- cockpit: Allow cockpit-session to read cockpit-tls state
- Allow zebrat_t domain to read state of NetworkManager_t processes BZ(1739983)
- Allow named_t domain to read/write samba_var_t files BZ(1738794)
- Dontaudit abrt_t domain to read root_t files
- Allow ipa_dnskey_t domain to read kerberos keytab
- Allow mongod_t domain to read cgroup_t files BZ(1739357)
- Update ibacm_t policy
- Allow systemd to relabel all files on system.
- Revert "Add new boolean systemd_can_relabel"
- Allow xdm_t domain to read kernel sysctl BZ(1740385)
- Add sys_admin capability for xdm_t in user namespace. BZ(1740386)
- Allow dbus communications with resolved for DNS lookups
- Add new boolean systemd_can_relabel
- Allow auditd_t domain to create auditd_tmp_t temporary files and dirs in /tmp or /var/tmp
- Label '/var/usrlocal/(.*/)?sbin(/.*)?' as bin_t
- Update systemd_dontaudit_read_unit_files() interface to dontaudit alos listing dirs
- Run lvmdbusd service as lvm_t
- Allow tlp domain run tlp in trace mode BZ(1737106)
- Make timedatex_t domain system dbus bus client BZ(1737239)
- Allow cgdcbxd_t domain to list cgroup dirs
- Allow systemd to create and bindmount dirs. BZ(1734831)
- New policy for rrdcached
- Allow dhcpd_t domain to read network sysctls.
- Allow nut services to communicate with unconfined domains
- Allow virt_domain to Support ecryptfs home dirs.
- Allow domain transition lsmd_t to sensord_t
- Allow httpd_t to signull mailman_cgi_t process
- Make rrdcached policy active
- Label /etc/sysconfig/ip6?tables\.save as system_conf_t Resolves: rhbz#1733542
- Allow machinectl to run pull-tar BZ(1724247)
- Allow spamd_update_t domain to read network state of system BZ(1733172)
- Allow dlm_controld_t domain to transition to the lvm_t
- Allow sandbox_web_client_t domain to do sys_chroot in user namespace
- Allow virtlockd process read virtlockd.conf file
- Add more permissions for session dbus types to make working dbus broker with systemd user sessions
- Allow sssd_t domain to read gnome config and named cache files
- Allow brltty to request to load kernel module
- Add svnserve_tmp_t label forl svnserve temp files to system private tmp
- Allow sssd_t domain to read kernel net sysctls BZ(1732185)
- Run timedatex service as timedatex_t
- Allow mysqld_t domain to domtrans to ifconfig_t domain when executing ifconfig tool
- Allow cyrus work with PrivateTmp
- Make cgdcbxd_t domain working with SELinux enforcing.
- Make working wireshark execute byt confined users staff_t and sysadm_t
- Dontaudit virt_domain to manage ~/.cache dirs BZ(1730963)
- Allow svnserve_t domain to read system state
- allow named_t to map named_cache_t files
- Label user cron spool file with user_cron_spool_t
- Update gnome_role_template() template to allow sysadm_t confined user to login to xsession
- Allow lograte_t domain to manage collect_rw_content files and dirs
- Add interface collectd_manage_rw_content()
- Allow ifconfig_t domain to manage vmware logs
- Remove system_r role from staff_u user.
- Make new timedatex policy module active
- Add systemd_private_tmp_type attribute
- Allow systemd to load kernel modules during boot process.
- Allow sysadm_t and staff_t domains to read wireshark shared memory
- Label /usr/libexec/utempter/utempter as utemper_exec_t
- Allow ipsec_t domain to read/write l2tpd pipe BZ(1731197)
- Allow sysadm_t domain to create netlink selinux sockets
- Make cgdcbxd active in Fedora upstream sources
- Label user cron spool file with user_cron_spool_t
- Update gnome_role_template() template to allow sysadm_t confined user to login to xsession
- Allow lograte_t domain to manage collect_rw_content files and dirs
- Add interface collectd_manage_rw_content()
- Allow systemd_hostnamed_t domain to dbus chat with sosreport_t domain
- Update tomcat_can_network_connect_db boolean to allow tomcat domains also connect to redis ports
- Allow mysqld_t domain to manage cluster pid files
- Relabel /usr/sbin/virtlockd from virt_exec_t to virtlogd_exec_t.
- Allow ptp4l_t domain to write to pmc socket which is created by pmc command line tool
- Allow dkim-milter to send e-mails BZ(1716937)
- Update spamassasin policy to make working /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update.cron script BZ(1711799)
- Update svnserve_t policy to make working svnserve hooks
- Allow varnishlog_t domain to check for presence of varnishd_t domains
- Update sandboxX policy to make working firefox inside SELinux sandbox
- Remove allow rule from svirt_transition_svirt_sandbox interface to don't allow containers to connect to random services
- Allow httpd_t domain to read /var/lib/softhsm/tokens to allow httpd daemon to use pkcs#11 devices
- Allow gssd_t domain to list tmpfs_t dirs
- Allow mdadm_t domain to read tmpfs_t files
- Allow sbd_t domain to check presence of processes labeled as cluster_t
- Dontaudit httpd_sys_script_t to read systemd unit files
- Allow blkmapd_t domain to read nvme devices
- Update cpucontrol_t domain to make working microcode service
- Allow domain transition from logwatch_t do postfix_postqueue_t
- Allow chronyc_t domain to create and write to non_security files in case when sysadmin is redirecting output to file e.g: 'chronyc -n tracking > /var/lib/test'
- Allow httpd_sys_script_t domain to mmap httpcontent
- Allow sbd_t to manage cgroups_t files
- Update wireshark policy to make working tshar labeled as wireshark_t
- Update virt_use_nfs boolean to allow svirt_t domain to mmap nfs_t files
- Allow sysadm_t domain to create netlink selinux sockets
- Make cgdcbxd active in Fedora upstream sources
- Allow sysadm_t domain to dbus chat with rtkit daemon
- Allow x_userdomains to nnp domain transition to thumb_t domain
- Allow unconfined_domain_type to setattr own process lnk files.
- Add interface files_write_generic_pid_sockets()
- Dontaudit writing to user home dirs by gnome-keyring-daemon
- Allow staff and admin domains to setpcap in user namespace
- Allow staff and sysadm to use lockdev
- Allow staff and sysadm users to run iotop.
- Dontaudit traceroute_t domain require sys_admin capability
- Dontaudit dbus chat between kernel_t and init_t
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t to create mountpoints without any specific label as default_t
- Update dbusd policy and netowrkmanager to allow confined users to connect to vpn over NetworkManager
- Fix all interfaces which cannot by compiled because of typos
- Allow X userdomains to mmap user_fonts_cache_t dirs
- Label /var/kerberos/krb5 as krb5_keytab_t
- Allow glusterd_t domain to setpgid
- Allow lsmd_t domain to execute /usr/bin/debuginfo-install
- Allow sbd_t domain to manage cgroup dirs
- Allow opafm_t domain to modify scheduling information of another process.
- Allow wireshark_t domain to create netlink netfilter sockets
- Allow gpg_agent_t domain to use nsswitch
- Allow httpd script types to mmap httpd rw content
- Allow dkim_milter_t domain to execute shell BZ(17116937)
- Allow sbd_t domain to use nsswitch
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to send signull to all domains
- Allow snort_t domain to create netlink netfilter sockets BZ(1723184)
- Dontaudit blueman to read state of all domains on system BZ(1722696)
- Allow boltd_t domain to use ps and get state of all domains on system. BZ(1723217)
- Allow rtkit_daemon_t to uise sys_ptrace usernamespace capability BZ(1723308)
- Replace "-" by "_" in types names
- Change condor_domain declaration in condor_systemctl
- Allow firewalld_t domain to read iptables_var_run_t files BZ(1722405)
- Allow auditd_t domain to send signals to audisp_remote_t domain
- Allow systemd labeled as init_t domain to read/write faillog_t. BZ(1723132)
- Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t domain to relabel from usermodehelper_t files
- Add interface kernel_relabelfrom_usermodehelper()
- Dontaudit unpriv_userdomain to manage boot_t files
- Allow xdm_t domain to mmap /var/lib/gdm/.cache/fontconfig BZ(1725509)
- Allow systemd to execute bootloader grub2-set-bootflag BZ(1722531)
- Allow associate efivarfs_t on sysfs_t
- Allow pcp_pmcd_t domain to domtrans to mdadm_t domain BZ(1714800)
- Allow spamd_update_t to exec itsef
- Fix broken logwatch SELinux module
- Allow logwatch_mail_t to manage logwatch cache files/dirs
- Update wireshark_t domain to use several sockets
- Allow sysctl_rpc_t and sysctl_irq_t to be stored on fs_t
- Fix bind_read_cache() interface to allow only read perms to caller domains
- [speech-dispatcher.if] m4 macro names can not have - in them
- Grant varnishlog_t access to varnishd_etc_t
- Allow nrpe_t domain to read process state of systemd_logind_t
- Allow mongod_t domain to connect on https port BZ(1711922)
- Allow chronyc_t domain to create own tmpfiles and allow communicate send data over unix dgram sockets
- Dontaudit spamd_update_t domain to read all domains states BZ(1711799)
- Allow pcp_pmie_t domain to use sys_ptrace usernamespace cap BZ(1705871)
- Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)
- Revert "Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)"
- Make boinc_var_lib_t mountpoint BZ(1711682)
- Allow wireshark_t domain to create fifo temp files
- All NetworkManager_ssh_t rules have to be in same optional block with ssh_basic_client_template(), fixing this bug in NetworkManager policy
- Allow dbus chat between NetworkManager_t and NetworkManager_ssh_t domains. BZ(1677484)
- Fix typo in gpg SELinux module
- Update gpg policy to make ti working with confined users
- Add domain transition that systemd labeled as init_t can execute spamd_update_exec_t binary to run newly created process as spamd_update_t
- Remove allow rule for virt_qemu_ga_t to write/append user_tmp_t files
- Label /var/run/user/*/dbus-1 as session_dbusd_tmp_t
- Add dac_override capability to namespace_init_t domain
- Label /usr/sbin/corosync-qdevice as cluster_exec_t
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain to open communication channel with system dbus. BZ(1677484)
- Label /usr/libexec/dnf-utils as debuginfo_exec_t
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Build in parallel on Travis
- Fix parallel build of the policy
- Revert "Make able deply overcloud via neutron_t to label nsfs as fs_t"
- Add interface systemd_logind_read_state()
- Fix find commands in Makefiles
- Allow systemd-timesyncd to read network state BZ(1694272)
- Update userdomains to allow confined users to create gpg keys
- Allow associate all filesystem_types with fs_t
- Dontaudit syslogd_t using kill in unamespaces BZ(1711122)
- Allow init_t to manage session_dbusd_tmp_t dirs
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read/write to clearance
- Allow su_domain_type to getattr to /dev/gpmctl
- Update userdom_login_user_template() template to make working systemd user session for guest and xguest SELinux users
- Fix typo in gpg SELinux module
- Update gpg policy to make ti working with confined users
- Add domain transition that systemd labeled as init_t can execute spamd_update_exec_t binary to run newly created process as spamd_update_t
- Remove allow rule for virt_qemu_ga_t to write/append user_tmp_t files
- Label /var/run/user/*/dbus-1 as session_dbusd_tmp_t
- Add dac_override capability to namespace_init_t domain
- Label /usr/sbin/corosync-qdevice as cluster_exec_t
- Allow NetworkManager_ssh_t domain to open communication channel with system dbus. BZ(1677484)
- Label /usr/libexec/dnf-utils as debuginfo_exec_t
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Label /usr/bin/tshark as wireshark_exec_t
- Update userdomains to allow confined users to create gpg keys
- Allow associate all filesystem_types with fs_t
- Dontaudit syslogd_t using kill in unamespaces BZ(1711122)
- Allow init_t to manage session_dbusd_tmp_t dirs
- Allow systemd_gpt_generator_t to read/write to clearance
- Allow su_domain_type to getattr to /dev/gpmctl
- Update userdom_login_user_template() template to make working systemd user session for guest and xguest SELinux users
- Alow nrpe_t to send signull to sssd domain when nagios_run_sudo boolean is turned on
- Allow nrpe_t domain to be dbus cliennt
- Add interface sssd_signull()
- Label /usr/bin/tshark as wireshark_exec_t
- Fix typo in dbus_role_template()
- Allow userdomains to send data over dgram sockets to userdomains dbus services BZ(1710119)
- Allow userdomains dbus domain to execute dbus broker. BZ(1710113)
- Allow dovedot_deliver_t setuid/setgid capabilities BZ(1709572)
- Allow virt domains to access xserver devices BZ(1705685)
- Allow aide to be executed by systemd with correct (aide_t) domain BZ(1648512)
- Dontaudit svirt_tcg_t domain to read process state of libvirt BZ(1594598)
- Allow pcp_pmie_t domain to use fsetid capability BZ(1708082)
- Allow pcp_pmlogger_t to use setrlimit BZ(1708951)
- Allow gpsd_t domain to read udev db BZ(1709025)
- Add sys_ptrace capaiblity for namespace_init_t domain
- Allow systemd to execute sa-update in spamd_update_t domain BZ(1705331)
- Allow rhsmcertd_t domain to read rpm cache files
- Label /efi same as /boot/efi boot_t BZ(1571962)
- Allow transition from udev_t to tlp_t BZ(1705246)
- Remove initrc_exec_t for /usr/sbin/apachectl file
- Allow iscsid_t domain to mmap modules_dep_t files
- Allow ngaios to use chown capability
- Dontaudit gpg_domain to create netlink_audit sockets
- Remove role transition in rpm_run() interface to allow sysadm_r jump to rpm_t type. BZ(1704251)
- Allow dirsrv_t domain to execute own tmp files BZ(1703111)
- Update fs_rw_cephfs_files() interface to allow also caller domain to read/write cephpfs_t lnk files
- Update domain_can_mmap_files() boolean to allow also mmap lnk files
- Improve userdom interfaces to drop guest_u SELinux user to use nsswitch
- Introduce deny_bluetooth boolean
- Allow greylist_milter_t to read network system state BZ(1702672)
- Allow freeipmi domains to mmap freeipmi_var_cache_t files
- Allow rhsmcertd_t and rpm_t domains to chat over dbus
- Allow thumb_t domain to delete cache_home_t files BZ(1701643)
- Update gnome_role_template() to allow _gkeyringd_t domains to chat with systemd_logind over dbus
- Add new interface boltd_dbus_chat()
- Allow fwupd_t and modemmanager_t domains to communicate over dbus BZ(1701791)
- Allow keepalived_t domain to create and use netlink_connector sockets BZ(1701750)
- Allow cockpit_ws_t domain to set limits BZ(1701703)
- Update Nagios policy when sudo is used
- Deamon rhsmcertd is able to install certs for docker again
- Introduce deny_bluetooth boolean
- Don't allow a container to connect to random services
- Remove file context /usr/share/spamassassin/sa-update\.cron -> bin_t to label sa-update.cron as spamd_update_exec_t.
- Allow systemd_logind_t and systemd_resolved_t domains to chat over dbus
- Allow unconfined_t to use bpf tools
- Allow x_userdomains to communicate with boltd daemon over dbus
- Allow mongod_t domain to lsearch in cgroups BZ(1698743)
- Allow rngd communication with pcscd BZ(1679217)
- Create cockpit_tmpfs_t and allow cockpit ws and session to use it BZ(1698405)
- Fix broken networkmanager interface for allowing manage lib files for dnsmasq_t.
- Update logging_send_audit_msgs(sudodomain() to control TTY auditing for netlink socket for audit service
After all reverted commit looks good, just targeted store have to be
specified when permissivedomains SELinux module is loaded.
This reverts commit f1ed716369.
- Allow boltd_t domain to write to sysfs_t dirs BZ(1689287)
- Allow fail2ban execute journalctl BZ(1689034)
- Update sudodomains to make working confined users run sudo/su
- Introduce new boolean unconfined_dyntrans_all.
- Allow iptables_t domain to read NetworkManager state BZ(1690881)
Make sure the config is consistent with what packages are (being)
installed in the system.
This should ensure that the package corresponding to SELINUXTYPE
in the config is always present in the system, or selinux is DISABLED
(both before policy_load is called and after any RPM transaction involving
selinux-policy-* package). Targeted mode is used when possible.
Resolves: rhbz#1641631
Signed-off-by: Vit Mojzis <vmojzis@redhat.com>
- Update xen SELinux module
- Improve labeling for PCP plugins
- Allow varnishd_t domain to read sysfs_t files
- Update vmtools policy
- Allow virt_qemu_ga_t domain to read udev_var_run_t files
- Update nagios_run_sudo boolean with few allow rules related to accessing sssd
- Update file context for modutils rhbz#1689975
- Label /dev/xen/hypercall and /dev/xen/xenbus_backend as xen_device_t Resolves: rhbz#1679293
- Grant permissions for onloadfs files of all classes.
- Allow all domains to send dbus msgs to vmtools_unconfined_t processes
- Label /dev/pkey as crypt_device_t
- Allow sudodomains to write to systemd_logind_sessions_t pipes.
- Label /usr/lib64/libcuda.so.XX.XX library as textrel_shlib_t.
When the policy is built with save-previous=true (see semanage.conf) the
previous version of store is saved in /var/lib/selinux/TYPE/previous directory.
This directory needs to be erased after build as it has no function for
Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/plautrba/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/selinux-policy-3.14.4-4.fc31.x86_64
error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: