use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; sub run { my $self = shift; # switch to tty1 (we're usually there already, but just in case # we're carrying on from a failed freeipa_webui that didn't fail # at tty1) send_key "ctrl-alt-f1"; wait_still_screen 1; # check domain is listed in 'realm list' validate_script_output 'realm list', sub { $_ =~ m/domain-name: test\.openqa\.fedoraproject\.org.*configured: kerberos-member/s }; # check we can see the admin user in getent assert_script_run 'getent passwd admin@TEST.OPENQA.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG'; # check keytab entries my $hostname = script_output 'hostname'; my $qhost = quotemeta($hostname); validate_script_output 'klist -k', sub { $_ =~ m/$qhost\@TEST\.OPENQA\.FEDORAPROJECT\.ORG/ }; # check we can kinit with the host principal assert_script_run "kinit -k host/$hostname\@TEST.OPENQA.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG"; # Set a longer timeout for login(1) to workaround RHBZ #1661273 assert_script_run 'echo "LOGIN_TIMEOUT 180" >> /etc/login.defs'; # switch to tty2 for login tests send_key "ctrl-alt-f2"; # try and login as test1, should work console_login(user => 'test1@TEST.OPENQA.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG', password => 'batterystaple'); type_string "exit\n"; # try and login as test2, should fail. we cannot use console_login # as it takes 10 seconds to complete when login fails, and # "permission denied" message doesn't last that long sleep 2; assert_screen "text_console_login"; type_string "test2\@TEST.OPENQA.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG\n"; assert_screen "console_password_required"; type_string "batterystaple\n"; assert_screen "login_permission_denied"; } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: