use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # This script will test if Maps can plan some routes. sub run { my $location = shift; my $softfail = 0; # Click on the route planning button. assert_and_click("maps_button_route"); wait_still_screen(2); # Type in the starting point and confirm in the selector. type_very_safely("Land's End"); assert_and_click("maps_select_landsend"); # Type in the end point and confirm in the selector. type_very_safely("John O'Groats"); assert_and_click("maps_select_johngroats"); # Select walking assert_and_click("maps_route_type_walk"); assert_screen("maps_route_walk_shown", timeout => 90); # Select biking assert_and_click("maps_route_type_bike"); assert_screen("maps_route_bike_shown", timeout => 90); # Select car assert_and_click("maps_route_type_car"); assert_screen("maps_route_car_shown", timeout => 90); } sub test_flags { return {always_rollback => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: