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#! /usr/bin/perl
# Compare build logs for the testsuite results regressions.
# $Id$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $reverse=shift @ARGV if ($ARGV[0]||"") eq "-r";
sub readfile($)
local *F;
open F,$filename or die "open \"$filename\": $!";
my $F=do { local $/; <F>; };
close F or die "close \"$filename\": $!";
return $F;
sub writefile($$)
local *F;
open F,">$filename" or die "create \"$filename\": $!";
print F $content or die "write \"$filename\": $!";
close F or die "close \"$filename\": $!";
local *DIR;
opendir DIR,"tests" or die "opendir: $!";
my %arch;
for my $name (sort readdir(DIR)) {
next if $name!~/-([^-]*)[.]log$/o;
my $arch=$1;
(my $sum=$name)=~s/log$/sum/ or die;
my $i=readfile "tests/$name";
my $o="";
while ($i=~/\n(Native configuration is.*?Summary ===\n.*?\n)make\Q[\E/gs) {
# Version string differs.
$o=~s{^(Version .*) 20\d{6}$}{$1}mg;
$o=~s{^(\Q../as-new\E) 20\d{6}$}{$1}mg;
$o=~s{^(build-[^/]*/ld/ld-new) 20\d{6}$}{$1}mg;
writefile "tests/$sum",$o;
push @{$arch{$arch}},$sum;
closedir DIR or die "closedir: $!";
for (values(%arch)) {
next if 2==@$_;
warn "Single element: ".${$_}[0]."\n" if 1==@$_;
die "Not 2 elements:\n".Dumper($_) if 1!=@$_;
system("rm -f tests/gdbcompare-*.diff") and die;
for my $arch (sort keys(%arch)) {
next if 2!=@{$arch{$arch}};
# sub trans { return {"."=>0,"-"=>1}->{($_[0]=~/([-.])[^-.]+[.]\w+$/)[0]}.$_[0]; };
sub trans { return $_[0]; };
my @sorted=sort { my $a1=trans $a; my $b1=trans $b; ($b1 cmp $a1) * ($reverse ? -1 : +1); } @{$arch{$arch}};
do { system $_ and die $_; } for "diff -u tests/'".$sorted[1]."' tests/'".$sorted[0]."' >tests/gdbcompare-'$arch'.sum.diff;true";
system("vim tests/gdbcompare-*.sum.diff");