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1) Reference Policy make targets:
General Make targets:
install-src Install the policy sources into
/etc/selinux/NAME/src/policy, where NAME is defined in
the Makefile. If not defined, the TYPE, as defined in
the Makefile, is used. The default NAME is refpolicy.
A pre-existing source policy will be moved to
conf Regenerate policy.xml, and update/create modules.conf
and booleans.conf. This should be done after adding
or removing modules, or after running the bare target.
If the configuration files exist, their settings will
be preserved. This must be ran on policy sources that
are checked out from the CVS repository before they can
be used.
clean Delete all temporary files, compiled policies,
and file_contexts. Configuration files are left intact.
bare Do the clean make target and also delete configuration
files, web page documentation, and policy.xml.
html Regenerate policy.xml and create web page documentation
in the doc/html directory.
Make targets specific to modular (loadable modules) policies:
base Compile and package the base module. This is the
default target for modular policies.
modules Compile and package all Reference Policy modules
configured to be built as loadable modules.
MODULENAME.pp Compile and package the MODULENAME Reference Policy
2005-11-22 22:07:12 +00:00
all Compile and package the base module and all Reference
Policy modules configured to be built as loadable
install Compile, package, and install the base module and
Reference Policy modules configured to be built as
loadable modules.
load Compile, package, and install the base module and
Reference Policy modules configured to be built as
loadable modules, then insert them into the module
Make targets specific to monolithic policies:
policy Compile a policy locally for development and testing.
This is the default target for monolithic policies.
install Compile and install the policy and file contexts.
load Compile and install the policy and file contexts, then
load the policy.
enableaudit Remove all dontaudit rules from policy.conf.
relabel Relabel the filesystem.
checklabels Check the labels on the filesystem, and report when
a file would be relabeled, but do not change its label.
restorelabels Relabel the filesystem and report each file that is
2005-10-17 20:00:33 +00:00
2) Reference Policy Directories
All directories relative to the root of the Reference Policy sources directory.
config/appconfig-* Application configuration files for all configurations
of the Reference Policy (targeted/strict with or without
MLS or MCS). These are used by SELinux-aware programs.
config/local.users The file read by load policy for adding SELinux users
to the policy on the fly.
doc/html/* This contains the contents of the in-policy XML
documentation, presented in web page form.
doc/policy.dtd The doc/policy.xml file is validated against this DTD.
doc/policy.xml This file is generated/updated by the conf and html make
targets. It contains the complete XML documentation
included in the policy.
doc/templates/* Templates used for documentation web pages.
policy/booleans.conf This file is generated/updated by the conf make target.
It contains the booleans in the policy, and their
default values. If tunables are implemented as
booleans, tunables will also be included. This file
will be installed as the /etc/selinux/NAME/booleans
policy/constraints This file defines additional constraints on permissions
in the form of boolean expressions that must be
satisfied in order for specified permissions to be
granted. These constraints are used to further refine
the type enforcement rules and the role allow rules.
Typically, these constraints are used to restrict
changes in user identity or role to certain domains.
policy/global_booleans This file defines all booleans that have a global scope,
their default value, and documentation.
policy/global_tunables This file defines all tunables that have a global scope,
their default value, and documentation.
policy/mcs The multi-category security (MCS) configuration.
policy/mls The multi-level security (MLS) configuration.
policy/flask/initial_sids This file has declarations for each initial SID.
policy/flask/security_classes This file has declarations for each security class.
policy/flask/access_vectors This file defines the access vectors. Common
prefixes for access vectors may be defined at the
beginning of the file. After the common prefixes are
defined, an access vector may be defined for each
security class.
policy/modules/* Each directory represents a layer in Reference Policy
all of the modules are contained in one of these layers.
policy/modules.conf This file contains a listing of available modules, and
how they will be used when building Reference Policy. To
prevent a module from being used, set the module to
"off". For monolithic policies, modules set to "base"
and "module" will be included in the policy. For
modular policies, modules set to "base" will be included
in the base module; those set to "module" will be
compiled as individual loadable modules.
policy/support/* Support macros.
support/* Scripts and other tools used to help build the policy.