use base "installedtest"; use strict; use tapnet; use testapi; use utils; sub run { my $self = shift; boot_to_login_screen(timeout => 300); $self->root_console(tty => 3); setup_tap_static('', ''); # test test: check if we can see the server assert_script_run "ping -c 2"; # We try to connect through Connections which should # be installed by default, however if this is not # the case, we do not want the test to fail, so we will # install the app and record a soft failure. if (script_run("rpm -qa | grep gnome-connections", timeout => 30)) { assert_script_run("dnf install -y gnome-connections", timeout => 120); record_soft_failure("Gnome Connections are not installed."); } desktop_vt; } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: