Don't use conditionals macros verided by the values outside the SPEC. They don't work thay way.
Fix the server Recommends. They won't be parsed correctly, if they have whitespaces in front of them in contidional macros.
Move the upstream systemd config file for tokudb to the correct location.
Tweak the systemd unit files, to be closer to their upstream variants.
Heavy update of the skipped tests list. PPC64le seems problematic lately. Spider tests are disabled in the first testsuite run as a whole testsuite, so no need to explicitly list them.
Extend the testsuite timeout to 15 hours; 12 hours just wasn't enough for PPC64le; allow to retry failed test one time.
Build with Jemalloc again. Require Jemalloc by TokuDB. Set precise version of Jemalloc library to systemd config for TokuDB.
Patch 2: mariadb-install-test.patch has been incorporated by upstream
Patch 8: mariadb-install-db-sharedir.patch; upstream started to use macros
Update PCRE check
Start using location libdir/mariadb for plugins
Move libraries to libdir
Update unstable tests list
Use 'iproute' dependency instead of 'net-tools'
Related: #1496131
Set server package to own /usr/lib64/mysql directory
Use correct obsolete, so upgrade from maridb 10.1 to 10.2 is possible with dnf "--allowerasing" option
Related: #1497234
Created upstream issue tracker for the failing Spider testsuite
Fix: Only server utilities can be move to server-utils subpackage. The rest (from client)
were moved back to where they came from (client the main subpackage)
Added correct "Obsoletes" for the server-utils subpackage
Fixed FTBFS in F26 on x86_64, because of -Werror option
Related: #1421092, #1395127
Most of the non-essential utilites has been moved to the new sub-package mariadb-server-utils
Patches "admincrash" and "errno" removed, they are no longer relevant
"mysql-embedded-check.c" removed, no longer relevant
Buildrequires krb5-devel duplicity removed
Manpage for mysql_secure_installation extended
Preparation for the CrackLib plugin to be added (waiting for correct SELinux rules to be relased)
Related: #1260821, #1205082, #1414387