The SELinux Reference Policy project (refpolicy) is creating a complete SELinux policy as an alternative to the existing strict and targeted policies available from <ahref=""></a>. Once complete this policy will be able to be used as the system policy for a variety of systems and used as the basis for creating other policies. Refpolicy is based on the current strict and targeted policies, but aims to accomplish many additional <ahref="index.php?page=goals">goals</a>.
Refpolicy is under active development, with support and full time development staff from <ahref="">Tresys Technology</a>. The first release is available from the <ahref="index.php?page=download">download</a> page. This release is far from complete and is not usable as a drop in replacement for the existing policies. It is for interested policy developers and community members to examine and comment upon. The <ahref="index.php?page=status">status</a> page has more details on what is included in the current release. This project is just getting started and we are looking for policy developers interested in <ahref="contributing.html">contributing</a>.
<h1>Project Goals</h1>
<p>Security is the reason for existence for SELinux policies and must, therefore, always be the first priority. The security of operating systems and applications is often presented as a binary state: software is either secure or not secure. In reality, that view of security is inadequate. What is a fundamental security flaw on one system might be the acceptable, or even the primary functionality, of another. The challenge for a system policies like the current strict or targeted policy and refpolicy is to support all of these differring security goals. To accomplish this refpolicy will provide:
<li><b>Security Goals:</b> clearly stated security goals will for each component of the policy. This will allow policy developers to determine if a given component meets their security needs.</li>
<LI><b>Flexible Base Policy:</b> a base policy that protects the basic operating system and serves as a foundation to the rest of the policy. This base policy should be able to support a variety of application policies with differing security goals.</LI>
<li><b>Application Policy Variations:</b> application policy variations that make different security tradeoffs. For example, two apache policies might be created. One that is for serving read-only, static content that is severely restricted and another that is appropriate for dynamic content.</li>
<li><b>Configuration Tools:</b> configuration tools that allow the policy developer to make important security decisions including defining roles, configuring networking, and trading legacy compatibility for increased security.</li>
<li><b>Multi-Level Security</b>: MLS will be supported out-of-the-box without requiring destructive changes to the policy. It will be possible to compile and MLS and non-MLS policy from the same policy files by switching a configuration option.</li>