- remove 0006-ReadOfKernelArgsError-fix-the-error.patch code as it is already on upstream
- add '9.6' to supported versions
- remove '9.6' target from upgrade path until it is not released
- Add postgreSQL aarch64 packages '6c7cb6ef305d49d6' signature
The package .spec:
- put back patches:
- 0006-ReadOfKernelArgsError-fix-the-error.patch
- 0039-Enable-IPU-for-EL-9.6-and-drop-EL-8.8-9.2.patch
- update changelog
The package .spec:
- skip patches:
- 0006-ReadOfKernelArgsError-fix-the-error.patch
- 0039-Enable-IPU-for-EL-9.6-and-drop-EL-8.8-9.2.patch
- exclude data files (from /etc/leapp/files) which are part of leapp-data-*: device_driver_deprecation_data.json, pes-events.json, repomap.json
- extend upgrade path with ability to elevate AlmaLinux to "8.7", "8.8", "8.9", "8.10" and "9.0", "9.1", "9.2", "9.3", "9.4" versions with --target option
- make sure 'efi_finalization_fix' step runs before 'kernelcmdlineconfig'
- fix no attribute 'Hints' error for 'leapp.reporting' module
Bump the package release: 0.21.0-2.elevate.2