File policy/modules/contrib is not a regular file -- refusing to patch
1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file policy/modules/contrib.rej
- Allow pcp_pmlogger to send logs to journal BZ(1512367)
- Merge pull request #40 from lslebodn/kcm_kerberos
- Allow services to use kerberos KCM BZ(1512128)
- Allow system_mail_t domain to be system_dbus_client BZ(1512476)
- Allow aide domain to stream connect to sssd_t BZ(1512500)
- Allow squid_t domain to mmap files with label squid_tmpfs_t BZ(1498809)
- Allow nsd_t domain to mmap files with labels nsd_tmp_t and nsd_zone_t BZ(1511269)
- Include cupsd_config_t domain into cups_execmem boolean. BZ(1417584)
- Allow samba_net_t domain to mmap samba_var_t files BZ(1512227)
- Allow lircd_t domain to execute shell BZ(1512787)
- Allow thumb_t domain to setattr on cache_home_t dirs BZ(1487814)
- Allow redis to creating tmp files with own label BZ(1513518)
- Create new interface thumb_nnp_domtrans allowing domaintransition with NoNewPrivs. This interface added to thumb_run() BZ(1509502)
- Allow httpd_t to mmap httpd_tmp_t files BZ(1502303)
- Add map permission to samba_rw_var_files interface. BZ(1513908)
- Allow cluster_t domain creating bundles directory with label var_log_t instead of cluster_var_log_t
- Add dac_read_search and dac_override capabilities to ganesha
- Allow ldap_t domain to manage also slapd_tmp_t lnk files
- Allow snapperd_t domain to relabeling from snapperd_data_t BZ(1510584)
- Add dac_override capability to dhcpd_t doamin BZ(1510030)
- Allow snapperd_t to remove old snaps BZ(1510862)
- Allow chkpwd_t domain to mmap system_db_t files and be dbus system client BZ(1513704)
- Allow xdm_t send signull to all xserver unconfined types BZ(1499390)
- Allow fs associate for sysctl_vm_t BZ(1447301)
- Label /etc/init.d/vboxdrv as bin_t to run virtualbox as unconfined_service_t BZ(1451479)
- Allow xdm_t domain to read usermodehelper_t state BZ(1412609)
- Allow dhcpc_t domain to stream connect to userdomain domains BZ(1511948)
- Allow systemd to mmap kernel modules BZ(1513399)
- Allow userdomains to mmap fifo_files BZ(1512242)
- Merge pull request #205 from rhatdan/labels
- Add map permission to init_domtrans() interface BZ(1513832)
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap and execute files in xdm_var_run_t BZ(1513883)
- Unconfined domains, need to create content with the correct labels
- Container runtimes are running iptables within a different user namespace
- Add interface files_rmdir_all_dirs()
- Allow jabber domains to connect to postgresql ports
- Dontaudit slapd_t to block suspend system
- Allow spamc_t to stream connect to cyrys.
- Allow passenger to connect to mysqld_port_t
- Allow ipmievd to use nsswitch
- Allow chronyc_t domain to use user_ptys
- Label all files /var/log/opensm.* as opensm_log_t because opensm creating new log files with name opensm-subnet.lst
- Fix typo bug in tlp module
- Allow userdomain gkeyringd domain to create stream socket with userdomain
- Merge pull request #37 from milosmalik/rawhide
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t domain to dbus chat with devicekit
- Dontaudit leaked logwatch pipes
- Label /usr/bin/VGAuthService as vmtools_exec_t to confine this daemon.
- Allow httpd_t domain to execute hugetlbfs_t files BZ(1444546)
- Allow chronyd daemon to execute chronyc. BZ(1507478)
- Allow pdns to read network system state BZ(1507244)
- Allow gssproxy to read network system state Resolves: rhbz#1507191
- Allow nfsd_t domain to read configfs_t files/dirs
- Allow tgtd_t domain to read generic certs
- Allow ptp4l to send msgs via dgram socket to unprivileged user domains
- Allow dirsrv_snmp_t to use inherited user ptys and read system state
- Allow glusterd_t domain to create own tmpfs dirs/files
- Allow keepalived stream connect to snmp
- Allow zabbix_t domain to change its resource limits
- Add new boolean nagios_use_nfs
- Allow system_mail_t to search network sysctls
- Hide all allow rules with ptrace inside deny_ptrace boolean
- Allow nagios_script_t to read nagios_spool_t files
- Allow sbd_t to create own sbd_tmpfs_t dirs/files
- Allow firewalld and networkmanager to chat with hypervkvp via dbus
- Allow dmidecode to read rhsmcert_log_t files
- Allow mail system to connect mariadb sockets.
- Allow nmbd_t domain to mmap files labeled as samba_var_t. BZ(1505877)
- Make user account setup in gnome-initial-setup working in Workstation Live system. BZ(1499170)
- Allow iptables_t to run setfiles to restore context on system
- Updatre unconfined_dontaudit_read_state() interface to dontaudit also acess to files. BZ(1503466)
- Label /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd as bluetoothd_exec_t to run process as bluetooth_t
- Allow chronyd_t do request kernel module and block_suspend capability
- Allow system_cronjob_t to create /var/lib/letsencrypt dir with right label
- Allow slapd_t domain to mmap files labeled as slpad_db_t BZ(1505414)
- Allow dnssec_trigger_t domain to execute binaries with dnssec_trigeer_exec_t BZ(1487912)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to send SIGKILL to ipsec_mgmt_t domains BZ(1505220)
- Allow thumb_t creating thumb_home_t files in user_home_dir_t direcotry BZ(1474110)
- Allow httpd_t also read httpd_user_content_type dirs when httpd_enable_homedirs is enables
- Allow svnserve to use kerberos
- Allow conman to use ptmx. Add conman_use_nfs boolean
- Allow nnp transition for amavis and tmpreaper SELinux domains
- Allow chronyd_t to mmap chronyc_exec_t binary files
- Add dac_read_search capability to openvswitch_t domain
- Allow svnserve to manage own svnserve_log_t files/dirs
- Allow keepalived_t to search network sysctls
- Allow puppetagent_t domain dbus chat with rhsmcertd_t domain
- Add kill capability to openvswitch_t domain
- Label also compressed logs in /var/log for different services
- Allow inetd_child_t and system_cronjob_t to run chronyc.
- Allow chrony to create netlink route sockets
- Add SELinux support for chronyc
- Add support for running certbot(letsencrypt) in crontab
- Allow nnp trasintion for unconfined_service_t
- Allow unpriv user domains and unconfined_service_t to use chronyc
- Drop *.lst files from file list
- Ship file_contexts.homedirs in store
- Allow proper transition when systems starting pdns to pdns_t domain. BZ(1305522)
- Allow haproxy daemon to reexec itself. BZ(1447800)
- Allow conmand to use usb ttys.
- Allow systemd_machined to read mock lib files. BZ(1504493)
- Allow systemd_resolved_t to dbusd chat with NetworkManager_t BZ(1505081)
Recent libsemanage-2.7-4.fc28 keeps copy of file_contexts.homedirs in
policy store in order to support listing homedirs file contexts in
semanage fcontext -l
- Fix typo in virt file contexts file
- allow ipa_dnskey_t to read /proc/net/unix file
- Allow openvswitch to run setfiles in setfiles_t domain.
- Allow openvswitch_t domain to read process data of neutron_t domains
- Fix typo in ipa_cert_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Fix typo bug in summary of xguest SELinux module
- Allow virtual machine with svirt_t label to stream connect to openvswitch.
- Label qemu-pr-helper script as virt_exec_t so this script won't run as unconfined_service_t
- Allow cloud-init to create content in /var/run/cloud-init
- Dontaudit VM to read gnome-boxes process data BZ(1415975)
- Allow winbind_t domain mmap samba_var_t files
- Allow cupsd_t to execute ld_so_cache_t BZ(1478602)
- Update dev_rw_xserver_misc() interface to allo source domains to mmap xserver devices BZ(1334035)
- Add dac_override capability to groupadd_t domain BZ(1497091)
- Allow unconfined_service_t to start containers
When selinux-policy is uninstalled, SELinux is changed to permissive and
/etc/selinux/config is updated to disable SELinux. But it doesn't apply
when selinux-policy-{targeted,mls,minimum} are uninstalled.
With this change when one of the policy subpackages is uninstalled
and the current policy type is same as the uninstalled policy, SELinux
is switched to permissive and disabled in config file as well.
The /usr/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp requirement was necessary to
extract the version number of the selinux-policy package being built
against, which is used to enforce a minimum version requirement on
selinux-policy when the built package is installed. The policyhelp file
itself can be found in either the selinux-policy, selinux-policy-devel,
or selinux-policy-doc package (depending on OS release), which is why we
cannot simply use a package name unless we are prepared to sacrifice
spec file portability. From Fedora 20 onwards, this method is no longer
necessary, so if your packaging is not targeting any releases prior to
Fedora 20 or EPEL-5/6, the /usr/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
requirement is not needed.
Resolves: rhbz#1498429
- Allow cupsd_t to execute ld_so_cache_t BZ(1478602)
- Allow firewalld_t domain to change object identity because of relabeling after using firewall-cmd BZ(1469806)
- Allow postfix_cleanup_t domain to stream connect to all milter sockets BZ(1436026)
- Allow nsswitch_domain to read virt_var_lib_t files, because of libvirt NSS plugin. BZ(1487531)
- Add unix_stream_socket recvfrom perm for init_t domain BZ(1496318)
- Allow systemd to maange sysfs BZ(1471361)
See <> - basically for libostree
(and hence rpm-ostree, and Fedora Editions that use it like Fedora Atomic Host),
the Anaconda `selinux --enforcing` verb will end up rewriting
`/etc/selinux/config` to the same value it had before.
But because of the trailing space character, this generates
a difference, and means the config file appears locally modified,
and hence deployed systems won't receive updates.
I think Anaconda should also be fixed to avoid touching the file *at all*
if it wouldn't result in a change, but let's remove the trailing space
here too, as it's better to fix in two places.
- Allow passwd_t domain mmap /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd
- Allow pulseaudio_t domain to map user tmp files
- Allow mozilla plugin to mmap mozilla tmpfs files