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# treebuilder.py - handle arch-specific tree building stuff using templates
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author(s): Will Woods <wwoods@redhat.com>
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.treebuilder")
import os, re
from os.path import basename, isdir
from subprocess import check_call, check_output
from sysutils import joinpaths, remove
from shutil import copytree, copy2
from base import DataHolder
from ltmpl import LoraxTemplateRunner
import imgutils
templatemap = {
'i386': 'x86.tmpl',
'x86_64': 'x86.tmpl',
'ppc': 'ppc.tmpl',
'ppc64': 'ppc.tmpl',
'sparc': 'sparc.tmpl',
'sparc64': 'sparc.tmpl',
's390': 's390.tmpl',
's390x': 's390.tmpl',
def generate_module_info(moddir, outfile=None):
def module_desc(mod):
return check_output(["modinfo", "-F", "description", mod]).strip()
def read_module_set(name):
return set(l.strip() for l in open(joinpaths(moddir,name)) if ".ko" in l)
modsets = {'scsi':read_module_set("modules.block"),
modinfo = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(moddir):
for modtype, modset in modsets.items():
for mod in modset.intersection(files): # modules in this dir
(name, ext) = os.path.splitext(mod) # foo.ko -> (foo, .ko)
desc = module_desc(joinpaths(root,mod)) or "%s driver" % name
modinfo.append(dict(name=name, type=modtype, desc=desc))
out = open(outfile or joinpaths(moddir,"module-info"), "w")
out.write("Version 0\n")
for mod in sorted(modinfo, key=lambda m: m.get('name')):
2011-05-14 07:27:25 +00:00
class RuntimeBuilder(object):
'''Builds the anaconda runtime image.'''
def __init__(self, product, arch, yum, templatedir=None):
root = yum.conf.installroot
# use a copy of product so we can modify it locally
product = product.copy()
product.name = product.name.lower()
self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, yum=yum, root=root,
basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir)
self.yum = yum
self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot=root, outroot=root,
yum=yum, templatedir=templatedir)
self._runner.defaults = self.vars
2011-05-12 21:17:50 +00:00
def install(self):
'''Install packages and do initial setup with runtime-install.tmpl'''
2011-05-12 21:17:50 +00:00
def writepkglists(self, pkglistdir):
'''debugging data: write out lists of package contents'''
if not os.path.isdir(pkglistdir):
for pkgobj in self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='installed').installed:
with open(joinpaths(pkglistdir, pkgobj.name), "w") as fobj:
for fname in pkgobj.filelist + pkgobj.dirlist:
def postinstall(self):
2011-05-12 21:17:50 +00:00
'''Do some post-install setup work with runtime-postinstall.tmpl'''
# copy configdir into runtime root beforehand
configdir = joinpaths(self._runner.templatedir,"config_files")
configdir_path = "tmp/config_files"
fullpath = joinpaths(self.vars.root, configdir_path)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
copytree(configdir, fullpath)
self._runner.run("runtime-postinstall.tmpl", configdir=configdir_path)
2011-05-12 21:17:50 +00:00
def cleanup(self):
'''Remove unneeded packages and files with runtime-cleanup.tmpl'''
2011-05-14 07:27:25 +00:00
# get removelocales list first
localedir = joinpaths(self.vars.root, "usr/share/locale")
langtable = joinpaths(self.vars.root, "usr/share/anaconda/lang-table")
locales = set([d for d in os.listdir(localedir) if isdir(joinpaths(localedir,d))])
keeplocales = [line.split()[1] for line in open(langtable)]
2011-05-14 07:27:25 +00:00
removelocales = locales.difference(keeplocales)
self._runner.run("runtime-cleanup.tmpl", removelocales=removelocales)
2011-05-12 21:17:50 +00:00
def writepkgsizes(self, pkgsizefile):
'''debugging data: write a big list of pkg sizes'''
fobj = open(pkgsizefile, "w")
getsize = lambda f: os.lstat(f).st_size if os.path.exists(f) else 0
for p in sorted(self.yum.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='installed').installed):
pkgsize = sum(getsize(joinpaths(self.vars.root,f)) for f in p.filelist)
fobj.write("{0.name}.{0.arch}: {1}\n".format(p, pkgsize))
def generate_module_data(self):
root = self.vars.root
moddir = joinpaths(root, "lib/modules/")
for kver in os.listdir(moddir):
ksyms = joinpaths(root, "boot/System.map-%s" % kver)
logger.info("doing depmod and module-info for %s", kver)
check_call(["depmod", "-a", "-F", ksyms, "-b", root, kver])
generate_module_info(moddir+kver, outfile=moddir+"module-info")
def create_runtime(self, outfile="/tmp/squashfs.img", compression="xz", compressargs=[], size=1):
# make live rootfs image - must be named "LiveOS/rootfs.img" for dracut
workdir = joinpaths(os.path.dirname(outfile), "runtime-workdir")
if size:
fssize = size * (1024*1024*1024) # 2GB sparse file compresses down to nothin'
fssize = None # Let mkext4img figure out the needed size
os.makedirs(joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS"))
imgutils.mkext4img(self.vars.root, joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img"),
label="Anaconda", size=fssize)
# Reset selinux context on new rootfs
with imgutils.LoopDev( joinpaths(workdir, "LiveOS/rootfs.img") ) as loopdev:
with imgutils.Mount(loopdev) as mnt:
cmd = ["chroot", mnt, "setfiles", "-e", "/proc", "-e", "/sys", "-e", "/dev", "-e", "/selinux", "/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts", "/"]
# squash the live rootfs and clean up workdir
imgutils.mksquashfs(workdir, outfile, compression, compressargs)
2011-05-17 19:29:23 +00:00
class TreeBuilder(object):
'''Builds the arch-specific boot images.
inroot should be the installtree root (the newly-built runtime dir)'''
def __init__(self, product, arch, inroot, outroot, runtime, isolabel, domacboot=True, templatedir=None):
# NOTE: if you pass an arg named "runtime" to a mako template it'll
# clobber some mako internal variables - hence "runtime_img".
self.vars = DataHolder(arch=arch, product=product, runtime_img=runtime,
inroot=inroot, outroot=outroot,
basearch=arch.basearch, libdir=arch.libdir,
isolabel=isolabel, udev=udev_escape, domacboot=domacboot)
self._runner = LoraxTemplateRunner(inroot, outroot, templatedir=templatedir)
self._runner.defaults = self.vars
self.templatedir = templatedir
2011-05-14 07:27:25 +00:00
def kernels(self):
return findkernels(root=self.vars.inroot)
def rebuild_initrds(self, add_args=[], backup=""):
'''Rebuild all the initrds in the tree. If backup is specified, each
initrd will be renamed with backup as a suffix before rebuilding.
If backup is empty, the existing initrd files will be overwritten.'''
dracut = ["dracut", "--prefix=/run/initramfs",
"--nomdadmconf", "--nolvmconf"] + add_args
if not backup:
# Hush some dracut warnings. TODO: bind-mount proc in place?
for kernel in self.kernels:
logger.info("rebuilding %s", kernel.initrd.path)
if backup:
initrd = joinpaths(self.vars.inroot, kernel.initrd.path)
os.rename(initrd, initrd + backup)
2011-05-14 07:27:25 +00:00
check_call(["chroot", self.vars.inroot] + \
dracut + [kernel.initrd.path, kernel.version])
def build(self):
templatefile = templatemap[self.vars.arch.basearch]
self._runner.run(templatefile, kernels=self.kernels)
2011-06-30 22:13:24 +00:00
self.treeinfo_data = self._runner.results.treeinfo
def implantisomd5(self):
2011-05-10 20:57:10 +00:00
for section, data in self.treeinfo_data.items():
if 'boot.iso' in data:
iso = joinpaths(self.vars.outroot, data['boot.iso'])
check_call(["implantisomd5", iso])
def dracut_hooks_path(self):
""" Return the path to the lorax dracut hooks scripts
Use the configured share dir if it is setup,
otherwise default to /usr/share/lorax/dracut_hooks
if self.templatedir:
return joinpaths(self.templatedir, "dracut_hooks")
return "/usr/share/lorax/dracut_hooks"
def copy_dracut_hooks(self, hooks):
""" Copy the hook scripts in hooks into the installroot's /tmp/
and return a list of commands to pass to dracut when creating the
hooks is a list of tuples with the name of the hook script and the
target dracut hook directory
(eg. [("99anaconda-copy-ks.sh", "/lib/dracut/hooks/pre-pivot")])
dracut_commands = []
for hook_script, dracut_path in hooks:
src = joinpaths(self.dracut_hooks_path, hook_script)
if not os.path.exists(src):
logger.error("Missing lorax dracut hook script %s" % (src))
dst = joinpaths(self.vars.inroot, "/tmp/", hook_script)
copy2(src, dst)
dracut_commands += ["--include", joinpaths("/tmp/", hook_script),
return dracut_commands
#### TreeBuilder helper functions
def findkernels(root="/", kdir="boot"):
# To find possible flavors, awk '/BuildKernel/ { print $4 }' kernel.spec
flavors = ('debug', 'PAE', 'PAEdebug', 'smp', 'xen')
kre = re.compile(r"vmlinuz-(?P<version>.+?\.(?P<arch>[a-z0-9_]+)"
kernels = []
for f in os.listdir(joinpaths(root, kdir)):
match = kre.match(f)
if match:
kernel = DataHolder(path=joinpaths(kdir, f))
kernel.update(match.groupdict()) # sets version, arch, flavor
# look for associated initrd/initramfs
for kernel in kernels:
# NOTE: if both exist, the last one found will win
for imgname in ("initrd", "initramfs"):
i = kernel.path.replace("vmlinuz", imgname, 1) + ".img"
if os.path.exists(joinpaths(root, i)):
kernel.initrd = DataHolder(path=i)
return kernels
# udev whitelist: 'a-zA-Z0-9#+.:=@_-' (see is_whitelisted in libudev-util.c)
udev_blacklist=' !"$%&\'()*,/;<>?[\\]^`{|}~' # ASCII printable, minus whitelist
udev_blacklist += ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(32)) # ASCII non-printable
def udev_escape(label):
out = u''
for ch in label.decode('utf8'):
out += ch if ch not in udev_blacklist else u'\\x%02x' % ord(ch)
return out.encode('utf8')