Petr Stodulka e5599cfda4 RHEL 8.10: CTC2 candidate - 0
- Add detection of possible usage of OpenSSL IBMCA engine on IBM Z machines
- Add detection of modified /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf file
- Update the leapp upgrade data files
- Fix handling of symlinks under /etc/pki with relative paths specified
- Report custom actors and modifications of the upgrade tooling
- Requires xfsprogs and e2fsprogs to ensure that Ext4 and XFS tools are installed
- Bump leapp-repository-dependencies to 10
- Resolves: RHEL-1774, RHEL-16729
2024-01-12 20:45:10 +01:00

548 lines
26 KiB

From 7c6e0d8ce1ca550309f2e76e1e57bef147f7a86b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Inessa Vasilevskaya <ivasilev@redhat.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:16:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 59/60] Introduce custom modifications tracking
This commit introduces two actors:
* the scanner that that scans leapp files and
produces messages with actor name/filepath mapping in case
any unexpected custom files or modified files were discovered.
* the checker that processes CustomModification messages and
produces report entries.
* uses rpms.get_leapp_packages function
* pstodulk: Updated report messages to provide more information to users
The purpose of this change is to help with the investigation
of reported issues as people harm themselves from time to time
and as this is not usually expected, it prolongs the solution
of the problem (people investigating such issues do not check
this possibility as the first thing, which is understandable).
This should help to identify possible root causes faster as
report msg should be always visible.
Jira: RHEL-1774
Co-authored-by: Petr Stodulka <pstodulk@redhat.com>
.../actors/checkcustommodifications/actor.py | 19 +++
.../libraries/checkcustommodifications.py | 138 ++++++++++++++++
.../tests/test_checkcustommodifications.py | 35 +++++
.../actors/scancustommodifications/actor.py | 18 +++
.../libraries/scancustommodifications.py | 147 ++++++++++++++++++
.../tests/test_scancustommodifications.py | 89 +++++++++++
.../common/models/custommodifications.py | 13 ++
7 files changed, 459 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/actor.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/libraries/checkcustommodifications.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/tests/test_checkcustommodifications.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/actor.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/libraries/scancustommodifications.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/tests/test_scancustommodifications.py
create mode 100644 repos/system_upgrade/common/models/custommodifications.py
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/actor.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/actor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1a50bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/actor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from leapp.actors import Actor
+from leapp.libraries.actor import checkcustommodifications
+from leapp.models import CustomModifications, Report
+from leapp.tags import ChecksPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag
+class CheckCustomModificationsActor(Actor):
+ """
+ Checks CustomModifications messages and produces a report about files in leapp directories that have been
+ modified or newly added.
+ """
+ name = 'check_custom_modifications_actor'
+ consumes = (CustomModifications,)
+ produces = (Report,)
+ tags = (IPUWorkflowTag, ChecksPhaseTag)
+ def process(self):
+ checkcustommodifications.report_any_modifications()
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/libraries/checkcustommodifications.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/libraries/checkcustommodifications.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1744531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/libraries/checkcustommodifications.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+from leapp import reporting
+from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api
+from leapp.models import CustomModifications
+def _pretty_files(messages):
+ """
+ Return formatted string of discovered files from obtained CustomModifications messages.
+ """
+ flist = []
+ for msg in messages:
+ actor = ' (Actor: {})'.format(msg.actor_name) if msg.actor_name else ''
+ flist.append(
+ '{sep}{filename}{actor}'.format(
+ filename=msg.filename,
+ actor=actor
+ )
+ )
+ return ''.join(flist)
+def _is_modified_config(msg):
+ # NOTE(pstodulk):
+ # We are interested just about modified files for now. Having new created config
+ # files is not so much important for us right now, but in future it could
+ # be changed.
+ if msg.component and msg.component == 'configuration':
+ return msg.type == 'modified'
+ return False
+def _create_report(title, summary, hint, links=None):
+ report_parts = [
+ reporting.Title(title),
+ reporting.Summary(summary),
+ reporting.Severity(reporting.Severity.HIGH),
+ reporting.Groups([reporting.Groups.UPGRADE_PROCESS]),
+ reporting.RemediationHint(hint)
+ ]
+ if links:
+ report_parts += links
+ reporting.create_report(report_parts)
+def check_configuration_files(msgs):
+ filtered_msgs = [m for m in msgs if _is_modified_config(m)]
+ if not filtered_msgs:
+ return
+ title = 'Detected modified configuration files in leapp configuration directories.'
+ summary = (
+ 'We have detected that some configuration files related to leapp or'
+ ' upgrade process have been modified. Some of these changes could be'
+ ' intended (e.g. modified repomap.json file in case of private cloud'
+ ' regions or customisations done on used Satellite server) so it is'
+ ' not always needed to worry about them. However they can impact'
+ ' the in-place upgrade and it is good to be aware of potential problems'
+ ' or unexpected results if they are not intended.'
+ '\nThe list of modified configuration files:{files}'
+ .format(files=_pretty_files(filtered_msgs))
+ )
+ hint = (
+ 'If some of changes in listed configuration files have not been intended,'
+ ' you can restore original files by following procedure:'
+ '\n1. Remove (or back up) modified files that you want to restore.'
+ '\n2. Reinstall packages which owns these files.'
+ )
+ _create_report(title, summary, hint)
+def _is_modified_code(msg):
+ if msg.component not in ['framework', 'repository']:
+ return False
+ return msg.type == 'modified'
+def check_modified_code(msgs):
+ filtered_msgs = [m for m in msgs if _is_modified_code(m)]
+ if not filtered_msgs:
+ return
+ title = 'Detected modified files of the in-place upgrade tooling.'
+ summary = (
+ 'We have detected that some files of the tooling processing the in-place'
+ ' upgrade have been modified. Note that such modifications can be allowed'
+ ' only after consultation with Red Hat - e.g. when support suggests'
+ ' the change to resolve discovered problem.'
+ ' If these changes have not been approved by Red Hat, the in-place upgrade'
+ ' is unsupported.'
+ '\nFollowing files have been modified:{files}'
+ .format(files=_pretty_files(filtered_msgs))
+ )
+ hint = 'To restore original files reinstall related packages.'
+ _create_report(title, summary, hint)
+def check_custom_actors(msgs):
+ filtered_msgs = [m for m in msgs if m.type == 'custom']
+ if not filtered_msgs:
+ return
+ title = 'Detected custom leapp actors or files.'
+ summary = (
+ 'We have detected installed custom actors or files on the system.'
+ ' These can be provided e.g. by third party vendors, Red Hat consultants,'
+ ' or can be created by users to customize the upgrade (e.g. to migrate'
+ ' custom applications).'
+ ' This is allowed and appreciated. However Red Hat is not responsible'
+ ' for any issues caused by these custom leapp actors.'
+ ' Note that upgrade tooling is under agile development which could'
+ ' require more frequent update of custom actors.'
+ '\nThe list of custom leapp actors and files:{files}'
+ .format(files=_pretty_files(filtered_msgs))
+ )
+ hint = (
+ 'In case of any issues connected to custom or third party actors,'
+ ' contact vendor of such actors. Also we suggest to ensure the installed'
+ ' custom leapp actors are up to date, compatible with the installed'
+ ' packages.'
+ )
+ links = [
+ reporting.ExternalLink(
+ url='https://red.ht/customize-rhel-upgrade',
+ title='Customizing your Red Hat Enterprise Linux in-place upgrade'
+ )
+ ]
+ _create_report(title, summary, hint, links)
+def report_any_modifications():
+ modifications = list(api.consume(CustomModifications))
+ if not modifications:
+ # no modification detected
+ return
+ check_custom_actors(modifications)
+ check_configuration_files(modifications)
+ check_modified_code(modifications)
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/tests/test_checkcustommodifications.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/tests/test_checkcustommodifications.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a538065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/checkcustommodifications/tests/test_checkcustommodifications.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from leapp.libraries.actor import checkcustommodifications
+from leapp.models import CustomModifications, Report
+def test_report_any_modifications(current_actor_context):
+ discovered_msgs = [CustomModifications(filename='some/changed/leapp/actor/file',
+ type='modified',
+ actor_name='an_actor',
+ component='repository'),
+ CustomModifications(filename='some/new/actor/in/leapp/dir',
+ type='custom',
+ actor_name='a_new_actor',
+ component='repository'),
+ CustomModifications(filename='some/new/actor/in/leapp/dir',
+ type='modified',
+ actor_name='a_new_actor',
+ component='configuration'),
+ CustomModifications(filename='some/changed/file/in/framework',
+ type='modified',
+ actor_name='',
+ component='framework')]
+ for msg in discovered_msgs:
+ current_actor_context.feed(msg)
+ current_actor_context.run()
+ reports = current_actor_context.consume(Report)
+ assert len(reports) == 3
+ assert (reports[0].report['title'] ==
+ 'Detected custom leapp actors or files.')
+ assert 'some/new/actor/in/leapp/dir (Actor: a_new_actor)' in reports[0].report['summary']
+ assert (reports[1].report['title'] ==
+ 'Detected modified configuration files in leapp configuration directories.')
+ assert (reports[2].report['title'] ==
+ 'Detected modified files of the in-place upgrade tooling.')
+ assert 'some/changed/file/in/framework' in reports[2].report['summary']
+ assert 'some/changed/leapp/actor/file (Actor: an_actor)' in reports[2].report['summary']
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/actor.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/actor.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5eae33aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/actor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from leapp.actors import Actor
+from leapp.libraries.actor import scancustommodifications
+from leapp.models import CustomModifications
+from leapp.tags import FactsPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag
+class ScanCustomModificationsActor(Actor):
+ """
+ Collects information about files in leapp directories that have been modified or newly added.
+ """
+ name = 'scan_custom_modifications_actor'
+ produces = (CustomModifications,)
+ tags = (IPUWorkflowTag, FactsPhaseTag)
+ def process(self):
+ for msg in scancustommodifications.scan():
+ self.produce(msg)
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/libraries/scancustommodifications.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/libraries/scancustommodifications.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80137ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/libraries/scancustommodifications.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import ast
+import os
+from leapp.exceptions import StopActorExecution
+from leapp.libraries.common import rpms
+from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api, CalledProcessError, run
+from leapp.models import CustomModifications
+LEAPP_REPO_DIRS = ['/usr/share/leapp-repository']
+def _get_dirs_to_check(component):
+ if component == 'repository':
+ return []
+def _get_rpms_to_check(component=None):
+ if component == 'repository':
+ return rpms.get_leapp_packages(component=rpms.LeappComponents.REPOSITORY)
+ if component == 'framework':
+ return rpms.get_leapp_packages(component=rpms.LeappComponents.FRAMEWORK)
+ return rpms.get_leapp_packages(components=[rpms.LeappComponents.REPOSITORY, rpms.LeappComponents.FRAMEWORK])
+def deduce_actor_name(a_file):
+ """
+ A helper to map an actor/library to the actor name
+ If a_file is an actor or an actor library, the name of the actor (name attribute of actor class) will be returned.
+ Empty string is returned if the file could not be associated with any actor.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(a_file):
+ return ''
+ # NOTE(ivasilev) Actors reside only in actor.py files, so AST processing any other file can be skipped.
+ # In case this function has been called on a non-actor file, let's go straight to recursive call on the assumed
+ # location of the actor file.
+ if os.path.basename(a_file) == 'actor.py':
+ data = None
+ with open(a_file) as f:
+ try:
+ data = ast.parse(f.read())
+ except TypeError:
+ api.current_logger().warning('An error occurred while parsing %s, can not deduce actor name', a_file)
+ return ''
+ # NOTE(ivasilev) Making proper syntax analysis is not the goal here, so let's get away with the bare minimum.
+ # An actor file will have an Actor ClassDef with a name attribute and a process function defined
+ actor = next((obj for obj in data.body if isinstance(obj, ast.ClassDef) and obj.name and
+ any(isinstance(o, ast.FunctionDef) and o.name == 'process' for o in obj.body)), None)
+ # NOTE(ivasilev) obj.name attribute refers only to Class name, so for fetching name attribute need to go
+ # deeper
+ if actor:
+ try:
+ actor_name = next((expr.value.s for expr in actor.body
+ if isinstance(expr, ast.Assign) and expr.targets[-1].id == 'name'), None)
+ except (AttributeError, IndexError):
+ api.current_logger().warning("Syntax Analysis for %d has failed", a_file)
+ actor_name = None
+ if actor_name:
+ return actor_name
+ # Assuming here we are dealing with a library or a file, so let's discover actor filename and deduce actor name
+ # from it. Actor is expected to be found under ../../actor.py
+ def _check_assumed_location(subdir):
+ assumed_actor_file = os.path.join(a_file.split(subdir)[0], 'actor.py')
+ if not os.path.exists(assumed_actor_file):
+ # Nothing more we can do - no actor name mapping, return ''
+ return ''
+ return deduce_actor_name(assumed_actor_file)
+ return _check_assumed_location('libraries') or _check_assumed_location('files')
+def _run_command(cmd, warning_to_log, checked=True):
+ """
+ A helper that executes a command and returns a result or raises StopActorExecution.
+ Upon success results will contain a list with line-by-line output returned by the command.
+ """
+ try:
+ res = run(cmd, checked=checked)
+ output = res['stdout'].strip()
+ if not output:
+ return []
+ return output.split('\n')
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ api.current_logger().warning(warning_to_log)
+ raise StopActorExecution()
+def _modification_model(filename, change_type, component, rpm_checks_str=''):
+ # XXX FIXME(ivasilev) Actively thinking if different model classes inheriting from CustomModifications
+ # are needed or let's get away with one model for everything (as is implemented now).
+ # The only difference atm is that actor_name makes sense only for repository modifications.
+ return CustomModifications(filename=filename, type=change_type, component=component,
+ actor_name=deduce_actor_name(filename), rpm_checks_str=rpm_checks_str)
+def check_for_modifications(component):
+ """
+ This will return a list of any untypical files or changes to shipped leapp files discovered on the system.
+ An empty list means that no modifications have been found.
+ """
+ rpms = _get_rpms_to_check(component)
+ dirs = _get_dirs_to_check(component)
+ source_of_truth = []
+ leapp_files = []
+ # Let's collect data about what should have been installed from rpm
+ for rpm in rpms:
+ res = _run_command(['rpm', '-ql', rpm], 'Could not get a list of installed files from rpm {}'.format(rpm))
+ source_of_truth.extend(res)
+ # Let's collect data about what's really on the system
+ for directory in dirs:
+ res = _run_command(['find', directory, '-type', 'f'],
+ 'Could not get a list of leapp files from {}'.format(directory))
+ leapp_files.extend(res)
+ # Let's check for unexpected additions
+ custom_files = sorted(set(leapp_files) - set(source_of_truth))
+ # Now let's check for modifications
+ modified_files = []
+ modified_configs = []
+ for rpm in rpms:
+ res = _run_command(
+ ['rpm', '-V', '--nomtime', rpm], 'Could not check authenticity of the files from {}'.format(rpm),
+ # NOTE(ivasilev) check is False here as in case of any changes found exit code will be 1
+ checked=False)
+ if res:
+ api.current_logger().warning('Modifications to leapp files detected!\n%s', res)
+ for modification_str in res:
+ modification = tuple(modification_str.split())
+ if len(modification) == 3 and modification[1] == 'c':
+ # Dealing with a configuration that will be displayed as ('S.5......', 'c', '/file/path')
+ modified_configs.append(modification)
+ else:
+ # Modification of any other rpm file detected
+ modified_files.append(modification)
+ return ([_modification_model(filename=f[1], component=component, rpm_checks_str=f[0], change_type='modified')
+ # Let's filter out pyc files not to clutter the output as pyc will be present even in case of
+ # a plain open & save-not-changed that we agreed not to react upon.
