Make code more readable by putting common make parameters under a common
macro. Also fix the sandbox.pp command-line, which was copy-pasted out
of context...
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
- Introduce new type pdns_var_lib_t
- Allow zebra_t domain to read files labled as nsfs_t.
- Allow systemd to setattr on all device_nodes
- Allow systemd to mounton and list all proc types
- Fix nonexisting types in rtas_errd_rw_lock interface
- Allow snmpd_t domain to trace processes in user namespace
- Allow timedatex_t domain to read relatime clock and adjtime_t files
- Allow zebra_t domain to execute zebra binaries
- Label /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher as NetworkManager_initrc_exec_t
- Allow ksmtuned_t domain to trace processes in user namespace
- Allow systemd to read symlinks in /var/lib
- Update dev_mounton_all_device_nodes() interface
- Add the miscfiles_map_generic_certs macro to the sysnet_dns_name_resolve macro.
- Allow systemd_domain to map files in /usr.
- Allow strongswan start using swanctl method BZ(1773381)
- Dontaudit systemd_tmpfiles_t getattr of all file types BZ(1772976)
- Allow timedatex_t domain dbus chat with both confined and unconfined users
- Allow timedatex_t domain dbus chat with unconfined users
- Allow NetworkManager_t manage dhcpc_state_t BZ(1770698)
- Make unconfined domains part of domain_named_attribute
- Label tcp ports 24816,24817 as pulp_port_t
- Remove duplicate entries for initrc_t in init.te
- Fix typo bugs in rtas_errd_read_lock() interface
- cockpit: Drop cockpit-cert-session
- Allow timedatex_t domain to systemctl chronyd domains
- Allow ipa_helper_t to read kr5_keytab_t files
- cockpit: Allow cockpit-session to read cockpit-tls state directory
- Allow stratisd_t domain to read nvme and fixed disk devices
- Update lldpad_t policy module
- Dontaudit tmpreaper_t getting attributes from sysctl_type files
- cockpit: Support https instance factory
- Added macro for timedatex to chat over dbus.
- Fix typo in dev_filetrans_all_named_dev()
- Update files_manage_etc_runtime_files() interface to allow manage also dirs
- Fix typo in cachefiles device
- Dontaudit sys_admin capability for auditd_t domains
- Allow x_userdomain to read adjtime_t files
- Allow users using template userdom_unpriv_user_template() to run bpf tool
- Allow x_userdomain to dbus_chat with timedatex.
- Label /var/cache/nginx as httpd_cache_t
- Allow abrt_upload_watch_t domain to send dgram msgs to kernel processes and stream connect to journald
- Created dnsmasq_use_ipset boolean
- Allow capability dac_override in logwatch_mail_t domain
- Allow automount_t domain to execute ping in own SELinux domain (ping_t)
- Allow tmpreaper_t domain to getattr files labeled as mtrr_device_t
- Allow collectd_t domain to create netlink_generic_socket sockets
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read/write rtas_errd_var_lock_t files
- Allow tmpwatch process labeled as tmpreaper_t domain to execute fuser command.
- Label /etc/postfix/chroot-update as postfix_exec_t
- Update tmpreaper_t policy due to fuser command
- Allow kdump_t domain to create netlink_route and udp sockets
- Allow stratisd to connect to dbus
- Allow fail2ban_t domain to create netlink netfilter sockets.
- Allow dovecot get filesystem quotas
- Allow networkmanager_t domain to execute chronyd binary in chronyd_t domain. BZ(1765689)
- Allow systemd-tmpfiles processes to set rlimit information
- Allow cephfs to use xattrs for storing contexts
- Update files_filetrans_named_content() interface to allow caller domain to create /oldroot /.profile with correct label etc_runtime_t
- Allow nagios_script_t domain list files labled sysfs_t.
- Allow jetty_t domain search and read cgroup_t files.
- Allow Gluster mount client to mount files_type
- Dontaudit and disallow sys_admin capability for keepalived_t domain
- Update numad policy to allow signull, kill, nice and trace processes
- Allow ipmievd_t to RW watchdog devices
- Allow ldconfig_t domain to manage initrc_tmp_t link files Allow netutils_t domain to write to initrc_tmp_t fifo files
- Allow user domains to manage user session services
- Allow staff and user users to get status of user systemd session
- Update sudo_role_template() to allow caller domain to read syslog pid files
macro-exapnder is part of selinux-policy-devel rpm package, but the tool
was installed with wrong permissions set so it was not possible to
execute this tool. This commit fixes the issue.
- Revert "nova.fc: fix duplicated slash"
- Introduce new bolean httpd_use_opencryptoki
- Add new interface apache_read_state()
- Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read random_device_t
- Label /etc/named direcotory as named_conf_t BZ(1759495)
- nova.fc: fix duplicated slash
- Allow dkim to execute sendmail
- Update virt_read_content interface to allow caller domain mmap virt_content_t block devices and files
- Update aide_t domain to allow this tool to analyze also /dev filesystem
- Update interface modutils_read_module_deps to allow caller domain also mmap modules_dep_t files BZ(1758634)
- Allow avahi_t to send msg to xdm_t
- Allow systemd_logind to read dosfs files & dirs Allow systemd-logind - a system service that manages user logins, to read files and list dirs on a DOS filesystem
- Update dev_manage_sysfs() to support managing also lnk files BZ(1759019)
- Allow systemd_logind_t domain to read blk_files in domain removable_device_t
- Add new interface udev_getattr_rules_chr_files()
- Update aide_t domain to allow this tool to analyze also /dev filesystem
- Allow bitlbee_t domain map files in /usr
- Allow stratisd to getattr of fixed disk device nodes
- Add net_broadcast capability to openvswitch_t domain BZ(1716044)
- Allow exim_t to read mysqld conf files if exim_can_connect_db is enabled. BZ(1756973)
- Allow cobblerd_t domain search apache configuration dirs
- Dontaudit NetworkManager_t domain to write to kdump temp pipies BZ(1750428)
- Label /var/log/collectd.log as collectd_log_t
- Allow boltd_t domain to manage sysfs files and dirs BZ(1754360)
- Add fowner capability to the pcp_pmlogger_t domain BZ(1754767)
- networkmanager: allow NetworkManager_t to create bluetooth_socket
- Fix ipa_custodia_stream_connect interface
- Add new interface udev_getattr_rules_chr_files()
- Make dbus-broker service working on s390x arch
- Add new interface dev_mounton_all_device_nodes()
- Add new interface dev_create_all_files()
- Allow systemd(init_t) to load kernel modules
- Allow ldconfig_t domain to manage initrc_tmp_t objects
- Add new interface init_write_initrc_tmp_pipes()
- Add new interface init_manage_script_tmp_files()
- Allow xdm_t setpcap capability in user namespace BZ(1756790)
- Allow x_userdomain to mmap generic SSL certificates
- Allow xdm_t domain to user netlink_route sockets BZ(1756791)
- Update files_create_var_lib_dirs() interface to allow caller domain also set attributes of var_lib_t directory BZ(1754245)
- Allow sudo userdomain to run rpm related commands
- Add sys_admin capability for ipsec_t domain
- Allow systemd_modules_load_t domain to read systemd pid files
- Add new interface init_read_pid_files()
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t domain to manage faillog_t objects
- Add file context ipsec_var_run_t for /var/run/charon\.dck to ipsec.fc
- Make ipa_custodia policy active
- Run ipa-custodia as ipa_custodia_t
- Update webalizer_t SELinux policy
- Dontaudit thumb_t domain to getattr of nsfs_t files BZ(1753598)
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read rtas_errd lock files
- Add new interface rtas_errd_read_lock()
- Update allow rules set for nrpe_t domain
- Update timedatex SELinux policy to to sychronizate time with GNOME and add new macro chronyd_service_status to chronyd.if
- Allow avahi_t to send msg to lpr_t
- Label /dev/shm/dirsrv/ with dirsrv_tmpfs_t label
- Allow dlm_controld_t domain to read random device
- Label libvirt drivers as virtd_exec_t
- Add sys_ptrace capability to pcp_pmlogger_t domain BZ(1751816)
- Allow gssproxy_t domain read state of all processes on system
- Add new macro systemd_timedated_status to systemd.if to get timedated service status
- Introduce xdm_manage_bootloader booelan
- Revert "Unconfined domains, need to create content with the correct labels"
- Allow xdm_t domain to read sssd pid files BZ(1753240)
- Move open, audit_access, and execmod to common file perms
- Add sys_ptrace capability to pcp_pmlogger_t domain BZ(1751816)
- Allow gssproxy_t domain read state of all processes on system
- Fix typo in cachefilesd module
- Allow cachefilesd_t domain to read/write cachefiles_device_t devices
- Remove setting label for /dev/cachefilesd char device from cachefilesd policy. This should be added in base policy
- Add sys_admin capability for keepalived_t labeled processes
- Allow user_mail_domain attribute to manage files labeled as etc_aliases_t.
- Create new type ipmievd_helper_t domain for loading kernel modules.
- Run stratisd service as stratisd_t
- Fix abrt_upload_watch_t in abrt policy
- Update keepalived policy
- Update cron_role, cron_admin_role and cron_unconfined_role to avoid *_t_t types
- Revert "Create admin_crontab_t and admin_crontab_tmp_t types"
- Revert "Update cron_role() template to accept third parameter with SELinux domain prefix"
- Allow amanda_t to manage its var lib files and read random_device_t
- Create admin_crontab_t and admin_crontab_tmp_t types
- Add setgid and setuid capabilities to keepalived_t domain
- Update cron_role() template to accept third parameter with SELinux domain prefix
- Allow psad_t domain to create tcp diag sockets BZ(1750324)
- Allow systemd to mount fwupd_cache_t BZ(1750288)
- Allow chronyc_t domain to append to all non_security files
- Update zebra SELinux policy to make it work also with frr service
- Allow rtkit_daemon_t domain set process nice value in user namespaces BZ(1750024)
- Dontaudit rhsmcertd_t to write to dirs labeled as lib_t BZ(1556763)
- Label /var/run/mysql as mysqld_var_run_t
- Allow chronyd_t domain to manage and create chronyd_tmp_t dirs,files,sock_file objects.
- Update timedatex policy to manage localization
- Allow sandbox_web_type domains to sys_ptrace and sys_chroot in user namespaces
- Update gnome_dontaudit_read_config
- Allow devicekit_var_lib_t dirs to be created by systemd during service startup. BZ(1748997)
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t domain to remount rootfs filesystem
- Add interface files_remount_rootfs()
- Dontaudit sys_admin capability for iptables_t SELinux domain
- Label /dev/cachefilesd as cachefiles_device_t
- Make stratisd policy active
- Allow userdomains to dbus chat with policykit daemon
- Update userdomains to pass correct parametes based on updates from cron_*_role interfaces
- New interface files_append_non_security_files()
- Label 2618/tcp and 2618/udp as priority_e_com_port_t
- Label 2616/tcp and 2616/udp as appswitch_emp_port_t
- Label 2615/tcp and 2615/udp as firepower_port_t
- Label 2610/tcp and 2610/udp as versa_tek_port_t
- Label 2613/tcp and 2613/udp as smntubootstrap_port_t
- Label 3784/tcp and 3784/udp as bfd_control_port_t
- Remove rule allowing all processes to stream connect to unconfined domains
- Allow zabbix_t domain to manage zabbix_var_lib_t sock files and connect to unix_stream_socket
- Dontaudit sandbox web types to setattr lib_t dirs
- Dontaudit system_mail_t domains to check for existence other applications on system BZ(1747369)
- Allow haproxy_t domain to read network state of system
- Allow processes labeled as keepalived_t domain to get process group
- Introduce dbusd_unit_file_type
- Allow pesign_t domain to read/write named cache files.
- Label /var/log/hawkey.log as rpm_log_t and update rpm named filetrans interfaces.
- Allow httpd_t domain to read/write named_cache_t files
- Add new interface bind_rw_cache()
- Allow cupsd_t domain to create directory with name ppd in dirs labeled as cupsd_etc_t with label cupsd_rw_etc_t.
- Update cpucontrol_t SELinux policy
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to bind on udp port labeled as statsd_port_t
- Run lldpd service as lldpad_t.
- Allow spamd_update_t domain to create unix dgram sockets.
- Update dbus role template for confined users to allow login into x session
- Label /usr/libexec/microcode_ctl/reload_microcode as cpucontrol_exec_t
- Fix typo in networkmanager_append_log() interface
- Update collectd policy to allow daemon create /var/log/collectd with collectd_log_t label
- Allow login user type to use systemd user session
- Allow xdm_t domain to start dbusd services.
- Introduce new type xdm_unit_file_t
- Remove allowing all domain to communicate over pipes with all domain under rpm_transition_domain attribute
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t to remove sockets with tmp_t label BZ(1745632)
- Allow ipsec_t domain to read/write named cache files
- Allow sysadm_t to create hawkey log file with rpm_log_t SELinux label
- Allow domains systemd_networkd_t and systemd_logind_t to chat over dbus
- Label udp 8125 port as statsd_port_t
- cockpit: Allow cockpit-session to read cockpit-tls state
- Allow zebrat_t domain to read state of NetworkManager_t processes BZ(1739983)
- Allow named_t domain to read/write samba_var_t files BZ(1738794)
- Dontaudit abrt_t domain to read root_t files
- Allow ipa_dnskey_t domain to read kerberos keytab
- Allow mongod_t domain to read cgroup_t files BZ(1739357)
- Update ibacm_t policy
- Allow systemd to relabel all files on system.
- Revert "Add new boolean systemd_can_relabel"
- Allow xdm_t domain to read kernel sysctl BZ(1740385)
- Add sys_admin capability for xdm_t in user namespace. BZ(1740386)
- Allow dbus communications with resolved for DNS lookups
- Add new boolean systemd_can_relabel
- Allow auditd_t domain to create auditd_tmp_t temporary files and dirs in /tmp or /var/tmp
- Label '/var/usrlocal/(.*/)?sbin(/.*)?' as bin_t
- Update systemd_dontaudit_read_unit_files() interface to dontaudit alos listing dirs
- Run lvmdbusd service as lvm_t
- Allow tlp domain run tlp in trace mode BZ(1737106)
- Make timedatex_t domain system dbus bus client BZ(1737239)
- Allow cgdcbxd_t domain to list cgroup dirs
- Allow systemd to create and bindmount dirs. BZ(1734831)
- New policy for rrdcached
- Allow dhcpd_t domain to read network sysctls.
- Allow nut services to communicate with unconfined domains
- Allow virt_domain to Support ecryptfs home dirs.
- Allow domain transition lsmd_t to sensord_t
- Allow httpd_t to signull mailman_cgi_t process
- Make rrdcached policy active
- Label /etc/sysconfig/ip6?tables\.save as system_conf_t Resolves: rhbz#1733542
- Allow machinectl to run pull-tar BZ(1724247)
- Allow spamd_update_t domain to read network state of system BZ(1733172)
- Allow dlm_controld_t domain to transition to the lvm_t
- Allow sandbox_web_client_t domain to do sys_chroot in user namespace
- Allow virtlockd process read virtlockd.conf file
- Add more permissions for session dbus types to make working dbus broker with systemd user sessions
- Allow sssd_t domain to read gnome config and named cache files
- Allow brltty to request to load kernel module
- Add svnserve_tmp_t label forl svnserve temp files to system private tmp
- Allow sssd_t domain to read kernel net sysctls BZ(1732185)
- Run timedatex service as timedatex_t
- Allow mysqld_t domain to domtrans to ifconfig_t domain when executing ifconfig tool
- Allow cyrus work with PrivateTmp
- Make cgdcbxd_t domain working with SELinux enforcing.
- Make working wireshark execute byt confined users staff_t and sysadm_t
- Dontaudit virt_domain to manage ~/.cache dirs BZ(1730963)
- Allow svnserve_t domain to read system state
- allow named_t to map named_cache_t files
- Label user cron spool file with user_cron_spool_t
- Update gnome_role_template() template to allow sysadm_t confined user to login to xsession
- Allow lograte_t domain to manage collect_rw_content files and dirs
- Add interface collectd_manage_rw_content()
- Allow ifconfig_t domain to manage vmware logs
- Remove system_r role from staff_u user.
- Make new timedatex policy module active
- Add systemd_private_tmp_type attribute
- Allow systemd to load kernel modules during boot process.
- Allow sysadm_t and staff_t domains to read wireshark shared memory
- Label /usr/libexec/utempter/utempter as utemper_exec_t
- Allow ipsec_t domain to read/write l2tpd pipe BZ(1731197)
- Allow sysadm_t domain to create netlink selinux sockets
- Make cgdcbxd active in Fedora upstream sources
- Label user cron spool file with user_cron_spool_t
- Update gnome_role_template() template to allow sysadm_t confined user to login to xsession
- Allow lograte_t domain to manage collect_rw_content files and dirs
- Add interface collectd_manage_rw_content()
- Allow systemd_hostnamed_t domain to dbus chat with sosreport_t domain
- Update tomcat_can_network_connect_db boolean to allow tomcat domains also connect to redis ports
- Allow mysqld_t domain to manage cluster pid files
- Relabel /usr/sbin/virtlockd from virt_exec_t to virtlogd_exec_t.
- Allow ptp4l_t domain to write to pmc socket which is created by pmc command line tool
- Allow dkim-milter to send e-mails BZ(1716937)
- Update spamassasin policy to make working /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update.cron script BZ(1711799)
- Update svnserve_t policy to make working svnserve hooks
- Allow varnishlog_t domain to check for presence of varnishd_t domains
- Update sandboxX policy to make working firefox inside SELinux sandbox
- Remove allow rule from svirt_transition_svirt_sandbox interface to don't allow containers to connect to random services
- Allow httpd_t domain to read /var/lib/softhsm/tokens to allow httpd daemon to use pkcs#11 devices
- Allow gssd_t domain to list tmpfs_t dirs
- Allow mdadm_t domain to read tmpfs_t files
- Allow sbd_t domain to check presence of processes labeled as cluster_t
- Dontaudit httpd_sys_script_t to read systemd unit files
- Allow blkmapd_t domain to read nvme devices
- Update cpucontrol_t domain to make working microcode service
- Allow domain transition from logwatch_t do postfix_postqueue_t
- Allow chronyc_t domain to create and write to non_security files in case when sysadmin is redirecting output to file e.g: 'chronyc -n tracking > /var/lib/test'
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t domain to mmap httpcontent
- Allow sbd_t to manage cgroups_t files
- Update wireshark policy to make working tshar labeled as wireshark_t
- Update virt_use_nfs boolean to allow svirt_t domain to mmap nfs_t files
- Allow sysadm_t domain to create netlink selinux sockets
- Make cgdcbxd active in Fedora upstream sources
- Allow sysadm_t domain to dbus chat with rtkit daemon
- Allow x_userdomains to nnp domain transition to thumb_t domain
- Allow unconfined_domain_type to setattr own process lnk files.
- Add interface files_write_generic_pid_sockets()
- Dontaudit writing to user home dirs by gnome-keyring-daemon
- Allow staff and admin domains to setpcap in user namespace
- Allow staff and sysadm to use lockdev
- Allow staff and sysadm users to run iotop.
- Dontaudit traceroute_t domain require sys_admin capability
- Dontaudit dbus chat between kernel_t and init_t
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t to create mountpoints without any specific label as default_t
- Update dbusd policy and netowrkmanager to allow confined users to connect to vpn over NetworkManager
- Fix all interfaces which cannot by compiled because of typos
- Allow X userdomains to mmap user_fonts_cache_t dirs
- Label /var/kerberos/krb5 as krb5_keytab_t
- Allow glusterd_t domain to setpgid
- Allow lsmd_t domain to execute /usr/bin/debuginfo-install
- Allow sbd_t domain to manage cgroup dirs
- Allow opafm_t domain to modify scheduling information of another process.
- Allow wireshark_t domain to create netlink netfilter sockets
- Allow gpg_agent_t domain to use nsswitch
- Allow httpd script types to mmap httpd rw content
- Allow dkim_milter_t domain to execute shell BZ(17116937)
- Allow sbd_t domain to use nsswitch
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to send signull to all domains
- Allow snort_t domain to create netlink netfilter sockets BZ(1723184)
- Dontaudit blueman to read state of all domains on system BZ(1722696)
- Allow boltd_t domain to use ps and get state of all domains on system. BZ(1723217)
- Allow rtkit_daemon_t to uise sys_ptrace usernamespace capability BZ(1723308)
- Replace "-" by "_" in types names
- Change condor_domain declaration in condor_systemctl
- Allow firewalld_t domain to read iptables_var_run_t files BZ(1722405)
- Allow auditd_t domain to send signals to audisp_remote_t domain
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t domain to read/write faillog_t. BZ(1723132)
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t domain to relabel from usermodehelper_t files
- Add interface kernel_relabelfrom_usermodehelper()
- Dontaudit unpriv_userdomain to manage boot_t files
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap /var/lib/gdm/.cache/fontconfig BZ(1725509)
- Allow systemd to execute bootloader grub2-set-bootflag BZ(1722531)
- Allow associate efivarfs_t on sysfs_t
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to domtrans to mdadm_t domain BZ(1714800)
- Allow spamd_update_t to exec itsef
- Fix broken logwatch SELinux module
- Allow logwatch_mail_t to manage logwatch cache files/dirs
- Update wireshark_t domain to use several sockets
- Allow sysctl_rpc_t and sysctl_irq_t to be stored on fs_t
- Fix bind_read_cache() interface to allow only read perms to caller domains
- [speech-dispatcher.if] m4 macro names can not have - in them
- Grant varnishlog_t access to varnishd_etc_t
- Allow nrpe_t domain to read process state of systemd_logind_t
- Allow mongod_t domain to connect on https port BZ(1711922)
- Allow chronyc_t domain to create own tmpfiles and allow communicate send data over unix dgram sockets
- Dontaudit spamd_update_t domain to read all domains states BZ(1711799)
- Allow pcp_pmie_t domain to use sys_ptrace usernamespace cap BZ(1705871)
- Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)
- Revert "Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)"
- Make boinc_var_lib_t mountpoint BZ(1711682)
- Allow wireshark_t domain to create fifo temp files
- All NetworkManager_ssh_t rules have to be in same optional block with ssh_basic_client_template(), fixing this bug in NetworkManager policy
- Allow dbus chat between NetworkManager_t and NetworkManager_ssh_t domains. BZ(1677484)
- Fix typo in gpg SELinux module
- Update gpg policy to make ti working with confined users
- Add domain transition that systemd labeled as init_t can execute spamd_update_exec_t binary to run newly created process as spamd_update_t
- Remove allow rule for virt_qemu_ga_t to write/append user_tmp_t files
- Label /var/run/user/*/dbus-1 as session_dbusd_tmp_t
- Add dac_override capability to namespace_init_t domain
- Label /usr/sbin/corosync-qdevice as cluster_exec_t
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain to open communication channel with system dbus. BZ(1677484)
- Label /usr/libexec/dnf-utils as debuginfo_exec_t
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Build in parallel on Travis
- Fix parallel build of the policy
- Revert "Make able deply overcloud via neutron_t to label nsfs as fs_t"
- Add interface systemd_logind_read_state()
- Fix find commands in Makefiles
- Allow systemd-timesyncd to read network state BZ(1694272)
- Update userdomains to allow confined users to create gpg keys
- Allow associate all filesystem_types with fs_t
- Dontaudit syslogd_t using kill in unamespaces BZ(1711122)
- Allow init_t to manage session_dbusd_tmp_t dirs
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read/write to clearance
- Allow su_domain_type to getattr to /dev/gpmctl
- Update userdom_login_user_template() template to make working systemd user session for guest and xguest SELinux users
- Fix typo in gpg SELinux module
- Update gpg policy to make ti working with confined users
- Add domain transition that systemd labeled as init_t can execute spamd_update_exec_t binary to run newly created process as spamd_update_t
- Remove allow rule for virt_qemu_ga_t to write/append user_tmp_t files
- Label /var/run/user/*/dbus-1 as session_dbusd_tmp_t
- Add dac_override capability to namespace_init_t domain
- Label /usr/sbin/corosync-qdevice as cluster_exec_t
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain to open communication channel with system dbus. BZ(1677484)
- Label /usr/libexec/dnf-utils as debuginfo_exec_t
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Label /usr/bin/tshark as wireshark_exec_t
- Update userdomains to allow confined users to create gpg keys
- Allow associate all filesystem_types with fs_t
- Dontaudit syslogd_t using kill in unamespaces BZ(1711122)
- Allow init_t to manage session_dbusd_tmp_t dirs
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read/write to clearance
- Allow su_domain_type to getattr to /dev/gpmctl
- Update userdom_login_user_template() template to make working systemd user session for guest and xguest SELinux users
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Label /usr/bin/tshark as wireshark_exec_t
- Fix typo in dbus_role_template()
- Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)
- Allow userdomains dbus domain to execute dbus broker. BZ(1710113)
- Allow dovedot_deliver_t setuid/setgid capabilities BZ(1709572)
- Allow virt domains to access xserver devices BZ(1705685)
- Allow aide to be executed by systemd with correct (aide_t) domain BZ(1648512)
- Dontaudit svirt_tcg_t domain to read process state of libvirt BZ(1594598)
- Allow pcp_pmie_t domain to use fsetid capability BZ(1708082)
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t to use setrlimit BZ(1708951)
- Allow gpsd_t domain to read udev db BZ(1709025)
- Add sys_ptrace capaiblity for namespace_init_t domain
- Allow systemd to execute sa-update in spamd_update_t domain BZ(1705331)
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read rpm cache files
- Label /efi same as /boot/efi boot_t BZ(1571962)
- Allow transition from udev_t to tlp_t BZ(1705246)
- Remove initrc_exec_t for /usr/sbin/apachectl file
- Allow iscsid_t domain to mmap modules_dep_t files
- Allow ngaios to use chown capability
- Dontaudit gpg_domain to create netlink_audit sockets
- Remove role transition in rpm_run() interface to allow sysadm_r jump to rpm_t type. BZ(1704251)
- Allow dirsrv_t domain to execute own tmp files BZ(1703111)
- Update fs_rw_cephfs_files() interface to allow also caller domain to read/write cephpfs_t lnk files
- Update domain_can_mmap_files() boolean to allow also mmap lnk files
- Improve userdom interfaces to drop guest_u SELinux user to use nsswitch
- Introduce deny_bluetooth boolean
- Allow greylist_milter_t to read network system state BZ(1702672)
- Allow freeipmi domains to mmap freeipmi_var_cache_t files
- Allow rhsmcertd_t and rpm_t domains to chat over dbus
- Allow thumb_t domain to delete cache_home_t files BZ(1701643)
- Update gnome_role_template() to allow _gkeyringd_t domains to chat with systemd_logind over dbus
- Add new interface boltd_dbus_chat()
- Allow fwupd_t and modemmanager_t domains to communicate over dbus BZ(1701791)
- Allow keepalived_t domain to create and use netlink_connector sockets BZ(1701750)
- Allow cockpit_ws_t domain to set limits BZ(1701703)
- Update Nagios policy when sudo is used
- Deamon rhsmcertd is able to install certs for docker again
- Introduce deny_bluetooth boolean
- Don't allow a container to connect to random services
- Remove file context /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update\.cron -> bin_t to label sa-update.cron as spamd_update_exec_t.
- Allow systemd_logind_t and systemd_resolved_t domains to chat over dbus
- Allow unconfined_t to use bpf tools
- Allow x_userdomains to communicate with boltd daemon over dbus
- Allow mongod_t domain to lsearch in cgroups BZ(1698743)
- Allow rngd communication with pcscd BZ(1679217)
- Create cockpit_tmpfs_t and allow cockpit ws and session to use it BZ(1698405)
- Fix broken networkmanager interface for allowing manage lib files for dnsmasq_t.
- Update logging_send_audit_msgs(sudodomain() to control TTY auditing for netlink socket for audit service
After all reverted commit looks good, just targeted store have to be
specified when permissivedomains SELinux module is loaded.
This reverts commit f1ed716369.
- Allow boltd_t domain to write to sysfs_t dirs BZ(1689287)
- Allow fail2ban execute journalctl BZ(1689034)
- Update sudodomains to make working confined users run sudo/su
- Introduce new boolean unconfined_dyntrans_all.
- Allow iptables_t domain to read NetworkManager state BZ(1690881)
Make sure the config is consistent with what packages are (being)
installed in the system.
This should ensure that the package corresponding to SELINUXTYPE
in the config is always present in the system, or selinux is DISABLED
(both before policy_load is called and after any RPM transaction involving
selinux-policy-* package). Targeted mode is used when possible.
Resolves: rhbz#1641631
Signed-off-by: Vit Mojzis <>
- Update xen SELinux module
- Improve labeling for PCP plugins
- Allow varnishd_t domain to read sysfs_t files
- Update vmtools policy
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t domain to read udev_var_run_t files
- Update nagios_run_sudo boolean with few allow rules related to accessing sssd
- Update file context for modutils rhbz#1689975
- Label /dev/xen/hypercall and /dev/xen/xenbus_backend as xen_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1679293
- Grant permissions for onloadfs files of all classes.
- Allow all domains to send dbus msgs to vmtools_unconfined_t processes
- Label /dev/pkey as crypt_device_t
- Allow sudodomains to write to systemd_logind_sessions_t pipes.
- Label /usr/lib64/ library as textrel_shlib_t.
When the policy is built with save-previous=true (see semanage.conf) the
previous version of store is saved in /var/lib/selinux/TYPE/previous directory.
This directory needs to be erased after build as it has no function for
Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/plautrba/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/selinux-policy-3.14.4-4.fc31.x86_64
error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:
- Update vmtools policy
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t domain to read udev_var_run_t files
- Update nagios_run_sudo boolean with few allow rules related to accessing sssd
- Update travis CI to install selinux-policy dependencies without checking for gpg check
- Allow journalctl_t domain to mmap syslogd_var_run_t files
- Allow smokeping process to mmap own var lib files and allow set process group. Resolves: rhbz#1661046
- Allow sbd_t domain to bypass permission checks for sending signals
- Allow sbd_t domain read/write all sysctls
- Allow kpatch_t domain to communicate with policykit_t domsin over dbus
- Allow boltd_t to stream connect to sytem dbus
- Allow zabbix_t domain to create sockets labeled as zabbix_var_run_t BZ(1683820)
- Allow all domains to send dbus msgs to vmtools_unconfined_t processes
- Label /dev/pkey as crypt_device_t
- Allow sudodomains to write to systemd_logind_sessions_t pipes.
- Label /usr/lib64/ library as textrel_shlib_t.
- Allow ifconfig_t domain to read /dev/random BZ(1687516)
- Fix interface modutils_run_kmod() where was used old interface modutils_domtrans_insmod instead of new one modutils_domtrans_kmod() Resolves: rhbz#1686660
- Update travis CI to install selinux-policy dependencies without checking for gpg check
- Label /usr/sbin/nodm as xdm_exec_t same as other display managers
- Update userdom_admin_user_template() and init_prog_run_bpf() interfaces to make working bpftool for confined admin
- Label /usr/sbin/e2mmpstatus as fsadm_exec_t Resolves: rhbz#1684221
- Update unconfined_dbus_send() interface to allow both direction communication over dbus with unconfined process.
- Allow openvpn_t domain to set capability BZ(1680276)
- Update redis_enable_notify() boolean to fix sending e-mail by redis when this boolean is turned on
- Allow chronyd_t domain to send data over dgram socket
- Add rolekit_dgram_send() interface
- Fix bug in userdom_restricted_xwindows_user_template() template to disallow all user domains to access admin_home_t - kernel/files.fc: Label /var/run/motd.d(./*)? and /var/run/motd as pam_var_run_t
Make sure the config is consistent with what packages are (being)
installed in the system.
This should ensure that the package corresponding to SELINUXTYPE
in the config is always present in the system, or selinux is DISABLED
(both before policy_load is called and after any RPM transaction involving
selinux-policy-* package). Targeted mode is used when possible.
Resolves: rhbz#1641631
Signed-off-by: Vit Mojzis <>
- Allow dovecot_t domain to connect to mysql db
- Add dac_override capability for sbd_t SELinux domain
- Add dac_override capability for spamd_update_t domain
- Allow nnp transition for domains fsadm_t, lvm_t and mount_t - Add fs_manage_fusefs_named_pipes interface
- Allow glusterd_t to write to automount unnamed pipe Resolves: rhbz#1674243
- Allow ddclient_t to setcap Resolves: rhbz#1674298
- Add dac_override capability to vpnc_t domain
- Add dac_override capability to spamd_t domain
- Allow ibacm_t domain to read system state and label all ibacm sockets and symlinks as ibacm_var_run_t in /var/run
- Allow read network state of system for processes labeled as ibacm_t
- Allow ibacm_t domain to send dgram sockets to kernel processes
- Allow dovecot_t to connect to MySQL UNIX socket
- Fix CI for use on forks
- Fix typo bug in sensord policy
- Update ibacm_t policy after testing lastest version of this component
- Allow sensord_t domain to mmap own log files
- Allow virt_doamin to read/write dev device
- Add dac_override capability for ipa_helper_t
- Update policy with multiple allow rules to make working installing VM in MLS policy
- Allow syslogd_t domain to send null signal to all domains on system Resolves: rhbz#1673847 - Merge branch 'rawhide' of into rawhide - Allow systemd-logind daemon to remove shared memory during logout Resolves: rhbz#1674172 - Always label /home symlinks as home_root_t - Update mount_read_pid_files macro to allow also list mount_var_run_t dirs - Fix typo bug in userdomain SELinux policy - Merge branch 'rawhide' of into rawhide - Allow user domains to stop systemd user sessions during logout process - Fix CI for use on forks - Label /dev/sev char device as sev_device_t - Add s_manage_fusefs_named_sockets interface - Allow systemd-journald to receive messages including a memfd
- Allow sensord_t domain to use nsswitch and execute shell
- Allow opafm_t domain to execute lib_t files
- Allow opafm_t domain to manage kdump_crash_t files and dirs
- Allow virt domains to read/write cephfs filesystems
- Allow virtual machine to write to fixed_disk_device_t
- Update kdump_manage_crash() interface to allow also manage dirs by caller domain Resolves: rhbz#1491585
- Allow svnserve_t domain to create in /tmp svn_0 file labeled as krb5_host_rcache_t
- Allow vhostmd_t read libvirt configuration files
- Update dbus_role_template interface to allow userdomains to accept data from userdomain dbus domains
- Add miscfiles_filetrans_named_content_letsencrypt() to optional_block - Allow unconfined domains to create letsencrypt directory in /var/lib labeled as cert_t - Allow staff_t user to systemctl iptables units. - Allow systemd to read selinux logind config - obj_perm_sets.spt: Add xdp_socket to socket_class_set. - Add xdp_socket security class and access vectors - Allow transition from init_t domain to user_t domain during ssh login with confined user user_u
- Add new xdp_socket class
- Update dbus_role_template interface to allow userdomains to accept data from userdomain dbus domains
- Allow boltd_t domain to read cache_home_t files BZ(1669911)
- Allow winbind_t domain to check for existence of processes labeled as systemd_hostnamed_t BZ(1669912)
- Allow gpg_agent_t to create own tmpfs dirs and sockets
- Allow openvpn_t domain to manage vpnc pidfiles BZ(1667572)
- Add multiple interfaces for vpnc interface file
- Label /var/run/fcgiwrap dir as httpd_var_run_t BZ(1655702)
- In MongoDB 3.4.16, 3.6.6, 4.0.0 and later, mongod reads netstat info from proc and stores it in its diagnostic system (FTDC). See: This means that we need to adjust the policy so that the mongod process is allowed to open and read /proc/net/netstat, which typically has symlinks (e.g. /proc/net/snmp).
- Allow gssd_t domain to manage kernel keyrings of every domain.
- Revert "Allow gssd_t domain to read/write kernel keyrings of every domain."
- Allow plymouthd_t search efivarfs directory BZ(1664143)
- Allow sensord_t to execute own binary files
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t domain to getattr all filesystem BZ(1662432)
- Allow virtd_lxc_t domains use BPF BZ(1662613)
- Allow openvpn_t domain to read systemd state BZ(1661065)
- Dontaudit ptrace all domains for blueman_t BZ(1653671)
- Used correct renamed interface for imapd_t domain
- Change label of /usr/libexec/lm_sensors/sensord-service-wrapper from lsmd_exec_t to sensord_exec_t BZ(1662922)
- Allow hddtemp_t domain to read nvme block devices BZ(1663579)
- Add dac_override capability to spamd_t domain BZ(1645667)
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t to mount tracefs_t filesystem BZ(1662983)
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t domain to read al sysctls BZ(1662441)
- Specify recipients that will be notified about build CI results.
- Allow saslauthd_t domain to mmap own pid files BZ(1653024)
- Add dac_override capability for snapperd_t domain BZ(1619356)
- Make kpatch_t domain application domain to allow users to execute kpatch in kpatch_t domain.
- Add ipc_owner capability to pcp_pmcd_t domain BZ(1655282)
- Update pulseaudio_stream_connect() to allow caller domain create stream sockets to cumminicate with pulseaudio
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t domain to send signals to rpm_script_t BZ(1651030)
- Add new interface: rpm_script_signal()
- Allow init_t domain to mmap init_var_lib_t files and dontaudit leaked fd. BZ(1651008)
- Make workin: systemd-run --system --pty bash BZ(1647162)
- Allow ipsec_t domain dbus chat with systemd_resolved_t BZ(1662443)
- Allow staff_t to rw binfmt_misc_fs_t files BZ(1658975)
- Specify recipients that will be notified about build CI results.
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/user as systemd_unit_file_t BZ(1652814)
- Allow sysadm_t,staff_t and unconfined_t domain to execute kpatch as kpatch_t domain
- Add rules to allow systemd to mounton systemd_timedated_var_lib_t.
- Allow x_userdomains to stream connect to pulseaudio BZ(1658286)
- Remove all ganesha bits from gluster and rpc policy
- Label /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update.cron as spamd_update_exec_t
- Add dac_override capability to ssad_t domains
- Allow pesign_t domain to read gnome home configs
- Label /usr/libexec/lm_sensors/sensord-service-wrapper as lsmd_exec_t
- Allow rngd_t domains read kernel state
- Allow certmonger_t domains to read bind cache
- Allow ypbind_t domain to stream connect to sssd
- Allow rngd_t domain to setsched
- Allow sanlock_t domain to read/write sysfs_t files
- Add dac_override capability to postfix_local_t domain
- Allow ypbind_t to search sssd_var_lib_t dirs
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t domain to write to user_tmp_t files
- Allow systemd_logind_t to dbus chat with virt_qemu_ga_t
- Update sssd_manage_lib_files() interface to allow also mmap sssd_var_lib_t files
- Add new interface sssd_signal()
- Update xserver_filetrans_home_content() and xserver_filetrans_admin_home_content() unterfaces to allow caller domain to create .vnc dir in users homedir labeled as xdm_home_t
- Update logging_filetrans_named_content() to allow caller domains of this interface to create /var/log/journal/remote directory labeled as var_log_t
- Add sys_resource capability to the systemd_passwd_agent_t domain
- Allow ipsec_t domains to read bind cache
- kernel/files.fc: Label /run/motd as etc_t
- Allow systemd to stream connect to userdomain processes
- Label /var/lib/private/systemd/ as init_var_lib_t
- Allow initrc_t domain to create new socket labeled as init_T
- Allow audisp_remote_t domain remote logging client to read local audit events from relevant socket.
- Add tracefs_t type to mountpoint attribute
- Allow useradd_t and groupadd_t domains to send signals to sssd_t
- Allow systemd_logind_t domain to remove directories labeled as tmpfs_t BZ(1648636)
- Allow useradd_t and groupadd_t domains to access sssd files because of the new feature in shadow-utils
- Update pesign policy to allow pesign_t domain to read bind cache files/dirs
- Add dac_override capability to mdadm_t domain
- Create ibacm_tmpfs_t type for the ibacm policy
- Dontaudit capability sys_admin for dhcpd_t domain
- Makes rhsmcertd_t domain an exception to the constraint preventing changing the user identity in object contexts.
- Allow abrt_t domain to mmap generic tmp_t files
- Label /usr/sbin/wpa_cli as wpa_cli_exec_t
- Allow sandbox_xserver_t domain write to user_tmp_t files
- Allow certutil running as ipsec_mgmt_t domain to mmap ipsec_mgmt pid files Dontaudit ipsec_mgmt_t domain to write to the all mountpoints
- Add interface files_map_generic_tmp_files()
- Add dac_override capability to the syslogd_t domain
- Create systemd_timedated_var_run_t label
- Update systemd_timedated_t domain to allow create own pid files/access init_var_lib_t files and read dbus files BZ(1646202)
- Add init_read_var_lib_lnk_files and init_read_var_lib_sock_files interfaces
- Dontaudit thumb_t domain to setattr on lib_t dirs BZ(1643672)
- Dontaudit cupsd_t domain to setattr lib_t dirs BZ(1636766)
- Add dac_override capability to postgrey_t domain BZ(1638954)
- Allow thumb_t domain to execute own tmpfs files BZ(1643698)
- Allow xdm_t domain to manage dosfs_t files BZ(1645770)
- Label systemd-timesyncd binary as systemd_timedated_exec_t to make it run in systemd_timedated_t domain BZ(1640801)
- Improve fs_manage_ecryptfs_files to allow caller domain also mmap ecryptfs_t files BZ(1630675)
- Label systemd-user-runtime-dir binary as systemd_logind_exec_t BZ(1644313)
- Add nnp transition rule for vnstatd_t domain using NoNewPrivileges systemd feature BZ(1643063)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to mmap /etc/passwd file BZ(1638948)
- Add dac_override capability to ftpd_t domain
- Allow gpg_t to create own tmpfs dirs and sockets
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to relabel cert_t files
- Add SELinux policy for kpatch
- Allow nova_t domain to use pam
- sysstat: grant sysstat_t the search_dir_perms set
- Label systemd-user-runtime-dir binary as systemd_logind_exec_t BZ(1644313)
- Allow systemd_logind_t to read fixed dist device BZ(1645631)
- Allow systemd_logind_t domain to read nvme devices BZ(1645567)
- Allow systemd_rfkill_t domain to comunicate via dgram sockets with syslogd BZ(1638981)
- kernel/files.fc: Label /run/motd.d(/.*)? as etc_t
- Allow ipsec_mgmt_t process to send signals other than SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, or SIGCHLD to the ipsec_t domains BZ(1638949)
- Allow X display manager to check status and reload services which are part of x_domain attribute
- Add interface miscfiles_relabel_generic_cert()
- Make kpatch policy active
- Fix userdom_write_user_tmp_dirs() to allow caller domain also read/write user_tmp_t dirs
- Dontaudit sys_admin capability for netutils_t domain
- Label tcp and udp ports 2611 as qpasa_agent_port_t
- Allow caller domains using cron_*_role to have entrypoint permission on system_cron_spool_t files BZ(1625645)
- Add interface cron_system_spool_entrypoint()
- Bolt added d-bus API for force-powering the thunderbolt controller, so system-dbusd needs acces to boltd pipes BZ(1637676)
- Add interfaces for boltd SELinux module
- Add dac_override capability to modemmanager_t domain BZ(1636608)
- Allow systemd to mount boltd_var_run_t dirs BZ(1636823)
- Label correctly /var/named/chroot*/dev/unrandom in bind chroot.
- Allow boltd_t to be activated by init socket activation
- Allow virt_domain to read/write to virtd_t unix_stream socket because of new version of libvirt 4.4. BZ(1635803)
- Update SELinux policy for libreswan based on the latest rebase 3.26
- Fix typo in init_named_socket_activation interface
- Allow dictd_t domain to mmap dictd_var_lib_t files BZ(1634650)
- Fix typo in boltd.te policy
- Allow fail2ban_t domain to mmap journal
- Add kill capability to named_t domain
- Allow neutron domain to read/write /var/run/utmp
- Create boltd_var_run_t type for boltd pid files
- Allow tomcat_domain to read /dev/random
- Allow neutron_t domain to use pam
- Add the port used by nsca (Nagios Service Check Acceptor)
- Allow certmonger to manage cockpit_var_run_t pid files
- Allow cockpit_ws_t domain to manage cockpit services
- Allow dirsrvadmin_script_t domain to list httpd_tmp_t dirs
- Add interface apache_read_tmp_dirs()
- Fix typo in cockpit interfaces we have cockpit_var_run_t files not cockpit_var_pid_t
- Add interface apcupsd_read_power_files()
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t to execute logrotate in logrotate_t domain
- Allow dac_override capability to amanda_t domain
- Allow geoclue_t domain to get attributes of fs_t filesystems
- Update selinux policy for rhnsd_t domain based on changes in spacewalk-2.8-client
- Allow cockpit_t domain to read systemd state
- Allow abrt_t domain to write to usr_t files
- Allow cockpit to create motd file in /var/run/cockpit
- Label /usr/sbin/pcsd as cluster_exec_t
- Allow pesign_t domain to getattr all fs
- Allow tomcat servers to manage usr_t files
- Dontaudit tomcat serves to append to /dev/random device
- Allow dirsrvadmin_script_t domain to read httpd tmp files
- Allow sbd_t domain to getattr of all char files in /dev and read sysfs_t files and dirs
- Fix path where are sources for CI
- Revert "Allow firewalld_t domain to read random device"
- Add travis CI for selinux-policy-contrib repo
- Allow postfix domains to mmap system db files
- Allow geoclue_t domain to execute own tmp files
- Update ibacm_read_pid_files interface to allow also reading link files
- Allow zebra_t domain to create packet_sockets
- Allow opafm_t domain to list sysfs
- Label /usr/libexec/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master as cyris_exec_t
- Allow tomcat Tomcat to delete a temporary file used when compiling class files for JSPs.
- Allow chronyd_t domain to read virt_var_lib_t files
- Allow systemd to read apcupsd power files
- Revert "Allow polydomain to create /tmp-inst labeled as tmp_t"
- Allow polydomain to create /tmp-inst labeled as tmp_t
- Allow polydomain to create /tmp-inst labeled as tmp_t
- Allow systemd_resolved_t domain to bind on udp howl port
- Add new boolean use_virtualbox Resolves: rhbz#1510478
- Allow sshd_t domain to read cockpit pid files
- Allow syslogd_t domain to manage cert_t files
- Fix path where are sources for CI
- Add travis.yml to to create CI for selinux-policy sources
- Allow getattr as part of files_mounton_kernel_symbol_table.
- Fix typo "aduit" -> "audit"
- Revert "Add new interface dev_map_userio()"
- Add new interface dev_map_userio()
- Allow systemd to read ibacm pid files
- Allow tomcat services create link file in /tmp
- Label /etc/shorewall6 as shorewall_etc_t
- Allow winbind_t domain kill in user namespaces
- Allow firewalld_t domain to read random device
- Allow abrt_t domain to do execmem
- Allow geoclue_t domain to execute own var_lib_t files
- Allow openfortivpn_t domain to read system network state
- Allow dnsmasq_t domain to read networkmanager lib files
- sssd: Allow to limit capabilities using libcap
- sssd: Remove unnecessary capability
- sssd: Do not audit usage of lib
- Fix bug in nsd.fc, /var/run/nsd.ctl is socket file not file
- Add correct namespace_init_exec_t context to /etc/security/namespace.d/*
- Update nscd_socket_use to allow caller domain to mmap nscd_var_run_t files
- Allow exim_t domain to mmap bin files
- Allow mysqld_t domain to executed with nnp transition
- Allow svirt_t domain to mmap svirt_image_t block files
- Add caps dac_read_search and dav_override to pesign_t domain
- Allow iscsid_t domain to mmap userio chr files
- Add read interfaces for mysqld_log_t that was added in commit df832bf
- Allow boltd_t to dbus chat with xdm_t
- Conntrackd need to load kernel module to work
- Allow mysqld sys_nice capability
- Update boltd policy based on SELinux denials from rhbz#1607974
- Allow systemd to create symlinks in for /var/lib
- Add comment to show that template call also allows changing shells
- Document userdom_change_password_template() behaviour
- update files_mounton_kernel_symbol_table() interface to allow caller domain also mounton system_map_t file
- Fix typo in logging SELinux module
- Allow usertype to mmap user_tmp_type files
- In domain_transition_pattern there is no permission allowing caller domain to execu_no_trans on entrypoint, this patch fixing this issue
- Revert "Add execute_no_trans permission to mmap_exec_file_perms pattern"
- Add boolean: domain_can_mmap_files.
- Allow ipsec_t domian to mmap own tmp files
- Add .gitignore file
- Add execute_no_trans permission to mmap_exec_file_perms pattern
- Allow sudodomain to search caller domain proc info
- Allow audisp_remote_t domain to read auditd_etc_t
- netlabel: Remove unnecessary sssd nsswitch related macros
- Allow to use sss module in auth_use_nsswitch
- Limit communication with init_t over dbus
- Add actual modules.conf to the git repo
- Add few interfaces to optional block
- Allow sysadm_t and staff_t domain to manage systemd unit files
- Add interface dev_map_userio_dev()
- Fix issue with aliases in apache interface file
- Add same context for symlink as binary
- Allow boltd_t to send logs to journal
- Allow colord_use_nfs to allow colord also mmap nfs_t files
- Allow mysqld_safe_t do execute itself
- Allow smbd_t domain to chat via dbus with avahi daemon
- cupsd_t domain will create /etc/cupsd/ppd as cupsd_etc_rw_t
- Update screen_role_template to allow caller domain to have screen_exec_t as entrypoint do new domain
- Add alias httpd__script_t to _script_t to make sepolicy generate working
- Allow gpg_t domain to mmap gpg_agent_tmp_t files
- label /var/lib/pgsql/data/log as postgresql_log_t
- Allow sysadm_t domain to accept socket
- Allow systemd to manage passwd_file_t
- Allow sshd_t domain to mmap user_tmp_t files
- Allow kprop_t domain to read network state
- Add support boltd policy
- Allow kpropd domain to exec itself
- Allow pdns_t to bind on tcp transproxy port
- Add support for opafm service
- Allow hsqldb_t domain to read cgroup files
- Allow rngd_t domain to read generic certs
- Allow innd_t domain to mmap own var_lib_t files
- Update screen_role_temaplate interface
- Allow chronyd_t domain to mmap own tmpfs files
- Allow sblim_sfcbd_t domain to mmap own tmpfs files
- Allow systemd to mounont boltd lib dirs
- Allow sysadm_t domain to create rawip sockets
- Allow sysadm_t domain to listen on socket
- Update sudo_role_template() to allow caller domain also setattr generic ptys
- Update logging_manage_all_logs() interface to allow caller domain map all logfiles
- Allow aide to mmap all files
- Revert "Allow firewalld to create rawip sockets"
- Revert "Allow firewalld_t do read iptables_var_run_t files"
- Allow svirt_tcg_t domain to read system state of virtd_t domains
- Update rhcs contexts to reflects the latest fenced changes
- Allow httpd_t domain to rw user_tmp_t files
- Fix typo in openct policy
- Allow winbind_t domian to connect to all ephemeral ports
- Allow firewalld_t do read iptables_var_run_t files
- Allow abrt_t domain to mmap data_home files
- Allow glusterd_t domain to mmap user_tmp_t files
- Allow mongodb_t domain to mmap own var_lib_t files
- Allow firewalld to read kernel usermodehelper state
- Allow modemmanager_t to read sssd public files
- Allow openct_t domain to mmap own var_run_t files
- Allow nnp transition for devicekit daemons
- Allow firewalld to create rawip sockets
- Allow firewalld to getattr proc filesystem
- Dontaudit sys_admin capability for pcscd_t domain
- Revert "Allow pcsd_t domain sys_admin capability"
- Allow fetchmail_t domain to stream connect to sssd
- Allow pcsd_t domain sys_admin capability
- Allow cupsd_t to create cupsd_etc_t dirs
- Allow varnishlog_t domain to list varnishd_var_lib_t dirs
- Allow mongodb_t domain to read system network state BZ(1599230)
- Allow tgtd_t domain to create dirs in /var/run labeled as tgtd_var_run_t BZ(1492377)
- Allow iscsid_t domain to mmap sysfs_t files
- Allow httpd_t domain to mmap own cache files
- Add sys_resource capability to nslcd_t domain
- Fixed typo in logging_audisp_domain interface
- Add interface files_mmap_all_files()
- Add interface iptables_read_var_run()
- Allow systemd to mounton init_var_run_t files
- Update policy rules for auditd_t based on changes in audit version 3
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t do mmap system db files
- Merge branch 'rawhide' of into rawhide
- Improve domain_transition_pattern to allow mmap entrypoint bin file.
- Don't setup unlabeled_t as an entry_type
- Allow unconfined_service_t to transition to container_runtime_t
- Merge pull request #60 from vmojzis/rawhide
- Allow tangd_t domain stream connect to sssd
- Allow oddjob_t domain to chat with systemd via dbus
- Allow freeipmi domains to mmap sysfs files
- Fix typo in logwatch interface file
- Allow spamd_t to manage logwatch_cache_t files/dirs
- Allow dnsmasw_t domain to create own tmp files and manage mnt files
- Allow fail2ban_client_t to inherit rlimit information from parent process
- Allow nscd_t to read kernel sysctls
- Label /var/log/conman.d as conman_log_t
- Add dac_override capability to tor_t domain
- Allow certmonger_t to readwrite to user_tmp_t dirs
- Allow abrt_upload_watch_t domain to read general certs
- Allow chornyd_t read phc2sys_t shared memory
- Add several allow rules for pesign policy:
- Add setgid and setuid capabilities to mysqlfd_safe_t domain
- Add tomcat_can_network_connect_db boolean
- Update virt_use_sanlock() boolean to read sanlock state
- Add sanlock_read_state() interface
- Allow zoneminder_t to getattr of fs_t
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to send signull to postgresql_t domain
- Add log file type to collectd and allow corresponding access
- Allow policykit_t domain to dbus chat with dhcpc_t
- Allow traceroute_t domain to exec bin_t binaries
- Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t domain to list sysfs Allow systemd_passwd_agent_t domain to dac_override
- Add new interface dev_map_sysfs()
- Allow sshd_keygen_t to execute plymouthd
- Allow systemd_networkd_t create and relabel tun sockets
- Add new interface postgresql_signull()
- /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd should have only obexd_exec_t instead of bluetoothd_exec_t type
- Allow ntop_t domain to create/map various sockets/files.
- Enable the dictd to communicate via D-bus.
- Allow inetd_child process to chat via dbus with abrt
- Allow zabbix_agent_t domain to connect to redis_port_t
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read xenfs_t files
- Allow zabbix_agent_t to run zabbix scripts
- Fix openvswith SELinux module
- Fix wrong path in tlp context file BZ(1586329)
- Update brltty SELinux module
- Allow rabbitmq_t domain to create own tmp files/dirs
- Allow policykit_t mmap policykit_auth_exec_t files
- Allow ipmievd_t domain to read general certs
- Add sys_ptrace capability to pcp_pmie_t domain
- Allow squid domain to exec ldconfig
- Update gpg SELinux policy module
- Allow mailman_domain to read system network state
- Allow openvswitch_t domain to read neutron state and read/write fixed disk devices
- Allow antivirus_domain to read all domain system state
- Allow targetd_t domain to red gconf_home_t files/dirs
- Label /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd as obexd_exec_t
- Add interface nagios_unconfined_signull()
- Fix typos in zabbix.te file
- Add missing requires
- Allow tomcat domain sends email
- Fix typo in sge policy
- Merge pull request #214 from wrabcak/fb-dhcpc
- Allow dhcpc_t creating own socket files inside /var/run/ Allow dhcpc_t creating netlink_kobject_uevent_socket, netlink_generic_socket, rawip_socket BZ(1585971)
- Allow confined users get AFS tokens
- Allow sysadm_t domain to chat via dbus
- Associate sysctl_kernel_t type with filesystem attribute
- Allow syslogd_t domain to send signull to nagios_unconfined_plugin_t
- Fix typo in netutils.te file
- Add dac_override to exim policy BZ(1574303)
- Fix typo in conntrackd.fc file
- Allow sssd_t to kill sssd_selinux_manager_t
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t to connect to mongodb_port_t if boolean httpd_can_network_connect_db is turned on
- Allow chronyc_t to redirect ourput to /var/lib /var/log and /tmp
- Allow policykit_auth_t to read udev db files BZ(1574419)
- Allow varnishd_t do be dbus client BZ(1582251)
- Allow cyrus_t domain to mmap own pid files BZ(1582183)
- Allow user_mail_t domain to mmap etc_aliases_t files
- Allow gkeyringd domains to run ssh agents
- Allow gpg_pinentry_t domain read ssh state
- Allow sysadm_u use xdm
- Allow xdm_t domain to listen ofor unix dgram sockets BZ(1581495)
- Add interface ssh_read_state()
- Fix typo in sysnetwork.if file
- Allow tangd_t domain to create tcp sockets and add new interface tangd_read_db_files
- Allow mailman_mail_t domain to search for apache configs
- Allow mailman_cgi_t domain to ioctl an httpd with a unix domain stream sockets.
- Improve procmail_domtrans() to allow mmaping procmail_exec_t
- Allow ptrace arbitrary processes
- Allow jabberd_router_t domain read kerberos keytabs BZ(1573945)
- Allow certmonger to geattr of filesystems BZ(1578755)
- Update dev_map_xserver_misc interface to allo mmaping char devices instead of files
- Allow noatsecure permission for all domain transitions from systemd.
- Allow systemd to read tangd db files
- Fix typo in ssh.if file
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap xserver_misc_device_t files
- Allow xdm_t domain to execute systemd-coredump binary
- Add bridge_socket, dccp_socket, ib_socket and mpls_socket to socket_class_set
- Improve modutils_domtrans_insmod() interface to mmap insmod_exec_t binaries
- Improve iptables_domtrans() interface to allow mmaping iptables_exec_t binary
- Improve auth_domtrans_login_programinterface to allow also mmap login_exec_t binaries
- Improve auth_domtrans_chk_passwd() interface to allow also mmaping chkpwd_exec_t binaries.
- Allow mmap dhcpc_exec_t binaries in sysnet_domtrans_dhcpc interface
- Improve running xorg with proper SELinux domain even if systemd security feature NoNewPrivileges is used
- Add dac_override capability to mailman_mail_t domain
- Add dac_override capability to radvd_t domain
- Update openvswitch policy
- Add dac_override capability to oddjob_homedir_t domain
- Allow slapd_t domain to mmap slapd_var_run_t files
- Rename tang policy to tangd
- Allow virtd_t domain to relabel virt_var_lib_t files
- Allow logrotate_t domain to stop services via systemd
- Add tang policy
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create mozilla.pdf file in user homedir with label mozilla_home_t
- Allow snapperd_t daemon to create unlabeled dirs.
- Make httpd_var_run_t mountpoint
- Allow hsqldb_t domain to mmap own temp files
- We have inconsistency in cgi templates with upstream, we use _content_t, but refpolicy use httpd__content_t. Created aliasses to make it consistence
- Allow Openvswitch adding netdev bridge ovs FDP
- Add new Boolean tomcat_use_execmem
- Allow nfsd_t domain to read/write sysctl fs files
- Allow conman to read system state
- Allow brltty_t domain to be dbusd system client
- Allow zebra_t domain to bind on babel udp port
- Allow freeipmi domain to read sysfs_t files
- Allow targetd_t domain mmap lvm config files
- Allow abrt_t domain to manage kdump crash files
- Add capability dac_override to antivirus domain
- Allow svirt_t domain mmap svirt_image_t files BZ(1514538)
- Allow ftpd_t domain to chat with systemd
- Allow systemd init named socket activation for uuidd policy
- Allow networkmanager domain to write to ecryptfs_t files BZ(1566706)
- Allow l2tpd domain to stream connect to sssd BZ(1568160)
- Dontaudit abrt_t to write to lib_t dirs BZ(1566784)
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain transition to insmod_t BZ(1567630)
- Allow certwatch to manage cert files BZ(1561418)
- Merge pull request #53 from tmzullinger/rawhide
- Merge pull request #52 from thetra0/rawhide
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t domain to mmap all non security files BZ(1565748)
- Allow gpg_t domain mmap cert_t files Allow gpg_t mmap gpg_agent_t files
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain use generic ptys. BZ(1565851)
- Allow pppd_t domain read/write l2tpd pppox sockets BZ(1566096)
- Allow xguest user use bluetooth sockets if xguest_use_bluetooth boolean is turned on.
- Allow pppd_t domain creating pppox sockets BZ(1566271)
- Allow abrt to map var_lib_t files
- Allow chronyc to read system state BZ(1565217)
- Allow keepalived_t domain to chat with systemd via dbus
- Allow git to mmap git_(sys|user)_content_t files BZ(1518027)
- Allow netutils_t domain to create bluetooth sockets
- Allow traceroute to bind on generic sctp node
- Allow traceroute to search network sysctls
- Allow systemd to use virtio console
- Label /dev/op_panel and /dev/opal-prd as opal_device_t
- refpolicy: Update for kernel sctp support
- Allow smbd_t send to nmbd_t via dgram sockets BZ(1563791)
- Allow antivirus domain to be client for system dbus BZ(1562457)
- Dontaudit requesting tlp_t domain kernel modules, its a kernel bug BZ(1562383)
- Add new boolean: colord_use_nfs() BZ(1562818)
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to check access to mdadm BZ(1560317)
- Allow colord_t to mmap gconf_home_t files
- Add new boolean redis_enable_notify()
- Label /var/log/shibboleth-www(/.*) as httpd_sys_rw_content_t
- Add new label for vmtools scripts and label it as vmtools_unconfined_t stored in /etc/vmware-tools/
- Remove labeling for /etc/vmware-tools to bin_t it should be vmtools_unconfined_exec_t
- Add new boolean redis_enable_notify()
- Label /var/log/shibboleth-www(/.*) as httpd_sys_rw_content_t
- Add new label for vmtools scripts and label it as vmtools_unconfined_t stored in /etc/vmware-tools/
- Allow svnserve_t domain to manage kerberos rcache and read krb5 keytab
- Add dac_override and dac_read_search capability to hypervvssd_t domain
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fence_sanlockd as fenced_exec_t
- Allow samba to create /tmp/host_0 as krb5_host_rcache_t
- Add dac_override capability to fsdaemon_t BZ(1564143)
- Allow abrt_t domain to map dos files BZ(1564193)
- Add dac_override capability to automount_t domain
- Allow keepalived_t domain to connect to system dbus bus
- Allow nfsd_t to read nvme block devices BZ(1562554)
- Allow lircd_t domain to execute bin_t files BZ(1562835)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to read sssd public files BZ(1563355)
- Allow logrotate_t domain to do dac_override BZ(1539327)
- Remove labeling for /etc/vmware-tools to bin_t it should be vmtools_unconfined_exec_t
- Add capability sys_resource to systemd_sysctl_t domain
- Label all /dev/rbd* devices as fixed_disk_device_t
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap xserver_log_t files BZ(1564469)
- Allow local_login_t domain to rread udev db
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read /dev/random device
- add definition of bpf class and systemd perms
- Allow accountsd_t domain to dac override BZ(1561304)
- Allow cockpit_ws_t domain to read system state BZ(1561053)
- Allow postfix_map_t domain to use inherited user ptys BZ(1561295)
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t domain dac override BZ(1561467)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to run stream connect for sssd_t BZ(1561755)
- Allow crontab domains to do dac override
- Allow snapperd_t domain to unmount fs_t filesystems
- Allow pcp processes to read fixed_disk devices BZ(1560816)
- Allow unconfined and confined users to use dccp sockets
- Allow systemd to manage bpf dirs/files
- Allow traceroute_t to create dccp_sockets
- Improve bluetooth_stream_socket interface to allow caller domain also send bluetooth sockets
- Allow tcpd_t bind on sshd_port_t if ssh_use_tcpd() is enabled
- Allow semanage_t domain mmap usr_t files
- Add new boolean: ssh_use_tcpd()
- Update screen_role_template() to allow also creating sockets in HOMEDIR/screen/
- Allow newrole_t dacoverride capability
- Allow traceroute_t domain to mmap packet sockets
- Allow netutils_t domain to mmap usmmon device
- Allow netutils_t domain to use mmap on packet_sockets
- Allow traceroute to create icmp packets
- Allos sysadm_t domain to create tipc sockets
- Allow confined users to use new socket classes for bluetooth, alg and tcpdiag sockets
- Allow rpcd_t domain dac override
- Allow rpm domain to mmap rpm_var_lib_t files
- Allow arpwatch domain to create bluetooth sockets
- Allow secadm_t domain to mmap audit config and log files
- Update init_abstract_socket_activation() to allow also creating tcp sockets
- getty_t should be ranged in MLS. Then also local_login_t runs as ranged domain.
- Add SELinux support for systemd-importd
- Create new type bpf_t and label /sys/fs/bpf with this type
None of currently supported distributions need that.
Last one was EL5 which is EOL for a while.
Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <>
None of currently supported distributions need that.
It was needed last for EL5 which is EOL now
Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <>
- rpm: Label /usr/share/rpm usr_t (ostree/Atomic systems)
- Update dbus_role_template() BZ(1536218)
- Allow lldpad_t domain to mmap own tmpfs files BZ(1534119)
- Allow blueman_t dbus chat with policykit_t BZ(1470501)
- Expand virt_read_lib_files() interface to allow list dirs with label virt_var_lib_t BZ(1507110)
- Allow postfix_master_t and postfix_local_t to connect to system dbus. BZ(1530275)
- Allow system_munin_plugin_t domain to read sssd public files and allow stream connect to ssd daemon BZ(1528471)
- Allow rkt_t domain to bind on rkt_port_t tcp BZ(1534636)
- Allow jetty_t domain to mmap own temp files BZ(1534628)
- Allow sslh_t domain to read sssd public files and stream connect to sssd. BZ(1534624)
- Consistently label usr_t for kernel/initrd in /usr
- kernel/files.fc: Label /usr/lib/sysimage as usr_t
- Allow iptables sysctl load list support with SELinux enforced
- Label HOME_DIR/.config/systemd/user/* user unit files as systemd_unit_file_t BZ(1531864)
- Merge pull request #45 from jlebon/pr/rot-sd-dbus-rawhide
- Allow virt_domains to acces infiniband pkeys.
- Allow systemd to relabelfrom tmpfs_t link files in /var/run/systemd/units/ BZ(1535180)
- Label /usr/libexec/ipsec/addconn as ipsec_exec_t to run this script as ipsec_t instead of init_t
- Allow audisp_remote_t domain write to files on all levels
- auth_use_nsswitch() interface cannot be used for attributes fixing munin policy
- Allow git_script_t to mmap git_user_content_t files BZ(1530937)
- Allow certmonger domain to create temp files BZ(1530795)
- Improve interface mock_read_lib_files() to include also symlinks. BZ(1530563)
- Allow fsdaemon_t to read nvme devices BZ(1530018)
- Dontaudit fsdaemon_t to write to admin homedir. BZ(153030)
- Update munin plugin policy BZ(1528471)
- Allow sendmail_t domain to be system dbusd client BZ(1478735)
- Allow amanda_t domain to getattr on tmpfs filesystem BZ(1527645)
- Allow named file transition to create rpmrebuilddb dir with proper SELinux context BZ(1461313)
- Dontaudit httpd_passwd_t domain to read state of systemd BZ(1522672)
- Allow thumb_t to mmap non security files BZ(1517393)
- Allow smbd_t to mmap files with label samba_share_t BZ(1530453)
- Fix broken sysnet_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Allow init_t to create tcp sockets for unconfined services BZ(1366968)
- Allow xdm_t to getattr on xserver_t process files BZ(1506116)
- Allow domains which can create resolv.conf file also create it in systemd_resolved_var_run_t dir BZ(1530297)
- Allow X userdomains to send dgram msgs to xserver_t BZ(1515967)
- Add interface files_map_non_security_files()
- Allow crond_t to read pcp lib files BZ(1525420)
- Allow mozilla plugin domain to mmap user_home_t files BZ(1452783)
- Allow certwatch_t to mmap generic certs. BZ(1527173)
- Allow dspam_t to manage dspam_rw_conent_t objects. BZ(1290876)
- Add interface userdom_map_user_home_files()
- Sytemd introduced new feature when journald(syslogd_t) is trying to read symlinks to unit files in /run/systemd/units. This commit label /run/systemd/units/* as systemd_unit_file_t and allow syslogd_t to read this content. BZ(1527202)
- Allow xdm_t dbus chat with modemmanager_t BZ(1526722)
- All domains accessing home_cert_t objects should also mmap it. BZ(1519810)
This directory is already owned by rpm. I couldn't find a specific
section in the packaging guidelines, but it seems to me we shouldn't do
this. There's no good reason for it and it can lead to confusion.
Quickly scanning over all Fedora spec files that install RPM macros, I
couldn't find any other package that owns `%{_rpmconfigdir}`.
- Allow pcp_pmlogger to send logs to journal BZ(1512367)
- Merge pull request #40 from lslebodn/kcm_kerberos
- Allow services to use kerberos KCM BZ(1512128)
- Allow system_mail_t domain to be system_dbus_client BZ(1512476)
- Allow aide domain to stream connect to sssd_t BZ(1512500)
- Allow squid_t domain to mmap files with label squid_tmpfs_t BZ(1498809)
- Allow nsd_t domain to mmap files with labels nsd_tmp_t and nsd_zone_t BZ(1511269)
- Include cupsd_config_t domain into cups_execmem boolean. BZ(1417584)
- Allow samba_net_t domain to mmap samba_var_t files BZ(1512227)
- Allow lircd_t domain to execute shell BZ(1512787)
- Allow thumb_t domain to setattr on cache_home_t dirs BZ(1487814)
- Allow redis to creating tmp files with own label BZ(1513518)
- Create new interface thumb_nnp_domtrans allowing domaintransition with NoNewPrivs. This interface added to thumb_run() BZ(1509502)
- Allow httpd_t to mmap httpd_tmp_t files BZ(1502303)
- Add map permission to samba_rw_var_files interface. BZ(1513908)
- Allow cluster_t domain creating bundles directory with label var_log_t instead of cluster_var_log_t
- Add dac_read_search and dac_override capabilities to ganesha
- Allow ldap_t domain to manage also slapd_tmp_t lnk files
- Allow snapperd_t domain to relabeling from snapperd_data_t BZ(1510584)
- Add dac_override capability to dhcpd_t doamin BZ(1510030)
- Allow snapperd_t to remove old snaps BZ(1510862)
- Allow chkpwd_t domain to mmap system_db_t files and be dbus system client BZ(1513704)
- Allow xdm_t send signull to all xserver unconfined types BZ(1499390)
- Allow fs associate for sysctl_vm_t BZ(1447301)
- Label /etc/init.d/vboxdrv as bin_t to run virtualbox as unconfined_service_t BZ(1451479)
- Allow xdm_t domain to read usermodehelper_t state BZ(1412609)
- Allow dhcpc_t domain to stream connect to userdomain domains BZ(1511948)
- Allow systemd to mmap kernel modules BZ(1513399)
- Allow userdomains to mmap fifo_files BZ(1512242)
- Merge pull request #205 from rhatdan/labels
- Add map permission to init_domtrans() interface BZ(1513832)
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap and execute files in xdm_var_run_t BZ(1513883)
- Unconfined domains, need to create content with the correct labels
- Container runtimes are running iptables within a different user namespace
- Add interface files_rmdir_all_dirs()
- Allow jabber domains to connect to postgresql ports
- Dontaudit slapd_t to block suspend system
- Allow spamc_t to stream connect to cyrys.
- Allow passenger to connect to mysqld_port_t
- Allow ipmievd to use nsswitch
- Allow chronyc_t domain to use user_ptys
- Label all files /var/log/opensm.* as opensm_log_t because opensm creating new log files with name opensm-subnet.lst
- Fix typo bug in tlp module
- Allow userdomain gkeyringd domain to create stream socket with userdomain
- Merge pull request #37 from milosmalik/rawhide
- Allow mozilla_plugin_t domain to dbus chat with devicekit
- Dontaudit leaked logwatch pipes
- Label /usr/bin/VGAuthService as vmtools_exec_t to confine this daemon.
- Allow httpd_t domain to execute hugetlbfs_t files BZ(1444546)
- Allow chronyd daemon to execute chronyc. BZ(1507478)
- Allow pdns to read network system state BZ(1507244)
- Allow gssproxy to read network system state Resolves: rhbz#1507191
- Allow nfsd_t domain to read configfs_t files/dirs
- Allow tgtd_t domain to read generic certs
- Allow ptp4l to send msgs via dgram socket to unprivileged user domains
- Allow dirsrv_snmp_t to use inherited user ptys and read system state
- Allow glusterd_t domain to create own tmpfs dirs/files
- Allow keepalived stream connect to snmp
- Allow zabbix_t domain to change its resource limits
- Add new boolean nagios_use_nfs
- Allow system_mail_t to search network sysctls
- Hide all allow rules with ptrace inside deny_ptrace boolean
- Allow nagios_script_t to read nagios_spool_t files
- Allow sbd_t to create own sbd_tmpfs_t dirs/files
- Allow firewalld and networkmanager to chat with hypervkvp via dbus
- Allow dmidecode to read rhsmcert_log_t files
- Allow mail system to connect mariadb sockets.
- Allow nmbd_t domain to mmap files labeled as samba_var_t. BZ(1505877)
- Make user account setup in gnome-initial-setup working in Workstation Live system. BZ(1499170)
- Allow iptables_t to run setfiles to restore context on system
- Updatre unconfined_dontaudit_read_state() interface to dontaudit also acess to files. BZ(1503466)
- Label /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd as bluetoothd_exec_t to run process as bluetooth_t
- Allow chronyd_t do request kernel module and block_suspend capability
- Allow system_cronjob_t to create /var/lib/letsencrypt dir with right label
- Allow slapd_t domain to mmap files labeled as slpad_db_t BZ(1505414)
- Allow dnssec_trigger_t domain to execute binaries with dnssec_trigeer_exec_t BZ(1487912)
- Allow l2tpd_t domain to send SIGKILL to ipsec_mgmt_t domains BZ(1505220)
- Allow thumb_t creating thumb_home_t files in user_home_dir_t direcotry BZ(1474110)
- Allow httpd_t also read httpd_user_content_type dirs when httpd_enable_homedirs is enables
- Allow svnserve to use kerberos
- Allow conman to use ptmx. Add conman_use_nfs boolean
- Allow nnp transition for amavis and tmpreaper SELinux domains
- Allow chronyd_t to mmap chronyc_exec_t binary files
- Add dac_read_search capability to openvswitch_t domain
- Allow svnserve to manage own svnserve_log_t files/dirs
- Allow keepalived_t to search network sysctls
- Allow puppetagent_t domain dbus chat with rhsmcertd_t domain
- Add kill capability to openvswitch_t domain
- Label also compressed logs in /var/log for different services
- Allow inetd_child_t and system_cronjob_t to run chronyc.
- Allow chrony to create netlink route sockets
- Add SELinux support for chronyc
- Add support for running certbot(letsencrypt) in crontab
- Allow nnp trasintion for unconfined_service_t
- Allow unpriv user domains and unconfined_service_t to use chronyc
- Drop *.lst files from file list
- Ship file_contexts.homedirs in store
- Allow proper transition when systems starting pdns to pdns_t domain. BZ(1305522)
- Allow haproxy daemon to reexec itself. BZ(1447800)
- Allow conmand to use usb ttys.
- Allow systemd_machined to read mock lib files. BZ(1504493)
- Allow systemd_resolved_t to dbusd chat with NetworkManager_t BZ(1505081)
Recent libsemanage-2.7-4.fc28 keeps copy of file_contexts.homedirs in
policy store in order to support listing homedirs file contexts in
semanage fcontext -l
- Fix typo in virt file contexts file
- allow ipa_dnskey_t to read /proc/net/unix file
- Allow openvswitch to run setfiles in setfiles_t domain.
- Allow openvswitch_t domain to read process data of neutron_t domains
- Fix typo in ipa_cert_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Fix typo bug in summary of xguest SELinux module
- Allow virtual machine with svirt_t label to stream connect to openvswitch.
- Label qemu-pr-helper script as virt_exec_t so this script won't run as unconfined_service_t
- Allow cloud-init to create content in /var/run/cloud-init
- Dontaudit VM to read gnome-boxes process data BZ(1415975)
- Allow winbind_t domain mmap samba_var_t files
- Allow cupsd_t to execute ld_so_cache_t BZ(1478602)
- Update dev_rw_xserver_misc() interface to allo source domains to mmap xserver devices BZ(1334035)
- Add dac_override capability to groupadd_t domain BZ(1497091)
- Allow unconfined_service_t to start containers
When selinux-policy is uninstalled, SELinux is changed to permissive and
/etc/selinux/config is updated to disable SELinux. But it doesn't apply
when selinux-policy-{targeted,mls,minimum} are uninstalled.
With this change when one of the policy subpackages is uninstalled
and the current policy type is same as the uninstalled policy, SELinux
is switched to permissive and disabled in config file as well.
The /usr/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp requirement was necessary to
extract the version number of the selinux-policy package being built
against, which is used to enforce a minimum version requirement on
selinux-policy when the built package is installed. The policyhelp file
itself can be found in either the selinux-policy, selinux-policy-devel,
or selinux-policy-doc package (depending on OS release), which is why we
cannot simply use a package name unless we are prepared to sacrifice
spec file portability. From Fedora 20 onwards, this method is no longer
necessary, so if your packaging is not targeting any releases prior to
Fedora 20 or EPEL-5/6, the /usr/share/selinux/devel/policyhelp
requirement is not needed.
Resolves: rhbz#1498429
- Allow cupsd_t to execute ld_so_cache_t BZ(1478602)
- Allow firewalld_t domain to change object identity because of relabeling after using firewall-cmd BZ(1469806)
- Allow postfix_cleanup_t domain to stream connect to all milter sockets BZ(1436026)
- Allow nsswitch_domain to read virt_var_lib_t files, because of libvirt NSS plugin. BZ(1487531)
- Add unix_stream_socket recvfrom perm for init_t domain BZ(1496318)
- Allow systemd to maange sysfs BZ(1471361)
See <> - basically for libostree
(and hence rpm-ostree, and Fedora Editions that use it like Fedora Atomic Host),
the Anaconda `selinux --enforcing` verb will end up rewriting
`/etc/selinux/config` to the same value it had before.
But because of the trailing space character, this generates
a difference, and means the config file appears locally modified,
and hence deployed systems won't receive updates.
I think Anaconda should also be fixed to avoid touching the file *at all*
if it wouldn't result in a change, but let's remove the trailing space
here too, as it's better to fix in two places.
- Allow passwd_t domain mmap /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd
- Allow pulseaudio_t domain to map user tmp files
- Allow mozilla plugin to mmap mozilla tmpfs files
- Add new bunch of map rules
- Merge pull request #25 from NetworkManager/nm-ovs
- Make working webadm_t userdomain
- Allow redis domain to execute shell scripts.
- Allow system_cronjob_t to create redhat-access-insights.log with var_log_t
- Add couple capabilities to keepalived domain and allow get attributes of all domains
- Allow dmidecode read rhsmcertd lock files
- Add new interface rhsmcertd_rw_lock_files()
- Add new bunch of map rules
- Merge pull request #199 from mscherer/add_conntrackd
- Add support labeling for vmci and vsock device
- Add userdom_dontaudit_manage_admin_files() interface
- Add rules fixing installing ipa-server-install with SELinux in Enforcing. BZ(1488404)
- Fix denials during ipa-server-install process on F27+
- Allow httpd_t to mmap cert_t
- Add few rules to make tlp_t domain working in enforcing mode
- Allow cloud_init_t to dbus chat with systemd_timedated_t
- Allow logrotate_t to write to kmsg
- Add capability kill to rhsmcertd_t
- Allow winbind to manage smbd_tmp_t files
- Allow groupadd_t domain to dbus chat with systemd.BZ(1488404)
- Add interface miscfiles_map_generic_certs()
- Allow dirsrv_t domain use mmap on files labeled as dirsrv_var_run_t BZ(1483170)
- Allow just map permission insead of using mmap_file_pattern because mmap_files_pattern allows also executing objects.
- Label /var/run/agetty.reload as getty_var_run_t
- Add missing filecontext for sln binary
- Allow systemd to read/write to event_device_t BZ(1471401)
- Allow osad make executable an anonymous mapping or private file mapping that is writable BZ(1425524)
- After fix in kernel where LSM hooks for dac_override and dac_search_read capability was swaped we need to fix it also in policy
- refpolicy: Define and allow map permission
- init: Add NoNewPerms support for systemd.
- Add nnp_nosuid_transition policycap and related class/perm definitions.
- Allow rpcbind_t to execute systemd_tmpfiles_exec_t binary files.
- Merge branch 'rawhide' of into rawhide
- Allow qemu to authenticate SPICE connections with SASL GSSAPI when SSSD is in use
- Fix dbus_dontaudit_stream_connect_system_dbusd() interface to require TYPE rather than ATTRIBUTE for systemd_dbusd_t.
- Allow httpd_t to read realmd_var_lib_t files
- Allow unconfined_t user all user namespace capabilties.
- Add interface systemd_tmpfiles_exec()
- Add interface libs_dontaudit_setattr_lib_files()
- Dontaudit xdm_t domain to setattr on lib_t dirs
- Allow sysadm_r role to jump into dirsrv_t
- Dontaudit net_admin capability for domains postfix_master_t and postfix_qmgr_t
- Add interface pki_manage_common_files()
- Allow rngd domain read sysfs_t
- Allow tomcat_t domain to manage pki_common_t files and dirs
- Merge pull request #3 from rhatdan/devicekit
- Merge pull request #12 from lslebodn/sssd_sockets_fc
- Allow certmonger reads httpd_config_t files
- Allow keepalived_t domain creating netlink_netfilter_socket.
- Use stricter fc rules for sssd sockets in /var/run
- Allow tomcat domain read rpm_var_lib_t files Allow tomcat domain exec rpm_exec_t files Allow tomcat domain name connect on oracle_port_t Allow tomcat domain read cobbler_var_lib_t files.
- Allow sssd_t domain creating sock files labeled as sssd_var_run_t in /var/run/
- Allow svirt_t to read raw fixed_disk_device_t to make working blockcommit
- ejabberd small fixes
- Update targetd policy to accommodate changes in the service
- Allow tomcat_domain connect to * postgresql_port_t * amqp_port_t Allow tomcat_domain read network sysctls
- Allow virt_domain to read raw fixed_disk_device_t to make working blockcommit
- Dontaudit net_admin capability for useradd_t domain
- Allow systemd_localed_t and systemd_timedated_t create files in /etc with label locate_t BZ(1443723)
- Make able deply overcloud via neutron_t to label nsfs as fs_t
- Add fs_manage_configfs_lnk_files() interface
- Allow svirt_t to read raw fixed_disk_device_t to make working blockcommit
- ejabberd small fixes
- Update targetd policy to accommodate changes in the service
- Allow tomcat_domain connect to * postgresql_port_t * amqp_port_t Allow tomcat_domain read network sysctls
- Allow virt_domain to read raw fixed_disk_device_t to make working blockcommit
- Allow glusterd_t domain start ganesha service
- Made few cosmetic changes in sssd SELinux module
- Merge pull request #11 from lslebodn/sssd_kcm
- Update virt_rw_stream_sockets_svirt() interface to allow confined users set socket options.
- Allow keepalived_t domain read usermodehelper_t
- Allow radius domain stream connec to postgresql
- Merge pull request #8 from bowlofeggs/142-rawhide
- Add fs_manage_configfs_lnk_files() interface
libsemanage was updated [1] to use {policy,seusers,users_extra}.linked files
to cache the linked policy prior to merging local changes. We don't need
to ship these files, however the files should be owned by selinux-policy
packages on a filesystem.
[1] 8702a865e0
Each time this package is updated, it remove the sandbox module, thus
making the sandbox command not working until someone reenable it.
The main cause is likely the non intuitive ordering of RPM post install
script, as %preun is run after %post. See the details on
- Allow tlp_t domain to ioctl removable devices BZ(1436830)
- Allow tlp_t domain domtrans into mount_t BZ(1442571)
- Allow lircd_t to read/write to sysfs BZ(1442443)
- Fix policy to reflect all changes in new IPA release
- Allow virtlogd_t to creating tmp files with virt_tmp_t labels.
- Allow sbd_t to read/write fixed disk devices
- Add sys_ptrace capability to radiusd_t domain
- Allow cockpit_session_t domain connects to ssh tcp ports.
- Update tomcat policy to make working ipa install process
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t net_admin capability. Allow pcp_pmcd_t read net sysctls Allow system_cronjob_t create /var/run/pcp with pcp_var_run_t
- Fix all AVC denials during pkispawn of CA Resolves: rhbz#1436383
- Update pki interfaces and tomcat module
- Allow sendmail to search network sysctls
- Add interface gssd_noatsecure()
- Add interface gssproxy_noatsecure()
- Allow chronyd_t net_admin capability to allow support HW timestamping.
- Update tomcat policy.
- Allow certmonger to start haproxy service
- Fix init Module
- Make groupadd_t domain as system bus client BZ(1416963)
- Make useradd_t domain as system bus client BZ(1442572)
- Allow xdm_t to gettattr /dev/loop-control device BZ(1385090)
- Dontaudit gdm-session-worker to view key unknown. BZ(1433191)
- Allow init noatsecure for gssd and gssproxy
- Allow staff user to read fwupd_cache_t files
- Remove typo bugs
- Remove /proc <<none>> from fedora policy, it's no longer necessary
- Merge pull request #4 from lslebodn/sssd_socket_activated
- Remove /proc <<none>> from fedora policy, it's no longer necessary
- Allow iptables get list of kernel modules
- Allow unconfined_domain_type to enable/disable transient unit
- Add interfaces init_enable_transient_unit() and init_disable_transient_unit
- Revert "Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd"
- Label sysroot dir under ostree as root_t
- Make fwupd_var_lib_t type mountpoint. BZ(1429341)
- Remove tomcat_t domain from unconfined domains
- Create new boolean: sanlock_enable_home_dirs()
- Allow mdadm_t domain to read/write nvme_device_t
- Remove httpd_user_*_content_t domains from user_home_type attribute. This tighten httpd policy and acces to user data will be more strinct, and also fix mutual influente between httpd_enable_homedirs and httpd_read_user_content
- Add interface dev_rw_nvme
- Label all files containing hostname substring in /etc/ created by systemd_hostnamed_t as hostname_etc_t. BZ(1433555)
- Merge pull request #187 from rhatdan/container-selinux
- Allow rhsmcertd domain signull kernel.
- Allow container-selinux to handle all policy for container processes
- Fix label for nagios plugins in nagios file conxtext file
- su using libselinux and creating netlink_selinux socket is needed to allow libselinux initialization. Resolves: rhbz#1146987
- Add SELinux support for systemd-initctl daemon
- Add SELinux support for systemd-bootchart
- su using libselinux and creating netlink_selinux socket is needed to allow libselinux initialization. Resolves: rhbz#1146987
- Add module_load permission to can_load_kernmodule
- Add module_load permission to class system
- Add the validate_trans access vector to the security class
- Restore connecto permssions for init_t
- After the latest changes in nfsd. We should allow nfsd_t to read raw fixed disk. For more info see: BZ(1403017)
- Tighten security on containe types
- Make working cracklib_password_check for MariaDB service
- Label 20514 tcp/udp ports as syslogd_port_t Label 10514 tcp/udp portas as syslog_tls_port_t BZ(1410505)
- Allow pptp_t to read /dev/random BZ(1404248)
- Allow glusterd_t send signals to userdomain. Label new glusterd binaries as glusterd_exec_t
- Allow systemd to stop glusterd_t domains.
- Merge branch 'rawhide-base' of into rawhide-base
- Label /usr/sbin/sln as ldconfig_exec_t BZ(1378323)
- Revert "Allow an domain that has an entrypoint from a type to be allowed to execute the entrypoint without a transition, I can see no case where this is a bad thing, and elminiates a whole class of AVCs."
- Fix some boolean descriptions.
- Add fwupd_dbus_chat() interface
- Allow tgtd_t domain wake_alarm
- Merge pull request #172 from vinzent/allow_puppetagent_timedated
- Dontaudit logrotate_t to getattr nsfs_t BZ(1399081)
- Allow systemd_machined_t to start unit files labeled as init_var_run_t
- Add init_manage_config_transient_files() interface
- In Atomic /usr/local is a soft symlink to /var/usrlocal, so the default policy to apply bin_t on /usr/...bin doesn't work and binaries dumped here get mislabeled as var_t.
- Allow systemd to raise rlimit to all domains.BZ(1365435)
- Add interface domain_setrlimit_all_domains() interface
- Allow staff_t user to chat with fwupd_t domain via dbus
- Update logging_create_devlog_dev() interface to allow calling domain create also sock_file dev-log. BZ(1393774)
- Allow systemd-networkd to read network state BZ(1400016)
- Allow systemd-resolved bind to dns port. BZ(1400023)
- Allow systemd create /dev/log in own mount-namespace. BZ(1383867)
- Add interface fs_dontaudit_getattr_nsfs_files()
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/resolv.conf as lib_t to allow all domains read this file. BZ(1398853)
- Allow abrt_dump_oops_t to drop capabilities. bz(1391040)
- Add named_t domain net_raw capability bz(1389240)
- Allow geoclue to read system info. bz(1389320)
- Make openfortivpn_t as init_deamon_domain. bz(1159899)
- Allow nfsd domain to create nfsd_unit_file_t files. bz(1382487)
- Merge branch 'rawhide-contrib' of into rawhide-contrib
- Add interace lldpad_relabel_tmpfs
- Merge pull request #155 from rhatdan/sandbox_nfs
- Add pscsd_t wake_alarm capability2
- Allow sandbox domains to mount fuse file systems
- Add boolean to allow sandbox domains to mount nfs
- Allow hypervvssd_t to read all dirs.
- Allow isnsd_t to connect to isns_port_t
- Merge branch 'rawhide-contrib' of into rawhide-contrib
- Allow GlusterFS with RDMA transport to be started correctly. It requires ipc_lock capability together with rw permission on rdma_cm device.
- Make tor_var_lib_t and tor_var_log_t as mountpoints.
- Allow systemd-rfkill to write to /proc/kmsg bz(1388669)
- Allow init_t to relabel /dev/shm/lldpad.state
- Merge pull request #168 from rhatdan/docker
- Label tcp 51954 as isns_port_t
- Lots of new domains like OCID and RKT are user container processes
- Disable container_runtime_typebounds() due to typebounds issues which can not be resolved during build.
- Disable unconfined_typebounds in sandbox.te due to entrypoint check which exceed for sandbox domains unconfined_t domain.
- Disable unconfined_typebounds due to entrypoint check which exceed for sandbox domains unconfined_t domain.
- Merge pull request #167 from rhatdan/container
- Add transition rules for sandbox domains
- container_typebounds() should be part of sandbox domain template
- Fix broken container_* interfaces
- unconfined_typebounds() should be part of sandbox domain template
- Fixed unrecognized characters at sandboxX module
- unconfined_typebounds() should be part of sandbox domain template
- svirt_file_type is atribute no type.
- Merge pull request #166 from rhatdan/container
- Allow users to transition from unconfined_t to container types
- Add dbus_stream_connect_system_dbusd() interface.
- Merge pull request #152 from rhatdan/network_filetrans
- Fix typo in filesystem module
- Allow nss_plugin to resolve host names via the systemd-resolved. BZ(1383473)
There's no unified practice how to install SELinux modules from packages
and how to relabel a filesystem after the change. This update provides
several new macros which should help maintainers with the process.
%selinux_relabel_pre [-s <policytype>]
- backups the current file_contexts for later use with fixfiles
%selinux_relabel_post [-s <policytype>]
- relabels a filesystem based on changes in file_contexts using fixfiles
%selinux_modules_install [-s <policytype>] module [module]...
%selinux_modules_uninstall [-s <policytype>] module [module]...
- install and uninstall modules to the priority 200
- Allow attach usb device to virtual machine BZ(1276873)
- Dontaudit mozilla_plugin to sys_ptrace
- Allow nut_upsdrvctl_t domain to read udev db BZ(1375636)
- Fix typo
- Allow geoclue to send msgs to syslog. BZ(1371818)
- Allow abrt to read rpm_tmp_t dirs
- Add interface rpm_read_tmp_files()
- Remove labels for somr docker sandbox files for now. This needs to be reverted after fixes in docker-selinux
- Update oracleasm SELinux module that can manage oracleasmfs_t blk files. Add dac_override cap to oracleasm_t domain.
- Add few rules to pcp SELinux module to make ti able to start pcp_pmlogger service
- Revert "label /var/lib/kubelet as svirt_sandbox_file_t"
- Remove file context for /var/lib/kubelet. This filecontext is part of docker now
- Add oracleasm_conf_t type and allow oracleasm_t to create /dev/oracleasm
- Label /usr/share/pcp/lib/pmie as pmie_exec_t and /usr/share/pcp/lib/pmlogger as pmlogger_exec_t
- Allow mdadm_t to getattr all device nodes
- Dontaudit gkeyringd_domain to connect to system_dbusd_t
- Add interface dbus_dontaudit_stream_connect_system_dbusd()
- Allow guest-set-user-passwd to set users password.
- Allow domains using kerberos to read also kerberos config dirs
- Allow add new interface to new namespace BZ(1375124)
- Allow systemd to relalbel files stored in /run/systemd/inaccessible/
- Add interface fs_getattr_tmpfs_blk_file()
- Dontaudit domain to create any file in /proc. This is kernel bug.
- Improve regexp for power_unit_file_t files. To catch just systemd power unit files.
- Add new interface fs_getattr_oracleasmfs_fs()
- Add interface fs_manage_oracleasm()
- Label /dev/kfd as hsa_device_t
- Update seutil_manage_file_contexts() interface that caller domain can also manage file_context_t dirs
With rpm-ostree, /var/ directory doesn't contain any file, just
directories. It means that SELinux policy can't be managed or rebuilt
and users have to use only the default policy.
This update adds /usr/share/selinux/POLICYTYPE/default directory and
selinux-factory-reset service.
- Label /var/lib/docker/vfs as svirt_sandbox_file_t in virt SELinux module
- Label /usr/bin/pappet as puppetagent_exec_t
- Allow amanda to create dir in /var/lib/ with amanda_var_lib_t label
- Allow run sulogin_t in range mls_systemlow-mls_systemhigh.
- udisk2 module is part of devicekit module now
- Fix file context for /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/
- new interface oddjob_mkhomedir_entrypoint()
- Allow mdadm to get attributes from all devices.
- Label /etc/puppetlabs as puppet_etc_t.
- quota: allow init to run quota tools
- Add new domain ipa_ods_exporter_t BZ(1366640)
- Create new interface opendnssec_stream_connect()
- Allow VirtualBox to manage udev rules.
- Allow systemd_resolved to send dbus msgs to userdomains
- Make entrypoint oddjob_mkhomedir_exec_t for unconfined_t
- Label all files in /dev/oracleasmfs/ as oracleasmfs_t
- Add new domain ipa_ods_exporter_t BZ(1366640)
- Create new interface opendnssec_stream_connect()
- Allow systemd-machined to communicate to lxc container using dbus
- Dontaudit accountsd domain creating dirs in /root
- Add new policy for Disk Manager called udisks2
- Dontaudit firewalld wants write to /root
- Label /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/ as pki_tomcat_cert_t
- Allow certmonger to manage all systemd unit files
- Allow ipa_helper_t stream connect to dirsrv_t domain
- Update oracleasm SELinux module
- label /var/lib/kubelet as svirt_sandbox_file_t
- Allow systemd to create blk and chr files with correct label in /var/run/systemd/inaccessible BZ(1367280)
- Label /usr/libexec/gsd-backlight-helper as xserver_exec_t. This allows also confined users to manage screen brightness
- Add new userdom_dontaudit_manage_admin_dir() interface
- Label /dev/oracleasmfs as oracleasmfs_t. Add few interfaces related to oracleasmfs_t type
- Add few interfaces to cloudform.if file
- Label /var/run/corosync-qnetd and /var/run/corosync-qdevice as cluster_var_run_t. Note: corosync policy is now par of rhcs module
- Allow krb5kdc_t to read krb4kdc_conf_t dirs.
- Update networkmanager_filetrans_named_content() interface to allow source domain to create also temad dir in /var/run.
- Make confined users working again
- Fix hypervkvp module
- Allow ipmievd domain to create lock files in /var/lock/subsys/
- Update policy for ipmievd daemon. Contain: Allowing reading sysfs, passwd,kernel modules Execuring bin_t,insmod_t
- A new version of cloud-init that supports the effort to provision RHEL Atomic on Microsoft Azure requires some a new rules that allows dhclient/dhclient hooks to call cloud-init.
- Allow systemd to stop systemd-machined daemon. This allows stop virtual machines.
- Label /usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init as iptables_exec_t Allow iptables creating lock file in /var/lock/subsys/
- Fix lsm SELinux module
- Dontaudit firewalld to create dirs in /root/ BZ(1340611)
- Label /run/corosync-qdevice and /run/corosync-qnetd as corosync_var_run_t
- Allow fprintd and cluster domains to cummunicate via dbus BZ(1355774)
- Allow cupsd_config_t domain to read cupsd_var_run_t sock_file. BZ(1361299)
- Add sys_admin capability to sbd domain
- Allow vdagent to comunnicate with systemd-logind via dbus
- Allow lsmd_plugin_t domain to create fixed_disk device.
- Allow opendnssec domain to create and manage own tmp dirs/files
- Allow opendnssec domain to read system state
- Allow systemd_logind stop system init_t
- Add interface init_stop()
- Add interface userdom_dontaudit_create_admin_dir()
- Label /var/run/storaged as lvm_var_run_t.
- Allow unconfineduser to run ipa_helper_t.
- Allow cups_config_t domain also mange sock_files. BZ(1361299)
- Add wake_alarm capability to fprintd domain BZ(1362430)
- Allow firewalld_t to relabel net_conf_t files. BZ(1365178)
- Allow nut_upsmon_t domain to chat with logind vie dbus about scheduleing a shutdown when UPS battery is low. BZ(1361802)
- Allow virtual machines to use dri devices. This allows use openCL GPU calculations. BZ(1337333)
- Allow crond and cronjob domains to creating mail_home_rw_t objects in admin_home_t BZ(1366173)
- Dontaudit mock to write to generic certs.
- Add labeling for corosync-qdevice and corosync-qnetd daemons, to run as cluster_t
- Revert "Label corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice as corosync_t domain"
- Merge pull request #144 from rhatdan/modemmanager
- Allow modemmanager to write to systemd inhibit pipes
- Label corosync-qnetd and corosync-qdevice as corosync_t domain
- Allow ipa_helper to read network state
- Label oddjob_reqiest as oddjob_exec_t
- Add interface oddjob_run()
- Allow modemmanager chat with systemd_logind via dbus
- Allow NetworkManager chat with puppetagent via dbus
- Allow NetworkManager chat with kdumpctl via dbus
- Allow sbd send msgs to syslog Allow sbd create dgram sockets. Allow sbd to communicate with kernel via dgram socket Allow sbd r/w kernel sysctls.
- Allow ipmievd_t domain to re-create ipmi devices Label /usr/libexec/openipmi-helper as ipmievd_exec_t
- Allow rasdaemon to use tracefs filesystem
- Fix typo bug in dirsrv policy
- Some logrotate scripts run su and then su runs unix_chkpwd. Allow logrotate_t domain to check passwd.
- Add ipc_lock capability to sssd domain. Allow sssd connect to http_cache_t
- Allow dirsrv to read dirsrv_share_t content
- Allow virtlogd_t to append svirt_image_t files.
- Allow hypervkvp domain to read hugetlbfs dir/files.
- Allow mdadm daemon to read nvme_device_t blk files
- Allow systemd_resolved to connect on system bus. BZ(1366334)
- Allow systemd to create netlink_route_socket and communicate with systemd_networkd BZ(1306344)
- Allow systemd-modules-load to load kernel modules in early boot. BZ(1322625)
- label tcp/udp port 853 as dns_port_t. BZ(1365609)
- Merge pull request #145 from rhatdan/init
- systemd is doing a gettattr on blk and chr devices in /run
- Allow selinuxusers and unconfineduser to run oddjob_request
- Allow sshd server to acces to Crypto Express 4 (CEX4) devices.
- Fix typo in device interfaces
- Add interfaces for managing ipmi devices
- Add interfaces to allow mounting/umounting tracefs filesystem
- Add interfaces to allow rw tracefs filesystem
- Merge branch 'rawhide-base' of into rawhide-base
- Merge pull request #138 from rhatdan/userns
- Allow iptables to creating netlink generic sockets.
- Fix filecontext for systemd shared lib.
- collectd: update policy for 5.5
- Allow puppet_t transtition to shorewall_t
- Grant certmonger "chown" capability
- Boinc updates from Russell Coker.
- Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd.
- Revert "Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd"
- Revert "Fix typo in ssh policy"
- Get attributes of generic ptys, from Russell Coker.
- Dontaudit mock_build_t can list all ptys.
- Allow ftpd_t to mamange userhome data without any boolean.
- Add logrotate permissions for creating netlink selinux sockets.
- Add new MLS attribute to allow relabeling objects higher than system low. This exception is needed for package managers when processing sensitive data.
- Label all VBox libraries stored in /var/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/lib/ as textrel_shlib_t BZ(1356654)
- Allow systemd gpt generator to run fstools BZ(1353585)
- Label /usr/lib/systemd/ as lib_t. BZ(1360716)
- Allow gnome-keyring also manage user_tmp_t sockets.
- Allow systemd to mounton /etc filesystem. BZ(1341753)
- Allow lsmd_plugin_t to exec ldconfig.
- Allow vnstatd domain to read /sys/class/net/ files
- Remove duplicate allow rules in spamassassin SELinux module
- Allow spamc_t and spamd_t domains create .spamassassin file in user homedirs
- Allow ipa_dnskey domain to search cache dirs
- Allow dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit labeled as certmonger_t to create /var/log/ipa/renew.log file
- Allow ipa-dnskey read system state.
- Allow sshd setcap capability. This is needed due to latest changes in sshd Resolves: rhbz#1356245
- Add interface to write to nsfs inodes
- Allow init_t domain to read rpm db. This is needed due dnf-upgrade process failing. BZ(1349721)
- Allow systemd_modules_load_t to read /etc/modprobe.d/lockd.conf
- sysadmin should be allowed to use docker.
- Allow hypervkvp domain to run restorecon.
- Allow firewalld to manage net_conf_t files
- Remove double graphite-web context declaration
- Fix typo in rhsmcertd SELinux policy
- Allow logrotate read logs inside containers.
- Allow sssd to getattr on fs_t
- Allow opendnssec domain to manage bind chace files
- Allow systemd to get status of systemd-logind daemon
- Label more ndctl devices not just ndctl0
- Allow lttng tools to block suspending
- Allow creation of vpnaas in openstack
- remove rules with compromised_kernel permission
- Allow dnssec-trigger to chat with NetworkManager over DBUS BZ(1350100)
- Allow virtual machines to rw infiniband devices. Resolves: rhbz#1210263
- Update makefile to support snapperd_contexts file
- Remove compromize_kernel permission Remove unused mac_admin permission Add undefined system permission
- Remove duplicate declaration of class service
- Fix typo in access_vectors file
- Merge branch 'rawhide-base-modules-load' into rawhide-base
- Add new policy for systemd-modules-load
- Add systemd access vectors.
- Revert "Revert "Revert "Missed this version of exec_all"""
- Revert "Revert "Missed this version of exec_all""
- Revert "Missed this version of exec_all"
- Revert "Revert "Fix name of capability2 secure_firmware->compromise_kernel"" BZ(1351624) This reverts commit 3e0e7e70de481589440f3f79cccff08d6e62f644.
- Revert "Fix name of capability2 secure_firmware->compromise_kernel" BZ(1351624) This reverts commit 7a0348a2d167a72c8ab8974a1b0fc33407f72c48.
- Revert "Allow xserver to compromise_kernel access"BZ(1351624)
- Revert "Allow anyone who can load a kernel module to compromise_kernel"BZ(1351624)
- Revert "add ptrace_child access to process" (BZ1351624)
- Add user namespace capability object classes.
- Allow udev to manage systemd-hwdb files
- Add interface systemd_hwdb_manage_config()
- Fix paths to infiniband devices. This allows use more then two infiniband interfaces.
- corecmd: Remove fcontext for /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd
- iptables: add fcontext for nftables
- Fix typo in brltty policy
- Add new SELinux module sbd
- Allow pcp dmcache metrics collection
- Allow pkcs_slotd_t to create dir in /var/lock Add label pkcs_slotd_log_t
- Allow openvpn to create sock files labeled as openvpn_var_run_t
- Allow hypervkvp daemon to getattr on all filesystem types.
- Allow firewalld to create net_conf_t files
- Allow mock to use lvm
- Allow mirromanager creating log files in /tmp
- Allow vmtools_t to transition to rpm_script domain
- Allow nsd daemon to manage nsd_conf_t dirs and files
- Allow cluster to create dirs in /var/run labeled as cluster_var_run_t
- Allow sssd read also sssd_conf_t dirs
- Allow opensm daemon to rw infiniband_mgmt_device_t
- Allow krb5kdc_t to communicate with sssd
- Allow prosody to bind on prosody ports
- Add dac_override caps for fail2ban-client Resolves: rhbz#1316678
- dontaudit read access for svirt_t on the file /var/db/nscd/group Resolves: rhbz#1301637
- Allow inetd child process to communicate via dbus with systemd-logind Resolves: rhbz#1333726
- Add label for brltty log file Resolves: rhbz#1328818
- Allow snort_t to communicate with sssd Resolves: rhbz#1284908
- Add interface lttng_sessiond_tmpfs_t()
- Dontaudit su_role_template interface to getattr /proc/kcore Dontaudit su_role_template interface to getattr /dev/initctl
- Add interface lvm_getattr_exec_files()
- Make label for new infiniband_mgmt deivices
- Add prosody ports Resolves: rhbz#1304664
- Label /var/lib/softhsm as named_cache_t. Allow named_t to manage named_cache_t dirs.
- Allow glusterd daemon to get systemd status
- Merge branch 'rawhide-contrib' of into rawhide-contrib
- Merge pull request #135 from rhatdan/rawip_socket
- Allow logrotate dbus-chat with system_logind daemon
- Allow pcp_pmlogger to read kernel network state Allow pcp_pmcd to read cron pid files
- Add interface cron_read_pid_files()
- Allow pcp_pmlogger to create unix dgram sockets
- Add interface dirsrv_run()
- Remove non-existing jabberd_spool_t() interface and add new jabbertd_var_spool_t.
- Remove non-existing interface salk_resetd_systemctl() and replace it with sanlock_systemctl_sanlk_resetd()
- Create label for openhpid log files.
- Container processes need to be able to listen on rawip sockets
- Label /var/lib/ganglia as httpd_var_lib_t
- Allow firewalld_t to create entries in net_conf_t dirs.
- Allow journalctl to read syslogd_var_run_t files. This allows to staff_t and sysadm_t to read journals
- Label /etc/dhcp/scripts dir as bin_t
- Allow sysadm_role to run journalctl_t domain. This allows sysadm user to read journals.
- Allow firewalld_t to create entries in net_conf_t dirs.
- Allow journalctl to read syslogd_var_run_t files. This allows to staff_t and sysadm_t to read journals
- Allow rhsmcertd connect to port tcp 9090
- Label for /bin/mail(x) was removed but /usr/bin/mail(x) not. This path is also needed to remove.
- Label /usr/libexec/mimedefang-wrapper as spamd_exec_t.
- Add new boolean spamd_update_can_network.
- Add proper label for /var/log/proftpd.log
- Allow rhsmcertd connect to tcp netport_port_t
- Fix SELinux context for /usr/share/mirrormanager/server/mirrormanager to Label all binaries under dir as mirrormanager_exec_t.
- Allow prosody to bind to fac_restore tcp port.
- Fix SELinux context for usr/share/mirrormanager/server/mirrormanager
- Allow ninfod to read raw packets
- Fix broken hostapd policy
- Allow hostapd to create netlink_generic sockets. BZ(1343683)
- Merge pull request #133 from vinzent/allow_puppet_transition_to_shorewall
- Allow pegasus get attributes from qemu binary files.
- Allow tuned to use policykit. This change is required by cockpit.
- Allow conman_t to read dir with conman_unconfined_script_t binary files.
- Allow pegasus to read /proc/sysinfo.
- Allow puppet_t transtition to shorewall_t
- Allow conman to kill conman_unconfined_script.
- Allow sysadm_role to run journalctl_t domain. This allows sysadm user to read journals.
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/rawhide-base' into rawhide-base
- Allow systemd to execute all init daemon executables.
- Add init_exec_notrans_direct_init_entry() interface.
- Label tcp ports:16379, 26379 as redis_port_t
- Allow systemd to relabel /var and /var/lib directories during boot.
- Add files_relabel_var_dirs() and files_relabel_var_dirs() interfaces.
- Add files_relabelto_var_lib_dirs() interface.
- Label tcp and udp port 5582 as fac_restore_port_t
- Allow sysadm_t user to run postgresql-setup.
- Allow sysadm_t user to dbus chat with oddjob_t. This allows confined admin run oddjob mkhomedirfor script.
- Allow systemd-resolved to connect to llmnr tcp port. BZ(1344849)
- Allow passwd_t also manage user_tmp_t dirs, this change is needed by gnome-keyringd
- Allow conman to kill conman_unconfined_script.
- Make conman_unconfined_script_t as init_system_domain.
- Allow init dbus chat with apmd.
- Patch /var/lib/rpm is symlink to /usr/share/rpm on Atomic, due to this change we need to label also /usr/share/rpm as rpm_var_lib_t.
- Dontaudit xguest_gkeyringd_t stream connect to system_dbusd_t
- Allow collectd_t to stream connect to postgresql.
- Allow mysqld_safe to inherit rlimit information from mysqld
- Allow ip netns to mounton root fs and unmount proc_t fs.
- Allow sysadm_t to run newaliases command.