#!/usr/bin/python import re import sys # the "current" base platform version, i.e. the one that the GNOME # app builds currently tagged "stable" need BASEVER = "41" # a regex to find where we replace that BASEPATT = re.compile(r"(runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/.*?/f)(\d+)") flavor = sys.argv[1] arch = sys.argv[2] started = 0 finished = 0 ostree = "" with open("fedora.conf", "r") as conffh: for line in conffh.readlines(): if line == "ostree_installer = [\n": started = 1 if started and not finished: ostree += line if started and line == "]\n": finished = 1 # don't do this at home, kids! exec(ostree) for (gotflav, dic) in ostree_installer: if flavor in gotflav.lower(): args = dic[arch] break cmd = "--rootfs-size=" + args["rootfs_size"] for addtemp in args["add_template"]: cmd += f" --add-template=/fedora-lorax-templates/{addtemp}" for addtempvar in args["add_template_var"]: # this changes e.g. "runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f35" # to "runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f37" , if BASEVER # is "37" addtempvar = BASEPATT.sub(r"\g<1>" + BASEVER, addtempvar) cmd += f" --add-template-var=\"{addtempvar}\"" # this is where the previous step of the openQA test created the # ostree repo cmd = cmd.replace("https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/ostree/repo/", "file:///var/tmp/ostree/repo") # this changes to our custom ref name cmd = cmd.replace("ostree_install_ref=fedora/", "ostree_install_ref=fedora-openqa/") cmd = cmd.replace("ostree_update_ref=fedora/", "ostree_update_ref=fedora-openqa/") print(cmd)