Christopher Aillon bbec2ad49b Revert the bump, it's not needed.
If only koji weren't sucking because of the mass rebuild, this would
have gotten submitted hours ago... still waiting on koji to start
the finish the newRepo with the nss we need to start the XR build
that this needs....
2011-02-08 13:18:41 -08:00

1586 lines
56 KiB

# Separated plugins are supported on x86(64) only
%ifarch i386 i686 x86_64
%define separated_plugins 1
%define separated_plugins 0
%define homepage
%define default_bookmarks_file %{_datadir}/bookmarks/default-bookmarks.html
%define firefox_app_id \{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384\}
%global internal_version 4
%global mozappdir %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{internal_version}
%global tarballdir mozilla-central
# xulrunner_version matches the firefox package.
# xulrunner_version_max is first next incompatible xulrunner version
%define xulrunner_version 2.0-0.19b11
%define xulrunner_version_max 2.1
%define official_branding 1
%define build_langpacks 1
%define include_debuginfo 0
%if ! %{official_branding}
%define cvsdate 20080327
%define nightly .cvs%{cvsdate}
%define prever b11
Summary: Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Name: firefox
Version: 4.0
Release: 0.15%{?prever}%{?dist}
License: MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+
Group: Applications/Internet
%if %{build_langpacks}
Source1: firefox-langpacks-%{version}%{?prever}-20110208.tar.xz
Source10: firefox-mozconfig
Source11: firefox-mozconfig-branded
Source12: firefox-redhat-default-prefs.js
Source13: firefox-mozconfig-debuginfo
Source20: firefox.desktop
Source23: firefox.1
# Not necessary
# Source100: find-external-requires
#Build patches
Patch0: firefox-version.patch
# Fedora patches
Patch11: firefox-default.patch
# Upstream patches
%if %{official_branding}
# Required by Mozilla Corporation
# Not yet approved by Mozillla Corporation
# ---------------------------------------------------
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: system-bookmarks
BuildRequires: xulrunner-devel >= %{xulrunner_version}
# For WebM support
BuildRequires: yasm
Requires: xulrunner >= %{xulrunner_version}
Conflicts: xulrunner >= %{xulrunner_version_max}
Requires: system-bookmarks
Obsoletes: mozilla <= 37:1.7.13
Provides: webclient
# %%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
# %%define __find_requires %{SOURCE100}
Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards
compliance, performance and portability.
%setup -q -c
cd %{tarballdir}
sed -e 's/__RPM_VERSION_INTERNAL__/%{internal_version}/' %{P:%%PATCH0} \
> version.patch
%{__patch} -p1 -b --suffix .version --fuzz=0 < version.patch
# For branding specific patches.
# Fedora patches
%patch11 -p1 -b .default
%if %{official_branding}
# Required by Mozilla Corporation
# Not yet approved by Mozilla Corporation
%{__rm} -f .mozconfig
%{__cp} %{SOURCE10} .mozconfig
%if %{official_branding}
%{__cat} %{SOURCE11} >> .mozconfig
%if %{include_debuginfo}
%{__cat} %{SOURCE13} >> .mozconfig
# Set up SDK path
echo "ac_add_options --with-libxul-sdk=\
`pkg-config --variable=sdkdir libxul`" >> .mozconfig
%if !%{?separated_plugins}
echo "ac_add_options --disable-ipc" >> .mozconfig
cd %{tarballdir}
# Mozilla builds with -Wall with exception of a few warnings which show up
# everywhere in the code; so, don't override that.
# Disable C++ exceptions since Mozilla code is not exception-safe
%{__sed} -e 's/-Wall//' -e 's/-fexceptions/-fno-exceptions/g')
export PREFIX='%{_prefix}'
export LIBDIR='%{_libdir}'
# On x86 architectures, Mozilla can build up to 4 jobs at once in parallel,
# however builds tend to fail on other arches when building in parallel.
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
[ -z "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" ] && \
[ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 2 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j2
[ "$RPM_BUILD_NCPUS" -ge 4 ] && MOZ_SMP_FLAGS=-j4
export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,${MOZ_APP_DIR}"
# create debuginfo for
%if %{include_debuginfo}
#cd %{moz_objdir}
make buildsymbols
cd %{tarballdir}
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_libdir},%{_bindir},%{_datadir}/applications}
desktop-file-install --vendor mozilla \
--dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
# set up the firefox start script
%{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/firefox
XULRUNNER_DIR=`pkg-config --variable=libdir libxul | %{__sed} -e "s,%{_libdir},,g"`
%{__cat} %{SOURCE21} | %{__sed} -e 's,FIREFOX_VERSION,%{internal_version},g' \
%{__chmod} 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/firefox
# Remove binary stub from xulrunner
%{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/firefox
# set up our default preferences
%{__cat} %{SOURCE12} | %{__sed} -e 's,FIREFOX_RPM_VR,%{version}-%{release},g' > rh-default-prefs
# resolves bug #461880
%{__cat} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/ << EOF
# Export correct locale
%{__cat} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/preferences/firefox-l10n.js << EOF
pref("general.useragent.locale", "chrome://global/locale/");
%{__chmod} 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/preferences/firefox-l10n.js
# place the preferences
%{__cp} rh-default-prefs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/preferences/all-redhat.js
%{__rm} rh-default-prefs
# set up our default bookmarks
%{__rm} -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html
ln -s %{default_bookmarks_file} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/defaults/profile/bookmarks.html
%{__install} -p -D -m 644 %{SOURCE23} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/firefox.1
%{__rm} -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/firefox-config
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default16.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default16.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default22.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default24.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default32.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default48.png \
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
%{__cp} other-licenses/branding/%{name}/default256.png \
echo > ../%{name}.lang
%if %{build_langpacks}
# Install langpacks
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/langpacks
%{__tar} xf %{SOURCE1}
for langpack in `ls firefox-langpacks/*.xpi`; do
language=`basename $langpack .xpi`
%{__mkdir_p} $extensiondir
unzip $langpack -d $extensiondir
find $extensiondir -type f | xargs chmod 644
sed -i -e "s|browser.startup.homepage.*$|browser.startup.homepage=%{homepage}|g;" \
language=`echo $language | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`
extensiondir=`echo $extensiondir | sed -e "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,,"`
echo "%%lang($language) $extensiondir" >> ../%{name}.lang
%{__rm} -rf firefox-langpacks
%endif # build_langpacks
# System extensions
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
%{__mkdir_p} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
# Copy over the LICENSE
%{__install} -p -c -m 644 LICENSE $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}
# ghost files
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/components/compreg.dat
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/components/xpti.dat
# Enable crash reporter for Firefox application
%if %{include_debuginfo}
sed -i -e "s/\[Crash Reporter\]/[Crash Reporter]\nEnabled=1/" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{mozappdir}/application.ini
update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
# is it a final removal?
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
%{__rm} -rf %{mozappdir}/components
%{__rm} -rf %{mozappdir}/extensions
%{__rm} -rf %{mozappdir}/langpacks
%{__rm} -rf %{mozappdir}/plugins
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
%files -f %{name}.lang
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/*
%dir %{_datadir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
%dir %{_libdir}/mozilla/extensions/%{firefox_app_id}
%dir %{mozappdir}
%doc %{mozappdir}/LICENSE
%doc %{mozappdir}/README.txt
%dir %{mozappdir}/components
%ghost %{mozappdir}/components/compreg.dat
%ghost %{mozappdir}/components/xpti.dat
# %{mozappdir}/components/browser.manifest
%attr(644, root, root) %{mozappdir}/blocklist.xml
%attr(644, root, root) %{mozappdir}/components/*.js
%dir %{mozappdir}/extensions
%if %{build_langpacks}
%dir %{mozappdir}/langpacks
%dir %{mozappdir}/modules
%exclude %{mozappdir}/removed-files
%if %{include_debuginfo}
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Christopher Aillon <> - 4.0-0.15b11
- Firefox 4.0 Beta 11
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Christopher Aillon <> - 4.0-0.14b10
- Bring back the default browser check
* Tue Jan 25 2011 Christopher Aillon <> - 4.0-0.13b10
- Firefox 4.0 Beta 10
* Fri Jan 14 2011 Christopher Aillon <> - 4.0-0.12b9
- Firefox 4.0 Beta 9
* Thu Jan 6 2011 Dan Horák <dan[at]> - 4.0-0.11b8
- disable ipc on non-x86 arches to match xulrunner
* Thu Jan 6 2011 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.10b8
- application.ini permission check fix
* Thu Jan 6 2011 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.9b8
- Fixed rhbz#667477 - broken launch script
* Tue Jan 4 2011 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.8b8
- Fixed rhbz#664877 - Cannot read application.ini
* Tue Dec 21 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.7b8
- Update to Beta 8
- Fixed rhbz#437608 - When prelink is installed,
rpm builds are garbage
* Wed Dec 8 2010 Christopher Aillon <> - 4.0-0.6b7
- Use official branding since this is an official beta
- Fix Tab Candy/Panorama (#658573)
* Thu Nov 11 2010 Jan Horak <> - 4.0b7-1
- Update to 4.0b7
- Added x-scheme-handler to firefox.desktop
* Wed Sep 29 2010 jkeating - 4.0-0.4b6
- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757
* Tue Sep 21 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.3.b6
- Update to 4.0 Beta 6
* Tue Sep 7 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <> - 4.0-0.2.b4
- get package building and mostly functional
* Mon Aug 30 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 4.0-0.1.b4
- Update to 4.0 Beta 4
* Tue Jun 24 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.4-2
- Fixed rhbz#531159 - disable firefox default browser check
- Disabled automatic updates
* Wed Jun 23 2010 Jan Horak <> -3.6.4-1
- Update to 3.6.4
* Tue Apr 13 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.3-4
- Fixed language packs (#559960)
* Mon Apr 12 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.3-3
- Fixed multilib conflict
* Tue Apr 6 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.3-2
- Fixed install dir
* Sat Apr 3 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.3-1
- Update to 3.6.3
* Tue Mar 23 2010 Jan Horak <> - 3.6.2-1
- Update to 3.6.2
* Wed Feb 24 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-2
- Added fix for #559960 - [all Lang]Translation is not
available with 3.6 release
* Wed Jan 18 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-1
- Update to 3.6
* Wed Jan 18 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.11.rc2
- Update to 3.6.1 RC2
- Fix for #556428 - Restricted maximal xulrunner version
* Wed Jan 13 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.10.rc1
- Update to 3.6.1 RC1
* Thu Jan 7 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.9.b4
- fixes (error messages, #553184)
* Tue Jan 5 2010 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.8.b4
- Removed MOZ_LOCAL_LANGPACKS from browser launcher script (#284011)
* Mon Dec 21 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.7.b4
- Update to 3.6.1 Beta 5
* Wed Nov 27 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.6.b4
- Added fix for mozbz#526152 - jemalloc fix
* Wed Nov 27 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.5.b4
- Update to 3.6.1 Beta 4
* Wed Nov 25 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.4.b3
- Language pack updated (#284011)
* Fri Nov 20 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.3.b3
- Necko wifi monitor disabled
- Added source URL (#521704)
* Wed Nov 18 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.2.b3
- Rebase to 3.6.1 Beta 3
* Fri Nov 13 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.6.1-0.1.b2
- Rebase to 3.6.1 Beta 2
* Thu Nov 5 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5.5-1
- Update to 3.5.5
* Mon Oct 26 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5.4-1
- Update to 3.5.4
* Mon Sep 7 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5.3-1
- Update to 3.5.3
* Thu Aug 6 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.5.2-3
- Rebuilt
* Thu Aug 6 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.5.2-2
- Fix for #437596 - Firefox needs to register proper name
for session restore.
* Mon Aug 3 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.5.2-1
- Update to 3.5.2
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5.1-3
- Adjust icons cache update according to template
* Wed Jul 22 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5.1-2
- New icons fixed
* Fri Jul 17 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.5.1-1
- Update to 3.5.1
* Mon Jul 13 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.5-2
- Updated icon
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.5-1
- Firefox 3.5 final release
* Tue May 26 2009 Martin Stransky <> - 3.5-0.21
- fix for #502541 - Firefox version should depend
on Xulrunner but does not
* Mon Apr 27 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.5-0.20
- 3.5 beta 4
* Fri Mar 27 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.1-0.11
- Rebuild against newer gecko
* Fri Mar 13 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.1-0.10
- 3.1 beta 3
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.1-0.7.beta2
- Rebuilt for
* Wed Feb 11 2009 Christopher Aillon <> - 3.1-0.6
- Drop explicit requirement on desktop-file-utils
* Wed Jan 7 2009 Jan Horak <> - 3.1-0.5
- Fixed wrong LANG and LC_MESSAGES variables interpretation (#441973)
in startup script.
* Sat Dec 20 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.1-0.4
- 3.1 beta 2
* Tue Dec 9 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.1-0.3
- Rebuild
* Thu Dec 4 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.1-0.1
- Update to 3.1 beta 1
* Tue Nov 11 2008 Jan Horak <> 3.0.2-2
- Removed firefox-2.0-getstartpage.patch patch
- Start page is set by different way
* Tue Sep 23 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0.2-1
- Update to 3.0.2
* Wed Jul 16 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0.1-1
- Update to 3.0.1
* Tue Jun 17 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-1
- Firefox 3 Final
* Thu May 08 2008 Colin Walters <> 3.0-0.61
- Rebuild to pick up new xulrunner (bug #445543)
* Wed Apr 30 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.60
- Rebuild
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.59
- Zero out the lang file we generate during builds
* Mon Apr 28 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.58
- Bounce a few unneeded items from the spec and clean up some tabs
* Fri Apr 25 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.57
- Enable anti-pishing protection (#443403)
* Fri Apr 18 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.55
- Don't show an welcome page during first browser start (#437065)
* Sat Apr 12 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.54
- Remove the broken Macedonian (mk) langpack
- Download to Download/
* Mon Apr 7 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.53
- Add langpacks, marked with %%lang
- Translate the .desktop file
* Wed Apr 2 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.52
- Beta 5
* Mon Mar 31 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.51
- Beta 5 RC2
* Thu Mar 27 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.50
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-27)
* Wed Mar 26 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.49
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-26)
* Tue Mar 25 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.48
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-25)
* Mon Mar 24 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.47
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-24)
* Thu Mar 20 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.46
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-20)
* Mon Mar 17 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.45
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-17)
* Mon Mar 17 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.44
- Revert to trunk from the 15th to fix crashes on HTTPS sites
* Sun Mar 16 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.43
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-16)
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.42
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-15)
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.41
- Avoid conflicts between gecko debuginfo packages
* Wed Mar 12 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.40
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-12)
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.39
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-11)
* Mon Mar 10 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.38
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-10)
* Sun Mar 9 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.37
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-09)
* Fri Mar 7 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta4.36
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-07)
* Thu Mar 6 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta4.35
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-06)
* Tue Mar 4 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.34
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-04)
* Sun Mar 2 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.33
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-02)
* Sat Mar 1 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.32
- Update to latest trunk (2008-03-01)
* Fri Feb 29 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.31
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-29)
* Thu Feb 28 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.30
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-28)
* Wed Feb 27 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.29
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-27)
* Tue Feb 26 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.28
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-26)
* Sat Feb 23 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.27
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-23)
* Fri Feb 22 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.26
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-22)
* Thu Feb 21 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.25
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-21)
* Sun Feb 17 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.23
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-17)
* Fri Feb 15 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.22
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-15)
* Thu Feb 14 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.21
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-14)
* Wed Feb 13 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta3.20
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-13)
* Mon Feb 11 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.19
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-11)
* Sun Feb 10 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.18
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-10)
* Sat Feb 9 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.17
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-09)
* Wed Feb 6 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.16
- Update to latest trunk (2008-02-06)
* Wed Jan 30 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.15
- Update to latest trunk (2008-01-30)
- Backported an old laucher
* Mon Jan 28 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.13
- cleared starting scripts, removed useless parts
* Mon Jan 21 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.12
- Update to latest trunk (2008-01-21)
* Tue Jan 15 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.11
- Update to latest trunk (2008-01-15)
- Now with system extensions directory support
- Temporarily disable langpacks while we're on the bleeding edge
- Remove skeleton files; they are in xulrunner now
* Sun Jan 13 2008 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.10
- Update to latest trunk (20080113)
- Fix the default prefs, homepage, and useragent string
* Thu Jan 10 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.9
- rebuilt agains xulrunner-devel-unstable
* Mon Jan 7 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.8
- added ssl exception patch (mozbz #411037)
* Fri Jan 4 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.7
- removed broken langpack
- built against libxul
* Thu Jan 3 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.6
- updated to the latest trunk (20080103)
* Wed Jan 2 2008 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.5
- added default fedora homepage
- updated a language pack (#427182)
* Mon Dec 31 2007 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.4
- Create and own /etc/skel/.mozilla
- No longer need add-gecko-provides
* Sat Dec 22 2007 Christopher Aillon <> 3.0-0.beta2.3
- When there are both 32- and 64-bit versions of XPCOM installed on disk
make sure to load the correct one.
* Tue Dec 20 2007 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.2
- fixed xulrunner dependency
* Tue Dec 18 2007 Martin Stransky <> 3.0-0.beta2.1
- moved to XUL Runner and updated to 3.0b3pre
- removed firefox-devel package, gecko-libs is provided
by xulrunner-devel now.
* Thu Dec 13 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix the getStartPage method to not return blank.
Patch by
* Sun Dec 9 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix up some rpmlint warnings
- Use only one pref for the homepage for now
- Drop some old patches and some obsolote Obsoletes
* Tue Dec 4 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- fixed an icon location
* Mon Dec 3 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- removed gre.conf file (most of the gtkmozembed applications
run with xulrunner now)
* Mon Nov 26 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to
* Tue Nov 5 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- updated to the latest upstream
* Wed Oct 31 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- added mozilla-plugin-config to startup script
* Tue Oct 30 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Tweak the default backspace behavior to be more in line with
GNOME convention, Mozilla upstream, and other distros
* Tue Oct 23 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- updated to the latest upstream
- moved preference updates to build section
* Thu Oct 18 2007 Jesse Keating <> -
- Disable the Firefox startup notification support for now.
* Mon Sep 26 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- Fixed #242657 - firefox -g doesn't work
* Mon Sep 25 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- Removed hardcoded MAX_PATH, PATH_MAX and MAXPATHLEN macros
* Mon Sep 24 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Startup notification support
* Tue Sep 11 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix crashes when using GTK+ themes containing a gtkrc which specify
GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size and GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing
* Mon Sep 10 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- added fix for #246248 - firefox crashes when searching for word "do"
* Thu Sep 6 2007 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Fix default page for all locales
* Wed Aug 29 2007 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Tweak the default home page
* Fri Aug 24 2007 Adam Jackson <> -
- Rebuild for build ID
* Mon Aug 13 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update the license tag
* Mon Aug 6 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- unwrapped plugins moved to the old location
- removed plugin configuration utility
* Sat Aug 4 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to
- Fix dnd support to/from gtk2 apps
- Fix installed permissions of *.png
* Mon Jul 23 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- added nspluginwrapper support
* Wed Jul 18 2007 Kai Engert <> -
- Update to
* Fri Jun 29 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- backported pango patches from FC6 (
* Sun Jun 3 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Properly clean up threads with newer NSPR
* Wed May 30 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Final version
* Wed May 23 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to RC3
* Tue Apr 17 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix permissions of the man page
* Tue Apr 10 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Ensure initial homepage on all locales is our proper default
* Sun Mar 25 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix the symlink to default bookmarks
- Use mktemp for temp dirs
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Default bookmarks no longer live here; use system-bookmarks
* Mon Mar 12 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Oops, define the variables I expect to use.
* Fri Feb 23 2007 Martin Stransky <>
- Update to 2002
* Wed Feb 21 2007 David Woodhouse <>
- Fix PPC64 runtime
- Fix firefox script to use 32-bit browser by default on PPC64 hardware
* Fri Feb 9 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Start using the specified locale
* Tue Jan 30 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix the DND implementation to not grab, so it works with new GTK+.
* Thu Jan 18 2007 Christopher Aillon <>
- Remove the XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 workaround; the plugin got fixed.
* Fri Dec 22 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Strip out some frequent warnings; they muddy up the build output
* Thu Dec 21 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to 2001
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Christopher Aillon <> 2.0-2
- Tweak the .desktop file
* Tue Oct 24 2006 Christopher Aillon <> 2.0-1
- Update to 2.0
- Add patch from Behdad to fix pango printing.
