth_t to read udev db files BZ(1574419)
- Allow varnishd_t do be dbus client BZ(1582251)
- Allow cyrus_t domain to mmap own pid files BZ(1582183)
- Allow user_mail_t domain to mmap etc_aliases_t files
- Allow gkeyringd domains to run ssh agents
- Allow gpg_pinentry_t domain read ssh state
- Allow sysadm_u use xdm
- Allow xdm_t domain to listen ofor unix dgram sockets BZ(1581495)
- Add interface ssh_read_state()
- Fix typo in sysnetwork.if file
- Allow tangd_t domain to create tcp sockets and add new interface tangd_read_db_files
- Allow mailman_mail_t domain to search for apache configs
- Allow mailman_cgi_t domain to ioctl an httpd with a unix domain stream sockets.
- Improve procmail_domtrans() to allow mmaping procmail_exec_t
- Allow ptrace arbitrary processes
- Allow jabberd_router_t domain read kerberos keytabs BZ(1573945)
- Allow certmonger to geattr of filesystems BZ(1578755)
- Update dev_map_xserver_misc interface to allo mmaping char devices instead of files
- Allow noatsecure permission for all domain transitions from systemd.
- Allow systemd to read tangd db files
- Fix typo in ssh.if file
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap xserver_misc_device_t files
- Allow xdm_t domain to execute systemd-coredump binary
- Add bridge_socket, dccp_socket, ib_socket and mpls_socket to socket_class_set
- Improve modutils_domtrans_insmod() interface to mmap insmod_exec_t binaries
- Improve iptables_domtrans() interface to allow mmaping iptables_exec_t binary
- Improve auth_domtrans_login_programinterface to allow also mmap login_exec_t binaries
- Improve auth_domtrans_chk_passwd() interface to allow also mmaping chkpwd_exec_t binaries.
- Allow mmap dhcpc_exec_t binaries in sysnet_domtrans_dhcpc interface
- Improve running xorg with proper SELinux domain even if systemd security feature NoNewPrivileges is used
- Add dac_override capability to mailman_mail_t domain
- Add dac_override capability to radvd_t domain
- Update openvswitch policy
- Add dac_override capability to oddjob_homedir_t domain
- Allow slapd_t domain to mmap slapd_var_run_t files
- Rename tang policy to tangd
- Allow virtd_t domain to relabel virt_var_lib_t files
- Allow logrotate_t domain to stop services via systemd
- Add tang policy
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create mozilla.pdf file in user homedir with label mozilla_home_t
- Allow snapperd_t daemon to create unlabeled dirs.
- Make httpd_var_run_t mountpoint
- Allow hsqldb_t domain to mmap own temp files
- We have inconsistency in cgi templates with upstream, we use _content_t, but refpolicy use httpd__content_t. Created aliasses to make it consistence
- Allow Openvswitch adding netdev bridge ovs FDP
- Add new Boolean tomcat_use_execmem
- Allow nfsd_t domain to read/write sysctl fs files
- Allow conman to read system state
- Allow brltty_t domain to be dbusd system client
- Allow zebra_t domain to bind on babel udp port
- Allow freeipmi domain to read sysfs_t files
- Allow targetd_t domain mmap lvm config files
- Allow abrt_t domain to manage kdump crash files
- Add capability dac_override to antivirus domain
- Allow svirt_t domain mmap svirt_image_t files BZ(1514538)
- Allow ftpd_t domain to chat with systemd
- Allow systemd init named socket activation for uuidd policy
- Allow networkmanager domain to write to ecryptfs_t files BZ(1566706)
- Allow l2tpd domain to stream connect to sssd BZ(1568160)
- Dontaudit abrt_t to write to lib_t dirs BZ(1566784)
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain transition to insmod_t BZ(1567630)
- Allow certwatch to manage cert files BZ(1561418)
- Merge pull request #53 from tmzullinger/rawhide
- Merge pull request #52 from thetra0/rawhide
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t domain to mmap all non security files BZ(1565748)
- Allow gpg_t domain mmap cert_t files Allow gpg_t mmap gpg_agent_t files
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain use generic ptys. BZ(1565851)
- Allow pppd_t domain read/write l2tpd pppox sockets BZ(1566096)
- Allow xguest user use bluetooth sockets if xguest_use_bluetooth boolean is turned on.
- Allow pppd_t domain creating pppox sockets BZ(1566271)
- Allow abrt to map var_lib_t files
- Allow chronyc to read system state BZ(1565217)
- Allow keepalived_t domain to chat with systemd via dbus
- Allow git to mmap git_(sys|user)_content_t files BZ(1518027)
- Allow netutils_t domain to create bluetooth sockets
- Allow traceroute to bind on generic sctp node
- Allow traceroute to search network sysctls
- Allow systemd to use virtio console
- Label /dev/op_panel and /dev/opal-prd as opal_device_t
- refpolicy: Update for kernel sctp support
- Allow smbd_t send to nmbd_t via dgram sockets BZ(1563791)
- Allow antivirus domain to be client for system dbus BZ(1562457)
- Dontaudit requesting tlp_t domain kernel modules, its a kernel bug BZ(1562383)
- Add new boolean: colord_use_nfs() BZ(1562818)
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to check access to mdadm BZ(1560317)
- Allow colord_t to mmap gconf_home_t files
- Add new boolean redis_enable_notify()
- Label /var/log/shibboleth-www(/.*) as httpd_sys_rw_content_t
- Add new label for vmtools scripts and label it as vmtools_unconfined_t stored in /etc/vmware-tools/
- Remove labeling for /etc/vmware-tools to bin_t it should be vmtools_unconfined_exec_t
- Add new boolean redis_enable_notify()
- Label /var/log/shibboleth-www(/.*) as httpd_sys_rw_content_t
- Add new label for vmtools scripts and label it as vmtools_unconfined_t stored in /etc/vmware-tools/
- Allow svnserve_t domain to manage kerberos rcache and read krb5 keytab
- Add dac_override and dac_read_search capability to hypervvssd_t domain
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fence_sanlockd as fenced_exec_t
- Allow samba to create /tmp/host_0 as krb5_host_rcache_t
- Add dac_override capability to fsdaemon_t BZ(1564143)
- Allow abrt_t domain to map dos files BZ(1564193)
- Add dac_override capability to automount_t domain
- Allow keepalived_t domain to connect to system dbus bus
- Allow nfsd_t to read nvme block devices BZ(1562554)
- Allow lircd_t domain to execute bin_t files BZ(1562835)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to read sssd public files BZ(1563355)
- Allow logrotate_t domain to do dac_override BZ(1539327)
- Remove labeling for /etc/vmware-tools to bin_t it should be vmtools_unconfined_exec_t
- Add capability sys_resource to systemd_sysctl_t domain
- Label all /dev/rbd* devices as fixed_disk_device_t
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap xserver_log_t files BZ(1564469)
- Allow local_login_t domain to rread udev db
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read /dev/random device
- add definition of bpf class and systemd perms
- Allow accountsd_t domain to dac override BZ(1561304)
- Allow cockpit_ws_t domain to read system state BZ(1561053)
- Allow postfix_map_t domain to use inherited user ptys BZ(1561295)
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t domain dac override BZ(1561467)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to run stream connect for sssd_t BZ(1561755)
- Allow crontab domains to do dac override
- Allow snapperd_t domain to unmount fs_t filesystems
- Allow pcp processes to read fixed_disk devices BZ(1560816)
- Allow unconfined and confined users to use dccp sockets
- Allow systemd to manage bpf dirs/files
- Allow traceroute_t to create dccp_sockets
- Improve bluetooth_stream_socket interface to allow caller domain also send bluetooth sockets
- Allow tcpd_t bind on sshd_port_t if ssh_use_tcpd() is enabled
- Allow semanage_t domain mmap usr_t files
- Add new boolean: ssh_use_tcpd()
- Allow rpcd_t domain dac override
- Allow rpm domain to mmap rpm_var_lib_t files
- Allow arpwatch domain to create bluetooth sockets
- Allow secadm_t domain to mmap audit config and log files
- Update init_abstract_socket_activation() to allow also creating tcp sockets
- getty_t should be ranged in MLS. Then also local_login_t runs as ranged domain.
- Add SELinux support for systemd-importd
- Create new type bpf_t and label /sys/fs/bpf with this type
- rpm: Label /usr/share/rpm usr_t (ostree/Atomic systems)
- Update dbus_role_template() BZ(1536218)
- Allow lldpad_t domain to mmap own tmpfs files BZ(1534119)
- Allow blueman_t dbus chat with policykit_t BZ(1470501)
- Expand virt_read_lib_files() interface to allow list dirs with label virt_var_lib_t BZ(1507110)
- Allow postfix_master_t and postfix_local_t to connect to system dbus. BZ(1530275)
- Allow system_munin_plugin_t domain to read sssd public files and allow stream connect to ssd daemon BZ(1528471)
- Allow rkt_t domain to bind on rkt_port_t tcp BZ(1534636)
- Allow jetty_t domain to mmap own temp files BZ(1534628)
- Allow sslh_t domain to read sssd public files and stream connect to sssd. BZ(1534624)
- Consistently label usr_t for kernel/initrd in /usr
- kernel/files.fc: Label /usr/lib/sysimage as usr_t
- Allow iptables sysctl load list support with SELinux enforced
- Label HOME_DIR/.config/systemd/user/* user unit files as systemd_unit_file_t BZ(1531864)
- Merge pull request #45 from jlebon/pr/rot-sd-dbus-rawhide
- Allow virt_domains to acces infiniband pkeys.
- Allow systemd to relabelfrom tmpfs_t link files in /var/run/systemd/units/ BZ(1535180)
- Label /usr/libexec/ipsec/addconn as ipsec_exec_t to run this script as ipsec_t instead of init_t
- Allow audisp_remote_t domain write to files on all levels
- Dontaudit leaked sockets from userdomains to user domains
- Fixes for mcelog to handle scripts
- Apply patch from Ruben Kerkhof
- Allow syslog to search spool dirs
- Add policy for rssh_chroot_helper
- Add missing flask definitions
- Allow udev to relabelto removable_t
- Fix label on /var/log/wicd.log
- Transition to initrc_t from init when executing bin_t
- Add audit_access permissions to file
- Make removable_t a device_node
- Fix label on /lib/systemd/*
Change chfn and passwd to use auth_use_pam so they can send dbus messages to fpr
label vlc as an execmem_exec_t
Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin to run google vidio chat
Allow telepath_msn to execute ldconfig and its own tmp files
Fix labels on hugepages
Allow mdadm to read files on /dev
Remove permissive domains and change back to unconfined
Allow freshclam to execute shell and bin_t
Allow devicekit_power to transition to dhcpc
Add boolean to allow icecast to connect to any port
- Allow mount to write files in debugfs_t
- Allow corosync to communicate with clvmd via tmpfs
- Allow certmaster to read usr_t files
- Allow dbus system services to search cgroup_t
- Define rlogind_t as a login pgm
- Remove hidebrokensymptoms for nss_ldap fix
- Add modemmanager policy
- Lots of merges from upstream
- Begin removing textrel_shlib_t labels, from fixed libraries