Mesa graphics libraries
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2019-08-22 18:35:43 +01:00
.gitignore Add some more stuff to .gitignore 2019-05-09 11:15:31 -04:00
0001-gallium-Disable-rgb10-configs-by-default.patch Add back accidentally lost patch to disable rgb10 configs by default () 2019-02-08 12:09:20 +00:00
0003-evergreen-big-endian.patch rebase patches 2016-05-01 08:13:24 +02:00
egl.pc Bring back egl.pc for now 2019-08-22 18:35:43 +01:00
glesv2.pc Bring back glesv2.pc for now 2019-05-15 06:55:07 +10:00
Mesa-MLAA-License-Clarification-Email.txt add license clarification doc for mlaa 2013-01-15 10:38:20 -05:00
mesa.spec Bring back egl.pc for now 2019-08-22 18:35:43 +01:00
sources 19.2.0~rc1 2019-08-21 08:37:53 +01:00