use base "installedtest"; use strict; use modularity; use testapi; use utils; sub run { my $self = shift; # switch to tty and login as root $self->root_console(tty => 3); # Install a Ruby module. my $name = "nodejs"; my $stream = "14"; my $profile = "common"; assert_script_run("dnf module install -y $name:$stream/$profile"); # Check that it is listed in the installed list. my $enabled = script_output('dnf module list --installed'); my @enabled_modules = parse_module_list($enabled); my $found = is_listed($name, $stream, \@enabled_modules); unless ($found) { die "The installed module is not listed in the list of installed modules but it should be."; } # Check that it is listed in the enabled list. my $disabled = script_output('dnf module list --enabled'); my @disabled_modules = parse_module_list($disabled); $found = is_listed($name, $stream, \@disabled_modules); unless ($found) { die "The installed module is not listed in the list of enabled modules but it should be."; } # Remove the module again. assert_script_run("dnf module remove -y $name:$stream"); # Check that it is not listed in the installed list. my $enabled = script_output('dnf module list --installed'); my @enabled_modules = parse_module_list($enabled); my $found = is_listed($name, $stream, \@enabled_modules); if ($found) { die "The installed module is listed in the list of installed modules but it should not be."; } } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: