use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # This test cases automates the Testcase_i18n_default_fonts, see # sub run { my $self = shift; # On the console, the fonts might differ than in GUI. # We will perform the tests in the gnome-terminal. # First, open it! desktop_switch_layout 'ascii'; wait_still_screen(2); menu_launch_type("terminal"); # Similarly to, repeat running the command # if it fails the first time (it often does). unless (check_screen "apps_run_terminal", 30) { check_desktop; menu_launch_type("terminal"); } assert_screen("apps_run_terminal"); wait_still_screen(stilltime=>5, similarity_level=>42); # Run the test commands and record their output in the test file. enter_cmd("fc-match sans > test.txt"); sleep(2); enter_cmd("fc-match serif >> test.txt"); sleep(2); enter_cmd("fc-match monospace >> test.txt"); sleep(2); # Depending on the selected language (Japanese or Arabic), we # will download a reference file and compare it with the test # file obtained in the previous step. my $language = get_var("LANGUAGE"); my @supported = qw(japanese arabic); # If the language is among supported languages if ($language ~~ @supported) { # Go to root console for script assertions. $self->root_console(tty=>3); # Load us keys to be used on console script_run("loadkeys us"); # Navigate to the home directory. my $username = get_var("USER_LOGIN") // "test"; script_run("cd /home/$username/"); # Download the language reference file. script_run("wget$language-reference.txt"); # Compare the test file and the reference file. assert_script_run("diff test.txt $language-reference.txt"); } # For the rest of languages that are not currently defined, do nothing. } sub test_flags { return {fatal => 0}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: