mirror of https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora.git synced 2024-10-05 11:17:23 +00:00
Adam Williamson 47664b0dd8 desktop_switch_layout: give switching 3 tries to work
There's a fairly longstanding issue in GDM where switching layout
just doesn't work sometimes:
there doesn't seem to be any progress on getting this fixed, and
it's annoying constantly restarting tests that fail on it. So
this just makes us try three times to switch before giving up.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>
2023-04-01 14:55:27 -07:00

1635 lines
67 KiB

package utils;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use Exporter;
use lockapi;
use testapi;
our @EXPORT = qw/run_with_error_check type_safely type_very_safely desktop_vt boot_to_login_screen console_login console_switch_layout desktop_switch_layout console_loadkeys_us do_bootloader boot_decrypt check_release menu_launch_type repo_setup setup_workaround_repo disable_updates_repos cleanup_workaround_repo console_initial_setup handle_welcome_screen gnome_initial_setup anaconda_create_user check_desktop download_modularity_tests quit_firefox advisory_get_installed_packages advisory_check_nonmatching_packages start_with_launcher quit_with_shortcut disable_firefox_studies select_rescue_mode copy_devcdrom_as_isofile get_release_number check_left_bar check_top_bar check_prerelease check_version spell_version_number _assert_and_click is_branched rec_log click_unwanted_notifications repos_mirrorlist register_application get_registered_applications solidify_wallpaper check_and_install_git download_testdata make_serial_writable/;
# We introduce this global variable to hold the list of applications that have
# registered during the apps_startstop_test when they have sucessfully run.
our @application_list;
sub run_with_error_check {
my ($func, $error_screen) = @_;
# Check screen does not work for serial console, so we need to use
# different checking mechanism for it.
if (testapi::is_serial_terminal) {
# by using 'unless' and 'expect_not_found=>1' here we avoid
# the web UI showing each failure to see the error message as
# a 'failed match'
die "Error screen appeared" unless (wait_serial($error_screen, timeout => 5, expect_not_found => 1));
die "Error screen appeared" unless (wait_serial($error_screen, timeout => 5, expect_not_found => 1));
else {
die "Error screen appeared" if (check_screen $error_screen, 5);
die "Error screen appeared" if (check_screen $error_screen, 5);
# high-level 'type this string quite safely but reasonably fast'
# function whose specific implementation may vary
sub type_safely {
my $string = shift;
type_string($string, wait_screen_change => 3, max_interval => 20);
# similarity level 38 as there will commonly be a flashing
# cursor and the default level (47) is too tight
wait_still_screen(stilltime => 2, similarity_level => 38);
# high-level 'type this string extremely safely and rather slow'
# function whose specific implementation may vary
sub type_very_safely {
my $string = shift;
type_string($string, wait_screen_change => 1, max_interval => 1);
# similarity level 38 as there will commonly be a flashing
# cursor and the default level (47) is too tight
wait_still_screen(stilltime => 5, similarity_level => 38);
sub get_release_number {
# return the release number; so usually VERSION, but for Rawhide,
# we return RAWREL. This allows us to avoid constantly doing stuff
# like `if ($version eq "Rawhide" || $version > 30)`.
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
my $rawrel = get_var("RAWREL", "Rawhide");
return $rawrel if ($version eq "Rawhide");
return $version;
# Wait for login screen to appear. Handle the annoying GPU buffer
# problem where we see a stale copy of the login screen from the
# previous boot. Will suffer a ~30 second delay if there's a chance
# we're *already at* the expected login screen.
sub boot_to_login_screen {
my %args = @_;
$args{timeout} //= 300;
if (testapi::is_serial_terminal) {
# For serial console, just wait for the login prompt
unless (wait_serial "login:", timeout => $args{timeout}) {
die "No login prompt shown on serial console.";
else {
# we may start at a screen that matches one of the needles; if so,
# wait till we don't (e.g. when rebooting at end of live install,
# we match text_console_login until the console disappears).
# The following is true for non-serial console.
my $count = 5;
while (check_screen("login_screen", 3) && $count > 0) {
sleep 5;
$count -= 1;
assert_screen "login_screen", $args{timeout};
if (match_has_tag "graphical_login") {
wait_still_screen(timeout => 30, stilltime => 10, similarity_level => 38);
assert_screen "login_screen";
# Switch keyboard layouts at a console
sub console_switch_layout {
# switcher key combo differs between layouts, for console
if (get_var("LANGUAGE", "") eq "russian") {
send_key "ctrl-shift";
# switch to 'native' or 'ascii' input method in a graphical desktop
# usually switched configs have one mode for inputting ascii-ish
# characters (which may be 'us' keyboard layout, or a local layout for
# inputting ascii like 'jp') and one mode for inputting native
# characters (which may be another keyboard layout, like 'ru', or an
# input method for more complex languages)
# 'environment' can be a desktop name or 'anaconda' for anaconda
# if not set, will use get_var('DESKTOP') or default 'anaconda'
sub desktop_switch_layout {
my ($layout, $environment) = @_;
$layout //= 'ascii';
$environment //= get_var("DESKTOP", "anaconda");
# if already selected, we're good
return if (check_screen "${environment}_layout_${layout}", 3);
# otherwise we need to switch
my $switcher = "alt-shift"; # anaconda
$switcher = "super-spc" if $environment eq 'gnome';
# KDE? not used yet
# FIXME we use send_key_until_needlematch because sometimes the
# switch just doesn't work in gdm:
# https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/6066#note_1707051
send_key_until_needlematch("${environment}_layout_${layout}", $switcher, 3, 3);
# this is used at the end of console_login to check if we got a prompt
# indicating that we got a bash shell, but sourcing of /etc/bashrc
# failed (the prompt looks different in this case). We treat this as
# a soft failure.
sub _console_login_finish {
# The check differs according to the console used.
if (testapi::is_serial_terminal) {
unless (wait_serial("-bash-.*[#\$]", timeout => 5, expect_not_found => 1)) {
record_soft_failure "It looks like profile sourcing failed";
else {
if (match_has_tag "bash_noprofile") {
record_soft_failure "It looks like profile sourcing failed";
# this subroutine handles logging in as a root/specified user into console
# it requires TTY to be already displayed (handled by the root_console()
# method of distribution classes)
sub console_login {
my %args = (
user => "root",
password => get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"),
# default is 10 seconds, set below, 0 means 'default'
timeout => 0,
$args{timeout} ||= 10;
# Since we do not test many serial console tests, and we probably
# only want to test serial console on a minimal installation only,
# let us not do all the magic to handle different console logins
# and let us simplify the process.
# We will check if we are logged in, and if so, we will log out to
# enable a new proper login based on the user variable.
if (get_var("SERIAL_CONSOLE")) {
# Check for the usual prompt.
if (wait_serial("~\][#\$]", timeout => 5, quiet => 1)) {
type_string "logout\n";
# Wait a bit to let the logout properly finish.
sleep 10;
# Do the new login.
type_string $args{user};
type_string "\n";
sleep 2;
type_string $args{password};
type_string "\n";
# Let's perform a simple login test. This is the same as
# whoami, but has the advantage of existing in installer env
assert_script_run "id -un";
unless (wait_serial $args{user}, timeout => 5) {
die "Logging onto the serial console has failed.";
else {
# There's a timing problem when we switch from a logged-in console
# to a non-logged in console and immediately call this function;
# if the switch lags a bit, this function will match one of the
# logged-in needles for the console we switched from, and get out
# of sync (e.g. https://openqa.stg.fedoraproject.org/tests/1664 )
# To avoid this, we'll sleep a few seconds before starting
sleep 4;
my $good = "";
my $bad = "";
if ($args{user} eq "root") {
$good = "root_console";
$bad = "user_console";
else {
$good = "user_console";
$bad = "root_console";
if (check_screen $bad, 0) {
# we don't want to 'wait' for this as it won't return
script_run "exit", 0;
sleep 2;
assert_screen [$good, 'text_console_login'], $args{timeout};
# if we're already logged in, all is good
if (match_has_tag $good) {
# otherwise, we saw the login prompt, type the username
assert_screen [$good, 'console_password_required'], 45;
# on a live image, just the user name will be enough
if (match_has_tag $good) {
# clear the screen (so the remaining login prompt text
# doesn't confuse subsequent runs of this)
my $clearstr = "clear\n";
$clearstr = "cleqr\n" if (get_var("LANGUAGE") eq 'french');
type_string $clearstr;
# otherwise, type the password
type_string "$args{password}";
if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT") and $args{user} ne "root") {
# see _do_install_and_reboot; when layout is switched
# user password is doubled to contain both US and native
# chars
type_string "$args{password}";
send_key "ret";
# make sure we reached the console
unless (check_screen($good, 30)) {
# as of 2018-10 we have a bug in sssd which makes this take
# unusually long in the FreeIPA tests, let's allow longer,
# with a soft fail - RHBZ #1644919
record_soft_failure "Console login is taking a long time - #1644919?";
my $timeout = 30;
# even an extra 30 secs isn't long enough on aarch64...
$timeout = 90 if (get_var("ARCH") eq "aarch64");
assert_screen($good, $timeout);
# clear the screen (so the remaining login prompt text
# doesn't confuse subsequent runs of this)
my $clearstr = "clear\n";
$clearstr = "cleqr\n" if (get_var("LANGUAGE") eq 'french');
type_string $clearstr;
# Figure out what tty the desktop is on, switch to it. Assumes we're
# at a root console
sub desktop_vt {
# use loginctl or ps to find the tty of test's session (loginctl)
# or gnome-session, Xwayland or Xorg (ps); as of 2019-09 we often
# get tty? for Xwayland and Xorg processes, so using loginctl can
# help
my $xout;
# don't fail test if we don't find any process, just guess tty1.
# os-autoinst calls the script with 'bash -e' which causes it to
# stop as soon as any command fails, so we use ||: to make the
# first grep return 0 even if it matches nothing
eval { $xout = script_output ' loginctl | grep test ||:; ps -e | egrep "(startplasma|gnome-session|Xwayland|Xorg)" | grep -o tty[0-9] ||:' };
my $tty = 1; # default
while ($xout =~ /tty(\d)/g) {
$tty = $1; # most recent match is probably best
send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}";
# work around https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582
# if it happens. As of 2019-05, seeing something similar on KDE too
my $desktop = get_var('DESKTOP');
my $sfr = 0;
my $timeout = 10;
my $count = 6;
while (check_screen("auth_required", $timeout) && $count > 0) {
$count -= 1;
unless ($sfr) {
record_soft_failure "spurious 'auth required' - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software/issues/582";
$sfr = 1;
$timeout = 3;
click_lastmatch if ($desktop eq 'kde');
if (match_has_tag "auth_required_fprint") {
my $user = get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test");
send_key "ctrl-alt-f6";
assert_script_run "echo SCAN ${user}-finger-1 | socat STDIN UNIX-CONNECT:/run/fprintd-virt";
send_key "ctrl-alt-f${tty}";
else {
# bit sloppy but in all cases where this is used, this is the
# correct password
type_very_safely "weakpassword\n";
# load US layout (from a root console)
sub console_loadkeys_us {
if (get_var('LANGUAGE') eq 'french') {
script_run "loqdkeys us", 0;
# might take a few secs
sleep 3;
elsif (get_var('LANGUAGE') eq 'japanese') {
script_run "loadkeys us", 0;
sleep 3;
sub do_bootloader {
# Handle bootloader screen. 'bootloader' is syslinux or grub.
# 'uefi' is whether this is a UEFI install, will get_var UEFI if
# not explicitly set. 'postinstall' is whether we're on an
# installed system or at the installer (this matters for how many
# times we press 'down' to find the kernel line when typing args).
# 'args' is a string of extra kernel args, if desired. 'mutex' is
# a parallel test mutex lock to wait for before proceeding, if
# desired. 'first' is whether to hit 'up' a couple of times to
# make sure we boot the first menu entry. 'timeout' is how long to
# wait for the bootloader screen.
my %args = (
postinstall => 0,
params => "",
mutex => "",
first => 1,
timeout => 30,
uefi => get_var("UEFI"),
ofw => get_var("OFW"),
# if not postinstall, not UEFI, not ofw, and not F37+, syslinux
my $relnum = get_release_number;
$args{bootloader} //= ($args{uefi} || $args{postinstall} || $args{ofw}) || $relnum > 36 ? "grub" : "syslinux";
# we use the firmware-type specific tags because we want to be
# sure we actually did a UEFI boot
my $boottag = "bootloader_bios";
$boottag = "bootloader_uefi" if ($args{uefi});
assert_screen $boottag, $args{timeout};
if ($args{mutex}) {
# cancel countdown
send_key "left";
mutex_lock $args{mutex};
mutex_unlock $args{mutex};
if ($args{first}) {
# press up a couple of times to make sure we're at first entry
send_key "up";
send_key "up";
if ($args{params}) {
if ($args{bootloader} eq "syslinux") {
send_key "tab";
else {
send_key "e";
# we need to get to the 'linux' line here, and grub does
# not have any easy way to do that. Depending on the arch
# and the Fedora release, we may have to press 'down' 2
# times, or 13, or 12, or some other goddamn number. That
# got painful to keep track of, so let's go bottom-up:
# press 'down' 50 times to make sure we're at the bottom,
# then 'up' twice to reach the 'linux' line. This seems to
# work in every permutation I can think of to test.
for (1 .. 50) {
send_key 'down';
sleep 1;
send_key 'up';
sleep 1;
send_key 'up';
send_key "end";
# Change type_string by type_safely because keyboard polling
# in SLOF usb-xhci driver failed sometimes in powerpc
type_safely " $args{params}";
# for debug purpose
# ctrl-X boots from grub editor mode
send_key "ctrl-x";
# return boots all other cases
send_key "ret";
sub boot_decrypt {
# decrypt storage during boot; arg is timeout (in seconds)
my $timeout = shift || 60;
assert_screen "boot_enter_passphrase", $timeout;
type_string get_var("ENCRYPT_PASSWORD");
send_key "ret";
sub check_release {
# Checks whether the installed release matches a given value. E.g.
# `check_release(23)` checks whether the installed system is
# Fedora 23. The value can be 'Rawhide' or a Fedora release
# number; often you will want to use `get_var('VERSION')`. Expects
# a console prompt to be active when it is called.
my $release = shift;
my $check_command = "grep SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION /etc/os-release";
validate_script_output $check_command, sub { $_ =~ m/REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=$release/ };
sub disable_firefox_studies {
if (get_var("CANNED")) {
# enable rpm-ostree /usr overlay so we can write to /usr
assert_script_run "rpm-ostree usroverlay";
# if the first file exists, we've already run, so we can skip
# running again
return unless (script_run 'test -f $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/distribution/policies.json');
# create a config file that disables Firefox's dumb 'shield
# studies' so they don't break tests:
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1529626
# and also disables the password manager stuff so that doesn't
# break password entry:
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1635833
# and *also* tries to disable "first run pages", though this
# doesn't seem to be working yet:
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1703903
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/distribution';
assert_script_run 'printf \'{"policies": {"DisableFirefoxStudies": true, "OfferToSaveLogins": false, "OverrideFirstRunPage": "", "OverridePostUpdatePage": ""}}\' > $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/distribution/policies.json';
# Now create a preferences override file that disables the
# quicksuggest and total cookie protection onboarding screens
# see https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customizing-firefox-using-autoconfig
# for why this wacky pair of files with required values is needed
# and https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1703903 again
# for the actual values
assert_script_run 'mkdir -p $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/browser/defaults/preferences';
assert_script_run 'printf "// required comment\npref(\'general.config.filename\', \'openqa-overrides.cfg\');\npref(\'general.config.obscure_value\', 0);\n" > $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/browser/defaults/preferences/openqa-overrides.js';
assert_script_run 'printf "// required comment\npref(\'browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.shouldShowOnboardingDialog\', false);\npref(\'privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.rollout.enabledByDefault\', false);\n" > $(rpm --eval %_libdir)/firefox/openqa-overrides.cfg';
sub repos_mirrorlist {
# Use mirrorlist not metalink so we don't hit the timing issue where
# the infra repo is updated but mirrormanager metadata checksums
# have not been updated, and the infra repo is rejected as its
# metadata checksum isn't known to MM
my $files = shift;
$files ||= "/etc/yum.repos.d/fedora*.repo";
assert_script_run "sed -i -e 's,metalink,mirrorlist,g' ${files}";
sub cleanup_workaround_repo {
# clean up the workaround repo (see next).
script_run "rm -rf /mnt/workarounds_repo";
script_run "rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/workarounds.repo";
sub setup_workaround_repo {
# we periodically need to pull an update from updates-testing in
# to fix some bug or other. so, here's an organized way to do it.
# we do this here so the workaround packages are in the repo data
# but *not* in the package lists generated above (those should
# only include packages from the update under test). we'll define
# a hash of releases and update IDs. if no workarounds are needed
# for any release, the hash can be empty and this will do nothing
my $version = shift || get_var("VERSION");
script_run "dnf -y install bodhi-client createrepo_c koji", 300;
# write a repo config file, unless this is the support_server test
# and it is running on a different release than the update is for
# (in this case we need the repo to exist but do not want to use
# it on the actual support_server system)
unless (get_var("TEST") eq "support_server" && $version ne get_var("CURRREL")) {
assert_script_run 'printf "[workarounds]\nname=Workarounds repo\nbaseurl=file:///mnt/workarounds_repo\nenabled=1\nmetadata_expire=1\ngpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/workarounds.repo';
assert_script_run "mkdir -p /mnt/workarounds_repo";
assert_script_run "pushd /mnt/workarounds_repo";
my %workarounds = (
"36" => [],
"37" => [],
"38" => [],
"39" => ["FEDORA-2023-935d3e1c1a", "FEDORA-2023-5fbcf33c26"],
# then we'll download each update for our release:
my $advortasks = $workarounds{$version};
foreach my $advortask (@$advortasks) {
my $cmd = "bodhi updates download --updateid=$advortask";
if ($advortask =~ /^\d+$/) {
my $arch = get_var("ARCH");
$cmd = "koji download-task --arch=$arch --arch=noarch $advortask";
my $count = 3;
my $success = 0;
while ($count) {
if (script_run $cmd, 600) {
$count -= 1;
else {
$count = 0;
$success = 1;
die "Workaround update download failed!" unless $success;
# and create repo metadata
assert_script_run "createrepo .";
assert_script_run "popd";
sub disable_updates_repos {
# disable updates-testing, or both updates-testing and updates.
# factors out similar code in a few different places.
my %args = (
both => 0,
my $nonmod = "updates-testing";
$nonmod .= " updates" if ($args{both});
assert_script_run "dnf config-manager --set-disabled $nonmod";
unless (script_run 'test -f /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-testing-modular.repo') {
my $mod = "updates-testing-modular";
$mod .= " updates-modular" if ($args{both});
assert_script_run "dnf config-manager --set-disabled $mod";
sub _repo_setup_compose {
# doesn't work for IoT or CoreOS, anything that hits this on those
# paths must work with default mirror config...
my $subvariant = get_var("SUBVARIANT");
return if ($subvariant eq "IoT" || $subvariant eq "CoreOS");
# Appropriate repo setup steps for testing a compose
# disable updates-testing and updates and use the compose location
# as the target for fedora and rawhide rather than mirrorlist, so
# tools see only packages from the compose under test
my $location = get_var("LOCATION");
return unless $location;
disable_updates_repos(both => 1);
# we use script_run here as the rawhide and modular repo files
# won't always exist and we don't want to bother testing or
# predicting their existence; assert_script_run doesn't buy you
# much with sed as it'll return 0 even if it replaced nothing
script_run "sed -i -e 's,^metalink,#metalink,g' -e 's,^mirrorlist,#mirrorlist,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*basearch,baseurl=${location}/Everything/\$basearch,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*source,baseurl=${location}/Everything/source,g' /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora,fedora-rawhide}.repo", 0;
script_run "sed -i -e 's,^metalink,#metalink,g' -e 's,^mirrorlist,#mirrorlist,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*basearch,baseurl=${location}/Modular/\$basearch,g' -e 's,^#baseurl.*source,baseurl=${location}/Modular/source,g' /etc/yum.repos.d/{fedora-modular,fedora-rawhide-modular}.repo", 0;
# this can be used for debugging if something is going wrong
# unless (script_run 'pushd /etc/yum.repos.d && tar czvf yumreposd.tar.gz * && popd') {
# upload_logs "/etc/yum.repos.d/yumreposd.tar.gz";
# }
sub _repo_setup_updates {
# Appropriate repo setup steps for testing a Bodhi update
# Check if we already ran, bail if so
return unless script_run "test -f /mnt/updatepkgs.txt";
my $version = get_var("VERSION");
my $currrel = get_var("CURRREL", "0");
my $arch = get_var("ARCH");
# this can be used for debugging repo config if something is wrong
# unless (script_run 'pushd /etc/yum.repos.d && tar czvf yumreposd.tar.gz * && popd') {
# upload_logs "/etc/yum.repos.d/yumreposd.tar.gz";
# }
# Set up an additional repo containing the update or task packages. We do
# this rather than simply running a one-time update because it may be the
# case that a package from the update isn't installed *now* but will be
# installed by one of the tests; by setting up a repo containing the
# update and enabling it here, we ensure all later 'dnf install' calls
# will get the packages from the update.
assert_script_run "mkdir -p /mnt/update_repo";
# if NUMDISKS is above 1, assume we want to put the update repo on
# the other disk (to avoid huge updates exhausting space on the main
# disk)
if (get_var("NUMDISKS") > 1) {
# I think the disk will always be vdb. This creates a single large
# partition.
assert_script_run "echo 'type=83' | sfdisk /dev/vdb";
assert_script_run "mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1";
assert_script_run "echo '/dev/vdb1 /mnt/update_repo ext4 defaults 1 2' >> /etc/fstab";
assert_script_run "mount /mnt/update_repo";
assert_script_run "cd /mnt/update_repo";
# on CANNED, we need to enter the toolbox at this point
if (get_var("CANNED")) {
my $tboxcmd = "toolbox -y enter";
# FIXME there's no f39 toolbox container yet:
# https://github.com/containers/toolbox/issues/1233
# drop this workaround when that's fixed
$tboxcmd .= " -r 38" if (get_var("VERSION") eq get_var("RAWREL"));
type_string "$tboxcmd\n";
# look for the little purple dot
assert_screen "console_in_toolbox", 180;
# use mirrorlist not metalink in repo configs
# Disable updates-testing so other bad updates don't break us
disable_updates_repos(both => 0) if ($version > $currrel);
# use the buildroot repo on Rawhide: see e.g.
# https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/general/issue/376 for why
if (get_var("VERSION") eq get_var("RAWREL") && get_var("TEST") ne "support_server") {
assert_script_run 'printf "[koji-rawhide]\nname=koji-rawhide\nbaseurl=https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/repos/rawhide/latest/' . $arch . '/\ncost=2000\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=0\n" > /etc/yum.repos.d/koji-rawhide.repo';
# set up the workaround repo
if (get_var("CANNED")) {
# install and use en_US.UTF-8 locale for consistent sort
# ordering
assert_script_run "dnf -y install glibc-langpack-en", 300;
assert_script_run "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8";
script_run "dnf -y install bodhi-client createrepo_c koji", 300;
# download the packages
if (get_var("ADVISORY_NVRS") || get_var("ADVISORY_NVRS_1")) {
# regular update case
# old style single ADVISORY_NVRS var
my @nvrs = split(/ /, get_var("ADVISORY_NVRS"));
unless (@nvrs) {
# new style chunked ADVISORY_NVRS_N vars
my $count = 1;
while ($count) {
if (get_var("ADVISORY_NVRS_$count")) {
push @nvrs, split(/ /, get_var("ADVISORY_NVRS_$count"));
else {
$count = 0;
foreach my $nvr (@nvrs) {
my $kojitime = 600;
# texlive has a ridiculous number of subpackages
$kojitime = 1500 if ((rindex $nvr, "texlive", 0) == 0);
if (script_run "koji download-build --arch=$arch --arch=noarch $nvr 2> download.log", $kojitime) {
# if the error was because the build has no packages
# for our arch, that's okay, skip it. otherwise, die
if (script_run "grep 'No .*available for $nvr' download.log") {
die "koji download-build failed!";
elsif (get_var("KOJITASK")) {
# Koji task case (KOJITASK will be set)
assert_script_run "koji download-task --arch=$arch --arch=noarch " . get_var("KOJITASK"), 600;
else {
die "Neither ADVISORY_NVRS nor KOJITASK set! Don't know what to do";
# log the exact packages in the update at test time, with their
# source packages and epochs. we use /mnt as the path for this
# and similar files because, on ostree-based installs where we
# have to use a toolbox container for part of this, it's common
# to the host system and container
assert_script_run 'rpm -qp *.rpm --qf "%{SOURCERPM} %{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n" | sort -u > /mnt/updatepkgs.txt';
upload_logs "/mnt/updatepkgs.txt";
# also log just the binary package names: this is so we can check
# later whether any package from the update *should* have been
# installed, but was not
assert_script_run 'rpm -qp *.rpm --qf "%{NAME} " > /mnt/updatepkgnames.txt';
upload_logs "/mnt/updatepkgnames.txt";
# create the repo metadata
assert_script_run "createrepo .", timeout => 180;
# write a repo config file, unless this is the support_server test
# and it is running on a different release than the update is for
# (in this case we need the repo to exist but do not want to use
# it on the actual support_server system)
unless (get_var("TEST") eq "support_server" && $version ne get_var("CURRREL")) {
assert_script_run 'printf "[advisory]\nname=Advisory repo\nbaseurl=file:///mnt/update_repo\nenabled=1\nmetadata_expire=3600\ngpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/advisory.repo';
# run an update now, except for upgrade or install tests,
# where the updated packages should have been installed
# already and we want to fail if they weren't, or CANNED
# tests, there's no point updating the toolbox
script_run "dnf -y update", 1200 unless (get_var("UPGRADE") || get_var("INSTALL") || get_var("CANNED"));
# on liveinst tests, we'll remove the packages we installed
# above (and their deps, which dnf will include automatically),
# just in case they're in the update under test; otherwise we
# get a bogus failure for the package not being updated
script_run "dnf -y remove bodhi-client createrepo koji", 600 if (get_var("INSTALL") && !get_var("CANNED"));
# exit the toolbox on CANNED
if (get_var("CANNED")) {
type_string "exit\n";
wait_still_screen 5;
sub repo_setup {
# Run the appropriate sub-function for the job
get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK") ? _repo_setup_updates : _repo_setup_compose;
# This repo does not always exist for Rawhide or Branched, and
# some things (at least realmd) try to update the repodata for
# it even though it is disabled, and fail. At present none of the
# tests needs it, so let's just unconditionally nuke it.
assert_script_run "rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-cisco-openh264.repo";
sub console_initial_setup {
# Handle console initial-setup. Currently used only for ARM disk
# image tests.
assert_screen "console_initial_setup", 500;
# IMHO it's better to use sleeps than to have needle for every text screen
wait_still_screen 5;
# Set timezone
type_string "2\n";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "1\n"; # Set timezone
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "1\n"; # Europe
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "37\n"; # Prague
wait_still_screen 7;
# Set root password
type_string "4\n";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
send_key "ret";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
send_key "ret";
wait_still_screen 7;
# Create user
type_string "5\n";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "1\n"; # create new
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "3\n"; # set username
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string get_var("USER_LOGIN", "test");
send_key "ret";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "5\n"; # set password
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword");
send_key "ret";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword");
send_key "ret";
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "6\n"; # make him an administrator
wait_still_screen 5;
type_string "c\n";
wait_still_screen 7;
assert_screen "console_initial_setup_done", 30;
type_string "c\n"; # continue
sub handle_welcome_screen {
# handle the 'welcome' screen on GNOME and KDE since F38. shared
# in a few places
if (check_screen "getting_started", 45) {
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq "kde") {
# just closing it seems to result in it running again on
# next boot, so let's click Skip
else {
send_key "alt-f4";
# for GNOME 40, alt-f4 doesn't work
send_key "esc";
wait_still_screen 5;
set_var("_WELCOME_DONE", 1);
else {
record_soft_failure "Welcome tour missing";
sub gnome_initial_setup {
# Handle gnome-initial-setup, with variations for the pre-login
# mode (when no user was created during install) and post-login
# mode (when user was created during install)
my %args = (
prelogin => 0,
timeout => 120,
my $relnum = get_release_number;
# the pages we *may* need to click 'next' on. *NOTE*: 'language'
# is the 'welcome' page, and is in fact never truly skipped; if
# it's configured to be skipped, it just shows without the language
# selection widget (so it's a bare 'welcome' page). Current openQA
# tests never see 'eula' or 'network'. You can find the upstream
# list in gnome-initial-setup/gnome-initial-setup.c , and the skip
# config file for Fedora is vendor.conf in the package repo.
my @nexts = ('language', 'keyboard', 'privacy', 'timezone', 'software');
# now, we're going to figure out how many of them this test will
# *actually* see...
if ($args{prelogin}) {
# 'language', 'keyboard' and 'timezone' are skipped on F28+ in
# the 'new user' mode by
# https://fedoraproject.org//wiki/Changes/ReduceInitialSetupRedundancy
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1474787 ,
# except 'language' is never *really* skipped (see above)
@nexts = grep { $_ ne 'keyboard' } @nexts;
@nexts = grep { $_ ne 'timezone' } @nexts;
else {
# 'timezone' and 'software' are suppressed for the 'existing user'
# form of g-i-s
@nexts = grep { $_ ne 'software' } @nexts;
@nexts = grep { $_ ne 'timezone' } @nexts;
# note: in g-i-s 3.37.91 and later, the first screen in systemwide
# mode has a "Start Setup" button, not a "Next" button
unless (check_screen ["next_button", "start_setup", "auth_required"], $args{timeout}) {
record_soft_failure "g-i-s taking longer than expected to start up!";
assert_screen ["next_button", "start_setup", "auth_required"], $args{timeout};
# workaround auth dialog appearing to change timezone even
# though timezone screen is disabled
if (match_has_tag("auth_required")) {
record_soft_failure "Unexpected authentication required: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-initial-setup/-/issues/106";
send_key "esc";
assert_screen ["next_button", "start_setup"];
# wait a bit in case of animation
wait_still_screen 3;
# one more check for frickin auth_required
if (check_screen "auth_required") {
record_soft_failure "Unexpected authentication required: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-initial-setup/-/issues/106";
send_key "esc";
# GDM 3.24.1 dumps a cursor in the middle of the screen here...
mouse_hide if ($args{prelogin});
for my $n (1 .. scalar(@nexts)) {
# click 'Next' $nexts times, moving the mouse to avoid
# highlight problems, sleeping to give it time to get
# to the next screen between clicks
mouse_set(100, 100);
if ($n == 1) {
# only accept start_setup one time, to avoid matching
# on it during transition to next screen. also accept
# next_button as in per-user mode, first screen has that
# not start_setup
wait_screen_change { assert_and_click ["next_button", "start_setup"]; };
else {
wait_screen_change { assert_and_click "next_button"; };
# for Japanese, we need to workaround a bug on the keyboard
# selection screen
if ($n == 1 && get_var("LANGUAGE") eq 'japanese') {
if (!check_screen 'initial_setup_kana_kanji_selected', 5) {
record_soft_failure 'kana kanji not selected: bgo#776189';
assert_and_click 'initial_setup_kana_kanji';
unless (get_var("VNC_CLIENT")) {
# We should be at the GOA screen, except on VNC_CLIENT case
# where network isn't working yet. click 'Skip' one time. If
# it's not visible we may have hit
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1997310 , which
# we'll handle as a soft failure
mouse_set(100, 100);
if (check_screen "skip_button", 60) {
wait_screen_change { click_lastmatch; };
else {
record_soft_failure "GOA screen not seen! Likely RHBZ #1997310";
send_key "ret";
if ($args{prelogin}) {
# create user
my $user_login = get_var("USER_LOGIN") || "test";
my $user_password = get_var("USER_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
type_very_safely $user_login;
wait_screen_change { assert_and_click "next_button"; };
# temporarily (until the versions are stable) we need to check
# whether we're on 43 or 44 here
my $extratab = 0;
$extratab = 1 if (check_screen 'initial_setup_44', 5);
type_very_safely $user_password;
send_key "tab";
# on GNOME 44+ we need a second tab here to reach the confirm box
send_key "tab" if ($extratab);
type_very_safely $user_password;
wait_screen_change { assert_and_click "next_button"; };
send_key "ret";
else {
# don't do it again on second load
set_var("_SETUP_DONE", 1);
sub _type_user_password {
# convenience function used by anaconda_create_user, not meant
# for direct use
my $user_password = get_var("USER_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT")) {
# we double the password, the second time using the native
# layout, so the password has both ASCII and native characters
desktop_switch_layout "ascii", "anaconda";
type_very_safely $user_password;
desktop_switch_layout "native", "anaconda";
type_very_safely $user_password;
else {
type_very_safely $user_password;
sub anaconda_create_user {
# Create a user, in the anaconda interface. This is here because
# the same code works both during install and for initial-setup,
# which runs post-install, so we can share it.
my %args = (
timeout => 90,
my $user_login = get_var("USER_LOGIN") || "test";
assert_and_click("anaconda_install_user_creation", timeout => $args{timeout});
assert_screen "anaconda_install_user_creation_screen";
# wait out animation
wait_still_screen 2;
type_very_safely $user_login;
type_very_safely "\t\t\t\t";
wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; };
wait_still_screen 2;
# even with all our slow typing this still *sometimes* seems to
# miss a character, so let's try again if we have a warning bar.
# But not if we're installing with a switched layout, as those
# will *always* result in a warning bar at this point (see below)
if (!get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT") && check_screen "anaconda_warning_bar", 3) {
wait_screen_change { send_key "shift-tab"; };
wait_still_screen 2;
wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; };
wait_still_screen 2;
assert_and_click "anaconda_spoke_done";
# since 20170105, we will get a warning here when the password
# contains non-ASCII characters. Assume only switched layouts
# produce non-ASCII characters, though this isn't strictly true
if (get_var('SWITCHED_LAYOUT') && check_screen "anaconda_warning_bar", 3) {
wait_still_screen 1;
assert_and_click "anaconda_spoke_done";
sub check_desktop {
# Check we're at a desktop. We do this by looking for the "apps"
# menu button ("Activities" button on GNOME, kicker button on
# KDE). This is set up as a helper function so we can handle
# GNOME's behaviour of opening the overview on first login; all
# our tests were written when GNOME *didn't* do that, so it
# would be awkward to find all the places in them where we need
# to close the overview. Instead, we just have this function
# close it if it's open.
my %args = (
timeout => 30,
my $count = 5;
my $activematched = 0;
while ($count > 0) {
$count -= 1;
assert_screen "apps_menu_button", $args{timeout};
if ($count == 4) {
# GNOME 42 shows the inactive menu button briefly before
# opening the overview. So we need to wait a bit on first
# cycle in case GNOME is about to open the overview.
wait_still_screen 5;
assert_screen "apps_menu_button";
# Here's where we detect if the overview is open and close it
if (match_has_tag "apps_menu_button_active") {
$activematched = 1;
wait_still_screen 5;
send_key "super";
wait_still_screen 5;
else {
# this means we saw 'inactive', which is what we want
if ($activematched) {
# make sure we got to inactive after active
die "never reached apps_menu_button_inactive!" unless (match_has_tag "apps_menu_button_inactive");
sub download_modularity_tests {
# Download the modularity test script, place in the system and then
# modify the access rights to make it executable.
my ($whitelist) = @_;
# we need python3-yaml for the script to run
assert_script_run 'dnf -y install python3-yaml', 180;
assert_script_run 'curl -o /root/test.py https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/modularity_testing_scripts/raw/master/f/modular_functions.py';
if ($whitelist eq 'whitelist') {
assert_script_run 'curl -o /root/whitelist https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/modularity_testing_scripts/raw/master/f/whitelist';
assert_script_run 'chmod 755 /root/test.py';
sub quit_firefox {
# Quit Firefox, handling the 'close multiple tabs' warning screen if
# it shows up. Expects to quit to a recognizable console
send_key "ctrl-q";
# expect to get to either the tabs warning or a console
if (check_screen ["user_console", "root_console", "firefox_close_tabs"], 30) {
# if we hit a console we're good
unless (match_has_tag("firefox_close_tabs")) {
wait_still_screen 5;
# otherwise we hit the tabs warning, click it
# again, if we hit a console, we're good
if (check_screen ["user_console", "root_console"], 30) {
wait_still_screen 5;
# if we reach here, we didn't see a console. This is most likely
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2094137 . soft fail
# and reboot. this won't work if we need to decrypt or handle boot
# args, but I don't think anything that calls this needs it
record_soft_failure "No console on exit from Firefox, probably RHBZ #2094137";
power "reset";
console_login(user => "root", password => get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD"));
sub start_with_launcher {
# Get the name of the needle with a launcher, find the launcher in the menu
# and click on it to start the application. This function works for the
# Gnome desktop.
# $launcher holds the launcher needle, but some of the apps are hidden in a submenu
# so this must be handled first to find the launcher needle.
my ($launcher, $submenu, $group) = @_;
$submenu //= '';
$group //= '';
my $desktop = get_var('DESKTOP');
my $item_to_check = $submenu || $launcher;
# The following varies for different desktops.
if ($desktop eq 'gnome') {
# Start the Activities page
send_key 'super';
wait_still_screen 5;
# Click on the menu icon to come into the menus
assert_and_click 'overview_app_grid';
wait_still_screen 5;
# Find the application launcher in the current menu page.
# If it cannot be found there, hit PageDown to go to another page.
send_key_until_needlematch($item_to_check, 'pgdn', 5, 3);
# If there was a submenu, click on that first.
if ($submenu) {
assert_and_click $submenu;
wait_still_screen 5;
# Click on the launcher
if (!check_screen($launcher)) {
# On F33+, this subwindow thingy scrolls horizontally,
# but only after we hit 'down' twice to get into it.
send_key 'down';
send_key 'down';
send_key_until_needlematch($launcher, 'right', 5, 6);
assert_and_click $launcher;
wait_still_screen 5;
elsif ($desktop eq 'kde') {
# Click on the KDE launcher icon
assert_and_click 'kde_menu_launcher';
wait_still_screen 2;
# Select the appropriate submenu
assert_and_click $submenu;
wait_still_screen 2;
# Select the appropriate menu subgroup where real launchers
# are placed, but only if requested
if ($group) {
send_key_until_needlematch($group, 'down', 20, 3);
send_key 'ret';
#assert_and_click $group;
wait_still_screen 2;
# Find and click on the menu item to start the application
send_key_until_needlematch($launcher, 'down', 40, 3);
send_key 'ret';
wait_still_screen 5;
sub quit_with_shortcut {
# Quit the application using the Alt-F4 keyboard shortcut
send_key 'alt-f4';
wait_still_screen 5;
assert_screen 'workspace';
# For update tests (this only works if we've been through
# _repo_setup_updates), figure out which packages from the update
# are currently installed. This is here so we can do it both in
# _advisory_post and post_fail_hook.
sub advisory_get_installed_packages {
# bail out if the file doesn't exist: this is in case we get
# here in the post-fail hook but we failed before creating it
return if script_run "test -f /mnt/updatepkgs.txt";
assert_script_run 'rpm -qa --qf "%{SOURCERPM} %{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n" | sort -u > /tmp/allpkgs.txt', timeout => 90;
# this finds lines which appear in both files
# http://www.unix.com/unix-for-dummies-questions-and-answers/34549-find-matching-lines-between-2-files.html
if (script_run 'comm -12 /tmp/allpkgs.txt /mnt/updatepkgs.txt > /mnt/testedpkgs.txt') {
# occasionally, for some reason, it's unhappy about sorting;
# we shouldn't fail the test in this case, just upload the
# files so we can see why...
upload_logs "/tmp/allpkgs.txt", failok => 1;
upload_logs "/mnt/updatepkgs.txt", failok => 1;
# we'll try and upload the output even if comm 'failed', as it
# does in fact still write it in some cases
upload_logs "/mnt/testedpkgs.txt", failok => 1;
sub advisory_check_nonmatching_packages {
# For update tests (this only works if we've been through
# _repo_setup_updates), figure out if we have a different version
# of any package from the update installed - this indicates a
# problem, it likely means a dep issue meant dnf installed an
# older version from the frozen release repo
my %args = (
fatal => 1,
# bail out if the file doesn't exist: this is in case we get
# here in the post-fail hook but we failed before creating it
return if script_run "test -f /mnt/updatepkgnames.txt";
# if this fails in advisory_post, we don't want to do it *again*
# unnecessarily in post_fail_hook
return if (get_var("_ACNMP_DONE"));
script_run 'touch /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt';
# this creates /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt as a sorted list of installed
# packages with the same name as packages from the update, in the same form
# as /mnt/updatepkgs.txt. The '--last | head -1' tries to handle the
# problem of installonly packages like the kernel, where we wind up with
# *multiple* versions installed after the update; the first line of output
# for any given package with --last is the most recent version, i.e. the
# one in the update. The sed replaces the caret - "^" - with "\^" (literal
# slash then a caret) in the package NVRA; this is necessary to workaround
# a bug in RPM - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2002038 . It
# can be removed when that bug is fixed. Yes, it really needs eight slashes
# (we need four to reach bash, and half of them get eaten by perl or
# something along the way). Yes, it only works with *single* quotes. Yes,
# I hate escaping
script_run 'for pkg in $(cat /mnt/updatepkgnames.txt); do rpm -q $pkg && rpm -q $pkg --last | head -1 | cut -d" " -f1 | sed -e \'s,\^,\\\\\\\\^,g\' | xargs rpm -q --qf "%{SOURCERPM} %{NAME} %{EPOCHNUM} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n" >> /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt; done', timeout => 180;
script_run 'sort -u -o /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt';
# for debugging, may as well always upload these, can't hurt anything
upload_logs "/tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt", failok => 1;
upload_logs "/mnt/updatepkgs.txt", failok => 1;
# download the check script and run it
assert_script_run 'curl -o updvercheck.py https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora/raw/main/f/updvercheck.py', timeout => 120;
my $advisory = get_var("ADVISORY");
my $cmd = 'python3 ./updvercheck.py /mnt/updatepkgs.txt /tmp/installedupdatepkgs.txt';
$cmd .= " $advisory" if ($advisory);
my $ret = script_run $cmd;
# 2 is warnings only, 3 is problems, 1 means the script died in
# some other way (probably a bug)
if ($ret == 2) {
record_soft_failure "Some update package(s) not installed, but this is probably OK, see script output";
if ($ret == 1 || $ret == 3) {
my $message = "Package(s) from update not installed when it should have been! See script output";
$message = "Script failed unexpectedly!" if ($ret == 1);
if ($args{fatal}) {
set_var("_ACNMP_DONE", "1");
die $message;
else {
# if we're already in post_fail_hook, we don't want to die again
record_info $message;
sub select_rescue_mode {
# handle bootloader screen
assert_screen "bootloader", 30;
if (get_var('OFW')) {
# select "rescue system" directly
send_key "down";
send_key "down";
send_key "ret";
else {
# select troubleshooting
send_key "down";
send_key "ret";
# select "rescue system"
if (get_var('UEFI')) {
send_key "down";
# we need this on aarch64 till #1661288 is resolved
if (get_var('ARCH') eq 'aarch64') {
send_key "e";
# duped with do_bootloader, sadly...
for (1 .. 50) {
send_key 'down';
sleep 1;
send_key 'up';
sleep 1;
send_key 'up';
send_key "end";
type_safely " console=tty0";
send_key "ctrl-x";
else {
send_key "ret";
else {
type_string "r\n";
assert_screen "rescue_select", 180; # it takes time to start anaconda
sub copy_devcdrom_as_isofile {
# copy /dev/cdrom as iso file and verify checksum is same
# as cdrom previously retrieved from ISO_URL
my $isoname = shift;
assert_script_run "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=$isoname", 360;
# verify iso checksum
my $cdurl = get_var('ISO_URL');
# ISO_URL may not be set if we POSTed manually or something; just assume
# we're OK in that case
return unless $cdurl;
my $cmd = <<EOF;
urld="$cdurl"; urld=\${urld%/*}; chkf=\$(curl -fs \$urld/ |grep CHECKSUM | sed -E 's/.*href=.//; s/\".*//') && curl -f \$urld/\$chkf -o /tmp/x
chkref=\$(grep -E 'SHA256.*dvd' /tmp/x | sed -e 's/.*= //') && echo "\$chkref $isoname" >/tmp/x
sha256sum -c /tmp/x
assert_script_run($_) foreach (split /\n/, $cmd);
sub menu_launch_type {
# Launch an application in a graphical environment, by opening a
# launcher, typing the specified string and hitting enter. Pass
# the string to be typed to launch whatever it is you want.
my $app = shift;
# To overcome BZ2097208, let's move the mouse out of the way
# and give the launcher some time to take the correct focus.
if (get_var("DESKTOP") eq "kde") {
diag("Moving the mouse away from the launcher.");
mouse_set(1, 1);
send_key 'super';
# srsly KDE y u so slo
wait_still_screen 3;
type_very_safely $app;
# Wait for KDE to place focus correctly.
sleep 2;
send_key 'ret';
sub tell_source {
# This helper function identifies the Subvariant of the tested system.
# For the purposes of identification testing, we are only interested
# if the system is Workstation, Server, or something else, because,
# except Workstation and Server, there are no graphical differences
# between various spins and isos.
my $iso = get_var('SUBVARIANT');
$iso = lc($iso);
if ($iso eq 'workstation' or $iso eq 'server') {
# do nothing, but don't hit else
elsif ($iso eq 'atomichost') {
$iso = 'atomic';
elsif ($iso eq 'silverblue') {
$iso = 'workstation';
else {
$iso = 'generic';
return $iso;
sub check_left_bar {
# This method is used by identification tests to check whether the Anaconda
# bar on the left side of the screen corresponds with the correct version.
# It looks different for Server, Workstation and others.
my $source = tell_source;
assert_screen "leftbar_${source}";
sub check_top_bar {
# This method is used by identification tests to check whether the
# top bar in Anaconda corresponds with the correct version of the spin.
my $source = tell_source;
assert_screen "topbar_${source}";
sub check_prerelease {
# This method is used by identification tests to check if
# Anaconda shows the PRERELEASE tag on various screens. These are
# the rules anaconda follows for deciding whether to do this, as
# of 2020-05-07:
# 1. If there's a /.buildstamp and/or /tmp/product/.buildstamp file
# the installer environment, and/or the environment variable
# PRODBUILDPATH is set and points to a file that exists, it reads
# config from those file(s), in that order of precedence, and if
# the key 'IsFinal' exists in the section 'Main', its value is
# used as anaconda's `product.isFinal`. Installer images built by
# lorax have this buildstamp file, and it always sets IsFinal: if
# --isfinal was passed to lorax it is set to True, if not it is set
# to False. Whether lorax is run with --isfinal can be specified
# in the Pungi config, but there's also a heuristic: it usually
# defaults to False, but if the compose has a label and it's an
# 'RC' or 'Update' or 'SecurityFix' compose (see definition of
# SUPPORTED_MILESTONES in productmd.composeinfo), the default is
# True. AFAICS, Fedora's pungi configs don't explicitly set this,
# but rely on the heuristic. So for installer images, we expect
# isFinal to be True for RC candidate composes and post-release
# nightly Cloud, IoT etc. composes (these are also marked as 'RC'
# composes), but False for Rawhide and Branched nightly composes
# and Beta candidate composes. For installer images built by our
# own _installer_build test, we control whether --isfinal is set
# or not; we pass it if the update is for a stable release, we do
# not pass it if the update is for Branched. Live images do not
# have the buildstamp file.
# 2. If there's no buildstamp file, the value of the environment
# variable ANACONDA_ISFINAL is used as `product.isFinal`, default
# of False if that environment var is not set. The live installer
# wrapper script sets ANACONDA_ISFINAL based on the release field
# of whatever package provides system-release: if it starts with
# "0.", it sets ANACONA_ISFINAL to "false", otherwise it sets it
# to "true". So for live images, we expect isFinal to be True
# unless the fedora-release-common package release starts with 0.
# 3. If `product.isFinal` is False, the pre-release warning and
# tags are shown; if it is False, they are not shown.
# We don't really need to check this stuff for update tests, as
# the only installer images we test on updates are ones we build
# ourselves; there's no value to this check for those really.
# For compose tests, we will expect to see the pre-release tags if
# the compose is Rawhide, or a Beta candidate, or it's a nightly
# and we're checking an installer image. If it's an RC or Updates
# candidate, or a respin release, we expect NOT to see the tags.
# If it's a nightly and we're checking a live image, we don't do
# the check.
# bail if this is an update test
return if (get_var("ADVISORY_OR_TASK"));
# 0 means "tags MUST NOT be shown", 1 means "tags MUST be shown",
# any other value means we don't care
my $prerelease = 10;
# if this is RC or update compose we absolutely *MUST NOT* see tags
my $label = get_var("LABEL");
$prerelease = 0 if ($label =~ /^(RC|Update)-/);
# if it's a Beta compose we *MUST* see tags
$prerelease = 1 if ($label =~ /^Beta-/);
my $version = get_var('VERSION');
# if it's Rawhide we *MUST* see tags
$prerelease = 1 if ($version eq "Rawhide");
my $build = get_var('BUILD');
# if it's a nightly installer image we should see tags
$prerelease = 1 if ($build =~ /\.n\.\d+/ && !get_var("LIVE"));
# if it's a respin compose we *MUST NOT* see tags
$prerelease = 0 if ($build =~ /Respin/);
# we *could* go to a console and parse fedora-release-common
# to decide if a nightly live image should have tags or not, but
# it seems absurd as we're almost reinventing the code that
# decides whether to show the tags, at that point, and it's not
# really a big deal either way whether a nightly live image has
# the tags or not. So we don't.
# For all prerelease requiring ISOs, assert that prerelease is there.
if ($prerelease == 1) {
assert_screen "prerelease_note";
elsif ($prerelease == 0) {
# If the prerelease note is shown, where it should not be, die!
if (check_screen "prerelease_note") {
die "The PRERELEASE tag is shown, but it should NOT be.";
sub check_version {
# This function checks if the correct version is display during installation
# in Anaconda, i.e. nonlive media showing Rawhide when Rawhide and version numbers
# when not Rawhide, while live media always showing version numbers.
my $version = lc(get_var('VERSION'));
if ($version eq 'rawhide' && get_var('LIVE')) {
$version = get_var('RAWREL');
assert_screen "version_${version}_ident";
sub spell_version_number {
my $version = shift;
# spelt version of Rawhide is...Rawhide
return "Rawhide" if ($version eq 'Rawhide');
my %ones = (
"0" => "Zero",
"1" => "One",
"2" => "Two",
"3" => "Three",
"4" => "Four",
"5" => "Five",
"6" => "Six",
"7" => "Seven",
"8" => "Eight",
"9" => "Nine",
my %tens = (
"2" => "Twenty",
"3" => "Thirty",
"4" => "Fourty",
"5" => "Fifty",
"6" => "Sixty",
"7" => "Seventy",
"8" => "Eighty",
"9" => "Ninety",
my $ten = substr($version, 0, 1);
my $one = substr($version, 1, 1);
my $speltnum = "";
if ($one eq "0") {
$speltnum = "$tens{$ten}";
else {
$speltnum = "$tens{$ten} $ones{$one}";
return $speltnum;
sub rec_log {
my ($line, $condition, $failref, $filename) = @_;
$filename ||= '/tmp/os-release.log';
if ($condition) {
$line = "${line} - SUCCEEDED\n";
else {
push @$failref, $line;
$line = "${line} - FAILED\n";
script_run "echo \"$line\" >> $filename";
sub click_unwanted_notifications {
# there are a few KDE tests where at some point we want to click
# on all visible 'update available' notifications (there can be
# more than one, thanks to
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1730482 ) and the
# buggy 'akonadi_migration_agent_running' popup if it's showing -
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1716005
# Returns an array indicating which notifications it closed
wait_still_screen 5;
my $count = 10;
my @closed;
while ($count > 0 && check_screen "desktop_update_notification_popup", 5) {
$count -= 1;
push(@closed, 'update');
if (check_screen "akonadi_migration_agent_running", 5) {
push(@closed, 'akonadi');
return @closed;
# In each application test, when the application is started successfully, it
# will register to the list of applications.
sub register_application {
my $application = shift;
push(@application_list, $application);
print("APPLICATION REGISTERED: $application \n");
# The KDE desktop tests are very difficult to maintain, because the transparency
# of the menu requires a lot of different needles to cover the elements.
# Therefore it is useful to change the background to a solid colour.
# Since many needles have been already created with a black background
# we will keep it that way. The following code has been taken from the
# KDE startstop tests but it is good to have it here, because it will be
# needed more often now, it seems.
sub solidify_wallpaper {
my $desktop = get_var("DESKTOP");
if ($desktop eq "kde") {
# Run the Desktop settings
# FIXME workaround a weird bug where alt-d-s does something
# different until you right click on the desktop:
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1933118
# Fixed as of 2022-04-29 Rawhide (F37), can be removed at
# least when F36 goes EOL (didn't test F35 or F36)
mouse_set 512, 384;
mouse_click 'right';
mouse_set 480, 384;
mouse_click 'left';
hold_key 'alt';
send_key 'd';
send_key 's';
release_key 'alt';
# give the window a few seconds to stabilize
wait_still_screen 3;
# Select type of background
assert_and_click "deskset_select_type";
wait_still_screen 2;
# Select plain color type
assert_and_click "deskset_plain_color";
wait_still_screen 2;
# Open colors selection
assert_and_click "deskset_select_color";
wait_still_screen 2;
# Select black
assert_and_click "deskset_select_black";
wait_still_screen 2;
# Confirm
assert_and_click "kde_ok";
wait_still_screen 2;
# Close the application
assert_and_click "kde_ok";
elsif ($desktop eq "gnome") {
# Start the terminal to set up backgrounds.
menu_launch_type "gnome-terminal";
# wait to be sure it's fully open
wait_still_screen(stilltime => 5, similarity_level => 38);
# When the application opens, run command in it to set the background to black
type_very_safely "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri ''";
send_key 'ret';
wait_still_screen(stilltime => 2, similarity_level => 38);
type_very_safely "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background primary-color '#000000'";
send_key 'ret';
wait_still_screen(stilltime => 2, similarity_level => 38);
# check that is has changed color
assert_screen 'apps_settings_screen_black';
# This routine is used in Desktop test suites, such as Evince or Gedit.
# It checks if git is installed and installs it, if necessary.
sub check_and_install_git {
unless (get_var("CANNED")) {
if (script_run("rpm -q git")) {
assert_script_run("dnf install -y git");
# This routine is used in Desktop test suites. It downloads the test data from
# the repository and populates the directory structure.
# The data repository is located at https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/openqa_testdata.
sub download_testdata {
# Navigate to the user's home directory
my $user = get_var("USER_LOGIN") // "test";
assert_script_run("cd /home/$user/");
# Create a temporary directory to unpack the zipped file.
assert_script_run("mkdir temp");
assert_script_run("cd temp");
# Download the compressed file with the repository content.
assert_script_run("wget https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/openqa_testdata/blob/thetree/f/repository.tar.gz", timeout => 120);
# Untar it.
assert_script_run("tar -zxvf repository.tar.gz");
# Copy out the files into the VMs directory structure.
assert_script_run("cp music/* /home/$user/Music");
assert_script_run("cp documents/* /home/$user/Documents");
assert_script_run("cp pictures/* /home/$user/Pictures");
assert_script_run("cp video/* /home/$user/Videos");
assert_script_run("cp reference/* /home/$user/");
# Delete the temporary directory and the downloaded file.
assert_script_run("rm -rf /home/$user/temp");
# Change ownership
assert_script_run("chown -R test:test /home/$user/");
# On Fedora, the serial console is not writable for regular users which lames
# some of the openQA commands that send messages to the serial console to check
# that a command has finished, for example assert_script_run, etc.
# This routine changes the rights on the serial console file and makes it
# writable for everyone, so that those commands work. This is actually very useful
# for testing commands from users' perspective. The routine also handles becoming the root.
# We agree that this is not the "correct" way, to enable users to type onto serial console
# and that it correctly should be done via groups (dialout) but that would require rebooting
# the virtual machine. Therefore we do it this way, which has immediate effect.
sub make_serial_writable {
sleep 2;
# Make serial console writable for everyone.
enter_cmd("chmod 666 /dev/${serialdev}");
sleep 2;
# Exit the root account
sleep 2;