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# treebuilder.py - handle arch-specific tree building stuff using templates
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Author(s): Will Woods <wwoods@redhat.com>
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("pylorax.treebuilder")
import os, re, glob
from os.path import join, basename, isdir, getsize
from subprocess import check_call, PIPE
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from sysutils import joinpaths, cpfile, replace, remove
from ltmpl import LoraxTemplate
from base import DataHolder
from imgutils import mkcpio
templatemap = {'i386': 'x86.tmpl',
'x86_64': 'x86.tmpl',
'ppc': 'ppc.tmpl',
'ppc64': 'ppc.tmpl',
'sparc': 'sparc.tmpl',
'sparc64': 'sparc.tmpl',
's390': 's390.tmpl',
's390x': 's390.tmpl',
def findkernels(root="/", kdir="boot"):
# To find flavors, awk '/BuildKernel/ { print $4 }' kernel.spec
flavors = ('debug', 'PAE', 'PAEdebug', 'smp', 'xen')
kre = re.compile(r"vmlinuz-(?P<version>.+?\.(?P<arch>[a-z0-9_]+)"
kernels = []
for f in os.listdir(joinpaths(root, kdir)):
match = kre.match(f)
if match:
kernel = DataHolder(path=joinpaths(kdir, f))
kernel.update(match.groupdict()) # sets version, arch, flavor
# look for associated initrd/initramfs
for kernel in kernels:
# NOTE: if both exist, the last one found will win
for imgname in ("initrd", "initramfs"):
i = kernel.path.replace("vmlinuz", imgname, 1) + ".img"
if os.path.exists(joinpaths(root, i)):
kernel.initrd = DataHolder(path=i)
return kernels
2011-05-10 21:46:37 +00:00
def _glob(globpat, root="", fatal=True):
files_found = glob.glob(os.path.join(root, globpat))
if fatal and not files_found:
2011-05-10 21:46:37 +00:00
raise IOError, "nothing matching %s" % os.path.join(root, globpat)
return files_found
def _exists(path, root=""):
return (len(_glob(path, root, fatal=False)) > 0)
class BaseBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, product, arch, inroot, outroot, templatedir=None):
self.arch = arch
self.product = product
self.inroot = inroot
self.outroot = outroot
self.templatedir = templatedir
self.runner = None
def getdefaults(self):
return dict(arch=self.arch, product=self.product,
inroot=self.inroot, outroot=self.outroot,
basearch=self.arch.basearch, libdir=self.arch.libdir)
def runtemplate(self, tfile, **tvars):
# get data for template - start with defaults and override from args
for k,v in self.getdefaults().items():
tvars.setdefault(k,v) # setdefault won't override existing keys
logger.info("parsing %s with the following variables", tfile)
for key, val in tvars.items():
logger.info(" %s: %s", key, val)
# set up functions for template
tvars.setdefault('exists', lambda p: _exists(p, root=tvars['inroot']))
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tvars.setdefault('glob', lambda g: _glob(g, root=tvars['inroot']))
# parse and run the template
t = LoraxTemplate(directories=[self.templatedir])
template = t.parse(tfile, tvars)
self.runner = TemplateRunner(self.inroot, self.outroot, template)
logger.info("running template commands")
class TreeBuilder(BaseBuilder):
'''Builds the arch-specific boot images.
inroot should be the installtree root (the newly-built runtime dir)'''
def build(self):
self.runtemplate(templatemap[self.arch.basearch], kernels=self.kernels)
def treeinfo_data(self):
if self.runner:
return self.runner.treeinfo_data
def kernels(self):
return findkernels(root=self.inroot)
def rebuild_initrds(self, add_args=[], backup=""):
'''Rebuild all the initrds in the tree. If backup is specified, each
initrd will be renamed with backup as a suffix before rebuilding.
