use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use lockapi; use mmapi; sub run { my $self = shift; # if this is an update, notify clients that we're now up again mutex_create('server_upgraded') if get_var("UPGRADE"); # check the role status, should be 'running' validate_script_output 'rolectl status domaincontroller/domain.local', sub { $_ =~ m/^running/ }; # check the admin password is listed in 'settings' validate_script_output 'rolectl settings domaincontroller/domain.local', sub {$_ =~m/dm_password = \w{5,}/ }; # sanitize the settings assert_script_run 'rolectl sanitize domaincontroller/domain.local'; # check the password now shows as 'None' validate_script_output 'rolectl settings domaincontroller/domain.local', sub {$_ =~ m/dm_password = None/ }; # once child jobs are done, stop the role wait_for_children; assert_script_run 'rolectl stop domaincontroller/domain.local'; # check role is stopped validate_script_output 'rolectl status domaincontroller/domain.local', sub { $_ =~ m/^ready-to-start/ }; # decommission the role assert_script_run 'rolectl decommission domaincontroller/domain.local', 300; # check role is decommissioned validate_script_output 'rolectl list instances', sub { $_ eq "" }; } sub test_flags { return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: