use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # This script will add contacts and upload an image, # so that other tests could modify or delete them. # We will be adding several contacts, so let us # create a subroutine to handle the process. sub add_contact { my ($name, $number, $email, $emailtype) = @_; # Click the plus button to add a contact assert_and_click("gnome_add_button_plus"); # Add the name assert_and_click("contacts_entry_add_name"); type_very_safely($name); # Press TAB to move further. send_key("tab"); # Add email type_very_safely($email); # Press TAB to move to another widget setting the label. send_key("tab"); # Open the pull down menu using the Enter key. send_key("ret"); # Click on the selected type assert_and_click("contacts_label_$emailtype"); # Ensure we're on the phone number entry field. assert_and_click("contacts_entry_add_phone"); type_very_safely($number); # Use the Add button to add into the contacts. assert_and_click("gnome_add_button"); my $identifier = hashed_string($name); assert_screen("contacts_contact_added_$identifier"); } sub run { my $self = shift; # Wait to let everything settle. sleep 5; add_contact("Charles Dickens", "555-0702-1812", '', "work"); add_contact("Emily Bronte", "444-3006-1818", '', "home"); add_contact("Walter Scott", "333-1508-1771", '', "personal"); add_contact("Jane Austen", "777-1612-1775", '', "home"); add_contact("Mary Shelley", "888-3008-1800", '', "work"); add_contact("John Keats", "999-3110-1795", '', "personal"); } sub test_flags { # If this test fails, there is no need to continue. return {fatal => 1, milestone => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: