- sshkey: Escapes quotes in the ssh key (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#2117734
- test: Add Python 3.11 to test matrix (bcl)
- Add --hibernation option to AutoPart (ozobal)
- Makefile: Include pyproject.toml in new release commit (bcl)
- github: Use python 3.10 instead of a rc release (bcl)
- Fix validation of packages arguments (bcl)
- Add Fedora 37 support (vslavik)
- Add Fedora 36 support (vslavik)
- Update ksvalidator manpage for multiple input files (vslavik)
- Test new code paths in ksvalidator (vslavik)
- ksvalidator: Add file globbing (vslavik)
- Rename _is_url() to is_url() to make it public (vslavik)
- ksvalidator: Add support for multiple files (vslavik)
- ksvalidator: Handle empty files (bcl)
- ksflatten: Add test coverage for unknown version (bcl)
- tests: Add python 3.10 to the test matrix (bcl)
- ksflatten: Fix pylint complaint about msg reuse (bcl)
- Remove more python2 compatability (bcl)
- tests: Ignore new pylint warnings (bcl)
- Fix typo "installaton" (amahdal)
- Be more consistent when referring to `%pre` (amahdal)
- The parse method is expected to return a value (vponcova)
- tests: unittest isn't used in handle_unicode anymore (bcl)
- Add RHEL 9 handler (mkolman)
Resolves: rhbz#1966730
- Add RHEL 9 version for commands that had a RHEL version in the past (mkolman)
Related: rhbz#1966730
- Add RHEL 9 version for BTRFS related commands (mkolman)
Related: rhbz#1966730
- Conditionally BuildRequire coverage and sphinx for runtests (bcl)
Resolves: rhbz#1916735
- Change the lilo command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Change the lilocheck command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Fix test for the removed "interactive" command (vslavik)
- Change the langsupport command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Change the monitor command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Change the mouse command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Change the upgrade command removal to use RemovedCommand (vslavik)
- Fix ksverdiff detection of removed commands (vslavik)
- Check warnings of the deprecated kickstart commands (vponcova)
- Remove the install command (vslavik)
- Remove the deviceprobe command (vslavik)
- Remove the device command (vslavik)
- Remove the dmraid command (vslavik)
- Remove the multipath command (vslavik)
- Fix deprecation test for removed commands (vslavik)
- Switch interactive removal to use RemovedCommand (bcl)
- Add RemovedCommand for removing commands and documenting them (bcl)
- Remove support for the updates command without an URL (vponcova)
- Document how to deprecate commands and options (bcl)
- Remove the ignoredisk --interactive option (vslavik)
- Remove the partition --active option (vslavik)
- Deprecate the %traceback section (vslavik)
- Add missing .coveragerc file (bcl)
- Switch to using GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI (bcl)
- Add support for running via tox (bcl)
- Deprecate the method command (vslavik)
- Remove the bootloader option --upgrade (vslavik)
- Deprecate the autostep command (vslavik)
- Add missing spaces into the message (yurchor)
- ksshell: Fix indentation in _init_matches (bcl)
- Mark the level option of the logging command as deprecated (vponcova)
- Makefile: Add __init__.py with new version to bumpver commit (bcl)
- tests: Ignore W0707 raise-missing-from warnings (bcl)
- Add Fedora 34 support (bcl)
- Add new tests for the harddrive biospart parameter removal (jkonecny)
- Remove biospart from harddrive command (jkonecny)
- move dependencies into setup.py and use setuptools (carlos)
- remove reference to py3 as a requirement (carlos)
- remove references to nose test framework (carlos)
- update dist to 18.04 (carlos)
- add ci test for future py ver (carlos)
- use new travis-ci syntax (carlos)
- parser: Remove OrderedSet (bcl)
- tests: Add a slightly different test for Package.add (bcl)
- Add pykickstart.__version__ string (bcl)
- tests: Fix pylint warnings in timezone tests (bcl)
- Mark --ntpservers and --nontp options of timezone command as deprecated (mkolman)
- Add the timesource command (mkolman)
- Add RHEL8_Repo, RHEL8_RepoData, and RHEL8_Url classes (bcl)
- pylint: Fix warnings and errors from pylint 2.5.x (bcl)
- i18n: Use gettext instead of lgettext (bcl)
- Use W9902 in pylint disable to avoid warnings about _ (bcl)
- Add python 3.8 to travis.yml (bcl)
- docs: Fix network.py documentation markup (bcl)
- docs: versionadded directive needs a blank line after it (bcl)
- docs: Maintain programmers-guide in the repo (bcl)
- Makefile: Add creating the detached signature to the release make target (bcl)
- Make --url doctext more understandable (jkonecny)
- Remove url command doc that it's replaced (jkonecny)
- Add missing information for driverdisk KS command (jkonecny)
- tests: close the HTTP Server in tests/include.py (bcl)
- tests: Replace nose with unittest (bcl)
- tests: pin coverage at the 4.x.x series (bcl)
- Switch to using Weblate for translations (bcl)
- po: Remove pykickstart.pot (bcl)
- gpg sign the git tag (bcl)
- Cleaning up empty help strings (bcl)
- tests: Fix the empty description, help, etc. test (bcl)
- tests: Turn off HTTP logging in Include_URL_TestCase (bcl)
- tests: Catch warning in Unknown_New_Section_2_TestCase (bcl)
- tests: Capture stderr output from ksflatten test (bcl)
- Prefer --utc to --isUtc in timezone for F32 and later (vslavik)
- Give output in str(F25_Timezone) even without timezone spec (vslavik)
- Prefer the non-camelCased options for %packages (vslavik)
- Add test for kickstart option names (vslavik)
- Add lowercase aliases for camelCased %packages options (vslavik)
- Commit the new pykickstart.pot when making a release (bcl)
- Add the rhsm command (mkolman)
- Fix travis and coverage runs (bcl)
- Fix pylint unnecessary-pass warnings (bcl)
- Drop python2 compatibility (jkonecny)
- Fix check for python zanata client in Makefile (jkonecny)
- Update versionremoved sphinx extension (bcl)
- Enable coveralls.io coverage tracking (bcl)
- Add tests for ignorebroken packages parameter (jkonecny)
- Add ignore broken parameter to packages section (#1642013) (jkonecny)
- Add support for the ZIPL Secure Boot for F32 and RHEL8 (vponcova)
- Add F32 support (jkonecny)
- Add note for the repo and url ssl options (jkonecny)
- Skip FailsToOpenOutputFile_TestCase if running as root (juliana.rodrigueiro)
- Change .spec Source to new pykickstart organization URL (bcl)
Add F31 handler (mkolman)
Add the --disable option for the module command (#1719347) (mkolman)
A couple fixes for %packaging section docs (mkolman)
Fix the docs generation (vponcova)
Fix the documentation of bootloader --append (vponcova)
Just kidding, use xenial for everything. (dcantrel)
Python 3.7 is only available in 'xenial' in Travis-CI (dcantrel)
Reduce .travis.yml to Python 3.{5,6,7}, set SPHINXAPIDOC (dcantrel)
Replace PYTHONPATH override with sys.path.append; allow
Add rhel7-branch to .travis.yml (dcantrel)
Restrict the branches to test with Python 3. (dcantrel)
More changes to .travis.yml, add requirements.txt file (dcantrel)
Update the Travis-CI yaml file. (dcantrel)
Fix documentation for the --excludepkgs and --includepkgs repo
options (mkolman)
packit.yml: remove unused content (ttomecek)
Update sed in pykistart.spec Makefile target (phracek)
Add pykickstart.spec.in for packit (phracek)
Make %packages --default attribute sane (jkonecny)
Configuration file .packit.yaml (phracek)
For Travis-CI, explicitly use Sphinx 1.7.6 (dcantrel)
Change to unittest.skipUnless and use correct syntax. (dcantrel)
Replace 'import unittest.skipIf as skipIf' with
just 'import unittest' (dcantrel)
s/unittest/pytest/g in .travis.yml (dcantrel)
pip install unittest for the Travis-CI runs (dcantrel)
Run 'git checkout' in the Makefile ignoring non-fatal errors (dcantrel)
Skip KS_With_Wrong_Permissions_TestCase if running as root. (dcantrel)
Treat pylint warnings as non-fatal, exit codes 0 and 4. (dcantrel)
Remove unused falsePositives in runpylint.py (dcantrel)
Use env to set NOSE_IGNORE_CONFIG_FILES (dcantrel)
Add NOSE_IGNORE_CONFIG_FILES=y to the .travis.yml file (dcantrel)
Set NOSE_IGNORE_CONFIG_FILES in make coverage (dcantrel)
In the Travis-CI environment, coverage is 'coverage' (dcantrel)
Close output_path after reading in ksflatten.py (dcantrel)
Makefile improvements (dcantrel)
Specify Python 3.7 in .travis.yml per the docs. (dcantrel)
Run sphinx-build and sphinx-apidoc from docs/Makefile (dcantrel)
Add some missing help strings as detected by the coverage target. (dcantrel)
Add missing descriptions to a handful of pykickstart commands. (dcantrel)
Mark the sshkey --username option as required in docs (mkolman)
Test on recent Python versions on Travis (mkolman)
Fix snapshot documentation (jkonecny)
Add a CONTRIBUTING file. (dcantrel)
Run gen_commands_docs and gen_sections_docs with python3. (dcantrell)
Use python3-sphinx in docs/Makefile (dcantrell)
Nope, this way for make po-pull and make release. (dcantrell)
Make sure 'make release' runs 'make po-pull' (dcantrell)
RHEL8Handler: include ssl certificate options (lars)
Add options for ssl certs on url and repo commands (lars)
parser: use collections.abc to import Iterator (lars)
test: Remove unused import (lars)
tests: Fix ksflatten tests (lars)
tests: Remove KickstartValueError test case (lars)
tests: Remove test case that's actually valid (lars)
Fix pylint warning W0102 dangerous-default-value (lars)
docs/versionremoved: fix sphinx import path (lars)
travis: don't override PYTHON with /usr/bin/python3 (lars)
Refactor ksverdiff and add tests for it (atodorov)
Patch ksverdiff so it works with argparse (atodorov)
Add main() function to scripts to allow module to be imported (atodorov)
Refactor tools/ksflatten.py and add tests for it (atodorov)
Add more tests for load.py (atodorov)
Issue DeprecationWarning for KickstartValueError and test it for
completeness (atodorov)
More test coverage for autopart (atodorov)
Improve tests for updates (atodorov)
Improved tests for timezone (atodorov)
Improve tests for selinux (atodorov)
Improve test for rootpw (atodorov)
Refactoring for reboot.py and more tests (atodorov)
Refactor monitor.py and add more tests (atodorov)
Add more tests for logvol.py (atodorov)
Refactoring for driverdisk.py (atodorov)
Refactor and more tests for btrfs.py (atodorov)
Add test to kill remaining mutant (atodorov)
Refactor in dmraid.py (atodorov)
More tests and refactoring for volgroup.py (atodorov)
Improve displaymode tests (atodorov)
Fix the kickstart section %packages (vponcova)
Fix versions in parsers of kickstart sections (vponcova)
Fix warnings for deprecated options of kickstart commands (vponcova)
Fix pylint errors (vponcova)
Update kickstart-docs.rst (jason.gerfen)
Kickstart usage example link (jason.gerfen)
Document module stream installation (mkolman)
Mention all man pages in all "SEE ALSO" sections (tim)
Fix typo in ksshell man page (tim)
Normalize the mount point (vponcova)
Clarify the --when= parameter error message. (dcantrell)