+ for f in modified_files if not f[1].endswith('.pyc')] +
+ [_modification_model(filename=f, component=component, change_type='custom')
+ for f in custom_files] +
+ [_modification_model(filename=f[2], component='configuration', rpm_checks_str=f[0], change_type='modified')
+ for f in modified_configs])
+def scan():
+ return check_for_modifications('framework') + check_for_modifications('repository')
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/tests/test_scancustommodifications.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/tests/test_scancustommodifications.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a48869e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/scancustommodifications/tests/test_scancustommodifications.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import pytest
+from leapp.libraries.actor import scancustommodifications
+from leapp.libraries.common.testutils import CurrentActorMocked, produce_mocked
+from leapp.libraries.stdlib import api
+.......T. repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/xorgdrvfact/libraries/xorgdriverlib.py
+S.5....T. repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/anotheractor/actor.py
+S.5....T. c etc/leapp/files/pes-events.json
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('a_file,name', [
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/checkblacklistca/actor.py', 'checkblacklistca'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el7toel8/actors/checkmemcached/actor.py', 'check_memcached'),
+ # actor library
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el7toel8/actors/checkmemcached/libraries/checkmemcached.py', 'check_memcached'),
+ # actor file
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/createresumeservice/files/leapp_resume.service', 'create_systemd_service'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/commonleappdracutmodules/files/dracut/85sys-upgrade-redhat/do-upgrade.sh',
+ 'common_leapp_dracut_modules'),
+ # not a library and not an actor file
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el7toel8/models/authselect.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/files/rhel_upgrade.py', ''),
+ # common library not tied to any actor
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/mounting.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/config/version.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/multipathutil.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/config/version.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/dnfplugin.py', ''),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/libraries/testutils.py', ''),
+ # the rest of false positives discovered by dkubek
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/setuptargetrepos/libraries/setuptargetrepos_repomap.py', 'setuptargetrepos'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/sssdfacts/libraries/sssdfacts8to9.py', 'sssd_facts_8to9'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/nisscanner/libraries/nisscan.py', 'nis_scanner'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/setuptargetrepos/libraries/setuptargetrepos_repomap.py', 'setuptargetrepos'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/repositoriesmapping/libraries/repositoriesmapping.py', 'repository_mapping'),
+ ('repos/system_upgrade/common/actors/peseventsscanner/libraries/peseventsscanner_repomap.py',
+ 'pes_events_scanner')
+def test_deduce_actor_name_from_file(a_file, name):
+ assert scancustommodifications.deduce_actor_name(a_file) == name
+def mocked__run_command(list_of_args, log_message, checked=True):
+ if list_of_args == ['rpm', '-ql', 'leapp-upgrade-el8toel9']:
+ # get source of truth
+ return FILES_FROM_RPM.strip().split('\n')
+ if list_of_args and list_of_args[0] == 'find':
+ # listing files in directory
+ return FILES_ON_SYSTEM.strip().split('\n')
+ if list_of_args == ['rpm', '-V', '--nomtime', 'leapp-upgrade-el8toel9']:
+ # checking authenticity
+ return VERIFIED_FILES.strip().split('\n')
+ return []
+def test_check_for_modifications(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(api, 'current_actor', CurrentActorMocked(arch='x86_64', src_ver='8.9', dst_ver='9.3'))
+ monkeypatch.setattr(scancustommodifications, '_run_command', mocked__run_command)
+ modifications = scancustommodifications.check_for_modifications('repository')
+ modified = [m for m in modifications if m.type == 'modified']
+ custom = [m for m in modifications if m.type == 'custom']
+ configurations = [m for m in modifications if m.component == 'configuration']
+ assert len(modified) == 3
+ assert modified[0].filename == 'repos/system_upgrade/el8toel9/actors/xorgdrvfact/libraries/xorgdriverlib.py'
+ assert modified[0].rpm_checks_str == '.......T.'
+ assert len(custom) == 3
+ assert custom[0].filename == '/some/unrelated/to/leapp/file'
+ assert custom[0].rpm_checks_str == ''
+ assert len(configurations) == 1
+ assert configurations[0].filename == 'etc/leapp/files/pes-events.json'
+ assert configurations[0].rpm_checks_str == 'S.5....T.'
diff --git a/repos/system_upgrade/common/models/custommodifications.py b/repos/system_upgrade/common/models/custommodifications.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51709dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repos/system_upgrade/common/models/custommodifications.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from leapp.models import fields, Model
+from leapp.topics import SystemFactsTopic
+class CustomModifications(Model):
+ """Model to store any custom or modified files that are discovered in leapp directories"""
+ topic = SystemFactsTopic
+ filename = fields.String()
+ actor_name = fields.String()
+ type = fields.StringEnum(choices=['custom', 'modified'])
+ rpm_checks_str = fields.String(default='')
+ component = fields.String()