use base "installedtest";
use strict;
use testapi;
use utils;

# This test checks that the descriptions in /etc/os-release file are correct and that they
# match the current version.
sub strip_marks {
    # Remove the quotation marks from the string:
    my $string = shift;
    $string =~ tr/"//d;
    return $string;

sub run {
    # First, let us define some variables needed to run the program.
    my $self = shift;
    # The file to be checked
    my $filename = '/etc/os-release';

    # Read the content of the file to compare. Let us parse the file
    # and create a hash with those values, so that we can easily access
    # them and assert them.
    my $infile = script_output "cat /etc/os-release";
    my @infile = split /\n/, $infile;
    my %content = ();
    foreach (@infile) {
        chomp $_;
        my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $_;
        $content{$key} = $value;

    # Now, we have all the data ready and we can start testing, first let us get
    # correct variables to compare the system data with.
    # First, we know the basic stuff
    # Should be "fedora"
    my $id = get_var("DISTRI");
    # extract expected version components from ISO name for canned variants,
    # which have their os-release rewritten by rpm-ostree, see:
    # we use the ISO name because rpm-ostree uses elements from the compose
    # ID for nightlies, but from the label for candidate composes; BUILD
    # always gives us the compose ID, but the ISO name contains the compose
    # ID for nightlies but the label for candidate composes, so it works for
    # our purposes here.
    my $isovar = get_var("ISO");
    # Split the ISO variable at "-" and read second-to-last (release
    # number) and last (compose ID: date and respin, label: major and
    # minor) fields.
    my ($cannedver, $cannednum) = (split /-/, $isovar)[-2, -1];
    # Get rid of the ".iso" part of the tag.
    $cannednum =~ s/\.iso//g;
    # also get rid of the arch, which osbuild puts in here
    my $arch = get_var("ARCH");
    $cannednum =~ s/\.$arch//g;
    # Now, we merge the fields into one expression to create the correct canned tag
    # that will contain both the version number and the build number.
    my $cannedtag = "$cannedver.$cannednum";
    # If this is a CoreOS build, though, throw all that away and
    # just use the build version
    my $build = get_var("BUILD");
    if ($build =~ /^Fedora-CoreOS/) {
        $cannedtag = (split /-/, $build)[-1];
    my $name = ucfirst($id);
    my $fullname = $name . " Linux";
    my $rawrel = get_var("RAWREL", '');
    # Should be the version number or Rawhide.
    my $version_id = get_var("VERSION");
    # IoT has a branch that acts more or less like Rawhide, but has
    # its version as the Rawhide release number, not 'Rawhide'. This
    # handles that
    $version_id = 'Rawhide' if ($version_id eq $rawrel);
    my $varstr = spell_version_number($version_id);
    my $target = lc($version_id);
    $version_id = $rawrel if ($version_id eq "Rawhide");

    # the 'generic' os-release in fedora-release has no VARIANT or
    # VARIANT_ID and the string used in values like VERSION, that in other
    # cases is the VARIANT, is 'Rawhide' for Rawhide and the spelt version
    # number for other releases. These are the values we'll see for an
    # Everything image.
    my $variant_id = "";
    my $variant = "generic";

    # now replace the values with the correct ones if we are testing a
    # subvariant that maps to a known variant
    my $subvariant = get_var('SUBVARIANT');
    my %variants = (
        Server => ["server", "Server Edition"],
        Workstation => ["workstation", "Workstation Edition"],
        AtomicHost => ["", "Atomic Host"],
        CoreOS => ["coreos", "CoreOS"],
        KDE => ["kde", "KDE Plasma"],
        Silverblue => ["silverblue", "Silverblue"],
        IoT => ["iot", "IoT Edition"],
    if (exists($variants{$subvariant})) {
        ($variant_id, $variant) = @{$variants{$subvariant}};
        $varstr = $variant;

    # If fedora-release-common release starts with a 0, we'll have
    # "Prerelease" in varstr
    my $reltag = script_output 'rpm -q fedora-release-common --qf "%{RELEASE}\n"';
    if (index($reltag, "0.") == 0) {
        $varstr .= " Prerelease";
        # ...however, we shouldn't just wave this through if we're
        # an RC candidate or update compose, those should never be
        # done with a 0.x fedora-release-common. so let's blow up
        # here if so. unless it's IoT, because IoT is weird
        my $label = get_var("LABEL");
        if ($label =~ /^(RC|Update)-/ && $subvariant ne "IoT") {
            die "RC candidate or update compose should not have 0.x versioned fedora-release!";
    my $version = "$version_id ($varstr)";
    # for canned variants, we need to form a different string here by using
    # the above created cannedtag. See earlier comment
    if (get_var("CANNED")) {
        $version = "$cannedtag ($varstr)";
    my $platform_id = "platform:f$version_id";
    my $pretty = "$fullname $version_id ($varstr)";
    # Same problem is when testing the PRETTY_NAME.
    if (get_var("CANNED")) {
        $pretty = "$fullname $cannedtag ($varstr)";
        # ...and FCOS uses a different format, sigh
        if ($build =~ /^Fedora-CoreOS/) {
            $pretty = "Fedora CoreOS $cannedtag";

    #Now. we can start testing the real values from the installed system.
    my @fails = ();
    my $failref = \@fails;

    # Test for name
    my $strip = strip_marks($content{'NAME'});
    rec_log "NAME should be $fullname and is $strip", $strip eq $fullname, $failref;

    # Test for version.
    $strip = strip_marks($content{'VERSION'});
    rec_log "VERSION should be $version and is $strip", $strip eq $version, $failref;

    # Test for version_id
    rec_log "VERSION_ID should be $version_id and is $content{'VERSION_ID'}", $content{'VERSION_ID'} eq $version_id, $failref;

    # Test for platform_id
    $strip = strip_marks($content{'PLATFORM_ID'});
    rec_log "PLATFORM_ID should be $platform_id and is $strip", $strip eq $platform_id, $failref;

    # Test for pretty name
    $strip = strip_marks($content{'PRETTY_NAME'});
    rec_log "PRETTY_NAME should be $pretty and is $strip", $strip eq $pretty, $failref;

    # Test for RH Bugzilla Product
    $strip = strip_marks($content{'REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT'});
    rec_log "REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT should be $name and is $strip", $strip eq $name, $failref;

    # Test for RH Bugzilla Product Version
    rec_log "REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION should be $target and is $content{'REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION'}", $content{'REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION'} eq $target, $failref;

    # Test for RH Support Product
    $strip = strip_marks($content{'REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT'});
    rec_log "REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT should be $name and is $strip", $strip eq $name, $failref;

    # Test for RH Support Product Version
    rec_log "REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION should be $target and is $content{'REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION'}", $content{'REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION'} eq $target, $failref;

    # Test for Variant but only in case of Server or Workstation
    if ($variant ne "generic") {
        $strip = strip_marks($content{'VARIANT'});
        rec_log "VARIANT should be $variant and is $strip", $strip eq $variant, $failref;

        # Test for VARIANT_ID
        rec_log "VARIANT_ID should be $variant_id and is $content{'VARIANT_ID'}", $content{'VARIANT_ID'} eq $variant_id, $failref;
    else {
        print "VARIANT was not tested because the compose is not Workstation or Server Edition.\n";
        print "VARIANT_ID was not tested because the compose is not Workstation or Server Edition.\n";

    # Check for fails, count them, collect their messages and die if something was found.
    my $failcount = scalar @fails;
    script_run "echo \"There were $failcount failures in total.\" >> /tmp/os-release.log";
    upload_logs "/tmp/os-release.log", failok => 1;

    my $failmessages = "";
    foreach my $fail (@fails) {
        $failmessages .= "\n" . $fail;
    die $failmessages if ($failcount > 0);

sub test_flags {
    return {always_rollback => 1};


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