- nut-upsd: kernel_read_system_state, fs_getattr_cgroup
- Add numad the ipc_owner capability
- Allow gst-plugin-scanner read virtual memory sysctls
- Allow init read/write inherited user fifo files
- Update dnssec-trigger policy: setsched, module_request
- added policy for systemd-socket-proxyd
- Add the new 'cmd' permission to the 'io_uring' class
- Allow winbind-rpcd read and write its key ring
- Label /run/NetworkManager/no-stub-resolv.conf net_conf_t
- blueman-mechanism can read ~/.local/lib/python*/site-packages directory
- pidof executed by abrt can readlink /proc/*/exe
- Fix typo in comment
- Do not run restorecon /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d in mls and minimum
- Allow nm-dispatcher custom plugin dbus chat with nm
- Allow nm-dispatcher sendmail plugin get status of systemd services
- Allow xdm read the kernel key ring
- Allow login_userdomain check status of mount units
- Allow postfix/smtp and postfix/virtual read kerberos key table
- Allow services execute systemd-notify
- Do not allow login_userdomain use sd_notify()
- Allow launch-xenstored read filesystem sysctls
- Allow systemd-modules-load write to /dev/kmsg and send a message to syslogd
- Allow openvswitch fsetid capability
- Allow openvswitch use its private tmpfs files and dirs
- Allow openvswitch search tracefs dirs
- Allow pmdalinux read files on an nfsd filesystem
- Allow winbind-rpcd write to winbind pid files
- Allow networkmanager to signal unconfined process
- Allow systemd_hostnamed label /run/systemd/* as hostnamed_etc_t
- Allow samba-bgqd get a printer list
- fix(init.fc): Fix section description
- Allow fedora-third-party read the passwords file
- Remove permissive domain for rhcd_t
- Allow pmie read network state information and network sysctls
- Revert "Dontaudit domain the fowner capability"
- Allow sysadm_t to run bpftool on the userdomain attribute
- Add the userdom_prog_run_bpf_userdomain() interface
- Allow insights-client rpm named file transitions
- Add /var/tmp/insights-archive to insights_client_filetrans_named_content
- Allow sa-update to get init status and start systemd files
- Use insights_client_filetrans_named_content
- Make default file context match with named transitions
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin send system log messages
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin create and use unix_dgram_socket
- Add permissions to manage lnk_files into gnome_manage_home_config
- Allow rhsmcertd to read insights config files
- Label /etc/insights-client/machine-id
- fix(devices.fc): Replace single quote in comment to solve parsing issues
- Make NetworkManager_dispatcher_custom_t an unconfined domain
- Allow transition to insights_client named content
- Add the insights_client_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands 3
- Allow dhclient manage pid files used by chronyd
- Allow stalld get scheduling policy of kernel threads
- Allow samba-dcerpcd work with sssd
- Allow dlm_controld send a null signal to a cluster daemon
- Allow ksmctl create hardware state information files
- Allow winbind_rpcd_t connect to self over a unix_stream_socket
- Update samba-dcerpcd policy for kerberos usage
- Allow insights-client execute its private memfd: objects
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands 2
- Use insights_client_tmp_t instead of insights_client_var_tmp_t
- Change space indentation to tab in insights-client
- Use socket permissions sets in insights-client
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands
- Change rpm_setattr_db_files() to use a pattern
- Allow init_t to rw insights_client unnamed pipe
- Add rpm setattr db files macro
- Fix insights client
- Update kernel_read_unix_sysctls() for sysctl_net_unix_t handling
- Allow rabbitmq to access its private memfd: objects
- Update policy for samba-dcerpcd
- Allow stalld setsched and sys_nice
- Allow auditd_t noatsecure for a transition to audisp_remote_t
- Allow ctdbd nlmsg_read on netlink_tcpdiag_socket
- Allow pcp_domain execute its private memfd: objects
- Add support for samba-dcerpcd
- Add policy for wireguard
- Confine targetcli
- Allow systemd work with install_t unix stream sockets
- Allow iscsid the sys_ptrace userns capability
- Allow xdm connect to unconfined_service_t over a unix stream socket
- Use the networkmanager_dispatcher_plugin attribute in allow rules
- Make a custom nm-dispatcher plugin transition
- Label port 4784/tcp and 4784/udp with bfd_multi
- Allow systemd watch and watch_reads user ptys
- Allow sblim-gatherd the kill capability
- Label more vdsm utils with virtd_exec_t
- Add ksm service to ksmtuned
- Add rhcd policy
- Dontaudit guest attempts to dbus chat with systemd domains
- Dontaudit guest attempts to dbus chat with system bus types
- Use a named transition in systemd_hwdb_manage_config()
- Add default fc specifications for patterns in /opt
- Add the files_create_etc_files() interface
- Allow nm-dispatcher console plugin create and write files in /etc
- Allow nm-dispatcher console plugin transition to the setfiles domain
- Allow more nm-dispatcher plugins append to init stream sockets
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin dbus chat with nm
- Reorder networkmanager_dispatcher_plugin_template() calls
- Allow svirt connectto virtlogd
- Allow blueman map its private memfd: files
- Allow sysadm user execute init scripts with a transition
- Allow sblim-sfcbd connect to sblim-reposd stream
- Allow keepalived_unconfined_script_t dbus chat with init
- Run restorecon with "-i" not to report errors
- Allow nm-dispatcher chronyc plugin append to init stream sockets
- Allow tmpreaper the sys_ptrace userns capability
- Label /usr/libexec/vdsm/supervdsmd and vdsmd with virtd_exec_t
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin read/write the wireless device
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin append to init socket
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin be client of a system bus
- Allow nm-dispatcher list its configuration directory
- Ecryptfs-private support
- Allow colord map /var/lib directories
- Allow ntlm_auth read the network state information
- Allow insights-client search rhnsd configuration directory
- Add support for systemd-network-generator
- Add the io_uring class
- Allow nm-dispatcher dhclient plugin append to init stream sockets
- Relax the naming pattern for systemd private shared libraries
- Allow nm-dispatcher iscsid plugin append to init socket
- Add the init_append_stream_sockets() interface
- Allow nm-dispatcher dnssec-trigger script to execute pidof
- Add support for nm-dispatcher dnssec-trigger scripts
- Allow chronyd talk with unconfined user over unix domain dgram socket
- Allow fenced read kerberos key tables
- Add support for nm-dispatcher ddclient scripts
- Add systemd_getattr_generic_unit_files() interface
- Allow fprintd read and write hardware state information
- Allow exim watch generic certificate directories
- Remove duplicate fc entries for corosync and corosync-notifyd
- Label corosync-cfgtool with cluster_exec_t
- Allow qemu-kvm create and use netlink rdma sockets
- Allow logrotate a domain transition to cluster administrative domain
- Add support for nm-dispatcher console helper scripts
- Allow nm-dispatcher plugins read its directory and sysfs
- Do not let system_cronjob_t create redhat-access-insights.log with var_log_t
- devices: Add a comment about cardmgr_dev_t
- Add basic policy for BinderFS
- Label /var/run/ecblp0 pipe with cupsd_var_run_t
- Allow rpmdb create directory in /usr/lib/sysimage
- Allow rngd drop privileges via setuid/setgid/setcap
- Allow init watch and watch_reads user ttys
- Allow systemd-logind dbus chat with sosreport
- Allow chronyd send a message to sosreport over datagram socket
- Remove unnecessary /etc file transitions for insights-client
- Label all content in /var/lib/insights with insights_client_var_lib_t
- Update insights-client policy
- Update NetworkManager-dispatcher cloud and chronyc policy
- Update insights-client: fc pattern, motd, writing to etc
- Allow systemd-sysctl read the security state information
- Allow init create and mounton to support PrivateDevices
- Allow sosreport dbus chat abrt systemd timedatex
- Allow sysadm_passwd_t to relabel passwd and group files
- Allow confined sysadmin to use tool vipw
- Allow login_userdomain map /var/lib/directories
- Allow login_userdomain watch library and fonts dirs
- Allow login_userdomain watch system configuration dirs
- Allow login_userdomain read systemd runtime files
- Allow ctdb create cluster logs
- Allow alsa bind mixer controls to led triggers
- New policy for insight-client
- Add mctp_socket security class and access vectors
- Fix koji repo URL pattern
- Update chronyd_pid_filetrans() to allow create dirs
- Update NetworkManager-dispatcher policy
- Allow unconfined to run virtd bpf
- Allow nm-privhelper setsched permission and send system logs
- Add the map permission to common_anon_inode_perm permission set
- Rename userfaultfd_anon_inode_perms to common_inode_perms
- Allow confined users to use kinit,klist and etc.
- Allow rhsmcertd create rpm hawkey logs with correct label
- Label exFAT utilities at /usr/sbin
- policy/modules/contrib: Support /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm as the rpmdb path
- Enable genfs_seclabel_symlinks policy capability
- Sync policy/policy_capabilities with refpolicy
- refpolicy: drop unused socket security classes
- Label new utility of NetworkManager nm-priv-helper
- Label NetworkManager-dispatcher service with separate context
- Allow sanlock get attributes of filesystems with extended attributes
- Associate stratisd_data_t with device filesystem
- Allow init read stratis data symlinks
- Allow systemd services watch dbusd pid directory and its parents
- Allow ModemManager connect to the unconfined user domain
- Label /dev/wwan.+ with modem_manager_t
- Allow alsactl set group Process ID of a process
- Allow domtrans to sssd_t and role access to sssd
- Creating interface sssd_run_sssd()
- Label utilities for exFAT filesystems with fsadm_exec_t
- Label /dev/nvme-fabrics with fixed_disk_device_t
- Allow init delete generic tmp named pipes
- Allow timedatex dbus chat with xdm
- Allow haproxy get attributes of filesystems with extended attributes
- Allow haproxy get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Allow sysadm execute sysadmctl in sysadm_t domain using sudo
- Allow userdomains use pam_ssh_agent_auth for passwordless sudo
- Allow sudodomains execute passwd in the passwd domain
- Allow braille printing in selinux
- Allow sandbox_xserver_t map sandbox_file_t
- Label /dev/ngXnY and /dev/nvme-subsysX with fixed_disk_device_t
- Add hwtracing_device_t type for hardware-level tracing and debugging
- Label port 9528/tcp with openqa_liveview
- Label /var/lib/shorewall6-lite with shorewall_var_lib_t
- Document Security Flask model in the policy
- Allow systemd read unlabeled symbolic links
- Label abrt-action-generate-backtrace with abrt_handle_event_exec_t
- Allow dnsmasq watch /etc/dnsmasq.d directories
- Allow rhsmcertd get attributes of tmpfs_t filesystems
- Allow lldpd use an snmp subagent over a tcp socket
- Allow xdm watch generic directories in /var/lib
- Allow login_userdomain open/read/map system journal
- Allow sysadm_t connect to cluster domains over a unix stream socket
- Allow sysadm_t read/write pkcs shared memory segments
- Allow sysadm_t connect to sanlock over a unix stream socket
- Allow sysadm_t dbus chat with sssd
- Allow sysadm_t set attributes on character device nodes
- Allow sysadm_t read and write watchdog devices
- Allow smbcontrol use additional socket types
- Allow cloud-init dbus chat with systemd-logind
- Allow svnserve send mail from the system
- Update userdom_exec_user_tmp_files() with an entrypoint rule
- Allow sudodomain send a null signal to sshd processes
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss 2/2
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss 1/2
- Revert "Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss"
- Allow tlp get service units status
- Allow fedora-third-party manage 3rd party repos
- Allow xdm_t nnp_transition to login_userdomain
- Add the auth_read_passwd_file() interface
- Allow redis-sentinel execute a notification script
- Allow fetchmail search cgroup directories
- Allow lvm_t to read/write devicekit disk semaphores
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to use /dev/mapper/control
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to get IPC info from the kernel
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to read systemd-logind pid files
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to mount filesystems on mnt_t directories
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to manage mount_var_run_t files
- Allow rasdaemon sys_admin capability to verify the CAP_SYS_ADMIN of the soft_offline_page function implemented in the kernel
- Use $releasever in koji repo to reduce rawhide hardcoding
- authlogin: add fcontext for tcb
- Add erofs as a SELinux capable file system
- Allow systemd execute user bin files
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss
- Support new PING_CHECK health checker in keepalived
- Allow fedora-third-party execute "flatpak remote-add"
- Add files_manage_var_lib_files() interface
- Add write permisson to userfaultfd_anon_inode_perms
- Allow proper function sosreport via iotop
- Allow proper function sosreport in sysadmin role
- Allow fedora-third-party to connect to the system log service
- Allow fedora-third-party dbus chat with policykit
- Allow chrony-wait service start with DynamicUser=yes
- Allow management of lnk_files if similar access to regular files
- Allow unconfined_t transition to mozilla_plugin_t with NoNewPrivileges
- Allow systemd-resolved watch /run/systemd
- Allow fedora-third-party create and use unix_dgram_socket
- Removing pkcs_tmpfs_filetrans interface and edit pkcs policy files
- Allow login_userdomain named filetrans to pkcs_slotd_tmpfs_t domain
- Allow ModemManager create a qipcrtr socket
- Allow ModemManager request to load a kernel module
- Label /usr/sbin/virtproxyd as virtd_exec_t
- Allow communication between at-spi and gdm processes
- Update ica_filetrans_named_content() with create_file_perms
- Fix the gnome_atspi_domtrans() interface summary
- Allow systemd-timesyncd watch system dbus pid socket files
- Allow firewalld drop capabilities
- Allow rhsmcertd execute gpg
- Allow lldpad send to kdump over a unix dgram socket
- Allow systemd-gpt-auto-generator read udev pid files
- Set default file context for /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
- Allow tcpdump run as a systemd service
- Allow nmap create and use netlink generic socket
- Allow nscd watch system db files in /var/db
- Allow cockpit_ws_t get attributes of fs_t filesystems
- Allow sysadm acces to kernel module resources
- Allow sysadm to read/write scsi files and manage shadow
- Allow sysadm access to files_unconfined and bind rpc ports
- Allow sysadm read and view kernel keyrings
- Allow journal mmap and read var lib files
- Allow tuned to read rhsmcertd config files
- Allow bootloader to read tuned etc files
- Label /usr/bin/qemu-storage-daemon with virtd_exec_t
- Disable seccomp on CI containers
- Allow systemd-machined stop generic service units
- Allow virtlogd_t read process state of user domains
- Add "/" at the beginning of dev/shm/var\.lib\.opencryptoki.* regexp
- Label /dev/crypto/nx-gzip with accelerator_device_t
- Update the policy for systemd-journal-upload
- Allow unconfined domains to bpf all other domains
- Confine rhsm service and rhsm-facts service as rhsmcertd_t
- Allow fcoemon talk with unconfined user over unix domain datagram socket
- Allow abrt_domain read and write z90crypt device
- Allow mdadm read iscsi pid files
- Change dev_getattr_infiniband_dev() to use getattr_chr_files_pattern()
- Label /usr/lib/pcs/pcs_snmp_agent with cluster_exec_t
- Allow hostapd bind UDP sockets to the dhcpd port
- Unconfined domains should not be confined
- Revert "update libs_filetrans_named_content() to have support for /usr/lib/debug directory"
- Remove references to init_watch_path_type attribute
- Remove all redundant watch permissions for systemd
- Allow systemd watch non_security_file_type dirs, files, lnk_files
- Removed adding to attribute unpriv_userdomain from userdom_unpriv_type template
- Allow bacula get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Allow systemd-journal-upload watch logs and journal
- Create a policy for systemd-journal-upload
- Allow tcpdump and nmap get attributes of infiniband_device_t
- Allow arpwatch get attributes of infiniband_device_t devices
- Label /dev/wmi/dell-smbios as acpi_device_t
- Allow sanlock get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Associate dma_device_dir_t with device filesystem
- Set default file context for /var/run/systemd instead of /run/systemd
- Allow nmap create and use rdma socket
- Allow pkcs-slotd create and use netlink_kobject_uevent_socket
- Make domains use kernel_write_perf_event() and kernel_manage_perf_event()
- Add kernel_write_perf_event() and kernel_manage_perf_event()
- Allow syslogd_t watch root and var directories
- Allow unconfined_t read other processes perf_event records
- Allow login_userdomain read and map /var/lib/systemd files
- Allow NetworkManager watch its config dir
- Allow NetworkManager read and write z90crypt device
- Allow tgtd create and use rdma socket
- Allow aide connect to init with a unix socket