2005-08-26 13:30:59 +00:00

494 lines
6.9 KiB

# This file contains a listing of available modules.
# To prevent a module from being used in policy
# creation, set the module name to "off".
# For monolithic policies, modules set to "base" and "module"
# will be built into the policy.
# For modular policies, modules set to "base" will be
# included in the base module. "module" will be compiled
# as individual loadable modules.
# Layer: kernel
# Module: devices
# Required in base
# Device nodes and interfaces for many basic system devices.
devices = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: filesystem
# Required in base
# Policy for filesystems.
filesystem = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: selinux
# Required in base
# Policy for kernel security interface, in particular, selinuxfs.
selinux = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: terminal
# Required in base
# Policy for terminals.
terminal = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: kernel
# Required in base
# Policy for kernel threads, proc filesystem,and unlabeled processes and objects.
kernel = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: corenetwork
# Required in base
# Policy controlling access to network objects
corenetwork = base
# Layer: system
# Module: files
# Required in base
# Basic filesystem types and interfaces.
files = base
# Layer: system
# Module: domain
# Required in base
# Core policy for domains.
domain = base
# Layer: admin
# Module: usermanage
# Policy for managing user accounts.
usermanage = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: rpm
# Policy for the RPM package manager.
rpm = off
# Layer: admin
# Module: dmesg
# Policy for dmesg.
dmesg = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: logrotate
# Rotate and archive system logs
logrotate = off
# Layer: admin
# Module: consoletype
# Determine of the console connected to the controlling terminal.
consoletype = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: netutils
# Network analysis utilities
netutils = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: acct
# Berkeley process accounting
acct = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: tmpreaper
# Manage temporary directory sizes and file ages
tmpreaper = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: updfstab
# Red Hat utility to change /etc/fstab.
updfstab = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: su
# Run shells with substitute user and group
su = off
# Layer: admin
# Module: sudo
# Execute a command with a substitute user
sudo = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: quota
# File system quota management
quota = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: firstboot
# Final system configuration run during the first boot
# after installation of Red Hat/Fedora systems.
firstboot = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: gpg
# Policy for GNU Privacy Guard and related programs.
gpg = off
# Layer: apps
# Module: loadkeys
# Load keyboard mappings.
loadkeys = module
# Layer: kernel
# Module: bootloader
# Policy for the kernel modules, kernel image, and bootloader.
bootloader = module
# Layer: kernel
# Module: storage
# Policy controlling access to storage devices
storage = module
# Layer: services
# Module: remotelogin
# Policy for rshd, rlogind, and telnetd.
remotelogin = module
# Layer: services
# Module: nscd
# Name service cache daemon
nscd = module
# Layer: services
# Module: nis
# Policy for NIS (YP) servers and clients
nis = module
# Layer: services
# Module: sendmail
# Policy for sendmail.
sendmail = off
# Layer: services
# Module: ssh
# Secure shell client and server policy.
ssh = off
# Layer: services
# Module: cron
# Periodic execution of scheduled commands.
cron = module
# Layer: services
# Module: inetd
# Internet services daemon.
inetd = module
# Layer: services
# Module: kerberos
# MIT Kerberos admin and KDC
kerberos = module
# Layer: services
# Module: mta
# Policy common to all email tranfer agents.
mta = module
# Layer: services
# Module: mysql
# Policy for MySQL
mysql = module
# Layer: services
# Module: tcpd
# Policy for TCP daemon.
tcpd = module
# Layer: services
# Module: rshd
# Remote shell service.
rshd = module
# Layer: services
# Module: ldap
# OpenLDAP directory server
ldap = module
# Layer: services
# Module: gpm
# General Purpose Mouse driver
gpm = module
# Layer: services
# Module: howl
# Port of Apple Rendezvous multicast DNS
howl = module
# Layer: services
# Module: rsync
# Fast incremental file transfer for synchronization
rsync = module
# Layer: services
# Module: privoxy
# Privacy enhancing web proxy.
privoxy = module
# Layer: services
# Module: bind
# Berkeley internet name domain DNS server.
bind = module
# Layer: system
# Module: unconfined
# The unconfined domain.
unconfined = module
# Layer: system
# Module: authlogin
# Common policy for authentication and user login.
authlogin = module
# Layer: system
# Module: selinuxutil
# Policy for SELinux policy and userland applications.
selinuxutil = module
# Layer: system
# Module: getty
# Policy for getty.
getty = module
# Layer: system
# Module: mount
# Policy for mount.
mount = module
# Layer: system
# Module: ipsec
# TCP/IP encryption
ipsec = module
# Layer: system
# Module: locallogin
# Policy for local logins.
locallogin = module
# Layer: system
# Module: logging
# Policy for the kernel message logger and system logging daemon.
logging = module
# Layer: system
# Module: sysnetwork
# Policy for network configuration: ifconfig and dhcp client.
sysnetwork = module
# Layer: system
# Module: fstools
# Tools for filesystem management, such as mkfs and fsck.
fstools = module
# Layer: system
# Module: pcmcia
# PCMCIA card management services
pcmcia = module
# Layer: system
# Module: iptables
# Policy for iptables.
iptables = module
# Layer: system
# Module: userdomain
# Policy for user domains
userdomain = module
# Layer: system
# Module: corecommands
# Core policy for shells, and generic programs
# in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin.
corecommands = module
# Layer: system
# Module: hotplug
# Policy for hotplug system, for supporting the
# connection and disconnection of devices at runtime.
hotplug = module
# Layer: system
# Module: clock
# Policy for reading and setting the hardware clock.
clock = module
# Layer: system
# Module: lvm
# Policy for logical volume management programs.
lvm = module
# Layer: system
# Module: modutils
# Policy for kernel module utilities
modutils = module
# Layer: system
# Module: init
# System initialization programs (init and init scripts).
init = module
# Layer: system
# Module: udev
# Policy for udev.
udev = module
# Layer: system
# Module: hostname
# Policy for changing the system host name.
hostname = module
# Layer: system
# Module: raid
# RAID array management tools
raid = module
# Layer: system
# Module: libraries
# Policy for system libraries.
libraries = module
# Layer: system
# Module: miscfiles
# Miscelaneous files.
miscfiles = module