2006-11-01 00:09:08 +00:00

1297 lines
41 KiB

%define distro redhat
%define polyinstatiate n
%define monolithic n
%define BUILD_STRICT 1
%if %{?BUILD_MLS:0}%{!?BUILD_MLS:1}
%define BUILD_MLS 1
%define POLICYVER 21
%define libsepolver 1.12.26-1
%define POLICYCOREUTILSVER 1.30.29-1
%define CHECKPOLICYVER 1.30.11-1
Summary: SELinux policy configuration
Name: selinux-policy
Version: 2.4.2
Release: 4
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: serefpolicy-%{version}.tgz
patch: policy-20061016.patch
Source1: modules-targeted.conf
Source2: booleans-targeted.conf
Source3: Makefile.devel
Source4: setrans-targeted.conf
Source5: modules-mls.conf
Source6: booleans-mls.conf
Source8: setrans-mls.conf
Source9: modules-strict.conf
Source10: booleans-strict.conf
Source12: setrans-strict.conf
Source13: policygentool
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4 policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
PreReq: policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER} libsemanage >= 1.6.17-1
Obsoletes: policy
SELinux Base package
%doc %{_usr}/share/doc/%{name}-%{version}
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux
%ghost %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/selinux
%package devel
Summary: SELinux policy development
Group: System Environment/Base
Prereq: checkpolicy >= %{CHECKPOLICYVER} m4 policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Prereq: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
%description devel
SELinux Policy development package
%files devel
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/include
%attr(755,root,root) %{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/strict
%dir %{_usr}/share/selinux/mls
%define setupCmds() \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 bare \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 conf \
cp -f ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/modules-%1.conf ./policy/modules.conf \
cp -f ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/booleans-%1.conf ./policy/booleans.conf \
%define moduleList() %([ -f %{_sourcedir}/modules-%{1}.conf ] && \
awk '$1 !~ "/^#/" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "-i %%s.pp ", $1 }' %{_sourcedir}/modules-%{1}.conf )
%define installCmds() \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 base.pp \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 modules \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install-appconfig \
#%{__cp} *.pp %{buildroot}/%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/ \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active \
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/ \
touch %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/semanage.trans.LOCK \
make NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 enableaudit \
make -W base.conf NAME=%1 TYPE=%2 DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=%3 MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 base.pp \
install -m0644 base.pp %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/enableaudit.pp \
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/booleans \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/seusers \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.%{POLICYVER} \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/homedir_template \
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs \
install -m0644 ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/setrans-%1.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/setrans.conf \
ln -sf ../devel/include %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1 \
%define fileList() \
%defattr(-,root,root) \
%{_usr}/share/selinux/%1/*.pp \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1 \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/setrans.conf \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/seusers \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/ \
%verify(not mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/semanage.trans.LOCK \
%attr(700,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active \
#%verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/modules/active/seusers \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/ \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.* \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/customizable_types \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/dbus_contexts \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/default_contexts \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/default_type \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/failsafe_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/initrc_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/removable_context \
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/userhelper_context \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/homedir_template \
%ghost %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs \
%config %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/media \
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users \
%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/users/root \
%define saveFileContext() \
if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" == %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ]; then \
cp -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre; \
fi \
%define rebuildpolicy() \
( cd /usr/share/selinux/%1; \
semodule -b base.pp %{expand:%%moduleList %1} -s %1; \
rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/policy/policy.*.rpmnew
%define relabel() \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" == %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre ]; then \
fixfiles -C ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre restore; \
rm -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.pre; \
SELinux Reference Policy - modular.
