use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; sub test_routine { # Save the result of the error tracking grep operation on journalctl output. script_run 'journalctl -b | grep -E "dirty bit|data may be corrupt|recovery|unmounted|recovering" > errors.txt'; # Count the number of errors. my $errors_count = script_run "cat errors.txt | wc -l"; # Die, if errors have been found. if ($errors_count != 0) { die "Unmount errors have been found in journalctl."; } } sub run { my $self = shift; bypass_1691487 unless (get_var("DESKTOP")); # switch to TTY3 for both graphical and console tests $self->root_console(tty=>3); # Run test for the first time test_routine(); # Reboot the system. type_safely "reboot\n"; # This time, we will need to login manually. boot_to_login_screen; $self->root_console(tty=>3); # Run the tests for the second time. test_routine(); } sub test_flags { return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: