use base "installedtest"; use strict; use testapi; use utils; # I as a user want to be able to add a new city in the World clock. sub run { my $self = shift; # Click on the World button. assert_and_click("clocks_button_world"); # Add a new location using the addition icon assert_and_click("gnome_add_button_plus"); wait_still_screen(2); type_very_safely("Bratislava"); assert_and_click("gnome_city_button_bratislava"); assert_and_click("gnome_add_button"); wait_still_screen(2); diag("CLOCKS: Added the new city."); # View city details assert_and_click("clocks_city_added_bratislava"); assert_screen("clocks_city_details"); diag("CLOCKS: Details shown."); # Return back to overview assert_and_click("clocks_button_back"); assert_screen("clocks_city_added_bratislava"); # Add a new location using the keyboard shortcut send_key("ctrl-n"); wait_still_screen(2); type_very_safely("Reykjav"); assert_and_click("gnome_city_button_reykjavik"); assert_and_click("gnome_add_button_blue"); assert_screen("clocks_city_added_reykjavik"); # Click onto the Delete button to remove the listed cities. # While there are cities to be removed, remove them. while (check_screen("gnome_button_cross_remove")) { click_lastmatch(); } # If the cities are still visible, then die. if (check_screen("clocks_city_added_bratislava")) { die("The city Bratislava should have been removed, but it is still visible on the screen."); } if (check_screen("clocks_city_added_reykjavik")) { die("The city Reykjavik should have been removed, but it is still visible on the screen."); } } sub test_flags { return {always_rollback => 1}; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: