mirror of https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/os-autoinst-distri-fedora.git synced 2024-10-05 19:27:23 +00:00
Adam Williamson ab58692879 Remove Plymouth from Server install_default_upload (#1933378)
This is a workaround for
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1933378 . Sometimes
when booting Server on a tap test without a working network
config (no DHCP server, static network not yet configured) we
hit a bug where the splash screen does not clear completely, and
this causes all the console needle matches to fail. To work
around this, we remove plymouth from the installed system after
running the install_default_upload test on Server; all affected
tests use the image uploaded by that test. We exclude aarch64
because there's a known problem with removing plymouth on that
arch (#1940163), plus the bug doesn't actually seem to happen on
aarch64 for some reason.

Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>
2021-10-27 11:29:00 -07:00

180 lines
7.5 KiB

use base "anacondatest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;
sub _set_root_password {
# Set root password, unless we don't want to or can't
# can also hit a transition animation
wait_still_screen 2;
my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
unless (get_var("INSTALLER_NO_ROOT")) {
assert_and_click "anaconda_install_root_password";
# from anaconda-35.22.1 onwards, we have to click 'enable root
# account' before typing the password. For older versions,
# clicking this needle does nothing but is harmless
assert_and_click "anaconda_install_root_password_screen";
# wait out animation
wait_still_screen 2;
desktop_switch_layout("ascii", "anaconda") if (get_var("SWITCHED_LAYOUT"));
# these screens seems insanely subject to typing errors, so
# type super safely. This doesn't really slow the test down
# as we still get done before the install process is complete.
type_very_safely $root_password;
wait_screen_change { send_key "tab"; };
type_very_safely $root_password;
# Another screen to test identification on
my $identification = get_var('IDENTIFICATION');
if ($identification eq 'true') {
# we don't check version or pre-release because here those
# texts appear on the banner which makes the needling
# complex and fragile (banner is different between variants,
# and has a gradient so for RTL languages the background color
# differs; pre-release text is also translated)
assert_and_click "anaconda_spoke_done";
sub _do_root_and_user {
# Set user details, unless the test is configured not to create one
unless (get_var("USER_LOGIN") eq 'false' || get_var("INSTALL_NO_USER")) {
# Wait out animation
wait_still_screen 8;
# Check username (and hence keyboard layout) if non-English
if (get_var('LANGUAGE')) {
assert_screen "anaconda_install_user_created";
sub run {
my $self = shift;
# From F31 onwards (after Fedora-Rawhide-20190722.n.1), user and
# root password spokes are moved to main hub, so we must do those
# before we run the install.
# Begin installation
# Sometimes, the 'slide in from the top' animation messes with
# this - by the time we click the button isn't where it was any
# more. So wait for screen to stop moving before we click.
assert_screen "anaconda_main_hub_begin_installation", 90;
wait_still_screen 5;
assert_and_click "anaconda_main_hub_begin_installation";
# If we want to test identification we will do it
# on several places in this procedure, such as
# on this screen and also on password creation screens
# etc.
my $identification = get_var('IDENTIFICATION');
my $branched = get_var('VERSION');
if ($identification eq 'true' or $branched ne "Rawhide") {
# Wait for install to end. Give Rawhide a bit longer, in case
# we're on a debug kernel, debug kernel installs are really slow.
my $timeout = 1800;
my $version = lc(get_var('VERSION'));
if ($version eq "rawhide") {
$timeout = 2400;
# workstation especially has an unfortunate habit of kicking in
# the screensaver during install...
my $interval = 60;
while ($timeout > 0) {
# move the mouse a bit
mouse_set 100, 100;
# also click, if we're a VNC client, seems just moving mouse
# isn't enough to defeat blanking
mouse_click if (get_var("VNC_CLIENT"));
last if (check_screen "anaconda_install_done", $interval);
$timeout -= $interval;
assert_screen "anaconda_install_done";
# wait for transition to complete so we don't click in the sidebar
wait_still_screen 3;
# if this is a live install, let's go ahead and quit the installer
# in all cases, just to make sure quitting doesn't crash etc.
assert_and_click "anaconda_install_done" if (get_var('LIVE'));
# there are various things we might have to do at a console here
# before we actually reboot. let's figure them all out first...
my @actions;
push (@actions, 'consoletty0') if (get_var("ARCH") eq "aarch64");
push (@actions, 'abrt') if (get_var("ABRT", '') eq "system");
push (@actions, 'rootpw') if (get_var("INSTALLER_NO_ROOT"));
# FIXME: remove plymouth from Server install_default_upload on
# non-aarch64 to work around RHBZ #1933378
unless (get_var("ARCH") eq "aarch64") {
if (get_var("FLAVOR") eq "Server-dvd-iso" && get_var("TEST") eq "install_default_upload") {
push (@actions, 'noplymouth');
# memcheck test doesn't need to reboot at all. Rebooting from GUI
# for lives is unreliable. And if we're already doing something
# else at a console, we may as well reboot from there too
push (@actions, 'reboot') if (!get_var("MEMCHECK") && (get_var("LIVE") || @actions));
# our approach for taking all these actions doesn't work on VNC
# installs, fortunately we don't need any of them in that case
# yet, so for now let's just flush the list here if we're VNC
@actions = () if (get_var("VNC_CLIENT"));
# If we have no actions, let's just go ahead and reboot now,
# unless this is memcheck
unless (@actions) {
unless (get_var("MEMCHECK")) {
assert_and_click "anaconda_install_done";
return undef;
# OK, if we're here, we got actions, so head to a console. Switch
# to console after liveinst sometimes takes a while, so 30 secs
# this is something a couple of actions may need to know
my $mount = "/mnt/sysimage";
if (get_var("CANNED")) {
# finding the actual host system root is fun for ostree...
$mount = "/mnt/sysimage/ostree/deploy/fedora*/deploy/*.?";
if (grep {$_ eq 'consoletty0'} @actions) {
# somehow, by this point, localized keyboard layout has been
# loaded for this tty, so for French and Arabic at least we
# need to load the 'us' layout again for the next command to
# be typed correctly
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1661288 results
# in boot messages going to serial console on aarch64, we need
# them on tty0. We also need 'quiet' so we don't get kernel
# messages, which screw up some needles
assert_script_run 'sed -i -e "s,\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.*\)\",\1 console=tty0 quiet\",g" ' . $mount . '/etc/default/grub';
# regenerate the bootloader config
assert_script_run "chroot $mount grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg";
if (grep {$_ eq 'abrt'} @actions) {
# Chroot in the newly installed system and switch on ABRT systemwide
assert_script_run "chroot $mount abrt-auto-reporting 1";
if (grep {$_ eq 'rootpw'} @actions) {
my $root_password = get_var("ROOT_PASSWORD") || "weakpassword";
assert_script_run "echo 'root:$root_password' | chpasswd -R $mount";
if (grep {$_ eq 'noplymouth'} @actions) {
assert_script_run "chroot $mount dnf -y remove plymouth";
type_string "reboot\n" if (grep {$_ eq 'reboot'} @actions);
sub test_flags {
return { fatal => 1 };
# vim: set sw=4 et: