Master template index:

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

admin_user_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template for creating an administrative user.

Module: apache

Layer: services

apache_content_template( prefix )

Create a set of derived types for apache web content.

Module: apache

Layer: services

apache_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the apache module.

Module: authlogin

Layer: system

auth_domtrans_user_chk_passwd( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Run unix_chkpwd to check a password for a user domain.

Module: authlogin

Layer: system

authlogin_common_auth_domain_template( userdomain_prefix )

Common template to create a domain for authentication.

Module: authlogin

Layer: system

authlogin_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the authlogin module.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

base_user_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template containing rules common to unprivileged users and administrative users.

Module: cdrecord

Layer: apps

cdrecord_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the cdrecord module.

Module: cron

Layer: services

cron_admin_template( userdomain_prefix )

The administrative functions template for the cron module.

Module: cron

Layer: services

cron_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the cron module.

Module: dbus

Layer: services

dbus_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the dbus module.

Module: dbus

Layer: services

dbus_system_bus_client_template( domain_prefix , domain )

Template for creating connections to the system DBUS.

Module: djbdns

Layer: services

djbdns_daemontools_domain_template( prefix )

Create a set of derived types for djbdns components that are directly supervised by daemontools.

Module: domain

Layer: kernel

domain_auto_trans( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: domain

Layer: kernel

domain_trans( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: ftp

Layer: services

ftp_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix )

The per user domain template for the ftp module.

Module: gpg

Layer: apps

gpg_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , userdomain , role )

The per user domain template for the gpg module.

Module: irc

Layer: apps

irc_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the irc module.

Module: java

Layer: apps

java_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the java module.

Module: lockdev

Layer: apps

lockdev_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the lockdev module.

Module: lpd

Layer: services

lpd_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the lpd module.

Module: lpd

Layer: services

lpr_admin_template( userdomain_prefix )

The administrative functions template for the lpd module.

Module: mailman

Layer: services

mailman_domain_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template to define a mailmain domain.

Module: mta

Layer: services

mta_admin_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain )

Provide extra permissions for admin users mail domain.

Module: mta

Layer: services

mta_base_mail_template( domain_prefix )

Basic mail transfer agent domain template.

Module: mta

Layer: services

mta_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the mta module.

Module: portage

Layer: admin

portage_compile_domain_template( prefix )

Template for portage sandbox.

Module: postfix

Layer: services

postfix_domain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: postfix

Layer: services

postfix_per_userdomain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: postfix

Layer: services

postfix_public_domain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: postfix

Layer: services

postfix_server_domain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: postfix

Layer: services

postfix_user_domain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: rpc

Layer: services

rpc_domain_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template to define a rpc domain.

Module: samba

Layer: services

samba_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix )

The per user domain template for the samba module.

Module: screen

Layer: apps

screen_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the screen module.

Module: spamassassin

Layer: services

spamassassin_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the spamassassin module.

Module: ssh

Layer: services

ssh_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the ssh module.

Module: ssh

Layer: services

ssh_server_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template to define a ssh server.

Module: su

Layer: admin

su_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the su module.

Module: su

Layer: admin

su_restricted_domain_template( ? )

Summary is missing!

Module: sudo

Layer: admin

sudo_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the sudo module.

Module: tvtime

Layer: apps

tvtime_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the tvtime module.

Module: uml

Layer: apps

uml_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the uml module.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

unpriv_user_template( userdomain_prefix )

The template for creating a unprivileged user.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_create_user_pty( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create a user pty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_append_user_tmp_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to append users temporary files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_exec_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to execute user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_list_user_home_dirs( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to list user home subdirectories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_list_user_tmp( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to list user temporary directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_list_user_tmp_untrusted_content( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to list user temporary untrusted directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_list_user_untrusted_content( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to list user untrusted directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_read_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to read user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_read_user_tmp_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to read users temporary files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_read_user_tmp_untrusted_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to read users temporary untrusted files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_read_user_untrusted_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to read users untrusted files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_setattr_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to set the attributes of user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_use_user_terminals( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to read and write a user domain tty and pty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_dontaudit_write_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Do not audit attempts to write user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_exec_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Execute user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_list_user_home_dirs( userdomain_prefix , domain )

List user home directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_list_user_tmp( userdomain_prefix , domain )

List user temporary directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_list_user_tmp_untrusted_content( userdomain_prefix , domain )

List users temporary untrusted directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_list_user_untrusted_content( userdomain_prefix , domain )

List users untrusted directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_home_content_dirs( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete directories in a user home subdirectory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete files in a user home subdirectory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_home_content_pipes( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete named pipes in a user home subdirectory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_home_content_sockets( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete named sockets in a user home subdirectory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_home_content_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete symbolic links in a user home subdirectory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_tmp_dirs( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete user temporary directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_tmp_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete user temporary files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_tmp_pipes( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete user temporary named pipes.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_tmp_sockets( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete user temporary named sockets.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_manage_user_tmp_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Create, read, write, and delete user temporary symbolic links.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_home_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user home files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_home_content_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user home subdirectory symbolic links.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_tmp_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user temporary files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_tmp_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user temporary symbolic links.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_tmp_untrusted_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user temporary untrusted files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_tmp_untrusted_content_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user temporary untrusted symbolic links.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_untrusted_content_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user untrusted files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_read_user_untrusted_content_symlinks( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user untrusted symbolic links.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_rw_user_tmp_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read and write user temporary files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_rw_user_tmpfs_files( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read user tmpfs files.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_search_user_home_dirs( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Search user home directories.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_setattr_user_ptys( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Set the attributes of a user pty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_setattr_user_ttys( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Set the attributes of a user domain tty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_use_user_terminals( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read and write a user domain tty and pty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_use_user_ttys( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Read and write a user domain tty.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_user_home_content( userdomain_prefix , type )

Make the specified type usable in a user home directory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_user_home_dir_filetrans( userdomain_prefix , domain , private_type , object_class )

Create objects in a user home directory with an automatic type transition to a specified private type.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_user_home_dir_filetrans_user_home_content( userdomain_prefix , domain , object_class )

Create objects in a user home directory with an automatic type transition to the user home file type.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_user_home_domtrans( userdomain_prefix , source_domain , target_domain )

Do a domain transition to the specified domain when executing a program in the user home directory.

Module: userdomain

Layer: system

userdom_write_user_tmp_sockets( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Write to user temporary named sockets.

Module: userhelper

Layer: apps

userhelper_per_userdomain_template( userdomain_prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the userhelper module.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_common_domain_template( prefix )

Template to create types and rules common to all X server domains.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_domtrans_user_xauth( userdomain_prefix , domain )

Transition to a user Xauthority domain.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_per_userdomain_template( prefix , user_domain , user_role )

The per user domain template for the xserver module.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_ro_session_template( prefix , domain , tmpfs_type )

Template for creating sessions on a prefix X server, with read-only access to the X server shared memory segments.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_rw_session_template( prefix , domain , tmpfs_type )

Template for creating sessions on a prefix X server, with read and write access to the X server shared memory segments.

Module: xserver

Layer: services

xserver_user_client_template( prefix , domain , tmpfs_type )

Template for creating full client sessions on a user X server.