* Wed Oct 11 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Add virtual provides for gecko applications.
* Wed Oct 4 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Bring the invisible character to parity with GTK+
* Tue Sep 26 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix crash when changing gtk key theme
- Fix gtkmozembed window visibility
- Prevent UI freezes while changing GNOME theme
- Remove verbiage about pango; no longer required by upstream.
* Tue Sep 19 2006 Christopher Aillon <caillon@redhat/com>
- Arrrr! Add Obsoletes: mozilla to avoid GRE conflicts, me hearties!
* Mon Sep 18 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Bring back the GRE files for embeddors
* Thu Sep 14 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update default bookmarks for FC6
* Wed Sep 13 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update to
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Icon tweaks and minor spec-file variable cleanup: s/ffdir/mozappdir/g
* Wed Sep 6 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix for cursor position in editor widgets by tagoh and behdad (#198759)
* Sun Sep 3 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Enable GCC visibility
- export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 as a temporary workaround to prevent
a broken Adobe/Macromedia Flash Player plugin taking the X server.
* Tue Aug 29 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Build with -rpath (#161958)
* Mon Aug 28 2006 Behdad Esfahbod <>
- Remove "Pango breaks MathML" from
* Mon Aug 28 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Turn visibility back off again for now, as it still breaks the build.
* Sat Aug 26 2006 Behdad Esfahbod <>
- Remove "Pango breaks MathML" from firefox-1.5-pango-about.patch
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Behdad Esfahbod <>
- Remove debugging statement from firefox-1.5-pango-mathml.patch
* Wed Aug 23 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Attempt to turn visibility back on since the GCC issues should have
been fixed.
* Tue Aug 22 2006 Christopher Aillon <>
- Update NSS requires to workaround a bug introduced by NSS changes.
* Tue Aug 22 2006 Behdad Esfahbod <>
- Add a better nopangoxft patch that doesn't depend on pangocairo
- Add firefox-1.5-pango-mathml.patch (bug 150393)
* Tue Aug 08 2006 Kai Engert <> -
- Rebuild
* Thu Aug 03 2006 Kai Engert <> -
- Update to
* Sun Jul 30 2006 Matthias Clasen <> -
- Pass --libdir to configure
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Dereference links in %%install so the files get put in the
right place.
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Actually, those pkgconfig files really shouldn't be here as we use
system nss and nspr.
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Matthias Clasen <> -
- Add more pkgconfig files
* Thu Jul 27 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Add pkgconfig files
* Thu Jul 27 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Don't strip provides when building the devel package
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Update to
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Ugh:
- Mozilla the platform is deprecated
- XULrunner has been promised for a while but is still not 1.0
- Ship a firefox-devel for now as we need a devel platform.
- The plan is to kill firefox-devel when xulrunner 1.0 ships.
- Clean up the files list a little bit.
* Thu Jun 15 2006 Kai Engert <> -
- Force "gmake -j1" on ppc ppc64 s390 s390x
* Mon Jun 12 2006 Kai Engert <> -
- Firefox
* Thu May 4 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Firefox
* Wed Apr 19 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Really drop the broken langpacks this time.
* Tue Apr 18 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Drop some broken langpacks
* Thu Apr 13 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Firefox
* Sat Mar 11 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Add a notice to the about dialog denoting this is a pango enabled build.
- Tweak the user agent denoting this is a pango enabled build.
* Mon Mar 6 2006 Warren Togami <> -
- make links point to the correct release
* Mon Mar 6 2006 Ray Strode <> -
- Add new bookmarks file from Warren (bug 182386)
* Tue Feb 28 2006 Karsten Hopp <>
- add buildrequires libXt-devel for X11/Intrinsic.h, X11/Shell.h
* Mon Feb 20 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Rebuild
* Mon Feb 20 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Ensure our wrapper handles URLs with commas/spaces (Ilya Konstantinov)
- Fix a pango typo
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Improve the langpack install stuff
- Fix up dumpstack.patch to match the finalized change
* Tue Feb 7 2006 Jesse Keating <> -
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Update language packs to
- Add dumpstack.patch
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Christopher Aillon <> -
- Update to
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-5
- Ship langpacks again from upstream
- Stop providing MozillaFirebird and mozilla-firebird
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-4
- Looks like we can build ppc64 again. Happy New Year!
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-3
- Once again, disable ppc64 because of a new issue.
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-2
- Use the system NSS libraries
- Build on ppc64
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <>
- rebuilt
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-1
- Update to Firefox 1.5
* Mon Nov 28 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-0.5.1.rc3
- Fix issue with popup dialogs and other actions causing lockups
* Fri Nov 18 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-0.5.0.rc3
- Update to 1.5 rc3
* Thu Nov 3 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-0.5.0.rc1
- Update to 1.5 rc1
- Clean up the default bookmarks
* Sat Oct 8 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-0.5.0.beta2
- Update to 1.5 beta 2
* Wed Sep 14 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.5-0.5.0.beta1
- Update to 1.5 beta 1.
- Add patch to svg rendering to adjust for cairo behavior.
- Happy birthday, dad!
* Sat Aug 27 2005 Christopher Aillon <> - 1.1-0.2.8.deerpark.alpha2
- Re-enable SVG, canvas, and system cairo.
- Fix issue with typing in proxy preference panel
* Thu Aug 18 2005 Jeremy Katz <> - 1.1-0.2.7.deerpark.alpha2.1
- another fix to not use pango_xft
* Mon Aug 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.6.deerpark.alpha2
- Rebuild
* Fri Jul 29 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.5.deerpark.alpha2
- Re-enable ppc now that its binutils are fixed.
- Disable SVG and canvas again. The in-tree copy does not build against new pango.
- When clicking a link and going back via history, don't keep the link focused.
* Fri Jul 22 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.4.deerpark.alpha2
- Add patch from Christian Persch to make the file chooser modal
- Change default behavior of opening links from external apps to: New Tab
- New build options:
* Wed Jul 20 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.3.deerpark.alpha2
- Update firefox-1.1-uriloader.patch to fix crashes when calling into gnome-vfs2
* Tue Jul 19 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.2.deerpark.alpha2
- Do away with
* Mon Jul 18 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.2.1.deerpark.alpha2
- Rebuild
* Mon Jul 18 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 1.1-0.0.1.deerpark.alpha2
- Update to Deer Park Alpha 2
- This build is not localized yet.
- Theme issues not yet resolved.
- Building on ppc platforms is busted, disable them for now.
- Forward port all remaining patches.
* Sun Jul 17 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.4-6
- Avoid a crash on 64bit platforms
- Use system NSPR
* Thu Jun 23 2005 Kristian Høgsberg <> 0:1.0.4-5
- Add firefox-1.0-pango-cairo.patch to get rid of the last few Xft
references, fixing the "no fonts" problem.
- Copy over changes from FC4 branch.
* Tue May 24 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.4-4
- Only install searchplugins for en-US, since there isn't any way
to dynamically select searchplugins per locale yet.
* Mon May 23 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.4-3
- Add support for locales:
af-ZA, ast-ES, ca-AD, cs-CZ, cy-GB, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR,
en-GB es-AR, es-ES, eu-ES, fi-FI, fr-FR, ga-IE, he-IL,
hu-HU, it-IT, ko-KR, ja-JP, ja-JPM, mk-MK, nb-NO, nl-NL,
pa-IN, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI,
sq-AL, sv-SE, tr-TR, zh-CN, zh-TW
* Wed May 11 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.4-2
- Update to 1.0.4
* Mon May 9 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.3-5
- Correctly position the IM candidate window for most locales
Note: it is still incorrectly positioned for zh_TW after this fix
- Add temporary workaround to not create files in the user's $HOME (#149664)
* Tue May 3 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.3-4
- Rebuild
* Tue May 3 2005 Christopher Aillon <>
- Patch from Marcel Mol supporting launching with filenames
containing whitespace.
* Tue May 3 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.3-3
- Firefox script fixes to support multilib installs.
- Add upstream patch to fix bidi justification of pango
- Add patch to fix launching of helper applications
* Wed Apr 27 2005 Warren Togami <>
- remove JVM version probing (#116445)
- correct confusing PANGO vars in startup script
* Fri Apr 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.3-2
- Add patch to properly link against libgfxshared_s.a
* Fri Apr 15 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.3-1
- Update to security release 1.0.3
* Tue Apr 12 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.2-4
- Update useragent patch to match upstream.
- Add nspr-config 64 bit patch from
* Mon Mar 28 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.2-3
- Updated firefox icon (
- Fix for some more cursor issues in textareas (149991, 150002, 152089)
* Fri Mar 25 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.2-2
- Make the "" pref work (David Fraser)
* Wed Mar 23 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.2-1
- Firefox 1.0.2
* Tue Mar 22 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-6
- Add patch to fix italic rendering errors with certain fonts (e.g. Tahoma)
- Re-enable jsd since there is now a venkman version that works with Firefox.
* Tue Mar 8 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-5
- Add patch to compile against new fortified glibc macros
* Fri Mar 4 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-4
- Build against gcc4, add build patches to do so.
* Thu Mar 3 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-3
- Remerge firefox-1.0-pango-selection.patch
- Add execshield patches for ia64 and ppc
- BuildRequires libgnome-devel, libgnomeui-devel
* Sun Feb 27 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-2
- Add upstream fix to reduce round trips to xserver during remote control
- Add upstream fix to call g_set_application_name
* Thu Feb 24 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0.1-1
- Update to 1.0.1 fixing several security flaws.
- Temporarily disable langpacks to workaround startup issues (#145806)
- Request the correct system colors from gtk (#143423)
* Tue Dec 28 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-8
- Add upstream langpacks
* Sat Dec 25 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-7
- Make sure we get a URL passed in to firefox (#138861)
- Mark some generated files as ghost (#136015)
* Wed Dec 15 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-6
- Don't have downloads "disappear" when downloading to desktop (#139015)
- Add RPM version to the useragent
- BuildRequires pango-devel
* Sat Dec 11 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-5
- Fix spacing in textareas when using pango for rendering
- Enable pango rendering by default.
- Enable smooth scrolling by default
* Fri Dec 3 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-4
- Add StartupWMClass patch from Damian Christey (#135830)
- Use system colors by default (#137810)
- Re-add s390(x)
* Sat Nov 20 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:1.0-3
- Add patch that uses pango for selection.
* Fri Nov 12 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-2
- Fix livemarks icon issue. (#138989)
* Tue Nov 8 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:1.0-1
- Firefox 1.0
* Thu Nov 4 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.3
- Add support for GNOME stock icons. (bmo #233461)
* Sat Oct 30 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.2
- #136330 BR freetype-devel with conditions
- #135050 firefox should own mozilla plugin dir
* Sat Oct 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.99-1.0RC1.1
- Update to firefox-rc1
- Add patch for s390(x)
* Tue Oct 26 2004 Christopher Aillon <>
- Fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH at startup (Steve Knodle)
* Fri Oct 22 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.21
- Prevent inlining of stack direction detection (#135255)
* Tue Oct 19 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.20
- More file chooser fixes:
Pop up a confirmation dialog before overwriting files (#134648)
Allow saving as complete once again
- Fix for upstream 263263.
* Tue Oct 19 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.18
- Fix for upstream 262689.
* Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard < 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.16
- Update pango patch to one that defaults to off
* Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.15
- Fix problem where default apps aren't showing up in the download
dialog (#136261)
- Fix default height being larger than the available area, cherry picked
from upstream
* Mon Oct 18 2004 Christopher Blizzard <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.13
- Actually turn on pango in the mozconfig
* Sat Oct 16 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.12
- Disable the default application checks. (#133713)
- Disable the software update feature. (#136017)
* Wed Oct 13 2004 Christopher Blizzard <>
- Use pango for rendering
* Tue Oct 12 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.10
- Fix for 64 bit crash at startup (b.m.o #256603)
* Fri Oct 8 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.9
- Fix compile issues (#134914)
- Add patch to fix button focus issues (#133507)
- Add patches to fix tab focus stealing issue (b.m.o #124750)
* Fri Oct 1 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.1-1.0PR1.8
- Update to 0.10.1
- Fix tab switching keybindings (#133504)
* Fri Oct 1 2004 Bill Nottingham <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.7
- filter out library Provides: and internal Requires:
* Thu Sep 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.6
- Prereq desktop-file-utils >= 0.9
* Thu Sep 30 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.5
- Add clipboard access prevention patch.
* Wed Sep 29 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.4
- Add the xul mime type to the .desktop file
* Tue Sep 28 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.3
- Backport the GTK+ file chooser.
- Update desktop database after uninstall.
* Mon Sep 27 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.2
- Change the vendor to mozilla not fedora
- Build with --disable-strip so debuginfo packages work (#133738)
- Add pkgconfig patch (bmo #261090)
* Fri Sep 24 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.1
- Add a BR for desktop-file-utils
- Update default configuration options to use the firefox mozconfig (#132916)
- Use Red Hat bookmarks (#133262)
- Update default homepage (#132721)
- Fix JS math on AMD64 (#133226)
- Build with MOZILLA_OFICIAL (#132917)
* Tue Sep 14 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.10.0-1.0PR1.0
- Update to 1.0PR1
- Update man page references to say Firefox instead of Firebird
- Remove gcc34 and extensions patch; they are now upstream
- Update desktop database
- Minor tweaks to the .desktop file
* Fri Sep 03 2004 Christopher Aillon <> 0:0.9.3-8
- Fixup .desktop entry Name, GenericName, and Comment (#131602)
- Add MimeType desktop entry (patch from
- Build with --disable-xprint
* Tue Aug 31 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.9.3-7
- rawhide import
- #1765 NetBSD's freetype 2.1.8 compat patch
* Sun Aug 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.6
- and mng support is disabled again as it seams that there is
no real mng support in the code
* Sat Aug 28 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.5
- remove ldconfig from scriptlets (bug #1846 comment #40)
- reenabled mng support (bug #1971)
- removed --enable-strip to let rpm to the stripping (bug #1971)
- honor system settings in (bug #1971)
- setting umask 022 in scriptlets (bug #1962)
* Sat Aug 07 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.4
- copy the icon to the right place(TM)
* Fri Aug 06 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.3
- readded the xpm removed in 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.5
* Thu Aug 05 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.2
- added mozilla-1.7-psfonts.patch from rawhide mozilla
* Thu Aug 05 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.3-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.9.3
- removed following from .mozconfig:
ac_add_options --with-system-mng
ac_add_options --enable-xprint
ac_add_options --disable-dtd-debug
ac_add_options --disable-freetype2
ac_add_options --enable-strip-libs
ac_add_options --enable-reorder
ac_add_options --enable-mathml
ac_add_options --without-system-nspr
* Tue Aug 03 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.5
- applied parts of the patch from Matthias Saou (bug #1846)
- delete empty directories in %%{ffdir}/chrome
- more cosmetic changes to the spec file
* Wed Jul 14 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.4
- mozilla-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch readded
* Tue Jul 13 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.3
- added krb5-devel as build requirement
* Tue Jul 13 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.2
- added patch from (bug #247846)
- removed Xvfb hack
* Fri Jul 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.2-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.9.2
* Mon Jul 05 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.3
- mharris suggestion for backwards compatibilty with Xvfb hack
* Tue Jun 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.2
- added massive hack from the debian package to create the
extension directory
* Tue Jun 29 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9.1-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.9.1
* Wed Jun 17 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.4
- remove extensions patch
- add post hack to create extensions
- enable negotiateauth extension
- copy icon to browser/app/default.xpm
- --enable-official-branding
* Wed Jun 17 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.3
- extensions patch
* Wed Jun 16 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.2
- added gnome-vfs2-devel as BuildRequires
- added gcc-3.4 patch
* Wed Jun 16 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.9-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.9
- dropped x86_64 patches
- dropped xremote patches
* Wed May 26 2004 Adrian Reber <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.13
- remove unused files: mozilla-config
* Sun May 23 2004 David Hill <djh[at]> 0:0.8-0.fdr.12
- update mozconfig (fixes bug #1443)
- installation directory includes version number
* Mon May 10 2004 Justin M. Forbes <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.11
- merge x86_64 release 10 with release 10 bump release to 11
* Mon Apr 19 2004 Justin M. Forbes <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.10
- rebuild for FC2
- change Source71 to properly replace Source7 for maintainability
* Sun Apr 18 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.10
- 3rd xremote patch
- test -Os rather than -O2
* Sun Apr 18 2004 Gene Czarcinski <>
- more x86_64 fixes
- fix firefix-xremote-client for x86_64 (similar to what is done for
* Sat Apr 03 2004 Warren Togami <> 0:0.8-0.fdr.9
- xremote patch for thunderbird integration #1113
- back out ugly hack from /usr/bin/firefox
- correct default bookmarks
* Wed Feb 25 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.7
- readded the new firefox icons
* Sat Feb 21 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.6
- removed new firefox icons
* Wed Feb 18 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.5
- nothing
* Thu Feb 12 2004 Gene Czarcinski <>
- update for x86_64 ... usr mozilla-1.6 patches
- change "firefox-i*" to "firefox-*" in above stuff
* Tue Feb 10 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.4
- another icon changed
* Tue Feb 10 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.3
- startup script modified
* Mon Feb 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.2
- new firefox icon
- more s/firebird/firefox/
* Mon Feb 09 2004 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.8-0.fdr.1
- new version: 0.8
- new name: firefox
* Sun Oct 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.7-0.fdr.2
- s/0.6.1/0.7/
- changed user-app-dir back to .phoenix as .mozilla-firebird
is not working as expected
- manpage now also available as MozillaFirebird.1
* Thu Oct 16 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.7-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.7
- provides webclient
- run regxpcom and regchrome after installation and removal
- added a man page from the debian package
- changed user-app-dir from .phoenix to .mozilla-firebird
* Tue Jul 29 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6.1-0.fdr.2
- now with mozilla-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch; see bug #586
* Tue Jul 29 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6.1-0.fdr.1
- updated to 0.6.1
- changed buildrequires for XFree86-devel from 0:4.3.0 to 0:4.2.1
it should now also build on RH80
* Sun Jul 13 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.5.rh90
- enabled the type ahead extension: bug #484
* Sun Jul 13 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.4.rh90
- renamed it again back to MozillaFirbird
- added libmng-devel to BuildRequires
- startup homepage is now
- improved the startup script to use the unix remote protocol
to open a new window
* Thu May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.3.rh90
- new icon from
- now using gtk2 as toolkit
- renamed again back to mozilla-firebird (I like it better)
- Provides: MozillaFirebird for compatibility with previous releases
- changed default bookmarks.html to contain links to
* Thu May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.2.rh90
- renamed package to MozillaFirebird and all files with the old name
- enabled mng, mathml, xinerama support
- now honouring RPM_OPT_FLAGS
* Thu May 19 2003 Adrian Reber <> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.1.rh90
- updated to 0.6
* Thu May 01 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030501.rh90
- Updated to CVS.
- Renamed to mozilla-firebird.
* Sat Apr 05 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.3.cvs20030409.rh90
- Updated to CVS.
- Removed hard-coded library path.
* Sat Apr 05 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.3.cvs20030402.rh90
- Changed Prereq to Requires.
- Changed BuildRequires to gtk+-devel (instead of file).
- Recompressed source with bzip2.
- Removed post.
* Tue Apr 02 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.2.cvs20030402.rh90
- Added desktop-file-utils to BuildRequires.
- Changed category to X-Fedora-Extra.
- Updated to CVS.
* Sun Mar 30 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0:0.6-0.fdr.0.2.cvs20030328.rh90
- Added Epoch:0.
- Added to the BuildRequires
* Fri Mar 28 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030328.rh90
- Updated to latest CVS.
- Moved phoenix startup script into its own file
* Wed Mar 26 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030326.rh90
- Updated to latest CVS.
- Changed release to 9 vs 8.1.
- Added cvs script.
- added encoding to desktop file.
* Sun Mar 23 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030323.rh81
- Updated to latest CVS.
- added release specification XFree86-devel Build Requirement.
- changed chmod to %attr
* Fri Mar 21 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030317.rh81
- Fixed naming scheme.
- Fixed .desktop file.
* Mon Mar 17 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030317.1
- Updated to CVS.
* Fri Mar 14 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030313.2
- General Tweaking.
* Thu Mar 13 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030313.1
- Updated CVS.
- Modified mozconfig.
* Sun Mar 09 2003 Phillip Compton <pcompton[AT]> - 0.6-cvs20030309.1
- Initial RPM release.