Compare commits


No commits in common. "c8" and "c9-beta" have entirely different histories.
c8 ... c9-beta

19 changed files with 5526 additions and 15594 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
34a078fbec0190b407d64c1664aaa0887204ba2e SOURCES/container-selinux.tgz
470eeffd45f8dd003edb6ddbff4104e573b6c08d SOURCES/selinux-policy-contrib-aadacd8.tar.gz
91c17cd38073aba5562898449fe3b4f2bbffac8e SOURCES/selinux-policy-fa87f85.tar.gz
a6acf76b8744f1607164ec6d69706cd02d618948 SOURCES/container-selinux.tgz
b05ddf5a0fa6d702fd1bbb0f041c19ecda799ea2 SOURCES/selinux-policy-cc59490.tar.gz

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
gssd_read_tmp = true
httpd_builtin_scripting = true
httpd_enable_cgi = true
kerberos_enabled = true
mount_anyfile = true
nfs_export_all_ro = true
nfs_export_all_rw = true
pppd_can_insmod = false
selinuxuser_direct_dri_enabled = true
selinuxuser_execstack = true
selinuxuser_ping = true
use_virtualbox = true

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ pppd_can_insmod = false
privoxy_connect_any = true
selinuxuser_direct_dri_enabled = true
selinuxuser_execmem = true
selinuxuser_execmod = true
selinuxuser_execstack = true
selinuxuser_ping = true
@ -22,3 +21,4 @@ unconfined_chrome_sandbox_transition=true
xguest_exec_content = true
mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect = true
use_virtualbox = true

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
/run/lock /var/lock
/run/systemd/system /usr/lib/systemd/system
/run/systemd/generator /usr/lib/systemd/system
/run/systemd/generator.early /usr/lib/systemd/system
/run/systemd/generator.late /usr/lib/systemd/system
/lib /usr/lib
/lib64 /usr/lib
@ -12,9 +13,12 @@
/var/lib/xguest/home /home
/var/named/chroot/usr/lib64 /usr/lib
/var/named/chroot/lib64 /usr/lib
/var/named/chroot/var /var
/home-inst /home
/home/home-inst /home
/var/roothome /root
/sbin /usr/sbin
/sysroot/tmp /tmp
/var/usrlocal /usr/local
/var/mnt /mnt
/bin /usr/bin

View File

@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
# Layer: admin
# Module: anaconda
# Policy for the Anaconda installer.
anaconda = module
# Layer: services
# Module: apache
# Apache web server
apache = module
# Module: application
# Required in base
# Defines attributs and interfaces for all user applications
application = module
# Layer: role
# Module: auditadm
# auditadm account on tty logins
auditadm = module
# Layer: system
# Module: authlogin
# Common policy for authentication and user login.
authlogin = module
# Layer: services
# Module: bluetooth
# Bluetooth tools and system services.
bluetooth = module
# Module: bootloader
# Policy for the kernel modules, kernel image, and bootloader.
bootloader = module
# Layer: services
# Module: chronyd
# Daemon for maintaining clock time
chronyd = module
# Layer: system
# Module: clock
# Policy for reading and setting the hardware clock.
clock = module
# Layer: kernel
# Module: corecommands
# Required in base
# Core policy for shells, and generic programs
# in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin.
corecommands = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: corenetwork
# Required in base
# Policy controlling access to network objects
corenetwork = base
# Layer: services
# Module: cpucontrol
# Services for loading CPU microcode and CPU frequency scaling.
cpucontrol = module
# Layer: system
# Module: daemontools
# Collection of tools for managing UNIX services
daemontools = module
# Layer: services
# Module: dbus
# Desktop messaging bus
dbus = module
# Module: devices
# Required in base
# Device nodes and interfaces for many basic system devices.
devices = base
# Layer: services
# Module: dhcp
# Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server
dhcp = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: dmesg
# Policy for dmesg.
dmesg = module
# Module: domain
# Required in base
# Core policy for domains.
domain = base
# Module: files
# Required in base
# Basic filesystem types and interfaces.
files = base
# Module: filesystem
# Required in base
# Policy for filesystems.
filesystem = base
# Layer: system
# Module: fstools
# Tools for filesystem management, such as mkfs and fsck.
fstools = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: fwupd
# fwupd is a daemon to allow session software to update device firmware.
fwupd = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: games
# The Open Group Pegasus CIM/WBEM Server.
games = module
# Layer: system
# Module: getty
# Policy for getty.
getty = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: gnome
# gnome session and gconf
gnome = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: gpg
# Policy for GNU Privacy Guard and related programs.
gpg = module
# Layer: system
# Module: hostname
# Policy for changing the system host name.
hostname = module
# Layer: system
# Module: init
# System initialization programs (init and init scripts).
init = module
# Layer: system
# Module: ipsec
# TCP/IP encryption
ipsec = module
# Layer: system
# Module: iptables
# Policy for iptables.
iptables = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: journalctl
# journalctl policy
journalctl = module
# Layer: services
# Module: kerberos
# MIT Kerberos admin and KDC
kerberos = module
# Module: kernel
# Required in base
# Policy for kernel threads, proc filesystem,and unlabeled processes and objects.
kernel = base
# Layer: services
# Module: ldap
# OpenLDAP directory server
ldap = module
# Layer: system
# Module: libraries
# Policy for system libraries.
libraries = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: loadkeys
# Load keyboard mappings.
loadkeys = module
# Layer: system
# Module: locallogin
# Policy for local logins.
locallogin = module
# Layer: role
# Module: logadm
# Minimally prived root role for managing logging system
logadm = module
# Layer: system
# Module: logging
# Policy for the kernel message logger and system logging daemon.
logging = module
# Layer: services
# Module: lpd
# Line printer daemon
lpd = module
# Layer: system
# Module: lvm
# Policy for logical volume management programs.
lvm = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: mandb
# Policy for mandb
mandb = module
# Module: mcs
# Required in base
# MultiCategory security policy
mcs = base
# Layer: system
# Module: miscfiles
# Miscelaneous files.
miscfiles = module
# Module: mls
# Required in base
# Multilevel security policy
mls = base
# Layer: system
# Module: modutils
# Policy for kernel module utilities
modutils = module
# Layer: system
# Module: mount
# Policy for mount.
mount = module
# Layer: services
# Module: mta
# Policy common to all email tranfer agents.
mta = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: namespace
# policy for namespace.init script
namespace = module
# Layer: system
# Module: netlabel
# Basic netlabel types and interfaces.
netlabel = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: netutils
# Network analysis utilities
netutils = module
# Layer: services
# Module: networkmanager
# Manager for dynamically switching between networks.
networkmanager = module
# Layer: services
# Module: nis
# Policy for NIS (YP) servers and clients
nis = module
# Layer: services
# Module: oddjob
# policy for oddjob
oddjob = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: pesign
# policy for pesign
pesign = module
# Layer: services
# Module: postgresql
# PostgreSQL relational database
postgresql = module
# Layer: services
# Module: rdisc
# Network router discovery daemon
rdisc = module
# Layer: services
# Module: rpcbind
# universal addresses to RPC program number mapper
rpc = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: rpm
# Policy for the RPM package manager.
rpm = module
# Layer: role
# Module: secadm
# secadm account on tty logins
secadm = module
# Module: selinux
# Required in base
# Policy for kernel security interface, in particular, selinuxfs.
selinux = base
# Layer: system
# Module: selinuxutil
# Policy for SELinux policy and userland applications.
selinuxutil = module
# Module: setrans
# Required in base
# Policy for setrans
setrans = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: seunshare
# seunshare executable
seunshare = module
# Layer: services
# Module: ssh
# Secure shell client and server policy.
ssh = module
# Layer: services
# Module: sssd
# System Security Services Daemon
sssd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: stalld
# stalld
stalld = module
# Layer: kernel
# Module: storage
# Policy controlling access to storage devices
storage = base
# Layer: admin
# Module: sudo
# Execute a command with a substitute user
su = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: sudo
# Execute a command with a substitute user
sudo = module
# Layer:role
# Module: sysadm_secadm
# System Administrator with Security Admin rules
sysadm = module
# Layer:role
# Module: sysadm_secadm
# System Administrator with Security Admin rules
sysadm_secadm = module
# Layer: system
# Module: sysnetwork
# Policy for network configuration: ifconfig and dhcp client.
sysnetwork = module
# Layer: system
# Module: systemd
# Policy for systemd components
systemd = module
# Module: terminal
# Required in base
# Policy for terminals.
terminal = base
# Layer: kernel
# Module: ubac
ubac = base
# Layer: system
# Module: udev
# Policy for udev.
udev = module
# Layer: role
# Module: unconfineduser
# The unconfined user domain.
unconfined = module
# Layer: role
# Module: unconfineduser
# The unconfined user domain.
unconfineduser = module
# Layer: kernel
# Module: unconfined
# The unlabelednet module.
unlabelednet = module
# Layer: system
# Module: userdomain
# Policy for user domains
userdomain = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: userhelper
# A helper interface to pam.
userhelper = module
# Layer: admin
# Module: usermanage
# Policy for managing user accounts.
usermanage = module
# Layer: services
# Module: virt
# Virtualization libraries
virt = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: vhostmd
# vlock - Virtual Console lock program
vlock = module
# Layer: services
# Module: xserver
# X windows login display manager
xserver = module

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -691,6 +691,13 @@ logwatch = module
lpd = module
# Layer: services
# Module: lsm
# lsm policy
lsm = module
# Layer: services
# Module: mailman

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@ -391,10 +391,3 @@ udev = module
# The unconfined domain.
unconfined = module
# Layer: system
# Module: kdbus
# Policy for kdbus.
kdbus = module

View File

@ -292,13 +292,6 @@ cfengine = module
cgroup = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: cgdcbxd
# cgdcbxd policy
cgdcbxd = module
# Layer: apps
# Module: chrome
@ -349,13 +342,6 @@ cmirrord = module
cobbler = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: cockpit
# cockpit - Cockpit runs in a browser and can manage your network of GNU/Linux machines.
cockpit = module
# Layer: services
# Module: collectd
@ -2005,7 +1991,7 @@ timidity = off
tmpreaper = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: tomcat
# Module: glusterd
# policy for tomcat service
@ -2657,9 +2643,128 @@ rrdcached = module
stratisd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: ica
# ica
ica = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: insights_client
# insights_client
insights_client = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: stalld
# stalld
stalld = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: rhcd
# rhcd
rhcd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: wireguard
# wireguard
wireguard = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: mptcpd
# mptcpd
mptcpd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: rshim
# rshim
rshim = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: boothd
# boothd - Booth cluster ticket manager
boothd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: fdo
# fdo - fido device onboard protocol for IoT devices
fdo = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: qatlib
# qatlib - Intel QuickAssist technology library and resources management
qatlib = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: nvme_stas
# nvme_stas
nvme_stas = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: coreos_installer
# coreos_installer
coreos_installer = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: afterburn
# afterburn
afterburn = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: sap_unconfined
# sap_unconfined
sap = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: bootupd
# bootupd - bootloader update daemon
bootupd = module
# Layer: contrib
# Module: iiosensorproxy
# Policy for iio-sensor-proxy - IIO sensors to D-Bus proxy
iiosensorproxy = module
# Layer: system
# Module: powerprofiles
# Policy for power-profiles-daemon - power profiles handling over D-Bus
powerprofiles = module
# Layer: system
# Module: switcheroo
# Policy for switcheroo-control: D-Bus service to check dual GPU availability
switcheroo = module

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
# %selinux_requires
%selinux_requires \
Requires: selinux-policy >= %{_selinux_policy_version} \
BuildRequires: git \
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) \
BuildRequires: selinux-policy \
BuildRequires: selinux-policy-devel \
@ -48,20 +47,24 @@ Requires(post): policycoreutils-python \
# %selinux_modules_install [-s <policytype>] [-p <modulepriority>] module [module]...
%selinux_modules_install("s:p:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \
fi \
if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then \
%{_sbindir}/semodule -n -s ${_policytype} -X %{!-p:200}%{-p*} -i %* \
%{_sbindir}/semodule -n -s ${_policytype} -X %{!-p:200}%{-p*} -i %* || : \
%{_sbindir}/selinuxenabled && %{_sbindir}/load_policy || : \
fi \
# %selinux_modules_uninstall [-s <policytype>] [-p <modulepriority>] module [module]...
%selinux_modules_uninstall("s:p:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \
@ -76,20 +79,26 @@ fi \
# %selinux_relabel_pre [-s <policytype>]
%selinux_relabel_pre("s:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
if %{_sbindir}/selinuxenabled; then \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \
fi \
if %{_sbindir}/selinuxenabled && [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then \
fi \
if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then \
[ -f %{_file_context_file_pre} ] || cp -f %{_file_context_file} %{_file_context_file_pre} \
fi \
fi \
# %selinux_relabel_post [-s <policytype>]
%selinux_relabel_post("s:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \
@ -104,7 +113,9 @@ fi \
# %selinux_set_booleans [-s <policytype>] boolean [boolean]...
%selinux_set_booleans("s:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \
@ -143,7 +154,9 @@ fi \
# %selinux_unset_booleans [-s <policytype>] boolean [boolean]...
%selinux_unset_booleans("s:") \
. /etc/selinux/config \
if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
. /etc/selinux/config \
fi \
_policytype=%{-s*} \
if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then \
_policytype="targeted" \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Description=Check that SELinux is not disabled the unsafe way
ExecCondition=test "$SELINUX" = disabled
ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo 'SELINUX=disabled in /etc/selinux/config, but no selinux=0 on kernel command line - SELinux may not be fully disabled. Please update bootloader configuration to pass selinux=0 to kernel at boot.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Multi-Category Security translation table for SELinux
# Uncomment the following to disable translation libary
# disable=1
# Objects can be categorized with 0-1023 categories defined by the admin.
# Objects can be in more than one category at a time.
# Categories are stored in the system as c0-c1023. Users can use this
# table to translate the categories into a more meaningful output.
# Examples:
# s0:c0=CompanyConfidential
# s0:c1=PatientRecord
# s0:c2=Unclassified
# s0:c3=TopSecret
# s0:c1,c3=CompanyConfidentialRedHat

SOURCES/users-automotive Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Core User configuration.
# gen_user(username, prefix, role_set, mls_defaultlevel, mls_range, [mcs_catetories])
# Note: Identities without a prefix will not be listed
# in the users_extra file used by genhomedircon.
# system_u is the user identity for system processes and objects.
# There should be no corresponding Unix user identity for system,
# and a user process should never be assigned the system user
# identity.
gen_user(system_u,, system_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# user_u is a generic user identity for Linux users who have no
# SELinux user identity defined. The modified daemons will use
# this user identity in the security context if there is no matching
# SELinux user identity for a Linux user. If you do not want to
# permit any access to such users, then remove this entry.
gen_user(user_u, user, user_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r system_r sysadm_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# The following users correspond to Unix identities.
# These identities are typically assigned as the user attribute
# when login starts the user shell. Users with access to the sysadm_r
# role should use the staff_r role instead of the user_r role when
# not in the sysadm_r.
gen_user(root, user, unconfined_r sysadm_r staff_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(unconfined_u, user, unconfined_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gen_user(system_u,, system_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# permit any access to such users, then remove this entry.
gen_user(user_u, user, user_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r sysadm_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r system_r sysadm_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# not in the sysadm_r.
gen_user(root, user, unconfined_r sysadm_r staff_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(unconfined_u, user, unconfined_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gen_user(system_u,, system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# permit any access to such users, then remove this entry.
gen_user(user_u, user, user_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r sysadm_r secadm_r auditadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r system_r sysadm_r secadm_r auditadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
@ -36,3 +36,5 @@ gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# not in the sysadm_r.
gen_user(root, user, sysadm_r staff_r secadm_r auditadm_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(guest_u, user, guest_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(xguest_u, user, xguest_r, s0, s0)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gen_user(system_u,, system_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# permit any access to such users, then remove this entry.
gen_user(user_u, user, user_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r sysadm_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(staff_u, user, staff_r system_r sysadm_r unconfined_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
@ -36,3 +36,6 @@ gen_user(sysadm_u, user, sysadm_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
# not in the sysadm_r.
gen_user(root, user, unconfined_r sysadm_r staff_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(unconfined_u, user, unconfined_r system_r, s0, s0 - mls_systemhigh, mcs_allcats)
gen_user(guest_u, user, guest_r, s0, s0)
gen_user(xguest_u, user, xguest_r, s0, s0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff