- New upstream release 2.03:
- Fix typo in docs (CPAN RT#88394)
- Require perl 5.8.8, for <:encoding
- Updated IANA
- A bit more DESCRIPTION
- Update %description
- New upstream release 2.00:
- The mime information is now collected from various sources, amongst them
IANA; hence, some types may use different x-'s
- A separate table is built for the extension-to-type mapping
- Number of types up from 995 to 2096
- Number of extensions up from 734 to 1425
- The memory footprint and start-up speed should have improved considerably
- Added bin/collect_types
- Fixed some typos (CPAN RT#86847)
- Added ::Type::isVendor(), ::isExperimental(), ::isPersonal (CPAN RT#87062)
- Added ::Types::listTypes()
- Cleaned-up Exporter syntax of (very) old interface
- BR: perl(base), perl(File::Basename) and perl(File::Spec)
- Drop no-longer-needed UTF8 patch
- Update to 1.35:
- Explain how to use MIME::Types in mod_perl; when you do not read the
documentation about mod_perl/fork it will work as always, but
- subType() did not handle subType's with '+' in them
- Added video/webm and audio/webm, although not (yet) IANA registered
- BR: perl(Carp) and perl(Exporter)
- BR: at least version 1.00 of perl(Test::Pod)
- Use a patch rather than scripted iconv to fix character encooding
- Don't need to remove empty directories from the buildroot
- Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4
- Use %{_fixperms} macro rather than our own chmod incantation
- Don't use macros for commands
- Make %files list more explicit
- New upstream release 1.31
- Added zillions of new types from debian's /etc/mime.types
- Changed table format, hopefully to speed-up load times per type, slightly
compensating for the increased list
- Fix typo (CPAN RT#55655)
- xlsx must be encoded binary
- Added f4v, f4p, f4a, f4b extensions for mpeg4 (CPAN RT#55168)
- Moved POD test to xt directory, reducing the number of dependencies