- Add create perms to postgresql_manage_db
- ntpd using a gps has to be able to read/write generic tty_device_t
- If you disable unconfined and unconfineduser, rpm needs more privs to ma
- fix spec file
- Remove qemu_domtrans_unconfined() interface
- Make passenger working together with puppet
- Add init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket interface
- Fixes for wordpress
- Allow syslog to manage all log files
- Add use_fusefs_home_dirs boolean for chrome
- Make vdagent working with confined users
- Add abrt_handle_event_t domain for ABRT event scripts
- Labeled /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks as rpm_exec_t and added changes related to this change
- Allow httpd_git_script_t to read passwd data
- Allow openvpn to set its process priority when the nice parameter is used
- ksmtuned reads in shell programs
- gnome_systemctl_t reads the process state of ntp
- dnsmasq_t asks the kernel to load multiple kernel mod
- Add rules for domains executing systemctl
- Bogus text within fc file
- Add dirsrvadmin_unconfined_script_t domain type for 389-ds admin scripts
- Allow tmux to run as screen
- New policy for collectd
- Allow gkeyring_t to interact with all user apps
- Add rules to allow firstboot to run on machines with the unconfined.pp module
- xtables-multi wants to getattr of the proc fs
- Smoltclient is connecting to abrt
- Dontaudit leaked file descriptors to postdrop
- Allow abrt_dump_oops to look at kernel sysctls
- Abrt_dump_oops_t reads kernel ring buffer
- Allow mysqld to request the kernel to load modules
- systemd-login needs fowner
- Allow postfix_cleanup_t to searh maildrop
- Systemd needs to impersonate cups, which means it needs to create tcp_sock
- iptables: the various /sbin/ip6?tables.* are now symlinks for /sbin/xtables-mult
- Allow colord to interact with the users through the tmpfs file system
- Since we changed the label on deferred, we need to allow postfix_qmgr_t to b
- Add label for /var/log/mcelog
- Allow asterisk to read /dev/random if it uses TLS
- Allow colord to read ini files which are labeled as bin_t
- Allow dirsrvadmin sys_resource and setrlimit to use ulimit
- Systemd needs to be able to create sock_files for every label in /var/run di
- Also lists /var and /var/spool directories
- Add openl2tpd to l2tpd policy
- qpidd is reading the sysfs file
- init script needs to be able to manage sanlock_var_run_...
- Allow sandlock and wdmd to create /var/run directories...
- mixclip.so has been compiled correctly
- Fix passenger policy module name
- Allow chrome to optionally be transitioned to
- Zabbix needs these rules when starting the zabbix_server_mysql
- Implement a type for freedesktop openicc standard (~/.local/share/icc)
- Allow system_dbusd_t to read inherited icc_data_home_t files.
- Allow colord_t to read icc_data_home_t content. #706975
- Label stuff under /usr/lib/debug as if it was labeled under /