use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # This script will examine that the About dialogue # works as expected. sub run { my $self = shift; # Click on the Info icon in the upper right corner. assert_and_click("gnome_icon_info"); # Check that the correct font is shown. assert_screen("fonts_about_shown"); # Click on Credits to see them. assert_and_click("gnome_button_credits"); # Check that Credits are shown assert_screen("fonts_credits_shown"); # Return to previous screen send_key("esc"); # Click on Legal to see legal info. assert_and_click("gnome_button_legal"); # Check that Credits are shown assert_screen("fonts_legal_shown"); # Return to previous screen send_key("esc"); # Check that a project website can be reached. assert_and_click("gnome_button_website"); # Check that the website has been opened assert_screen("fonts_website_opened"); } sub test_flags { return {always_rollback => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: