use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; sub run { my $self=shift; if (get_var("ARCH") eq "arm") { # we cannot use boot_to_login_screen, wait_still_screen is unusable during ARM boot (it shows black screen for first few minutes) assert_screen "text_console_login", 150; } else { # wait for boot to complete $self->boot_to_login_screen("", 30); } # switch to TTY3 for both, graphical and console tests $self->root_console(tty=>3); my $output = script_output 'systemctl --failed'; if ($output =~ /1 loaded units/ && $output =~ /mcelog.service/) { record_soft_failure; } elsif (! $output =~ /0 loaded units/) { die "Services other than mcelog failed to load"; } } sub test_flags { # without anything - rollback to 'lastgood' snapshot if failed # 'fatal' - whole test suite is in danger if this fails # 'milestone' - after this test succeeds, update 'lastgood' # 'important' - if this fails, set the overall state to 'fail' return { fatal => 1 }; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: