The changelog contains entries from 16 years ago, making the content
unwieldy. With this commit, changelog starts at the time when
F35 package version in rawhide branched off F34.
- Allow insights-client dbus chat with various services
- Allow insights-client tcp connect to various ports
- Allow insights-client run lpr and allow the proper role
- Allow insights-client work with pcp and manage user config files
- Allow redis get user names
- Allow kernel threads to use fds from all domains
- Allow systemd-modules-load load kernel modules
- Allow login_userdomain watch systemd-passwd pid dirs
- Allow insights-client dbus chat with abrt
- Grant kernel_t certain permissions in the system class
- Allow systemd-resolved watch tmpfs directories
- Allow systemd-timedated watch init runtime dir
- Make `bootc` be `install_exec_t`
- Allow systemd-coredump create user_namespace
- Allow syslog the setpcap capability
- donaudit virtlogd and dnsmasq execmem
- Don't make kernel_t an unconfined domain
- Don't allow kernel_t to execute bin_t/usr_t binaries without a transition
- Allow kernel_t to execute systemctl to do a poweroff/reboot
- Grant basic permissions to the domain created by systemd_systemctl_domain()
- Allow kernel_t to request module loading
- Allow kernel_t to do compute_create
- Allow kernel_t to manage perf events
- Grant almost all capabilities to kernel_t
- Allow kernel_t to fully manage all devices
- Revert "In domain_transition_pattern there is no permission allowing caller domain to execu_no_trans on entrypoint, this patch fixing this issue"
- Allow pulseaudio to write to session_dbusd tmp socket files
- Allow systemd and unconfined_domain_type create user_namespace
- Add the user_namespace security class
- Reuse tmpfs_t also for the ramfs filesystem
- Label udf tools with fsadm_exec_t
- Allow networkmanager_dispatcher_plugin work with nscd
- Watch_sb all file type directories.
- Allow spamc read hardware state information files
- Allow sysadm read ipmi devices
- Allow insights client communicate with cupsd, mysqld, openvswitch, redis
- Allow insights client read raw memory devices
- Allow the spamd_update_t domain get generic filesystem attributes
- Dontaudit systemd-gpt-generator the sys_admin capability
- Allow ipsec_t only read tpm devices
- Allow cups-pdf connect to the system log service
- Allow postfix/smtpd read kerberos key table
- Allow syslogd read network sysctls
- Allow cdcc mmap dcc-client-map files
- Add watch and watch_sb dosfs interface
- nut-upsd: kernel_read_system_state, fs_getattr_cgroup
- Add numad the ipc_owner capability
- Allow gst-plugin-scanner read virtual memory sysctls
- Allow init read/write inherited user fifo files
- Update dnssec-trigger policy: setsched, module_request
- added policy for systemd-socket-proxyd
- Add the new 'cmd' permission to the 'io_uring' class
- Allow winbind-rpcd read and write its key ring
- Label /run/NetworkManager/no-stub-resolv.conf net_conf_t
- blueman-mechanism can read ~/.local/lib/python*/site-packages directory
- pidof executed by abrt can readlink /proc/*/exe
- Fix typo in comment
- Do not run restorecon /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d in mls and minimum
And break the dependency loop with rpm-plugin-selinux
From rpm documentation:
* meta (since rpm >= 4.16)
Denotes a “meta” dependency, which must not affect transaction
ordering. Typical use-cases would be meta-packages and sub-package
cross-dependencies whose purpose is just to ensure the sub-packages
stay on common version.
- Allow nm-dispatcher custom plugin dbus chat with nm
- Allow nm-dispatcher sendmail plugin get status of systemd services
- Allow xdm read the kernel key ring
- Allow login_userdomain check status of mount units
- Allow postfix/smtp and postfix/virtual read kerberos key table
- Allow services execute systemd-notify
- Do not allow login_userdomain use sd_notify()
- Allow launch-xenstored read filesystem sysctls
- Allow systemd-modules-load write to /dev/kmsg and send a message to syslogd
- Allow openvswitch fsetid capability
- Allow openvswitch use its private tmpfs files and dirs
- Allow openvswitch search tracefs dirs
- Allow pmdalinux read files on an nfsd filesystem
- Allow winbind-rpcd write to winbind pid files
- Allow networkmanager to signal unconfined process
- Allow systemd_hostnamed label /run/systemd/* as hostnamed_etc_t
- Allow samba-bgqd get a printer list
- fix(init.fc): Fix section description
- Allow fedora-third-party read the passwords file
- Remove permissive domain for rhcd_t
- Allow pmie read network state information and network sysctls
- Revert "Dontaudit domain the fowner capability"
- Allow sysadm_t to run bpftool on the userdomain attribute
- Add the userdom_prog_run_bpf_userdomain() interface
- Allow insights-client rpm named file transitions
- Add /var/tmp/insights-archive to insights_client_filetrans_named_content
- Allow sa-update to get init status and start systemd files
- Use insights_client_filetrans_named_content
- Make default file context match with named transitions
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin send system log messages
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin create and use unix_dgram_socket
- Add permissions to manage lnk_files into gnome_manage_home_config
- Allow rhsmcertd to read insights config files
- Label /etc/insights-client/machine-id
- fix(devices.fc): Replace single quote in comment to solve parsing issues
- Make NetworkManager_dispatcher_custom_t an unconfined domain
interface_info is generated by sepolgen-ifgen in %post. Therefore it
should not be verified as part of the package.
Signed-off-by: Vit Mojzis <>
- Allow transition to insights_client named content
- Add the insights_client_filetrans_named_content() interface
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands 3
- Allow dhclient manage pid files used by chronyd
- Allow stalld get scheduling policy of kernel threads
- Allow samba-dcerpcd work with sssd
- Allow dlm_controld send a null signal to a cluster daemon
- Allow ksmctl create hardware state information files
- Allow winbind_rpcd_t connect to self over a unix_stream_socket
- Update samba-dcerpcd policy for kerberos usage
- Allow insights-client execute its private memfd: objects
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands 2
- Use insights_client_tmp_t instead of insights_client_var_tmp_t
- Change space indentation to tab in insights-client
- Use socket permissions sets in insights-client
- Update policy for insights-client to run additional commands
- Change rpm_setattr_db_files() to use a pattern
- Allow init_t to rw insights_client unnamed pipe
- Add rpm setattr db files macro
- Fix insights client
- Update kernel_read_unix_sysctls() for sysctl_net_unix_t handling
- Allow rabbitmq to access its private memfd: objects
- Update policy for samba-dcerpcd
- Allow stalld setsched and sys_nice
Unconditional execution can make the rpm scriptlet failing:
Running scriptlet: selinux-policy-targeted-36.9-1.fc36.noarch 4/4
/usr/sbin/restorecon: SELinux: Could not get canonical path for /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d restorecon: No such file or directory.
warning: %posttrans(selinux-policy-targeted-36.9-1.fc36.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 255
Resolves: rhbz#2082547
- Allow auditd_t noatsecure for a transition to audisp_remote_t
- Allow ctdbd nlmsg_read on netlink_tcpdiag_socket
- Allow pcp_domain execute its private memfd: objects
- Add support for samba-dcerpcd
- Add policy for wireguard
- Confine targetcli
- Allow systemd work with install_t unix stream sockets
- Allow iscsid the sys_ptrace userns capability
- Allow xdm connect to unconfined_service_t over a unix stream socket
- Use the networkmanager_dispatcher_plugin attribute in allow rules
- Make a custom nm-dispatcher plugin transition
- Label port 4784/tcp and 4784/udp with bfd_multi
- Allow systemd watch and watch_reads user ptys
- Allow sblim-gatherd the kill capability
- Label more vdsm utils with virtd_exec_t
- Add ksm service to ksmtuned
- Add rhcd policy
- Dontaudit guest attempts to dbus chat with systemd domains
- Dontaudit guest attempts to dbus chat with system bus types
- Use a named transition in systemd_hwdb_manage_config()
- Add default fc specifications for patterns in /opt
- Add the files_create_etc_files() interface
- Allow nm-dispatcher console plugin create and write files in /etc
- Allow nm-dispatcher console plugin transition to the setfiles domain
- Allow more nm-dispatcher plugins append to init stream sockets
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin dbus chat with nm
- Reorder networkmanager_dispatcher_plugin_template() calls
- Allow svirt connectto virtlogd
- Allow blueman map its private memfd: files
- Allow sysadm user execute init scripts with a transition
- Allow sblim-sfcbd connect to sblim-reposd stream
- Allow keepalived_unconfined_script_t dbus chat with init
- Run restorecon with "-i" not to report errors
The %posttrans scriptlet contains explicit call to restorecon
to restore context of files/directories which are not handled
properly on updates. When a file or directory does not exist,
an error is reported:
/usr/sbin/restorecon: lstat(/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d) failed: No such file or directory
warning: %posttrans(selinux-policy-targeted-36.8-1.fc36.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 255
Error in POSTTRANS scriptlet in rpm package selinux-policy-targeted
With the "-i" switch, restorecon does not report an error.
Resolves: rhbz#2082547
- Allow nm-dispatcher chronyc plugin append to init stream sockets
- Allow tmpreaper the sys_ptrace userns capability
- Label /usr/libexec/vdsm/supervdsmd and vdsmd with virtd_exec_t
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin read/write the wireless device
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin append to init socket
- Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin be client of a system bus
- Allow nm-dispatcher list its configuration directory
- Ecryptfs-private support
- Allow colord map /var/lib directories
- Allow ntlm_auth read the network state information
- Allow insights-client search rhnsd configuration directory
- Add support for systemd-network-generator
- Add the io_uring class
- Allow nm-dispatcher dhclient plugin append to init stream sockets
- Relax the naming pattern for systemd private shared libraries
- Allow nm-dispatcher iscsid plugin append to init socket
- Add the init_append_stream_sockets() interface
- Allow nm-dispatcher dnssec-trigger script to execute pidof
- Add support for nm-dispatcher dnssec-trigger scripts
- Allow chronyd talk with unconfined user over unix domain dgram socket
- Allow fenced read kerberos key tables
- Add support for nm-dispatcher ddclient scripts
- Add systemd_getattr_generic_unit_files() interface
- Allow fprintd read and write hardware state information
- Allow exim watch generic certificate directories
- Remove duplicate fc entries for corosync and corosync-notifyd
- Label corosync-cfgtool with cluster_exec_t
- Allow qemu-kvm create and use netlink rdma sockets
- Allow logrotate a domain transition to cluster administrative domain
- Add support for nm-dispatcher console helper scripts
- Allow nm-dispatcher plugins read its directory and sysfs
- Do not let system_cronjob_t create redhat-access-insights.log with var_log_t
- devices: Add a comment about cardmgr_dev_t
- Add basic policy for BinderFS
- Label /var/run/ecblp0 pipe with cupsd_var_run_t
- Allow rpmdb create directory in /usr/lib/sysimage
- Allow rngd drop privileges via setuid/setgid/setcap
- Allow init watch and watch_reads user ttys
- Allow systemd-logind dbus chat with sosreport
- Allow chronyd send a message to sosreport over datagram socket
- Remove unnecessary /etc file transitions for insights-client
- Label all content in /var/lib/insights with insights_client_var_lib_t
- Update insights-client policy
- Update NetworkManager-dispatcher cloud and chronyc policy
- Update insights-client: fc pattern, motd, writing to etc
- Allow systemd-sysctl read the security state information
- Allow init create and mounton to support PrivateDevices
- Allow sosreport dbus chat abrt systemd timedatex
- Allow sysadm_passwd_t to relabel passwd and group files
- Allow confined sysadmin to use tool vipw
- Allow login_userdomain map /var/lib/directories
- Allow login_userdomain watch library and fonts dirs
- Allow login_userdomain watch system configuration dirs
- Allow login_userdomain read systemd runtime files
- Allow ctdb create cluster logs
- Allow alsa bind mixer controls to led triggers
- New policy for insight-client
- Add mctp_socket security class and access vectors
- Fix koji repo URL pattern
- Update chronyd_pid_filetrans() to allow create dirs
- Update NetworkManager-dispatcher policy
- Allow unconfined to run virtd bpf
- Allow nm-privhelper setsched permission and send system logs
- Add the map permission to common_anon_inode_perm permission set
- Rename userfaultfd_anon_inode_perms to common_inode_perms
- Allow confined users to use kinit,klist and etc.
- Allow rhsmcertd create rpm hawkey logs with correct label
- Label exFAT utilities at /usr/sbin
- policy/modules/contrib: Support /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm as the rpmdb path
- Enable genfs_seclabel_symlinks policy capability
- Sync policy/policy_capabilities with refpolicy
- refpolicy: drop unused socket security classes
- Label new utility of NetworkManager nm-priv-helper
- Label NetworkManager-dispatcher service with separate context
- Allow sanlock get attributes of filesystems with extended attributes
- Associate stratisd_data_t with device filesystem
- Allow init read stratis data symlinks
- Allow systemd services watch dbusd pid directory and its parents
- Allow ModemManager connect to the unconfined user domain
- Label /dev/wwan.+ with modem_manager_t
- Allow alsactl set group Process ID of a process
- Allow domtrans to sssd_t and role access to sssd
- Creating interface sssd_run_sssd()
- Label utilities for exFAT filesystems with fsadm_exec_t
- Label /dev/nvme-fabrics with fixed_disk_device_t
- Allow init delete generic tmp named pipes
- Allow timedatex dbus chat with xdm
- Allow haproxy get attributes of filesystems with extended attributes
- Allow haproxy get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Allow sysadm execute sysadmctl in sysadm_t domain using sudo
- Allow userdomains use pam_ssh_agent_auth for passwordless sudo
- Allow sudodomains execute passwd in the passwd domain
- Allow braille printing in selinux
- Allow sandbox_xserver_t map sandbox_file_t
- Label /dev/ngXnY and /dev/nvme-subsysX with fixed_disk_device_t
- Add hwtracing_device_t type for hardware-level tracing and debugging
- Label port 9528/tcp with openqa_liveview
- Label /var/lib/shorewall6-lite with shorewall_var_lib_t
- Document Security Flask model in the policy
- Allow systemd read unlabeled symbolic links
- Label abrt-action-generate-backtrace with abrt_handle_event_exec_t
- Allow dnsmasq watch /etc/dnsmasq.d directories
- Allow rhsmcertd get attributes of tmpfs_t filesystems
- Allow lldpd use an snmp subagent over a tcp socket
- Allow xdm watch generic directories in /var/lib
- Allow login_userdomain open/read/map system journal
- Allow sysadm_t connect to cluster domains over a unix stream socket
- Allow sysadm_t read/write pkcs shared memory segments
- Allow sysadm_t connect to sanlock over a unix stream socket
- Allow sysadm_t dbus chat with sssd
- Allow sysadm_t set attributes on character device nodes
- Allow sysadm_t read and write watchdog devices
- Allow smbcontrol use additional socket types
- Allow cloud-init dbus chat with systemd-logind
- Allow svnserve send mail from the system
- Update userdom_exec_user_tmp_files() with an entrypoint rule
- Allow sudodomain send a null signal to sshd processes
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss 2/2
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss 1/2
- Revert "Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss"
- Allow tlp get service units status
- Allow fedora-third-party manage 3rd party repos
- Allow xdm_t nnp_transition to login_userdomain
- Add the auth_read_passwd_file() interface
- Allow redis-sentinel execute a notification script
- Allow fetchmail search cgroup directories
- Allow lvm_t to read/write devicekit disk semaphores
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to use /dev/mapper/control
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to get IPC info from the kernel
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to read systemd-logind pid files
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to mount filesystems on mnt_t directories
- Allow devicekit_disk_t to manage mount_var_run_t files
- Allow rasdaemon sys_admin capability to verify the CAP_SYS_ADMIN of the soft_offline_page function implemented in the kernel
- Use $releasever in koji repo to reduce rawhide hardcoding
- authlogin: add fcontext for tcb
- Add erofs as a SELinux capable file system
- Allow systemd execute user bin files
- Support sanlock VG automated recovery on storage access loss
- Support new PING_CHECK health checker in keepalived
- Allow fedora-third-party execute "flatpak remote-add"
- Add files_manage_var_lib_files() interface
- Add write permisson to userfaultfd_anon_inode_perms
- Allow proper function sosreport via iotop
- Allow proper function sosreport in sysadmin role
- Allow fedora-third-party to connect to the system log service
- Allow fedora-third-party dbus chat with policykit
- Allow chrony-wait service start with DynamicUser=yes
- Allow management of lnk_files if similar access to regular files
- Allow unconfined_t transition to mozilla_plugin_t with NoNewPrivileges
- Allow systemd-resolved watch /run/systemd
- Allow fedora-third-party create and use unix_dgram_socket
- Removing pkcs_tmpfs_filetrans interface and edit pkcs policy files
- Allow login_userdomain named filetrans to pkcs_slotd_tmpfs_t domain
- Allow ModemManager create a qipcrtr socket
- Allow ModemManager request to load a kernel module
- Label /usr/sbin/virtproxyd as virtd_exec_t
- Allow communication between at-spi and gdm processes
- Update ica_filetrans_named_content() with create_file_perms
- Fix the gnome_atspi_domtrans() interface summary
- Allow systemd-timesyncd watch system dbus pid socket files
- Allow firewalld drop capabilities
- Allow rhsmcertd execute gpg
- Allow lldpad send to kdump over a unix dgram socket
- Allow systemd-gpt-auto-generator read udev pid files
- Set default file context for /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
- Allow tcpdump run as a systemd service
- Allow nmap create and use netlink generic socket
- Allow nscd watch system db files in /var/db
- Allow cockpit_ws_t get attributes of fs_t filesystems
- Allow sysadm acces to kernel module resources
- Allow sysadm to read/write scsi files and manage shadow
- Allow sysadm access to files_unconfined and bind rpc ports
- Allow sysadm read and view kernel keyrings
- Allow journal mmap and read var lib files
- Allow tuned to read rhsmcertd config files
- Allow bootloader to read tuned etc files
- Label /usr/bin/qemu-storage-daemon with virtd_exec_t
- Disable seccomp on CI containers
- Allow systemd-machined stop generic service units
- Allow virtlogd_t read process state of user domains
- Add "/" at the beginning of dev/shm/var\.lib\.opencryptoki.* regexp
- Label /dev/crypto/nx-gzip with accelerator_device_t
- Update the policy for systemd-journal-upload
- Allow unconfined domains to bpf all other domains
- Confine rhsm service and rhsm-facts service as rhsmcertd_t
- Allow fcoemon talk with unconfined user over unix domain datagram socket
- Allow abrt_domain read and write z90crypt device
- Allow mdadm read iscsi pid files
- Change dev_getattr_infiniband_dev() to use getattr_chr_files_pattern()
- Label /usr/lib/pcs/pcs_snmp_agent with cluster_exec_t
- Allow hostapd bind UDP sockets to the dhcpd port
- Unconfined domains should not be confined
- Revert "update libs_filetrans_named_content() to have support for /usr/lib/debug directory"
- Remove references to init_watch_path_type attribute
- Remove all redundant watch permissions for systemd
- Allow systemd watch non_security_file_type dirs, files, lnk_files
- Removed adding to attribute unpriv_userdomain from userdom_unpriv_type template
- Allow bacula get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Allow systemd-journal-upload watch logs and journal
- Create a policy for systemd-journal-upload
- Allow tcpdump and nmap get attributes of infiniband_device_t
- Allow arpwatch get attributes of infiniband_device_t devices
- Label /dev/wmi/dell-smbios as acpi_device_t
- Allow sanlock get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Associate dma_device_dir_t with device filesystem
- Set default file context for /var/run/systemd instead of /run/systemd
- Allow nmap create and use rdma socket
- Allow pkcs-slotd create and use netlink_kobject_uevent_socket
- Make domains use kernel_write_perf_event() and kernel_manage_perf_event()
- Add kernel_write_perf_event() and kernel_manage_perf_event()
- Allow syslogd_t watch root and var directories
- Allow unconfined_t read other processes perf_event records
- Allow login_userdomain read and map /var/lib/systemd files
- Allow NetworkManager watch its config dir
- Allow NetworkManager read and write z90crypt device
- Allow tgtd create and use rdma socket
- Allow aide connect to init with a unix socket
- Grant execmem to varnishlog_t
- We no longer need signull for varnishlog_t
- Add map permission to varnishd_read_lib_files
- Allow systemd-sleep tlp_filetrans_named_content()
- Allow systemd-sleep execute generic programs
- Allow systemd-sleep execute shell
- Allow to sendmail read/write kerberos host rcache files
- Allow freshclam get attributes of cgroup filesystems
- Fix context of /run/systemd/timesync
- Allow udev create /run/gdm with proper type
- Allow chronyc socket file transition in user temp directory
- Allow virtlogd_t to create virt_var_lockd_t dir
- Allow pluto IKEv2 / ESP over TCP
- Allow domain create anonymous inodes
- Add anon_inode class to the policy
- Allow systemd-coredump getattr nsfs files and net_admin capability
- Allow systemd-sleep transition to sysstat_t
- Allow systemd-sleep transition to tlp_t
- Allow systemd-sleep transition to unconfined_service_t on bin_t executables
- Allow systemd-timedated watch runtime dir and its parent
- Allow system dbusd read /var/lib symlinks
- Allow unconfined_service_t confidentiality and integrity lockdown
- Label /var/lib/brltty with brltty_var_lib_t
- Allow domain and unconfined_domain_type watch /proc/PID dirs
- Additional permission for confined users loging into graphic session
- Make for screen fsetid/setuid/setgid permission conditional
- Allow for confined users acces to wtmp and run utempter
- Allow polkit-agent-helper-1 read logind sessions files
- Allow polkit-agent-helper read init state
- Allow login_userdomain watch generic device dirs
- Allow login_userdomain listen on bluetooth sockets
- Allow user_t and staff_t bind netlink_generic_socket
- Allow login_userdomain write inaccessible nodes
- Allow transition from xdm domain to unconfined_t domain.
- Add 'make validate' step to CI
- Disallow user_t run su/sudo and staff_t run su
- Fix typo in rsyncd.conf in rsync.if
- Add an alias for nvme_device_t
- Allow systemd watch and watch_reads unallocated ttys
In the 9613e80506e7ffa37e9b150f2a3f8641dd7c26ea selinux-policy commit,
the type of nvme device files has changed from nvme_device_t to
This cannot currently be resolved in specfile selinux macros as fixfiles
excludes /dev entries. For files in /dev with changed context, restorecon
needs to be run explicitly to restore the context.
This is a temporary workaround till April 2021 when the updated policy
can be considered spread enough.
- Allow unconfined integrity lockdown permission
- Relocate confidentiality lockdown rule from unconfined_domain_type to unconfined
- Allow systemd-machined manage systemd-userdbd runtime sockets
- Enable systemd-sysctl domtrans for udev
- Introduce kernel_load_unsigned_module interface and use it for couple domains
- Allow gpg watch user gpg secrets dirs
- Build also the container module in CI
- Remove duplicate code from kernel.te
- Allow restorecond to watch all non-auth directories
- Allow restorecond to watch its config file
- Allow userdomain watch various filesystem objects
- Allow systemd-logind and systemd-sleep integrity lockdown permission
- Allow unconfined_t and kprop_t to create krb5_0.rcache2 with the right context
- Allow pulseaudio watch devices and systemd-logind session dirs
- Allow abrt-dump-journal-* watch generic log dirs and /run/log/journal dir
- Remove duplicate files_mounton_etc(init_t) call
- Add watch permissions to manage_* object permissions sets
- Allow journalctl watch generic log dirs and /run/log/journal dir
- Label /etc/resolv.conf as net_conf_t even when it's a symlink
- Allow SSSD to watch /var/run/NetworkManager
- Allow dnsmasq_t to watch /etc
- Remove unnecessary lines from the new watch interfaces
- Fix docstring for init_watch_dir()
- Allow xdm watch its private lib dirs, /etc, /usr
- Allow lockdown confidentiality for domains using perf_event
- define lockdown class and access
- Add perfmon capability for all domains using perf_event
- Allow ptp4l_t bpf capability to run bpf programs
- Revert "Allow ptp4l_t sys_admin capability to run bpf programs"
- access_vectors: Add new capabilities to cap2
- Allow systemd and systemd-resolved watch dbus pid objects
- Add new watch interfaces in the base and userdomain policy
- Add watch permissions for contrib packages
- Allow xdm watch /usr directories
- Allow getty watch its private runtime files
- Add watch permissions for nscd and sssd
- Add watch permissions for firewalld and NetworkManager
- Add watch permissions for syslogd
- Add watch permissions for systemd services
- Allow restorecond watch /etc dirs
- Add watch permissions for user domain types
- Add watch permissions for init
- Add basic watch interfaces for systemd
- Add basic watch interfaces to the base module
- Add additional watch object permissions sets and patterns
- Allow init_t to watch localization symlinks
- Allow init_t to watch mount directories
- Allow init_t to watch cgroup files
- Add basic watch patterns
- Add new watch* permissions
- Update .copr/ to use rawhide as DISTGIT_BRANCH
- Dontaudit setsched for rndc
- Allow systemd-logind destroy entries in message queue
- Add userdom_destroy_unpriv_user_msgq() interface
- ci: Install build dependencies from koji
- Dontaudit vhostmd to write in /var/lib/rpm/ dir and allow signull rpm
- Add new cmadmin port for bfdd dameon
- virtiofs supports Xattrs and SELinux
- Allow domain write to systemd-resolved PID socket files
- Label /var/run/pcsd-ruby.socket socket with cluster_var_run_t type
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain transition to kpatch_t
- Revert "Add kpatch_exec() interface"
- Revert "Allow rhsmcertd execute kpatch"
- Allow openvswitch create and use xfrm netlink sockets
- Allow openvswitch_t perf_event write permission
- Add kpatch_exec() interface
- Allow rhsmcertd execute kpatch
- Adds rule to allow glusterd to access RDMA socket
- radius: Lexical sort of service-specific corenet rules by service name
- VQP: Include IANA-assigned TCP/1589
- radius: Allow binding to the VQP port (VMPS)
- radius: Allow binding to the BDF Control and Echo ports
- radius: Allow binding to the DHCP client port
- radius: Allow net_raw; allow binding to the DHCP server ports
- Add rsync_sys_admin tunable to allow rsync sys_admin capability
- Allow staff_u run pam_console_apply
- Allow openvswitch_t perf_event open permission
- Allow sysadm read and write /dev/rfkill
- Allow certmonger fsetid capability
- Allow domain read usermodehelper state information
The rpm-verify command reports changes for packaged files in the active
store (/var/lib/selinux) which are changed on the selinux-policy-*
packages updates. In order to pass the rpm verification process, the
specfile option %verify(not md5 size mtime) for each of the affected
files will prevent from reporting a failure in any of the rpm-verify
- S file Size differs
- 5 digest (formerly MD5 sum) differs
- T mTime differs
- Label /dev/isst_interface as cpu_device_t
- Dontaudit firewalld dac_override capability
- Allow ipsec set the context of a SPD entry to the default context
- Build binary RPMs in CI
- Add SRPM build scripts for COPR
The directory will be created automatically by the install commands, so
no need to create it manually.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
There is no file actually created at that location during build, so the
command can be safely removed. Verified by removing the '-f' and
observing the build fail (file does not exist).
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
We can install the permissivedomains.cil module directly, no need to
copy it to %{buildroot} first.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
- Allow systemd-logind manage init's pid files
- Allow tcsd the setgid capability
- Allow systemd-resolved manage its private runtime symlinks
- Update systemd_resolved_read_pid() to also read symlinks
- Update systemd-sleep policy
- Add groupadd_t fowner capability
- Migrate to GitHub Actions
- Update to reflect the state after contrib and base merge
- Add announcing merging of selinux-policy and selinux-policy-contrib
- Adapt .travis.yml to contrib merge
- Merge contrib into the main repo
- Prepare to merge contrib repo
- Move stuff around to match the main repo
The "rawhide" branch of selinux-policy and selinux-policy-contrib is
about to be merged together. Update dist-git for this, so that the next
build can be performed with the new repo structure.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
- Allow varnish map its private tmp files
- Allow dovecot bind to smtp ports
- Change fetchmail temporary files path to /var/spool/mail
- Allow cups_pdf_t domain to communicate with unix_dgram_socket
- Set file context for symlinks in /etc/httpd to etc_t
- Allow rpmdb rw access to inherited console, ttys, and ptys
- Allow dnsmasq read public files
- Announce merging of selinux-policy and selinux-policy-contrib
- Label /etc/resolv.conf as net_conf_t only if it is a plain file
- Fix range for unreserved ports
- Add files_search_non_security_dirs() interface
- Introduce logging_syslogd_append_public_content tunable
- Add miscfiles_append_public_files() interface
- Set correct default file context for /usr/libexec/pcp/lib/*
- Introduce rpmdb_t type
- Allow slapd manage files/dirs in ldap certificates directory
- Revert "Allow certmonger add new entries in a generic certificates directory"
- Allow certmonger add new entries in a generic certificates directory
- Allow slapd add new entries in ldap certificates directory
- Remove retired PCP pmwebd and pmmgr daemons (since 5.0)
- Let keepalived bind a raw socket
- Add default file context for /usr/libexec/pcp/lib/*
- squid: Allow net_raw capability when squid_use_tproxy is enabled
- systemd: allow networkd to check namespaces
- Add ability to read init_var_run_t where fs_read_efivarfs_files is allowed
- Allow resolved to created varlink sockets and the domain to talk to it
- selinux: tweak selinux_get_enforce_mode() to allow status page to be used
- systemd: allow all systemd services to check selinux status
- Set default file context for /var/lib/ipsec/nss
- Allow user domains transition to rpmdb_t
- Revert "Add miscfiles_add_entry_generic_cert_dirs() interface"
- Revert "Add miscfiles_create_generic_cert_dirs() interface"
- Update miscfiles_manage_all_certs() to include managing directories
- Add miscfiles_create_generic_cert_dirs() interface
- Add miscfiles_add_entry_generic_cert_dirs() interface
- Revert "Label /var/run/zincati/public/motd.d/* as motd_var_run_t"
- rpc.fc: Include /etc/exports.d dir & files
- Create chronyd_pid_filetrans() interface
- Change invalid type redisd_t to redis_t in redis_stream_connect()
- Revert "Removed adding to attribute unpriv_userdomain from userdom_unpriv_type template"
- Allow init dbus chat with kernel
- Allow initrc_t create /run/chronyd-dhcp directory with a transition
- Drop gcc from dependencies in Travis CI
- Use "==" for comparing integers.
- re-implement fc_sort in python
- Remove invalid file context line
- Drop git from dependencies in Travis CI
This commit puts back changes in selinux-policy.spec brought by the
"Ensure targeted policy is installed by default" commit, inadvertently
reverted as a result of resolving a merge conflict.
When installing [a package requiring] selinux-policy/-base/
rpm-plugin-selinux, selinux-policy-minimum is always chosen (based on
alphabetical order). This is not desirable and we'd like -targeted to be
picked as the default choice.
Since selinux-policy and selinux-policy-base are glued together because
of rpm-plugins-selinux, just have selinu-policy provide
selinux-policy-base, use a new metapackage selinux-policy-any to
represent "any of -targeted, -mls, or -minimum", and have selinux-policy
require -any.
Then adding "Suggests: selinux-policy-targeted" to selinux-policy has
the effect that -targeted is picked by default when any of
selinux-policy/-base/rpm-plugin-selinux is installed via "dnf install"
on a clean system.
This patch combines the ideas of Petr Lautrbach, Vit Mojzis, and myself.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
- Allow chronyd_t to accept and make NTS-KE connections
- Allow domain write to an automount unnamed pipe
- Label /var/run/zincati/public/motd.d/* as motd_var_run_t
- Allow login programs to (only) read MOTD files and symlinks
- Relabel /usr/sbin/charon-systemd as ipsec_exec_t
- Confine systemd-sleep service
- Add fstools_rw_swap_files() interface
- Label 4460/tcp port as ntske_port_t
- Add lvm_dbus_send_msg(), lvm_rw_var_run() interfaces
- Allow openvswitch fowner capability and create netlink sockets
- Allow additional permissions for gnome-initial-setup
- Add to map non_security_files to the userdom_admin_user_template template
- kernel/filesystem: Add exfat support (no extended attributes)
- Bump version as Fedora 33 has been branched
- Allow php-fpm write access to /var/run/redis/redis.sock
- Allow journalctl to read and write to inherited user domain tty
- Update rkt policy to allow rkt_t domain to read sysfs filesystem
- Allow arpwatch create and use rdma socket
- Allow plymouth sys_chroot capability
- Allow gnome-initial-setup execute in a xdm sandbox
- Add new devices and filesystem interfaces
- Allow certmonger fowner capability
- The nfsdcld service is now confined by SELinux
- Change transitions for ~/.config/Yubico
- Allow all users to connect to systemd-userdbd with a unix socket
- Add file context for ~/.config/Yubico
- Allow syslogd_t domain to read/write tmpfs systemd-bootchart files
- Allow login_pgm attribute to get attributes in proc_t
- Allow passwd to get attributes in proc_t
- Revert "Allow passwd to get attributes in proc_t"
- Revert "Allow login_pgm attribute to get attributes in proc_t"
- Allow login_pgm attribute to get attributes in proc_t
- Allow passwd to get attributes in proc_t
- Allow traceroute_t and ping_t to bind generic nodes.
- Create macro corenet_icmp_bind_generic_node()
- Allow unconfined_t to node_bind icmp_sockets in node_t domain
- Revert "Add support for /sys/fs/kdbus and allow login_pgm domain to access it."
- Revert "Add interface to allow types to associate with cgroup filesystems"
- Revert "kdbusfs should not be accessible for now."
- Revert "kdbusfs should not be accessible for now by default for shipped policies. It should be moved to kdbus.pp"
- Revert "Add kdbus.pp policy to allow access /sys/fs/kdbus. It needs to go with own module because this is workaround for now to avoid SELinux in enforcing mode."
- Remove the legacy kdbus module
- Remove "kdbus = module" from modules-targeted-base.conf
- Additional support for keepalived running in a namespace
- Remove systemd_dbus_chat_resolved(pcp_pmie_t)
- virt: remove the libvirt qmf rules
- Allow certmonger manage dirsrv services
- Run ipa_helper_noatsecure(oddjob_t) only if the interface exists
- Allow domain dbus chat with systemd-resolved
- Define file context for /var/run/netns directory only
- Revert "Add support for fuse.glusterfs"
- Allow pdns server to read system state
- Allow irqbalance nnp_transition
- Fix description tag for the sssd_connect_all_unreserved_ports tunable
- Allow journalctl process set its resource limits
- Add sssd_access_kernel_keys tunable to conditionally access kernel keys
- Make keepalived work with network namespaces
- Create sssd_connect_all_unreserved_ports boolean
- Allow hypervkvpd to request kernel to load a module
- Allow systemd_private_tmp(dirsrv_tmp_t)
- Allow microcode_ctl get attributes of sysfs directories
- Remove duplicate files_dontaudit_list_tmp(radiusd_t) line
- Allow radiusd connect to gssproxy over unix domain stream socket
- Add fwupd_cache_t file context for '/var/cache/fwupd(/.*)?'
- Allow qemu read and write /dev/mapper/control
- Allow tlp_t can_exec() tlp_exec_t
- Dontaudit vpnc_t setting its process scheduling
- Remove files_mmap_usr_files() call for particular domains
- Allow dirsrv_t list cgroup directories
- Crete the kerberos_write_kadmind_tmp_files() interface
- Allow realmd_t dbus chat with accountsd_t
- Label systemd-growfs and systemd-makefs as fsadm_exec_t
- Allow staff_u and user_u setattr generic usb devices
- Allow sysadm_t dbus chat with accountsd
- Modify kernel_rw_key() not to include append permission
- Add kernel_rw_key() interface to access to kernel keyrings
- Modify systemd_delete_private_tmp() to use delete_*_pattern macros
- Allow systemd-modules to load kernel modules
- Add cachefiles_dev_t as a typealias to cachefiles_device_t
- Allow libkrb5 lib read client keytabs
- Allow domain mmap usr_t files
- Remove files_mmap_usr_files() call for systemd domains
- Allow sshd write to kadmind temporary files
- Do not audit staff_t and user_t attempts to manage boot_t entries
- Add files_dontaudit_manage_boot_dirs() interface
- Allow systemd-tty-ask-password-agent read efivarfs files
This does not work as expected with `/bin/sh` if the file does
not exist:
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config &> /dev/null || true;
when run with `/bin/sh` (as opposed to `/bin/bash`) it exits 1
if the file does not exist. It exits 0 if the file exists but
there is an error parsing it. When run with `/bin/bash` it exits
0 in both cases as expected, but RPM scriptlets are run with sh.
To avoid this problem, we must always explicitly do an existence
check on the file before attempting to source it.
Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <>
- Add fetchmail_uidl_cache_t type for /var/mail/
- Support multiple ways of tlp invocation
- Allow qemu-kvm read and write /dev/mapper/control
- Introduce logrotate_use_cifs boolean
- Allow ptp4l_t sys_admin capability to run bpf programs
- Allow to getattr files on an nsfs filesystem
- httpd: Allow NoNewPriv transition from systemd
- Allow rhsmd read process state of all domains and kernel threads
- Allow rhsmd mmap /etc/passwd
- Allow systemd-logind manage efivarfs files
- Allow initrc_t tlp_filetrans_named_content()
- Allow systemd_resolved_t to read efivarfs
- Allow systemd_modules_load_t to read efivarfs
- Introduce systemd_read_efivarfs_type attribute
- Allow named transition for /run/tlp from a user shell
- Allow ipsec_mgmt_t mmap ipsec_conf_file_t files
- Add file context for /sys/kernel/tracing
- Allow chronyc_t domain to use nsswitch
- Allow nscd_socket_use() for domains in nscd_use() unconditionally
- Add allow rules for lttng-sessiond domain
- Label dirsrv systemd unit files and add dirsrv_systemctl()
- Allow gluster geo-replication in rsync mode
- Allow nagios_plugin_domain execute programs in bin directories
- Allow sys_admin capability for domain labeled systemd_bootchart_t
- Split the arping path regexp to 2 lines to prevent from relabeling
- Allow tcpdump sniffing offloaded (RDMA) traffic
- Revert "Change arping path regexp to work around fixfiles incorrect handling"
- Change arping path regexp to work around fixfiles incorrect handling
- Allow read efivarfs_t files by domains executing systemctl file
- Update networkmanager_read_pid_files() to allow also list_dir_perms
- Update policy for NetworkManager_ssh_t
- Allow glusterd synchronize between master and slave
- Allow spamc_t domain to read network state
- Allow strongswan use tun/tap devices and keys
- Allow systemd_userdbd_t domain logging to journal
Ipa_custodia was merged into ipa policy module. To avoid conflicts
the module needs to be disabled before policy update.
Running scriptlet: selinux-policy-targeted-3.14.5-35.fc32.noarch
Re-declaration of type ipa_custodia_t
Failed to create node
Bad type declaration at /var/lib/selinux/targeted/tmp/modules/100/ipa_custodia/cil:1
/usr/sbin/semodule: Failed!
- Allow rngd create netlink_kobject_uevent_socket and read udev runtime files
- Allow ssh-keygen create file in /var/lib/glusterd
- Update ctdbd_manage_lib_files() to also allow mmap ctdbd_var_lib_t files
- Merge ipa and ipa_custodia modules
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t to execute_no_trans for binary ssh_exec_t
- Introduce daemons_dontaudit_scheduling boolean
- Modify path for arping in netutils.fc to match both bin and sbin
- Change file context for /var/run/pam_ssh to match file transition
- Add file context entry and file transition for /var/run/pam_timestamp
- Allow NetworkManager read its unit files and manage services
- Add init_daemon_domain() for geoclue_t
- Allow to use nnp_transition in pulseaudio_role
- Allow pdns_t domain to map files in /usr.
- Label all NetworkManager fortisslvpn plugins as openfortivpn_exec_t
- Allow login_pgm create and bind on netlink_selinux_socket
Commit f76a9deccc ("Consolidate make parameters") replaced most
occurences of common make params with a single %common_params macro
call, but it omitted two places. Extend the %common_params usage to
these as well.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
- Allow certmonger_t domain to read pkcs_slotd lock files
- Allow httpd_t domain to mmap own var_lib_t files BZ(1804853)
- Allow ipda_custodia_t to create udp_socket and added permission nlmsg_read for netlink_route_sockets
- Make file context more variable for /usr/bin/fusermount and /bin/fusermount
- Allow local_login_t domain to getattr cgroup filesystem
- Allow systemd_logind_t domain to manage user_tmp_t char and block devices