use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; use packagetest; # This test sort of covers QA:Testcase_desktop_update_notification # and QA:Testcase_desktop_error_checks . If it fails, probably *one* # of those failed, but we don't know which (deciphering which is # tricky and involves likely-fragile needles to try and figure out # what notifications we have). sub create_user_i3_config { my %args = @_; my $login = $args{login}; assert_script_run("mkdir -p /home/$login/.config/i3/"); # ensure that no alias of cp prevents an existing config from being overwritten assert_script_run("/usr/bin/cp -f /etc/i3/config /home/$login/.config/i3/config"); assert_script_run("sed -i '/i3-config-wizard/d' /home/$login/.config/i3/config"); assert_script_run "chown -R $login:$login /home/$login/.config"; assert_script_run "restorecon -vr /home/$login/.config"; } sub run { my $self = shift; my $desktop = get_var("DESKTOP"); my $relnum = get_release_number; # for the live image case, handle bootloader here if (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { do_bootloader(postinstall => 1, params => '3'); } else { do_bootloader(postinstall => 0, params => '3'); } boot_to_login_screen; # tty1 is used here for historic reasons, but it's not hurting # anything and changing it might, so let's leave it... $self->root_console(tty => 1); # ensure we actually have some package updates available prepare_test_packages; my $user = get_var('USER_LOGIN', 'test'); if ($desktop eq 'gnome') { # On GNOME, move the clock forward if needed, because it won't # check for updates before 6am(!) my $hour = script_output 'date +%H'; if ($hour < 6) { script_run 'systemctl stop chronyd.service ntpd.service'; script_run 'systemctl disable chronyd.service ntpd.service'; script_run 'systemctl mask chronyd.service ntpd.service'; assert_script_run 'date --set="06:00:00"'; } if (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { # Set a bunch of update checking-related timestamps to # two days ago or two weeks ago to try and make sure we # get notifications, see: # my $now = script_output 'date +%s'; my $yyday = $now - 2 * 24 * 60 * 60; my $longago = $now - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; # have to log in as the user to do this script_run 'exit', 0; console_login(user => $user, password => get_var('USER_PASSWORD', 'weakpassword')); script_run "gsettings set check-timestamp ${yyday}", 0; script_run "gsettings set update-notification-timestamp ${longago}", 0; script_run "gsettings set online-updates-timestamp ${longago}", 0; script_run "gsettings set upgrade-notification-timestamp ${longago}", 0; script_run "gsettings set install-timestamp ${longago}", 0; wait_still_screen 5; script_run 'exit', 0; console_login(user => 'root', password => get_var('ROOT_PASSWORD', 'weakpassword')); } } elsif ($desktop eq 'i3') { assert_script_run('dnf install -y libnotify'); unless (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { $user = "liveuser"; } assert_script_run("usermod -a -G dialout $user"); create_user_i3_config(login => $user); } if ($desktop eq 'kde' && get_var("BOOTFROM")) { # need to login as user for this script_run 'exit', 0; console_login(user => get_var('USER_LOGIN', 'test'), password => get_var('USER_PASSWORD', 'weakpassword')); # unset the 'last time notification was shown' setting in case # it got shown during install_default_upload: # script_run 'kwriteconfig5 --file PlasmaDiscoverUpdates --group Global --key LastNotificationTime --delete', 0; wait_still_screen 5; script_run 'exit', 0; console_login(user => 'root', password => get_var('ROOT_PASSWORD', 'weakpassword')); } # can't use assert_script_run here as long as we're on tty1 # we don't use isolate per: # type_string "systemctl start\n"; # we trust systemd to switch us to the right tty here if (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { my $password = get_var("USER_PASSWORD", "weakpassword"); assert_screen 'graphical_login', 60; wait_still_screen 10, 30; dm_perform_login($desktop, $password); } check_desktop(timeout => 90); # now, WE WAIT. this is just an unconditional wait - rather than # breaking if we see an update notification appear - so we catch # things that crash a few minutes after startup, etc. for my $n (1 .. 16) { sleep 30; mouse_set 10, 10; send_key "spc"; mouse_hide; } if ($desktop eq 'gnome') { # click the clock to show notifications. of course, we have no # idea what'll be in the clock, so we just have to click where # we know it is mouse_set 512, 10; mouse_click; } if ($desktop eq 'kde') { if (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { # first check the systray update notification is there assert_screen "desktop_update_notification_systray"; } # now open the notifications view in the systray if (check_screen 'desktop_icon_notifications') { # this is the little bell thing KDE sometimes shows if # there's been a notification recently... click_lastmatch; } else { # ...otherwise you have to expand the systray and click # "Notifications" assert_and_click 'desktop_expand_systray'; assert_and_click 'desktop_systray_notifications'; } # In F32+ we may get an 'akonadi did something' message if (check_screen 'akonadi_migration_notification', 5) { click_lastmatch; } } if ($desktop eq 'i3') { # we launch a terminal so that the top of the screen is filled with # something that we know and can check that it is not covered by a # notification popup from dunst desktop_launch_terminal; assert_screen("apps_run_terminal"); assert_script_run('notify-send -t 10000 "foo"'); assert_screen("i3_dunst_foo_notification", timeout => 5); sleep 11; if (check_screen("i3_dunst_foo_notification")) { # The notifications should not be shown any more. record_soft_fail("i3 shows notifications longer than expected"); } return; } if (get_var("BOOTFROM")) { # we should see an update notification and no others assert_screen "desktop_update_notification_only"; } else { # for the live case there should be *no* notifications assert_screen "desktop_no_notifications"; } } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: