- For explanation of apparently large version jump, see:
- New tool: virt-make-fs.
- New API: guestfs_zero_device.
- Fixes RHBZ#580246 (tar-in command hangs if uploading more than available
- Fixes RHBZ#579664 (guestfish doesn't report error when there is not
enough space for image allocation)
- +BR perl-String-ShellQuote (for virt-make-fs).
- Mainly small bugfixes.
- Update Spanish translation of libguestfs (RHBZ#576876).
- Use ext4 dev tools on RHEL 5 (RHBZ#576688).
- Add support for minix filesystem (RHBZ#576689).
- New tools: virt-resize and virt-list-partitions.
- New APIs: guestfs_copy_size; APIs for querying the relationship between
LVM objects.
- Add vim to the virt-rescue appliance.
- libguestfs-supermin-helper rewritten in C (from shell), reduces appliance
boot time by 2-3 seconds.
- Fix parsing of integers in guestfish on 32 bit platforms (RHBZ#569757 and
- Enhance virt-inspector output for Windows guests.
- Add product_name field to virt-inspector output for all guests.
- Weaken dependencies on libntfs-3g.so, don't include SONAME in dep.
- Remove false dependency on libply (plymouth libraries).
- Spanish translation (RHBZ#570181).
- Fix bash regexp quoting bug.
- This release fixes: Add Marathi translations (RHBZ#561671). Polish
translations (RHBZ#502533). Add Gujarti translations (Sweta Kothari)
(RHBZ#560918). Update Oriya translations (thanks Manoj Kumar Giri)
(RHBZ#559498). Set locale in C programs so l10n works (RHBZ#559962).
Add Tamil translation (RHBZ#559877) (thanks to I.Felix) Update Punjabi
translation (RHBZ#559480) (thanks Jaswinder Singh)
- There are significant fixes to hive file handling.
- New upstream version 1.0.82. This includes the two patches
we were carrying, so those are now removed.
- This release fixes:
RHBZ#559498 (Oriya translation).
RHBZ#559480 (Punjabi translation).
RHBZ#558593 (Should prevent corruption by multilib).
RHBZ#559237 (Telugu translation).
RHBZ#557655 (Use xstrtol/xstrtoll to parse integers in guestfish).
RHBZ#557195 (Missing crc kernel modules for recent Linux).
- In addition this contains numerous fixes to the hivex library
for parsing Windows Registry files, making hivex* and virt-win-reg
more robust.
- New API call 'filesize'.