%setup -q -n serefpolicy-%{version}
%patch -p1
# Build targeted policy
%{__rm} -fR %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/
install -m 644 man/man8/*.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/selinux
# Always create policy module package directories
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/{targeted,strict,mls}/
# Install devel
make clean
make NAME=targeted TYPE=targeted-mcs DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=y MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} PKGNAME=%{name}-%{version} POLY=%4 MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 install-headers install-docs
mkdir %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
mv %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/targeted/include %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/include
install -m 755 ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/policygentool %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
install -m 644 ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/Makefile.devel %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/Makefile
install -m 644 doc/example.* %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/
echo "htmlview file:///usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-%{version}/html/index.html"> %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
# Build targeted policy
# Commented out because only targeted ref policy currently builds
%setupCmds targeted targeted-mcs y y
%installCmds targeted targeted-mcs y y
make NAME=targeted TYPE=targeted-mcs DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=y MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=y MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 validatefc
# Build strict policy
# Commented out because only targeted ref policy currently builds
make NAME=strict TYPE=strict-mcs DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=y MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=n MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 bare
make NAME=strict TYPE=strict-mcs DISTRO=%{distro} DIRECT_INITRC=y MONOLITHIC=%{monolithic} POLY=n MLS_CATS=1024 MCS_CATS=1024 conf
cp -f ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/modules-strict.conf ./policy/modules.conf
%installCmds strict strict-mcs y n
ln -sf ../devel/include %{buildroot}%{_usr}/share/selinux/strict
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
# Build mls policy
%setupCmds mls strict-mls n y
%installCmds mls strict-mls n y
%{__rm} -fR %{buildroot}
if [ ! -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then
# New install so we will default to targeted policy
echo "
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.
# strict - Full SELinux protection.
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.
# SETLOCALDEFS= Check local definition changes
" > /etc/selinux/config
ln -sf ../selinux/config /etc/sysconfig/selinux
restorecon /etc/selinux/config 2> /dev/null
. /etc/selinux/config
# if first time update booleans.local needs to be copied to sandbox
[ -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/booleans.local ] && mv /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/booleans.local /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/
[ -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/seusers ] && cp -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/seusers /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/modules/active/seusers
grep -q "^SETLOCALDEFS" /etc/selinux/config || echo -n "
# SETLOCALDEFS= Check local definition changes
">> /etc/selinux/config
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
setenforce 0 2> /dev/null
if [ ! -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then
echo "SELINUX=disabled" > /etc/selinux/config
sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
%package targeted
Summary: SELinux targeted base policy
Group: System Environment/Base
Provides: selinux-policy-base
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-targeted-sources
Prereq: policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Prereq: coreutils
Prereq: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
%description targeted
SELinux Reference policy targeted base module.
%pre targeted
%saveFileContext targeted
%post targeted
%rebuildpolicy targeted
%relabel targeted
%triggerpostun targeted -- selinux-policy-targeted <= 2.0.7
%rebuildpolicy targeted
%files targeted
%fileList targeted
%if %{BUILD_MLS}
%package mls
Summary: SELinux mls base policy
Group: System Environment/Base
Provides: selinux-policy-base
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-mls-sources
Requires: policycoreutils-newrole >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Prereq: policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Prereq: coreutils
Prereq: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
%description mls
SELinux Reference policy mls base module.
%pre mls
%saveFileContext mls
%post mls
%rebuildpolicy mls
%relabel mls
%files mls
%fileList mls
%package strict
Summary: SELinux strict base policy
Group: System Environment/Base
Provides: selinux-policy-base
Obsoletes: selinux-policy-strict-sources
Prereq: policycoreutils >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
Prereq: coreutils
Prereq: selinux-policy = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: policycoreutils-newrole >= %{POLICYCOREUTILSVER}
%description strict
SELinux Reference policy strict base module.
%pre strict
%saveFileContext strict
%post strict
%rebuildpolicy strict
%relabel strict
%triggerpostun strict -- selinux-policy-strict <= 2.2.35-2
cd /usr/share/selinux/strict
x=`ls *.pp | grep -v -e base.pp -e enableaudit.pp | awk '{ print "-i " $1 }'`
semodule -b base.pp -r bootloader -r clock -r dpkg -r fstools -r hotplug -r init -r libraries -r locallogin -r logging -r lvm -r miscfiles -r modutils -r mount -r mta -r netutils -r selinuxutil -r storage -r sysnetwork -r udev -r userdomain -r vpnc -r xend $x -s strict
%triggerpostun strict -- strict <= 2.0.7
%rebuildpolicy strict
%files strict
%fileList strict
* Tue Oct 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-4
- Add perms for swat
* Mon Oct 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-3
- Allow daemons to dump core files to /
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-2
- Fixes for ricci
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.2-1
- Allow mount.nfs to work
* Fri Oct 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-5
- Allow ricci-modstorage to look at lvm_etc_t
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-4
- Fixes for ricci using saslauthd
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-3
- Allow mountpoint on home_dir_t and home_t
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4.1-2
- Update xen to read nfs files
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-4
- Allow noxattrfs to associate with other noxattrfs
* Mon Oct 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-3
- Allow hal to use power_device_t
* Fri Oct 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-2
- Allow procemail to look at autofs_t
- Allow xen_image_t to work as a fixed device
* Thu Oct 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.4-1
- Refupdate from upstream
* Thu Oct 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-4
- Add lots of fixes for mls cups
* Wed Oct 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-3
- Lots of fixes for ricci
* Mon Oct 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-2
- Fix number of cats
* Mon Oct 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.19-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Oct 12 2006 James Antill <> 2.3.18-10
- More iSCSI changes for #209854
* Tue Oct 10 2006 James Antill <> 2.3.18-9
- Test ISCSI fixes for #209854
* Sun Oct 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-8
- allow semodule to rmdir selinux_config_t dir
* Fri Oct 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-7
- Fix boot_runtime_t problem on ppc. Should not be creating these files.
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-6
- Fix context mounts on reboot
- Fix ccs creation of directory in /var/log
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-5
- Update for tallylog
* Thu Oct 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-4
- Allow xend to rewrite dhcp conf files
- Allow mgetty sys_admin capability
* Wed Oct 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-3
- Make xentapctrl work
* Tue Oct 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-2
- Don't transition unconfined_t to bootloader_t
- Fix label in /dev/xen/blktap
* Tue Oct 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.18-1
- Patch for labeled networking
* Mon Oct 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.17-2
- Fix crond handling for mls
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.17-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-9
- Remove bluetooth-helper transition
- Add selinux_validate for semanage
- Require new version of libsemanage
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-8
- Fix prelink
* Fri Sep 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-7
- Fix rhgb
* Thu Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-6
- Fix setrans handling on MLS and useradd
* Wed Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-5
- Support for fuse
- fix vigr
* Wed Sep 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-4
- Fix dovecot, amanda
- Fix mls
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-2
- Allow java execheap for itanium
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.16-1
- Update with upstream
* Mon Sep 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.15-2
- mls fixes
* Fri Sep 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.15-1
- Update from upstream
* Fri Sep 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-8
- More fixes for mls
- Revert change on automount transition to mount
* Wed Sep 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-7
- Fix cron jobs to run under the correct context
* Tue Sep 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-6
- Fixes to make pppd work
* Mon Sep 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-4
- Multiple policy fixes
- Change max categories to 1023
* Sat Sep 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-3
- Fix transition on mcstransd
* Fri Sep 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-2
- Add /dev/em8300 defs
* Fri Sep 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.14-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Thu Sep 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-6
- Fix ppp connections from network manager
* Wed Sep 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-5
- Add tty access to all domains boolean
- Fix gnome-pty-helper context for ia64
* Mon Sep 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-4
- Fixed typealias of firstboot_rw_t
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-3
- Fix location of xel log files
- Fix handling of sysadm_r -> rpm_exec_t
* Thu Sep 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-2
- Fixes for autofs, lp
* Wed Sep 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.13-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.12-2
- Fixup for test6
* Tue Sep 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.12-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.11-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Sep 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-7
- Fix suspend to disk problems
* Thu Aug 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-6
- Lots of fixes for restarting daemons at the console.
* Wed Aug 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-3
- Fix audit line
- Fix requires line
* Tue Aug 29 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.10-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Mon Aug 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-6
- Fix install problems
* Fri Aug 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-5
- Allow setroubleshoot to getattr on all dirs to gather RPM data
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-4
- Set /usr/lib/ia32el/ia32x_loader to unconfined_execmem_exec_t for ia32 platform
- Fix spec for /dev/adsp
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-3
- Fix xen tty devices
* Thu Aug 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-2
- Fixes for setroubleshoot
* Wed Aug 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Sun Aug 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.8-2
- Fixes for stunnel and postgresql
- Update from upstream
* Sat Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.7-1
- Update from upstream
- More java fixes
* Fri Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-4
- Change allow_execstack to default to on, for RHEL5 Beta.
This is required because of a Java compiler problem.
Hope to turn off for next beta
* Thu Aug 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-3
- Misc fixes
* Wed Aug 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-2
- More fixes for strict policy
* Tue Aug 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.6-1
- Quiet down anaconda audit messages
* Mon Aug 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.5-1
- Fix setroubleshootd
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.4-1
- Update to the latest from upstream
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-20
- More fixes for xen
* Thu Aug 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-19
- Fix anaconda transitions
* Wed Aug 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-18
- yet more xen rules
* Tue Aug 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-17
- more xen rules
* Mon Jul 31 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-16
- Fixes for Samba
* Sat Jul 29 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-15
- Fixes for xen
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-14
- Allow setroubleshootd to send mail
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-13
- Add nagios policy
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-12
- fixes for setroubleshoot
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-11
- Added Paul Howarth patch to only load policy packages shipped
with this package
- Allow pidof from initrc to ptrace higher level domains
- Allow firstboot to communicate with hal via dbus
* Mon Jul 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-10
- Add policy for /var/run/ldapi
* Sat Jul 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-9
- Fix setroubleshoot policy
* Fri Jul 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-8
- Fixes for mls use of ssh
- named has a new conf file
* Fri Jul 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-7
- Fixes to make setroubleshoot work
* Wed Jul 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-6
- Cups needs to be able to read domain state off of printer client
* Wed Jul 19 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-5
- add boolean to allow zebra to write config files
* Tue Jul 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-4
- setroubleshootd fixes
* Mon Jul 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-3
- Allow prelink to read bin_t symlink
- allow xfs to read random devices
- Change gfs to support xattr
* Mon Jul 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-2
- Remove spamassassin_can_network boolean
* Fri Jul 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.3-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix lpr domain for mls
* Fri Jul 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-4
- Add setroubleshoot policy
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-3
- Turn off auditallow on setting booleans
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-2
- Multiple fixes
* Fri Jul 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Jun 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.3.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Add new class for kernel key ring
* Wed Jun 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.49-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.48-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jun 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-5
- Break out selinux-devel package
* Fri Jun 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-4
- Add ibmasmfs
* Thu Jun 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-3
- Fix policygentool gen_requires
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.47-1
- Update from Upstream
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.46-2
- Fix spec of realplay
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.46-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon Jun 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-3
- Fix semanage
* Mon Jun 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-2
- Allow useradd to create_home_dir in MLS environment
* Thu Jun 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.45-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Jun 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.44-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Jun 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-4
- Add oprofilefs
* Sun May 28 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-3
- Fix for hplip and Picasus
* Sat May 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-2
- Update to upstream
* Fri May 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.43-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri May 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-4
- fixes for spamd
* Wed May 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-3
- fixes for java, openldap and webalizer
* Mon May 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-2
- Xen fixes
* Thu May 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.42-1
- Upgrade to upstream
* Thu May 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.41-1
- allow hal to read boot_t files
- Upgrade to upstream
* Wed May 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.40-2
- allow hal to read boot_t files
* Tue May 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.40-1
- Update from upstream
* Mon May 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.39-2
- Fixes for amavis
* Mon May 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.39-1
- Update from upstream
* Fri May 12 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-6
- Allow auditctl to search all directories
* Thu May 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-5
- Add acquire service for mono.
* Thu May 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-4
- Turn off allow_execmem boolean
- Allow ftp dac_override when allowed to access users homedirs
* Wed May 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-3
- Clean up spec file
- Transition from unconfined_t to prelink_t
* Mon May 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-2
- Allow execution of cvs command
* Fri May 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.38-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed May 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.37-1
- Update to upstream
* Mon May 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.36-2
- Fix libjvm spec
* Tue Apr 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.36-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Apr 25 2006 James Antill <> 2.2.35-2
- Add xm policy
- Fix policygentool
* Mon Apr 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.35-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix postun to only disable selinux on full removal of the packages
* Fri Apr 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-3
- Allow mono to chat with unconfined
* Thu Apr 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-2
- Allow procmail to sendmail
- Allow nfs to share dosfs
* Thu Apr 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.34-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Allow selinux-policy to be removed and kernel not to crash
* Tue Apr 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.33-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Add James Antill patch for xen
- Many fixes for pegasus
* Sat Apr 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.32-2
- Add unconfined_mount_t
- Allow privoxy to connect to httpd_cache
- fix cups labeleing on /var/cache/cups
* Fri Apr 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.32-1
- Update to latest from upstream
* Fri Apr 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.31-1
- Update to latest from upstream
- Allow mono and unconfined to talk to initrc_t dbus objects
* Tue Apr 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.30-2
- Change libraries.fc to stop shlib_t form overriding texrel_shlib_t
* Tue Apr 11 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.30-1
- Fix samba creating dirs in homedir
- Fix NFS so its booleans would work
* Mon Apr 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-6
- Allow secadm_t ability to relabel all files
- Allow ftp to search xferlog_t directories
- Allow mysql to communicate with ldap
- Allow rsync to bind to rsync_port_t
* Mon Apr 10 2006 Russell Coker <> 2.2.29-5
- Fixed mailman with Postfix #183928
- Allowed semanage to create file_context files.
- Allowed amanda_t to access inetd_t TCP sockets and allowed amanda_recover_t
to bind to reserved ports. #149030
- Don't allow devpts_t to be associated with tmp_t.
- Allow hald_t to stat all mountpoints.
- Added boolean samba_share_nfs to allow smbd_t full access to NFS mounts.
- Make mount run in mount_t domain from unconfined_t to prevent mislabeling of
- Changed the file_contexts to not have a regex before the first ^/[a-z]/
whenever possible, makes restorecon slightly faster.
- Correct the label of /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf
- Now label /usr/src/kernels/.+/lib(/.*)? as usr_t instead of
/usr/src(/.*)?/lib(/.*)? - I don't think we need anything else under /usr/src
hit by this.
- Granted xen access to /boot, allowed mounting on xend_var_lib_t, and allowed
xenstored_t rw access to the xen device node.
* Tue Apr 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-4
- More textrel_shlib_t file path fixes
- Add ada support
* Mon Apr 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-3
- Get auditctl working in MLS policy
* Mon Apr 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-2
- Add mono dbus support
- Lots of file_context fixes for textrel_shlib_t in FC5
- Turn off execmem auditallow since they are filling log files
* Fri Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.29-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-3
- Allow automount and dbus to read cert files
* Thu Mar 30 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-2
- Fix ftp policy
- Fix secadm running of auditctl
* Mon Mar 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.28-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.27-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.25-3
- Fix policyhelp
* Wed Mar 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.25-2
- Fix pam_console handling of usb_device
- dontaudit logwatch reading /mnt dir
* Fri Mar 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.24-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Mar 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-19
- Get transition rules to create policy.20 at SystemHigh
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-18
- Allow secadmin to shutdown system
- Allow sendmail to exec newalias
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-17
- MLS Fixes
dmidecode needs mls_file_read_up
- add ypxfr_t
- run init needs access to nscd
- udev needs setuid
- another xen log file
- Dontaudit mount getattr proc_kcore_t
* Tue Mar 14 2006 Karsten Hopp <> 2.2.23-16
- fix buildroot usage (#185391)
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-15
- Get rid of mount/fsdisk scan of /dev messages
- Additional fixes for suspend/resume
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-14
- Fake make to rebuild enableaudit.pp
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-13
- Get xen networking running.
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-12
- Fixes for Xen
- enableaudit should not be the same as base.pp
- Allow ps to work for all process
* Thu Mar 9 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.2.23-11
- more xen policy fixups
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.2.23-10
- more xen fixage (#184393)
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-9
- Fix blkid specification
- Allow postfix to execute mailman_que
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-8
- Blkid changes
- Allow udev access to usb_device_t
- Fix post script to create targeted policy config file
* Wed Mar 8 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-7
- Allow lvm tools to create drevice dir
* Tue Mar 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-5
- Add Xen support
* Mon Mar 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-4
- Fixes for cups
- Make cryptosetup work with hal
* Sun Mar 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-3
- Load Policy needs translock
* Sat Mar 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-2
- Fix cups html interface
* Sat Mar 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.23-1
- Add hal changes suggested by Jeremy
- add policyhelp to point at policy html pages
* Mon Feb 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.22-2
- Additional fixes for nvidia and cups
* Mon Feb 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.22-1
- Update to upstream
- Merged my latest fixes
- Fix cups policy to handle unix domain sockets
* Sat Feb 25 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-9
- NSCD socket is in nscd_var_run_t needs to be able to search dir
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-8
- Fixes Apache interface file
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-7
- Fixes for new version of cups
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-6
- Turn off polyinstatiate util after FC5
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-5
- Fix problem with privoxy talking to Tor
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-4
- Turn on polyinstatiation
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-3
- Don't transition from unconfined_t to fsadm_t
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-2
- Fix policy update model.
* Thu Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.21-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Feb 22 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.20-1
- Fix load_policy to work on MLS
- Fix cron_rw_system_pipes for postfix_postdrop_t
- Allow audotmount to run showmount
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.19-2
- Fix swapon
- allow httpd_sys_script_t to be entered via a shell
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t to read eventpolfs
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.19-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.18-2
- allow cron to read apache files
* Tue Feb 21 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.18-1
- Fix vpnc policy to work from NetworkManager
* Mon Feb 20 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.17-2
- Update to upstream
- Fix semoudle polcy
* Thu Feb 16 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.16-1
- Update to upstream
- fix sysconfig/selinux link
* Wed Feb 15 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-4
- Add router port for zebra
- Add imaze port for spamd
- Fixes for amanda and java
* Tue Feb 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-3
- Fix bluetooth handling of usb devices
- Fix spamd reading of ~/
- fix nvidia spec
* Tue Feb 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.15-1
- Update to upsteam
* Mon Feb 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.14-2
- Add users_extra files
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.14-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.13-1
- Add semodule policy
* Tue Feb 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.12-1
- Update from upstream
* Mon Feb 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.11-2
- Fix for spamd to use razor port
* Fri Feb 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.11-1
- Fixes for mcs
- Turn on mount and fsadm for unconfined_t
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.10-1
- Fixes for the -devel package
* Wed Feb 1 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.9-2
- Fix for spamd to use ldap
* Fri Jan 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Fri Jan 27 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.8-2
- Update to upstream
- Fix rhgb, and other Xorg startups
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-3
- Separate out role of secadm for mls
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-2
- Add inotifyfs handling
* Thu Jan 26 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.6-1
- Update to upstream
- Put back in changes for pup/zen
* Tue Jan 24 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.5-1
- Many changes for MLS
- Turn on strict policy
* Mon Jan 23 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.4-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.3-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes for booting and logging in on MLS machine
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off execheap execstack for unconfined users
- Add mono/wine policy to allow execheap and execstack for them
- Add execheap for Xdm policy
* Wed Jan 18 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.2.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Fixes to fetchmail,
* Tue Jan 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.13-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 17 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.12-3
- Fix for procmail/spamassasin
- Update to upstream
- Add rules to allow rpcd to work with unlabeled_networks.
* Sat Jan 14 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.11-1
- Update to upstream
- Fix ftp Man page
* Fri Jan 13 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.10-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Jan 11 2006 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.1.9-2
- fix pup transitions (#177262)
- fix xen disks (#177599)
* Tue Jan 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.9-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 10 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-3
- More Fixes for hal and readahead
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-2
- Fixes for hal and readahead
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.8-1
- Update to upstream
- Apply
* Fri Jan 7 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-4
- Add wine and fix hal problems
* Thu Jan 6 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-3
- Handle new location of hal scripts
* Thu Jan 5 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-2
- Allow su to read /etc/mtab
* Wed Jan 4 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.7-1
- Update to upstream
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-24
- Fix "libsemanage.parse_module_headers: Data did not represent a module." problem
* Tue Jan 3 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-23
- Allow load_policy to read /etc/mtab
* Mon Jan 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-22
- Fix dovecot to allow dovecot_auth to look at /tmp
* Mon Jan 2 2006 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-21
- Allow restorecon to read unlabeled_t directories in order to fix labeling.
* Fri Dec 30 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-20
- Add Logwatch policy
* Wed Dec 28 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-18
- Fix /dev/ub[a-z] file context
* Tue Dec 27 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-17
- Fix library specification
- Give kudzu execmem privs
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-16
- Fix hostname in targeted policy
* Wed Dec 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-15
- Fix passwd command on mls
* Wed Dec 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-14
- Lots of fixes to make mls policy work
* Tue Dec 20 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-13
- Add dri libs to textrel_shlib_t
- Add system_r role for java
- Add unconfined_exec_t for vncserver
- Allow slapd to use kerberos
* Mon Dec 19 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-11
- Add man pages
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-10
- Add enableaudit.pp
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-9
- Fix mls policy
* Fri Dec 16 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-8
- Update mls file from old version
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-5
- Add sids back in
- Rebuild with update checkpolicy
* Thu Dec 15 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-4
- Fixes to allow automount to use portmap
- Fixes to start kernel in s0-s15:c0.c255
* Wed Dec 14 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-3
- Add java unconfined/execmem policy
* Wed Dec 14 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-2
- Add file context for /var/cvs
- Dontaudit webalizer search of homedir
* Tue Dec 13 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.6-1
- Update from upstream
* Tue Dec 13 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.4-2
- Clean up spec
- range_transition crond to SystemHigh
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.4-1
- Fixes for hal
- Update to upstream
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.3-1
- Turn back on execmem since we need it for java, firefox, ooffice
- Allow gpm to stream socket to itself
* Mon Dec 12 2005 Jeremy Katz <> - 2.1.2-3
- fix requirements to be on the actual packages so that policy can get
created properly at install time
* Sun Dec 10 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.2-2
- Allow unconfined_t to execmod texrel_shlib_t
* Sat Dec 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.2-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off allow_execmem and allow_execmod booleans
- Add tcpd and automount policies
* Fri Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-3
- Add two new httpd booleans, turned off by default
* httpd_can_network_relay
* httpd_can_network_connect_db
* Fri Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-2
- Add ghost for policy.20
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.1-1
- Update to upstream
- Turn off boolean allow_execstack
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-3
- Change setrans-mls to use new libsetrans
- Add default_context rule for xdm
* Thu Dec 8 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-2.
- Change Requires to PreReg for requiring of policycoreutils on install
* Wed Dec 7 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.1.0-1.
- New upstream release
* Wed Dec 7 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.11-2.
Add xdm policy
* Tue Dec 6 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.11-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.9-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.8-1.
Update from upstream
* Fri Dec 2 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.7-3
- Also trigger to rebuild policy for versions up to 2.0.7.
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.7-2
- No longer installing policy.20 file, anaconda handles the building of the app.
* Tue Nov 29 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.6-2
- Fixes for dovecot and saslauthd
* Wed Nov 23 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.5-4
- Cleanup pegasus and named
- Fix spec file
- Fix up passwd changing applications
* Tue Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.5-1
-Update to latest from upstream
* Tue Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.4-1
- Add rules for pegasus and avahi
* Mon Nov 21 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.2-2
- Start building MLS Policy
* Fri Nov 18 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.2-1
- Update to upstream
* Wed Nov 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.1-2
- Turn on bash
* Wed Nov 9 2005 Dan Walsh <> 2.0.1-1
- Initial version