mirror of https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora.git synced 2024-10-05 19:27:23 +00:00
Adam Williamson f915297475 Use buildroot repo for Rawhide image builds also
We recently started using the buildroot repo for Rawhide update
tests, but weren't including it in the image build tests. This
should include it in all the image build tests.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>
2022-12-12 08:42:18 -08:00

106 lines
4.9 KiB

use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
my $currrel = get_var("CURRREL");
my $rawrel = get_var("RAWREL");
my $repo = $version eq $rawrel ? "fedora-rawhide.repo" : "fedora.repo";
my $branch;
my $releasever;
if ($version eq $rawrel) {
$branch = "main";
$releasever = "Rawhide";
else {
$branch = "f${version}";
$releasever = $version;
my $advortask = get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK");
my $arch = get_var("ARCH");
my $subv = get_var("SUBVARIANT");
my $lcsubv = lc($subv);
# mount our nice big empty scratch disk as /var/tmp
assert_script_run "rm -rf /var/tmp/*";
assert_script_run "echo 'type=83' | sfdisk /dev/vdc";
assert_script_run "mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdc1";
assert_script_run "echo '/dev/vdc1 /var/tmp ext4 defaults 1 2' >> /etc/fstab";
assert_script_run "mount /var/tmp";
assert_script_run "cd /";
# usually a good idea for this kinda thing
assert_script_run "setenforce Permissive";
# install the tools we need
assert_script_run "dnf -y install git lorax flatpak ostree rpm-ostree wget dbus-daemon moreutils", 300;
# now check out workstation-ostree-config
assert_script_run 'git clone https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git';
assert_script_run 'pushd workstation-ostree-config';
assert_script_run "git checkout ${branch}";
# now copy the advisory, workaround repo and koji-rawhide config files
assert_script_run 'cp /etc/yum.repos.d/advisory.repo .';
assert_script_run 'cp /etc/yum.repos.d/workarounds.repo .';
assert_script_run 'cp /etc/yum.repos.d/koji-rawhide.repo .' if ($version eq $rawrel);
# and add them to the config file
my $repl = 'repos:\n - advisory\n - workarounds';
$repl .= '\n - koji-rawhide' if ($version eq $rawrel);
assert_script_run 'sed -i -e "s,repos:,' . $repl . ',g" fedora-' . $lcsubv . '.yaml';
# upload the config so we can check it
upload_logs "fedora-$lcsubv.yaml";
assert_script_run 'popd';
# now make the ostree repo
assert_script_run "mkdir -p /var/tmp/ostree";
assert_script_run "ostree --repo=/var/tmp/ostree/repo init --mode=archive";
# need this to make the pipeline in the next command fail when
# rpm-ostree fails. note: this is a bashism
assert_script_run "set -o pipefail";
# This shadows pungi/ostree/tree.py
# FIXME: when https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/FedoraSilverblueUnifiedCore
# is implemented we should match it by adding --unified-core to the args
# Difference from releng: we don't pass --write-commitid-to as it
# disables updating the ref with the new commit, and we *do* want
# to do that. pungi updates the ref itself, I don't want to copy
# all that work in here
assert_script_run "rpm-ostree compose tree --repo=/var/tmp/ostree/repo/ --add-metadata-string=version=${advortask} --force-nocache /workstation-ostree-config/fedora-$lcsubv.yaml |& ts '" . '[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]' . "' | tee /tmp/ostree.log", 4500;
assert_script_run "set +o pipefail";
upload_logs "/tmp/ostree.log";
# check out the ostree installer lorax templates
assert_script_run 'cd /';
assert_script_run 'git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git';
# also check out pungi-fedora and use our script to build part of
# the lorax command
assert_script_run 'git clone https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora.git';
assert_script_run 'cd pungi-fedora/';
assert_script_run "git checkout ${branch}";
# change 'ostree' to 'main' on/after merge
assert_script_run 'wget https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora/raw/main/f/ostree-parse-pungi.py', timeout => 120;
my $loraxargs = script_output "python3 ostree-parse-pungi.py $lcsubv $arch";
# this 'temporary file cleanup' thing can actually wipe bits of
# the lorax install root while lorax is still running...
assert_script_run "systemctl stop systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer";
# create the installer ISO
assert_script_run "mkdir -p /var/tmp/imgbuild";
assert_script_run "cd /var/tmp/imgbuild";
my $cmd = "lorax -p Fedora -v ${version} -r ${version} --repo=/etc/yum.repos.d/${repo} --variant=${subv} --nomacboot --buildarch=${arch} --volid=F-${subv}-ostree-${arch}-oqa --logfile=./lorax.log ${loraxargs}";
unless ($version > $currrel) {
$cmd .= " --isfinal --repo=/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo";
$cmd .= " --repo=/etc/yum.repos.d/advisory.repo --repo=/etc/yum.repos.d/workarounds.repo ./results";
assert_script_run $cmd, 6000;
# good to have the log around for checks
upload_logs "lorax.log", failok => 1;
assert_script_run "mv results/images/boot.iso ./${advortask}-${subv}-ostree-${arch}.iso";
upload_asset "./${advortask}-${subv}-ostree-${arch}.iso";
sub test_flags {
return {fatal => 1};