If backup is empty, the existing initrd files will be overwritten.'''
dracut = ["/sbin/dracut", "--nomdadmconf", "--nolvmconf"] + add_args
if not backup:
for kernel in self.kernels:
logger.info("rebuilding %s", kernel.initrd.path)
if backup:
initrd = joinpaths(self.inroot, kernel.initrd.path)
os.rename(initrd, initrd + backup)
check_call(["chroot", self.inroot] + \
dracut + [kernel.initrd.path, kernel.version])
def initrd_append(self, rootdir):
'''Place the given files into a cpio archive and append that archive
to the initrds.'''
cpio = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="lorax.") # XXX workdir?
mkcpio(rootdir, cpio.name, compression=None)
for kernel in self.kernels:
initrd_path = joinpaths(self.inroot, kernel.initrd.path)
with open(initrd_path, "ab") as initrd:
logger.info("%s size before appending: %i",
kernel.initrd.path, getsize(initrd.name))
def implantisomd5(self):
2011-05-10 20:57:10 +00:00
for section, data in self.treeinfo_data.items():
if 'boot.iso' in data:
iso = joinpaths(self.outroot, data['boot.iso'])
check_call(["implantisomd5", iso])
# note: "install", "replace", "exists" allow globs
# "install" and "exist" assume their first argument is in inroot
# everything else operates on outroot
# "mkdir", "treeinfo", "runcmd", "remove", "replace" will take multiple args
# TODO: to replace installtree:
# find(glob)
# installpkg/removepkg pkgglob [pkgglob..]
# run_pkg_transaction
# removefrom [pkgname] glob [glob..]
# module modname [modname...]
class TemplateRunner(object):
commands = ('install', 'mkdir', 'replace', 'append', 'treeinfo',
'installkernel', 'installinitrd', 'hardlink', 'symlink',
'copy', 'copyif', 'move', 'moveif', 'remove', 'chmod',
'runcmd', 'log')
def __init__(self, inroot, outroot, parsed_template, fatalerrors=False):
self.inroot = inroot
self.outroot = outroot
self.template = parsed_template
self.fatalerrors = fatalerrors
self.treeinfo_data = dict()
self.exists = lambda p: _exists(p, root=inroot)
def _out(self, path):
return joinpaths(self.outroot, path)
def _in(self, path):
return joinpaths(self.inroot, path)
def run(self):
for (num, line) in enumerate(self.template,1):
logger.debug("template line %i: %s", num, line)
(cmd, args) = (line[0], line[1:])
if cmd not in self.commands:
raise ValueError, "unknown command %s" % cmd
# grab the method named in cmd and pass it the given arguments
f = getattr(self, cmd)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("template command error: %s", str(line))
if self.fatalerrors:
def install(self, srcglob, dest):
for src in _glob(srcglob, root=self.inroot):
cpfile(src, self._out(dest))
def mkdir(self, *dirs):
for d in dirs:
d = self._out(d)
if not isdir(d):
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def replace(self, pat, repl, *fileglobs):
for g in fileglobs:
for f in _glob(g, root=self.outroot):
replace(f, pat, repl)
def append(self, filename, data):
with open(self._out(filename), "a") as fobj:
def treeinfo(self, section, key, *valuetoks):
if section not in self.treeinfo_data:
self.treeinfo_data[section] = dict()
self.treeinfo_data[section][key] = " ".join(valuetoks)
def installkernel(self, section, src, dest):
self.install(src, dest)
self.treeinfo(section, "kernel", dest)
def installinitrd(self, section, src, dest):
self.install(src, dest)
self.treeinfo(section, "initrd", dest)
def hardlink(self, src, dest):
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if isdir(self._out(dest)):
dest = join(dest, basename(src))
os.link(self._out(src), self._out(dest))
def symlink(self, target, dest):
os.symlink(target, self._out(dest))
def copy(self, src, dest):
cpfile(self._out(src), self._out(dest))
def copyif(self, src, dest):
if self.exists(src):
self.copy(src, dest)
return True
def move(self, src, dest):
self.copy(src, dest)
def moveif(self, src, dest):
if self.copyif(src, dest):
return True
def remove(self, *targets):
for t in targets:
def chmod(self, target, mode):
os.chmod(self._out(target), int(mode,8))
def gconfset(self, path, keytype, value, outfile=None):
if outfile is None:
outfile = self._out("etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults")
check_call(["gconftool-2", "--direct",
"--config-source=xml:readwrite:%s" % outfile,
"--set", "--type", keytype, path, value])
def log(self, msg):
def runcmd(self, *cmdlist):
'''Note that we need full paths for everything here'''
chdir = lambda: None
cmd = cmdlist
if cmd[0].startswith("chdir="):
dirname = cmd[0].split('=',1)[1]
chdir = lambda: os.chdir(dirname)
cmd = cmd[1:]
check_call(cmd, preexec_fn=chdir)