Sat Apr 10 2004 Jens Petersen <> - 4.2.0-1 - update to 4.2.0 stable release - zsh-4.0.7-bckgrnd-bld-102042.patch no longer needed - add compinit and various commented config improvements to .zshrc (Eric Hattemer,#114887) - include in doc dir (Eric Hattemer) - drop setenv function from zshrc
236 lines
6.2 KiB
236 lines
6.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#requires Gtk-Perl
use Gtk;
use strict;
set_locale Gtk;
init Gtk;
my $window = new Gtk::Window("toplevel");
$window->signal_connect( "delete_event", \&CloseAppWindow );
my $table = new Gtk::Table( 20, 6, 0 );
$window->border_width( 5 );
#$window->add( $button );
my $prompt = new Gtk::Entry( 128);
my $log = new Gtk::Text();
#$prompt->set_editable (1);
$table->attach( $prompt,0,4,0,4,[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ],
0, 0 );
$table->set_row_spacings( 5 );
$table->set_col_spacings( 5 );
my $currDir = new Gtk::Button( "Current Directory" );
$table->attach_defaults( $currDir,0,1,4,6 );
my $errorCode = new Gtk::Button( "Last Return Code" );
$table->attach_defaults( $errorCode,1,2,4,6 );
my $currTime = new Gtk::Button( "Time" );
$table->attach_defaults( $currTime,2,3,4,6 );
my $hist = new Gtk::Button( "History Number" );
$table->attach_defaults( $hist,3,4,4,6 );
my $host = new Gtk::Button( "Hostname" );
$table->attach_defaults( $host,0,1,6,8 );
my $backgroundBlue = new Gtk::Button( "Blue Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundBlue,0,1,8,10 );
my $backgroundRed = new Gtk::Button( "Red Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundRed,1,2,8,10 );
my $backgroundGreen = new Gtk::Button( "Green Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundGreen,2,3,8,10 );
my $backgroundYellow = new Gtk::Button( "Yellow Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundYellow,3,4,8,10 );
my $backgroundBlack = new Gtk::Button( "Black Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundBlack,5,6,8,10 );
my $backgroundWhite = new Gtk::Button( "White Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundWhite,6,7,8,10 );
my $backgroundPink = new Gtk::Button( "Pink Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundPink,7,8,8,10 );
my $textBlue = new Gtk::Button( "Blue Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textBlue,0,1,10,12 );
my $textRed = new Gtk::Button( "Red Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textRed,1,2,10,12 );
my $textGreen = new Gtk::Button( "Green Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textGreen,2,3,10,12 );
my $textYellow = new Gtk::Button( "Yellow Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textYellow,3,4,10,12 );
my $textBlack = new Gtk::Button( "Black Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textBlack,5,6,10,12 );
my $textWhite = new Gtk::Button( "White Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textWhite,6,7,10,12 );
my $textPink = new Gtk::Button( "Pink Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textPink,7,8,10,12 );
my $textDefault = new Gtk::Button( "Default Text" );
$table->attach_defaults( $textDefault,0,1,12,14 );
my $backgroundDefault = new Gtk::Button( "Default Background" );
$table->attach_defaults( $backgroundDefault,1,2,12,14 );
my $set = new Gtk::Button( "Save Settings" );
$table->attach_defaults( $set,0,1,16,18 );
my $xterm = new Gtk::Button( "Test saved settings" );
$table->attach_defaults( $xterm,1,2,16,18 );
$table->attach_defaults( $log,0,6,18,20 );
$currDir->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%1/" );
$errorCode->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%?" );
$currTime->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%T" );
$hist->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%!" );
$host->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%m" );
$backgroundBlue->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[blue]%}" );
$backgroundRed->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[red]%}" );
$backgroundGreen->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[green]%}" );
$backgroundYellow->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[yellow]%}" );
$backgroundBlack->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[black]%}" );
$backgroundWhite->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[white]%}" );
$backgroundPink->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[magenta]%}" );
$backgroundDefault->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$bg[default]%}" );
$textBlue->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[blue]%}" );
$textRed->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[red]%}" );
$textGreen->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[green]%}" );
$textYellow->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[yellow]%}" );
$textBlack->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[black]%}" );
$textWhite->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[white]%}" );
$textPink->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[magenta]%}" );
$textDefault->signal_connect( "clicked", \&insertButtonText, "%{\$fg[default]%}" );
$set->signal_connect( "clicked", \&pushEnv );
$xterm->signal_connect( "clicked", \&xterm );
sub xterm
my $string="xterm -e zsh -li&";
#$string.="' zsh -li\"& ";
# $prompt->append_text( $string );
$log->insert( "", "white", "black", "executing:\n $string\n");
sub pushEnv
use Env qw(PS1);
my $pNotSet=0;
open(PROMPT, "+<", ".prompt") or $pNotSet=1;
#$prompt->insert( "", "white", "black", "prompt is not set");
open(ZSHRC, '>>','.zshrc') or die "cannot open zshrc";
print ZSHRC ". ~/.prompt\n";
close (ZSHRC);
close (PROMPT);
open(PROMPT, ">", ".prompt");
print PROMPT "export PS1=\"",$prompt->get_text(),"\"\n";
#$prompt->insert( "", "white", "black", $PS1);
$window->add( $table );
main Gtk;
exit( 0 );
sub CloseAppWindow
Gtk->exit( 0 );
return 0;
sub insertButtonText
my ($widget, $txt) = @_;
$prompt->append_text( $txt );