package tapnet; use strict; use base 'Exporter'; use Exporter; use testapi; our @EXPORT = qw/clone_host_file setup_tap_static get_host_dns/; sub clone_host_file { # copy a given file from the host into the guest. Mainly used # for networking config on tap tests. this is pretty crazy, but # SUSE do almost the same thing... my $file = shift; my $text = ''; open(my $fh, '<', $file); while (<$fh>) { $text .= $_; } # escape any " characters in the text... $text =~ s/"/\\"/g; assert_script_run "printf \"$text\" > $file"; # for debugging... assert_script_run "cat $file"; } sub setup_tap_static { # this is a common thing for tap tests, where we set up networking # for the system with a static IP address and possibly a specific # hostname my $ip = shift; my $hostname = shift || ""; if ($hostname) { # assigning output of split to a single-item array gives us just # the first split my ($short) = split(/\./, $hostname); # set hostname assert_script_run "hostnamectl set-hostname $hostname"; # add entry to /etc/hosts assert_script_run "echo '$ip $hostname $short' >> /etc/hosts"; } # bring up network. DEFROUTE is *vital* here assert_script_run "printf 'DEVICE=eth0\nBOOTPROTO=none\nIPADDR=$ip\nGATEWAY=\nPREFIX=24\nDEFROUTE=yes' > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0"; script_run "systemctl restart NetworkManager.service"; } sub get_host_dns { # get DNS server addresses from the host my @forwards; open(FH, '<', "/etc/resolv.conf"); while () { if ($_ =~ m/^nameserver +(.+)/) { push @forwards, $1; } } return @forwards; } 1; # vim: set sw=4 et: